Adorable how excited Elayne already is for her and Egwene forming this world changing epic friendship, totally unaware or prepared for the utter disaster duo she will be with Nynaeve.
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liliallowed · 9 months
I wanna know what Crimson's first run of Undertale was like! How did they react to stuff like flowey and stuff like that!
well they first did a failed pacifist run (after resetting from accidentally killing goat mom CUZ SHE TOLD THEM TO PROVE THEMSELVES IT WASN'T THEIR FAULT!)
then uhhhh flowey remembered and they FLIPPED out.
it was certainly an experience lol. it felt scary. it felt wonderous. it felt MAGICAL.
they were enamored by this little world and the monsters.
they tried their best to save them.
after a few failed attempts they finally broke the barrier. they were SO GIDDY! they couldn't wait to watch all of the monsters thrive on the surface and live there with...
but nobody came.
it was just them and pitch black darkness... and a choice to linger or leave.
"the end"
no. this COULDN'T be the end could it? what about Asriel? what about papyrus? what will frisk do?
"nononono don't leave me here... come back... COME BACK! "
they screamed into the darkness... the words of "the end" taunting them.
they felt cheated. they felt ANGRY.
this couldn't be the end. so they reset.
that's where the loop started. pacifist after pacifist run attempting to somehow bypass the barrier.
some neutral runs to maybe look for alternative solutions...
then... they wondered if they were MISSING something. so the genocide route was the last piece of the puzzle for them to check off.
there HAD to be an answer. it's not like anyone besides flowey would remember. and flowey seemed to approve! he got it! he understood.
seeing the people they came to cherish scream in pain? it broke their heart.
but a faint sense of fascination and morbid curiousity began to rise ...
seeing undyne fight them back with EVERYTHING she had... such bravery and selfless heroic acts. her determination... her battle and fighting spirit.
the vengeful glare of dogaressa as they killed her partner.
the dazzling lights how of mettatons neo form.
last but not least... the terrifying expectation shattering of sans himself as he duncked them so many times.
they got to see a COMPLETELY different side of these people.
it made them feel closer to them. like they got to know them on a deeper "level".
at the end of it all Chara took away their soul and erased the game...
it was always the same. they'd always be denied of their closure.
"then why bother giving them an ending at all?"
if the world wouldn't give it to them? they'd TAKE IT BY FORCE.
"you think you're above the consequences? "
"I am"
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kollvox · 9 months
I watched the first episode of Beast Wars and I am already with sickness ( I need to dunck Cheetor into a pile of sand)
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Plushia's worst nightmare is to be duncked in yellow pain and called a minion
That is his NEMESIS
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((Nightmare would be WHEEZINGGG
("FUCK YOU AND FUCK THIS!" *Insert spoilers here*)
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curso-online · 2 years
Direito Penal para Concursos Públicos Davi Dunck
Direito Penal para Concursos Públicos Davi Dunck
Esse curso Direito Penal para Concursos Públicos Davi Dunck é destinado para aqueles que desejam aprender DIREITO PENAL para CONCURSOS PÚBLICOS. O professor Davi Dunck é uma referência em DIREITO PENAL em todo o país. É autor da obra “DIREITO PENAL EM ASSERTIVAS” pela maior editora jurídica do Brasil (Juspodivm). Nesta obra, ele resolveu praticamente 3.000 questões de diversas provas de…
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streetal · 7 years
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DUNCK • PEN • SILER #dunck @pedrohcnk #penhcnk @drpluma4265 #siler @siler #hcnk #graffiti #graffitibombing #street #activelifestyle #streetactivelifestyle #streetal #sigueenelcamino
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rpwickit · 3 years
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Another manga redraws cuz I love Soul Eater.
Also, this page is from the old version of the manga. That's why Soul refers to Crona as "she" instead of "them."
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krissykat0207 · 5 years
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*Manical Laughter
“Yess! This is the peak of gaming!”
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Beach Football and Kareoke.
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"Dogfighting football. Defense and offensive at the same time. There will be two teams. One with Hangman, Rooster, Phoenix, Yale and myself. The other Payback, Sparrow, Bob, Fanboy and Coyote. Let the games begin." Said the captain, grabbing two footballs and passing one on to Sparrow.
"Shouldn't we be practicing how to complete the mission?" Asked Hangman.
"No. Not until all of you act like a team." Pete replied. "Come on, you're getting a day off, have fun."
With that the game begun. The first person to s ore a touchdown was Hangman. That made him and his team happy, but the others were not. The next few touchdowns were scored by the opposite team, again. Hondo, who was keeping score, was already writing one point for them before the game even begain.
"Okay, timeout." Y/N said. "Come here. Why do you three think we don't know how to play?"
"We don't think that." Answred Payback.
"We think you can't play." Added Coyote.
"Look at Bradshwas face." Y/N pointed, offended. "Yours is gonna be much worse if you think something like that again. Give me a chance, please."
"Fine." Grumbled Coyote. "But if you fuck this up."
"I won't. I can't stand Hangman either. Him and that smug face." Y/N quickly answered.
"Alright. You go long." Coyote said pointing at Y/N. And with that the play began. Payback, Bob and Fanboy were able to stop Hangman from scoring while Coyote threw the football as hard as he could, half expecting Y/N to not be able to catch it. But she surprised him.
She quickly caught the ball and ran like she was running for her life, avoiding all the opponests scoring a touchdown. Everyone from her team started cheering as Coyote ran across the field picking her up from her legs and spinning her around.
"That's what I'm talking about motherfucker." Y/N screamed as she walked from in front of Hamgman, gloting.
"Alright game plan. Coyote go long this time. The rest of you tackle Hangman I'll handle the rest.
With that they started again. The first few rounds were won by Sparrows team and a few were won by Phoenix's.
"Alright guy, let's make this more fun." Payback started. "Whoever gets tackled, gets thrown in the water. How that sound?"
Everyone was on board with this idea. Ironically the first person to be duncked was Payback himself. 'This is not fair' he screamed as the guys pushed him down.
The game went on. More people got duncked, more touchdowns were scored and more was learned about dogfighting. During a play, Payback, while tackling, had pushed Maverick down on his back, stopping him from scoring. While he was laying on his back, the person who offered him a hand was Rooster. This simple gesture did not go unnoticed by Y/N.
"Alright guys I'm taking a break." Annoubced Maverick after a few more plays. Shouts of 'come on' and 'seriously' came from his teammates.
"Giving up already old man?" Teased Y/N.
"Watch who you're calling and old man Young lady." Peter replied, going full dad mode.
He went and sat down on a beach chair talking to Penny while also monitoring the game.
"She looks good." Penny said looking at Pete's daughter.
"Yeah, she does.' Answred Pete.
"Are you worried about her?"
"I'm worries about both of them. They both clearly haven't recovered from waht happened. I mean they are trying, but it'll never be the same as it was."
"It's never be the same. Not after a major fall like that." Answred Penny.
"I wish it was. When they were together, she was truly happy and he didn't hate me. He didn't like me either but at least he kept it in in front of her." Answred Pete.
"Pete, tou gotta let go. You gotta let them live the way they want to. This will be very difficult for them, believe me I know, but they'll manage. That's for sure." Penny reassured him.
They went back to watching the game. After a few more round, the only person who was not duncked was Y/N. And she was determined to keep it that way. As a new game started, Y/N quickly managed to get the ball, bust that wasn't the case for a long time. Soon she was sounded by all the pilots of the other team with no other option but to pass.
The only person who was open was Bob. She thought it would be a good idea to pass the ball to the shy pilot as he could definitely score, but wasn't getting the chance to.
"Bob Bob." She shouted and passed the ball to him. He was confused at first but after seeing the 6 feet blond, Hangman, running towards him he caught the ball and striated running, scoring a touchdown.
Cheers for the scared boy emerged from everyone. Payback and Fanboy picked him up and carried him around. As they were passing Phoenix, Bob did the most unexpected thing, he winked at her. The female was absolutely flushed and had to turn away to hide it.
"Alright boys." Phoenix said. "Forget about everyone else on the other team. Get Sparrow. She's the one we can't stop."
With that they begain again and Phoenix's plan was followed. Everyone attacked Y/N, there was no way for her to escape. The only option passing. She passed to one of teammates but Phoenix caught it insted. And Y/N was tacked down by Rooster.
"Oh you son of a bitch." She huffed as Rooster got up form her.
"Finlally." Jake said. "It's you chance now Mitchell."
"Oh no no no." Y/N answred as she ran away with Jake behind her, he quickly caught up to her, picked her up and threw her in the ocean. Buy she wasn't going down alone, she took the blond with her.
When they both resurfaced, she caught a glimpse of Rooster and it seemed he had the expression of jealousy on his face. But he quickly turned away befor she could see.
Weird, she thought and went back to playing.
The day went on and gradually the night tool over. All the naval aviators took shelter in the place closest to them, The Hard Deck. Once they were in the drinks started and didn't seem to stop.
They decided to do karaoke and let the rest of the people there judge them and select a winner. First went Hangman and Coyote. They got a 9. Y/N was sure it was because of how they looked. Then went Fanboy and Payback. They gor a 8. Well deserved. The captin went next. He got a minus 5. And that was too much for him.
"Thank God you have me." Y/N said slipping into the stool next tk Pete's, who was talking to Penny. "You don't have to worry about making a living off of music when you're retired."
"Haha... real funny. I'd like to see you do any better." Pete replied.
"I'll have know that I am an excellent singer." Y/N said. "Ask Penny."
"Oh I'm not taking any part in this." Penny replied.
"You're no fun." Tesed Y/N.
"Hey look it's Rooster." Pate pointed.
"Now, I'm no good at signing in a mic, but I am good at playing the piano." He said sitting at the piano. "Now judged fairly."
With that he started singing his trademark song Greag Balls of Fire. This got hum the highest score till now, a 9.5.
"We're up next." Phoenix said walking over to Y/N.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" She said.
"Angle eyes baby." Natasha answred.
"Angle eyes it is."
They both got up on stage as the 70s synth pop music started blaring through the speakers. Everyone cheered as Natasha started. She was doing a little dance while she was singing, quickly catching the attention of the crowd.
As the next verse started, Y/N took over. She was phenomenal. She got the most cheers till now. But she didn't miss the eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. She knew who it was before even turning around, and the person who was staring knew that the song was directed towards him.
Till the time they finished Bob had joined them as well. They were the winners scoring a full 10. Everyone was celebrating, not any victory but for the team they had become.
Everyone except Rooster.
"Bradshaw. Bradshaw. You good?" Y/N called after the pilot while he was walking towards the ocean.
"I'm fine." He answred, not looking back. "Ho back to Hangman."
"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. By kow had was standing in the ocean.
"Nothing." He replied. "Go away."
She wasn't going to that quickly. If there was anything she inherent for her father, it qas her stubbornness. She took her shoes of, rolled her pants and went into the water as well.
"Did something happen Bradshaw?" She asked again.
"Yeah. Something did. You and Hangman." He answred.
"There is nothing between Jake and me."
"Oh so he's Jake and I'm Bradshaw. Honestly you're pathetic." He turned away.
"Do you have a problem with me calling him Jake?"
"Of course I have a problem with you calling him that." Rooster said loudly. "You only ever used to call me by my first name. No one else. But now because of one stupid mistake, I've lost you forever and I can't handle that. Ever since I saw you again I haven't been able to get you off my mind. You, your laugh, your face, you hands. Anything. The closest I've gotten to you was that punch, and I would gladly take more if it ment you were close to me again."
Y/N was shocked at his outburst. She stayed silent for a few minutes, processing what he had just said.
"You," She started slowly. "You fucker. You do know that you're the one who ended us up right? And now you're saying shit like that what am I supposed to say to that?"
"I don't know." He screamed back. "Maybe that you wnat me back?"
After hearing that Y/N pushed him into the water and quickly started walking back. Rooster tried to stop her but in return all she said was-
A/N I recommend listening to angle eyes by Abba. It amazing and you'll be able to understand the chapter better. Love ya!!!
@4margaritasalex @clairejpg @thisisgracetrying @futurecorps3 @fangirlinc @thespeeder @ashewontcare @jonginvlog @igotmajordaddyissues @herladyshipxx @m3laniehearts @exo-wayv
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Guys I'm back with part two of the ask about wukong and langur talking about the whole wukong not being a demon !!!
"wukong you can't keep forcing your body to do thing it wasn't meant to do."
"but— it's- it's stuff that demons do And- I'm a dem-"
"you aren't a demon wukong, and it's fine. You're something else and it's great okay? You don't have to hurt yourself so you can fit into the norm."
"but- i wanna be like everyone else.."
"you are like everyone else, your body just works a little differently, but you are still like everyone else."
"I'mnotthough. I'm- not a monkey. I'm not a demon- then- then what am I?"
"Sun wukong, our monkey king."
"you are sun wukong, you are our king, and that's everything we need. We don't need you to be like everyone, we need you to be yourself because that's what we like okay? Isn't that why you were trying to change? Because you thought we didn't like you?"
"then trust me that your people love you, they love your personality, they love your kindness and time, and they love their king for what he is."
"but- but what am I then??- if- i wanna know what i am!-"
"does it matter? What is the real reason you wanna know what you are, wukong? Curiosity? The truth?"
"i just wanna know if- I'm not a freak or something.."
"do you trust me?"
".. yeah?? Why wouldn't i?"
"then trust me when I say that you are not a freak, no matter what you are."
Part 1
And I once again geT FUCKING SNIPED
Langur is such a good grandpa sobs
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shisma · 7 years
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cool-loser · 4 years
No stream today sorry guys, work schedules all duncked up I'll be back next week though!
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atatfortatzelwurm · 7 years
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bumbleeparbles · 5 years
I quack please just want to be a dunck.
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curso-online · 2 years
Direito Penal para Concursos Públicos Davi Dunck
Direito Penal para Concursos Públicos Davi Dunck
Esse curso Direito Penal para Concursos Públicos Davi Dunck é destinado para aqueles que desejam aprender DIREITO PENAL para CONCURSOS PÚBLICOS. O professor Davi Dunck é uma referência em DIREITO PENAL em todo o país. É autor da obra “DIREITO PENAL EM ASSERTIVAS” pela maior editora jurídica do Brasil (Juspodivm). Nesta obra, ele resolveu praticamente 3.000 questões de diversas provas de…
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