#duskwood theory
lyon-amore · 3 months
When Jake says that he lost his home, his identity, the people in his life, that he preferred to become someone who preferred solitude and are there still people who believe that Jake was a lonely boy with no friends in his past life?
I can imagine him having at least a small circle of friends that he trusts, but out of fear of what happened, he thought they might tell on him.
But it will always be in my mind that Jake must have a best friend who is still desperately searching for him and he does everything possible to erase his traces from the Internet every time he publishes something about him, making him suffer even more from that loneliness and withdraw into himself.
If Jake says at the time of the video call with the group that he would feel out of place, it is not because he never had friends, but because he no longer knows how to have contact with people after being alone for a long time, only with MC now he begins to feel comfortable and have something to hold onto and feel like he has something to fight for.
Maybe he won't be able to have his previous life again, but hopefully one day, if he is free again, he will recover those friends he abandoned and see who really still missed him, seeing that despite everything, he had people who loved him.
This is when I think that Eric is desperate to find Adam because he already lost another friend, which is Jake
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yukiduskwood · 8 days
I've been thinking about this for a while.
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Is someone jealous of us? I mean, this might be true because the other cookies aren't wrong
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Fortune cookies are true. That means that someone is indeed jealous of us.
And I have a theory: It could be Jessy or Lilly.
The reason why I think it's them is because their brothers have a good relationship/impression with us more than them. (Sorry. English is not my first language.)
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slytherinlizzy · 6 months
Imagine that after entering the code in Moonvale the first thing that happens is that Jake calls us.
Theory by ☆Jake's girlfriend (fr!!)☆ on TikTok
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ineffableuser · 10 months
wait a damn minute
what if Hannah was cheating on Thomas with Jessy
idk, it would strangely fit the whole situation
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hacked-by-jake · 4 months
I'm currently in my third run and one thing doesn't give me peace. In the conversation between Ash and Charlie. Charlie asks Ash if she told us he could help us. But damn, what does he mean by that? 😟 I always rack my brain when I read this passage.🤔 what is your theory about what Charlie could mean? how could he help us and with what? 😩🧐 I wish you a nice day and look forward to your thoughts! 💜
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Okay, joke aside. 🤭
Yes!!!! This is bothering me sooooo much as well. Like, do not do this, Everbyte! Don't throw this in front of our feet and run away! We wanted a piece of cake! Not only the crumbs! 😭
I seriously have no idea what this could mean. We know that we don't have contact with the group anymore. And we also know that out case was everywhere on the news. So the question is, what did they say there? What kind of information did they share which made Charlie belive he can help us?
I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with Jake. Ash told us they never mentioned Jake. But this could also be a lie since I don’t really trust her yet.
I could maybe imagine that the group... Even if I don't know if it makes much sense... But maybe our lovely friends had to join Phil in prison, lol.
Sounds weird and unlikely, somehow, I know. But if we remember all the crimes they did. Breaking in, keeping informations a secret, lying to the police, driving under the influence of alcohol 👀
Oh, and of course hiding a government-wanted hacker. I guess that could be a huge problem. And maybe it's not even the fault of the Duskwood police. We all consider the FBI not really kind. So maybe they don't like it if you hide their main suspect and that's why they had to join Phils little prison party.
I don’t know, this could be one thing.
The other thing, but I don’t know if that could help the others... 🤔
But I mean, we still suspect that Michael Hanson is alive. He just left and started a new life. And maybe this new life happens in a small city called Redlog Pines.
But as I said, I don’t know why this should affect the others in any way.
And it seems not logical enough to me that Charlie means he could just drive to Duskwood to talk to them. That would mean they know we don't have contact to the group anymore. But I don't think that's something they news would report. xD
Wahh, I don’t know. I mean, what if Charlie is a hacker as well? Not as good as Jake. Just someone who learned about it and is able to hack some websites and systems etc.
But somehow... Another hacker? I don’t know.
WAHHHHH, this question is killing me. xD
OK wow wow wow wow wow, I had just remembered something.
Whaaaaat if... Okay that's weird now and it's complicated since it's only a thing male MC experienced at the end of Duskwood. If I remember correctly, it was even you who told me about it.
But anyway.
At the end of Duskwood, Jessy tells make MC that she had a boyfriend but it wasn't a very good relationship.
And I mean, why was that mentioned? Sure it fitted the story but what if there's more behind it..
What if... What if Jessys ex is one of the new guys? And that's why there's a connection with duskwood? 🤔
Could that be? I mean, it sounds unlikely, even to me. But somehow... 🤔
Uhh, I don’t know, I'm guessing a lot.
Of course I was hoping it has something to do with Jake but I don't really think that's how it is. Not everything can be about him and it would rarely have to do with the Duskwood group.
But maybe Charlie has a connection with one of them. Maybe Dan or Thomas? Oh, maybe Thomas? As I remember correctly, Thomas did not grow up in duskwood.
But then again, Charlie's shock when he realises that we're the MC from Duskwood.. I mean, would you still react this way when you know someone who was also part of it?
And also, Ash seems to know as well that Charlie can help us. Otherwise he wouldn't have asked it this way.
Oof, I don’t know. Right now I sadly can't think of anything else but I'm dying to find out what is meant by that. And I hope we don't have to wait that long to find out. :')
Have you any idea for it? I love to read it soo..
And thank you so much for asking, it was very interesting to think about it and I feel honoured I was the one you asked, hehe. Does that sound weird? 😅 Anyway. I hope my thoughts are entertaining or similar.
And of course, I hope you will have a wonderful day. Take care of yourself and stay healthy and safe 💚🫶🏻🥰
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mwonie · 3 months
You think I'm quiet but you can't see what's going on in my mind.
I need answers!!!
My mind is full of this crazy question:
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digital-corruption · 10 months
Actually replaying the date, the dare house and Richy’s mark has made something very clear to me...
(Spoilers below the cut)
We were all led to believe that Richy was missing before the date because we thought he was messing with the brakes. However, in his confession he swears he had nothing to do with the accident. Instead I believe he was preparing to paint the door of the junkyard.
Richy had every intention of Jessy and Richy to find it in the morning together. But then Dan had his accident and Jessy didn't go to work - she went to be at Dan’s side all day. Now Richy had a problem. If he found the mark on his own, it would be too suspicious. He needed to set up a strong alibi and a reasonable timeframe for the mark to have been painted. That's when he takes us to the dare house. It wasn’t planned, but improvised.
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layanasstories · 1 year
Moonvale first clue / theory...
Dont read if you dont wanna know!!
A few weeks ago I made a guess at what the new game would be about. I told my guess to other Duskwooders, just out of fun of course!
So... then the name announcement happened... and this...
My guess was... "what if the game is about the murders of the students." It was a post on the dark forum.
Sooo check this out...
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And then this...
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So you tell me.... Am I right? Or Am I right? 😁😁
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pjjlovesyou · 1 year
What are the chances that our Duskwood friends have cut off contact because of the police and FBI? We break many, many, MANY laws. Besides being "involved" with a criminal wanted by the FBI.
There is also the possibility of being threatened by someone...
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reds-ramblings · 4 months
I have a Charlie theory!!
Ok I really need to go play the game without a Duskwood code and see if there is still a secret conversation about us where Charlie says he can help.
If not here's my theory:
Charlie doesn't say he can he can help us until AFTER he learns we're that person from Duskwood. What if he knows Jake and that's the help he's talking about?!
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polgararose · 4 months
Hi Moonvale and Duskwood theory down below. I haven't finished chapter one so bare with me if there's conflicting information that I don't know about yet...
Spoilers for Duskwood and Moonvale below
Okay. Adam right? Weird dude who seems to know us. Wanted to meet us. And give us a envelope. Black hair and blue eyes nudging from the video?? Gives me Jake vibes.
NOW I know Jake's name is Jake and Adam's name is Adam. But what if he lied to us?
What if he told us a different name? It would explain why Adam told us that "It was up to us now" that he's "Sorry" and that we're "on our own now". As Jake knows how much his help was a boon to us in regards to Hannah's case. Jake knows how much his help and comfort meant to us.
And then he vanished after Hannah was found. We don't know what happened to him. Whether he lived or died. For 2 weeks and no knowledge on ANYTHING.
It would still work with the story even as a standalone. You just never learn Adam's identity.
AND IT'S THE ONLY THING I CAN COME UP WITH THAT EXPLAINS WHY WE CAN ACCESS THE SECRET CHATS. That he set everything up for us to solve his disappearance if things ultimately go wrong. Like a fail safe or a back up plan.
I dunno. I'm just hoping.
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lyon-amore · 3 months
Jake, emotions and defense mechanisms
One of the things Jake asks us in the game is if we don't let ourselves be influenced by some feelings when we're talking about Jessy and the initials on the bracelet. Something we can admit or not, but… What happens to Jake throughout the game? Doesn't he let himself be guided by his emotions at the end even though he says he represses them?
Jake throughout the game reminds us that it's about finding Hannah, making it clear that he's putting his feelings in the middle, not only because he's a witness, but also because he's moved by family emotion, being her brother. For him, the emotional connection with Hannah is more important than the group, because he doesn't feel any emotion towards them since they haven't started any conversation (Aside from Lilly because she's his sister and he's clearly also worried about her because she also installed Nymos thanks to him, making it clear that because of the information she published, she could also be in danger.)
Let's also remember when he discovers that Hannah had depression. Jake completely collapses, discovering something that she never told him. Depression is a serious subject and he clearly doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe because of a specific issue? Someone close to him? So his emotions flow more there, even to the point of disconnecting. He can't control himself, he needs to think about it, because he knows he is emotionally affected.
Okay, now let's move on to the photos of Michael's house, part two. According to him, he's suppressing his emotions to try to see it as an opportunity, but in reality, if we also think about how distant he is throughout the game, he's not suppressing his emotions unconsciously at that moment. He already knows how to do it because he's used it for years and now he's doing it to not let his emotions get upset.
The defense mechanism is called Intellectualization or Isolation, which is to subject emotions or feelings to abstract reasoning. Every time something bad happens, that's what Jake uses to not get carried away by his emotions, because back to the topic of finding out that Hannah had depression; when he comes back, he's like nothing happened and he doesn't want to talk about it, he completely ignores it when MC tries to talk about it. He avoids the topic. And there's a moment when he gets angry if you think that she could have hurt herself, leaving his emotions of concern on display.
And then, we get to the final part of the game. Jake has changed a lot. He has interacted with the group, he has seen the concern in them. He also doesn't want them to go to the iron mine in search of Hannah because they could get hurt, he even feels guilty that Michael goes after them. Yes, we could say that it's because they are MC's friends (but I'm talking about both genders, not only because he's the person he loves, but also because he's his friend), but even he likes the idea that they finally defend themselves from Michael, he sees it as a good thing. He also wants to find an alternative so that none of them go to the waterfall so that they run the risk of running into Michael. He is already letting himself be guided by his emotions until MC decides to talk to Alan Bloomgate.
And when it comes to the female MC, that's when all of his feelings spill over the most and his defense mechanism breaks down. We might think it was the moment she saw Richy die, but in reality it's when she sees that she can put herself in danger and possibly die. You read a much more desperate Jake, because he can't keep closing himself off anymore.
Let’s also remember something else, when we asked him if sometimes we don’t go too far with investigations. Jake asks a counter question ‘What does too far mean if it’s about a human life?’. Jake throughout the game was putting Hannah’s life before others because it’s in danger and now, with the exchange he wants to make, it’s time to value MC’s life. He can’t put his friend/lover in danger, he knows that would be going too far. So to avoid that, he puts his feelings first and decides to go in search of his sister, just as he should have done in the beginning instead of putting someone in danger. Now, thanks to that someone, he’s back to being himself and no longer feeling alone. Now he has the purpose to keep fighting.
He may not be able to tell you how far you can go to save a life, but he does show you throughout the game:
Jake has been deceiving himself during the investigation and has always been governed by his emotions even though he doesn't want to admit it. He was risking his life for one life, which in the end turned out to be two.
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slytherinlizzy · 6 months
I couldn't help but read through Everbyte's Moonvale meets Duskwood page again, and something made me theorize further.
Naturally you are already in your next case and your new friends are counting on you. On the other hand, worrying about your old friends doesn’t just let you go either. Has something happened to them?
Duskwood is not far from Redlog Pines. Should you ask your new friends for help? Or should you go and check out the situation in Duskwood yourself?
Suddenly you get a call from an unknown number …
Now, remember about one of Everbyte's posts? When they asked if they should invite Phil to Redlog Pines one day, so we could ask him ourselves how he and his sisters are doing?
Considering the fact that we, as Duskwood players, are given a side story, and only we start with "Suddenly, you get a call from an unknown number ...", I came to the next conclusion:
We'll get a call from Phil, who got released from jail, and wanted to infrom us/ask about us. Considering all of our friends' contacts are lost, this most likely could be possible.
What happens next, is an endless possibility.
Will he help us through the case? Will we find out the Hawkins siblings are actually from Redlog Pines (considering that Jessy mentioned she didn't grow up in Duskwood)? Is Phil somehow connected to Eric and Adam? Maybe the three are childhood friends, and now that one of them dissapeared, Phil wants to keep an eye on the case? He might even try to invite us to the Aurora again, reasoning with "We could visit Redlog Pines as well, and you could look around and do your detective things."
Everbyte left us with many shady, question filled blank pages. And what else could a fandom do with these papers than not to fill them with theories?
I have a feeling that we can't except many or any updates until May 24th, so we're left alone with the clues and hints they gave us.
Any theories and suggestions, my dear friends?
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jigukksfics · 4 months
okay so I've been playing duskwood since forever
and moonvale has disappointed me way too much with the AI pictures and the diamonds, i would've paid for a premium package. Also the theories are confusing me even more but they make sense so much. but I have one too (also I haven't finished the first episode yet so I don't really know what happens at the end)
Okay so could it be that Adam is Darkness??!! like come on we haven't seen him and him having our number makes sense that way and black envelope too the Tarot Card "The Stranger" I mean as much as we know that Darkness knew a lot of legends so it could be possible that he knew a bit of Tarot. And it could also be that he got interested in these things because of Dunkelsteig and maybe kept something there or since the people of Redlog think it's a evil place he went to see what it actually was and maybe found nothing Adam could be operating from there?? Since Vega is pointing in that direction he probably got into some trouble and texted Eric our number knowing that Hannah was found and knew we would help him in whatever trouble he is??
Could it be?! Or I'm just going mad..
Also is anyone else having trouble with the mini games it's taking me so long to complete them istg it's so irritating 😭😭
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hacked-by-jake · 10 months
Yes, yes, there's Jake's mask behind Dan.
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However, I only thought it was decoration, I mean, next to it is the big picture of Duskwood. And since they mentioned "we had visitors from duskwood (Cleo, Thomas, Dan)" I assume they just wanted to bring the Duskwood Aesthetic into the photo.
But the thought that it might be a hint is really very tempting. And whether I like it or not, my head makes theories out of it.
Very interesting. 🤔
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mwonie · 3 months
Guys, what do you think about the unknown number?
Who is it?
For me, this person is knowing us, but I can't find who it is.
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