#dunno if i ever will or not. we'll see???
squish-fish · 9 months
I think that Atlus is so, so cruel for not giving us more Yusuke and Ann friendship moments. Honestly think that they'd be besties if they were giving a little more development and screen time together. I want to see them bond over things!!! (A Yusuke apology scene would be great. Love the guy a whole bunch, but yeah,,)
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iceman-soup · 4 months
masc!reader × divorced!price
Knowing John Price from outside of the military - fuckin hell, knowing him from a toddlers' group of all places. You had both joined at roughly the same time, and being the only dads there rather than mums, you quickly stuck by each other, becoming fast friends since the first session.
Turns out, he'd had a shitty divorce a few years ago, and, well - his sweet baby girl got caught up in all the middle of it. She was a tiny baby at the time, but the legal stuff regarding her in the divorce was messy and Price barely managed to see her at all; and then her mother had been arrested for something or other (he didn't like to talk about it) and he had gained full custody, and arrangements were made for her to stay with his family whilst he was on deployment.
Your story was entirely different. The kid was technically your sister's - but she had died shortly after childbirth, and with no partner and an awful relationship with your parents, the two of you had agreed beforehand that if anything happened, you would become the baby's legal carer. But you'd called the boy yours after only a few months, and that's all you ever introduced him as now. Your son.
The toddler group wasn't great for either you nor Price, to be honest. The kids loved the playtime, which was good - but the parent "teachings" that the leader held were mostly encouraging weird outdated shit that wasn't worth listening to, let alone enforcing. Not to mention the constant repetition of how a single parent is a "bad" parent, which you scoffed at every time. Good thing about it was how you and John could sit at one of your houses after and shit talk it over a coffee.
Was he hot? Sure. Yes. Absolutely. It was the very first thing you noticed about him. But more than that you were genuinely grateful to have a friend; another single dad to lean on, to finally start talking about your sister's death and all the guilt you felt with your son. Someone who would actually get it.
Price started to come around to yours almost every day, even when the toddlers' group was only once a week. He insisted it was nicer than his flat, and the kids had more space to play anyway. You never minded. He took you over to his parents' house, introducing you to them. They were quick to befriend you and your child, mentioning how you should visit John's daughter there when he's on deployment.
Deployment. Forgot about that.
You laugh and nod, thanking them before you leave. You take your son to a play park and sit on a bench, watching him and just thinking. It doesn't take long til you realise you're thinking less about your friend being all captain-y and more about his smile you've come to adore being wiped from his face. About him coming home and there being more scars on his hands and arms than before. 'Cause you fucking counted. Realising he might not come home at all.
You go to his flat the next day, awkward small talk as the kids go off to play. He can tell something's up. He asks if it was his parents. Fucking apologises as if he did something wrong. You sit him down on the sofa, and rest your head on his shoulder.
"Dunno what to do," you start, eyes flickering shut when he combs a comforting hand through your hair. "You're such a great man, John. Dunno what I'd do if you went."
He looks at you for a moment; you can feel his gaze. Tilts your chin up with a calloused finger and brushes his lips against yours. It takes a second or two to process what's happening - and then you're kissing him again, his jacket balled up in your fists as you hold him closer, suddenly realise this is what it was all along. The hot, slightly traumatised dad had tripped you up and you fell fuckin hard.
All too quickly and you're lowering him down against the sofa, and his hands are on your back, and your tongue is prodding impatiently at his lip. Then he opens his mouth and you almost seem to melt into it, a soft groan in his throat, and you're lying on top of him, and his legs are around your waist-
"I'm not complaining," you hum between kisses, "but how is making out gonna help?"
He breaks apart. Looks at you with a sort of dog-like curiosity, mulling over the question for a second. Then his hands snake up to rest in your hair, and he smiles his signature smile. "Don't know. Just thought I wanted to kiss you. Won't fix me goin' on deployment, but-" he glances away, a flush creeping up his neck, "thought... thought you might be somethin' to come back to, y'know?"
You chuckle quietly, pressing your lips to his blush. "You askin' me out, John?" He kisses you tenderly, shuffling to sit up a little, pulling you onto his lap facing him.
"If you'll take me."
And you don't even have to think about it. "'Course I will."
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simblorbo-bracket · 1 month
! Attention !
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The Simblr Blorbo Sexyman Tournament will be kicking off on September 11th, 2024!
Make sure you get your submissions in before then if you wanna get in! (Remember, all you need is a pic! Propaganda is optional!)
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mochi-and-dragons · 5 months
Snake Boi Callum Week 2.0
Day 1: Prince/Pieces
As the dust settled, Callum couldn't help but feel relieved. His family was safe. He had won. So what if he had to compromise his morals again? So what if it meant betraying the trust of those closest to him? It had all turned out ok at the end, had it not?
Sure, it would take some getting used to seeing the bits of white in his hair when he looked in the mirror but conflicted was basically his base emotion now. The sacrifice was gigantic and the guilt might follow him forever but it was aaaall ok. Yep. Totally alright. Just look at his loved ones! And his loved ones' loved ones! Aren't they here? And alive and free? And (mostly) alright? That counts as a victory in his books.
All that was left to do was pick up the pieces. Patch what needs patching, replace what needs replacing and all that jazz.
He just hoped there were enough pieces left to feel like a family again.
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zenathered · 1 year
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As promised, here is Zena the Tav.
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astralartefact · 4 months
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Paper Menphina and the Paper-thin Apocalypse Anomb, Konomb, 2Binji and 2Pinji
For anyone who missed the first post there is no coherent explanation for this.
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Some previews of art I’ve been working on during the last nine months or so, just to break my unintended hiatus and to show I’m still alive. 
I’m hoping to revamp this blog a bit and update a bunch of my old art during May and June... if life doesn’t get in the way, that is. 
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psalacanthea · 3 months
Chapters: 36/? Fandom: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types, Dragon Age II, Dragon Age: Origins Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: solavellan - Relationship, Female Inquisitor/Solas (Dragon Age) Characters: Merrill (Dragon Age), Isabela (Dragon Age), Cole (Dragon Age), Cullen Rutherford, Josephine Montilyet, Leliana (Dragon Age), Cassandra Pentaghast, Hawke (Dragon Age), Abelas (Dragon Age), Felassan (Dragon Age), Feynriel (Dragon Age), Varric Tethras, Carver Hawke, Orana (Dragon Age), Justice (Dragon Age), Dorian Pavus, Vivienne (Dragon Age) Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Post-Apocalypse, Time Travel, Slow Burn, Angst, Politics, Mutual Pining, Touch-Starved, Slowest Burn, Grief/Mourning, Immortality, Parenthood, Healing, Ancient Elves (Dragon Age), Fade Spirits Summary:
Not long ago, the Veil disappeared.
The world was swarmed by demons, and in the end the elves were mostly unscathed- unlike the humans.
Not due to any interference from the Dread Wolf, of course, but due to the elves' mysterious Lady. She lurked among them for decades, teaching them not to fear the spirits. She succeeded where the Wolf had failed, and changed their minds, removing old prejudices...just enough to save them.
When the Veil fell, war began. Human against demon, human against elves, and ancient elves against all. A three-sided war surprisingly short-lived. Quickly the People realized they would rather stand together with the ancient Elvhen to protect the spirits. The humans lost.
In the end, the Lady turned on her ally and demanded peace be brokered, and land be given to the humans. With some reluctance, the Wolf acquiesced. A new world now awaits them, war-torn and empty, with threats still lurking in every corner. With no peers but each other, the Lady and Dread Wolf exist in an antagonistic and frigid state. Not by his preference.
The Lady hates him.
And it feels personal.
I was thinking about this, what with The News, and decided to poke at sprucing it up.  I’m going to take my time and probably not update as I edit chapters, but I might finish a couple today.  Just fixing my grammar and dialogue, adding more description. 
IDK.  It’s probably just going to be an occasional project, when I feel like editing not writing, but I’ll post again when it’s done.  This is just for my entertainment as I re-read it.
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storfulsten · 11 months
hey uh sorry for disappearing yet again for a couple months. don't have much of an excuse, though things have been more stressful than usual, offline life having involved family and hospitals and stuff, but not gonna go into any details, things are better now either way so ye. my way of coping with things have been mostly to just play games (ffxiv mainly, leveling alts and other grinding can be a good distraction sometimes) and nothing else to keep my mind off things, so haven't been able to focus enough to do much of any art at all. I am hoping to get back into the swing of things, I am back on my meds that I skipped out on for like a year due to various reasons, but they seem to be helping again so yeah, fingers crossed that things will work out and such ha
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nimue-hidden-lake · 3 months
Since I have Dazai on the brain again... Ok fine let me share something about Annzai... It might be old news but it has crossed my mind again.
I mainly will reference this oneshot I wrote which is supposed to outline this Ann's inner conflict, why they are acting the way they do throughout most of the oneshots so far - Long story short, they are afraid to grow attached to someone yet again, only to lose them quickly in the end. And given Dazai during the course of BSD... It puts them off even more. And the oneshot outlines that it is an actual fear of theirs.
They have lost their father by then and in a way their mother. Ole is the only one left at that time. So they have a hard time properly bonding with anyone as a result. They will be hesitant and while not impolite they are distant.
Then enter Dazai who turns it all upside down for Ann. Firstly this is someone their father had some faith in for reasons unknown to them (I will get into that sometime in the future I promise... For now just know that their father was involved with the Port Mafia in some way and that was how he met Dazai). To make matters worse however the longer they spend time with him the closer they feel and the more attached they get, to the point of them knowing that they started developing feelings.
I see Ann's role during canon as... They are a little involved yet not by the largest deal in the grand scheme of things. They have their own history and all but in the main plot they don't play a large role. Yet they still hear and witness the things Dazai pulls as well as the danger he puts himself in so they panick everytime. Even as time passes and they learn to trust him more, that he will be fine in the end. They worry everytime.
In fear that something might happen Ann would prefer to not have those feelings. So they try to keep him at an arm's length and fake some type of dislike (they are so terrible at lying however that everyone around them just knows). They don't want to go through loss yet again.
That is however why Dazai often gets under Ann's skin. He wants them to open up finally and allow themself to let someone in again... That and it's just funny seeing their reactions whenever he's messing with them. But there is of course more to it than just to be funny and tease them to no end.
And give it some time and they bond properly... Maybe things are also official at a point during canon even (maybe at the end of season 3 Ann finally comes around. I did not exactly decide at when but it might be around that point).
And I'm finished. Thanks for reading through all of my rambling today.
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lohstandfound · 1 year
richjake bare: A Pop Opera au
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sugardecreme · 5 months
seeing other ppl's takes on the other human souls lowkey makes me want to try making my own,,,,,,, i've been thinking about it, i just haven't gotten around to it....... maybe at some point..
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morva-doodles · 2 years
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Made this design a while ago just for fun. Challenged myself to make a cosmic dragon (inspired by aurelion sol bc ough i love his design) and ended up with this lovely lady! Her name is Mairza (MIRE-za).
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loonlynxshenanigans · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Cartoon 2018), Guild Wars 2 (Video Game)
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recolourrhys · 2 years
smfh gotta do everything my damn self around here
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dreamcast-official · 8 months
thinking about representation in terms of what characters sound like. 👍
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