#dw boom
wastedandbasted · 4 months
a little whimsy is cool but I like my doctor who dark and mysterious and a little fucked up and tragic and with time at the center of it all thankyouverymuch so Boom and 73 Yards are already my favorites lets keep 'em coming
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i-like-media · 4 months
Ok but most importantly, this is the first time the Doctor has really LOOKED at Susan Twist. Looked her DEAD in the eye. In all other scenes she's been a person you could easily brush off and one the Doctor didn't get a proper look at. Now he was FORCED to look at her.
I wonder, I wonder...
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dashedwithromance · 4 months
sorry going fuck wild about 15 referencing ‘a sad old man once told me, what survives of us is love’ quoting philip larkin’s ‘an arundel tomb’ but the whole quote is “… to prove / our almost-instinct almost true / what will survive of us is love”… our almost but not quite true instinct is that love survives us all - we don’t know what survives us, and we will never know what survives us. a stone effigy can never be fully accurate to the love that may or may not have proceeded it, or so the poem says
but of course, this is doctor who - love is what survives us all. of course, he’s a sad old man (aren’t they both?) and we know, and the doctor knows, that love does survive us all… dad to dad, dust to dust…. clara’s half a heartbeat… burning up a sun just to say goodbye… in the doctor’s experience, of course it’s true - what survives of him is love, every single time
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mydutyistoobserve · 4 months
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ernstiggroteadelaar · 4 months
"Do you get it? Do you get it? DO YOU GET IT?"
the doctor has experienced the results of space capitalism so many times, he's TIRED
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lemonycranberries · 4 months
criticizing capitalism. criticizing religion. criticizing war. some incredibly metal lines. the bug about ruby's kin. the whole snow thing coming back. the whole "parent love" thing, and the doctor using it to relate to john. oh my god this was amazing
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bipunkharrington · 4 months
So do we think 15 made himself at home at the lesbian gymkhana, or was that an unseen 13 adventure 🤔 or one of the other doctors for some reason. I've left out 14 because he's separate from the actual doctor now IMO and couldn't fit all the classic doctors so have left them as one block because I'm not as familiar with them.
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blackladynerd · 4 months
I just caught up on Doctor Who.
I’m really enjoying Ncuti’s Doctor so far. He’s fun and I like the dynamic with Ruby.
I just hate that they made Ruby another mystery or “special” companion. I just want an everyday typical person to go traveling with the Doctor not someone who has to be figured out or solved.
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nevereverthem · 4 months
Doctor Who [spoiler alert IF] :
Ruby is 3082 years old !?
Are you kidding me !?
Ok, I'm fine.... Aaaaaahhhhhhhh
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wastedandbasted · 4 months
if you watching doctor who and go "what" every 5 seconds then the show is doing its job
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Oh that's why there's no exclamation point in Boom even though it would've made sense, it would've been too on the nose a critique of Kerblam!, I get it.
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aquilacalvitium · 4 months
That was, without a doubt, the single most stressful episode of Doctor Who I have ever seen.
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buzzy909 · 4 months
I love this new doctor. I love how he’s snarky and sarcastic when angry.
I really liked this new episode, Boom. There’s so much that I am enjoying with this new season! Can’t wait to see more
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mydutyistoobserve · 4 months
The Doctor: *in fatal danger for the umpteenth time*
The Tardis:
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ernstiggroteadelaar · 3 months
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so i did a Sutekh family tree, half of which is egyptian gods, but the bigger half is susans
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lemonycranberries · 3 months
last episode and the episode name dropping is still going strong!!
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