#people act like nurses are evil for not wanting to talk to them
the-cookie-of-doom · 1 year
I’m gonna rant for a second because I hate the shitty way visitors treat hospital staff, and I’ve spent all of my last 6 12 hour shifts dealing with it 
Yes, I know you want an update with the nurse, but they aren’t available right now. It’s shift change, last night’s nurses are exhausted and want to go home, today’s nurses don’t even know who their patients are yet. 
Yes, I know, it’s inconvenient. But every single fucking time I have to pull a nurse away from their patient so you can talk to them, that is CARE that the PATIENT ISNT GETTING. 
Like, I’m really sorry, but when it comes down to your feelings versus a patient’s actual life, I don’t care about you. I’m sorry that you’re worried and anxious. I sympathize with it. But if you want your loved one to get the care they need, you need to handle yourself because you are a distraction to the nurse, you are hindering patient care, and the more often this happens, the worse your loved one will be, and I don’t get why that’s so hard to understand. If something significant happens, the nurse will call YOU. If they haven’t called, that means there’s no meaningful updates! 
I’ve seen it time and again that people think by being the loudest voice in the room, they’re showing how much they care about the patient. These are usually the people that couldn’t give a shit about them when they were healthy. The son that hasn’t seen his mother more than once a month since putting her in a nursing home suddenly needs to be up everyone’s ass all the time. The daughter that hasn’t called her father in months screaming at the nurses over every little thing. It’s such performative bullshit and I hate it. We are not here to be your emotional punching bags so you can feel better about how you’ve neglected your relationships, as if abusing us makes up for your lack of contact and caring. 
And the families that like to stand in the doorway staring at everyone who walks by, or come up to the nursing station demanding to speak to the nurse/a charge nurse, because they feel like that care isn’t happening patient care is done on a schedule. Everything is planned down to the hour. Yes, sometimes there are delays. But if a nurse should be providing something at a certain time and doesn’t, that usually means something more important is happening with another patient. Example: you want to tell me to remind the nurse that someone’s pain medication is due in exactly 11 minutes? believe me, that nurse knows down to the exact second when the last dose was given, she’ll be there on time, she does NOT need a reminder. (this is my BIGGEST pet peeve) 
Even the people that are well-meaning about their calls, it’s still so self-centered to constantly demand a nurse’s attention every hour, every two hours. Again, I understand when you’re anxious, but the nurse isn’t here to reassure you. Work out your anxiety with a loved one that isn’t the current patient. Because all you’re doing is taking up the nurse’s valuable time, which is taking away from patient care, so that you can have your nerves soothed when there is ultimately no update to be had, other than “everything’s the same.” 
If there is a significant change, good or bad, the nurse will call you. 
If the patient codes/almost/actually dies, the nurse will call you. 
If your loved one spontaneously wakes up from a coma, the nurse will call you. 
If there is a major procedure, the nurse will (probably, it’s complicated) call you.
I am so done fielding phone calls from people that are passive aggressive, angry, or straight up yelling at me over the smallest thing. You are not helping anyone when you’re calling the nurse to demand whether the patient has eaten or not yet. Either they did, or they’re not able due to illness, or they’re not allowed to due to an upcoming procedure. Nothing you say or shout will change anything. Medications are added/changed/discontinued practically daily, don’t start freaking out just because the patient was on one blood pressure med one day and a different one/none the next. 
If you don’t get a call for a day or two, the nurse isn’t refusing to communicate with you. They just have no significant updates to give, and their time is better spent on patient care than on the phone with you talking about how much the patient did or didn’t urinate. 
This goes doubly for patients that are fully conscious/aware of their surroundings, and able to advocate for themselves. In those cases, any family members become entirely superfluous, because we do not need you. We don’t need you to understand what’s going on with the patient, because we don’t need you to consent to their procedures as a medical proxy. Your input doesn’t matter. And you better be damn grateful when the nurse is willing to give you any information at all, because at that point, it should really be up to the patient to disseminate the news of their condition.
Except because nurses are saints and recognize the mental and emotional strain that will put on the patient, they take care of that too. People need to start showing some gratitude instead of attitude, because contact with the nurse is a privilege, not a right, and people like me are incredibly happy to remove it when you can’t be respectful of everyone’s time. 
Tl;dr not to be rude but if you’re not the patient, or the patient’s medical proxy, you don’t matter, so you better be nice
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deadghosy · 3 months
Dynamic: reckless x nurse
Prompt: when the healer comes to the rescue or needs the rescue.
Warning: violence, blood mentions, fluff, and slight suggestive.
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How in the hell are you supposed to tame a wild snake when all he does is get into trouble. Cleaning your boyfriend’s knuckles was not on your list for a relaxing evening. Christopher Locks, a Slytherin boy who had taken your heart back in 4th year was certainly sitting in front of you after he had gotten into a fight with a gryffindor. You were tired of these house rivalry as it just seemed dumb as hell. “Really Chris? Why can’t you ever just stop acting like a dimwit.” You said throwing the boys slightly big hands at his legs. Christopher tilted his head a little before smirking. “Why can’t I have my future spouse tend my wounds? I choose you over these bloody nurses in the hospital wing any day.” You only sighed once again feeling him pull you to his lap. “Chris.” You flicked his head which only earned a small laugh. “Im not a nurse..or even a specialized nurse at the fact.” Grabbing his hand again and dabbing the cotton swob with alcohol gently on the spilled knuckles. “Yeah but..” he says whilst his other hand resting on your thigh.
“Does it really matter love?” He looked up at you with those dangerously low eyes. You felt your breath get taken away by those green eyes of his. You look away from him and back onto his knuckles. “Other hand please.” You said holding out your own hand for the other you haven’t tended to yet. He lended you his hand with a smile as you quickly get to work. You were begging Helga Hufflpuff for patience as sometimes you didn’t have the patience to keep tending your lover. “I hate you…” “I love you too darling.”
It was now another "normal" day, or so you wish it was. Having a Slytherin boyfriend meant that some people would have problems about a hufflepuff and a Slytherin being together as a Slytherin is evils while a hufflepuff is an angel. Honestly you didn’t give a care in the world for people trying to trash talk your own relationship with your lover. Honestly Christopher is a lovely person after all. Protective, charming, funny sometimes, and very much a good lover. Hell, he had given you a promise ring that had your favorite gem in it. It was like you were swooning over him all over again. Your love sick thoughts were cut off by a student, a Gryffindor of kind to shoulder check you. “Ah, apologies—” “Ew. Aren’t you that hufflepuff dating Locks?” The gryffindor said with a disgusted face. Your face faltered into one of a frown and distaste. “Yes..I am.” You said eyeing the student.
“Yikes! I feel bad for you and your relationship. To even date a Slytherin might as well be foul to even imagine. Or maybe you’re foul yourself.” The student started to walk towards you, making you uncomfortable and back up. “Please back up—” the Gryffindor cuts you off, “I’m thinking that maybe you were forced into a relationship with that bloody snake. Maybe you are just blind and an imbecile to even see what’s in Locks.” You narrowed your eyes, as you opened your mouth to counter on what was said. Christopher came around the corner with a dark look. “There you are love..” he said with a dark tone. His eyes were sharp into the student that seemed to now back away from you. “Is this person bothering you?” He had now stepped in between you and the Gryffindor, Christopher already heard what had happened earlier. He just wanted to see if the problem needed to be solved. You looked between your boyfriend and the student, and nodded your head confirming his accusation.
He smirked at the student in front of him, making sure you stayed behind him before he started talking. “So mate, I see you’re starting trouble with my love.” He puts his hand on the student’s shoulder, gripping it to the point his defined hand was showing veins. “I shall say, if I see you messing with them again.” He leans against the person’s ear. “I’m breaking your face and wand.” His voice was low into their ear, gripping the shoulder with a deadly grip. The student made a sound of displeasure and it was enough to make Chris smile at that with a dark look. “Do I make myself clear?” Chris then punched the student’s stomach making the poor person kneel down and hold their stomach. Your eyes widen with a gasp. “Oh yeah..and that’s for calling them names you prick.” Chris grabbed your hand and walked away from the agnozing crowd that seemed to grow large at what happened.
You frowned, “that wasn’t necessary chris…” Christopher bit the inside of his cheek. “You know what isn’t necessary? That bastard making fun of you. Even calling you names love. And I will not stand for that.” He said looking at you, squeezing your hand as well. You sighed at this boy, “what am I gonna do with you..” you said walking side by side with him fully. “..you could give me a kiss.” You looked at him with a shocked face. Smacking his arm with your free hand he laughed. “Kidding, kidding..or am I?” He bellowed out a laugh for a second time as you let out a small giggle. You felt a little better getting out of that situation, and he knew it as well.
But sadly, it wasn’t the end of it.
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Screams erupts the halls as you were walking with another hufflepuff, Elizabeth to class. You raised an eyebrow and Elizabeth squinted her eyes before screaming. “Omg! Isn’t that your boyfriend?!” Your own eyes widen as she pointed over to a crowd of students in a circle. You could only see two heads, one head was definitely Chris but the other wasn’t. “What?!” You yelled shocked, you started to run over there. Pushing through the crowd that’s when you see Christopher throwing a punch at the student you seen harassing you yesterday. Apparently the student didn’t learn their lesson from yesterday and had insulted you to Christopher’s face. “Cmon mate, throw a good one while at it!” Christopher said with a smirk, he gestured with his hand towards the student who whipped out their wand. Swiftly Christopher dodged a depulso spell, without hesitation the Slytherin boy whipped out his own wand and depulso the student away. The crowd ooh’s at this as the student was laid out on their arse, you looked at the student who seemed to have a slight bloodied face. Then you looked your Slytherin who had surprisingly clean knuckles, a little red on them. But clean.
“Christopher Locks!” Christopher looked at his beloved with a smile, showing off his sharp canines. “Ah, my dear badger. What brings you here love?” He was acting as if he didn’t throw that waste of time Gryffindor across the hall. You only narrowed your eyes as you walked up to him, he still kept a smile watching you closely. “…why must you cause mayhem everywhere you bloody go!” Christopher was going to answer before you grabbed him by the hood of his cloaks and drag him off from the crow that now surrounded the knocked out Gryffindor. “Love please slow down or else—” “I don’t give a rat’s arse! I worry about you too much for you to only start another fight?! What if you get suspended from the school?! I swore, you need patience to think before acting out.” You were obviously upset and it made the Slytherin frown.
The walk from away the crowd turned into him taking you to the Slytherin’s house. “Pureblood” he said as he let you walk in first and then him. You didn’t even look at him as he sighed. You had walked ahead of him, that was before he picked you up bridal style and took you to his room. “Hey! Put me down you idiot!” You tried to get out of his hold, but you knew if you did you would’ve busted your own behind on the floors. “Can’t, I gotta show you I’m sorry my love.” He opened the door with his hand and closed it with his foot. You only huffed when he set you down. You looked at him, eye to eye to see he had no expression before he leaned his head towards you.
“I’m sorry love..” his voice was low, slowly his hands grazed your waist. You pouted while his eyes were clearly onto your lips. He dipped his head lower capturing your lips perfectly onto his own. Your eyes widen before relaxing, wrapping your arms around his neck. He chuckled into the kiss. The kiss was passionate before turning sinister. He bit your lower lip asking for permission, and you clearly gave him it as he pushed you against the bed. Claiming dominance over you. Your hands gripped his back as he pushed back and licked his lips. “You drive me fuckin' crazy angel…” he said with a low growl. Before he could even say anything else mattheo came in, ruining the moment. You and Chris looked at the door, your face showing clear embarrassment as Christopher was nonchalant. Poor mattheo only saw a hufflepuff looking flustered with bruised lips from kissing, and his housemate that had disheveled hair and a cloak that seemed to drift off of Christopher’s shoulder.
“Yep I’m gone.” The riddle brother said, closing the door quickly. Chris only shrugged and kissed your lips one more before sitting on the bed beside his darling. “Think he’s gonna tell the others?” You said to the Slytherin boy next to you. Chris only shrugged again, slithering his hand to hold yours. “The others wouldn’t care that I’m dating a lovely badger like you my dear.” Chris showed a soft smile, his low eyes showing protectiveness. You giggled squeezing his hand happily. “Awww.. you’re so cute when you’re sweet” Christopher immediately jokingly gagged when you called him sweet but he held a smile on his face. “Cmon now love, you know I can’t ever be mean to you.” He says leaning his face down to yours to give you a small peck. After that the rest of the day and night was trouble free. He knew he had to learn patience just like you.
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labrxnth · 6 months
BoC Chapter 1: Into Darkness (Leon x Reader Series)
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In flower language, a cornflower means "Be careful with me, please, I'm delicate."
Tag List:
WC: 3310
CWs: some heinous forced father figure shit, human experimentation, PTSD, kidnapping, cannon level body horror, cannon level swearing and violence, body comparison.
AN: So, This monster is finally here now that Prison Break is done. I'm thinking of a schedule that I can accurately keep, maybe one chapter every two weeks. This series will span over all of Resident Evil, it's gonna be a big boy so strap in.
If you want to be on the tag list, comment and it'll be done.
Spotify Link: Listen along to the playlist I've curated for this fanfic
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The first thing you experienced about the apocalypse wasn’t the loud sirens, explosions, or screaming. It was how quiet it was. The usual fluorescent lights of the lab testing floor you were on were still burning as bright as ever, your eyes trailing the multitude of doctors and nurses scrambling through the hall, clipboards and keycards in hand. 
Your hand placed itself on the glass wall, confused as to why the doctors and scientists were acting more skittish than usual. The feeling you had in your stomach turning into a deeper pit. Anxiety swelling inside of you. 
Even without any of the chemicals dumped into you through the many syringes “gifted” to you, your intuition was off the charts. You knew something was wrong. 
Hearing the usual vroom of the door to your cell opening, your eyes turned to it, seeing the scientist usually in charge of you with a lead in hand. He stood in the doorway, his salt and pepper hair slicked back like it always was. His glasses were pristine, no scratches or dirt on them, his lab coat and scrubs eerily clean. 
“Subject 13, we’re moving you,” David said, his voice not leaving room for question. 
You nodded, walking up to him. David had been in charge of you since you got here at the ripe age of 10. A decade of being trapped in these four walls, not seeing the outside. 
The last time you were outside, the whole world felt like it was dripped in neon. The lights, the hair, the makeup, everything. All you wanted was a Barbie doll or a cabbage patch kid. Now, the world to you was white walls, white floors, and people wearing all white. 
David clasped the lead onto your thin collar, starting to walk the opposite end down the hallway that you were used to. You only ever walked to the left of your cell, not the right. Today you were going to the right, following all the other doctors and scientists. 
“Where are we going?” You asked quietly. 
“Hm?” David asked, not even bothering to look over you. 
You took a second, looking down at your feet while you walked. Taking a deep breath, you get ready to rephrase your sentence. “Father, where are you taking me?” You rephrased. 
He smiled back at you, his yellow cigarette smoke stained teeth being visible from behind his lips. “My flower, we’re relocating you.” He responded, then looked forward. 
You’ll get to see another part of the world. Maybe if you were lucky, you’d be able to see outside through windows. The idea thrilled you more than the fear of being sent to another location. But still, one thought loomed over you, the NEST had been your home for the past 10 years, why were they moving you now?
“Father, why?” You asked, watching people run by you. The hairs on the back of your neck were sticking up, matching the anxiety of everyone else besides David. 
“Because, My Flower, someone messed up on one of the upper floors,” He replied. His tone was always condescending, infantilizing you, talking down to you. He acted like you were still 10 like when he “found you”. 
“Messed up?” You asked. He never told you about stuff happening on the upper floors, you were hoping that he’d be willing to go into deeper detail if he was already in a talking mood. 
“Birkin…. messed with something that he shouldn’t have,” He responded and left it at that. 
Birkin…. That had to be a person by the way he was talking. You had searched your memory, trying to figure out if you ever came into contact, but couldn’t remember anything. 
As the two of you walked through a set of double doors, the hallway changed from white to a blaring red. An alarm was going off, along with the emergency lights, making the hallway a sensory nightmare. 
You squeezed your eyes closed, attempting to quell the migraine you were starting to get from everything. 
After going through another set of double doors, you felt yourself rising from the ground. Opening them in a panic, you noticed you were in an elevator, making your way to the surface. How long had it been since you were in an elevator last? It had to have been at the mall, while you were waiting impatiently to get to Orange Julius. 
The mall that had just opened up down the road from where you lived. The same mall where a strange man in a suit came up to you and asked you where your parents were.
The same one where you were taken from, never to see the outside world again. 
“Where will we go?” You asked, your (e/c) eyes meeting his face. 
“Where we go,” David replied dryly. 
You nodded, discontent with the answer, but pushing your feelings aside like you had been trained to do. If you dug too far, it would only spell more pain and suffering for you; curiosity was not a trait celebrated by Umbrella Corp. 
He led you down another hallway, the lead tugging at your neck, an uncomfortable feeling, making you seem like a dog. Your place was a lab rat, property owned by Umbrella Corp. You were truly David’s bitch through and through. Something he held over you. 
After a mind numbing walk through more hallways than you could count, you felt the cold air prick your face. Your nose breathed in the fresh air for the first time in a decade, tears almost welling in your eyes at the nostalgic feeling of it. It was crisp, but warm at the same time. Smelling like nothing, but everything all at once. Where the air smelled like cleaner and chemicals in your cell, the air here smelled of an electric charge, a storm on the horizon, and the calamity happening in the city. 
Looking around, you saw the city horizon line. There were more lights than when you were brought here, assuming you were looking at the same side of the building from before. You saw the misty haze sweeping over the city, the pine trees in the background surrounding the mountains in the faint distance. If you could see the roads, you would have seen the destruction breaking out around you. 
You would have seen the hell emerging from the depths of where you were kept. 
Looking forward, you saw a military grade helicopter, the same type they brought you here in. When you were first taken, you remembered every single detail you could with hope you could somehow make it out. 
Obviously, you were naïve. 
David ushered you into the helicopter, taking his seat in the pilot’s. Two U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Services) agents accompanied the two of you on the helicopter, guns drawn. One was pointed off the ramp, the other was pointed at you. At this point, you would have either been an idiot or had a death wish if you attempted to run. At this point you had the survivor mentality beaten out of you. 
Starting up the helicopter, David tied your lead to the bar separating the two of your seats. Your eyes were glued to the world outside, watching the rain hit the windows and windshields in awe. The world seemed darker since you saw it last, obviously because it was night time, but it felt grungier. Less like the neon wonderland you left and more like cigarette smoke and leather. 
As the helicopter flew above the city, the fires and crowds of people below were finally visible to you. The shock tore through your body at the sight. 
“The people… what’s happening to them?” You asked, your eyes following clusters of people attacking others. It looked like ants fighting from how high up you were, but you could still make out their shapes and sizes. 
“Birken’s atrocity. This is why I worked on more sophisticated projects like you, My Flower,” David replied, running a hand through your hair. An unfamiliar sound filled your ears, getting louder and louder by the second. 
David’s head whipped to the side. “Holy shit!” He yelled and jerked the steering sticks of the helicopter towards you. Your eyes widened as you saw a glimpse of something coming at the two of you, then the world went white again.
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You woke up to a searing pain in your right arm. Eyes shooting open, all you saw around you were silent flames, engulfing the helicopter and licking up your right arm. You tried to lunged through the flames and get out of the helicopter, but a force pulled you back, the fucking collar and lead. Looking around the helicopter, you found a stray shard of glass and picked it up. Your hand instantly filled with a sanguine red, the glass cutting your hand from just holding it. Quickly and wasting no time, you sawed through the lead, gritting your teeth at the pain. 
David would surely forgive you for breaking your lead, it was life or death. Then again, he was a psychotic doctor that experimented on and tortured you for years. 
Once the lead went slack, breaking apart, you jumped through the flames, rolling on the floor of wherever you were to extinguish the flames on you. Catching your breath and feeling your heartbeat die down, you took a few seconds, waiting for David or a U.S.S. agent to pick you back up. 
When no one jolted you up to your feet, your eyes opened to find a dusty wooden floor beneath you. Pushing off of your arms, you looked around you and saw a hallway of some sort, a rather plain one, but not the white ones you were used to seeing by now. 
You stood up and looked toward the helicopter, seeing three bodies in there, engulfed in the flames. David and the two U.S.S. agents. 
You were…. Free. 
David was dead. 
Your mind kept going over these words in your mind before you decided it would be better to move than stay still. While David had beaten the survivor out of you, you weren’t an idiot. 
The helicopter was cutting the hallway in half, giving you only one choice to go: behind you. You turned around and looked down the daunting hallway, feeling like it would’ve been better if you perished in the crash with everyone else. Nonetheless, you pushed forward into the darkness, your eyes adjusting to the darkness and your ears adjusting to the quiet. 
Walking down the hallway, you found the first door, a wooden door directly in front of you. On the wall, there was a sign that stuck out from it saying “Waiting Room”. As you walked closer, you found yourself having to limp, your ankle feeling less than ideal for walking a great distance. Your hand pressed up to the door, feeling the indents on the real wood. Every texture you had dealt with since you were taken was either slick, cold, slimy, or all of the above. 
It felt nice to feel something homemade, something that felt real. You cautiously pushed the door open and a sudden warmth filled the hallway. The room had multiple lights on, the type that you weren’t used to anymore. Instead of the fluorescent lights that made you want to gouge your eyeballs out, they were small lamps with a warm, orange or yellow glow to them. 
Closing the door behind you, you tried to find anything that could tell you where you were. You had no clue the size of the building you crashed into or where exactly you were. 
Turning to your direct left, you found a bulletin board on the wall with multiple posters. All of them said Raccoon City as the location of what they were advertising, so it was safe to say you were still in the city. 
Looking around more, you were startled as you heard the door behind you open. It was quiet, but you still picked up on it, your ears flicking slightly at the sound. 
“Are you alive?” A rather young voice asked you. Your hands went up slightly in surrender and you turned around. 
When you looked at who was talking, your eyes lit up. The question he asked puzzled you, but seeing someone that looked around your age was a relief in its own right. 
His face was unlike any other face you had seen. Most faces from your childhood blurred together, the only faces you really remember being your own, David’s, and the other scientists that occasionally worked on you for David. This young man’s features were soft, his eyes blue and kind, with an emotion at the forefront. You had seen that emotion in your own eyes before. 
He was scared and trying to hide it. 
“You’re alive,” He responded. You knit your eyebrows in confusion and noticed the gun he was pointing at you. Confused, you nodded and watched him sigh in relief, then lower the gun. “You, me, and Marvin are the only ones here that aren’t infected,” He added, reholstering his gun. 
“Infected?” Your voice asked. 
The young man looked at you, his eyebrows knit together, confusion matching your own. His eyes looked up and down your outfit, the white hospital gown and scrub pants that you had worn for the last ten years catching his eye. 
“Yeah…. Where did you come from?” He asked and took a step towards you. 
Instinctively, you took a step back, his eyes immediately softening. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you okay? I’m a police officer, it’s my job to help people.” He said softly. 
You remembered your parents telling you to find a police officer if you ever needed help when you would go to the mall alone. The day you were taken, you tried to tell one that a man in a suit was following you.
You were laughed at. 
Sensing your apprehension, he took off one of his fingerless gloves and held his bare hand out to you. “My name’s Leon, Leon Kennedy. If you want to survive, I might be your best bet,” He said. 
You looked at the hand and hesitantly reached your own out to his. But your name, what name could you tell him? Subject 12 wasn’t your name, it was used to get rid of your humanity, taking away your ability to even have a name. 
A name, you used to have a name, but what was it? Digging deep into your memories, you tried to remember it; tried to remember a friend saying it in joy, tried to remember a parent saying it in love, a teacher in anger. 
Leon looked at you expectantly, trying to read your expression. Your eyes met his as your hand met his in a shake. All you could remember for a name was the sound of rock playing through your dad’s radio, him praising a female singer for her melodies and guitar playing skills. 
“Joan, my name is Joan,” You said, claiming the name as your own. 
“Nice to meet you Joan, got a gun?” Leon asked. He looked down at your hands and you guessed that you had held on for way too long judging by the look on his face. You let go and awkwardly smiled at him. 
“A gun? No,” You replied, your head tilting to the side slightly. “Why would I need a gun?” You asked. 
“Why would you need a gun?” Leon echoed your question, looking at you incredulously. His eyes then went down to the burn mark on your right arm and the cut through the palm of your same hand.  “Where did you come from, you haven’t been here?” He asked. 
You shook your head slightly, proving his theory correct. “I was in a helicopter, then everything went white and I woke up surrounded by flames in this building,”
His eyes widened. “You were in that helicopter? The one that crashed into the building?” He asked, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. You nodded in response and he dug through his hip pouches, producing a small box with a red cross on it. 
“Here, let me patch you up, take a seat,” He said and gestured to one of the benches. You limped over, his eyes catching which ankle you weren’t letting touch the floor and taking a mental note of it. 
Sitting down on the bench, you looked at the palm of your hand seeing just how deep the glass had cut you. Leon kneeled down in front of you and looked up into your eyes, then back down at the collar you had on. 
“I don’t mean to pry…” He trailed off. You stared at him, expecting him to ask a question, but he just shrugged and shook his head, saying something to himself that a normal person wouldn’t be able to hear, but you could. “Isn’t the weirdest fucking thing I’ve seen today,” He said to himself. 
You watched him take bandages and a small spray can out of the case. “Can I have your hand?” He asked. You gave up your hand, palm side up. His hand gently grabbed your wrist, his eyes darting to your face for any sign of discomfort, but finding none. 
“This will hurt a bit,” He said and shook the small can. As the spray hit your cut, a slight hiss left your mouth. “Sorry,” He said, his eyebrows knit in focus and sympathy. Leon was quick to wrap the hand in bandages and then wrap the burn loosely.   
His hand dropped your wrist and he gestured to your ankle. “Can I help that too?” He asked. You nodded and he took your ankle, resting it on his knee. Almost as quick as when he wrapped your hand, your ankle was wrapped and all set to go. 
“It looks sprained. If we were in a better situation, I’d tell you to stay off of it, but we’re not,” He said and looked up at you.
“Thank you,” You said and lightly smiled at him. Looking down at him, you got a feeling that you haven’t had in awhile. 
You felt like he could be trusted; instead of the churning sea that your stomach usually was, it was calm. A slight warmth spreading through your chest at his smile.
“We should head out, I have this puzzle that I need to solve for us to get out of here,” He said, fishing a small booklet out of his pouches and putting the box back in. 
Looking at him, you could tell that he’d been here for at least longer than you had. He might be useful to stick around; especially if he had weapons and you didn’t. 
“Sounds good,” You said and stood up, getting used to the new weight on your ankle. 
“Before we go…. I gotta ask,” He said, leading into a question that you didn’t really want to answer right now. 
“No you don’t,” You replied and steadied yourself, looking up to meet his gaze. 
“Okay, I guess I don’t,” He said, his head moving to the door he came out of. “Alright, let’s get moving,” He added. 
You followed him through the door, into the unknown. Maybe on the other side of the door, there would be a fully fledged freedom; the world that you were kept from. 
To you, you were free of the white walls, white floors, damnation you were sentenced to. Now, you were headed into hell on Earth that you were completely unaware of. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Catch this fic and others on my AO3
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gx-gameon · 4 months
Since it was mentioned in a few posts that Seto was not informed of Banner's death, I can only imagine how he reacts to the FULL LIST of people that need to be replaced. Jaden: Yeah, so the janitor, a security guard, and the secondary nurse were actually Shadow Riders-slash-Duel Spirits, our Alchemy teacher-slash-Occult history teacher and head of Slifer Red was a Shadow Rider too and he was in a homunculus body so I might be having nightmares from finding his mummified corpse, oh and the Superintendent was the leader of the Shadow Riders and was in this weird life support system before he got young and swole so yeah you need to replace a lot of people. Seto: **trying to figure out how he's going to replace 5 positions over the course of a summer because they need to be good duelists too** Joey: ...I'll check with Mai to see if she's still in touch with Valon and his crew. Vivian too; they were close in the tag battle circuit. Yugi: Thank you Joey. I'll see if Bakura wants to replace Banner. I'm sure he would love to teach children about the Dark Arts.
You are correct. Seto sits Jaden down and is like okay the head of your dorm is dead. Who else is gone? *Insert your whole conversation here* Seto breaks something. That’s so many people to higher.
And you’re so right Bakura with his occult deck would be all over teaching children about the Dark Arts. He’s offended he wasn’t the first choice.
And I love Joey being like “we know people! Competent people!”
I was thinking about (and I can’t take full credit for this because I saw it floating around like 6ish years ago) Joey taking over as the head of the Slifer Dorms. Who beater than the king of the underdogs, who has the most growth in his series, to take the Slifer’s and raise them up. He’s the third best duelist in the world he’s got the credentials for it.
But I don’t think I can do it in this au because you know Joey would hear “there’s and evil cult in school grounds brainwashing people to join it” and he go, “not this crap again” as he struts across campus to handle this. Jaden and his gaggle of friends following behind thinking “omg we’re going to see Joy Wheeler duel!” And it turns into “omg we’re watching Joey Wheeler physically beat cult leader!” Joey, and exclent duelist and could win said I’m doing what I should have done the first time, and beats the crap out of Sartorius.
Sartorius: “ah Mr. Wheeler have you come for a duel” think he’s about to get Joey under his control.
Joey: rolling up his sleeves “not quite”
So ya Joey can’t be then head of Slifer dorm because season 2 would not happen or it would be greatly altered. Aster Phoenix shows up talking trash and trying to duel Jaden, ya no uncle Joey I mean Professor Wheeler said no.
They blow Jaden’s identity in a week because Joey watches Jaden win a duel and yells “that’s my nephew!!!!” Everyone looks at him “I mean my student!!!!” Everyone knows but Jaden and jeoy keep acting like they don’t.
Honestly this might have to be an au of my own au or I’ll make a new cannon where Joey is in charge of Slifer dorm from season 2 onwards (in a world where it’s cannon Jaden maybe??)
But the idea of Mai, Valon, Raphael, Vivian or Rebecca coming to teach is very fun.
It makes me want to add more of the cast in
Obviously Bakura is the occult teacher (wild that’s a job)
Maybe Serenity comes to work as the nurse (going into medicine after her eye surgery)
Duke teaches game making (an actual track the kids at duel academy can take)
Mai takes over the girl dorms and force them to allow more girls in (why are all girls automatically Obelisk? Do they only let in the best of the best girls and the mediocre boys can get in? You can’t convince me Mindy and Jasmine are the “best of the best” honestly I need someone to give me the enrollment rules for this school. Because I feel most of obelisk blue bought their way in and then there is everyone else. The red and blue uniforms being made girl and boy uniforms in 5Ds makes way more sense then what ever enrollment and ranking system is going on in Gx)
Also I’ve always loved Valon and Raphael and having them come in as security guards or something could be hilarious because the students are used the the security being pseudo military. Someone breaks the rules in season 2 and are expecting the military security but instead these three jacked bickers show up at their door. Because those three are not wearing any uniform.
I don’t know if any of this will be cannon but having Serenity on campus would actually be really fun. I wish we had more of her in cannon and her being the nurse puts her in an “active role” for season 3
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October is almost here!! Any idea what the mercs would dress up as to celebrate halloween?
Love your writing :D
TF2 Mercs Halloween Costumes!
I'm gonna cry I love Halloween and I'm also really glad you like my writing 😭
Mutual appreciation comment: Thank you for such a fun request and thank you for being a mutual, ily 💖
I tried super hard to come up with originals ones and not like opt out into easy costumes, I sorted through many a costumes and my god some were so bad.
Demo dresses up as the Grim Reaper and doesn't hold back on making his costume as scary as he can. Like this man is going to make at least one kid piss themselves. His costume gives people (Scout) Nightmares. It's even scarier/funnier when he gets drunk and starts stumbling around and groaning, looks like he's about to actually harvest someone's soul. The other mercs end up having to carry him home, and apologizing to multiple angry parents, Demo is only allowed to wear less scary costumes or at least not get wasted while wearing a scary one.
Engie and Pyro have to go together, I'd be so wrong not to put them down as having a duos costume. Kronk and Yzma, please it's such a funny concept to have Engie as an evil (semi) mastermind and Pyro as a well meaning but slightly dumb sidekick. I just love this idea so much. Their so silly going trick or treating together, people are a little freaked out by them but it's all in good fun I'm sure. If anyone dares say anything about them being "to old." there will be hell to pay from Engie.
Heavy is Michaels Myers, I just think this fits so well? Like? I don't know how to elaborate on this one other than the fact that he'd play the part so well. Also, if we're talking about the fear factor like we did with Demo, and costume this man wears is terrifying everyone, it just so happens that dressing up as Michael Myers yielded the most terrifying reaction. Made kids cry, felt bad about it, probably went back to the base after that happened, or just took off the mask. Gets made fun of for this for at least a month afterwards.
I have rewrote this for Medic at least six times now. I want this man to dress up as a nurse so bad it's not even funny. I'm going feral over here guys, I'm using all my restraint to not go into graphic detail about Medic being a nurse for Halloween. But for this prompt I will attempt to be a normal and sane human being, and go with an almost cliché, I think he'd be a plague doctor for Halloween. He loves his job, what can I say, of course it'd transition over to his Halloween costume. I think he'd also just like the look of it, and it doesn't help that this man is a history nerd who was obsessed with the plague. Dresses up Archimedes as a tiny plague doctor so he can take him with, introduces Archimedes as his assistant. Also manages to get the bird head tilt thing on point and pull that move every so often to freak people out.
Scout is going as Beetlejuice. I think he'd be able to act as gross and silly as Beetlejuice. ALSO kind of obscure but not really, in an episode of The Amazing World of Gumball, Gumball dresses up as Beetlejuice while scamming the entire city of candy and I honestly saw that and though, oh yeah scout would do that. Like my man manages to get as much candy as he possibly can, he is ruthless. Accidently uses semipermanent hair dye instead of the washout stuff and has green hair for about six months after Halloween.
Sniper was planning to just go as he was, Scout begs him to dress up, it being traditional and all. Decides he's pretty much dressing like a cowboy at all times anyway, so why now just roll with it? Manages to beat the system with this one, and bearly puts on anything new for his costume. Makes a lasso buys a sheriff star and some boots and deems his outfit complete. Scout is mildly disappointed but still happy he could at least convince him to dress up.
Is it to much if I say Spy would be a princess for Halloween? Is it too much if I say a specific Disney princess? I mean it's not my fault that Cinderella is so iconic, and that Spy would slay so hard in that dress, like come on, I can't stop putting him in dresses now. If that's not what people wanted they wouldn't have made the art of Spy in a dress. And you know this man has the glass heels, takes dressing up very seriously. Maybe even makes a couple of stuffed mice to keep on his dress to make it look more accurate to the movie, who knows.
I think it would be so funny if Soldier dressed up like a revolutionary soldier, but I won't go for something so easy, I refuse. I'll say he'd dress up as a werewolf, but with a twist, he's a were-raccoon! He'd make the costume himself and be so proud. Shows it to his raccoon pals (I don't know if this was someone's headcanon or actual canon but either way, I agree he has pet raccoons), and they cheer.
Sorry it's not super long! I don't know why my headcanons have gotten less detailed, maybe the brain rot is that severe, but I still loved doing this one. and I'm glad I could at least get this one done!
I promise one of these days I'll get back into being able to do longer posts!
Love you guys 💖
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silverteacups · 8 months
⚠️ ANOTHER FAIRLY LONG PRSK POST (from yours truly)! ⚠️
Original post
I was reading The Metamorphosis again earlier and holy shit. This is my 3rd favourite group (L/N in first, MMJ second) but FUCK.
I pointed out a lot in the Samsa post, and I picked up some more today and decided to post them.
Eventually, Samsa's sister stops trying to make him comfortable. Eventually, everyone just sees taking care of him as a task. Eventually, they all give up on him. They're not going to change things for him. They're not going to put in effort for him that they could use to work. With him "gone", they need money, not this filthy, wounded creature that used to be family. And here's my point - they're not going to change, not for him. Why? Because he changed, but not for them. Not even for himself - he just did.
So what does this have to do with Mafuyu and Mizuki? Mizuki did change for themself, because it made them happy, but even then, look at their classmates. All the people who don't accept who they are because they see this change as wrong. They're like Mizuki's apple. A painful reminder of how people will probably always feel about them, one that always be there. One that hurts so much that some day they won't be able to keep going. And that brings me to Mafuyu.
Her mum isn't going to start wanting Mafuyu to be in a music group and pursue a career as a nurse. She expects Mafuyu to change her dreams. She expects Mafuyu to change for her. To her, a child is like a doll. A puppet. A marionette, even. See where I'm going with this? I'm not going to think of reasons why, because that's not what my point is. Mafuyu's mum does not see her daughter as who she really is. She sees her as a perfect student and loving daughter. That is all. Never has she seen Mafuyu and seen someone who loves to make music, and how would she ever be able to see her hurting?
I love the irony here. Mafuyu's mum threw the apple. The apple. Mafuyu's mum was the one who wanted her to be perfect. The one who doesn't care about what made her (or her friends) happy - the Snow White dress mentioned in the Saisei event, for instance - but she does care about what makes her seem better in her eyes. And that event is the apple event (that sounds stupid, but you get what I mean). She associates it with something that made her happy, and now it only hurts her.
TL;DR: People won't change for them. They expect Mafuyu and Mizuki to change, instead.
Skipping Kanade, because I don't have much more to say about her yet, and I think Ena is particularly interesting.
Ena could be closest to the charwoman, with how she acts with Mafuyu, but I don't think she really represents anyone in particular. For a moment, let's just go back (or forward?) to the 3 options they've offered Mafuyu: running away (Mizuki), to talk (Kanade), and Ena's option - rebellion. So how does that play into this? (Quick warning, my thought process might not make much sense but just bear with me)
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Look at the difference between them. Kanade wants nothing more to protect Mafuyu, and Mizuki looks almost evil. If it weren't for the setting and all, you might think Ena is just genuinely smiling. Kanade isn't willing to talk anymore, Mizuki isn't running anymore, and Ena isn't rebelling. Mostly because Mafuyu hasn't truly done that yet, with the path cut off (The road that has been cut off.....), but that's not it.
Look at everything around her. Think back to the I nandesu event, too. Ena has taken a major part of Mafuyu's pain, one that Mafuyu doesn't understand because it's what she's used to, and she's made it clearer. She's drawn that pain because as much as it might hurt her, she can start to understand it. So what does that have to do with not rebelling?
Ultimately, it's about Mafuyu. Like I said, rebelling isn't something Mafuyu has done, and I doubt she's really considered it yet. She knows that she's hurting, she knows - even just a bit - what's hurting her, but she can't accept it. She can't rebel because it hurts her.
If we continue to imagine Mafuyu's mum as that apple, I think it's easier to understand (and explain). The only way to remove the apple and start to heal is by actively trying to remove it. But that scares Mafuyu. She knows that the moment she even touches it, it will hurt. Everything hurts because of it, and she wants it to end, but she's scared of it hurting so, so much. As much as it hurts now, it will hurt most right before it's over. She'd rather live with that pain than face it - just like Mizuki has done. Kanade is trying to be gentle with it, perhaps to work around it, but at this point, that's not enough.
Mafuyu has to face that pain. Ena is never going to force her to do that, but she can at least show her what it's doing it to her. Maybe if Mafuyu understands, she'll find that courage. She'll understand her feelings a little better.
Ena doesn't want Mafuyu to fear her feelings. She doesn't want her to fear the apples or the pain that comes with them. She wants to be by her side when she hurts the most, and stay there when she's recovering, and stay there after. She doesn't want Mafuyu to disappear, but she doesn't want her to continue living while suffering. Even if her option of rebellion isn't an option to Mafuyu yet, she'll wait as long as she needs. Mafuyu's mum sees her as the daughter of an artist, and if anything, just another reason why Mafuyu is so perfect (in the sense that she's befriended her and such), and she can keep believing that, but that doesn't mean Ena will. Ena will do what she can to protect Mafuyu in her own way, even if she doesn't exactly love it, and I think that makes her so incredible.
Again, I apologise if I stopped making sense near the end, but there you go. I might come back tomorrow to comment on the 3DMV.
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delinquentbookworm · 2 months
📓👋 Hello hi~~
Heyyyy 👋
Sorry that this isn't a starbreaker thing, but one thing I do keep thinking about (and will probably never write) is a fic about what happens in Junior Year from Mazey's perspective. Just because I feel like she'd see so much happening from behind the scenes but there are also so many completely unrelated fires she has to put out, and she doesn't have context for anything, so it's impossible for her to see that there's an evil plot going on.
Also, Jace would try to get on her good side (if for no other reason than she has the ability to fire people now, and Porter gets so many complaints). Mazey's a sweet person, I think she would get along with who Jace pretends to be, and it makes me laugh to think of them as work besties who bond over a shared love of trashy reality TV or something.
So, Mazey Phaedra is a teenager who ran for student president because she thought it'd look good on college applications or whatever, and then she ends up as Acting Principal of Aguefort. Suddenly she has a full-time job on top of being a full-time student. There's a million responsibilities, like making sure all the clerics don't flunk out because they don't have a teacher, and making sure all the teachers who are still there get paid on time, there's probably some legal problems caused by Grix trying to kill a bunch of people at a music festival. And she has to do classroom observations and performance reviews, for all these faculty who are decades older than she is and have more experience than she does and probably don't take too kindly to her critiquing what they're doing. (She's pretty sure that Tiberia Runestaff hates her, at the very least.)
The budget is an absolute mess, and there are line items that are explicitly labeled 'HUSH MONEY' and 'FOR BRIBES', so the school might be breaking more laws than Mazey originally thought. She makes the mistake of opening a drawer in Arthur Aguefort's desk when she's looking for a pen, and some shrieking phantoms burst out and escape through the window. Someone is stealing material components from classrooms and healing potions from the nurse's office, but before she can deal with that, she finds out that a student adventuring party on a quest just caused a diplomatic incident in the Baronies that might destabilize the entire region, and the Council of Chosen is pissed. Jawbone is saying that way more kids are stressed out than normal and maybe the school could use a second counselor, because for the first time since he's been working there, his diary is entirely booked up, he now has a waiting list for kids to talk to him. Which, great idea, she'll just have to see if they can afford to hire someone else. Then there's a member of the Council of Chosen absolutely hounding her about shapeshifters and a girl named Wanda Childa, and Mazey has to argue against some pretty extreme surveillance measures. And then, there's talk of a Rat City under the school and when she mentions getting an exterminator in to deal with that, the druid teacher is all over her case about how the rats aren't hurting anyone. Except. You know. The structural foundation of the school.
But hey, at least she has a Vice Principal to help her with all this stuff. And Jace really does his best to talk her through all of her new responsibilities and explain what's going on, and he's kind and he's patient and he seems to be genuinely remorseful that she has been put in this situation. It really should be his job to do all this stuff, but his contract forbids him from doing it because Aguefort never changed the rules after Kalvaxus died. And Jace seems just as frustrated about that as Mazey is. But he's not frustrated at her, like some of the other teachers are. He doesn't talk down to her like the new cleric teacher does. She is so unbelievably stressed out and overwhelmed, and he seems genuinely understanding, and acts like he genuinely wants to help. So of course she warms up to him.
She still has classes during the day so a lot of her Principal stuff gets done after hours, and Jace ends up staying late to help out more often than not. She finds out that Jace and Porter are together when Porter shows up to give Jace a lift home. And honestly, finding out those two are dating is the most boring revelation that there's been all year.
One evening, while they're going through the stupid number of emails she's getting from the Council of Chosen and everyone else, Jace points out the fact that Mazey does have the authority to change the rules about what Vice Principals can do. She could make it so that he can take some of this stuff off her plate. She could even fully remove the rule that stops Vice Principals from being able to take over as the actual Principal. Which is so tempting. She considers it, she even almost does it, but then she decides that she's an Aguefort student and she's supposed to rise to an occasion, not just give up, so she commits to staying in the job until the year is over. She does hand over a few admin-type tasks, and things get a bit easier.
Every now and again there's a meeting that really can't be done outside of office hours and it clashes with a bard class she really wanted to be in, so she asks Jace to attend it on her behalf. And she realises later that he should have been teaching his own class at that time. When she checks, she finds out that he was teaching a class during that meeting. Somehow he was in two places at once.
She asks him about it and he gets this kind of panicked look on his face before admitting there're a couple of clones of him running around the school, helping him out with stuff. Which. Can he teach her how to make one of those?? That would help so much! He can't, it turns out. He tries but neither of the two spells he mashed together to make it work are bard spells, and she can't seem to map what he's saying onto her own style of magic. Still. She appreciates the fact that he tried.
TL;DR, Mazey has the most hectic, chaotic year of her life, during which time she is fully convinced Jace is the nicest person ever. And then a few months later he tries to kill her.
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geekthefreakout · 11 months
In today's issue of "we need to combat people's black and white views in media"...
A ship that is not to your liking isn't automatically problematic or abusive.
To add to that: A relationship that is unhealthy/a Bad Idea Bear in whatever media you are engaging with is not inherently endorsing or glorifying what makes it unhealthy or a bad idea. It's something to be explored! Sometimes it *makes sense* that these characters come together, even if it isn't what is best for them. Because humans do that sometime, and art is for exploring the human condition.
The people who like these ships or are just interested by them are not endorsing those things either. Stop acting like this. You are showing your whole ass being media illiterate and holier-than-thou. There is more nuance to this world than "Good and Healthy and Right" vs. "EVIL AND BAD." Remember, only a Sith deals in absolutes.
That's the main idea of the post- an example and personal experience is under the cut if you want to read what I'm talking about. It's a bit long, as I felt like a synopsis was necessary to make my point accessible even to people who haven't read The Three Jokers.
For my example, let me tell you about my experience in fandom as I read The Three Jokers. First, some background and synopsis of the relevant interactions between Jason and Babs. If you already know, skip down to where it says ~~End Synopsis.
Background: Since The New 52, DC started playing around and teasing out Jason/Babs as a ship. It never really went anywhere, and was largely relegated to Jason nursing a crush and Babs having conflicting feelings about him. You'll see this mostly in Batman: Eternal and in Death of the Family. This has since been dropped entirely in the mainline comics, as DickBabs is back on.
The Three Jokers, for those who don't know, was a non-canon book written by Geoff Johns with art by Jason Fabok. A lot happens in that story, but the relevant things here is that Batman, Jason, and Babs are dealing with the trauma dumped on them by the Joker as they hunt down "the three Jokers". Anyway, the JayBabs stuff therein:
There is tension between Jason and Babs when they are able to capture one of the Jokers. The Joker taunts Jason about his death, and so Jason shoots that fucker in the head (truly a wonderful and cathartic moment imo), Babs having failed to stop him with her batarang. Babs is furious, but Jason points out that in any other situation, she could have stopped him easily, suggesting that maybe she was okay with Jason pulling the trigger. She storms out, leaving Jason to muse that he hopes the Joker he killed really was the Joker that killed him.
Barbara wants to bring Jason in, and says as much to Bruce as they follow a lead. Bruce says they'll cross that bridge if they get to it, but for now they need to find Jason, who is missing. They find him, and he is not in good shape- another Joker had captured him, and by the time find him Jason has been stripped naked and beaten with (naturally) a crowbar, and left naked and tied up for them to find with only his helmet covering him, and a Joker smile painted across it. Jason, very much NOT okay, has a whole panic attack and lashes out at Bruce. Babs embraces him as he collapses in exhaustion, bringing him back to her apartment so he can rest.
When Jason wakes up, he takes note of certain things in Barbara's apartment- books about chronic pain management and strength training, her wheel chair, and appointments on an old calendar for physical therapy. The book about pain management looks useful to him. Babs returns and they briefly discuss how it used to be painful for her to look a these things, but now she looks at it as how much she has improved thanks to the people who love her supporting her. Jason remarks that he never got any of that. Babs points out that they had all believed him dead, and when he came back he had already remade himself as the Red Hood. They all wish they had been there for him, she says. Touched and tearing up, he notes that no one had ever said that to him before. Babs reaffirms that she is saying it now, and they kiss.
Immediately (literally the next panel) Babs breaks away and says that they shouldn't have done that. She only meant that she cares. Jason, with a touch of worship on his face, says he never felt like anyone did care. Babs says "I'm sorry about that" and then firmly redirects him to getting back on the case. They then reconvene with Batman.
Jason, fresh with new Joker trauma, announces that he will be killing the remaining two Jokers, since Bruce is too weak to do it. Jason and Bruce fight, getting in each other's faces without coming to blows. Barbara mediates, and Jason's anger is brought down from a boil to a simmer. When they are alone, Jason admits to Babs that he knows he screwed up. Babs, no-nonsense as ever, says it was more than a screw up- he committed a murder in front of her, and put her in a position where she and Bruce have to let him get away with it because not doing so would mean exposing their identities. Jason says he won't do it again, and Babs warns him that she hopes he's right- because if he does, she'll unmask if she has to- and then she walks away.
Anyway, final showdown happens, it's great. Joe Chill is involved in an interesting way, Babs gets to whack a Joker with that goddamn camera, which is ALSO cathartic. One of the Jokers then kills THAT one, but then surrenders to Bruce and is carted off to Arkham, much to Jason's chagrin. Babs urges him to give Bruce a chance, and give himself one, too. Jason tentatively asks about 'them', and Babs gently rejects him, saying that they interpreted what happened between them in different ways. Jason is hurt but accepts and leaves. Gordon checks on Batgirl, affirming his support for her and Batman, but warning her that the Red Hood isn't someone she should be involved with. She tells him that it's not his business (he absolutely knows identities here).
As the comic ends, we see Babs running on a (out of order???) treadmill with a letter from Jason in box text which reads:
"Dear Barbara, I want to make a change. But I can't do that without you. I know I've come across cold and distant. But I know you know why. I've always admired you, Barbara. Your strength. Your determination. Your heart. You think what happened was a mistake. That it was a moment. But I think we could be great together. I really do. I'll give up being Red Hood for us. I can be something else. Or I can just be Jason. All I need is one chance to prove to you I can be better. And I will devote my life to making you feel proud. Happy. Loved. If you don't think I'm worth one chance, if it was all just you caught up in everything, then throw this letter away. I'll never mention it. I'll even understand. Whatever happens, I love you. Yours, Jason."
We see Jason taping the letter to Barbara's door and walking away- he doesn't notice the tape unsticking. The letter falls to the floor and is swept up by a janitor. Babs never sees it.
~~End Synopsis~~
So, that's that. I read it and I found it really compelling. I didn't think it was a relationship that should be pursued, and I figured if it was it would fall apart pretty fast. It's Jason trauma-bonding, with some of that hero worship he's always had for Babs. It's Barbara having, as she says, a *moment* where she just wants to show Jason that he is loved and that she cares for him, and getting caught up in the tension between them. But, I thought it was interesting, as both characters had been traumatized by the Joker and dealt with it in such different ways, becoming such different people. As I took to the Batfam server I was in at the time (and it was quite large), eager to discuss the book, I thought it was interesting. It made me feel things.
Instead of any discussion, instead I was told in no uncertain terms that any discussion of JayBabs was considered "dark" and had to be relegated to the channel where disturbing shit went and censored under a spoiler tag with a warning. It was disgusting and abusive, they told me. She used to babysit him in some version of canon! It's GROOMING!
This struck me as a huge overreaction. There was a lot of shaming for even finding it interesting, a lot of virtue signaling. I wasn't even allowed to argue the nuances. I realized shortly after that most of the people in that server were young- mid to late teens, some in their early twenties. I left.
Anyway, that experience has stuck with me as being a prime example of what this post is about. For a lot of people, especially young people lately, it seems like everything has to be Good and Right in order for it to be okay to enjoy it. If it isn't Healthy, it's then bad writing. Problematic. Evil.
And that's just not a very mature view, and it seriously limits understanding of how the world works- both real AND fictional. It's making fandom spaces hard to enjoy, and more importantly it's showing a weakening media literacy in fandom at large. And it doesn't just happen in DC fandom, it happens everywhere.
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 5 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction - Part 2
Chapter 4 - The Bhaalists
Our food arrives so we sit back down at the table after several minutes of dancing and laughing. Oh, man, when Gale laughs, when he smiles so big, it gives me the best feeling inside. It’s as if a swarm of butterflies are dancing around in my stomach or an overwhelming sensation of excitement is bursting through the seams. Sigh. I love being the only people up here – outside of the staff, of course.
“Oh this food looks delectable,” Gale comments. “Thank you Jamus, for all you do. Say, how is your brother doing?” Jamus clears his throat and nervously smiles, and it worries me for a moment. Why is he acting so skittish? Is he normally like this?
“He’s excelling in his career as a full-time healer for folks who need it. Sometimes he travels to Neverwinter, but most of the time he’s in Baldur’s Gate. However, he will be moving out there soon enough… It’s bad right now, and it’s only about to get worse. I thought it was terrible before, when the Absolute was the biggest concern in the world. The horrors in Baldur’s Gate right now are about to spread like wildfire and everyone will either be affected or killed.” Gale and I pause, staring at each other in bewilderment and trying to comprehend what he’s talking about. I’m not surprised Baldur’s Gate is once again under fire, but also, I was hoping for continuous peace.
“What are you talking about?” I ask. “What’s happening?” My first assumption was the tadpole, but I know damn well that’s impossible. But what else could be “spreading”? Some sort of outbreak, maybe?
“Oh, you haven’t heard. My apologies. Well… It’s the Bhaalists. Those bloodthirsty, evil freaks who are human but act like monsters to please their God… Which, I know you’re aware.”
“Yes, we killed Bhaal’s chosen. Orin.”
“Yes, well, there have been horrible murder sprees. Worse than ever before. Several are trying to become Bhaal’s chosen to replace Orin. It’s not safe. People in the city are having to hide in the woods or travel to the mountains to escape. Still, some are found unfortunately. That’s all I really know. I hope someone intervenes, and I am begging to the Gods that Jasik makes it here safely. I’ve been worried. What’s worse is, I’m sure Waterdeep will be targeted at some point also.” FUCK. Just what we need. If it’s not one fatal issue, it’s another. I guess now really is a great time for Jenevelle, Gale, and myself to be immortal, though this isn’t an unusual predicament for us. Still, at least our baby should be okay. I hate that we had to find all of this out during a romantic dinner.
“Just keep your eyes peeled. They’re everywhere,” Jasik adds. “Though, who knows. Baldur’s Gate could be the only target.”
“You say that now, but eventually the city will run out of people for them to obliterate. The cult will, I assume, either kill each other or target other cities THEN kill each other. It’s only a matter of time before we find out.” Gale is right – it’s just a matter of time before everything turns to pure shit.
We make it home rather late, but Jenevelle is still awake somehow.
“I promise you both, I tried to get her to bed but all she wanted to do was play. What can I say, though? I’m Auntie Karlach.” I laugh as she hands me Jenevelle, who looks thrilled to see me.
“She definitely enjoys having you around, and why wouldn’t she?” I respond, smiling down at my baby. She begins reaching for me so she can nurse.
“So that’s what it is. She just wanted your goods! Little miss had me fooled. Anyway, I’ll see you both later. I’m exhausted and have to hang out with Wyll’s dad tomorrow. It’s a long story.” She doesn’t exactly sound thrilled, but I guess it’s important to hang out with your in-laws every once in awhile, right? I think since both of her parents are dead, she’s wanting to have some sort of bond with a parental figure of some sorts. She’s brought it up to me a few times in the past.
“Thank you, Karlach. You truly are a treasure,” Gale says.
“D’aw, friend! Don’t mention it!” As Karlach leaves, Gale sits down on the sofa next to me while I nurse Jenevelle. It’s apparent that he knows I’m worried about the Bhaal cultist situation, judging by the way he’s studying my face. In the past, they weren’t trying to kill Orin; she had them by a leash. Now it seems to be a fierce murder spree that’s getting worse by the second. How was tonight the first I heard about it?
“Are you alright? I’m so sorry if your night was ruined. I tried to make it so special for you… For your birthday.” His voice is dreary along with his puppy dog eyes.
“What? Oh honey, no. You made it more special than I could’ve imagined. Now that we’re immortal, birthdays aren’t a ‘thing’ anyways. With that in mind, you gave me an incredible night I won’t forget.” He smiles and takes my hand within his, rubbing my knuckles gently with his thumb.
“I just hope everything is alright.”
“Unfortunately, this issue going on in Baldur’s Gate is outside our control. It never stops. I guess the Bhaalists are nothing compared to what we fought before.” He sighs and hesitates, as if something else is lingering in that intelligent brain of his.
“Since they’re not being stopped, that means we may have to intervene.” I hate how right he is; who else would team up and do it? With us being the ones who defeated the elder brain, I have a feeling everyone will be depending on us anyway.
“What about Jenevelle?” I question, worried who would be watching her or how this will play out overall. “We can’t leave her with anyone unless they happen to be immortal, too. You know, in case of Bhaalists.”
“I know she’s immortal but I still worry about our baby. Man… My ghasts are flabbered. Let’s talk with the others tomorrow and see what they think. One of us may have to stay home with her.”
If it means protecting my daughter, immortal or not, I’m all for it; though, this means Gale and I will be separated from each other for a hot minute. I kiss Jenevelle’s forehead as she starts to become sleepy, then hand her off to Gale who hasn’t been able to hold her much today. I smile at her as she falls asleep comfortably in his arms.
I keep thinking about our friends left behind and if they’ll even be able to fight off these cultists alone. Halsin. Jaheira. Minsc. Even Lae’zel, who I assume is the Astral Planes still, but it’s worth worrying about. Then I come to remember that we have Withers – how could I forget about him? We’ll reach out to him to summon our friends bright and early tomorrow. My brain is racing from the stress and anxiety, causing me to have issues falling asleep. Gale however seems to be unbothered and resting peacefully beside me.
I get out of bed and head down the stairway to the kitchen so I can grab a glass of water and a little snack, thinking it might help ease my mind just a little. As I make it to the kitchen, I hear Tara’s little feet tapping around on the floor.
“Emmy? Darling, is everything alright?”
“Oh, sorry to disturb you, Tara. Just coming down to eat something. Ugh… Gods. I want to quit thinking about that damned murder cult.” She flies up toward me, her gaze holding onto mine.
“Truth is, they’ll always be around. There will constantly be evil lurking about, especially from those Bhaal worshippers. They will stop at nothing to please their disgusting God.”
“The thing is…they’re on a rampage. It’s like a competition to see who can become his favorite. The nastier, more disgusting murders, the better. His Chosen has been dead and there’s basically a breeding cow that’s been creating so many Bhaalspawn to worship him. He craves the attention, but also craves their deaths. All the cultists are killing everyone, and each other, so he can have a new Chosen.” The thought of all this is disturbing me, though it’s nothing new. I just can’t imagine how many are out there right now, and it’s only a matter of time before they spread to other cities.
“How are you going to stop them, dear? There’s only so much you can do.” She’s right. No matter what we do, there will always be Bhaal assassins or cultists on every corner. We can at least try to locate the source of them… The ‘breeding cow’ for instance. Maybe there’s more than just that, maybe there’s another source.
“When the sun rises, we’ll discuss the next steps with our companions. Either Gale or myself will stay here with Jenevelle.” I hear footsteps tiptoeing down the stairs, and I realize it’s Gale. He usually comes down around this time for a glass of milk and then back to bed, but this wasn’t exactly the case here.
“Baby, what are you doing up? Stress-walking in the middle of the night, huh?” He seems genuinely concerned, and he knows this entire situation is eating me alive.
“Yes…Yes I am.”
“Come back to bed and we can talk about it.” His voice is sleepy yet so gentle, and the smile on his face brings me a glimmer of joy. I smile back and follow him up the stairs to our room, where I basically tell him exactly what I told Tara. However, I started to fall asleep as I addressed my concerns and I didn’t even get to finish telling him everything that’s on my mind. Mmm. The numbness as the body falls into a slumber is so relaxing.
{find part 1 and 2 of my series on AO3! I will have 3 parts total. Check out the link below}
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akihabaradivision · 2 years
“Merry fuckin Christmas you guys”
Both Lana and Kanade stood outside your door- gifts in hand.
Kanade was a lot quieter than she usually is- she had been acting strange lately.
From Lana you received a portrait- in the picture she painted of Keiko…she’s standing in a hospital hallway. She’s wearing a fairly modest nurses outfit yet somehow she looks …brave? Like she has a determined look in her eyes.
From Itsuki you received- A bracelet with the OC logo and a hospital logo. 
From Kanade you received- Mr Spooky dressed as a nurse (alongside a box of ghost shaped bandages)
From Lana you received- A painting of Criss and her mouse companion investigating a haunted house together- alongside two other people.
Kanade (much to her dismay as she wanted Lana to quit teasing her) and Mr Spooky have joined the two in the portrait.
From Itsuki you received- A night vision camera 
From Kanade you received- Mr Spooky plush…with a ghostly mouse?! It’s you and Leraje!
You also received a letter- a letter that contains the details of why Kanades been acting so strange. The letter tells you about how Kanade has fallen in love with you- about how she’s too shy to say it out loud but she wants to ask you to be her girlfriend.
Kanade gives you a kiss on the cheek just to get her point across before immediately hiding behind Lana once more.
From Lana you received a portrait- in this painting Niki is seen dressed like a protagonist in an RPG game. With a sword in hand she’s bravely fighting an evil wizard.
From Itsuki you received- a new laptop with the OC logo on it
From Kanade you received- A gamer Mr Spooky plush (it makes fun beep boop noises)
While Keiko and Nikki were busy receiving their gifts from Lana and Itsuki, Criss took this chance to go speak with Kanade somewhere privately. Truthfully, the paranormal investigator was feeling a bit nervous. Before Kanade could say or do anything, she had taken the young actress's hand and asked to speak to her in private. Walking with her to the back of the Otaku Corps' apartments away from their friends, the two stood in silence. As stated, the young investigator was nervous as she thought back to the conversation she had with her gamer friend, Nikki, a few days before:
Three days earlier...
Criss was sitting cross-legged on the ground in Nikki's room, her eyes closed, and her eyebrows creased as if she was thinking about something that hadn't presented an answer yet. Nikki, at first, didn't pay her any attention, keeping her attention focused solely on her computer screen. It was only after Criss started making noises did Nikki finally acknowledge her presence.
"What are you doing?" Nikki asked, still looking at her computer screen.
"Thinking," Criss answered, still in her same position.
"I can see that. Thinking about what?" Nikki asked, eyes still locked on her monitor.
"About Kanade-chan."
At this, Nikki raised an eyebrow, her bored expression changing for a split second before returning to normal.
"What about her?"
"She's been acting strange lately." Criss answered, finally opening her eyes, looking at her friend.
"Strange how?" Nikki asked, as began typing on her keyboard.
"Like, whenever we're together, she's always red in the face. Or she gets nervous when I'm around. And I don't know why." Criss answered. "At first, I thought she may have just been sick. But now I'm worried that I may have done something to offend her. But I don't know what."
"It sounds less that she's angry, and more that she likes you."
"I like her too, but that's not explaining why she always looks nervous."
Nikki sighed as she couldn't believe she was about to have this conversation. As much as she cared for her friend, Criss could be very simple and clueless at times. Turning her head to her friend, she gave her her full attention.
"How do you feel about ghosts and spirits?" Nikki asked.
"I like them, obviously!" Criss answered, excited, before realizing that this wasn't the subject they were talking about. "Why?"
"How do you feel about your mouse?" Nikki asked.
"Leraje? I love him! He's a good mouse and friend!"
"And how do you feel about your parents and your grandparents?"
"I love them all!" Nikki answered, still confused. "What are you getting at, Nikki?"
"What I'm getting at, Criss, is that the same way you feel about all of that, it's probably the same why Kanade feels about you."
For a long time, Criss looked at Nikki, until realization hit her.
"You mean... she likes me like I like ghosts?" Criss asked. "She... she loves me?"
"Sounds like it." Nikki answered, turning back to her computer screen.
"...No way! Kanade-chan couldn't like someone like me!" Criss yelled, denying it. "Kanade-chan's too nice, and I'm... I'm..."
"You're?" Nikki repeated, looking at her out of the corner of her eye.
"I'm... me. I'm just boring old Criss Hiromi. Kanade-chan could have anyone. Why would she go for me?"
"Don't know." Nikki answered, shrugging. "That's something you'll have to ask her."
"I can't do that! What if you're wrong, and she doesn't like me? It'll make things weird, and we won't be able to be friends again!"
"Then don't ask her." Nikki says, shrugging. "But will you be alright not knowing if she likes you or not?"
With nothing more needing to be said, the gamer put on her headphones and began playing a game, leaving her friend with her thoughts. Criss looked at her, and silently left the room. This convo gave her a lot to think about...
Back to the present...
"Uhm, Kanade-chan..." Criss began, trying to find some way to start this off.
"I... I just..." Criss said, as she scratched the back of her head. It's no surprise that she was nervous. She visited haunted houses, spooky places that would make anyone jump, yet the thought of talking to her best friend, whom may or may not have liked her, made her heart race.
"I'm really glad that you like me... Honestly, I think you are the first person to ever say that they like me, which proves that you are a good friend!" Criss said, ignoring her beating heart. "I-I'm not... I'm not really... all that good with... romance and stuff, though... I've never had anyone like me before... I'm used to people saying I'm 'weird' or 'strange' or 'creepy' or something!"
"So... I'm not sure what... it'll mean if we... like each other, but..."
To both young girls' surprise, Criss took her hands in Kanade's.
"...I-I'd like to be girlfriends with you. ...And... and if it doesn't work out, then... we'll still be friends, k?"
With that, the Albino girl placed a soft kiss on her best friend's head, smiling at her with red cheeks. The two smiled at each other, and walked back from around the apartments, hand-in-hand. It's unknown what the future would hold for the two, but they would face it... together.
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designchic75 · 2 years
I thought I’d talk a bit today about how and when I “woke up” around two years ago and why I never fell for the plandemic. I was working at a furniture store and had just started hearing the term Covid 19 being thrown around. My coworker had just gotten back from a vacay in Arizona. She was telling me how the area that they were staying in was starting to close down some of the bars and restaurants because of the virus. She was looking at me all wide-eyed and scared and I remember thinking, “What the heck is wrong with you?” One of the biggest tells about the entire thing for was when I found out that U.S. news stations were using old footage from other countries. For instance, something that was supposedly currently taking in New York was old footage from another country. That was a huge eye opener for me. The following are some of the other reasons that I knew we weren’t being told the truth.
1. There were “boots on the ground” people who were going around and filming at the supposedly overrun hospitals, which were almost completely empty. They were being forced off the premises because they didn’t want them filming the truth. 
2. The doctors and nurses who were working in the supposedly overrun hospitals who had time and energy to make TikTok music videos made no sense. That would never be the case if this had been a true pandemic. 
3. I was told that I supposedly needed to take a shot to cure a virus that was 99.7% curable in my age group. That makes zero sense whatsoever.
4. I watched the media, big pharma, politicians, fast food places, etc. CONTANTLY threatening, bribing and pushing the experimental shots. If you have to do all this to make someone take an shot, there’s something much bigger at play. 
5. I watched as small businesses, churchs, etc. were forced to close down while big box stores, strip clubs, etc. were deemed essential. Really?
Before the plandemic I guess I took a lot at face value. Then I came across a former military guy on Twitter and began to realize how asleep I truly was. From there I discovered Mel K, David Nino Rodriguez, X 22, Q The Storm Rider and many others who saw the big picture. I was shocked to learn that there’s an elite global cabal (or deep state) who owns and is in control of almost everything in our world such as the media, politicians, big pharma, food companies, the entertainment and music industry, etc. This groups’ goal is to get the millions of people in the world down to a smaller and more manageable number. I began to understand the multiple reasons for the plandemic. It was to steal the 2020 election from president Trump by the use of mail-in ballots and other means, and to illegally install pedo puppet Biden who was going to lead us into the Great Reset (new world order), eliminate much of the population with the shots, to strip freedoms one by one from the people until we got used to it and relented to absolute control, to bring us into the new world order (great reset) where we’d own nothing and be happy, switch us to a fully digital currency that could be controlled and cut off at any time, etc. I now see that in most cases the American people and many others were given an allusion of choice as to who they wanted to be in office. It turns out that most of these politicians were one in the same. Former presidents and leaders who I had foolishly put on a pedestal were some of the most evil, and were involved in the most unthinkable acts imaginable, including treason, child trafficking and rape, etc. I realized that color revolutions were used by the deep state to take out legally elected leaders in other countries as a means to install their own puppets. I learned that orchestrated inside jobs like 9/11, were used as a means to send the U.S. into unnecessary wars to fund the deep state industrial war complex. I learned that child trafficking is worldwide the biggest business and learned about the trafficking tunnels that run under every country in the world. I could go on and on all day about all that I’ve learned but that’s much of it in a large nutshell. Once you truly wake up there’s no going back to sleep. 
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Also, it occured to me, sometimes what's labelled anti-feminist is actually anti-capitalist, and what's lauded as feminism is nothing more than the upholding of the existing systems of power/patriarchy/capitalism, etc. Case in point: girlbosses.
Omg no because you are so right for this!!! I read a few books the other summer about the whole neoliberal anti-care anti-community thing and how it's been detrimental not just on a government level but also on a family/personal relationships level.
To try and sum all three up briefly it was basically that a lot of left wing movements such as feminism have kind of been hijacked by neoliberalism which in the west has been the predominant societal structure? Since the 80s and that capitalists have been able to use feminism/pride/etc as things they can profit. Like you said about girlbosses, girlbosses are an example of women being welcomed into capitalism, not for equality but because they represent an opportunity for profit etc. It's why we have rainbow capitalism and stuff.
But also neoliberalism and also, more traditional left wing movements have championed the "destruction of the family" which is a dog whistle so stay with me here okay. From a "leftist liberal" perspective this could mean like "fuck the nuclear family anything can be a family" which is GOOD. From a neoliberal perspective the destruction of the family is more sinister, like the destruction of a family unit, the destruction of community. Get the mothers out of the house and into work too (yay feminism) so that the state can raise the children with their morals which are strictly capitalist, profit centered "morals" rather than family teachings of nurture and mutual care.
It also talks a lot about how we view care in the west, how caring for people is seen as a mother/woman's job, therefore as worth less. But also as a "basic human instinct we're all capable of" which isn't true and acts as justification to pay nurses/carers/teachers/nursery staff less and less (until we can't afford to live, sad times)
Now, once upon a time feminists were demanding pay for stay at home mother's and home makers, because without them who would actually put food on the table etc. Society wouldn't function without them so they should be paid for their labour. (Fun fact most unpaid care labour is done by women)
However when girlboss feminism/neoliberalism kind of took over the feminist and other social justice movements, people all kind of agreed that it was beneath women to be mothers, an evil patriarchal expectation and that women should be allowed to participate equally in capitalism by becoming a ✨girlboss✨and obvs that just left women having to be mothers and work a full time job and still not have time for themselves. Like we just dumped all this extra on them and gave them nothing in return other than the opportunity to play a card in the shite game that is capitalism.
Like I personally think that all this bimbo/coquette/tradcath mom shit is entirely a response/ cry against girlboss feminism and the unfair expectations now placed on a lot of women who don't want to be a career woman etc.
I could go on about this forever btw because there's way more to it, like how we don't build infrastructure for parents, how it isn't a requirement to have baby changing facilities in public venues, how there's no safe places for prams in public/ public transport isn't designed for people with prams or babies. How it's still really easy to push a woman out of her job on the because she's going to have kids. How it trends on twitter all the time like "ban kids from restaurants/the cinema/pubs/swimming pools" etc.
As a society we're really anti anyone who can't look after themselves including children. Also against anyone who cares for children. But it's just neoliberalism with the dial turned up to 11 and it's really fucking sad. Every year someone gets mad at the birth rate declining but no one does anything to support those who want children.
Also just as a disclaimer here I'm not saying that every woman should have or want children. Some women want to be career women and they should be able to, feminism was always supposed to be about equality and giving women the voice and the tools to achieve what they want. Feminism shouldn't have taken its antimotherhood turn and it shouldn't take an anti career woman turn either. It should and always should have been about letting women have the freedom men have to do what they want to do in life.
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thecorgayarts · 2 years
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Who else would I start my art on Tumblr with but my dnd character, Dulahan?
He is a human (that that has been thrown into question recently) bard/rogue. He is mute and uses Minor Illusion to convey speech. He uses He/Him.
His home nation, Brisirix, is controlled by a tyrannical Dragonborn Emperor, who already keeps his subjects in a strong cast system with the lower casts being essentially slaves. He was born into one of the lower casts and at age 7, was specifically selected by the emperor to be his Dulahan: a mind controlled assassin used to maintain order. The Dulahan assassinates political opponents, people who would cause an uprising, and causes enough discord amongst resistance movements to cause them to crumble. He did this for 23 years, losing his name in the process.
After he was sent to kill a child, he was able to break free of the mind crontrol enough to escape. He ran across the desert to the mountainous border of his homeland and Glauden, the neighboring country. He nearly escaped when the empire caught up with him. They slit his throat and left him for dead at the border.
A travelling bard, a older, light green Teifling named Lieder, found him dying and nursed him back to heath. The knife cut through his throat so deep that it severed his vocal cords, leaving him permanently mute. He spent a few months with Lieder in his cabin and when he was ready to leave, Lieder gave him his Stradivarius and left him with the following advice:
"If you are ashamed of all the ugly things you have done, maybe try putting something beautiful back into the world."
After meeting the party, he has really started to find out who he is. He has a strong big brother energy, which is great because he can act as a big brother to the majority of the party, who are a bunch of children/orphans.
His major flaw is he has to help anyone who looks like they need it. Even if its not advisable. He wants to fiercely protect those who can't protect themselves,especially children, creatures, and the elderly. This has resulted in elderly people thingking hes flirting with them, saving "children" who ended up being scary evil creatures, and adopting a slew of undead "pets" because "they looked sad," primarily rotting undead arms, "flirting kinda" with a banshee, and allowing the tortured souls of 1000+ people who all died in a horrific past event to take residence inside him.
After teaching himself to play the Stradivarius, he multiclassed into bard and now uses Minor Illusion to speak through subtitles and images of what he is talking about. He is also about to multiclass again, into Paladin: Oath of the Protector (homebrew oath my DM wrote).
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theuniverseawakens347 · 2 months
“ I read your blog 6 x’s over” …. BEFORE meeting me at st Francis 3-4 days into my stay…
Then how many times once I got out …
Especially when the ancestors spirited me about the truth of not only 4400 REAL OWNERS but also … Illuminati vs masons AND HOW WE GOT HERE. ..
And the dead skulls .. that I LOVE SO MUCH ..
How’d you get past the righting there ..
“Thinking I’m cool and creative like cashay to tell truths” …
Why not just be a face to face WITH YOUR CREDIT CARD AND TALK TO THE VICTIMS …
We had a sit down with Vivicca whitsett… and a fern painting something so small you lost your shit over and AMPt UP even more …
I just … who failed Lee REALLY … the women in your life. From childhood to adulthood ..
I mean the men yeah but like … at what age
Does one in YOUR PLACE legitimately say “i need help”
WITHOUT bullshitting and attacking people for being able to literally SWALLOW THEIR PRIDE AND WORK FOR BETTER AND ACTUALLY BE AND DO IT.
I had chalked in Ava BE THE LIGHT in my kitchen which you used for yourself to continue darkness in the world .. along with
My blog originally saying
Lee … borderline personality YOU HAVE .. the amount of accounts you’ve created to impersonate someone else IS NOT MWTHOD ACTING .. it IS INFACT ALARMING .. but also you finally tapping in to your truest self with out understanding which is alarming …
Shapeshifter .. one good one bad …
But what I do is STAND ON BUSINESS YOU BULLSHITTING ME CAUSE IM 30 — and NOT IN THE PD DPHS EMAILS and telegram marketing GroupMe chats …
BUT I CAN STILL TELL YOU YOUR TRUTH AND WHAT SOMEONE ELSE IS DOING TO YOU … a protwjeè for AN AMAZING CAREER .. but it’s just naturally in me … can’t explain it correctly cause you numb me then use the “it’s too creative” against me to the police.
BUT YOU BOREDERLINE .. like Aja miles … but you EXTRME LIKE THE KILLING GENE … “only in men” you told me November a week before thanksgiving at the cabin 2023 .. watching law abiding citizen AND THE GOOD NURSE .. or cereal killing nurse movie ..
But YOU have an inner voice that’s evil AND VILE AS FUCK and instead of owning it in YOU AUTONIMY .. you shove it onto trump OPENLY .. then silently take it out in other ppl names .. you Scientology personality test your victims get them to do writings of how they’d murder someone in writing .. then find their arch type personality and go and go CRIME WRITING IN THEIR FACE AND THE NAME OF SOMEONE WHO WOULDNT GO THAT FAR ..
Now you got “the complete” “kill package” AS YOU THINK …
But you’re a coward and hide behind “it’s a creative journaling outlet”
… I got in trouble at TCS for writing I wanted to kill // hurt malada whatever her name was for tripping me in soccer THEN HAVING HER DAD CUSS ME OUT IN FRONT OF THE TEAM .. not knowing YOU WERE EMAILING PARENTS AND TEXTING THEM AS ME ALARMING THREATS … but I wrote Malaga’s dads truth CAUSE YOU and my own about her .. BUT ME BEING FAR REMOVED FROM WHAT YOU WERE DOING TO ME SINCE 2rd grade at 54th … and at TCS TO SOOHIE SHALBOUB BEFORE I EVEN TOUCHED THW CAMPUS…
USC .. DURING TRAINING MY CLIENTS bc equinox … FUCKTARD LEAH AND VANESSA … and Paris jealous of Mel and Kendall .. and Eric … and moon .. and mj …
I DIDNT EVEN KNOW THESE PPL TIL I WALKED IN THE DOOR .. and you had aubri spy on me kardashian … “it doesn’t add up but it fits Morgan’s character” … for ass shots ..
ALARMING WHAT THE YOUTH W DO W BODY DISMOROHIA .. and you get off on this shit ..
I said Lisa miller a mother’s miscarriage = A BIG LEARNING LESSON ..
It’s just 🤯…
How you expect 48 BULLSHIT “laws of power” to stick with anyone WHEN THE EMPATH FINALLY WAKES AND REALIZE THEY WANT CHANGE …
Good thing , even “a sleep” I did what I did GODS PLAN, for those who felt they ran out of time unfairly or couldn’t catch up to beat the clock, Nelson.H. ..
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Guess We Should Plan Mammon (Helluva Boss) & Adam (Hazbin Hotel)'s Fanon-Wedding...(Also The Poll Results Of Adammon Have Spoken!!!)
[Note: Reading This Post Is Optional, but this post will be for Mature Audiences Only to Read. also there will be some form of censored bad word in this, so yeah...once again, Mature Readers Only. ]
so yeah, I guess I'm a little surprised so many ended up picking Adam as the one Mammon should marry...but anyway the results from that poll I made some days ago...
"Which One Would You Have Mammon (from Helluva Boss) Marry As His One True Love Perfect Match And Be His Eternal Life-Partner…In Fanon/Non-Canon."
so yeah it is like this…
Mammon Should Marry Stella, got a 26.3%
Mammon Should Marry Adam, got a 44.7%
Mammon Should Marry Blackarachnia from TFA, got a 2.6%
Mammon Should Marry Matriarch Benezia from Mass Effect, got a 2.6%
Mammon Should Marry The Evil Commander Shepard Clone (also from Mass Effect), got a 2.6%
Mammon Should Marry Lancer's Dad The King from Deltarune, got a 10.5%
Mammon Should Marry Jasper from Steven Universe, got a 7.9%
Mammon Should Marry Salem from RWBY, got a 0%
Mammon Should Marry Doctor Emily Grey from Red Vs Blue, got a 0%
Mammon Should Marry King Asgore, got a 0%
Mammon Should Marry Niffty, got a 2.6%
and lastly the one that is Mammon Should Marry Gwen from Camp Camp, got a 0%…
and all of that is the Final Results from about 38 Votes, and me being one of them since I found out you can vote on your own poll. I only picked once, and the one I picked was Adam.
I'm a bit disappointed that not many even voted for King Asgore, Salem, Dr. Grey and Gwen.
I still think that Niffty from Hazbin Hotel & Grey from Red Vs Blue, would get along very well if they met in a Fanon Timeline's Crossover.
and yeah, I love how Grey freaks out Doc's O'malley personality.
so picture Grey and Niffty saying something really creepy, and then Doc's O'Malley personality comes out and says
"Oh, No....There's Two Of Them Now!!!"
and Niffty becomes like Grey's Nurse Assistant, and they have to run after and catch O'Malley/Doc who at this moment is running for their life.
also whoever The RWBY's new adoptive parent company will be, and maybe the same one will end up adopting Camp Camp and Red Vs Blue, maybe...can't really say because I don't know.
I will still give credit to Rooster Teeth.
and even if it does turn out some didn't like how Ruby got all bad feelings in the last new volume, but excuse me if some of us can relate to her even if the experiences that we and her had are different.
and yeah, I did find out a bit more of what is going on...
I think I am thankful someone told me a bit more about the details, but I wish some can try to understand that I pretty much felt not so great, I mean yeah of course I know it wouldn't just effect me, and it also effects a lot of other people, both fans and those who have been a part of that team for years.
I wouldn't put it pass The Toxic-Masculine Energy being behind some stuff...well even if we throw the Toxic-Feminine as a suspect for having a hand in some messed up stuff that is going on, but what that energy does is cause Toxic-Feminist who I'm not really a big fan of, because they act like they are more superior then men.
but there are some women in this world who can be just as bad as some men, wake up and smell the chocolate chip cookies with strawberry jam on top...
also maybe I was misinterpreting how some were speaking to me and possibly viewing my feelings about the whole situation.
a part of me hopes that the new company that is becoming the new adoptive parent of RWBY (and possibly a few others.)
will end up saving some other stuff as well.
I can't remember the name of the video where it had talked about it.
but hopefully things will work out.
anyway since Adam became the poll winner, guess we should get him ready for his "wedding" even if it isn't canon and is 100% fanon.
also is it weird I want to call Vassago from Helluva Boss,
by the nickname "Vassy" or "Vassie" no matter how you spell it, it sounds the same.
even if he could tell the future, there is no way he can predict me.
I was both a Accident and a Surprise, well my Human Parents had me on purpose in this life.
but my Hybrid Soul being born out of the blue, could still count as both a Accident & Surprise.
if I can call Overlord Zestial, by the nickname "Zesty" then I'm gonna call Vassago by the nickname "Vassy" and maybe other fans would end up calling him that as well.
just like how I'm gonna call Charlie's Mom, Lilith by the nickname that fits her...
and that would be "The First B**th"
it would be pretty fitting, if her not really being as much of a "victim" as she claims to be, and boy if she is who she truly is, then boy did she fool Lucifer and Charlie.
Adam might be a jerk, and yeah he shouldn't of did that whole Extermination on every Sinner, only ones who truly need to be taken out...like that old man from Family Guy, who I forgot the name of but he should 100% be taken out in Extermination Day.
some might think that is cold, and mean...
but some inhuman filth who shouldn't be called "humans" anymore, with the lines they cross, would make The Vees (Vox, Valentino & Velvette) seem like a lesser scale of bad in comparison.
well that is how I view it anyway...
I can still believe in Charlie's dream, and agree with her and Emily.
but I still think that only some percent of Sinners, who should be known as "Toxic-Sinners" who are too far gone and can't have any goodness in their hearts left, they need to be taken out on Extermination Day, and don't deserve redemption.
yeah, I know I'm suppose to be a Earth Angel who should be like any other Earth Angel...but like I said before, I don't work 100% the same as the other Earth Angels.
probably because I was a Accident, and I'm Defective Earth Angel.
and yeah I have some of the words from the song that Charlie and Emily sing, memorized in my head I think.
"If Hell is forever, then Heaven must be a lie. if Angels can do whatever and remain in the sky. the rules are shades of gray when you don't do as you say, when you make the wretched suffer just to k*ll them again."
well no matter if it is in a ficto-universe or in the universe we live in...
some Eon-Boomers, will be stuck in the old ways.
even if it might cause more harm than good, and might cause some form of domestic violence to the Divine Feminine energy.
anyway back to the whole Adam x Mammon thing...
Adam ended up becoming the winner in that poll, so he has to marry Mammon...even if it isn't canon.
also if I think about it, if I do have some kind of Priestess blood, or like one of my Soul-Parents from the whole possible soul fragmenting at some point in a past life...and they were a Priestess.
could I end up acting as "The Priestess" that marries them...?
well, probably not. but it is a little funny to think if it were possible.
sadly still procrastinating in checking to see if my blood type will come out the same as the last two times when it was a success.
hopefully we can finally get around to it soon.
I still will have family help me with it, and close my eyes and make sure it is taken from my left hand because it is closer to the heart and it will get better results.
the last tries we did before, I ended up feeling not so great during them...and each time I had to go off to either sit down or lay down.
it seems to be better that I have my eyes closed during most of it.
so once we do get around to seeing that my blood type comes out
as O RH D Negative for a third time, I can just well not have to worry about checking it again for maybe a super long while.
Earth Angels might have different type of Blood Types, so maybe not all of them will be RH Negative...but I'm not 100% sure.
I know about some info that some Toxic-Religious people view those who have RH Negative blood and their by Descendants of The Nephilim and there by The Fallen Watcher Angels...
can't be saved, well excuse me for being a by product of a big mistake, I didn't ask to be made or born ya know.
and this type of stupidity and insensitivity on those like me, are reasons why I relate a little bit with Amethyst from Steven Universe.
well her, and probably a few other Gems from Steven Universe.
and yeah, some percent of us are hybrids in both our blood and our souls, but that doesn't make us less human, we are still human beings with human hearts and emotions.
and if I had to make a guess why some percent of the Nephilim turned out the way they did, it might have to do with them either casting away their Feminine side out of their bodies, or it having to do with the imbalance that also involves what happen so many centuries ago when the Goddess was wrongly dethroned.
and yeah, I have that book "Stones Of The Goddess: Crystals For The Divine Feminine" by Nicholas Pearson, to thank for that info.
Sera from Hazbin Hotel, could be like Toxic-Feminine.
and as weird as it might sound, she is starting to remind me of The Diamonds from Steven Universe, with Lilith reminding me of Pink Diamond...
Sera could be like a mix of White, Yellow and Blue Diamond.
I guess I don't 100% hate Pink or Lilith, but they pretty much did some messed up stuff that ended up hurting those that loved them.
and Steven & Charlie deserve better than that, they shouldn't have to fix their Moms mistakes or the damage they cause.
even if Lilith didn't give up her physical form to have Charlie, because well it being Lucifer that had Charlie, which makes one think that if it is the Boy Angel that has the baby, no matter if they are Fallen or not.
which could mean that in Helluva Boss, it could be that Paimon who became pregnant and had the eggs if some of his children ended up being a Anthropomorphic Bird.
picture that Butler Imp (who I'm still gonna view as Stolas's Real Dad, even if they aren't biologically related) having to deal with Paimon's weird food cravings and mood swings.
Stella might not of been given the talk, and only believes she had Octavia's egg, but really it was Stolas.
Andy, give your sister Stella the talk, she can't be oblivious to the truth forever.
in the Fanon, it can be either way, like either the guy or gal having the baby.
but anyway, like I was saying even if Lilith didn't give up her physical form to have Charlie, because the whole Lucifer being the one that had been pregnant instead.
she is still Charlie's Mom, but with how things are, some fans could have theories that she might not of really cared for her family.
Charlie might see Adam as this terrible person who tried to boss around and control her Mom when they were still together.
but sometimes not all is what they seem, yeah even if Adam can be a butt-head and a bit full of himself, but if he wasn't always that way...then you can bet that The First B**th had something to do with it.
Adam could match the song "Born Without A Heart" by Faouzia.
if by some chance Adam does get reborn as a Sinner, "The First B**th" better stay the double-heck away from him.
at least the Lilith from our universe has a better excuse, but at the same time....both Lilith & Adam from our universe could of been victims.
you know like the old saying, girls mature faster than boys...
well the same case could also imply with Lilith and Adam.
if Adam knew or understood what those three angels were going to do to her if she didn't come back to where he was...maybe he could of waited and they both given space, things could of worked out better.
couples sometimes, need space away from each other but still be together.
they don't have to be joined at the hip 24/7.
and the whole trying to make Gran-Gran Lilith return to Adam against her will, even if those three were told not to.
is not a good thing, and we can make some guesses why she became a monster or seen as such later on.
both Gran-Gran Lilith & Gran-Gran Eve are human beings with feelings, and the reason why things got so messed up during those times might have to do with the imbalance and the whole hey lets neglect the matriarchy and give the patriarchy full focus.
and the balance seem to be getting a bit more better, but of course with some messed up stuff that had happen, like one of them being Covid-19, some angel-boys might be crossing lines they shouldn't.
hopefully the Divine Feminine energy will get stronger to stop the misbehaving Toxic-Masculine one, and have true balance with the good side of the Divine Masculine energy.
anyway, about that poll I made...
I hope some enjoyed it, and happy that Adam from Hazbin Hotel won. and next I will be posting a drawing that has Adam in it where he is a member of The S.A.P Squad.
the name makes sense once you see the drawing.
anyway, Congratulation to Adam (Hazbin Hotel) & Mammon (Helluva Boss) on their Engagement and their future Wedding. XD
and they can't get out of their Engagement either, The Eveningstar Princess and the rest of those who voted on that poll have spoken. lol
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
We have a few people who need to leave now and we're working it out and I'm going to make it happen and we have a list
-few things happen this morning these assholes kicked him up and he got to sleep and they're all mad about it so they're messing around with him and out of their mouths came some horrible stuff so he decided to get rid of them and we're pulling them out and they start talking about their invasion so it said great was it free information and I kept talking about it saying what they're going to do and kidnap and extort and finish at this what do you say kidnapping and some other place and we said oh like ships tons of people trying and they said oh yeah or bunkers so they stop talking and it says we're out of class but we're still here and we're at your boy I said well you know you don't have my shoes for him except extortion so we are going to extort you and we heard your responses to the money stuff so we're going to get rid of you and they said no way I said you're already going that was all morning so far and we have a bunch of offers from them they're getting rid of them and they are having a war here with the pseudo empire and allows and can disappear and it's happening we also are going to war with the pseudo empire demanding the nursing has nothing until they arrive is unacceptable so they reach out to they will be out too and not too long for now their fleet is diminishing and they are on par with the more lock again and it won't happen again the more like I can't build that fast except for their no that's included and what came out and they're at about 10 billion pseudo empires at 12 right now they're having a war off Mars right off it then they're both losing about a billion ships every few hours. It's going to continue until they have nothing the clones will move in the empire will fight them and the foreigners will hang out right now there's about 1 billion ships heating up to try to go to Venus and it's the idiot from and it's out of those 3.5 billion after that he has only a few million and he's out and they're going to be attacked in moments I hear they're being attacked right now and they'll be gone in minutes now the bozo is up and out and it's Sunday but we did hear DJ says I can't have him down there you're an embarrassment and he is he's not working at the ship but it still works there but PGA wants them out and he wants him out that is and machines doing it and we want him out of there too so he's going to try and fire him today he's no longer than management company and he is a huge a******* right now they're trying to get weapons into the apartment and they are constantly getting killed
Those ships that are heated up are under attack, and that's why he left that's one reason he's trying to stop the pseudo empire the other reason is he is going after bja and he's going to try and take ships and bja is already given orders a few minutes ago to track what they're up to you and they can see Trump ships trying to get close to him and he is fending them off and will probably take them over a whole bunch of Brian's ships are not whether or not heating up at the heat up secondary weapons and in moments they're going to start barraging Trump it's going to be over for him and he will begin trying to get ships and other and keep losing them and finally he will go to Titan and he will meet his end. More shortly but this is what the status is
Thor Freya
They're coming after me and you're just sitting there and our son and daughter-in-law say it's already ready what you say is is a huge fleet sitting there and they know what their status is and they're very evil and they're going to try and even take over Brian's all of its ready to intercept. Just like 200 times the firepower sitting there now so I understand that and I hear you and that's why you're acting that way and he says yeah and they might just take bja over while they're at it because it's going to be like that so I hear you now I'm posing the question
Good I say
We heard it on the radio already both sides want to use it to try and heat up and attack a Venus and the pseudo empire heard it and the movie in and they will take the ships and they will be ahead and it's kind of a surprise that they lost somebody and not off Mars and now they're going for it yes because BJ is heating up and he was nervous and didn't know what to do but we are right there and we did talk about it and we said they'll probably end up taking both but now we are acting and he did say to act and it was good timing
Thor Freya
I'm not messing with that but I helped to send it so I get it they need it out of there and yeah okay
We have a few deals we are working on to help you out and they're pretty good and I noticed the heats you up and just saying it's kind of cold even though they say he's hot and they were all saying no and stupid stuff like that but they know what the math is so I do like your opinion on it we have to do things that work for us and focus on it pick what we're going to do based on our program and what will work or pick will work and have it work
It's kind of like how the cars started with parts and so he thinks that he gets a bunch of money and people think it works at something they started thinking about it it's kind of like this economy and it's trying to restart it and it's part of it and what reasons would they have in this it's good because it's focus on to the biggest topic and our people need money and I think it'll work to help do that and we are continuing to monitor these people and we're going to get going on it now
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