#dura tank
china-cryogenic-tanks · 7 months
Dewar tanks
DSW supplies dewar and liquid cylinders to safelycontain liquefed gases such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and carbon dioxide.
These gases are stored at extremely low temperatures and in a liquid state. Dewar cylinders come in different sizes andcapacities, offering flexibility in accommodatingvarious storage needs.
They require less complex infrastructure and arerelatively easy to maintain and operate, making theman economical choice for cryogenic storage needs. Liquid argon tanks or cylinders are designed for thestorage and transport of liquid argon.Liquid oxygen bottles offer a cost-effective solution forcryogenic storage compared to other alternatives.
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shafqat123 · 4 days
Dura Flow Manhole Covers
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Dura Flow has always focused on providing clients with solutions that make your lives easier and super convenient. In order to live in your establishments with utter peace and ease, it is extremely important that you invest in the right company for proper products. Dura Flow Manhole covers is an amazing investment that our government and municipal authorities need to make. These are the most convenient and one of a kind barriers that stop the dirt and mud from coming out and saves us from falling into pits. These are the most crucial in maintaining a proper draining system.
We have to admit that the drainage system of our country has majorly improved and that is all because of Dura Flow.
Dura Flow manhole covers are a positive investment that everybody needs to make.
Dura Flow manhole covers quality check:
Dura Flow has never compromised on the quality of the products it deals in. Our Manhole covers are something that you should invest in to make your lives easy and worth living. When it comes to the betterment of the society and our surroundings, it is important that we make the right choice. You see manhole covers everywhere and at every corner. This is because of their extreme use and their importance. These are made using the most sturdy and promising raw material that is not only sturdy but also super reliable. Ideal for drainage systems across the city and country. As society improves, if you’re looking to make your areas better and well drained with the right drainage system, Dura Flow manhole covers are what you need. The only perfection that every street, road, bridge and building can count on. these are the most economical to be trusted on. Even with the most promising material that has been used, these are not only affordable but also very long lasting. We provide you with solutions that are lasting and that provide maintenance for a long period of time. Since Dura Flow is all about durability, in the shape of manhole covers, you are likely to find every type of perfection and convenience. from every kind of size and shape to all kinds of convenience, you get a fair chance to make the best out of your drainage systems.
Dura Flow Strong Network:
Dura Flow is a solution that every department needs. From the best plastic and electric conduits systems to the finest manhole covers we deal in all the perfect items that you need for a proper and functional life. We deal nationwide. All you need to do is reach out to us. Our range of products is what will make your life easy and absolutely worth every moment.
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raffaeleitlodeo · 10 months
La controrivoluzione delle élite di cui non ci siamo accorti: intervista a Marco D’Eramo - L'indipendente on line
Fisico, poi studente di sociologia con Pierre Bourdieu all’École Pratique des Hautes Études di Parigi, giornalista di Paese Sera, Mondoperaio e poi per lungo tempo de il manifesto. Marco D’Eramo ha di recente pubblicato il saggio Dominio, la guerra invisibile contro i sudditi (ed. Feltrinelli, 2020), un libro prezioso che, con uno stile agevole per tutti e dovizia di fonti, spiega come l’Occidente nell’ultimo mezzo secolo sia stato investito di una sorta di rivoluzione al contrario, della quale quasi nessuno si è accorto: quella lanciata dai dominanti contro i dominati. Una guerra che, almeno al momento, le élite stanno stravincendo e che si è mossa innanzitutto sul piano della battaglia delle idee per (ri)conquistare l’egemonia culturale e quindi le categorie del discorso collettivo. Una chiacchierata preziosa, che permette di svelare il neoliberismo per quello che è, ovvero un’ideologia che, in quanto tale, si muove attorno a parole e concetti chiave arbitrari ma che ormai abbiamo assimilato al punto di darli per scontati, ma che – una volta conosciuti – possono essere messi in discussione.
Ci parli di questa rivoluzione dei potenti contro il popolo, cosa è successo?
Nella storia i potenti hanno sempre fatto guerra ai sudditi, se no non sarebbero rimasti potenti, questo è normale. Il fatto è che raramente i sudditi hanno messo paura ai potenti: è successo nel 490 a.C., quando la plebe di Roma si ritirò sull’Aventino e ottenne i tribuni della plebe. Poi, per oltre duemila anni, ogni volta che i sudditi hanno cercato di ottenere qualcosa di meglio sono stati brutalmente sconfitti. Solo verso il 1650 inizia l’era delle rivoluzioni, che dura circa tre secoli, dalla decapitazione di re Carlo I d’Inghilterra fino alla rivoluzione iraniana, passando per quella francese e quelle socialiste. Da cinquant’anni non si verificano nuove rivoluzioni.
E poi cosa è successo?
Con la seconda guerra mondiale le élite hanno fatto una sorta di patto con i popoli: voi andate in guerra, noi vi garantiamo in cambio maggiori diritti sul lavoro, pensione, cure, eccetera. Dopo la guerra il potere dei subalterni è continuato a crescere, anche in Italia si sono ottenute conquiste grandiose come lo statuto dei Lavoratori, il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale ed altro. A un certo punto, le idee dei subordinati erano divenute talmente forti da contagiare le fasce vicine ai potenti: nascono organizzazioni come Medicina Democratica tra i medici, Magistratura Democratica tra i magistrati, addirittura Farnesina Democratica tra gli ambasciatori. In Italia come in tutto l’Occidente le élite hanno cominciato ad avere paura e sono passate alla controffensiva.
In che modo?
Hanno lanciato una sorta di controguerriglia ideologica. Hanno studiato Gramsci anche loro e hanno agito per riprendere l’egemonia sul piano delle idee. Partendo dai luoghi dove le idee si generano, ovvero le università. A partire dal Midwest americano, una serie di imprenditori ha cominciato a utilizzare fondazioni per finanziare pensatori, università, convegni, pubblicazioni di libri. Un rapporto del 1971 della Camera di Commercio americana lo scrive chiaramente: “bisogna riprendere il controllo e la cosa fondamentale è innanzitutto il controllo sulle università”. Da imprenditori, hanno trattato le idee come una merce da produrre e vendere: c’è la materia prima, il prodotto confezionato e la distribuzione. Il primo passo è riprendere il controllo delle università dove la materia prima, ovvero le idee, si producono; per il confezionamento si fondano invece i think tank, ovvero i centri studi dove le idee vengono digerite e confezionate in termini comprensibili e affascinanti per i consumatori finali, ai quali saranno distribuiti attraverso giornali, televisioni, scuole secondarie e così via. La guerra si è combattuta sui tre campi della diffusione delle idee, e l’hanno stravinta.
Quali sono le idee delle élite che sono divenute dominanti grazie a questa guerra per l’egemonia?
La guerra dall’alto è stata vinta a tal punto che non usiamo più le nostre parole. Ad esempio, la parola “classe” è diventata una parolaccia indicibile. Eppure Warren Buffet, uno degli uomini più ricchi del mondo, lo ha detto chiaramente: «certo che c’è stata la guerra di classe, e l’abbiamo vinta noi». O come la parola “ideologia”, anche quella una parolaccia indicibile. E allo stesso tempo tutte le parole chiave del sistema di valori neoliberista hanno conquistato il nostro mondo. Ma, innanzitutto, le élite sono riuscite a generare una sorta di rivoluzione antropologica, un nuovo tipo di uomo: l’homo economicous. Spesso si definisce il neoliberismo semplicemente come una versione estrema del capitalismo, ma non è così: tra la teoria liberale classica e quella neoliberista ci sono due concezioni dell’uomo radicalmente differenti. Se nel liberalismo classico l’uomo mitico è il commerciante e l’ideale di commercio è il baratto che si genera tra due individui liberi che si scambiano beni, nel neoliberismo l’uomo ideale diventa l’imprenditore e il mito fondatore è quello della competizione, dove per definizione uno vince e l’altro soccombe.
Quindi rispetto alle generazioni che ci hanno preceduto siamo diventati un’altra specie umana senza accorgercene?
L’idea che ogni individuo è un imprenditore genera una serie di conseguenze enormi. La precondizioni per poter avviare un’impresa è avere qualcosa da investire, e se non ho capitali cosa investo? A questa domanda un neoliberista risponde: «il tuo capitale umano». Questa è una cosa interessantissima perché cambia tutte le nozioni precedenti. Intanto non vale l’idea del rapporto di lavoro come lo conoscevamo: non esiste più un imprenditore e un operaio, ma due capitalisti, dei quali uno investe denaro e l’altro capitale umano. Non c’è nulla da rivendicare collettivamente: lo sfruttamento scompare, dal momento che è un rapporto tra capitalisti. Portando il ragionamento alle estreme conseguenze, nella logica dominante, un migrante che affoga cercando di arrivare a Lampedusa diventa un imprenditore di sé stesso fallito, perché ha sbagliato investimento. Se ci si riflette bene, la forma sociale che meglio rispecchia questa idea del capitale umano non è il liberalismo ma lo schiavismo, perché è lì che l’uomo è letteralmente un capitale che si può comprare e vendere. Quindi non credo sia errato dire che, in verità, il mito originario (e mai confessato) del neoliberismo non è il baratto ma lo schiavismo. Il grande successo che hanno avuto i neoliberisti è di farci interiorizzare quest’immagine di noi stessi. È una rivoluzione culturale che ha conquistato anche il modo dei servizi pubblici. Per esempio le unità sanitarie locali sono diventate le aziende sanitarie locali. Nelle scuole e nelle università il successo e l’insuccesso si misurano in crediti ottenuti o mancanti, come fossero istituti bancari. E per andarci, all’università, è sempre più diffusa la necessità di chiedere prestiti alle banche. Poi, una volta che hai preso il prestito, dovrai comportarti come un’impresa che ha investito, che deve ammortizzare l’investimento e avere profitti tali da non diventare insolvente. Il sistema ci ha messo nella situazione di comportarci e di vivere come imprenditori.
Ritiene che l’ideologia neoliberista abbia definitivamente vinto la propria guerra o c’è una soluzione?
Le guerre delle idee non finiscono mai, sembra che finiscano, ma non è così. Se ci pensiamo, l’ideologia liberista è molto strana, nel senso che tutte le grandi ideologie della storia offrivano al mondo una speranza di futuro migliore: le religioni ci promettevano un aldilà di pace e felicità, il socialismo una società del futuro meravigliosa, il liberalismo l’idea di un costante miglioramento delle condizioni di vita materiali. Il neoliberismo, invece, non promette nulla ed anzi ha del tutto rimosso l’idea di futuro: è un’ideologia della cedola trimestrale, incapace di ogni tipo di visione. Questo è il suo punto debole, la prima idea che saprà ridare al mondo un sogno di futuro lo spazzerà via. Ma non saranno né i partiti né i sindacati a farlo, sono istituzioni che avevano senso nel mondo precedente, basato sulle fabbriche, nella società dell’isolamento e della sorveglianza a distanza sono inerti.
Così ad occhio non sembra esserci una soluzione molto vicina…
Invece le cose possono cambiare rapidamente, molto più velocemente di quanto pensiamo. Prendiamo la globalizzazione: fino a pochi anni fa tutti erano convinti della sua irreversibilità, che il mondo sarebbe diventato un grande e unico villaggio forgiato dal sogno americano. E invece, da otto anni stiamo assistendo a una rapida e sistematica de-globalizzazione. Prima la Brexit, poi l’elezione di Trump, poi il Covid-19, poi la rottura con la Russia e il disaccoppiamento con l’economia cinese. Parlare oggi di globalizzazione nei termini in cui i suoi teorici ne parlavano solo vent’anni fa sembrerebbe del tutto ridicolo, può essere che tra vent’anni lo sarà anche l’ideologia neoliberista.
Intanto chi è interessato a cambiare le cose cosa dovrebbe fare?
Occorre rimboccarsi le maniche e fare quello che facevano i militanti alla fine dell’Ottocento, ovvero alfabetizzare politicamente le persone. Una delle grandi manovre in questa guerra culturale lanciata dal neoliberismo è stata quella di ricreare un analfabetismo politico di massa, facendoci ritornare plebe. Quindi è da qui che si parte. E poi bisogna credere nel conflitto, progettarlo, parteciparvi. Il conflitto è la cosa più importante. Lo diceva già Machiavelli: le buone leggi nascono dai tumulti. Tutte le buone riforme che sono state fatte, anche in Italia, non sono mai venute dal palazzo. Il Parlamento ha tutt’al più approvato istanze nate nelle strade, nei luoghi di lavoro, nelle piazze. Lo Statuto dei Lavoratori non è stato fatto dal Parlamento per volontà della politica, ma a seguito della grande pressione esterna fatta dai movimenti, cioè dalla gente che si mette insieme. Quindi la prima cosa è capire che il conflitto è una cosa buona. La società deve essere conflittuale perché gli interessi dei potenti non coincidono con quelli del popolo. Già Aristotele lo diceva benissimo: i dominati si ribellano perché non sono abbastanza eguali e i dominanti si rivoltano perché sono troppo eguali. Questa è la verità.
[di Andrea Legni]
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magicofthepiper · 5 months
If the AFK Journey translators are leaning into Conservativism = Bad mentality, there's going to be a lot of cognitive dissonance because of how this franchise explores faith and tradition.
This game glorifies theological conservatism, at least on an aesthetic level. There's a lot of characters that are extremely devoted to their dieties and whose character is deeply tied to the practice and maintenance of tradition. Yet, it doesn't take long to find that within each faction, there's plenty of cynicism and rebels.
Let's just take a look at the Lightbearer Faction for now. Despite their name being Lightbearers, implying that they consider themselves the only beings that bear the Goddess Dura's light/life-force, there are plenty of skeptics, agnostics, and/or atheists. Hogan has shown shades of skepticism, and I was surprised when in Arena's second anniversary event, Angelo ( Rowan's elder brother ) mentioned not believing in gods.
However, I see Lucius, he's right there. In his white armor, with his hammy voice lines, and the little animation that pops up when he earns the "Talented Tank" title where his kind eyes look at the player. He's also accompanied by Journey's Temesia, who, in their newer render, their circlet looks like a cross has been scarred upon their forehead. She wishes to repent for her sin of showing "mercy" to another, disobeying Temple orders. These are devout characters.
Now, I expect these characters to be saintly. They're followers of Dura, Goddess of Life. Dura and the other Celestials are generally viewed positively. When AFK Arena released, the lines of good and evil were simple. Early Campaign chapters and Voyages had simple narratives about expelling the Hypogeans and Graveborn invading the Lightbearer regions and causing chaos.
However, as the lore expanded and more characters were introduced, it became more complicated.
In Arena's scattered lore, I have the impression that Lucius's belief in the clergy at times falters and I remember in Belinda's Ascension event, Eluard mentioned that the clergy were whispering amongst themselves that Belinda was going wayward. Belinda is extremely devoted, and the pious Eluard maintained faith in her, but it shows how easy the clergy can become suspicious of their own.
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The Order of The Light isn't always portrayed positively. Arena's Cecilia is a devout nun and inquisitorial agent who will not faulter to dispose of anyone deemed a heretic. Niru is just one of many characters who was a Lightbearer executed for practicing the dark arts, but arose as Graveborn to serve Quaedam.
However, what's even more shocking is that there's a little girl dressed like a maid in Arena named Rosaline. Her parents were executed not for practicing the dark arts but for merely unwittingly housing practitioners of it. She has been orphaned and trained into a life of servitude due to zealotry with judicial power.
Not to mention, in more recent lore developments, we've been introduced to The Secret Society of the Crow. An organization that turned away from Dura and The Order of The Light in order to train children that seem to possess an ability to harness the dark arts. This has led to Lightbearers that can tame Hypogeans. What's more, the ruling monarch of the Lightbearer Empire offers them his support, for he fears that the The Order of The Light's authority threatens his.
Again, in Arena, you have a good mix of conservatives and rebels in nearly each faction. Also, what exactly would be conservative values would vary for each faction. For Lightbearers, you have your gallant Lucius and your shadowy Scarlet; for Maulers, your warmongering Brutus and your peacemaking Skriath; for Wilders, you have your sagely Arden and your hot-blooded Eorin; for Graveborn, you have your devoted Niru and your defiant Treznor; for Celepogeans you have your eternally clashing arch-rivals Orthos and Zolrath and your condemned partners/lovers Gavus and Eugene.
More important than condemning or uplifting conservativism is that the game makes peace and unification an ideal. Even Hypogeans are sometimes included in these more peaceful and celebratory events. But in practice, peace aligns more with Wilder traditional values over, say, the Maulers who quickly fall into infighting unless united by unanimous acceptance of a principle authority figure.
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annikavelde · 1 year
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-HERS- .:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair: VCO - Sujin
.:CLOTHING:. Bindi: TeaBunny - Simple Inverted Cross Bindi Glasses: Cerberus Xing - Farseer Glasses Chain Necklace: TRIGGERED - Be Bad Collar Cross Necklace: Nerido - Necklace Cross Coat: Amitomo - Touch Dress: TRIGGERED - Mait Dress *NEW* @ Kustom9
-HIS- .:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Eon Body: Legacy - Athletic Hair: Dura - U121
.:CLOTHING:. Cig: RZ - Deadly Cigarette Chain: Random Matter - Zakei Choke Chain Top: GABRIEL- Harness Tank Top Coat: GABRIEL - Shoulder Off-Down Jacket
.:SCENE:. Background: PALETO - Memphis Her Pose: Mirinae - Kira *NEW* Group Gift - Group join cost L$99 His Pose: Mewsery - Relax
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moonlightblogs1 · 9 days
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☽𝑺𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒅☾ ↳ KNIFU - CTRL Me Collection - Horseshoe
𝙋𝙤𝙨𝙚 → BERAS - Trevor 4
𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙 → LeLUTKA - Logan Head 4.0
𝙃𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣 → Avarosa - Hunter Skin
𝙃𝙖𝙞𝙧 → Dura - U126 Hair
𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮 → LEGACY - Meshbody Athletic Edition 1.7
𝘽𝙤𝙙𝙮𝙎𝙠𝙞𝙣 → VELOUR - Picasso Homme - FIT Figure - Legacy
𝙏𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙤 → DAPPA - Ghostface Tattoo
𝙏𝙤𝙥 → ERAUQS - Jacob Tank Top w/ Shirt
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diariomacho · 3 months
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spectacledchicsl · 6 months
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Maxwell Long Coat
Maitreya (Lara + Petite + Flat) & Jake
Included texture HUD
Maxwell Long Coat HUD
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Credit Hair: Stealthic (Endless) | DURA (B110) Top: spectacledchic (Crop Tank) | Gabriel Pants: spectacledchic (Gathered Pants & Lona Jogger Pants) Shos: spectacledchic (Igni Boots & Anya Shoes)
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twistedeuphoria · 6 months
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“You know, people come to Italy for all sorts of reasons, but when they stay, it's for the same two things." "What?" "Love and gelato.”
HARA / Hair: TRUTH Collective / Resonate / Clothing: Palette - Amyrose Sweater (New! @ kustom9) Mug - Ava Tank (New! @ kustom9) Tres Blah - Coco Jeans Accessories: BONDI . Daisy Glasses (New! @ Anthology) Prop: [ENAMOUR] CUPPA JOY CUP (New! @ Anthology)
MALT: Hair: Dura-B114 Clothing: [Deadwool] Lorenzo shirt COMPLEX / GEORGE SHORTS
Pose: Ana Poses - Lazy Days (New! @ Uber)
Scene: New! @ kustom9 ..::THOR::.. Riviera Scooter ..::THOR::.. Italian Date Helmet ..::THOR::.. Italian Date Wine Holder ..::THOR::.. Italian Date Sandwiches - bonus ..::THOR::.. Italian Date Backpack - bonus
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china-cryogenic-tanks · 7 months
MicroBulk Gas Storage tank
MicroBulk Gas Storage Systems- Cryogenic Gas Supply Bulk Gas tanks provide safe on-site storage and supply of cryogenic gases for optimal operational safety, quality, and efficiency.
Our BulkGas supply systems offer access to a wide range of liquid gases at competitive prices, making them ideal for a variety of applications in cryogenic laboratories, hospitals, and other gas users. Whether you need argon, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, or oxygen, our systems provide a cutting-edge solution for your gas storage needs.
By utilizing our cryogenic Bulk Gas system, you can eliminate the need for frequent cylinder replacements, minimize liquid residual loss, and prevent damage from cylinder operation. Our systems are not only more reliable and efficient but also more cost-effective in the long run.
At DSW, we provide custom-tailored MicroBulk Gas Systems that are designed to meet your specific requirements. From production to transportation and deployment, we offer a comprehensive solution for your gas storage needs.
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shafqat123 · 5 days
Dura Flow PPRC Pipes And Fittings:
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Every home needs good and flawless plumbing systems that never go wrong. Having access to a water system that is not only streamline but also moderate and according to your desired temperature, is definitely a blessing. Dura Flow brings you the most flawless plumbing solutions and systems. Our PPRC pipes and fittings definitely subject you to achieve the most phenomenal and streamline water flow. You will never feel disappointed in summers for not having cold water and in winters for not having warm water.
Dura Flow is a solution that remains forever.
Benefits of Dura Flow PPRC Pipes And Fittings:
Just like the name itself, Dura Flow PPRCPipes and Fittings are the most durable. Their durability goes upto 50 years. The best part is that these are chlorine and disinfectant resistant. They have very low maintenance costs. They have zero scaling and corrosion chances because these are resistant to both. These are extremely cost effective and possess quiet operations. When it comes to Dura Flow the operation of these are not only flawless but definitely the most easy as well. After the installation of these you do not have to worry about anything.
Here are some common applications of dura flow pipes and fittings:
Here is how you can make good use of DuraFlow Pipes And Fittings. Living in your dream home means that everything should be super perfect. Make your living easy and absolutely worth your time by investing in the right company.
We stand with you in giving you the present and the future you need. The most flawless collection of products that you need to make your homes super functional and absolutely flawless. We believe in providing you with extraordinary built homes that give you endless joy and absolute peace.
Dura Flow is based all over Pakistan. We have a strong network that enables you to enjoy our services whenever you want. We also offer home delivery services. This means that from our doorstep to yours. Let us assure you that we make this journey super exciting and quality stricken for you.
Non Biodegradable Pipes:
The best part is that no living thing is harmed in the manufacture of these pipes and fittings. These are non biodegradable, means that no microorganism living thing can break down into simpler substances. These have zero odor and zero maintenance. Easy and convenient to install with absolutely zero mess. For every establishment, these are the most efficient pipes and fittings.
Our Support Team:
Our support team is available 24/7 to guide you and assist you. You can call us or leave us a message and someone will get back to you. We offer efficient delivery service as well.
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truflopipes · 7 months
Healthy drinking water starts with reliable water storage
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Truflo Dura Cool water storage tank provides a reliable solution for healthy drinking water. With a four-layer protection system, this tank is designed to safeguard against contamination and maintain the purity of your water. Choose Truflo Dura Cool for a trusted and dependable water storage solution.
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wheeelzz1 · 1 year
TVS Sport Mileage Review: Your Ultimate Commuter Companion
For many people in India, a two-wheeler is not just a mode of transportation; it's an integral part of daily life. The TVS Sport, a popular commuter motorcycle from TVS Motor Company, has carved a niche for itself in the Indian market, primarily due to its impressive fuel efficiency. In this review, we take a closer look at the TVS Sport's mileage, its key features, and why it continues to be a preferred choice for budget-conscious commuters.
Mileage that Matters: The TVS Sport has gained a reputation for its exceptional mileage, making it an attractive option for those looking to save on fuel costs. The motorcycle is equipped with a fuel-efficient engine that strikes a balance between power and economy. Its mileage figures have consistently impressed riders across the country, and here's why:
Engine Efficiency: The TVS Sport is powered by a reliable and efficient 109.7cc Dura-Life engine, designed to deliver optimal fuel economy without compromising on performance.
Eco-Thrust Technology: TVS has incorporated Eco-Thrust technology into the engine, enhancing combustion efficiency and reducing friction, leading to improved mileage.
Aerodynamic Design: The Sport features an aerodynamic design that reduces drag and air resistance, helping the bike glide smoothly through the wind, further boosting fuel efficiency.
Impressive Mileage Figures: The tvs sport mileage review boasts mileage figures that are highly competitive in its segment. On average, riders can expect mileage numbers in the range of 70-75 km/l, making it one of the most fuel-efficient motorcycles in India. This level of efficiency translates to substantial savings on fuel costs, especially for daily commuters who cover significant distances.
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Ideal for Daily Commuting: The TVS Sport's exceptional mileage is not its only advantage; it's also designed with the daily commuter in mind. Here's why it's an ideal choice for city and suburban commuting:
Comfortable Ergonomics: The motorcycle offers a comfortable and upright riding position, reducing rider fatigue during long commutes.
Sturdy Suspension: It features telescopic front forks and a five-step adjustable rear suspension, ensuring a smooth and comfortable ride on varied road conditions.
Generous Mileage Range: With its impressive mileage figures and a fuel tank capacity of approximately 10 liters, the TVS Sport provides an extended mileage range before needing to refuel.
Reliable Performance: The Dura-Life engine delivers a balance of power and efficiency, making it well-suited for both city traffic and highway cruising.
Value for Money: One of the key selling points of the TVS Sport is its affordability. With a competitive price tag and low maintenance costs, it offers excellent value for money. Its fuel efficiency contributes significantly to the overall cost-effectiveness of owning and maintaining the motorcycle.
Conclusion: TVS Sport - Mileage with a Purpose: The TVS Sport's mileage isn't just a statistic; it's a practical solution for the budget-conscious Indian commuter. With its impressive fuel efficiency, reliable performance, and comfortable ergonomics, the TVS Sport continues to be a preferred choice for those seeking an economical and reliable mode of transportation. Whether you're navigating the bustling streets of a city or embarking on a longer journey, the TVS Sport ensures that you not only reach your destination without breaking the bank but also enjoy a hassle-free and enjoyable ride. It's not just a motorcycle; it's a smart investment in your daily commuting needs.
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yoobeepbops · 1 year
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Credits :
Featured : NOOWAK -   Bsk Tank ( Now @ Mainstore )
Body : Legacy
Head : Lelutka - Tae
Tattoo : DAPPA - Yagami Tattoo.
Earrings : comatosed- Yankee Earrings
Hair : Dura - B125-FA
Scars : RZ - Scars 2 EVOX & Y2K Essentials Pack / duckie - domestic
Shorts : Mossu - Greg.Shorts - Black
Bracelet : Real Evil - Fated Couple Bracelet
Watch : Deadwool - Blue moon - platinum/cream
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saijito-sl · 1 year
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i update scrouge's avatar like two months ago. love the new look.
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Mekot by 6DOO
Norcellaris Straight Brows by VanillaSky
Pretty Beast Eyes by Curious Kitties
Mekot by 6DOO
Norcellaris Straight Brows by VanillaSky
Pretty Beast Eyes by Curious Kitties
Soft eyeshadow by Gokwol
Guyliner by Soka
Basic Alien Skin gray by Quasar Queens
Boy Chest add-on by alaskametro<3
[ skin.tone - tint/adjust ] - BoM by Evermore
Bom Facial Fixes by 𐠒 Father 𐠒
B115 by Dura
also created prim hair parts to cover the gaps, i made a video here
Furry Stuff
Nekomimi Overlay by Play x Dead
Mekot Nose Tattoos by Heavenish Mods
Bento Fox Ears & tail by {aii}
Off shoulder leather jacket by Gabriel
Pashimina Scarf by Dark & White
Men's Harry Tank by GAS
Biker Boots "yago" by KC Couture
Kraken Necklace by Bawolf
Male starter kit jeans for anatomy by CORDEWA
0 notes
bikejunction36 · 1 year
TVS Sport: A Durable and Efficient Commuter Bike for Indian Roads
When it comes to two-wheeler commuting in India, TVS Sport is a name that needs no introduction. Launched in 2007, TVS Sport is a reliable and efficient commuter bike that has won the hearts of millions of Indian riders. In this article, we will discuss the features and benefits of TVS Sport, its performance on Indian roads, and why it is a popular choice among Indian commuters.
Design and Features
TVS Sport has a sleek and modern design with a sporty look. It is equipped with a powerful 110cc Dura-Life engine that delivers a maximum power of 8.29 bhp and a maximum torque of 8.7 Nm. The bike has a mileage of 95 kmpl and a top speed of 85 kmph. It comes with a five-speed gearbox and a telescopic suspension system for a smooth and comfortable ride. The bike has a large fuel tank capacity of 10 liters, which means fewer stops for refueling.
Performance on Indian Roads
One of the most important factors that make TVS Sport a popular choice among Indian commuters is its performance on Indian roads. India has a diverse range of roads, from potholed and bumpy village roads to smooth highways. TVS Sport's powerful engine and robust suspension system make it suitable for all kinds of roads. The bike's lightweight and compact design also make it easy to maneuver in city traffic.
Durability and Maintenance
TVS Sport is known for its durability and low maintenance cost. The bike has a strong build quality with a sturdy frame and long-lasting parts. It requires minimal maintenance, and its parts are readily available in the market. TVS Sport also comes with a 5-year warranty, which makes it a reliable choice for Indian riders.
Price and Affordability
TVS Sport is one of the most affordable commuter bikes in India. It has a starting price of around Rs. 56,000, which makes it accessible to a wide range of riders. Its low maintenance cost and high mileage also make it a cost-effective option for daily commuting. Read more about the tvs radeon Mileage.
Safety Features
TVS Sport is equipped with several safety features to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. It has a powerful headlight that provides clear visibility in low light conditions. The bike also has a pass switch and an LED tail lamp for added safety. The bike's brakes are also efficient and reliable, with a front disc brake and a rear drum brake.
TVS Sport is an eco-friendly bike that is compliant with the latest emission norms. It has a low carbon footprint and emits fewer pollutants compared to other bikes in its category. Its fuel efficiency also reduces the overall carbon footprint of the rider.
TVS Sport is a durable and efficient commuter bike that offers a smooth and comfortable ride on Indian roads. Its powerful engine, low maintenance cost, and affordability make it a popular choice among Indian commuters. The bike's safety features and eco-friendliness make it a reliable and responsible choice for daily commuting.
What is the mileage of TVS Sport?
TVS Sport has a mileage of 95 kmpl.
What is the starting price of TVS Sport?
TVS Sport has a starting price of around Rs. 56,000.
Does TVS Sport come with a warranty?
Yes, TVS Sport comes with a 5-year warranty.
Is TVS Sport suitable for city traffic?
Yes, TVS Sport is lightweight and easy to maneuver in city traffic.
Is TVS Sport eco-friendly?
Yes, TVS Sport is compliant with the latest emission norms and has a low carbon footprint.
How does TVS Sport compare to other bikes in its category?
TVS Sport is one of the most affordable and cost-effective bikes in its category. Its high mileage and low maintenance cost make it a popular choice among Indian commuters.
What is the top speed of TVS Sport?
TVS Sport has a top speed of 85 kmph.
Is TVS Sport suitable for long rides?
While TVS Sport is primarily designed for daily commuting, it can also be used for short trips and weekend getaways. Its powerful engine and sturdy build quality make it suitable for longer rides as well.
What is the fuel tank capacity of TVS Sport?
TVS Sport has a fuel tank capacity of 10 liters, which means fewer stops for refueling.
Is TVS Sport available in different colors?
Yes, TVS Sport is available in a range of vibrant colors, including black, red, blue, and silver.
In conclusion, TVS Sport is a reliable and efficient commuter bike that is well-suited for Indian roads. Its powerful engine, durability, low maintenance cost, and affordability make it a popular choice among Indian commuters. Its safety features and eco-friendliness also make it a responsible choice for daily commuting. Whether you are a student, a working professional, or a daily commuter, TVS Sport is an ideal choice for your daily transportation needs. SOURCE: https://mircarie.com/tvs-sport-a-durable-and-efficient-commuter-bike-for-indian-roads/
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