hornetism · 3 years
Literally anything about the great knights but especially ze’mer <3
Ze’mer my friend Ze’mer...
favorite thing about them
Oh My Gosh. I'm hard pressed to pick between the little detail that references her storytelling from Ogrim's thoughts and the fact that she hails from a distant land. I love both for very different reasons...I think her storytelling. It's such a beautiful aspect of her character, especially when much of Hollow Knight revolves around the different perspectives of a single story, and how the same story can have so many different narratives. Actually, although I love that she comes from beyond Hallownest for the simple fact that it directly contradicts the narrative that the citizens of Hallownest believe (and the Pale King spreads), I think that also gives a whole different dimension to her role as a storyteller. If anything, I think she has so much genre awareness and Knows that she's in a story. It's neat!
least favorite thing about them
Ugh, I'll give another cop-out answer that's the same as the one for Grimm; I really wish we got to see more of her. My real answer is that I dislike her for being one of the five great knights, but I also can't truly say that because, again, that crucial decision to make her a knight transforms her entire character. So I can't even really say I dislike that, even if on principle I dislike Hallownest on a personal level (and adore it narratively). Slight tangent, but this game is so good because you aren't meant to root for the kingdom.
favorite line
"Is it that, Le’mer? Such grief, can end? Che’ can end? Ullll, eh nai dear love. Che’ too can end." Lines that hit. If grief is nothing but love, not without direction, but whose destination is now absent—that is, love that has nowhere to go and is traveling endlessly, a thread pulling ever more taut, then she lived until her love could rest. She defines herself by it.
Hegemol. I was going to answer Dryya, but I think, while Dryya and Ze’mer are both lesbians who would have an Undersanding of each other, Ze’mer is also someone who Understands the art of storytelling, and I think Hegemol does too. I think that Dryya's closeness to the White Lady is also something that creates distance between them. So, Hegemol.
Obvious answer. I was going to put this as my favorite thing because I Love Lesbians, but realized I could talk even more if I placed it here. The way that they both are able to find peace after the flower is delivered...they were waiting for each other.....yeah.......yeah.....................
Anyone who isn't the Traitor's Child.
random headcanon
I think the majority of her stories are told through song, and she can captivate any audience with her voice.
unpopular opinion
Don't really think I have one! Taking this space to add another headcanon that isn't really much of one but I think she enjoys very witty banter and wordplay. Also, because I can, she's autistic ♡ hitting every character ever with my Autism Beam.
song i associate with them
Vague Hope (Cold Rain) from NieR: Automata
favorite picture of them
This art. Something about the vibes. This is already so obvious to you but #luthien
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folkdances · 2 years
You deserve financial compensation for that post god
i literally do it's so awful 😭 it's all either people thinking the same wiseass comment ten other people have made is original or people going to just HORRIFIC levels of oversharing on a post i meant to get maybe five likes on and all of those likes from my mutuals no less..
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mariablowers · 3 years
Was so in love with your picrew because it reminded me so much of cartoon saloon but you actually work there??!! That’s incredible, favorite animation studio :-))
Ohhh thank you so much!! Hehe, that makes me so happy to hear! Yeah, my picrew's style is definitely inspired by Cartoon Saloon's style, both consciously (the heavy lineart, woodcut look, like in Wolfwalkers. I spent like 10 months drawing in that style and it was both easy for me to make a big project based on that experience and also I really really like the look) and probably unconscious design choices too, since I have always been very inspired by the style! I don't work there anymore, since I moved country, but it's a studio full of people I love! <3
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stagbells · 3 years
Tumblr media
From: @dykeluthien
To: @miniaturefern
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tinfoilvalentine · 2 years
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morgothbauglir · 2 years
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stagbells · 3 years
Written Work
From: @pollyannam3
To: @dykeluthien
Written work under readmore!
The young maiden’s chisel shook with bright nerves as the sketch unfolded within the stone tablet she held on her lap. Her anatomy was choppy but her heart was stunningly perfect and so was her new muse. 
The maiden watched her spin, train and dance. The princess of white moved with weaverlant grace. A blush burned her face as each and every mark of the sturdy royal muse was attempting to manifest by her own hand, but the marks were hesitant as she merely looked up. 
The princess’s silk shimmered white as it formed around her hands. She threaded it into her needle and threw it upwards. Pulling it back, she swung it around and caught it. This motion made the maiden smile with her blush burning hotter. The princess was so strong, the needle moved like it was but mere silk itself! 
She picked her chisel back up and kept sketching, lightly laughing to herself. The sound of the needle swinging told the maiden that the princess’s practice was still going. 
The maiden added little lines that didn't quite connect right to the folds of cloth, but it was the artistic choice that made it wonderful. Nothing could compare to the beauty of that bright red cloak, no matter how hard the wonderful maiden tried. From the cloth, to the hands, to the needle: the maiden was confident that the way of the words was more her strong suit than the way of the sketch. 
However, that would not stop her from appreciating the form of the princess beloved through art. She focused deeply on the sketch, the lines forming little hearts above the princess’s head. It made her laugh a little to herself. It would be perfect. 
Surely the princess will-
“Bretta, what are you doing?” 
Mind pulled from her fantasies in an instant, Bretta yelped when Hornet’s voice suddenly sounded right in front of her. She blushed deeper, hiding her sketch by pressing the tablet against her chest so Hornet could not see. 
“Ah! N-Nothing, Hornet! It’s silly, it's nothing!” Bretta put the stone behind her, waving her hand. 
Hornet hummed, sitting on the bench next to her with a tired sigh. Bretta turned away from her, blushing and picking at the side of her face. Hornet always sat on the bench in a very specific yet cute way, it almost made Bretta wish her sketch was simply that. Though, she was too busy shying away. 
“That’s a shame: your writing is always…quite nice. I hope the words begin to come easier to you before long.” Hornet picked at her needle before sticking it on the side of the bench, aware of sibling-shaped thieves who might want to play with it.
Bretta laughed nervously. “It’s uh- Not exactly writing- Uhm..” Bretta scooted away from her when she realized how close she was. 
“Oh? So it’s not “nothing�� is it?” Hornet asked, tilting her head. Her curiosity has been piqued. 
Bretta went quiet and put the stone underneath the bench because she knows Hornet’s not rowdy enough about things to reach under there. She nodded a simple “Mhm!” making Hornet sigh. 
She didn’t understand Bretta all the time and she wasn’t sure she ever would. She tapped her claws against the bench, tired and bored. 
“Well…even if it is this so-called “nothing” then, hum…would you mind helping me with gathering everyone for meal-time?” 
Bretta didn’t speak but she nodded, blush still very much present. Hornet seemed pleased with that and stood to get started with her task. 
However, the phrase “meal-time” fell on quite excitable ears. With a shadowy flash, a blob smacked into Hornet’s legs. This knocked her back down onto the bench, startling Bretta. Shadow subsided and the little Ghost clung to Hornet’s cloak, looking up at her with anticipation. They signed “Food?” by tapping the bottom of their mask once.
Hornet put her hand gently on their shoulder, removing them. “Ghost, we haven’t begun cooking yet. We’re simply getting everyone together to decide what to make in the town square.” 
This did not sit well with the child. They gave a few stomps as if that would make the meal suddenly appear and teleport everyone into the square. They sat on the floor as if they were pouting, looking down at it.
Bretta seemed honestly a little amused by “the white savior” acting like such a tiny brat. 
“If you’d like it to come faster, why don’t you help us with gathering ingredients instead of acting indignant? Or go get Cornifer and Iselda!” Hornet tried to supply logic to the little ghost, but they were instead drawn towards the tablet beneath the bench.
“Little Ghost, are you listening to me?” 
Curiosity gripped the small ghost and they didn’t hesitate to dive under the bench. Bretta shrieked when they grabbed the tablet and popped out the other side with it. They looked at it and seemed super intrigued by it. Bretta twisted around and tried to reach to grab Ghost by the horn. 
“Ghost, return that this instant!” Hornet reprimanded them as Bretta quickly stood to snatch it back. 
To Bretta’s shock: Ghost went around the bench to give it to Hornet! Hornet tilted her head and reached to take it so she could hand it back to Bretta, but Bretta tried to grab it before Hornet could. This made Ghost duck down and run off with it.
“Ghost!!” Hornet called after them, chasing them. “Do not be rude towards Bretta!” Bretta yelped and tried to chase too but both Ghost and Hornet were much faster than her so she had to stop. She looked on, extremely worried.
Ghost ran to Dirtmouth’s well and ran around it towards the lift of the peak. They climbed on swiftly so it began to rise but Hornet sent some loose silk outwards to pull herself into it before the safety measures could click properly into place. 
Hornet grabbed Ghost by the neck of their cloak, kneeling to hold them. “That’s quite enough of that.” She said as she pulled the tablet from their grip. They sat down once empty-handed, bopping their head. 
Hornet leaned against the side of the lift and looked at the tablet, brushing it off. She then saw the sketch grained into it and was startled. She ran her fingers over it, surprised and touched. The sketch wasn’t near professional but it was so quaint and lovely. It was a sketch of her holding her needle and spinning.
It made Hornet’s face feel warm beneath her mask. She looked towards the town square and back down at it. This was…far too sweet. She hardly knew what to do with it! She shook her head and scratched against the tablet with her claws. They were sharp enough to leave faint marks. 
When the lift reached the top, she tapped her foot so it would start going down. She climbed in between the safety gate and window, holding the tablet tight in her hand. Before it reached the ground, she leaped from the height. Sticking the landing with a roll, she stood with a deep breath. She started to make her way back to the square, but Bretta rushed up to her, waving her hands. 
Hornet walked up to her and without a word she handed the tablet back to Bretta which made her make a short “Oh!” sound. Bretta’s face reheated as Hornet left without even making proper eye contact.
She watched Hornet walk all the way to her house and enter it without even meandering for a moment. 
Bretta sighed, walking to sit back down on the bench. She looked at her sketch, feeling disappointed in it. She ran her claws over the tablet softly, sighing. She tapped it, trying to mentally finish the sketch in her mind. That's when she saw it. 
The tiny hearts above the sketch weren’t new.
But the phrase “Walk next hunt?” was definitely new, though. 
Bretta’s face burned way too hot and she flopped on the bench with gleeful giggles. 
“What has excited you so much, young lass?” Elderbug asked, exiting Sly’s shop with some bread for meal-time.
Bretta beamed towards Elderbug and with a voice at her most loud and confident damn near yelled.
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tinfoilvalentine · 2 years
I am in anthy mode right now but as soon as the show is released I’m going back to my dykeluthien era to remind people of what’s up around here
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tinfoilvalentine · 3 years
going off the url change bandwagon I do love ze-mer but I’ve been wanting a change. the options are lesberen, o-nyghtegale, fionway, or dykeluthien
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