#dw I'm a lot nicer than this at work
the-cookie-of-doom · 1 year
I’m gonna rant for a second because I hate the shitty way visitors treat hospital staff, and I’ve spent all of my last 6 12 hour shifts dealing with it 
Yes, I know you want an update with the nurse, but they aren’t available right now. It’s shift change, last night’s nurses are exhausted and want to go home, today’s nurses don’t even know who their patients are yet. 
Yes, I know, it’s inconvenient. But every single fucking time I have to pull a nurse away from their patient so you can talk to them, that is CARE that the PATIENT ISNT GETTING. 
Like, I’m really sorry, but when it comes down to your feelings versus a patient’s actual life, I don’t care about you. I’m sorry that you’re worried and anxious. I sympathize with it. But if you want your loved one to get the care they need, you need to handle yourself because you are a distraction to the nurse, you are hindering patient care, and the more often this happens, the worse your loved one will be, and I don’t get why that’s so hard to understand. If something significant happens, the nurse will call YOU. If they haven’t called, that means there’s no meaningful updates! 
I’ve seen it time and again that people think by being the loudest voice in the room, they’re showing how much they care about the patient. These are usually the people that couldn’t give a shit about them when they were healthy. The son that hasn’t seen his mother more than once a month since putting her in a nursing home suddenly needs to be up everyone’s ass all the time. The daughter that hasn’t called her father in months screaming at the nurses over every little thing. It’s such performative bullshit and I hate it. We are not here to be your emotional punching bags so you can feel better about how you’ve neglected your relationships, as if abusing us makes up for your lack of contact and caring. 
And the families that like to stand in the doorway staring at everyone who walks by, or come up to the nursing station demanding to speak to the nurse/a charge nurse, because they feel like that care isn’t happening patient care is done on a schedule. Everything is planned down to the hour. Yes, sometimes there are delays. But if a nurse should be providing something at a certain time and doesn’t, that usually means something more important is happening with another patient. Example: you want to tell me to remind the nurse that someone’s pain medication is due in exactly 11 minutes? believe me, that nurse knows down to the exact second when the last dose was given, she’ll be there on time, she does NOT need a reminder. (this is my BIGGEST pet peeve) 
Even the people that are well-meaning about their calls, it’s still so self-centered to constantly demand a nurse’s attention every hour, every two hours. Again, I understand when you’re anxious, but the nurse isn’t here to reassure you. Work out your anxiety with a loved one that isn’t the current patient. Because all you’re doing is taking up the nurse’s valuable time, which is taking away from patient care, so that you can have your nerves soothed when there is ultimately no update to be had, other than “everything’s the same.” 
If there is a significant change, good or bad, the nurse will call you. 
If the patient codes/almost/actually dies, the nurse will call you. 
If your loved one spontaneously wakes up from a coma, the nurse will call you. 
If there is a major procedure, the nurse will (probably, it’s complicated) call you.
I am so done fielding phone calls from people that are passive aggressive, angry, or straight up yelling at me over the smallest thing. You are not helping anyone when you’re calling the nurse to demand whether the patient has eaten or not yet. Either they did, or they’re not able due to illness, or they’re not allowed to due to an upcoming procedure. Nothing you say or shout will change anything. Medications are added/changed/discontinued practically daily, don’t start freaking out just because the patient was on one blood pressure med one day and a different one/none the next. 
If you don’t get a call for a day or two, the nurse isn’t refusing to communicate with you. They just have no significant updates to give, and their time is better spent on patient care than on the phone with you talking about how much the patient did or didn’t urinate. 
This goes doubly for patients that are fully conscious/aware of their surroundings, and able to advocate for themselves. In those cases, any family members become entirely superfluous, because we do not need you. We don’t need you to understand what’s going on with the patient, because we don’t need you to consent to their procedures as a medical proxy. Your input doesn’t matter. And you better be damn grateful when the nurse is willing to give you any information at all, because at that point, it should really be up to the patient to disseminate the news of their condition.
Except because nurses are saints and recognize the mental and emotional strain that will put on the patient, they take care of that too. People need to start showing some gratitude instead of attitude, because contact with the nurse is a privilege, not a right, and people like me are incredibly happy to remove it when you can’t be respectful of everyone’s time. 
Tl;dr not to be rude but if you’re not the patient, or the patient’s medical proxy, you don’t matter, so you better be nice
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pjsk-writin · 2 years
HII! it's the anon who requested the ballet hc's, and idk if it's kinda like a thing to give urself an emoji for an anon 😭 all ik is i'll b requesting a bit bc I LOVE UR WRITING STYLE!!!!! i hope you don't mind me requesting again i'm just going crazy LMAOOO sooo may i req pjsekai boys with an s/o that's kinda like power from chainsaw man?? you can ignore if u want bb 🫶🫶 have a wonderful day! don't forget to take care of yourself 😁😁
HI!! and YA if you want to you totally can!! and its ok dw, I haven't seen chainsaw man so i went off the wiki- if you want me to change anything, lmk!! I hope you have a wonderful day too!! <3
♡ POWER - Akito Shinonome, Toya Aoyagi, Tsukasa Tenma and Rui Kamishiro x Reader
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Honestly, Akito would probably dislike you at first-
You certainly weren't the kind of person he'd willingly hang out with, and if he did, he'd be annoyed-
But hey, love works in mysterious ways!
Despite how he usually is, it's more likely that he's making situations calmer with how you are
Your childishness and greediness just makes him sigh and shake his head at you
He loves you a lot though, especially when he sees that you are capable of being compassionate with him. He'd never tell you, but he cherishes those moments a lot <3
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Toya would be...Indifferent towards you when he meets you
Sure, you seemed like you were having a lot going on. He was just interested in you
This interest causes the two of you to bond!
He's already a calm guy, and doesn't mind being a peace keeper if you make anyone upset-
He tries to help you be less childish and greedy. Your response is usually to stick your tongue out at him-
Despite you hiding it, he's seen your compassion before, and finds it cute! He doesn't bring it up, and simply continues to be very sweet with you <3
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Tsukasa probably thinks that he just needs to work harder to impress you!
Sure, you might be rude to most people, maybe even him, but he won't give up on impressing you!
This future star is determined!
If you're rude to people in front of him, he will just grab your hand and ask you to be nicer- He prefers making people smile after all!
He can be childish himself, but greed is not something that he's used to. The two of you certainly make quite a pair in that regard-
He's noticed you being compassionate before, and compliments you on it! He will be clueless if you deny it though-
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As always, Rui finds you incredibly amusing!
You were a force to be reckoned with, and Rui would always find solidarity with those who have bad reputations
So, two oddballs are united!
People run from the two of you the moment they see you- You both like messing with people, just in different ways
Tsukasa is more childish than him, but he does find watching you very amusing! Your childishness and greediness are charming to him (in strange ways.)
Anytime he notices you being compassionate, he immediately teases you on it. It's all in good fun, but he loves seeing how embarrassed he can make you <3
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cubedmango · 9 months
kr anon back at it again: it's okay, feel free to take your time ofc bc i know you have a life outside all this (and i do too dw haha) - i'm just glad to know an artist i like has been enjoying this rollercoaster of a show too, and that you're truly getting into the build experience now like the rest of us <3 [1/?]
(rest below)
and yes misora and sawa!!! like i said before, i went into build pretty much spoiled for every major twist in the show, but i didn't always know when exactly it would happen, so even though i knew about sawa seemingly double-crossing them beforehand, i was still surprised to see it already get revealed in ep. 9 or 10 (i can't remember rn which exact episode it was) bc i didn't expect it to happen that early. and it's definitely meant to be one of the first major twists in the show that can actually take one aback, since i don't think anybody was really surprised about gentoku turning out to be night rogue (and unless you count the sento previously being satou taro thing), so you're not alone there in your initial feelings of betrayal haha. i'm just glad things worked out for her and the rest of the nascita gang in the end, with them forgiving her and becoming supportive of her again by the end of ep. 12 and the theme song even playing during that scene instead of at the usual opening, though it was kinda funny to see sento and isurugi being very gleeful over not having actually dropped a matchbook or having left the fridge door open as sawa claimed they did at first, bc it's still factual that sento did detransform like just a few feet away from her after saving her life in ep. 1 so that didn't exactly help in covering up his tracks you know? 😭 [2/?]
and it's definitely nice to see the women's relationship getting some of the spotlight in those couple of episodes (even if i feel like there still hadn't been a lot of one-on-one convos between them that weren't focused on the guys by that point), and that it was misora who discovered the bugging and confronted sawa about it (bc those moments could have easily gone to either sento or banjou, and it's also a good way to show both misora doing plot-relevant things *and* her and sawa genuinely having a connection of their own outside of the men), even if she unfortunately got interrupted by banjou's poor timing in his search for his mini-dragon hdjhwsakfhs. and i'm glad sawa and misora got to eat together again at the end of ep. 12 too (considering how misora initially seemed to be the most wary of sawa when she fessed up at the beginning of the episode, and even got her tied up for a bit afterwards due to said mistrust - that part where misora used her rabbit plushie u-tan as a go-between for talking was admittedly kinda funny though, and she was at least nicer to sawa than she was to banjou when she'd previously tied him up by having her sit on a chair this time and not making her take off her shoes lol - before deciding to believe in her story), including that whole "come on, stop crying!" "i'm not crying!" "then don't!" banter between them 🥹 [3/?]
in general, i'm glad sawa got her moment(s) to shine in ep. 12 after a period of not having that much screentime :') like the fact that she was the one who thought to approach the prime minister and try to convince him of the connection between faust, nanba, and the touto government, even if it failed in the end because of gentoku's admittedly clever scheme to have the government lead an operation to ostensibly eliminate faust at that very moment and scapegoat utsumi for it (and it's clear now there's more to the latter than meets the eye, given his earlier cryptic comments to sento that were like "you and i are both in the same cage"). and i am admittedly biased towards this part bc it involves my fave sawa moment ever that genuinely made me gasp the first time i saw a gif of it on this site, which is her jumping backwards through the window and breaking the glass and somehow surviving by a hair gwjbfkagns (with a bewildered sento down below waiting for her and just watching all this shit play out lmao). if this were a just world, the show would give her many more opportunities to do crazy yet cool stunts like that (she does get a few more tbf, but nothing quite on that same level imo) and just like, give her many more things to do in general but oh well 😔 speaking of utsumi, that whole exchange between him and sento at the touto institute was pretty funny (the "well, that... is a secret" and the subsequent :P moment from sento, and then utsumi turning the tables on him moments later by repeating that same line and sento being grudgingly impressed that he actually had a sense of humor deep down) but also definitely raises questions re: utsumi's whole deal, though it also makes me feel concerned bc i honestly think sento is being a bit too careless in the way he almost freely asks these kinds of questions with little sense of subtlety 😭 it's a wonder government snipers didn't get him right there and then, bc he and banjou still needed to be lured over to the nanba lab for that showdown with gentoku or something, but yeah lmwnfkjnsj [4/?]
going back to misora though: i never thought of it like that before but now that you mention it, you're right on the money about the 7-year thing :O i mean it's probably a coincidence but it's a cool one nonetheless... ace attorney and the 7-year gap ofc, cherry magic and kurosawa being in love with adachi for 7 years, and now this, plus there's 1 more jpn media i can think of atm that has a 7-year thing in it but i don't remember if you're familiar with it lol. and yes that was really sweet of banjou to take her out on a 'date' to do things he saw she liked and had always wanted to enjoy like shopping but couldn't due to always staying inside for her safety, and to show that after she'd seemed to find him annoying during their first meeting and he'd called her names like 'shut-in brat' before and ofc all that chaining each other up, they were progressing to actually becoming friends now :') the goofy (yet kinda necessary ig, since banjou was still a fugitive and to make misora feel a bit safer out in public too, even if she complained about it for a bit lol) disguises they wore of a schoolgirl and a yanki-type delinquent student (ngl it's pretty funny but also weird to see akaso with that pompadour-like thing and with his forehead on full display 😭) despite them being already like 19 and 23 respectively were the cherry on top ofc, even if in the end it didn't quite work out bc misora got (sort of) recognized on the streets by her hardcore fans from her mii-tan voice alone anyway hwsjgfwks [5/?]
and it was also nice to see that they trusted each other enough by now for misora to feel comfortable discussing her backstory and for banjou to be okay with talking more about his relationship with kasumi :-) and how misora was able to get banjou to understand sento and his actions a bit more, like how he was such a caring person underneath his typical sarcastic shithead persona that he even built that conversion device thing to help misora out with her powers and so she wouldn't feel the need to fall asleep after using said powers as much anymore T_T and then seeing banjou protect her when those guardian robot cops found them and she fell unconscious after having a trauma response to seeing gentoku as night rogue, and their later conversation where she said that sento essentially saved her after she was initially afraid of using her powers following her rescue from faust, and she was able to purify those bottles now bc she knew they would be used by sento in the pursuit of justice and heroism... man. and ofc her telling banjou about sento's feelings of guilt wrt his role in kasumi's death, and then banjou himself saying that he didn't blame sento for it (and that was a good moment to show that even though banjou was still claiming at the time that he and sento weren't friends, he wasn't that harsh and cruel that he'd actively blame sento for what happened to kasumi), but nevertheless sento felt an obligation to make up for it by not just clearing banjou's name for the murder he was falsely accused of but also guiding him onto the right path, and that included things like making the mini-dragon to help banjou 😔 [6/?]
and yeah about the doxxing idol thing wskfjhsrfds like irl ofc i'd be more than concerned, but well bc this is a toku show, i'll give it a pass and it *is* a very funny gag admittedly (and ig in hindsight it's also in line with how misora had to practically scam her viewers at one point into giving her money that sento and banjou would use to pay their sky road guide into hokuto since nobody else in the gang had or wanted to volunteer their own funds) 😭 like... could your other fave idols do that *and* get away with it? didn't think so! though hopefully none of the little kids who've watched build will actually take that part to heart and be seriously inspired to follow in misora's footsteps when they grow up 😭😭😭 and so you've reached this part already but yeah! i think i did mention in one of my previous messages that banjou was officially build's secondary rider, or something to that effect, but i guess i just kinda dropped the comment in passing without really elaborating so i understand that you probably missed it 😅 though banjou is said to have redefined the role on such a level that a lot of people basically consider him the co-primary rider with sento atp, similar to the dynamic between the very first 2 riders, hongo takeshi and ichimonji hayato, from the original kr show in the 70's (on whom sento and banjou were explicitly based on, as said in that promotional article i linked you where they were advertised with the 'heated drama between men' tagline), and that he's written in a way that makes him feel like a protagonist instead of the typical deuteragonist (which i generally agree with - his hero's journey definitely feels a lot more classic shounen mc stuff and the like compared to sento's arc, since sento is already a 'hero' at the beginning of build), to the point some people feel he kinda overshadows sento himself at times, though i personally haven't felt that way while watching it (yet) and i just think it's neat that the narrative has given their arcs pretty equal weight so far, and that just makes their relationship all the more worthwhile in my eyes [7/?]
and it's actually very common in kr shows to have multiple riders (i'm pretty sure every heisei and now reiwa season has at least 2 of them, with the notable exception of the very first heisei show kuuga, where i'm told it's intrinsic to the narrative that its protagonist godai was the lone hero, although iirc many fans see his male partner ichijou - with whom he has heavy gay subtext ofc, and they probably deserve the title of gayest m/m kr pairing to date, or at least in the heisei era just for being the pioneers - as being the proto-secondary rider), with most of them being men ofc, but there's been a growing number of female riders over the years, but like with the franchise's female characters in general, the ways they have been treated in comparison to their male counterparts have varied like one show can apparently have its non-rider female characters be given more respect than the rider ones, and also it's apparently been a common enough trope across various seasons that a female character will attempt to transform but will fail for seemingly no other reason than she's a woman and wow isn't that stupid of her, or they'll string viewers along into thinking that maybe she'll genuinely become a rider at some point but doesn't in the end for whatever half-assed reason, and it's played for laughs or something 😬 (though this is why some people joked that build subverted misogynistic expectations by having banjou as a guy be the one to fail at transforming for once lmao) plus i think i also mentioned before that build doesn't have any female riders at all for some reason (idk if this kind of decision is ultimately up more to the season's writers or to the producers/execs and bandai as the ones generally behind creating the suit designs and toys though), but like i've also said, that's not an inherent indicator of the quality of the female characters' writing, and in fact i've seen a lot of fans who really like misora and sawa and think they've been more respectfully handled than the women in quite a few other seasons, even given their underutilization by build's narrative at times, which just sadly says a lot huh 😔 [8/?]
but it would be remiss of me to not add that there have definitely been genuinely well-written female riders too, such as igarashi sakura who was the tertiary in the 2021-2022 season revice, even with the overall show itself being kinda divisive or generally seen as mid (and who is in fact involved in some of that kr f/f stuff i previously mentioned as someone who was basically written as a canon wlw/lesbian within the show, but unfortunately she and her love interest aguilera apparently got sister-zoned by toei in some post-series stuff, even as i do think it doesn't truly take away from the actual material shown in the main series but it's still disappointing that the execs or whoever felt the need to pull this move after having allowed revice's writers to go that far in writing them as romantically as possible without having them kiss onscreen, but i'll have to talk about this in more detail another time bc otherwise i'll reach 50 separate messages atp 😭) anyway back to build: aside from our main 2 guys, there'll be a few more riders to meet down the line, some of them becoming allies and others being more antagonistic, but nonetheless i hope you'll enjoy getting to know them in general :-) and yeah even though i knew it was coming, it was still really neat to see banjou finally transform into kamen rider cross-z for the first time! and i'm glad you like banjou's dragonsona as well hehe <3 sento being genuinely proud and amazed at the sight of banjou successfully transforming (while still calling him an idiot bc ofc it's sento) was also :') such a typical shithead move though for him to pretend to fall over from his arm injury when banjou asked him where he got ahold of kasumi's letter but then to immediately stand up again and grab banjou by the shoulders to ask him to repeat himself when he heard banjou thanking him 😭😭 [9/?]
as for the kasumi thing, yeah sadly i don't think she and banjou will get anything beyond the sakura tree flashbacks (even though they surely had to have gone on many other dates in other places to the point that they were implied to have gotten engaged), at least from what i've seen 😔 but yes at least they did the bare minimum with her character still visibly having an impact on the narrative, considering the fridging was still pretty :/ as a whole. and granted, i know cherry blossoms are generally considered a very romantic thing/trope in japan, so ig they just wanted to use that as shorthand for how much banjou loved kasumi, and it's true you can really feel that (which is more than i can say for ex-aid's dead gf storyline that i mentioned before, where it feels like the handling of saki's character was misogynistic enough it ended up making her bf hiiro feel instead like an extremely repressed gay man who had been using her as a beard even as he kept acting like he loved her sooo much and was so hung up on her death, and idk how much of that reading was genuinely intended by ex-aid's writer 😭) plus yeah dw she still does get mentioned later on, albeit not in such a major manner anymore i think, and sometimes in a more indirect way where she doesn't get mentioned by name but you know banjou or other characters are thinking about her or he's briefly flashing back to her again. and it was nice of sento to tell banjou where her family grave was located (though it does make me wonder about how that implies kasumi had never told him of it while she was still alive, when it seems like her parents had probably also died sometime ago and like did she never try to bring banjou along for a cemetery visit or something at any point... idk man, ig we're not supposed to think too hard on it unless one is really dedicated to fleshing out their hcs lol), even if he delivered the info in his usual annoying manner by trying to 'narrate' banjou's thoughts about missing her while the latter was broodily staring into the distance lmao (and even if it was also a setup for banjou to find her apparent last letter that who knows how sento got access to in the first place) [10/?]
and gah i love that ep. 10 scene so much ❤️🥺 it's definitely one of my favorite early ryusen moments showcasing the build-up (heh) of trust between them, along with that part from ep. 6 in the faust lab where banjou stops an emotionally overwhelmed sento from going after blood stalk and reminds him of what sento said before re: prioritizing being build over regaining his memories T_T but bc it's sento, he just had to throw in a "saiyaku da"/"this is terrible" before telling banjou he'd also been thinking of believing in him... also not beating the tsundere allegations sometimes lmao. the way you could (briefly) see their soft little smiles afterwards was very :') though (and i know that this kind of trope applies to many other fictional partner-type couples too but still. agreed on the narumitsu-isms of it all...) and while it does take a bit longer for their partnership to be fully cemented, i appreciate that the story was already solidly laying the groundwork for it even before banjou officially became a rider too, to show that their bond could go beyond just being riders who work together (although that part is obviously very important to the narrative as well), compared to some other rider dynamics in other seasons :-) like that showdown with the guys vs. gentoku and stalk in ep. 10 was a very good fight scene in general, and showed off the growing power of their teamwork even if they didn't exactly fully win in the end. plus what will become a running theme of sento and banjou helping each other up when the other person hits a low point, literally and/or metaphorically, is definitely emphasized here, with banjou refusing to leave sento's side and insisting on fighting alongside him, and later it was also nice to see sento say "he entrusted me with it... so i refuse to lose!" after banjou got the little dragon to give his bottle over to sento so the latter could use it to transform :') (and it was pretty funny to see that even the dragon managed to get in a few hits against gentoku... imagine even a cute little animal robot beating my ass for a bit, i'd never live it down) [11/?]
also love how that fight showed gentoku and stalk's on-again, off-again relationship being in full swing now and that they're imminently hurtling towards their villain divorce arc 😌 on a side note, i gotta admit i still feel bad whenever i think about the part of this episode where banjou jumped that poor unsuspecting guard to steal his uniform and then left him only in his underwear tied up practically from head to toe and writhing on the ground like. did he really need to do all that 😭😭 jwjfksjgws sento smiling in relief when he saw banjou liked the name he chose for his rider form was cute though (very 'my crush likes something i gave him' vibes, thinking about it now, although i don't quite think sento's truly in love with him atp yet but he is. getting there), and so was the fact that banjou apparently liked it so much that he even tried to bother the girls about it while they were still in the middle of eating and they were understandably annoyed by his antics 😭 though i also admittedly can't figure out the reasoning behind why the name would specifically be cross-z, bc it's never elaborated on after this to my knowledge, and it doesn't really fit the suit's image imo, unlike when people thought toei would romanize the jpn name as 'claws' instead (which makes more sense given you know, the dragon theming) back when the show was still airing. and like i can't really find any commonality between the names build and cross-z either (compared to say, ex-aid's riders who were video game-themed and called stuff like brave (who had a 'hero with a sword' motif), snipe (who was like a first-person shooter), and lazer (which sounds similar to racer and who could transform into ex-aid's bike)) so... whatever, some things are just meant to remain toei secrets ig 🤷🏼‍♀️ [12/?]
btw was the kurodachi scene from ep. 5 it reminded you of the one when adachi was madly grinning to himself by the photocopier after kurosawa thanked him for saving his ass during the meeting with president hashimoto? 😭 bc yeah now that you bring it up, i can see the similarities... it really does end up feeling like they were thinking of including all the possible romantic-coded moments they could, both big and small huh djfwkjfh and yes it's also definitely great to see their friendship genuinely developing now, particularly after the kinda love-hate relationship they shared (well, mostly on banjou's end towards sento ngl) in the first few episodes :') and on akaso's other comments... dw, i promise you'll see when you get there hfkwjdhs [13/?]
hmm i see i see. as for the stalk thing - while ofc i wouldn't be able to say if the possible spoiler you saw is true or not, nevertheless i hope you'll still be able to enjoy the ride in learning more about his whole deal 👍🏼 and good luck with any possible redraws you might do, if you end up deciding to go through with them :-) also since you mention being caught up to ep. 12 now, i'd encourage you to watch eps. 13-16 asap (but like. whenever you're actually available too ofc) since imo that's where they first really amp up the stakes (right before ep. 21 which i also mentioned in a previous message), and ngl i'd like to see if you'd also lose your mind the way i did over what happens (even when i already knew what was coming) jgkskrfdhj [14/?]
as for my own watching, i'm nearing episode 30 now and where i'm at, i'm definitely seeing more and more of what akaso meant by the 'heroine' thing and all like. bro they are *not* playing around with that romantic subtext here 😭😭😭🙏🏼 this shit gets serious like damn‼️ can't wait to see you finally get to these parts too bc i feel like there's so much you'd also be obsessed with gjdgwfksh but also ofc there's many other great or at least decently handled aspects aside from the gay stuff, such as both misora and sawa getting that spotlight again from time to time, delving further and further into the hints re: the villains' ultimate plans and goals, the introduction of interesting new characters and players and the developments in many characters' arcs, cool fight scenes, and some good relevant social commentary, and i hope you'll enjoy those as well ^_^ [15/?]
and sure, you're welcome :-) though that reminds me, even though i previously said that this crossover movie isn't officially canon by toei's standards, it turns out there was in fact a direct callback or two to it in some of the latest episodes i've seen, and while they kinda explain some of it, it's still not really delved into, presumably to also not spoil the movie for show watchers who hadn't seen it or something, so yeah ig it's best that we do watch/finish heigen final at some point lol, even if not immediately after watching ep. 14. and yup about iijima, like iirc he was 21 at the time of that promo event and he was probably 26 at the time of filming for odt, but wow the way his face matured so much in those 5-ish years sure threw me for a bit lmao and well from everything i've heard, ex-aid is definitely much more of a mixed bag compared to build, and a lot of people weren't big on the rider vs. rider conflict set up here which they felt kinda went overboard at times (especially wrt how the protagonist emu was a genuinely kind and helpful person who just got kicked around, sometimes literally, by so many of the other characters for a good portion of the story) and that tackling both gamers and doctors was a bit too much in the end, but imo there's still some interesting stuff about the characters and themes (and there's also some of that typical kr gay subtext-y stuff here, albeit not as strong as build's and idk if you'd like it as much) that you might still end up enjoying the show in your own way (though i've basically given you enough warning already at least on the dead gf storyline here, which figures much more prominently compared to build but in a way that many fans also found a lot more annoying, bc of the maybe-accidental yaoi misogyny), no matter what the majority opinion is [16/?]
and while we're on the topic of movies, let me also just inform you ahead that like most other kr shows, build has its own obligatory summer movie, titled 'kamen rider build the movie: be the one' (named for the show's opening theme, and it's a phrase that is for sure relevant to the plot here) - ig it's technically more canon to build than heigen final, and it's set between eps. 45 and 46 of the show, but it's not really meant to be connected to its main plot either (although the antagonists here are kinda related to the show's main villain iirc), but i wouldn't suggest skipping it bc it does show some further sento development this time (compared to heigen final and the banjou content), and also. if you think the show was already pushing the ryusen agenda hard, boy wait till you see this movie 😭😭 talk about build's writer shogo muto being on a roll like. and there's also a reason why so many of the build fmvs i've seen so far prominently include scenes from this movie kfjkwshjdf plus be the one also introduces a form/suit that gets used in a major way in the stageplay, which in turn is more technically canon material that's technically (i know i'm overusing this word atp but whatever) set during the series finale but portrays events that aren't actually shown onscreen there for reasons (you'll understand when you get there) and in a way basically serves as an epilogue to the show, and ofc has more good ryusen content. there's also a post-series movie, 'heisei generations forever,' that's a crossover with the next season, zi-o, and like with heigen final, it features some characters from previous seasons like the main characters in den-o. i'm told it depicts essentially a nice culmination of sento's arc from the show, plus even though muto wasn't directly involved in this movie anymore, the writer here still couldn't resist making sento say some real sappy gay shit about banjou (even if not to his face as usual) like... insert wow-owen-wilson.jpg. there's also the v-cinema (jpn equivalent of direct-to-video) movies and a bunch of other web-exclusive specials, but many of those are of more questionable quality and are probably best discussed further at another time, so anyway that's the gist of it at least. and all these can be found on the toku . fun site, so feel free to finally watch them when the time comes :-) [17/?]
also shoutout to the other funny moments that i can remember from this batch of episodes you've watched: sento telling banjou in that one episode recap to not concern himself with how he manages to keep all those bottles on his person; sento once again trying to test an invention of his on the rest of the gang, complete with manic giggling, and banjou having to hold him back before he could actually attempt anything; banjou's disguise in ep. 11 i think where he was like "i'm *obviously* pretending to be a birdwatcher so that i can scope out where the enemy is!" to sento; that part in ep. 12 where they were preparing to battle gentoku in the nanba lab but sento got so shocked and taken aback by banjou daring to upstage him; and their in-suit bickering after that fight where banjou was like "you're pretty good, for a sidekick" and sento retorted with "and you're pretty good, for a complete amateur" and an annoyed banjou just told him to shut up or something 😭 also this is from the earlier episodes you'd watched previously, but i suddenly remembered sento's cringefail math watch and clock and wow that man can be such a loser (affectionate) huh. and also things like misora continuously bonking an unconscious banjou with u-tan after his fight with sento and failed transformation in ep. 6 and saying he'd died, those cute chibi drawings of himself and the other characters presumably made by sento on his transparent board like wow who knew a scientist like him had such hidden depths (slash j), plus that time banjou kept following sento around to accuse him of being katsuragi's real killer to the point that sento had now kept a count of the 300+ times he asked it in like idk, 2 days lmao also since i rewatched ep. 1 in full fairly recently, i'm gonna say that one part of sento and misora's dynamic so far that feels very phoenix and maya-like to me was when they scribbled on each other's faces while the other was asleep... truly annoying sibling-like behavior <3 [18/?]
and about aa characters getting into build - i actually realized there's perfect timing in how aa2 takes place in 2017-2018 and that's also when build aired, so i imagine edgeworth and maya in particular watching it then being all 😟 when they see sento's identity crisis going in for the kill, especially if edgeworth wouldn't be able to stop himself from paralleling their issues the way i do and concluding that well his life isn't going great but ultimately his problems feel like small potatoes in comparison to sento's 😭 and i also don't know of any aa/kr (build or otherwise) crossover or au fics so far but yeah better to play it safe atm in your case jwfdrkgjys though feel free to be the change you want to see in the world if there really turns out to be nothing yet 😌🙏🏼 well this has gotten long enough again so i'll end it here for now, and continue to enjoy the rest of build! ^_^ ❤️ [19/19]
hi, kamen rider anon here again - just wanted to tell you about my recent discovery that the cherry magic mangaka had actually tweeted sento/banjou fanart she drew after finishing the show in late 2020 (it seems she started watching it sometime after learning of akaso's casting in the cm drama): twitter . com/toyotayou/status/1335184391904108545?t=qznD1xvm9UgAYaTYKhF27Q&s=19 👁️👁️ she also included fanart of misora and the guy with a parasocial crush on her, which seems to be a fairly popular ship among jpn fans to my bafflement, though i guess at least part of it is about just really finding him attractive and also remembering the actor from his previous popular (i think?) role as otoya (whose character was also weird towards women, unfortunately) in the 2007-2008 kr season kiva (he's in fact one of 3 main actors in build who'd already acted in kr or toku in general before, the others being akaso ofc and sawa's actor who's been in ultraman and sentai shows) so like. okay i guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ [1/3]
i'm also nearly on ep. 40 of build now, and so far it's not letting up in terms of the plot stakes and the character drama like damn 😭 the 40's is where i've heard the plot kinda falters though, and part of it from what i can tell is because of all the toy upgrades from bandai that the writer muto had to find a way to integrate into the story which he probably found overwhelming in the end (though i mean this was the first and only toku he's written for to date, and he wrote pretty much all the episodes unlike most other kr seasons which have head writer and then assistant/secondary writers, so the fact that build ended up still being relatively good is a testament to his overall skill imo), since iirc most of the suits/toys are designed first and the season's respective writers then have to work with it, and another part is how muto appears to have sorta reworked certain storylines bc apparently two actors fell sick while filming was ongoing, although thankfully both also eventually recovered to my knowledge (it was none of the main cast members, but these two played side characters who were still relatively important to the overall story and/or some of the main characters' arcs, so it's still a bit of a bummer 😔). regardless, i'm still trying to keep an open mind though (or as the sweaters banjou would wear say, "keep your mind be open window everyday") for when i reach those parts also i know i already talked a bit about it in a previous message but i really do think you'd enjoy the sawa content in the episode 20's - like she still could have stood to be given way more screentime overall but i'm happy enough with what we got - plus some more stuff for her and misora's relationship :-) and the tournament arc (well there's arguably 3 tournament arcs here, and only the first 2 have been shown so far) that was mentioned in that post i shared before is also really well-done imo, definitely peak build content right there that showcases its core themes well <3 and ofc the ryusen stuff is also great as expected, and when it's angst time for the two, the show really knows how to Get you, especially re: events in the episode 30's T_T [2/3]
anyway that's all i wanted to share for now - i just found it neat that toyota yuu had also watched and enjoyed build (and probably saw into the gay subtext like the rest of us lol), presumably bc of akaso (his power), and i also wanted to update you a bit on where i am now and what later parts of the show i feel you'd like/love. again, feel free to watch at your own pace though and share your own updates whenever you like :-) (also did you celebrate your birthday recently? if so, happy birthday! 🥳) [3/3]
kr anon!!! hi again !!!!!!!!! so sorry for the one billion year gap i was planning on watching the next few eps literally right after u sent the first batch of asks and then uhhh. . the pkmn brainrot got to me again and i totally lost track of everything in the blorbo craze u know how it is. anyways i managed to catch up to ep15 now (Crazy pace i know) AND????? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON
okay so. that spoiler about stalk i saw earlier was the him being isurugi thing BUT IT COMES UP SO EARLY UR KIDDING ME? WHAT??!!??! i really thought it would be some end game type reveal but nope they just dropped that . and in the most painful way too just fucking lying to sento and misoras faces saying all that stuff abt family and everything ough i cant. do this? he was using them this entire time?? what happened to the silly coffee man that did the haha ace attorney reference . i dont believe this im closing my eyes 5ever
also i stopped w that ep15 cliffhanger and o god the plot twists just keep plot twisting literally what is Going ON !!!! cant predict anything in this show they just keep Throwing things at me Every Other Episode . what do u mean the scientist changed his appearance . what happened to the satou taro guy??? gentokus done for?????? does misora know abt isurugi????????????????????????????????? my head is spinning i rlly need to watch the next few eps fast huh 😳
also took some screenshots again and this scene. it needs a special mention its so fucking funny
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but for a more serious one that made me have to pause and sit for a minute:
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THEYRE INSANE FOR THIS .? my brain is fried from that last plot twist so i cant words rn but like. the character growth of it all. the caring for found family of it all. the romance of it all if u rlly think abt it (smth smth nrmt-isms Again i got turnabout goodbyes flashbacks augh) ...... banjou ryuga you are the character ever
and the girls too im glad theyre getting some nice screentime rn, even w the misora angst happening :( sawa is literally carrying the team rn though how does she know so much stuff about everything. what a legend (also making me suspicious of her again but they wouldnt do that a second time right haha..... Right.) (also speaking of the girls omg kasumi mention!!! yeah kinda super fucked up she died just for this whole plan huh. banjou needs to get a proper revenge for that one of these eps i feel like)
and oooo ty for the loredrop on the connected movies and kr shows its rlly interesting to see how they tie in to build or compare to it 👀 (not the misogyny part tho good lord if build is the tamer one in that regard then i dont wanna imagine what level the other shows are at 😭) but yeah i think ill keep the two movies u mentioned for after im done watching the show since as u can see its already A Struggle for me keeping a consistent watching pace just for the main eps + i rlly wanna know the plot twists asap now that im essentially watching blind again w that spoiler being shown already, but they both sound fun from how u described them so hopefully i can get to them soon akjfkdsjf i just need to stay on track (might have to binge the whole thing before the cm anime drops too bc i know thats gonna get me distracted Again)
also i had no idea toyota sensei made fanart for build (ive seen her post art for a bunch of other stuff akdfjkds shes just like us a little bit huh) i still havent met mr parasocial guy so dunno abt him yet but the ryusen wagh.... Akasos Power Literally...... i think its sweet she keeps up w the other works of the cm jdrama actors like . even now i think?? shes so nice 🥺
ur on ep40 already (or probably even further/finished now since u sent these im gonna assume)????? i hope u still enjoyed those eps despite the plot writing/actors stuff man that sounds rough for the crew :( oh and if u finished the whole thing then lmk how u found the ending id love to hear ur thoughts/reviews agkdjgkd im excited to get to the next few eps myself now so maybe in the next asks ill have a lot more livereacting to report back to u 👁👁
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jayflrt · 3 years
i actually have nothing planned for the weekend but one sunday i have to write the fucking college admission exam and i didn't study shit.
i have to completely study 15 math chapters, 4 physics chapters and 5 chemistry chapters and no bio because i'm taking engineering and i'm literally scared whether i'll pass the exam or not!! 😭
i just wished i concentrated on studies and i regret that now and my grades dropped down so much too <//3
i actually love the idea of how hatred is turned into love through enemies and lovers and i totally agree with you!! i am wishing for my grade 10th to complete fast so that i can get my life back together and just start over my life with new college 🥲
and the thing with my friendship— i think i don't have friends because i rlly don't know how to talk, lmao. i mean even talking with my friend who ik for 7yrs, made me feel better. she made feel good and she was the only engene friend and bestie i have at school, jsjsjsjs.
i have a friend who i know for 10 years, this 2022 will make it 10 yrs for us. she left my when she was 5th grade and she was my best friend till 5th grade, i actually met her when i first joined the school and i sat beside her on the first day and i still remember how i showed off my calligraphy skills and everyone was impressed!!
and then after 5th to 6th, i had another friend and even she left me and joined with other people and didn't even care to wish me a birthday this year when i came to school ���✊🏻 and same happened when i was 8th, 9th and now 10th i have no friends actually </3
for this year college, i'm actually hoping to make some guy friends (because i never had one 😌) and other friends too. i hope this year will be as good as i dreamt of, peaceful and lucky.
i hope you will have a good weekend too, akka. i will definitely visit chennai and travel more places, so don't you worry </3
guessing that i might go on a hiatus this month because i have a lot to prepare and i need to study too and i need a lot of time to study and i'm thinking of not seeing or watching any content which makes me distracted, i.e kpop, tumblr, snapchat, etc and etc. you just wish me a good luck for my college admission exam this week, i'll definitely get good marks for you!!!
thank you and good night akka <3
omg good luck with your admission essay !!! you got this ♡ TRY TO GET THAT STUDYING IN 😭😭 you have until sunday right?? :o engineering is p difficult but you can do it !! and dw it’s normal to have regrets from school but what you can do now is push yourself and do the best you can :’)) it will all work out in the end 🥰💕
i think i like enemies to lovers in a bickering friends/rivals sort of way !! :o if it was an actual enemy who had forsaken me in the past idk if i could find it in me to fall in love 😵‍💫 logistically !!! but fanfic wise it’s cute HAHAH but omg best of luck !! 💞 when does 10th end for you ??
but you have your two friends that you’ve had for 7 and 10 years !!! that’s such a long time it’s so nice you were able to maintain that 🤧💓 and they say that a few rlly close friends can be nicer than a bunch of friends you’re not super close to ♡ also omg she didn’t wish you ? :((( it sucks how ppl distance themselves i’m so sorry love <//3
ah yes i hope you make a lot of friends in college !!!! :’)) i’m sure you’ll be doing great out there 🥰🥰 pls idk why i’m so negligent of my guy friends but i prefer our friend group having girls nights rather than kickbacks with everyone 😭🤧 sorry boys </3
also take all the time you need anon !!! i’ll be waiting here for you when you’re back and your admission exam is over 💖 i wish you all the best and hope for the best results :)) and i hope you have a great day/night as well !!! thank you love 🥰🌸
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femgirlfriend-moved · 4 years
Virgo sun, Aries moon, Scorpio rising. I promise I'm nicer than that combination makes me sound.
ooh another aries moon!!! dw i might forgive you for that virgo sun. or not 😌. sorry look the only reason i say i dislike virgos is because you guys get too caught up in your routines and thought patterns and stuff and im way too manic for that, if you hold me still for more than 5 seconds in that particular Meticulous "let's see" virgo way i will Combust. not saying you in particular are always like that, honestly that combination is rlly good imho. like ive said before i love aries moon bcs it's very in tune with my leo moon, i know what a fire moon does to someone. and you p much have it tamed probably, which is good. but of course, the old advice that i give to anyone, pleaseee listen to what your heart/intuition is telling you. i sense you have a hard time actually letting yourself go and trusting that you will be taken care of. and i get it, i really do, but you need to know that you don't have to work for good things to come to you. actually, you don't need to do anything at all to deserve good things, and that's a big one for u. also honestly you probably have that intimidating Allure but people get put off by how distant you can get. and honestly here id say don't stoop to anyone's level, real ones stick around. i geniuely think you're not mean at all you just have a lot of anxiety and that makes you be a bit snappy at people and blame them for stuff. but don't forget that even if they are to blame, it will most likely make the situation worse. when you feel anxious remove yourself from the situation asap you don't need to keep going to your detriment!!! you don't need to handle everything, you can let folx struggle a little bit it's ok 😌 fun to watch sometimes. 💖💖
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