facemypast · 3 years
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I’m putting these into one post do that I don’t spam:
@queencfwolves​ said: Dibs af tbh
@powertobite​ said: dibs
@ofgunsandlipstick​ said: dibs
@dxmence​ said: dibs ( i know I haven't been around for AGES but I still love you lsdfjka )
@mxndwitch​ said: dibs x infinte <333
@hellsholyground​ said: dibs dibs dibs dibs
I LOVE you all SO MUCH and the dibs definitely goes both ways.
★ send me ‘dibs’ if you’re attached to me as an rp partner ★ Accepting ★
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illfatedpartners · 3 years
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[𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊]:  Send me a 🎶  and I’ll shuffle my playlist and use a line from the next song as a starter. [𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒]: accepting [𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌]: @dxmence​ // becca [𝐅𝐎𝐑]: erik 
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❝This time I'm speeding with no direction.❞ Without a mission, without something to do, he feels lost and after a couple of glasses of whiskey he does not mind admitting it. ❝Have you ever felt like that?❞
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wscldier · 3 years
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" don't be angry. please, don't be angry. i can take it from just about anyone, but not you... " (have a smol steeb?)
BUCKY  GAVE  A  LOW  SIGH  ,  PUSHING  BACK  STEVE’S  HAIR  ,  &&  inspecting  the  huge  cut  on  his  friends  forehead  .  he  had  been  barely  a  few  minutes  in  the  door  of  the  shitty  apartment  that  they  shared  when  he  had  caught  glance  at  steve’s  busted  up  face  .  clearly  he  hadn’t  even  bothered  going  to  get  help  .  just  sitting  waiting  for  bucky  to  return  home  from  the  factory  .  lips  pursed  ,  bucky  dipped  his  head  ,  counting  QUIETLY  to  himself  that  they  only  had  a  few  medical  supplies  left  for  the  rest  of  the  month  &&  if  they  needed  any  more  ,  he’d  either  have  to  cut  spending  somewhere  or  work  a  double  shift  to  get  more  in  stock  .  
running  his  hand  down  his  face  ,  bucky  DIPPED  his  head  between  his  shoulders  &&  gave  a  sigh  .  he  didn’t  even  want  to  know  what  had  happened  .  instead  ,  he  pushed  himself  up  from  where  he  had  knelt  ,  taking  off  his  linen  jacket  &&  tossing  it  to  one  side  ,  &&  began  rolling  up  his  sleeves  .  “  was  it  delancy  again  ?  ”  he  asked  ,  moving  towards  the  sink  &&  running  some  water  in  a  bowl  .  “  you  really  gotta  stop  trying  to  beat  him  up  when  he’s  three  times  the  width  &&  height  of  you  .  ”  i’m  not  MAD  at  you  steve  .  i’m  just  ----  i’m  just  trying  to  figure  out  why  you  feel  this  need  to  fight  every  single  bully  out  there  ? ” // @dxmence​
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shieldedsouls · 3 years
‘you can have half.’ (Becca at Bucky)
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from a meme idr which one oop | @dxmence for becca !!
      all things considered: yes, the offer of splitting the last cookie from the tin of literally bigger-than-your-hand cookies is in fact a surprise. he hadn’t been saving them for anything, the tin itself had been a novelty purchase and the cookies being delicious and fair-sized were a very nice bonus. that she’d found the last one and claimed it was as much a sibling thing as you could get, really.
                                                      worth the trade-off.
     “ nah, ‘m okay, ” bucky smiles, though after a second his expression turns more thoughtful, and he lifts his occupied hand. “ unless you want half this tub of ice-cream. i can grab another spoon and we can camp on the couch. ”
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belyvuk · 3 years
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@dxmence​ said;  🥂 (smol steeb iosafj)  - a  starter  where  my  muse  drunkenly  confesses  their  true  feelings  about  your  muse  to  them.
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   “ -- hey now, slow down there.” a laugh bubbles out as bucky clumsily reaches for the glass steve is in danger of spilling. they’ve both drank plenty at this rate, but steve seemed to have had just a tad too much, far as bucky’s concerned. 
  he’s loud -- louder than usual and it’s all fun and games, with bucky joining into the conversation here and there. but then steve keeps talking and talking and the conversation takes a turn and the center of his best friend’s attention is now on bucky and bucky -- well .. bucky doesn’t know what to think. 
  doesn’t know what to make of the compliments or the fact that steve had just outwardly confessed his feelings, with a dumb, drunk smile on his face and as much as the soldier’s heart swells at that and his cheeks heat up as he listens, smile wavers a bit. steve’s drunk. he --- he doesn’t know what he’s saying, surely. “ --- don’t .. you’re talking nonsense now, man. c’mon let’s --- let’s .. stop here, for now, yeah?”
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mxndwitch · 3 years
“Breathing hurts… it really hurts…” (smol steeb!)
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She had always known that Steve was frail and his health often poor, which was why she had learned to climb from her apartment into his. So far his ailments hadn’t been too severe, but New York was suffering from an unpleasantly cold and wet winter, so it had only been a matter of time, until Steve caught something in their cold, damp apartment building. Wanda had fallen asleep on a chair at his small kitchen table, face down on the wooden furniture, when his coughing woke her and she needed a moment to remember where she was. She was quickly on her feet and sat down on the edge of his bed, gently rubbing his back. “You cough too much”, she said softly and thought for a moment, before rising again. “I will make you a tea. I bought honey”, she announced and put a kettle on his stove, before pulling out a jaw of honey from her handbag, which rested on the floor. Wanda had scraped her remaining money for the month together to buy some for him after work the other day and almost forgot about it. “I will help with the cough. Then your lungs don’t hurt anymore”, she promised and searched for the tea bags in his cabinet, before dropping one in a mug and filling it with hot water. She added a generous spoon of honey and brought the drink over to where he was propped up in bed. “If that doesn’t help, you can still eat it from the jar”, Wanda said with a grin and handed Steve the mug.
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vjestyca · 3 years
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@dxmence​ said:  ❛ i think there are many ways to matter. ❜ (steve)
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—          A LIGHT SMILE across her lips, hands curled together in her lap, one thumbnail picking at the black polish on the other.     ❝ i know, i just  ...  ❞     a quiet sigh, mix-matched eyes closing for a moment.     ❝ i just want the things i do to mean something.  call it a legacy perhaps, but only if that ‘legacy’ is that the things i did made it easier for people.  made them safer. ❞
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@dxmence​:  “ did you just forget about me or something? ”
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“You’re crazy if you think I could ever forget you, Becks.” He said, his tone serious even as he gave a soft laugh. He threw an arm around her neck and pulled her close to press a kiss to the top of her head. “Just had to get my own head on right.”
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@dxmence​   ( for becca )   !!   sc. 
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“ All my cards are dealt. ”  
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shieldrevive · 5 years
USER :// @dxmence​_rebecca private string { plotted_starter.doc } ; closed
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         rebecca barnes had always been and likely always remain to be an enigma.  for so long steve thought himself to be alone in this new timeline.  by every ounce of logic out there she should’ve been in the same state as peggy, if not very similar.  there were days when steve even thought bucky’s younger sister to be dead given the passages of time.  in fact, when he worked up the courage to seek her out the soldier had been met with a death certificate.  that alone sparked an intense flash of anger when she re-emerged into his life.  he’d never appreciated lies.  though, when the initial shock smoothed over and he was able to look at everything from a logical perspective the move made sense.  her body hadn’t changed in decades.  her body healed in a way that reminded him of his very own genetically engineered cells.  how else was she supposed to explain than by starting a new life?
          from there, steve opened himself up fraction by fraction.  rebecca became a lifeline of sorts, grounding him to a different time while he tried to navigate a completely new one.  he found a comfort he hadn’t really known since his family was ( somewhat ) in tact.  steve felt home.  he felt like there was somewhere he belonged.  more importantly, becca gave him a space where he could simply be himself.  not captain america and not an avenger.
                             just steve.
           “ i wish bucky were here, “ the soldier suddenly blurts instead of the other three words he’d been terrified to say out loud.  bruise covered arms shoot out to grab at the nearby mail he’d brought up from the first floor.  bright blue eyes scan over all the print.  a letter from one adrian mathias is gently placed to the side to read later.  another from a local musician known as sonore is set on top.  “ although, i bet there’d be some words over dating his little sister. “  the smile that follows is slow and nostalgic.  steve can’t help but get his gaze wander up and out the nearby window.
           a creak in the floodboard brings his eyes back up to rebecca.  as she fills his view whispered words come back to him like a knife in the chest.  his last argument with natasha involved none other than the woman standing before him.  “ wh...are you working tonight? “
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wscldier · 4 years
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HE’S  GRIPPING  TIGHT  ONTO  HER  ,  ARMS  CURVED  UP  UNDERNEATH  HER  SHOULDERS  AS  SHE  HELD  ONTO  HIS  HEAD  ,  her  arms  curling  around  him  &&  her  fingers  running  through  his  hair  as  she  comforted  him  .  sitting  on  the  floor  ,  the  tv  screen  hovering  the  blue  across  the  room  &&  volume  low  .  gasping  for  breath  as  she  continued  to  hold  him  ,  rocking  slowly  &&  keeping  him  CLOSE  .  bucky  tried  to  find  his  breath  ,  but  was  caught  in  the  way  his  chest  felt  like  it  was  buckling  under  itself  .  his  fingers  turning  around  the  cloth  of  her  dressing  gown  .  she  was  here  .  she  wasn’t  going  anywhere  .  
@dxmence prompted : ​ “ it’s okay , i’m here . i’ll always be here . ” (Winnie)
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murder-popsicle · 4 years
[ Questions || Closed ]
The march back from Johann Schmidt’s factory was…well, it was, and that was about all Bucky could say for it. She’d spent the first day wrapped in Steve’s jacket and perched on the edge of a tank, too shaky and exhausted to walk for any length of time. What little sleep she got came in restless snatches, and she was still half convinced that everything around her was an elaborate hallucination brought on by one of that horrible little doctor’s concoctions.
The bruises on her arms, though, and the ache in her legs after she started marching under her own steam – those felt real, too real to be something her mind had simply cooked up.
When they’d finally reached the camp, when the cheering fro Captain America had died down, the brass had pulled her aside, given her a shot of benzedrine, and dragged her off for questioning – what did the doctor do, how much did you tell him, what do you mean he didn’t ask about the Allied forces at all?
But the questions had ended abruptly when she’d had to lurch out of the tent to vomit. Whatever the liquid fire Zola had shot her full of was, it clearly didn’t get along well with bennies. So the nurses had taken her for a physical instead, noting down each cut, each scar, each bruise, frowning deeply at the blood crusted around her ear, the skin stretched too tight over her ribs, and the scar that ran down her abdomen in an angry red line.
Finally, finally, she had been allowed to collapse, and for the first time in weeks, she’d gotten a true good night’s sleep.
She woke to the smell of oatmeal and the sight of Steve sitting on the cot opposite hers. Sitting up slowly, she bit back a groan. Every inch of her body was stiff and aching, especially her arms; not surprising, when she considered the sunset of bruises that covered the insides of both her elbows. Christ, she was sore. But her cough was gone and she could no longer feel her ribs creaking inside her when she moved. It was a welcome improvement, though it did make her wonder exactly how long she’d been in that lab. She’d lost track of time so completely that she wasn’t even sure what month it was, let alone the date.
“Steve,” she said, finally succeeding in pushing herself upright. “Hey.” A smile flitted over her face when she caught sight a steaming bowl in his hands. “You brung me breakfast? You’re a saint.”
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battlesthatmatter · 5 years
Send help, @dxmence is going to give Steve baby fever again.
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goldcnblood · 5 years
» 𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒶𝓈𝒽𝒶 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓈𝓉ℯ𝓋ℯ
                                                                                                                  ‹ cont: ✶ @dxmence​ ›
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          𝚂𝙷𝙴 𝙵𝚁𝙾𝚉𝙴. She was expecting some kind of remark, of course she was, she had known Steve long enough to know he was going to speak his mind. And yet THAT wasn’t something she had expected, not in the slightest. Surprise flickering over her expression while she stared at him. ❝ The pot calling the kettle black, aren’t we, Steve ? ❞ Deflecting, something she was good at, especially when she didn’t want to admit that Steve was right, how could he not ? he quite literally hit a bullseye with his words. ❝ And for the record, I’m not afraid to admit that I’m not a saint, quite the opposite, actually. ❞
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prcsopa · 5 years
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❛      ---    tell  me  who  and  i’ll  be  thanking  them          ❜ @dxmence​  -- starter call !
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for dxmence : Shoutout to the fabulous, talented @dxmence! Demi pours so much love and dedication into all the characters she writes and it really shows. She is also an amazing, kind & fun human being to be around and I am so happy to have her as a friend in my life
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