#dune road
lockvogel · 1 year
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Have a great weekend, everyone 😊!
Sunset in White Sands National Park, New Mexico
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
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austin butler for the art and soul of dune part two
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estellaestella · 14 days
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"My road leads into the desert. I can see it"
Paul Atreides. Dune Part One 2021.
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cpleblow · 2 months
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Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes
Death Valley, CA
©cpleblow (2016)
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ragnarssons · 2 months
so... i wanted to be done with this watcher stuff. but then i saw on reddit that one of their eXCluSivE nEw CoNtEnT got leaked, you know "road files" which is basically a behind the scenes video for ghost files. which is a nice idea. ...................... but the video lasts 8 minutes. you pay, 6 dollars a month, the first video you get is an 8 minutes video. opening with ryan saying "well this could be the only time we do that". so. huh, not new exclusive content, then? - since they want to be compared to tv, let's compare that to a behind the scenes video/film some tv shows make, for example the star wars ones, on disney+, that are minimum at least 20 minutes long if not more, way more, like 45+ minutes. and then you have the bts elements of a ghost files. so now, i can truly say: i do not get how their ghost files' seasons cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. like there's nothing in the video that warrants this video not costing them... like 20k at most. (and i mean that without counting paying the employees/crew, because i'd argue they do that with their general revenues, and not just their revenues out of the ghost files seasons). and that's without even delving into everything that's weird about how much money they're spending by making dumb shit like sending a "scouting crew" (of no less than 5 or 6 people, I don't remember, cuz that ain't too much at all) before them... you're ghost hunting, like what's the point of that?? and as i suspected when they switched to watcher, this video just proved how scripted, over-prepared the whole concept of "ghost hunting" became when they switched from buzzfeed unsolved to watcher. so you gotta tell me that the "unscripted, 100% natural" episode of ghost files, is actually made with like 10 other people in the room, behind the camera, the guys having entered and toured the "haunted building" like 10 times before the cameras start rolling, producers, crews and all and all having scouted the building (here, a small house) dozens of times already. legit. h u h ????? then they went to see dune 2, hung around in their hotel rooms, ate burgers, and the whole thing lasted two days out of their schedule... and then credits roll with no less than like 20 people credited for a behind the scenes video, where most of the footage is from ryan's phone. huh??? and that costs y'all hundreds of thousands of dollars??? and this is the "tv quality" exclusive new content we get if we pay the 6 dollars a month?? 🙃
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vulpine-spectacle · 1 month
Nux walked so Feyd-Rautha could run.
Change my mind.
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trinijanjan · 4 months
Coming in March '24...
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March is packed. Enjoy!
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elinerlina2 · 3 months
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Sand storm in Abu Dhabi
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viridian-pickle · 9 days
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texaschainsawmascara · 8 months
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Jason Momoa
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bcofl0ve · 4 months
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growls at phone
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druidshollow · 23 days
I just remembered the ecoh roads blowing up dune's spear thing.... how pissed off would she be if that happened
yeah i think its safe to say if she threw her spear at a guy and it exploded into a million bits shed be pretty fucking mad
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girls about three seconds away from learning what being electrocuted actually feels like LMAO
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ayalaatreides · 18 days
Dune but make it Mad Max. Mad Max but make it Dune. Do you see my vision? Do you understand?
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boanerges20 · 5 months
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Dakar // 2024
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 days
Please could you make Angharad in Fury Road with a Fremen Rider
Angharad falls to the sand dunes, Furiosa and the rest long gone…
Y/N drifts by and offers her their straw…
Y/N: drink. You will need your strength.
Angharad: what is it?
Y/N: water.
Angharad hesitates and then takes a sip…
Angharad: your kindness is not forgotten
Y/N: come. We must travel lightly. Sand worms come up at this time
Y/N sets down a beacon and readies some riding hooks…
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you know, i was thinking about frank and his fixation on the Frankenstein's Monster character, and how it's always been this thing with him. I think it started by liking the character itself, especially the old hollywood frankenstein films. The drama and the story telling of the old films is alluring and the morbidity of the story Frankenstein itself is alluring, and we know that he loves the dark stuff.
Though, i really think that all started to shift at some point, once he started breaking bones and specifically after the accidents that threatened his ability to continue playing. So when I heard him talking about finding these frankenstein guitars and those being the ones he loves the most, it made me start to think: gosh does he see himself a little as a frankenstein, sort of like the guitars he collects, after everything?
i mean, we've heard it multiple times: he believes the only thing he's good for is making music and if he doesn't have that, he's nothing. He can't be there for his family and he can't be there for himself. We know just how hard he was taking the surgeries on his wrists. Heard him talk about his fear of never being able to play anymore and time and time again, we hear him talk with affection and wonder about some of his favorite guitars being what he likes to call frankenstein guitars, that he finds left in small music shops.
It makes sense though, doesn't it? He had to be stitched back together and made to work again. Learn to live again, struggling and fighting for it, and when he finds these mix matched guitars built with spare parts he finds them perfect because they play the way only they can play and it's exactly what he needs. He craves loving the weird mashed together creations, after all, isn't that what happened to him? a frankenstien collecting instruments he sees himself in, he sees music as his only real purpose here and maybe two frankensteins can carry that out together.
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