#during HS3 or FITF
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twopoppies · 1 year
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#i mean if youre gonna write an open letter somewhere just stick to tumblr where your echo chamber can maybe validate you
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I’m honestly still processing the video and the song, but the first coherent thought that came into my head was whether there was a red pill/blue pill reference.
The terms "red pill" and "blue pill" refer to a choice between the willingness to learn a potentially unsettling or life-changing truth by taking the red pill or remaining in contented ignorance with the blue pill. The terms refer to a scene in the 1999 film The Matrix.
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939 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
My Policeman Screening - Part 1
Let me start by saying these are comments from a friend who attended tonight’s screening. I haven’t seen the film. I’m just going to give you their commentary as they gave it to me. This is their initial message to me when the came out of the theater:
The movie just finished. IT’S FUCKING GORGEOUS I’m like shaking, it was so beautiful. I’m SO PROUD!! That’s what a performance with a competent director and supportive costars looks like, holy shit!!!
And DAVID FUCKING DAWSON!! EMMA!! And they kept Julia 😭😭😭
Just know I heard people being asked by staff what they thought and EVERYONE around me said EXCELLENT.
This is LONG. So long I have to split it into at least two posts. I’ll put everything under the cut for those who don’t want to see spoilers. And when I say spoilers, I mean it. This is pretty much scene by scene.
Harry gets the first billing on his own. So it opens on a beautiful shot of the water then it his name and then the title of the movie. 🥺🥺🥺 A true leading man!! I was already so proud to see that. Then everyone else gets billing during the opening shots of Patrick arriving.
Okay, from what I can remember in order: It opens with the older Tom and Marion at their home just as Patrick is being brought in from his assisted living facility. Older Tom immediately takes their dog out for a walk while Marion adjusts everything for Patrick in his new room.
She places a picture of her and Tom from their wedding day on a dresser facing the bed so Patrick sees it when he first lies down. Cue the first scream from these girls in the audience who would not stop their constant talking and  giggling because we saw a picture of Harry and Emma posed. 🙄🙄🙄
So it does begin with the older versions of the three. The difference from the book is that Marion is not writing a letter. A box of Patrick’s old things gets delivered and his diary is included. So she actually finds the diary and that’s what initiates a lot of the flashback sequences.
Tom is off walking the dog, Marion is trying to make Patrick comfortable. And then the first flashback is the scene on the beach with where Harry was wearing the blue shorts and vest.
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Marion is sitting with Sylvie when Tom comes over. Sylvie’s part is drastically cut from the novel, so you don’t see her getting pregnant or married. She doesn’t tell Marion (or hint rather) that he’s gay like she does in the novel. You only see her in that opening scene to introduce the younger selves and then she teases Marion and tells Tom she doesn’t know how to swim.
Then Sylvie runs off with her boyfriend but we never see her again, she’s just referenced one other time.
They changed this bit from the novel too. Tom tells Marion he’ll teach her but he takes her to a public swimming pool full of families. So it’s a very cute and light scene with up tempo 50s music included. There’s a brief slow mo shot of Tom swimming and Marion being infatuated of course, to imply she’s already falling for him. The parents from the novel are cut too, no scenes with them. When Marion and Tom meet on the beach, he tells her there he just got back from the service and he’s already a Policeman. And she’s already a teacher.
Like the novel, they get to know each other by the swimming lessons and Tom says she must love books if she’s a teacher. He asks her if she knows about Art, she says a bit and there’s a sweet scene where she takes him to a library and they just sit in silence while he’s earnestly reading about an artist he found out about.
He asks her if he’d like to go to a museum since he knows someone that she can talk to about art. Enter younger Patrick.
And omg…when I tell you David Dawson was perfect. EVERYONE was perfect, especially the younger trio. But when I tell you the younger three has the BEST chemistry. And David instantly captivated me. What a presence!
So this is where Tom introduces Marion and Patrick for the first time.
Patrick asks if they would like to attend a play and Marion says sure. But as they’re walking out, Marion says something about attending (I didn’t catch it) but Tom says they can decline Patrick’s offer if she really doesn’t want to go. Marion says no, they should go since she doesn’t want to hurt Patrick’s feelings.
So this is when they go on their first outing as a group. And omg, they’re all so lovely together. If I didn’t know what was coming, I could’ve just watched them be silly as sing together while in a bar. David and Emma both have BEAUTIFUL voices!!
There’s a montage of the three in a bar, then driving together into the countryside for a picnic. Harry sings along with them but (and maybe this was a deliberate decision by the filmmakers) but you hear David and Emma’s voices over his. This montage of their outings is when you start to see the dynamic play out. In the theater, they sit MARION, PATRICK, TOM In the bar, Tom and Patrick grab each other to sign before Marion joins them. In the car going into the country, she’s sitting in the back while Patrick is driving and Tom is sitting up from with him 😭😭😭
Between the younger flashbacks, it did go back to the present. Older Tom stays away from older Patrick completely. Older Marion gives older Patrick his bath/meals/pills and reads his diary (unbeknownst to him).
As in the novel, older Patrick’s his mobility and speech are severely impaired. Rupert Everett gave a wonderful but heartbreaking performance.
The first entry Marion reads is the night Tom went to Patrick’s apartment to have his portrait drawn. So this differed from the novel too!
Those photos we got of Harry in costume with a bag and smoking a cigarette sitting on the beach happen right before he goes to Patrick’s apartment for the drawing session. His uniform is in the bag and, like the novel, he tells Patrick he brought it in case he wants him to wear it for the portrait. Patrick says yes, tells him to change they start.
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1,226 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
In the video of him sitting down and ignoring Olivia, Harry appears to spit on Chris Pine? literally where is the behind the scenes tell-all
He clearly doesn’t spit. But it looks like he coughed and something landed on Chris. 😬
1,301 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
I think every larrie everywhere is the person screaming “What the fuck?!?!?!” in this video. 😅😅😅
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1,456 notes - Posted February 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
You're not embarrassed being an old woman and being in tumblr? I would rather die that my grannies have an actual account on tumblr for celebrities rho
Why would I be embarrassed for having interests I enjoy? My guess is that you’re really, really young. And that maybe you don’t actually have solid relationships with adults who have lives outside of parenting or work. But I hope for you that when you’re my age you have hobbies that bring you happiness. And that by that point you realize that trying to shame someone for being an adult only makes you look too immature to be in adult spaces, which Tumblr is.
When I was 20, I loved music, making art, writing and reading good stories, fashion, talking about popular culture, making friends, going to concerts… You’d be surprised how little changes when you’re my age. I just have way more money and time to enjoy those things now. I’m only 55. I’m not dead. I’m also not a “granny”, but even if I was, I’d probably still like all of those things.
Ageism isn’t cute, love. And I sure don’t ever see people telling men they shouldn’t go to football games or have their little “fantasy football leagues” or wear their favorite player’s merch. For every comment you guys like to say is misogynistic (but isn’t), this is one that really reeks of it.
16,126 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
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28whitepeonies · 1 year
Or maybe Niall’s ‘going hard’ on promo because this is how artists kind of have to promote themselves nowadays. Magazine articles and radio interviews are nice, but to me those are more traditional methods of album promotion - they’re the baseline and you leap off in different directions from there, and one of those directions is artist-centred short-form video content that enables fans to feel as though they’re conversing with the artist directly. Not to make comparisons but with my marketing hat on for a second: Harry doesn’t do this because, frankly, he doesn’t need to. He’s a brand in and of himself. Louis doesn’t do this for reasons I’m not sure of (perhaps he feels it’s too mainstream / not cool / hates technology) but in my opinion he missed a trick here in terms of fitf promo. As you said, look at Lewis Capaldi; the talking to camera promo he’s done has been so important to his success, and others’. In a world where short-form video content (TikTok) is a key part of a marketing campaign, it’s so important to get this right and creating ‘authentic’ content for these channels is the right approach. Polished, heavily-edited videos that sit semi-comfortably on Reels just doesn’t work on TikTok. Authentic talking to camera content works even better for Reels. I say this as a social media manager, for context. I think Niall’s doing a great job in promotion his album in a way that feels authentic.
Thanks anon
Firstly, I was maybe a bit too implicit with what I was saying in my post, hard agree on the promotion angle.
I think that when you look at Niall, Harry and Louis they and their teams are making different promo choices, sometimes as fans it’s hard to see what they’re aiming for until it’s been successful, or not.
I don’t think the difference in choices shows that Harry didn’t need to do promo or didn’t do much in the way of social media, I actually think he did a great deal of it, just that there was both a bigger budget, a different target and format. There was a very concentrated TikTok/social media promo presence for Harry before and during launch of HS3 - it was just different to what Niall/Lewis are doing atm.
I’m very keen on folk being able to draw lines in what work they will and won’t do and if Louis isn’t doing the kind of social media promo you depict because he doesn’t want to I’m so here for it.
I would also say on this one part of your ask that I think it’s important to remember that as fans we don’t have a full deck of cards here and that promo teams have access to much more information than we do. On top of that, social media is a fickle beast and I think you’re right about authenticity although I’m not really keen on framing it that way - predicting what will be a hit on TikTok and what won’t is very hard and I think we’re seeing a fair bit of evidence that viral songs on TikTok are both hard to manufacture and not necessarily worth the effort.
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