Hello, could I please have a warrior name for my late beloved Buster. He loved rolling in dirt and was always getting in fights (when he was free roaming before I learned better)
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What a cutie. Dustpatch, maybe.
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smokeclan-oc · 2 years
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Timberfall - solid dark brown tom with yellow eyes
Family: Browntail (father), Squirrelstep (mother), Acorntrail (younger brother), Hazelpath (younger sister) Gender / Sexuality: Tom / demisexual  Personality: serious, focused, determined, doesnt focus on status, thinks its a warrior's duty to help the clan Backstory: Solid warrior Timberfall made sure not to make waves as a younger warrior. Happy to lend a paw where needed, when he was a young warrior, the apprentice den was rather sparse, and he picked up some tasks that they didnt have time for. The clan was of course impressed with his willingness to still take on apprentice tasks, most young warriors would scoff, eager to finally be rid of the scent of mouse bile.  When Timberfall received his first apprentice, few were surprised at the apprentice's success. Since then, no more than a half moon went by when Timberfall didnt have an apprentice. Serial mentor, Timberfall was an obvious choice for deputy when Tansysprig finally wanted to retire to the nursery. He had a good clear head on his shoulders, and the clan sees his word as law. Its clear he will take over the clan once Branchstar passes, the leader already on his second last life, while Timberfall is still so young. Ideal Partner: someone who is v emotional abt everything, a cat who gossips would also be funny cuz hes not usually a gossiper, but could be goated, someone who he has to scold but yall are fucking so its lowkey awkward but funny Position | Clan: Deputy | Whisperclan
Wildshine - fluffy pale grey orange, and white calico shecat with sage green eyes
Family: Dustpatch (father), Palesky (mother), Bravesong (sister) Gender / Sexuality: shecat / pansexual - falls in love easily  Personality: religious, smart, able to decipher signs from Starclan, *loves* her clan Backstory: Wildshine was born with Starclan in her eyes. She always saw her path glittering with the lights of the silverpelt. Its no surprise she was asking to be the medicine cat apprentice. Wildshine was first suggested to try out being a warrior apprentice. Despite excelling, Wildshine wanted to have a higher connection to Starclan, and to the medicine cat den she went. Apprentice to Marigoldfur, Wildshine has always had an admiration for the medicine cat position. Serious about her devotion to the clan, she can’t help but admire those who share her strong beliefs.  One of the best at interpretations, sometimes after a full moon visit to the cave with the other medicine cats, one or two may ask Wildshines mentor permission for her to come visit and talk about a confusing vision or help talk through a message.  Ideal Partner: a dif medicine cat, maybe a religious warrior, or someone from another clan Position | Clan: Medicine Cat Apprentice | Whisperclan
Sorrelpool - ginger shecat with white undercoat and vibrant eyes
Family: Flashwind (father), Emberpatch (mother), Ferncrunch (brother) Gender / Sexuality:  shecat / annoying Personality: annoying, chatty, eager, doesnt understand personal space, doesnt respect authority like she should, plays fast and loose with rules Backstory: Paired with the paternal loving leader, is his medicine cat, Sorrelpool. Sorrelpool was the energetic young apprentice to Frondwhisker. She was eager to learn all she could, finding friends in other clans easily thanks to her lack of respect for the borders. She was sort of becoming more mature, but no where near ready to do it on her own, when Frondwhisker’s age just caught up with him. The sweet den-dad vibes patient older tom, going grey at his muzzle, and the bright ginger fluffy tailed apprentice had been quite an amusing duo. Now Sorrelpool is on her own. She went to the crystal cave with the other medicine cats, and was named a full medicine cat by them, as her mentor had been unable to do so.  Since then, Starclan has begun showing Sorrelpool visions, and showing them the fates of her clan. She’s so happy, energetic and excited, sometimes you forget that she could be acting like this because she knows it’s someone’s last day. She can see a kits entire life the moment it is born.  She carries this with such light weight, often nuzzling with energy beside her calm and collected leader. They often seem like father and daughter with the way they act, some elder apprentices acting more mature than the medicine cat. Ideal Partner: young deputy chosen because of his bloodline, imagine young unqualified deputy, the leader is all ugh its fine, i can handle my shit, and then boom, he falls for the energetic chatty pinkie pie type medicine cat. Doomed. This would also be a cute character for moth/leaf, she gives serious moth vibes Position | Clan: Medicine Cat | Whisperclan
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gay-spaghetti · 5 years
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All my WC RP characters!
Introducing Maplebite, Dustpatch, Gravelfang, Maulwind, Bugpelt, and Fallowrose! These sweeties are all of my Warrior Cats roleplay OCs. 
I’m not currently using all of them, but they exist for any future roleplays! OwO
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featherbone-main · 6 years
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Handful of my warriors characters i drew over the past week or so!! Names in the captions if anyone’s interested :-)
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agiantmixingbowl · 6 years
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Roleplay Status: OPEN ________ "..." ____________ Written Description: A short-furred silver classic tabby with bi-colored eyes; one amber and one green. She also wears a blue feather. ________________________________ Name: Birthfeather Future Name(s): None Past Name(s): Birchkit---Birchpaw _____________________ Sex: Female Gender Identification: Female Pronouns: Female Pronouns Sexuality: ??? _____________________________ Age: 45 moons/3 years and 9 months Scar(s): None ____________________ Rank: Rogue Future Rank(s): --- Past Rank(s): FlameClan Kit - FlameClan Apprentice - FlameClan Warrior ___________________________ Former Mentor: Squirrelfur (Rped by Panda) Apprentice: --- ___________________ Current Resides in: --- Birth Place: FlameClan Camp Past Living Place: FlameClan Future Living Places: --- _________________________________ Family Tree: Father: Boulderstar A brown tabby with amber eye (Alive?) (Rped by Stormy) __________________________ Mother: Bluebird (Deceased/StarClan Queen) (Rped by Airbelle) _______________________________ Great Grandfather: Storm (Deceased) (Scorchpelt's Father/Boulderstar's Grandfather) (Rped by me) _________________ Grandfather: Scorchpelt An orange tabby tom with dark amber eyes (Boulderstar's Father) (Rped by me) ___________________________________________ Great Grandmother: Lark (Deceased) (Scorchpelt's Mother/Boulderstar's Grandmother) ________________________________________________ Grandmother: Mossfoot A brown she-cat (Boulderstar's Mother) (Deceased) (Rped by Webs) _______________________ Litter-brother(s): Stormkit (Deceased/StarClan Kit) Shadowfrost A pure black tom with blue eyes (Alive) (https://trillillolz.deviantart.com/) ___________________________ Aunt(s): Rosecloud (Deceased) (Boulderstar's Litter Sister) (Rped by Webs) Tigerblaze (Alive?) (Boulderstar's Young Sister) (Rped by Stormy) Emberstorm A dark grey she-cat with green eyes (Boulderstar's Litter-sister) (Alive) (Rped by me) Ivy (Boulderstar's Litter-Siter) (Alive?) (Rped by Panda) ______________________ Great Aunt: Shadowstream (Scorchpelt's Sister) (Unknown) ___________________ Uncle(s): Fallenflight (Boulderstar's Litter-brother) (Rped by Sunstar) Flame An orange and white tom with amber eyes (Boulderstar's Younger Brother) (Alive/Rogue) (Rped by /me) ________________________________ Great Uncle: Ashstorm A grey tom with amber eyes (Deceased/StarClan Warrior) _______________ Cousin(s): Fallenkit (Emberstorm and Jack's Son) (Alive) Ember A grey she-cat with green eyes (Emberstorm and Jack's Daughter) (Alive/Rogue) (me) Scorch An orange tabby with amber eyes (Emberstorm and Jack's Son) (Alive/Rogue) (me) Birdlily A white she-cat with bi-colored eyes; one blue, one green (Emberstorm and Jack's Daughter) (Alive) (https://trillillolz.deviantart.com/) _____________________ Heather A golden she-cat with a fluffy tail and green eyes (Tigerblaze and Ripple's Daughter/Nightsong's Adopted Daughter/Fawndapple's Foster Daughter) (Alive/Rogue) (Rped by /me) Crowpaw A black and white tom with amber eyes (Tigerblaze and Ripple's Son) (Alive/Rogue) (Rped by /me) Wolfheart (Tigerblaze and Ripple's Kit) (Deceased) Pinepaw (Tigerblaze and Ripple's Daughter) (Deceased) Mosspaw (Tigerblaze and Ripple's Daughter) (Deceased) _______________________ Juniper (Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Deceased) (Rped by Skrilly) Pansyleaf (Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive?) (Rped by Rain) Jasper (Maple and Flare's Daughter/Nightsong's Adopted Son) (Alive?) (Rogue) Foxblaze (Maple and Flare's Son/Hazel's Foster Kit) (Rped by Webs) Fern (Maple and Flare's Daughter/Hazel's Foster Kit) (Alive/Rogue) (Rped by /me) ______________ Goldenstorm A black and golden colored she-cat with green eyes (Maple's and Flare's Daughter) (Rped by Webs) Flareheart An orange and white tom with amber eyes (Maple and Flare's Son) (Alive?) (Rped by Skrilly) Junipercloud (Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive?) (Rped by Skrilly) Dustpaw (Maple and Flare's Son) (Unknown) Streamfur (Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive/Rogue) (Rped by https://catsinmyramen.deviantart.com/) __________________________ Rowan A brown and white she-cat with amber eyes (Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive/Rogue) (me) Foxpaw An orange she-cat (Tigerblaze's Adopted Kit/Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive) (https://missevolution.deviantart.com/) Dustpatch (Tigerblaze's Adopted Kit/Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive?) (Rped by Stormy) _______________________________________________________ Gorsekit (Foxblaze and Juniperflower's Kit) (Deceased) Blazekit (Foxblaze and Juniperflower's Kit) (Deceased) Poppyfur (Foxblaze and Juniperflower's Daughter) (Rped by Webs) Sootstripes (Foxblaze and Juniperflower's Son) Frostfeather (Foxblaze and Juniperflower's Daughter) (Alive) (Rped by https://catsinmyramen.deviantart.com/) __________________ Maple A long-furred flame colored she-cat with green eyes (Alive/Blossomheart and Ashstorm's Daughter) (Alive/Rogue) (Rped by /me) Lilyheart A grey and white she-cat with blue eyes (Blossomheart and Ashstorm's Daughter) (Alive?) Shadowheart A pure black tom with amber eyes (Alive/Blossomheart and Ashstorm's Son) (Rped by me) Vengeance A black tom with amber eyes (Blossomheart and Ashstorm's Son) (Alive?) Thistle A grey tom with amber eyes (Alive/Blossomheart and Ashstorm's Son) (Rped by https://catsinmyramen.deviantart.com/) ____________________________________________ ________________________ Adopted Cousin(s): Foxpaw An orange she-cat (Tigerblaze's Adopted Kit/Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive) (https://catsinmyramen.deviantart.com/) Dustpatch (Tigerblaze's Adopted Kit/Maple and Flare's Daughter) (Alive?) (Rped by Stormy) WIP _______________________ In-laws: Aunt(s) In-Law: Rowan (Alive?) (Ivy's Mate) (Rped by Panda) ____________________ Cousin(s) In-law: Flare An orange and white tom with amber eyes (Maple's Mate) (Alive?) (Rped by Skrilly) Raven (Thistle's Mate) (Alive?) (Rped by Rain) Rabbit (Thistle's Mate) (Alive?) (Rped by Rain) _______________ Bloodline: She has rogue and FlameClan blood Explanation: Her Great Grandfather and Grandmother was born into a group called the Nameless Tribe, so they were both rogue by clan standards. So thus, when their kits were born they purely had rogue blood in them and her Grandfather was one of those kits. But her Grandmother, Mossfoot, was from FlameClan, so the kits she had with Birchfeather's Grandfather lead them to have a mix of rogue and FlameClan blood and her Father was one of those kits. Birchfeather's bloodline remained solely FlameClan and rogue though because her Mother was a FlameClanner like her Grandmother. ________________ Friend(s): Shadowfrost A pure black tom with blue eyes (Alive) (https://trillillolz.deviantart.com/) ________________ Acquaintance(s): Frostpaw (Rped by Feralheart) ___________________ Personality: Birchfeather is an unhappy and depressed she-cat and has been for quite a long time, which unfortunately from so much practice, has lead her to become good at faking a smile and acting happy or ok when she really isn't. But fortunately, she isn't depressed as much as she once was, and getting away from FlameClan has certaintly helped with that. But she finds that apart of her is still frustrated and unhappy with the fact that she still can't completely get over her depression. It's because of this a small part of her dislikes how she chose to start wearing a blue feather, but at the same time she has come to enjoy wearing them and the idea of not wearing them anymore isn't that appealing to her either. One of the things that is genuine about Birchfeather and can be seen is her kindness. She usually isn't rude and tends to, despite what-ever she's feeling, be nice towards others. She is also quite loyal, but obviously that loyalty has a breaking point since she left FlameClan. She cares about her family a lot and often fears the idea of loosing them like her mother, but this doesn't make her necessarily over-protective of them, especially since she literally can't be with some of them anymore. She isn't very fast and she wasn't the best hunter until it became more of a survival thing once she left. Her fighting skills also aren't that glamorous too and she can't really swim due to having no prior experience. ___________________ History: Soon ___________ Skills: -------------------- Weaknesses: To be seen _______________ Other Fact(s)/Info: . The green eye and blue feather have only recently been added to her design ______________________ Like(s): . Her Family . Blue feathers . FlameClan Dislike(s): . FlameClan . Her current emotional situation _________________________ Fears/Phobias: . Loosing more of her family . Loosing someone close to her ______________ Birchfeather's Voice: TBD __________________ Birchfeather's Songs TBD _______________ Birchfeather's Opinions on Others: Relationships will be added as she interacts with cats throughout certain things. _______________________________________________________________________ Stories/Other things she is in: N/Y
Warrior Cats belong to Erin Hunter
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mnmchiartist-blog · 6 years
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To start off with my oldest work, this is from a couple of months ago! She’s my gov. assigned character, Dustpatch. Sorry if the quality is bad for all these pictures that I’m gonna post! They’re all from my sketchbook. Going to redraw her soon! And hopefully set up some story for her. All I know is that she is going to be entertwined with Mapleshade. Yeah I’m warrior trash. But Mapleshade is still one of my favorites!
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hellspawnarttrash · 6 years
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Rank: Warrior, MossClan
Siblings: Unknown
Parents: Unknown
Mate: Goldensong
Kits: None(yet)
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Rank: Warrior, MossClan
Siblings: None
Parents: (deceased)Silverflight, (deceased)Flightfur
Mate: Duskjay
Kits: None(yet)
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Rank: Warrior, RangeClan
Siblings: Crowslash
Parents: (deceased)Tumbleflight, (deceased)Gargletalon
Mate: (deceased)Leapnose
Kits: Rosespring, Violetberry
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Rank: Warrior, MossClan
Siblings: (deceased)Yarrowtail
Parents: (deceased)Driftingstorm, (deceased)Wolffang
Mate: (deceased)Blazefoot
Kits: Wolfstorm, Badgerheart
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Rank: Senior Warrior, MossClan
Siblings: Grumblefoot, Brakentail, (deceased)Snowpaw
Parents: (deceased)Driftwave, (deceased)Dustpatch
Mate: None
Kits: None
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Rank: Elder, MossClan
Siblings: Brackentail, Swirlfleck, (deceased)Snowpaw
Parents: (deceased)Driftwave, (deceased)Dustpatch
Mate: (deceased)Stormflower
Kits: None
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nickocs · 3 years
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gay-spaghetti · 6 years
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| A Desertclan Christmas |
Just a little Christmas doodle for my Warriors roleplay group on discord! @oldwestclans
Dustpatch and Bugpelt belong to me :)
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