#duskwood ep6
facelesswoman97 · 4 years
I think I've really fallen in love with a fictional character
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escapethewonderland · 3 years
My hoe ass looking at Jake and Phil:
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mysticpetals · 4 years
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Couldn't help myself 🥴
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jakesduskwoodvibes · 3 years
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imaginativemind · 4 years
When I saw the video of Jake I just wanted to cry so badly😩 I miss Jake so bad😭 #IamJake
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rw47vr-key · 3 years
Lilly: You're so mean!
MC: I'm being nice to you.Have I stabbed you? No.
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nabiverse · 4 years
AYE does anyone remember that thing Jake said about passwords when we tried to look for Hannah's doctor's password—something about how passwords are usually info that are important and stuff? like how Hannah's doctor's password was the name of his dog?
And you know how we were the password to the link? 💔💔💔
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sasnayaandra · 4 years
We stan only true art in this house
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never-neverland · 4 years
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yeong · 4 years
I reblogged the picture someone drew after watching the ep5 trailer
and I have a theory🙃
this is an ep5 trailer
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these are an ep6
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Hannah is missing. Jake was the first to figure it out. Knowing the police were investigating, he would have entered the police station and stole the data.
theory 1
Jake was caught by the police and suffered as in the trailer. But he escaped and is being chased by the government.
theory 2
After leaving a message for mc and lily, Jake is arrested and suffering. (ep6)
theory 3
Working with people all over the world, the REAL JAKE gets arrested. (ep7)
I don't know how the story goes, but I hope Jake doesn't get hurt😢
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facelesswoman97 · 4 years
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Why did i enjoy this so much 🤣🤣
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escapethewonderland · 3 years
Random thought: I know Phil technically is being played by an actor (or at least we have a face available for him) but before episode 6 we couldn't properly see his profile so in my head he looked like Andy Biersack 😂🙌🏻
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Not that I'm complaining when we got this:
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Yeah, I know, the thirst is real rn, forgive me 🥲
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mysticpetals · 4 years
No one said about the moment, when Thomas texted to Hahhah😣. Damn, when I've read it, I felt so guilty, because it's super private stuff and also really sad😭. I wanna hug him. Hope, he is not a kidnapper. (By cute anon)
I was so touched by his open love and concern for Hannah that it made me wish I had someone like that too :(
I have mad respect for Thomas, the guy has been searching for his girlfriend relentlessly and I wish we can find her soon so he can be reunited with her and hope Hannah gives him the biggest hug when they meet!!
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jakesduskwoodvibes · 3 years
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escapethewonderland · 3 years
Since I've been starting to plot my Duskwood fanfic, I have a thing that's been bugging me about Jessy and Phil. We know that Jessy's last name is Hawkins, but WHY is Phil's last name Hawkins as well?
Is it something we, as players, are just assuming?
Before episode 6, I would have said maybe yes. It wouldn't make much sense, but it can work ig. Although, in episode 7, we can give an answer to Jake that clearly say something along the line of 'Phil Hawkins, do you know him?' and I'm clearly confused. We know for a fact that Jessy and Phil have different fathers, she told us so during our walk around Duskwood in episode 5 (maybe 4?). She said Phil didn't get along with her biological father. She wouldn't point that out if their father was the same.
We also know that Phil is older so a different father, right? It doesn't make sense at all that they share their last name in my humble opinion. Is it a mistake from the devs or are we missing a piece of info about them? Or did I miss some details? 🤔
In my fanfic I have an idea about how to 'fix this problem', but I'm genuinely curious to hear your thoughts! 💜
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escapethewonderland · 3 years
Soon enough.
A/N: what's this, you might be wondering, a prologue to something, a result of me not being able to sleep, a product of my delirious imagination? The short answer is: I don't know it too. I think there's room to grow this into a fanfiction (?) but I'll have to come back to this when I'm more coherent and well rested 😂
Soooo enjoy it I guess? ♥️ And tw for anxiety and a slightly panic attack
Set somewhere between episode 6 and episode 7 so if if you haven't played up to episode 6 beware of little spoilers! ⚠️
Nadia was struggling that night: sleep usually came easily after a long day of work, but that didn't seem to apply today. A soft tune was playing through her discarded earbuds: not even her favoriye music seemed to calm down her chaotic head. For some reasons, she felt uneasy, restless while continuously tossing around in her unmade bed.
She was laying on her stomach, flipping through several images of a happy, smiling Hannah. She didn't shy away from the camera, looking without fear at the lense. They were mostly pictures she recovered and gathered from the girl's phone with the help of Jake and they were troubling her. Nadia's eyes were transfixed on the phone screen like a deer caught in headlights, trying to crack up a complicated code with growing desperation. She could have sworn Hannah was staring back at her.
So close and yet so far away.
Nadia could almost believe her lie: if she focused hard enough on her, she could have reached the missing girl, just like that. Her brain kept chanting Hannah, Hannah, Hannah like a mantra, a memento that her time was almost up. She felt in her bones that the girl was still alive, she wouldn’t believe otherwise; nonetheless in the darkest part of the night it was way too easy to lose hope.
Nadia turned off the music and the abrupt silence of her room appeared so eery and frightening to her ears. She sat up hastily, crawling to the edge of the mattress with a spiraling sensation of dread in her stomach. With an iron grip she attempted to hold on to the present, trying not let herself be dragged down by thoughts of her past. She curled up like a cat, chin resting on her knees, too afraid to close her eyes and count her breaths.
With Jake sudden disappearance, she felt incredibly exposed to the danger yet to come. She had come to rely on his support and protection too much, it appeared. She should have been more careful with him, trying to put a reign over her troubling feelings. All she had now was an open wound right in the middle of her chest, a voracious creature trying to chew every piece of her safety away.
Nadia wasn’t a stranger to the ugliness of the world, oh no: at 12 she had become already too familiar with how rot and vicious it could get out there. Even though she was now older and supposedly stronger, with a job, a new life and an apartment of her own, the trauma still sunk its talon deep inside her body at the most unexpected times. The panic, the anxiety, the terror of emotional proximity crawled under her skin like parasites and she started feeling trapped in her own bedroom.
She was in too deep, she knew from the moment the first threat came and yet here she was, fighting like a mad woman to find a girl she didn’t know. Except she felt a connection deeper than what she let the group assume. A glance at Hannah and Nadia inevitably saw a reflection of her 12 years old self. The instincts to protect her was overwhelming.
Nadia sighted tiredly, rolling back and forth while her thoughts spun around like leaves caught in a ferocious wind.
A ping of her phone distracted her from the spiralling of her mind; it was Lily. The young woman wanted her in Duskwood more than anyone else right now, but Nadia kept diverging the topic with a heavy heart. Lily agreed with her on the danger of her hypothetical presence in Duskwood, but she was at loss om what to do next to find her beloved sister now that Jake was off the board. The unending and tiring game they were all playing was consuming Nadia as well as Lily. However, too many pieces exposed on the board could easily cost them a final checkmate.
She spared a look at another chat with two unread messages: Phil. The Aurora owner kept bugging her at weird times after their last conversation and she was still skeptical about him. Although he seemed to have a good reason for everything, there was something that still bothered Nadia when it came to Phil. There was a weird sense of familiarity that came with him that put her on alert every time.
She couldn't help but smirk while she checked his texts: coy and charming as usual, he asked her if she was coming to Duskwood soon enough. Nadia bit her lower lip, typing a quick message: soon enough sounded like a good answer, vagueness was the best way to keep troubles at bay. His reply came straight away, but it didn’t surprise the young woman: he was probably still working. 
From Phil:
“Keeping me on my toes as always, little miss celebrity. I like it, you’re making me crave even more the day we met ;)” 
Such a shameful man he was, Nadia thought shaking her head. Since sleep seemed to be off the plate for that night, she threw her wavy hair up in a bun and sat down at her desk, scrolling through her notes she was able to put together so far on the case Hannah Donfort.
Another notification distracted Nadia: it was Phil again. She frowned, rolling her eyes in slight annoyance.  
From Phil:
“What are you doing still up btw? It’s pretty late” 
She arched an eyebrow at that remark, trying to figure out his game. Phil didn’t strike her as the kind of guy that could get worried or cared about a stranger’s wellbeing, but then again, that peculiar feeling about him kept creeping up her back.Reluctantly, she decided to reply to him against her better judgment.
From Nadia:
“Bold of you to assume it’s night here, Phil darling.” 
It was a risky game to teasingly mock him like that, she was aware, but clearly she wasn’t thinking rationally at 2 o’clock in the morning. Or she was going increasingly numb and throwing cautious out of the window. 
From Phil:
“Are we already on pet names, princess? ;) Plus, I think that’s not true” 
Another message came right after. 
“My guess is that the night is the only moment that makes you comfortable enough to talk to me, or else I would have heard from you sooner than in the dark of the night ;)” 
Nadia was somehow startled at that words, so much that she physically leaned farther away from her phone. Phil’s words unexpectedly stung because they reflected a bit of the unspoken truth: she didn’t trust him and she didn’t feel comfortable acknowledging him in broad daylight. The darkness felt like a more secure space, her own security blanket. He had a sort of way of sneakily crawling under her skin that made Nadia kind of nervous and she didn’t like that not even a tiny bit.
She took a deep breath, trying to steady her heartbeat: she felt on the edge of a precipice, her body charged with dangerous electricity ready to explode.
The other unspoken truth was that Phil reminded her too much of another boy in what felt like a complete another life. He had been the first sight of land after the dark storm, an unforeseen kind presence that gave her hope through hardships.
However that was almost ten years ago and that boy was long gone: she couldn't let her judgement of Phil be clouded by her traitorous memories.
She needed to be rational, posed, clear-minded to be able to get on top of Hannah’s disappearance and Phil was a distraction. A flirty, good-looking distraction but a distraction nonetheless. 
From Nadia:
“I’ll see you soon enough, Philip. Have a good night. And don't call me princess."
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