#dyktc updates
Hey folks, two quick updates:
I'll be adjusting the queue from 6 posts a day to 4 posts a day for the time being. This is only temporary until I manage to fill up the queue properly because right now it's close to running dry, and I simply don't have the time to build a solid backlog at the moment.
Similarly, I'm considering recruiting a second person to be in charge of updating the spreadsheet with the poll results. It's a lot of work to handle on my own, and to me there's no point in doing this if it starts feeling like a job. So, in order to avoid that, I will have to ask for your help. I'll probably put together a form with a few questions and pick from there. More on this later!
That's all for now! I hope you don't mind the posting frequency change too much, but I trust that everyone can agree it's better than not posting at all. Take care! :)
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doyouknowthischaracter · 11 months
This is an attempt to find Tumblr's most (and least) recognizable fictional characters. Not the best, not the worst, not even the most tragic, simply the most (and least) well-known.
Options explained:
"Yes, I know them." -> You know this character's name, where they come from, you're familiar with their source material (or at least with the part they feature in), you could list some facts about them.
"I've only heard of them." -> You’ve seen them floating around, maybe you know their name or where they come from, but you haven’t watched/read/played/etc. their source material, you're aware that they exist but couldn’t say more about them.
"No, I don't know them at all." -> Self-explanatory. You have no idea who this is or where they're from.
Send in your submissions via this form. Please make sure you read the SUBMISSION GUIDELINES before sending something in!
Full list of accepted submissions so far HERE.
SUBMISSIONS TO BE POSTED: 800+ IN QUEUE: 100+, posting 6 times a day
Following the link above, you can find an overall top of all the polls that have ended so far, as well as a breakdown by categories, each sorted by percentages and number of votes separately.
Other similar poll blogs HERE.
That's all, have fun! 🐰💚
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Is there any way to see all characters that have been submitted already? Given how long the queue is, I worry about submitting characters you've already gotten next time submissions are open.
Tumblr media
Alright alright alright, you have been asking for this for a while, so here you go: list of all accepted submissions so far. Ctrl + F / Command + F to find if a character has already been submitted.
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
That's it for now! Submissions are now closed. There are 871 new entries to get through, so that's going to take a while. Thanks everyone for participating!
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
Phew, finished queueing all submissions from the latest batch! There are 270+ posts in the queue right now, which will last us until Jan 13. I'll write up a more detailed post on submission guidelines, and then they'll reopen. So, maybe tomorrow. Or the day after tomorrow. Soon! At some point, I will update the stats spreadsheet, too.
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
I'll keep it as brief as possible, but please do read this post all the way through before sending in a submission.
First and foremost, submissions are only accepted during the periods when they're open. Just check the pinned post! If it says submissions are closed, please don't try to send something in as it will simply be deleted.
If submissions ARE open, use this form to send yours in. If you have problems with it for whatever reason, let me know. Otherwise, don't send in a submission through the ask box, IMs, or any other means.
If a character is featured in several different types of media (e.g. book AND movie, manga AND anime, comics AND video game, etc.) please specify which one you have in mind, otherwise, I'll pick and my choice might not be what you wanted.
Feel free to include links to pictures if you want, but make sure they're relatively good size and resolution, and most importantly unedited/unmodded/etc., or official art. No fanart, please. Don't worry if you don't have pictures, though, I'll find them myself.
YouTubers/streamers are only accepted selectively if it's obvious that the character in question is a fictional character and not their internet persona or such, and if a quick search online can confirm this.
Religious figures are also only selectively accepted if they come from what is a clear reinterpretation/fictionalization/dramatization/etc. instead of holy texts or straight out of a pantheon.
Please limit yourself to submitting 5 characters at most. When submissions re-open at a later time, you may submit 5 more, and so on.
Only 3 characters per source material. Anything more will be deleted.
Only one character at a time, please. So, if you want to submit 5 characters, you'll have to fill out the form 5 separate times.
Yes, you may deliberately submit either very well-known characters or very obscure ones. That's okay!
If you have any questions not covered here already or would like me to clarify something, just shoot me a message. Thanks for reading!
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
Guys, please stop sending in characters through the ask box, especially when submissions are closed. 😭 They'll just get deleted and you'll have to wait anyway. Thanks for understanding!
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
They'll stay open for at least 24 hours, possibly more if the influx of submissions is manageable. Make sure you read the guidelines before sending something in, please. Have fun!
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
Heads up that this weekend I'll do my best to answer all the asks that have been piling up in the inbox for a while (with a few exceptions for which I'm waiting until I have the updated stats spreadsheet to answer them properly), so block the tag "#dyktc inbox cleanup" if you don't want to see a bunch of them on your dash in quick succession. I'll try to spread them out a little, though. If you have notifications on, you might also want to turn them off for this weekend if this sounds like something that would bother you.
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At long last, the stats spreadsheet has been updated! Now I can finally answer your stats-related questions. I'll compile a summary in a bit too.
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
Submissions are still open for now (form + guidelines) but they'll close in less than 24 hours! I recommend getting yours in soon because it'll be a while until they open again. Currently, there are... exactly 666 submissions to go through. That's a lot!
Me trying to wrangle 666 different characters 👇
Tumblr media
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Sorry for not answering your asks, etc. lately but you know how it is with the holiday season. That said, I do have something related planned that I'll post in a minute, so stay tuned 👀 Also, the stats spreadsheet is once again up-to-date. I hope everyone's new year started well!
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doyouknowthischaracter · 11 months
The first results are HERE!
I haven't finished organizing them into categories yet, but the overall list for the polls that have ended so far is ready. I've included the first three polls that used a different format too, for now. I hope it's easy enough to follow along, but if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Most well-known characters:
by percentage — Bugs Bunny, Ellen Ripley, Kim Kitsuragi
by number of votes — Hawkeye Pierce, Kim Kitsuragi, Bugs Bunny
Least well-known characters:
by percentage — Sam Linnefer, Clem, Nick Valentine
by number of votes — Sam Linnefer, Clem, Nick Valentine
Most HEARD OF character:
by percentage — Vriska Serket
by number of votes — Hawkeye Pierce
Least HEARD OF character:
by percentage — Sam Linnefer
by number of votes — Sam Linnefer
Congrats to whoever submitted Sam Linnefer, only 3 people out of 1508 have heard of them lol
Check back next week when it'll be updated as more polls end. :)
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
Begging you guys to read the submission guidelines before sending something in 🙏
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
Could the form be updated to allow submissions to include a short description of the character or the media they belong to? It'd be a fun way to encourage people to seek them out
I've been thinking about this, and I'm still on the fence. I'm not entirely sold on the idea because 1) I like to keep things as neat and simple as possible and 2) it's a bit beyond the scope of this blog, especially since it's not a tournament style sort of deal. But it could be fun! If enough people are interested in the idea, I can see about implementing it, so let's see what everyone else thinks.
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doyouknowthischaracter · 10 months
Alright guys, submissions are CLOSED again! I'm sorry to only keep them open for such short amounts of time, but we've gathered 200+ more in only a day, and that's enough for the entire month of December too. I'll be working on queueing them all in the background while you have November's blorbos and scrimblos to keep you entertained 💚
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