#dynamite: ep 51
caninecowboy · 1 year
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god, i love it when he's mean
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the-conversation-pod · 5 months
The Pillars: The Return of OffGun and TayNew
And we're back!
NiNi and Ben bring Shan back to the recording booth to discuss how BL is not just a young man's game. We break down why we enjoyed Cooking Crush and Cherry Magic Thailand so much, and what makes OffGun and TayNew so special.
Come and join us for a healthy mixture of simping, genre appreciation, examinations of conflict writing, and love for queerness in BL.
The timestamps will now correspond with chapters on Spotify for easier navigation.
00:00:00 - Welcome 00:01:15 - Intro 00:03:58 - Cooking Crush: A Surprisingly-Good Romcom 00:08:02 - CC: Comedy Ain't Easy 00:16:59 - CC: Dynamite’s Queer Writing and Ten as a Rare Romantic Lead 00:32:08 - CC: Final Comments and Ratings 00:41:14 - Cherry Magic: Beating Expectations and Simping for Tay Tawan 00:54:13 - CM: Relationship Development and the Powers 01:02:15 - CM: Other Characters 01:13:51 - CM: Ratings 01:19:34 - The Pillars: Overall Thoughts
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00:00:00 - Welcome
Welcome to The Conversation About BL, aka The Brown Liquor Podcast.
And there it is. I’m Ben.
I’m NiNi.
And we’re you’re drunk Caribbean uncle and auntie here sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs.
Four times a year we pop in to talk about what’s going on in the BL world.
We shoot the shit about stories and all the drama going into them. I review from a queer media lens.
And I review from a romance and drama lens.
So if you like cracked-out takes and really intense emotional analysis…
If you like talking about artistry, industry, and the discourse…
And if you generally just love simping…
There is a lot of simping on this podcast…
We are the show for you!
00:01:15 - Intro
And we're back. Welcome to the second spring outing with The Conversation. Shan is here with us today. Say hi, Shan.
And we're going to review the GMMTV pillars.
So, Ben, what are the pillars? Let's do a little GMMTV history.
So when we refer to the pillars, we're talking about the original BL ships at GMMTV. The two we're going to talk about today are Off Jumpol and Gun Atthaphan, and we're gonna be talking about Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom, who've been together four times now — soon to be five.
I think what's important in the BL context about these two pairs, OffGun and TayNew, is that they have been at this for years at this point, like nine years, I think this year?
Nine years? Yep.
They have been at GMMTV, leading BLs, for almost a decade. And they have aged with the genre. They are now in their 30s. It's great, in my opinion, to see them continue to make shows and come back. 
There was this idea that Thai BL was only for very young actors, that actors, once they exited their 20s, would also exit the genre, to move on to, quote-unquote, “mainstream” work that was heterosexual. And I think that these pairs sticking around and coming back to make new shows in their 30s is really important because it just shuts that whole line of thinking down: that BL is only about and for young people, that it is a phase of a career that actors need to quote, “move on from.” And also it gives us the opportunity to actually see adult stories in GMMTV BL, which is not something that we've gotten much of yet. To see stories about adult characters actually played by adults who are the right age for those characters is really refreshing. 
So it's been really interesting to see these pairs come back into the public consciousness and to see that the fans are actually happy for them to stick around. I think that's been pretty cool.
I think what I enjoy the most about these two pairs coming back together is, both of the shows they're attempting have a more grown-up feel than their previous work. And in both cases, I think the fact that these actors are experienced and know each other really well genuinely benefits the work that they're doing.
00:03:58 - Cooking Crush: A Surprisingly-Good Romcom
So let's dive into the first of the pillars. We're going to talk OffGun, and we're going to talk Cooking Crush. So, Ben, what is Cooking Crush about?
Cooking Crush is about how the most effective way to introduce a new actor at GMMTV is to slide them in around a bunch of other veterans.
[laughs] That's what it's about for you, for sure.
[all laugh]
Cooking Crush is a college-set BL about a team of culinary students who are trying to win a cooking competition, and the complications in their romantic lives around them. This show is actually really simple. Like, our protagonist, played by Gun, is named Prem. He lives with his grandmother and his sister. His grandmother runs a formerly very popular restaurant, and he has a goal of helping his grandmother's restaurant become more successful, and he wants to open a chef's table type of restaurant in the future. 
He and his two friends, Samsee and Dynamite, are kind of the oddballs in their culinary school? They're considered the lowest ranked students. They get kind of picked on a bit. Prem is considered kind of clumsy; Dynamite is just really young, because he's kind of a prodigy; and Samsee is just picked on because he's old, because he's pursued three different degrees without completing them. 
They're having some difficulties with school and Prem ends up having an interaction with Ten, played by Off, who is a med student who was a little bit overworked at the time and has accidentally starved himself to be pissy with his dad. The two of them have a very cute moment and a little relationship starts to build between them, originally off of Ten wanting Prem to teach him how to cook more, and Prem basically scamming that man because his little sister lost her tuition money.
I think that's a good explanation of this setup. Shan, I want to come to you first. What's your headline on Cooking Crush?
Ohh, Cooking Crush is a warm hug of a show. And I love it. And it's not perfect. But it left me with such a good feeling and I intend to rewatch it, many times.
OK. Well, Ben, I think we got your headline: Cooking Crush is about Aungpao.
That's about him.
[all laugh]
Cooking Crush for me… what is my headline on Cooking Crush? That everybody in this is really good at comedy! Except maybe Gun, who's a little less good than everybody else, but everybody that they put in this is a very funny person, including Gun’s real-life sister, who I laughed my ass off at several times.
It's surprisingly good comedy. This one has been kind of a weird one in terms of the way it's been received by fandom. It didn't really fit the mood of the moment, I think. I think right now Thai BL fandom is very much paying attention to like, these more high-concept shows that are doing really fancy shit. Crazy visuals, supernatural, and mystical stuff. Cooking Crush is just a sweet romcom that wants to be really good at being a sweet romcom [laughs] and that's kind of it. It has kind of modest goals, but I think that people underestimate how hard it actually is to make a romcom that is actually sweet, and actually funny, and actually makes you want to support the couples in it—and this show succeeds at those things.
00:08:02 - CC: Comedy Ain't Easy
I think that's probably the biggest thing I would want to highlight about this show. Comedy is not easy. [laughs] At all. Comedy and comedic timing is really difficult to do, and Gun’s admitted that it's not his strongest skill as an actor—that he needs a lot of help from the crew and his cast mates to do comedy well.
Whereas for Off this is where he thrives, and he hasn't gotten to do it before in a BL.
I think that they had the right idea in making Gun’s character Prem sort of the straight man of the ensemble, so to speak.
A great joke unto itself.
[laughs] And surrounding it with a bunch of really good comedic actors who could sort of take up the zip and the zing of it all. Like I think that was the right idea. And I did enjoy, like, all that sort of zany, madcap stuff that was supposed to be happening around him from a writing standpoint, and the shape of what I saw it was supposed to be. I absolutely enjoyed that. My little niggle about it was that the direction doesn't zing enough for me, in terms of how I feel like this was meant to go. 
It's really surprising for me because this was directed by Golf Sakon, who did my nemesis Fish Upon The Sky, but [laughs] Fish Upon The Sky, for all that we could say about it—and trust me, I have said plenty—it was visually interesting, it was zippy, it was well directed from that standpoint. And I feel like Golf’s direction in this was a little bit flat. It didn't have the zing. That sort of is my main complaint about the show, but the show itself is really, really good. I just wanted it to zip a little bit more.
Yeah, I agree with that critique, NiNi. I think the directing and the editing—[laughs] cannot forget the editing—is definitely the biggest ding on this show. There was some weird stuff going on in the production. The most notable of course being right in the middle of the show when we suddenly had an episode that was mostly reshoots, which was extremely obvious because Off got a haircut after they finished wrapping this show, a very obvious haircut, and then they had to come back and do reshoots. There was some really hinky editing throughout the show, like some dropped beats, some confusing scenes, some flashback sequences that didn't make sense as flashbacks… They were trying to do some stuff in the editing booth that I just think didn't work, and sometimes really undermined the good work that the writing and the acting was doing. 
In terms of overall production, this show was not quite at the level it should have been. In the end, that didn't get in the way of what was a really strong story and really good performances from the cast, and so it still came together well enough, but it's a definite ding.
I want to talk about the writing portion. Shan, you're usually really good at detailing conflict writing. How about you go through the various major beats of this show and how this show executed them?
Obviously, we had the main romance, which was between Ten and Prem, and that was a pretty straightforward, simple romance, that actually worked amazingly, because what this show did extremely consistently was it set up all of these really annoying like classic drama tropes for the romance, and then every single time it just knocked them down by having the characters communicate with each other. An obstacle came up for the couple that would normally cause a one- or two-episode conflict. Instead, Ten would insist on talking to Prem about it, coming to some kind of alignment and understanding each other, and they would sail through it. That was kind of the consistent throughline with their relationship, and it was really strong and really lovely to see. 
We also had a side couple romance that was between Fire and Dynamite. That one was a little bit more contentious. It was tied to a couple different things that were going on with Fire, with internalized homophobia, with some struggles that he was having in being his authentic self in his family with his mother. Dynamite was someone who kind of pushed him, and kind of made him aware of the things within himself that he was stifling. And so they had a very adversarial dynamic when the show started: Fire was very committed to kind of trying to be the son that his mom wanted him to be, including dating a woman, and so really fighting against what he was feeling for Dynamite. Dynamite is a great character, who I'm gonna let you talk about more, Ben, but I think their dynamic really pushed both of them along a good character growth arc through their relationship. 
Alongside that, we had a couple big threads about the friendship between particularly Prem and Samsee and Dynamite. They were working together on this cooking school dream, they were trying to get through their classes, they entered this cooking competition and there was a lot of story about them as like a group of people who are kind of considered losers within their cohort, trying to get to a place where they were a good and efficient cooking team who could actually play at the level of some of these other folks that they were competing against. 
We also had another big thread for Ten’s family situation. His mother had passed away some time ago. He had a lot of anger and resentment with his father about the circumstances around that, and a lot of trauma around his mother's death, and he was kind of working through that as he was falling in love with Prem. 
So we had all of these different things flowing into the same story, and one of the things that was so impressive about this show is that they actually did all flow together. The writing was very consistent. The characters were figured out from the beginning of the story. It's one of those things where, once you have all the context of who these people are, you can look back at all their previous behavior and it totally makes sense, and everything tracks. And all of these plot threads came together in the final three episodes through an actually pretty well executed conflict arc, which is something that doesn't happen very often in Thai BL—usually that's where Thai BLs completely fall apart. But here all of the conflicts were well laid throughout the show and built to kind of come to a head at the same point, and then we had them converge in the final arc. 
Not everything about the way they played out was extremely perfect or satisfying, but most of it was, and the characterization stayed true the whole way through. So it was some pretty strong writing for a show like this.
I have to concur that the writing was really strong on this show. It's logically laid out. It makes sense, the characters behave like recognizable human beings, which I can't always say [laughs] is the reality of a lot of these dramas that we're watching. For example, Dynamite, who is a complicated character—with the mix of the writing and the acting, I could see underneath where his pushing of Fire was coming from, and why it was something that he felt like he needed to do? 
We find out through a flashback later, which—was a weird way to get this information—Fire was the one who made Dynamite who he is. He made Dynamite feel like he had to stand up for himself and be out there, and all he's doing is trying to do the same for Fire. It just plays out in this way that I think made some people uncomfortable, but I could see it once the context information was there. This is where [their] editing got hinky, because clearly the character was written this way. The hinky editing needed so that it took almost 2/3 of the show for the motivation to meet up with the character. That's not a writing problem, that's an editing problem. 
I found the writing on the show was incredibly strong, everything logically follows on from everything else. There was a lot of surprisingly deep writing around Ten’s whole issue with his dad about his mom, and his feelings about his mom. Around Samsee's feelings of potentially getting left behind because he's older, and they're getting into these relationships and he's starting to feel like, ‘what is there for me? It took me so long to find my people, and I feel like they're leaving me.’ And that was a particularly strong thread that I really enjoyed. I enjoyed Metha, who is Fire and Ten’s friend—hilarious, played by Tum, super good actor. I love him, very, very funny. I really enjoyed the writing on this thing, and I can't always say that for, particularly Thai BL… it was delightful.
00:16:59 - CC: Dynamite’s Queer Writing and Ten as a Rare Romantic Lead
All the characters in this show are great, but there's a couple that really, really stood out, and I think we should talk about them. And Ben, you should definitely lead us with some Dynamite talk. Tell us why that character matters so much to you.
Dynamite has the great honor of getting The Conversation’s first blorbo of the season award.
[laughs] So early in the season, too.
I know. He is the winter ‘24 blorbo for me! I love this boy. Here's the thing. With Dynamite: he is canonically young, he's like 17-18 in like his third year in school. And his only friends are played by Gun Atthaphan and Dome Jaruwat, who… create this very visibly queer friend group dynamic? This communicates a ton to me almost instantly, very early in the show, particularly with Dynamite living in some sort of like tenement housing, and then having really no one else to rely upon when someone died in the apartment above his, and contaminated the apartment he lived in, so he ends up moving in with Samsee. 
It’s a very obvious story to me as a queer person, that he had to finish school early because he could not stay home. And he has no one else to rely upon except his closest friends when he's in trouble. Samsee is communicated as a person who is like ‘I don't want nobody in my house,’ but immediately opened up his house to Dynamite when Dynamite was in trouble, because where else was that kid gonna go? 
And so, with Dynamite, we eventually learn that he was kind of getting picked on when he first got into the school with the rest of them, because… obviously he's a kid, and boys suck. And Fire saves him from this bullying instance, which almost read as a bashing? And this clearly rearranged his view about who he is in his life, where he recognized that he was gonna get clocked regardless. And so he was just going to be who he is. Fire gave off this whole fuck-you aura that he was clearly drawn to, and so he didn't go at Fire timid, because that's not what he saw in Fire. 
Dynamite spends the early part of the season determinedly pursuing Fire, who feigns annoyance about this, but is eventually revealed to… not want Dynamite to stop pursuing him. When he gets drunk and calls Dynamite out to come hang out with him, he tells him very directly: ‘even if I say no, don't stop.’ Which, very familiar to me dealing with my own closet issues and a bunch of other closeted folks growing up. 
Fire and Dynamite work really well for me, because familial acceptance is something that they're both struggling with. When Dynamite reveals his story to Fire, he tells Fire that he's okay with Fire not being ready to come out. Even if it's something he would prefer they do, he has lived through the worst things you can experience when you come out, which is losing your family support network. I really like that Dynamite’s understanding and belief in him is clearly what allows Fire to rebuild his sense of himself when he finally tells his mom that he cannot live up to this ideal that she has of him. That's built out from him recognizing who he is, because Dynamite has helped him figure that out. 
Dynamite hits a really specific queer note for me, because they create a character who I think is genuinely funny to watch, but you can feel a lot of his queer angst running underneath him the whole time, and they don't overextend it and make it be [laughs] way too melodramatic. Like his character’s just not gonna behave that way. I really like the way Dynamite has accepted the reality of his world, and has decided to build his own space in it, and it started with his friends. 
Most of these shows often get queer characters wrong in that they don't have like a reliable queer support network around them before they go rushing into some fuckin’ romance with some guy that's supposed to be the romance of their lives. Very glad that in this particular case, Dynamite has rock solid besties as he's pursuing Fire.
In terms of other characters that I really responded to—and Shan's gonna like pick up the torch and run with it here—I loved Off as Ten.
I am a recent Off convert. I really started getting into Off around Not Me, because the roles that I was seeing him play, from Not Me and continuing, I could see the growth that he's had over the years, and I really liked the energy that he was starting to bring to his roles, the maturity and the gravitas that he was starting to bring, whether it was something serious, like playing Sean in Not Me, or Mote in Midnight Motel, which I really enjoyed—or even, especially actually, playing Ten in a comedy like this. I mean, I just bought it 100%. They put Off on screen in those glasses, and the first thing we saw him do was argue with his dad, and I was like, yes absolutely, I am here, let's do this. 
I love the character of Ten. He's such a combination of tightly wound ball of stress and also incredibly fun and relaxed human being. I don't know how those two things work in one character, but they do, and Off plays both sides of him, I think brilliantly. I really enjoy getting into why he wanted to be a doctor, and the little mini arc that we had towards the middle of the series where he gets to recommit to being a doctor because he had sort of slid off course slightly. And he gets to recommit to, ‘no this is really what I want to do, I want to save people.’ Really loved that. The angst that he had around his mom dying, the angst that he had around his dad moving his girlfriend in, apparently it seems not too long after that… there's just a lot happening with Ten, but through it all he's just so delightful as a character. He saw Prem, he decided: ‘Yep, that's the one for me.’ He pursued him openly, he was just very forthright and honest at every step of the way, communicating all the way through… just love it. Love the character, loved Off in the role. I know. Shan's gonna, like, take that and run with it. [laughs]
I just want y'all to know—
Shan is a babii, Shan loves Off.
I am living. I am getting my whole life right now. I just want you all to know, all of you listeners, that I was pretty much the lone babii around here until very recently. [laughs] I have always been an Off girlie, I have loved him since way back in the Puppy Honey days, I've always found him so charming. 
He started out as a pretty untested untrained actor and we've seen him grow across his roles, and so a lot of people have only kind of recently, in his last couple of shows, like fully come on board. But I have always been an Off girlie. I know that this show has turned Ben into a full blown babii, finally, [laughs] and that NiNi has come around on Off, and it's been very amazing to see. 
For my money, Ten is Off’s best character. They found the perfect character at the perfect time for him to play to all of his strengths. What's great about Ten — everything that NiNi just said is true, he's a very well written, very well-rounded character, and I love him specifically as a romantic lead. He has some really important qualities that you typically don't see in romantic leads, and that's why so many romcoms and romances are frustrating. Ten is a very honest person. He's a straightforward person. He is loyal. He kind of insists on building trust and on talking things through. 
One of my favorite things that happened in the final stretch of episodes was, Ten found in Prem’s room this sticky note that Pang had written, that said something like ‘the money from scamming Doc’ or something like that, basically making a joke about Prem scamming Doc for money. Ten found this sticky note and… he got his feelings hurt about it. He was like, ‘wow like, this kind of seems like you all were mocking me, this hurts my feelings.’ And in a typical drama you would see that turn into a big conflict. You would see the person who found the sticky note not saying anything about it, maybe be passive-aggressive, probably leave and go sit in their hurt feelings by themselves and then later it would blow up into a big fight. That's not what happened here, because Ten wouldn't let it happen. He takes the sticky note directly to Prem and he says ‘I found this, it kind of hurt my feelings, can you explain what this is about?’ And then he actually listens to Prem. And Prem apologizes because it was kind of mean-spirited, and he admits that. And then Ten says ‘OK, thank you for telling me. I forgive you, I'm gonna let it go.’ 
And I just love that! You don't see that kind of mature communication very often in romance at all, let alone in BL that's typically centered on younger characters. That was what Ten was like through that entire arc. He was just so honest. He wouldn't let silly misunderstandings get in the way. He always made sure to be very clear with Prem about what he wanted and what he was feeling. And he was respectful when Prem wanted space, but he always made sure that Prem knew that he was waiting there for when he was ready for more. Such a good model for a romantic lead, and because of those qualities in him, he and Prem ended up becoming a great couple that just—were a team. They faced things together. Our friend Twig called them a battle couple. They faced challenges together and didn't let things come between them. 
We haven't really mentioned Chef Chang Ma, who sucks and we hate him.
Sorry, Victor, your character sucks.
Your character sucks! He's a mentor to Prem, but he's also trying to hit on him the whole time. He's super inappropriate, he's always crossing boundaries, he's kind of a piece of shit, if I'm being real honest. But that guy was not able to get between Ten and Prem at any point, because every single time he tried, they communicated with each other, and figured out how to get back on the same page, and worked around him or shut him down. 
This couple's gonna stick with me in that they were able to work through so much together, and that they really sincerely made each other happy and made each other more confident and better at the things that they wanted to be better at. It was just lovely. I really loved this romance.
I'm going to continue behind Shan and continue praising Off Jumpol on this one, because I have not been kind to that man for the last decade. [laughs] He has not always been necessarily my favorite ambassador for BL. He's come a long way. This is definitely his best BL role. 
I'm making a Venn diagram after we're done with this recording, and it's just going to be Patts from La Pluie and Ten from Cooking Crush, because these characters have a lot of great crossover traits I really like. They're really kind with their partner and their friends, but… they have a temper, and it comes out with people they don't like. Off is funny, but also he's really good at playing… kind of pissy characters, and I'm really glad that they were like, ‘we gotta have Off be pissy with somebody. Let's make the correct choice for once, and not make it Gun that he's gonna be pissy with.’
[laughs] The crucial change!
Let's make him be pissy with his dad!
An excellent choice. And why is he pissy with his dad? Because his dad's a doctor. He didn't save his mom. That's a fairly valid reason to be pissy with someone about. And I think it works in terms of the family dynamics they go into. The dad's not going to tell his son that he's hurting because he feels like he failed to save his wife, the only woman he says he'll ever marry. He clearly cares about his son, because despite the way his son’s always talking out his fucking ass at him, he's not really punished him in any way. Despite the fact that Ten is clearly upset about the mom, and the dad in relation to that.
Yeah! Ten’s scenes with his dad were intense, and he was not being respectful and backing down in those scenes, ever. In this finale, he, like, took a power pose across the table from his dad, sat down at the other end of the table, planted himself firmly, and was like, ‘this is my boyfriend, and you are gonna fucking deal with it.’ I love that shit!
This is what I mean with the implied writing, because the way the stepmom is playing, she is way too familiar. It's very clear she's meant to be read as younger…
And is trying to figure out what line she's supposed to take between being the partner of an older man, but also being closer in age to the kids. And like they mirror the positioning, she's sitting next to the dad, at the same position that Prem is sitting next to Ten. And there's this whole, ‘you brought this woman here. I wasn't consulted. This is my boyfriend. You're not getting consulted.’ And so I think the conflict between Ten and his dad is really great. Off needs to have, like, hostile conflict with other characters, because that's what we want to get out of him as an actor [laughs], directed in useful ways at his dad and at Chang Ma, and not at Gun's character, which is usually the problem I have with them in their shows.
00:32:08 - CC: Final Comments and Ratings
I was really glad to get a solid romcom out of OffGun. They also gave us some really ridiculous hilarity moments, like, they got that shot with their hands in the oven glove, twice? [Shan laughs] Unhinged. Holy shit.!
The interior oven glove shot? Amaaaazing. 
Off getting hit in the face with Chinese kale? Not something I ever knew that I needed, but oh my god, I needed it.
Ten—he’s a big-ass goofball, which we saw with his fantasy sequences! Every time they were having cooking lessons, he was having fantasies in his head about Prem and various food items. [laughs] And they were the wackiest shit. Listen, I wish GMMTV would stop playing these games, but there was a YouTube version that had a lot of scenes cut from it and a WeTV version that had the full scenes. A lot of these food fantasies got cut from the YouTube version, but these sequences just really let you into Ten’s head, how wild and weird he was getting in there, and I just loved seeing that aspect of his character.
It was a lot of fun. I have some dings, I have some critiques. The final episode went a little bit flat. They did round out and complete every single arc, except maybe one. But it did feel a little pat at the end? And out of left field, Pang and Samsee getting together in the end of the final episode.
[all laugh]
That was quite a choice—I was shipping Metha and Samsee for the whole show.
I was—
I was kind of disappointed.
I was disappointed.
I didn’t expect to actually get Metha and Samsee, but I kind of hoped that they would have left the door open for it. Firmly closing that door with having him get together with Pang at the last episode? I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either.
It was a choice. But. It did kiiind of work, and the only reason that it kind of worked is because of my first nominee of the year for the Mark Pakin 6th Man award, and that is Dome Jaruwat.
Mmm! Dome was great.
Dome is a great supporting actor.
You wanna know how good Dome is? I've been half joking about rewatching Until We Meet Again since we started doing this show. I haven't actually started until recently, because watching Dome every week reminded me that he sang on the Until We Meet Again soundtrack. And I had to go back and start watching the show.
Yeah, cause Dome is primarily a musician, you do forget, but he is actually a very good supporting actor. When he shows up, I am always delighted anew by how good he is.
I've seen other shows that had him in it, but this is the first one where I really sat up and paid attention to him. He was fantastic as Samsee. And he got some real shit to do. One of the big conflicts in the final run of the show was about the way that these new romances were affecting the friendships. Dynamite and Prem were paying attention to their boyfriends, they were blowing Samsee off, they were missing cooking practice, and he was feeling some kind of way about it. He was kind of feeling a little bit abandoned. And it was just awesome that the show actually took that seriously, not just in letting Samsee express his feelings and get mad and have the other characters take that seriously and care? But they actually very deliberately, in the narrative, prioritized the friendship reunion and makeup scene over Ten and Prem getting together and making their relationship official. They had Ten approach with the intention of asking Prem to be his boyfriend, and stop and see that they were repairing their friendship in that moment, and back off and walk away.
It felt really important for BL, because BL friends are so ridiculous. BL friends are basically shippers half the time. Like, if they see, like, one of the boys is possibly getting with another boy that becomes the only thing that that character cares about.
Everyone's a fujoshi.
I like that that wasn't the case here! I like that Samsee had genuine beef with his friends deprioritizing him, when they were in the midst of something really important to them as a group that they've been working towards for a long time. Like, are you all fucking up our big project for dick? Come on!
This show really let its side characters shine. It was a really good showcase for a couple of actors: I think Dome and Aungpao, in particular…. Tum also got great stuff, Neo got to do great stuff… We haven't even mentioned Prem's grandma, who was also awesome.
She was great.
Amazing. She was so good.
Fantastic, no nonsense, cut the bullshit, but at the same time, very loving and supportive. She was awesome. I loved her.
There's a little bit of a dropped bit that happens in episode 11, that I kind of wish the show hadn't cut out as much. Fire and Dynamite go back to Fire’s place and the mom comes out of Fire’s room in this very weird jumpscare, and Fire has the closet panic and ends up kicking Dynamite away from him. And he kicks Dynamite hard enough that he goes flying across the room and gets hurt a bit. And I kind of wish they had followed up on that scene. Because… I feel like Fire, recognizing that he actually hurt Dynamite is probably one of those things that tilts him on to the other end of ‘I'm going to come out now.’ And I kind of wish the show had followed up on that properly and let us see Fire make the decision.
Yeah, I do wish that the pacing of the Fire and Dynamite plot had been a little different in the final episodes? I think that it ended up feeling a little bit rushed at the end, and I think that was just about the timing of the beats. If a couple things had shifted back a little bit, I think it would have worked. As it was, it kind of all got shoved into the finale, and so it felt a little too quick, a little too easy. I like where it landed… like NiNi said earlier, the way that all of these story arcs ended felt correct and felt right. They rounded everything out. It's just that some of the beats in the final stretch got kind of weirdly compressed.
It was a little bit frustrating for me because Dynamite and Ten are both very forward and overt pursuers of their romantic interests, and I kind of wish that the two couples’ romantic pacing had been better aligned across the show.
And again, that goes to the editing. It's a good show, it's incredibly well written and incredibly well acted, but I think that the direction and the editing let it down a little bit, and that's why for me, it got an 8.5.
I gave it a 9. The show was such a positive experience. I was so excited every Sunday morning to watch it, it was such a great way to start my rest day, to like, have a good vibe to take me through my Sunday. The writing was so strong, and that's the thing that I tend to care most about in shows. If the writing is strong, if the characters feel right to me? That is what I prize most in a show. The editing, the directing, definitely had some flaws. There are some things that I would change, but the most important parts of the show held up really well for me and I definitely will be returning to it often.
I think I'm going with a 9 because they got the gay portions of the show right, and I really liked the character drama of this. All the big moments for the characters in this show land correctly for me. This show held together the whole way through. And that's kind of what's good about the writing. Like when you're noticing editing issues in a show, it's because you're following the writing, and you see the editing stumbling to try and not let it down. I think the character writing is really strong and holds together for the whole show. I think the conflict writing that comes out of who these characters are is really good, and I just really like the way these characters work together. When I see these folks together in the ‘It's been years later! Let's go to Prem’s restaurant!’ it doesn't feel like a ridiculous impossibility.
I loved that flash forward. I love a time skip when it's used to tell us that everything is still good in the future, after all the conflicts have been solved in the present. I hate a time skip when it skips over conflict, but once all the conflicts are solved, yes! Take me to the happy epilogue. I love that shit.
So that's a 9 for Cooking Crush from The Conversation.
It's a good show, it's an easy recommend.
Thank you for coming back, Off and Gun, and thank you for sticking around for The Trainee in 2024. We look forward to seeing you again.
00:41:14 - Cherry Magic: Beating Expectations and Simping for Tay Tawan
OK, so moving on, and it's time for us to talk about Cherry Magic Thailand! Now, I am not so big an original Cherry Magic girlie as a lot of other people. I enjoyed it, I had a great time with it, but I'm not a stan of the original Cherry Magic live action from Japan, in the way that some other people are. 
I was!
[laughs] Let's see. So, go ahead and lead us in. What is Cherry Magic Thailand about? And maybe you could talk a little bit about the original Cherry Magic as well.
Cherry Magic is about a young man, in this case named Achi, who is a low-ranking member at some sort of large corporation, who at the age of 30, because he's a virgin, gains telepathic powers. When he touches someone and makes any sort of physical contact with them, he can sort of hear their current internal monologue and what might be going on with him. He learns fairly soon after getting his powers that the hotshot salesperson in his company has been nursing a long-time crush on him, and complications ensue. There's also a very great supporting cast, which also in one portion features the same power.
So this is an adaptation of an adaptation, or an adaptation of an original that was also adapted in another way… like [laughs] it's a little confusing. So this is originally a manga. The manga was adapted to Japanese live action. The manga has now also been adapted to a Thai live action, and then there's a third adaptation currently ongoing, which is a Japanese anime version. So there are three adaptations of this manga. We're going to talk about the Thai version in the most detail here, but I think we're going to come maybe to a couple of things to be said about the Japanese live action and the anime version. 
Shan, what were your overall initial thoughts when you heard Thailand's gonna adapt Cherry Magic and it's going to be done by GMMTV?
I was so skeptical. I am a TayNew girlie, I love them. I loved Dark Blue Kiss back in the day, so I was really excited to see Tay and New doing BL together again — I was not at all excited to see them doing Cherry Magic [laughs] when I first heard about it. I did have an affinity for the original Japanese live action. I don't think it's a perfect show, I have my own notes on it, but I did enjoy it a lot, I thought it was really well done. And I was just unsure of why GMMTV and Thailand needed to do their own version. 
That said, I was also hoping that if Thailand was going to do this, that the main purpose would be to address the biggest shortcoming of the Japanese live action, which is that in this narrative about a virgin who acquires magical powers, and then falls in love and then loses those magical powers via having sex with the person he's in love with, there was no sex! There wasn't even a kiss on screen! That was a huge flaw of that version that I hoped to see Thailand correct. And honestly, what I thought was going to be the main thing they could bring to the table in tackling this adaptation, was kind of finishing that narrative in a more sex-positive way that Thailand is kind of known for that Japan doesn't always do, particularly when they're doing their lighter BLs.
Ben, what about you? When you heard about this adaptation, what were your thoughts?
Opposition. I was deeply opposed to this. [everyone laughs] I was not keen on a Thai attempt at this. I was kind of curious about what Thai humor would look like for this, and I was interested in the adaptation because I don't know what corporate culture in Thailand was like. So I thought that there was a real opportunity there. I was interested in a TayNew comeback, particularly because Tay hadn't really lost a step—even when he was doing other work—and I thought Newwie had gotten a lot better. And so I was excited about the two of them getting back together, and I thought that they were the best choice at GMMTV if GMMTV was going to do this. But I was not looking forward to it. 
How about you, NiNi? Did you have any initial feelings or concerns about it?
I had no intention of watching this. [laughs] I was gonna give it a pass. I love Tay Tawan—I'm just gonna spend a few seconds here being a simp. That man is gorgeous.
He's so beautiful.
He is so beautiful. And he is such a good actor. The first thing I ever saw Tay Tawan in was 3 Will Be Free, and I literally remember thinking, who is that? I think I might have said it out loud. Since then I have been a devotee. He can do no wrong as far as I'm concerned. Tay Tawan is everything to me. 
I have not been a big fan of Newwie. When I watched the parts of the Kiss series that I watched, loved Tay, was into Tay, Newwie I wasn't really feeling. I came around on Newwie a little bit last year after watching him in The Warp Effect—I thought he did really well there. And so I was not as down on him as before, but I still didn't feel like Cherry Magic was a story that I was interested in seeing Thailand adapt necessarily? 
A, it felt like an incredibly Japanese type of story and B, the director, X Nuttapong, is not one of my favourites. I do not tend to like his work. X did Vice Versa, Theory of Love, neither of those are my favorites. So I was saying, ‘OK, I'm only now kind of starting to feel like Newwie could maybe do something. I don't really like X’s work. I think I'm going to give this a pass.’ And I did give it a pass initially [laughs]. And then all of you started watching it and getting incredibly excited about it. Somewhere near maybe episode 10, I was like, ‘ahh! Fine!’ and started watching it. And I'm glad that I did!
So Shan, since you are the TayNew girlie—I don't remember their fans are called—of The Conversation—
Polcas, they're polcas! How do I know that? I don't know.
Yeah, I don't know what polca means, but that's what they're called. I do not identify as a polca, ‘cause I hate the name. But I do love TayNew.
Why don't you break down why this was such an excellent viewing experience for us?
I mean, you heard all that skepticism that we were all bringing to the table, right? And this show, just, like, blew us all out of the water. It was such a good adaptation, it was so impressive. There's a lot of reasons for that, and we'll get into all the things that this production did well, but right at the core of it, the most important thing, is that Tay and New just killed it in these roles. They were just absolutely perfect as Karan and Achi. 
If you're familiar with the story of Cherry Magic, you know that Karan, or Kurosawa in the Japanese version,  is meant to be this kind of otherworldly perfect man, like he's excellent at his job. He's kind to everybody. He's beautiful. His very presence is just intimidating, because he seems too perfect to be real. And of course, he's not actually perfect, he's a human being. But that's kind of the image that he has. And so Tay Tawan [laughs] honestly, is a perfect casting choice for that role.
No notes, no notes whatsoever.
Right? That man is beautiful. Every single time he is on screen in this show, I just got to get a hold of myself, and it's difficult every single time. Seeing that man and his beauty properly appreciated by the camera, wardrobe working, hair working, everything working for him… it was just such a good role for him. Not only on the looks either, but on his performance! 
He really nailed the inherent kindness of Karan, but also the inherent loser goofiness of him, which is the part of him that you don't see on the surface, and that's the secret. He seems like this cool, suave guy, but he's actually a total simp. He's super in love with Achi, and real fuckin nerdy about it. I think Tay Tawan was really able to… balance those aspects of him so well, so that they came together believably as one person. 
And then New as Achi, I think brought a really interesting dimension, because in some versions I think that character can feel a little bit self-contained, to the exclusion of being able to empathize with others. And Achi didn't feel like that. He felt like someone who had self esteem issues, he felt like someone who was intimidated by others and wasn't always sure what he could bring to the table, but who was interested in other people, and kind, and really wanted to learn how to communicate better with others. 
I thought they both did such a great job, both as their individual characters, and then together. We already knew they had awesome chemistry, but they really brought their A game to this show in terms of developing a believable chemistry between these two characters. We got to really see, over the course of the show, Achi's awareness of his attraction to Karan build, and his feelings genuinely grow, from kind of liking him in kind of a generic way, to actually getting to know him as a real person, taking him off that idol pedestal he'd had him on in his mind, and falling in love with him genuinely, and learning how to return his affection and develop a mutual relationship together. 
This Thai version really hit all of those really important landmarks in a romantic relationship, including the physical intimacy, with perfect pacing, such genuine emotion… they just really, really sold it. They did such a good job with this show, and I'm just so happy to eat my words and to have all my skepticism proven wrong. They did awesome.
I think you're right about Tay Tawan being a good choice, ‘cause Kurosawa slash Karan is… eminently charming in a really accessible way. The big part that works for him as a character is the fact that he's such a fuckin dork! And Tay Tawan is a dork. [laughs] That is a… important piece of his public persona, that he's really charming in a way that's not always intentional on his part? It's funny when it is intentional, and it's hilarious when he trips over himself because he's like, wait, did I just do that? It's great. It works really well here. Tay Tawan.
What a man.
I say like, these boys are beautiful, like every week, but he really is gorgeous. He's just absolutely stunning to look at all the time and he is just so delightful as Karan. This is probably my favorite role for Tay. I don't think, like, it's Tay’s best work, but I think it's my favorite role for him.
I understand exactly what you mean, because I think that his best role is Shin from 3 Will Be Free, but in terms of like a great just nailed-on role for him? It's exactly like you said: he's gorgeous and the camera loves him. And so every time the camera turns on him and shows you Achi looking at Karan, and the camera is Achi in that moment—he takes your breath away! 
When Karan goes to see Achi during Songkran and he has to basically wash himself, there's a slow-motion thing when he starts throwing the water on his face, and I just kind of literally was watching that with my chin in my palm, and just like, wowwww, full zone-out moment. The camera loves that man. And it spent so much time on letting us see how gorgeous Karan is, but especially how gorgeous he is to Achi. I thought there was some really clever camera work and it was a good use of Tay’s good looks.
00:54:13 - CM: Relationship Development and the Powers
Speaking of Tay Tawan being a dork and being perfectly selected for this: at the end of episode 3, when they are returning from the company trip, and [laughs] Achi falls asleep and ends up leaning on Karan and wakes up because Karan starts screaming in his head—
[laughs] Screaming internally, that's so funny.
That was so perfect. There has never been a more perfect moment on television. I don't care.
It was amazing. It was incredible. It was delightful. It was fantastic. I can't even describe it well. Like you just have to see it.
It's the way that he keeps his face so controlled…
But like you can see like his mouth opens slightly, his eyes widen a little bit.
His eyes are screaming, while his face— 
And then you see the “AAAAHHH” Like on the subtitle, which is perrrrfect perfect perfect. They did so well. They had so much fun with the mind reading jokes, and there were so many of them.
There were, they got a lot of traction out of it, it was great. Like, even after that moment ends and he wakes up Achi, Achi leans against him again, and he's like, ‘I wish I could fight all of Achi’s nightmares.’
Every time we heard his simp thought it was so perfect, it was always something so cheesy, or he's having a fantasy about like wiping Achi's nose or something, or like dreaming of their future together. Or he's singing a love song off-key in his own head. It's just so good! [laughs]
I actually really like the way that the Thai show used the mind reading power. I like the jokes that they made out of it better than the Japanese version.
I think that's one of the things that they had extra time for, and I think they calibrated the humor for the Thai approach really well.
Just simple things like, after Achi tells Karan about the mind reading power and Karan decides to use it to A) get Achi to move in with him, and B) once Achi has moved in with him to quote-unquote “test” the mind reading power at every potential opportunity by saying, ‘can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?’ And just like touching him randomly… [laughs] He touched his ankle and I was just like, oh my god, ok, this is ridiculous.
My favorite—he stuck out his elbow. He stuck out his elbow like a huge dork, leaning on his shoulder. And he was like, ‘can you hear me? Can you hear me?’ It's like, it was just so charming!
My favorite thing about Karan is he was never embarrassed about how deeply attracted to Achi he was. There was a toothpaste moment, where he started having a fantasy and Achi was like ‘oh my god, bro, please step back,’ and he's like, ‘wait, you see those things, too? So you saw… oh! ok.’ And then he walked away giggling to himself.
He just thinks it's funny. Actually that is an under-discussed, really cool thing that this adaptation did. Once Achi confesses to Karan that he's been able to hear him the whole time, Karan doesn't get upset. He actually thinks it's awesome. Because to him it's so meaningful to know that this whole time, Achi has known how he feels, and Achi has decided to be around him, he's OK with it. Karan, he’s someone who seems very confident on the surface, but he's very insecure about his feelings for Achi, because he doesn't think that they're returned, and he's always very worried about whether or not he's being a burden to Achi with his feelings, whether or not he's pushing something on him that he doesn't want, he's very conscious of that and respectful of boundaries.
It's an excellent gay choice.
Right? And so for him to learn that Achi has known the whole time how he feels and has been comfortable being around him anyway actually really made him happy. He was delighted to know that he didn't have to hide himself in that way.
Achi called that out, too. He's like, ‘why is the real beneficiary of my powers Karan and not me?’ That's actually a source material joke that they brought over really well. Kurosawa learns about the powers and starts actively flirting with Achi at work. And he's like, ‘why is he better at using my powers than me?’
As much as we love the use of the powers, I actually want to talk about the moments that he chooses not to use his powers and instead to, for example, use his words. Because part of this story is about Achi coming more into himself and learning to be bolder and to be more open with himself and his feelings. And I really enjoyed that story happening alongside the powers. One of the things I found in the Japanese version was that Adachi really, I felt, leaned on his powers perhaps a little too much, in his relationship with Kurosawa? Achi, in this version uses his powers more sparingly, and also more accidentally? Whereas in the Japanese version he uses them more deliberately.
I thought they were so intentional about it. Achi confesses earlier about having the powers in the story. He expresses clearly to Karan his fears, about how their relationship will stay intact when he doesn't have that crutch to lean on. They talk about it directly. They do their really silly practice long-distance thing because Achi's feeling so nervous about whether they'll be able to maintain their communication while they're apart and he can't touch Karan to hear what he's thinking. 
Like you said NiNi, in some really crucial moments in the later stages of their relationship development, he's not using his powers, and he doesn't even think to, because he has grown to be so comfortable with communicating with Karan, using his words and listening to Karan and trusting what he's saying. We saw that evolve over time, so that in the end, when they finally decided to have sex, it really wasn't about the powers at all. That had already been resolved and they were already on really solid footing, Achi wasn't even using them anymore in that way. I like that they did it that way, that they separated those things a little bit. They had sex when they were ready to have sex and it wasn't related to wanting to get rid of the powers; the powers were not a barrier for them.
I really liked how they went about the whole progression of their physical intimacy.
I think it felt…really right. I felt like I could trust this show to address it in a way that not only tied off the plot of the story and the narrative, which was rooted in sex or lack thereof, but also to make sure that it felt emotionally authentic to where the characters were, that any moment of intimacy between them was building their relationship development arc. And they pulled that off so beautifully.
They have their first kiss in a way I think is really satisfying, because Achi initiates it. Which I think is an excellent choice for Achi compared to Adachi.
And it felt very earned because their relationship was already so deep at that point, and you felt like Achi was ready for it. And of course, the build to them deciding to have sex for the first time. I like the way that that played around their temporary separation. Achi went away, and they hadn't gotten there yet in their relationship—not because of any big reason, it's just the natural progression, hasn't happened yet. And I like that when Karan went to visit him, things just felt right, and they progressed. I like that the story never felt like it was artificially holding that up to get to a certain beat. It really felt cathartic to finally see these characters get there in a way that felt so, so correct.
I thought every moment of intimacy between these characters was really well calibrated for the moment, and that the two actors involved understood what they were trying to accomplish in the scene. It was really nice to see two actors with experience, who trust each other, really deliver good emotional and intimate scene work, and that is supported by even all of the non-kissing they do between their characters. Just overall, I really, truly enjoyed watching Tay and New work together with these characters.
01:02:15 - CM: Other Characters
Let's talk a little bit about the characters outside of Karan and Achi. I really enjoyed the way that these particular versions of the side characters were done. I particularly enjoyed Pai and Dujdao from the office. Dujdao is me, I am Dujdao. She is my fave. She is the one, I love her. Pai in this version is Fujisaki in the Japanese version, and then you've got Rock who is Rokkaku, you've got Min who is Minato, and you've got Jinta who is Tsuge. 
I really liked the way that this adaptation played with those characters, and I like how they intersected with the Karan and Achi story. I always like to see the wider world of these characters and the friends and family that they have, and how their relationship fits into their relationships with their friends and their family. Watching, particularly the little office family that formed with Dujdao and Pai and Rock, and then the friendship between Achi and Jinta, which I felt a lot more strongly about in this version than I did about the friendship between Tsuge and Adachi—it's a different kind of relationship. And I personally enjoyed Achi and Jinta’s relationship a little more than I did Tsuge and Adachi’s.
I really, really loved Min and Jinta in this story. I thought those actors did a great job with these characters, I felt like they fit in really well into the narrative. Jinta and Min in their own romance, as well as Jinta's friendship with Achi—both of those threads that they were carrying complemented the main story so well: supported the themes, helped move the plot along, they were just really well integrated into this story. 
Jinta is a great character: he’s awkward and kind of introverted and weird, because he spends a lot of time alone, but he's also a kind person, and he has a generous spirit, and I think that all of that came through really well. I loved that he and Achi kind of came into their powers in parallel and then worked together to figure out how to use them and what they meant. They got a lot of good additional mind reading jokes and humor out of Jinta, both in his scenes with Achi, where they would slyly touch each other and then have mind conversations, which eventually Karan caught on to, and that was also hilarious [laughs]. 
With Min and Jinta, I liked how much in this version that was about Min figuring out what he wanted to do with his life, whether or not he should continue to pursue his passion of dancing, and through his relationship with Jinta, getting encouragement, finding new confidence, and figuring out how to do that in a way that he felt like he could make a living from. And I thought that nicely supported the themes that were going on with Achi and Karan, also learning to communicate with each other and care for each other and support each other through new opportunities. 
This show also did something really interesting with Pai and Rock. One of the big reservations when this adaptation was announced was that in the Japanese live action, Fujisaki was an aro-ace woman. She explicitly identified that way, it was plotline of the show. And I just knew that in Thailand, they were gonna put the same character in a romantic relationship, cause Thailand loves side couples and they just can't let anybody end the show single, even people who are supposed to be single [laughs] according to their identities. And so I was dreading that, honestly, I was like, ‘they're gonna have Pai get into a romance with Rock, I'm gonna hate it.’ 
But you know what? I didn’t hate it. The way that they got them together in the end was really sensitive, I think, to the fandom that they were clearly aware was out there hoping to see this character retain some of that aro-ace rep that was so meaningful to people in the Japanese live action. So I thought they were really respectful of it, I thought they did a great job with it. I think even though they got together in the end, there's still a very clear aro-ace read on Pai, and I like them together. Their scenes were fun, they have a good easy chemistry and charm, even if it doesn't feel particularly sexually charged. 
And I thought that Rock and Pai were both as well, great supporting characters in the narrative. Their connection supported the story when it needed to. All of these side characters came together really well in a way that never distracted from, and always bolstered the main narrative, which is the most important thing to me for side characters.
When Sing Harit picks up Tay Tawan and runs off with him while he wais at the client —
[laughs] It was perfect!
[laughs] He literally just picked him up off the ground and just runs away!
He was so good in this role, he was perfect.
I'm glad we get to keep Sing. I've been watching that man for nine years.
He always brings something great to every show he's in.
So, I am a fan of original Cherry Magic adaptation Tsuge and Minato. I like how extra Tsuge is. Asaka Kodai: I like the way he played Tsuge. I like how he focused on how weird Tsuge is, and how passionate he is about things. I like Jinta as a take on that character…I appreciate why people like him more. I don't think I like him more? But I like them both specifically. 
I like the Tsuge character, and I like how in the three versions of him I've seen adapted now, each adaptation has approached him. I genuinely enjoyed the version of Tsuge and Minato we got in Jinta and Min. I really liked the way they played together. I don't necessarily think Mark succeeded at all of Min, but I really like the way he and Junior work together. 
I like Rock in this version because Rokkaku is an aggravating character, intentionally, in the Cherry Magic story. He is far less annoying in this version than he is in Japanese versions of this character. 
I liked Pai in this one, I like the corrective fujoshi behavior that they were doing with her. I was worried at first when they leaned into the fact that Fujisaki is a shipper who has been shipping Adachi and Kurosawa for a very long time [laughs]. I like the way the Thai show ends up using that. I like the presentation of her as, ‘you can help your ship when they need to overcome an obstacle, but their moments don't belong to you.’ I loved her, genuinely. And I liked — what was her name? The manager's character?
How could you forget my girl Dujdao?
I really liked the way they made the office manager kind of like a…auntie figure to a lot of them.
I love how Achi accidentally brushes against her, and hears her positive thoughts about him. Because that's not a moment that they had to put in there. But I thought that it was really nice and important that Achi got to hear how much she truly cares about him.
We didn't mention the other coworkers who came at the very end of the story, when Achi traveled, but there was a whole new crew of colleagues that he got to meet on his one-month assignment at another branch. They started that episode with a little bit of anxiety around, you know, are they gonna be mean to Achi? Are they gonna pick on him? Do they think he's a snooty city person? Are they going to be homophobic? 
I love that they just turned out to be like, a good group of dudes who were pretty good at their job, needed a little help getting set up, and once Achi proved that he was there to help them and he was competent, they completely accepted him and they were lovely to him. The show is just like—everybody was trying their best all the way through and I really like that. With one exception.
Let's talk about that exception now, let's talk about the dreaded episode 8.
Dreaded is the right phrase.
My thing is, if you're going to add to Cherry Magic, why would you add workplace sexual assault? Why would you make the boss worse? The boss is really good prior to episode 8 and he's really good after episode 8. I don't understand why in episode 8 they would have him put some sort of bullshit ‘employees can't date each other’ rule into play, and be like, ‘Alright gays: if you can prove that you are economically viable to me by hitting an unrealistic sales target and whoring yourselves out to shitty clients, maybe then I will consider letting you two homos date each other.’ 
I hated that. I hated that Karan felt like he had to go face her again, I hated that the boss knew it, and sat with Achi to be like, ‘how do you feel about that, bro?’ And then there's like, this whole sequence where she further tries to embarrass him, but then the boss decides to be like, ‘No, I have morals.’ Where were they 40 minutes ago? I just did not like the inclusion of any of that. 
It sucked too, because it was a holding pattern episode for Achi and Karan and the crew around them. Nobody really grew as a result of the events that happened there, and it just made me really resent the boss as a character. After that episode, he has a completely reasonable professional response to Achi clearly being frustrated with his role at the company. Achi, who—Karan has shown him through the course of the season—is actually a really good and really valuable employee whose efforts have gone maybe unnoticed, but that's because he's shy. And so when he recognizes that Achi is struggling professionally and wants to maybe do more, he gives him a very reasonable opportunity. Has very reasonable expectations about it, does not withhold how difficult the position may be, and has a reasonable expectation for Achi to make a decision about it. 
It was really frustrating for me to try and reconcile that version of a fairly sensible boss, who is trying to give an employee an opportunity to succeed professionally, with the guy who we got in episode 8.
It felt wrong, it didn't feel like it was of a piece with the rest of the story. We found out pretty quickly that it was not from the source material, and it was an original episode that they've decided to write because they think they needed to fill a little bit of time. It's the one blemish on the show which was otherwise so wonderful, and so it just kind of sucks that they made this choice and tarnished things a little bit by doing such an ugly extra subplot, that just wasn't needed and didn't do anything for the story.
In the end, I'm glad it was just a subplot. And it is, to my mind, pretty easily excisable.
We just deleted the episode. Boop!
Just pretended it didn't happen and carried on, and that worked great for me personally. [Shan and Ben laugh]
01:13:51 - CM: Ratings
I will say at this point, before we get to rating that this is now my default Cherry Magic version.
I think the Thai show feels complete in a way that the Japanese experience didn't. And that's…honestly, for me, reinforced by the anime that's running simultaneously right now. What I am enjoying with the two active adaptations right now is the very different approaches to the characters. 
Karan is really sensitive to Achi and Achi is really sensitive to him in a way that I find really useful in the story, but there's a chippiness to the Japanese anime version of these characters. They are not as emotionally intelligent, they have a temper about them, there's a little bit of selfishness. Like, I think Adachi’s kind of a dick in this one, he complains about people being irritating normies a lot in a way that I find very amusing. And Kurosawa’s far more possessive—internally, he doesn't express it externally that often—in a way that I find lands more correctly for him, in comparison to maybe the way Keita Machida played Kurosawa and the way they presented him. 
I really like the Thai localization of the Cherry Magic story here, and I think it exists very peacefully alongside the current Japanese anime version and the source material, and I think it sits favorably against the original Japanese version. 
The intent of the powers to enable greater empathy and better communication between people lands far more consistently in the Thai version. I am really, truly glad that they actually did this and did a good job with it. We did not have high hopes for this motherfucker when they told us about it, and this ended up being one of the most pleasant experiences we've had in genre in a really long time.
So, ratings. Shan, you go first: what's your rating for Cherry Magic Thailand?
I gave this show a 9.5. Could have been a 10 if not for that episode 8, but episode 8 exists, unfortunately, so it's a 9.5 for me. I found it to be such a good time, such a well-executed story. I think it was a masterful adaptation. It did such a good job taking this Japanese story and translating it into something that felt of a piece with Thai culture. The performances were excellent. The whole production was great. I loved how thoughtful everything was. It was such a good show for me. I wish I could go back to before I watched it, and watch it again and be delighted anew.
Ben, how about you?
Similarly, I gave it a 9.5; I think this was an excellent experience. I think it was really enjoyable week to week, and this is what I want out of my BL TV viewing experience. I got to look forward to it every week, and I walked away from it satisfied. One of my favorite TV experiences is when a show is really good, without me instantly yearning for more. I had a really great anticipation of it when a Saturday morning rolled around, and I felt really good for the rest of the Saturday after watching it, and I didn't feel like I was missing something all week because it wasn't on. It was something that I really looked forward to on Saturdays. That is the ideal TV show experience, for me. And I don’t get to have that very often. I really, truly appreciate it that this show was one of the better or best week-to-week viewing experiences I've had for years. 
9.5 for episode 8.
I scored the show a 9.75.
Oh my god.
[laughs] Wait, are we allowed to do .25?
We're not. She can do it, though. [laughs]
She’s cheating!
I am calling producer privilege to give it a 9.75! No, but the subplot in episode 8 really is a ding, but also I really loved this show. The ding had to be dinged, but I will find it very easy to excise that subplot from my memory of the show and move on. Also, I didn't have to sit in it for a week like you guys did because I was binging it, so it's easier for me, I think, to just kind of be like, pfft! Over that.
Let me tell you, that was a difficult week for us.
It was a bad week. We were scared.
We have been in this position with Thai BL where things are going great, and then episode 8 rolls around and like, oh, here we go. That was not a great week with this show’s experience. We were not really anticipating—we were hoping it wouldn't be shit, picking up with the cliffhanger of Achi revealing his powers to Karan. That was a good choice, that allowed us to focus on the future, not the past.
And then you were immediately rewarded in episode 9 with the kiss!
Sure were!
And then they reminded me of the boss's bullshit in the finale. He's like, I'm throwing away my stupid policy. I'm like, ‘why would you bring that back up?’
Don’t bring it up! We’re trying to pretend it didn't happen!
I had just forgiven you, you motherfucker. Shut the fuck up. [all laugh]
All right. All right. [laughs] OK, so 9.5, 9.5, 9.75 fine, it gets a 9.5 from The Conversation.
We highly recommend it! It is a good viewing experience.
Everyone should watch it. 
Fantastic show.
01:19:34 - The Pillars: Overall Thoughts
OK, so we've just spent the last — I don't know how much time this is going to be edited—
It's going to be a long edit for you, that's for damn sure. [laughs]
We have just spent the last maybe two-ish hours talking about our OGs, and the stuff that they've been in this year. OG to new G, so to speak. Let's talk a little bit about the pillars, about the experience of watching these people do what they know how to do really well at this point. Shan, what's your experience been like?
It was so lovely for me. I am an OffGun and a TayNew girlie. I have been a fan, I love those pairs. I am not a big fan of the branded pair system, to say the least—I think that it can be really damaging sometimes in the Thai media landscape, but I think that these two pairs have worked together for a really long time and they've figured out what works well for them. And they have also gone off and done other things, they don't only work together making BLs. All of these four actors have very full careers. And so I'm very happy that they were able to bring them back and pair them with such great projects. 
Candidly, these are my two favorite Thai shows of this entire season. They knew what they were about, they executed them really well, and they used the pairs at the center of them to all the best of their abilities and their strength. I'm glad to see that they're planning to continue to work together. Both TayNew and OffGun have announced their next projects already for 2024, and I'm excited to see more adult BL from these guys.
To be clear, we are not certain that Peaceful Property or whatever it's going to be called is actually going to be a BL.
I don't need them to make out to enjoy their presence together, so I'll be happy either way.
I don't care if it's a BL—I would prefer it to be BL, but Peaceful Property just looks like a good-ass time, so I'm going to enjoy that. I wasn't planning to watch The Trainee, but after Cooking Crush I'm gonna watch The Trainee. I've dialed in to the OffGun of it in this particular direction. I just like Off doing comedy.
He is good at comedy.
So good at it
I really enjoy it. Not only watch him doing comedy, but watch him doing comedy now. Because he has improved, he has grown, he's really dialed into what he's good at, and he can portray it in a way that I don't think he used to be able to. So, I am looking forward to watching The Trainee definitely. 
News news, apparently the third of our pillars coming back is a possibility? So there are three OG pillars for GMMTV. Like we said, OffGun, TayNew, and the third OG pillar was Krist and Singto. We got word recently that Singto’s coming back to GMMTV? So that's an interesting thing. I don't know necessarily that there's going to be new KristSingto stuff, but…
Krist has already teased it on social media.
Krist has teased it, but he said that they won't tell him information because he usually leaks it.
Right. But he said he wants to do another project with Singto. They've put it out there, maybe as a little bit of a test balloon to see if people are interested in it. So I wouldn't be surprised if we find out next year that they're going to be doing another BL together.
I wouldn't be surprised if we find that out in April, when the Part 2 of the GMMTV thing comes out.
[sigh] OK, I'll talk about this. We need to own that has not been a good run for Singto, for about three to four years now. He hasn't really had a solid win in a while. And I don't know that I want him and Krist back together. This is such a weird choice to make, coming off of Be My Favorite where I was like, ‘OK, Krist, you've grown as a performer. I thought you were used well here, I thought your reputation, whether it be right or wrong was used well here. And I'm willing to put all this aside and move forward.’ 
And now I'm feeling triggered [laughs] by the news that he and Singto will be back together. I'm not necessarily thrilled about it. Like, yeah, we had a lot of skepticism about Cherry Magic, blah, blah, blah, coming into this. And that ended up being fine. But like… [sigh]
None of my reservations were about the pairs, though. It's all about the material. Here, Krist and Singto don't have good chemistry.
I don't think they do at all.
We know that. They did two, three shows together over several years of working together. Did not manage to produce believable chemistry as a pair.
I'm not keen on it.
OK, so here's what I'm gonna say.
Go ahead, bestie.
I have been wrong about all of their recent projects. I haven't watched any really old things or stuff since he left GMMTV, but in terms of Be My Favorite, in terms of Cooking Crush, in terms of Cherry Magic Thailand, I have been wrong. And so I am willing to give any new KristSingto project a shot.
Oh I'm going to watch it. If they make it, I'm going to watch it. I need to know.
It's not about whether or not we're going to watch it.
[laughs] They're all like, ‘oh, no, we're watching it! Nobody said we weren't gonna watch it.’ [laughs]
We will be watching it and we will be having takes! That is what we will be doing. I continue to be skeptical about the two of them being able to generate believable chemistry together. Maybe they could do a show that's not a BL. Maybe they could try that.
I won't watch that, that's for sure! [Shan laughs]
We're talking about OG to new G. Maybe we could do some mix-match merry-go-round with Perth and Chimon.
I'd be OK with that!
Oh my god.
Get some new pairings out of it.
There are no more—I—why are we giving Perth and Chimon another ch—Why would you bring them up in this conversation?
Mix match merry go round! Mix up the pairs! Maybe they'll work better with other people.
I think Krist and Singto both need to be paired with strong screen partners who can bring that chemistry piece, because neither of them is particularly good at it on their own, and together it just doesn't happen. I don't know how much of this we should even allow to air. We're going to get shot by their fans.
I do not care about them. You can be mad.
I don’t care [laughs].
What is their fandom called?
It's Peraya.
Peraya that's right.
Peraya ask me how I know. I don't know how. I know. I just pick up these things by osmosis.
I am not a Peraya. I want this to be very clear.
I am not either.
But like, OK, so we've established that Perth needs a good lead and Chimon needs a good follow, and Krist is, I think, a better follow than a lead, and Singto is a better lead than I think a follow. So maybe they mix them up, maybe they get something good out of it.
Mm, anyway. So. [laughs]
Y'all are mean to my baby Perth and I'm not having it.
NiNi I appreciate the spirit of this brainstorm. I think it's worth a try [laughs]
I don't. [laughs]
Perth, if you ever listen to this, don't listen to the mean people. It's OK. I love you.
Look, I love Perth. But it's not been a good year for him. I'm sorry, baby boy.
I think it's been very cool, though, sincerely, to see the OGs come back around. I like that we're no longer saying [laughs] that BL is a young man's game, you gotta get out when you turn 30. I like that we're letting some of GMMTV's older talent headline these shows and that we're getting some shows about adults. That's all super welcome, and I think it's really nice too, to see pairs like Tay and New and Off and Gun, who are real veterans with handling all of this stuff around making BLs together—handling the BGP, handling all of the fan attention, they do it with a lot of grace and very professionally, in a way that I think is helpful to see a model for for some of the younger pairs. 
I think it's helpful for fans also to be reminded of how they should engage with actors who are doing their job when they're making these shows. GMMTV is going to continue to dominate Thai BL for the foreseeable future, so I think it's good that they're bringing these veterans back and doing good work with them.
I agree. I think OffGun and TayNew have been on the forefront of the development of Thai BGP for a long time, and it's really good to see them seem confident and comfortable about it at this point. Both of these pairs have had some negative experiences with fan behavior, so. I'm very glad that those two pairs were able to continue working together, continue to make projects together, and in this particular case, deliver two of the most satisfying viewing experiences we've had in the last three to four months. I'm pleased.
They killed it. Amazing work.
I, too, am pleased. I wasn't in the OG thing. I wasn't shooting with y'all in the gym then, but I'm here now and what I saw this time around I truly enjoyed. I'm never going to be a babii. I'm not going to be a a polca. I'm never going to be a peraya. I'm just not a fan like that. I fan, I don't stan, I always say, except for, [laughs] you know, the large ones.
For a couple exceptions.
Except for the bigguns. The pillars thing has always been like the super weird thing for me, and this is the first experience that I've had with it that it wasn't weird and slightly creepy for me, which I truly enjoyed. So yeah, good job, boys. Excellent work, 10 out of 10, no notes. 
So, that is going to wrap us up on our pillars episode: we out! Say bye to the people, Shan.
Goodbye people.
Ben, say bye to the people.
63 notes · View notes
jiminieloved · 2 years
Ultimate Jikook Timeline Pt 120
Butter Era, Pt 2
June 1, 2021:
a) Festa Profiles
Jimin gives JK the “really scary award” and JK gives Jimin the “cute award”
b) Sowoozoo Poster Making
7:18 JK tries to tie the balloon on Jimin’s earring
c) Sowoozoo VCR Making
2:12 Jimin calls JK to help him tease Jin
4:45 Jimin explains the scenario of his shooting, where he was trying to sleep but he remembered JK pulling one over on him
6:16 JK throws an orange for Jimin to catch
d) Sowoozoo Merch Making
7:46 small interactions, they are sitting close, JK stares at Jimin and copies him
2. June 11, 2021:
Sowoozoo Rehearsal
1:26 walking close to each other behind the others
3. June 12, 2021:
a) Sowoozoo Practice and Rehearsal
1:34 Jimin sits by JK’s side and puts his hand on his leg
12:47 dancing on stage together
13:05 Jimin gives his mic to JK and pretends boxing while JK smiles at him
18:37 Jimin pats JK’s chest
22:41 JK teases Jimin on stage
b) 2021 Festa
1:05 they were supposed to describe the members with a word, JK described Jimin with “charm” and at 1:24 Jimin describes JK with the word “dongsaeng”
4:46 they are supposed to say something about the word “promise” so JK says “Jimin”
31:17 JK talks about army and Jimin teases him saying “are you crying Jungkook?”
41:20 JK says something cute and Jimin looks fondly at him
42:12 Jimin says that all of his dreams came true and JK asks him “literally everything? Until now?”, Jimin confirms it and JK says he is going to follow his path
45:47 Jimin reads his wish for the future and JK says “good to hear”
50:34 JK shows a candle as one of his favorites old items and Jimin says “Jungkook is pretty sensitive to smell”, then he shows a microphone as another favorite old item and says it is because they can’t go to karaoke there says, so Jimin says “he was like that even before covid”
4. June 13, 2021:
Sowoozoo Day 1
12:13 Jimin puts an arm around JK while singing “Dynamite”
15:30 no subs on this link but Jimin says he has a similar look from N.O era and JK says he looks good
38:15 Jikook talk to each other on the background
46:45 Jikook pictures on the wall
1:04:52 Jimin shares a memory he likes and JK says his hair looks similar from then
1:06:48 they watch a video from the early years, JK says Jimin looks the same but looks skinnier
82:15 JK gets close to Jimin while he is singing to appear on the screen with him, then Jimin finds his accessory and gives it back to him
A few more moments that weren’t on the DVD
5. June 14, 2021:
a) Sowoozoo Day 2
13:42 dancing together while singing “Dynamite”
20:10 JK talks about they time they performed in Busan and mentioned that he and Jimin are from there
1:00:24 cute interaction while singing “telepathy”
1:25:24 Jimin and Tae hug, JK throws water between them and looks at Jimin
1:51:26 Jimin gets in between Tae and JK and holds JK’s waist
2:01:12 small interaction that I didn’t understand because there’s no subs
b) Sowoozoo D-day Making Film
3:37 looking at each other while singing and then playing
9:35 JK notices Jimin stretching on the couch
11:40 posing for the picture side by side
13:32 dancing together on stage
23:43 they glance at each other and smile
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6. June 15, 2021:
Run Ep. 142
11:17 Hobi says “Jimin-ah, set it up” and JK copies him saying “Jiminie, set it up”
29:31 Jimin asks the staff for a bowl but gives up on it because he doesn’t want to be a nuisance, so JK asks one too and the caption says “the Sun and Moon duo is having rice”
7:24 JK goes by Jimin’s side to watch him doing his kimchi
9:02 Jimin pats JK’s shoulder to tell him something
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7. June 16, 2021:
Jikook moment from BTS The Best DVD
8. June 21, 2021:
Bangtan Bomb
0:25 Jimin sings “talk is cheap”, Hobi asks him if that’s how he pronounces it and Jimin says “it sounds like rabbit spit, rabbit spit is pretty spicy, you know”, Hobi laughs and looks at JK
2:45 JK plays with Jimin’s chick hat
9. June 22, 2021:
Run Ep. 143
0:31 Jimin sings cutely and JK smiles at him
4:21 JK says his answer to the quiz and Jimin pats his shoulder and says what he thinks the right answer is
6:09 JK gives another answer to the quiz and Jimin touches his shoulder while looking fondly at him
6:52 the staff tells them they are going to illustrate the tale and Namjoon says “it’ll be fine as long as we have Jimin and Jungkook”, because both are good illustrators
25:25 Jimin compliments JK’s work saying it looks like a real cartoon book
0:45 Jimin calls JK so he can look at him while he draws him, then JK says “I know he’s going to draw me funny”
1:28 JK scolds Jimin for not listening to the question until the end
10. June 24, 2021:
a) “Permission to Dance” Practice and MV Making Film
5:12 JK helps Jimin to get up on their set and then they film together
16:29 Jimin says “Jungkook, I love you” and hugs him
b) “Permission to Dance” MV Reaction
Sitting close
0:31 JK appears on the MV and Jimin says “JK!”
2:18 they watch the scene where JK does the spins, JK says that he did 3 or 4 spins and Jimin teases him saying “is this the power of editing?”
5:26 they talk about how dancing this song can make people laugh, JK agrees and says “specially if you look at each other while dancing it”, Jimin turns to look at him and they smile at each other
11. June 28, 2021:
BTS The Best Special Online Talk Event moment
Jimin says JK sleeps with his mouth open
12. June 29, 2021:
a) Run Ep. 144
1:52 Jimin asks JK to give him a hint on the game
9:44 they are supposed to do a drawing speed quiz and Jimin says “isn’t Jungkook good at this?”
24:00 Jimin goes next to JK trying to convince him to give the same answer as him, and JK does so
0:19 Jimin sings “Life Goes On” and it seems that JK is watching him
7:52 JK stands close behind Jimin with their hands touching while they watch Tae writing his answers
b) 2021 Show In Seoul with House Ambassadors BTS Louis Vuitton Making Film
7:18 looking at each other and checking each other’s heights, then JK checks Jimin out and says he looks like a model
c) Louis Vuitton Campaign
1:38 again the part where they were checking their heights and JK says that Jimin looks like an actual model
Information compiled by @lagalaxiedemochi
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106 notes · View notes
missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
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I posted 424 times in 2022
That's 212 more posts than 2021!
206 posts created (49%)
218 posts reblogged (51%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 396 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#elvis - 337 posts
#elvis presley - 335 posts
#you came to the right place - 311 posts
#if you’re looking for trouble - 301 posts
#elvis 2022 - 263 posts
#elvis movie - 243 posts
#elvis presley x reader - 181 posts
#elvis x reader - 172 posts
#austin butler elvis - 171 posts
#pink scarf - 147 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i will never get over the double entendre when he sings 'you can't lick it' and then he has the audacity to chuckle at it during the song
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pink Scarf - Part 2 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: Cussing. Infidelity. Angsty tension. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline. This part is rather tame. but the others definitely won't be. 
Rating: PG-13 (but this story will be very NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)   ||     Word Count: 3250
A/N: Thank you so much for your support of Pink Scarf - Part 1 and for your patience as I got Part 2 ready for you! I'm sorry in advance...Part 2 got way too long because I'm apparently incapable of writing something like this without building the sexual tension for days, so I split it up, meaning the smutty smut won't be until Part 3, but I pinky promise it's coming!! I imagined this with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat!
Let me know in the comments what you think and if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch!
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You’re not sure if it’s been hours or mere minutes when the phone shrills next to you, causing you to gasp and practically jump out of your skin. You’ve been lying in bed, attempting to sleep, but as tired as you are, your thoughts snap back to those intensely gorgeous blue eyes again and again. Perhaps you were dreaming after all, because the way those eyes turned from playful to darkened lust when looking at you couldn’t possibly be real.
You blink rapidly, pulling yourself out of the haze between dreaming and wakefulness, clawing for the phone receiver, anything to make the high-pitched sound stop.
“Hello?” you breathe out.
“Hey, y/n, it’s Jerry,” he says softly, as if realizing you are not quite conscious.
“Jerry…is everything okay?” you ask, sitting up, your sudden concern clearing your head a bit. Jerry had always been kind to you over the years, a decent friend to both you and Jack, though his loyalty was always to Elvis, first and foremost.  
“Yeah, no, everything is fine. Uh, just, well…EP wants to see you,” he says, almost apprehensively.
“What?” You couldn’t have heard him correctly.
“Elvis wants you to come up,” Jerry repeats, more slowly.
You look at the clock. It’s so late that it’s early, but that is nothing new—the King of Rock and Roll lives by his own schedule, his own rules. Living life at night is a strangely normal thing.
What is unusual is him calling for you alone.
“Y/n? You there?” Jerry asks.
“Yeah, yeah, sorry, Jer,” you shake your head as if to clear it, “I, uh, I’ll be right up. Oh, and Jerry?”
“Is Jack up there with you?”
Jerry’s hesitation tells you all you need to know. “Uh…no, he’s not, y/n,” he says with an apology in his voice.
“Okay, thanks,” you reply with a sigh, as you put the phone back on the cradle. Your thoughts bounce from the frustration and sadness of Jack’s obvious absence back to Elvis wanting to see you and the reasons for why that might be.
Jerry didn’t have to tell you that Elvis didn’t want to be kept waiting, so in your haze of half sleep and complicated thoughts, you throw your satiny robe on over your nightgown, sliding your feet into your ridiculously fuzzy slippers, grab your key, and race out the door.
Trepidation fills your heart as you ride the elevator up to the penthouse. Something feels off. You’ve been up here before, and you literally live at Graceland, but this feels different. You feel on edge, like you’re on a precipice, about to fall into the molten cauldron of a volcano.
You knock, then suddenly realize you’ve raced up here without so much as a glance in the mirror. Frantically, you smooth your hair, then give up. Elvis calls you up at this hour, he gets what he gets. Tired, frustrated (in more ways than one), and stubborn is what he gets, you think, crossing your arms over your chest.
See the full post
563 notes - Posted August 17, 2022
Pink Scarf - PART 3! (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: Sex. Oral (f receiving). Cussing. Infidelity. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline.  
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)   ||     Word Count: 2611
A/N: The smut is finally here, y'all! I'm gonna be totally honest--I've never put smut on public display before, so I really hope it's okay/readable. Thank you again for all your support, reblogs, and comments--they sincerely make my day so much better and keep me excited about writing! Just so you know, Part 4 will be a smutty continuation of Part 3, if y'all want it...
I imagined this with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat!
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch.
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The knock at the door startles you and you sit up straight, your heart pounding so hard it shakes your ribcage.
Relax. There’s no way. He wouldn’t leave the penthouse…he never goes anywhere without the entourage. He probably just sent Jerry down to check on me, you try and convince yourself, but the pounding of your heart does not subside.
The knock comes again, sharp and insistent, prompting you to warily make your way to the door and open it.
Your heart stops.
Elvis stands there, leaning against the doorjamb, with ferocity in his eyes before pushing his way into the room.
You barely have time to be surprised as you stumble backwards to counter his advance.
“Honey, we weren’t done talkin’,” he says sternly. His annoyance is obvious in the way he is clenching his jaw and his eyes are narrowed.
Your mouth opens and closes but no words come out. You cannot believe he followed you down here.
“I don’t like hearin’ you’re unhappy, y/n, so I’m settlin’ to fix that.” His accent is stronger than usual, tainted with his frustration. He shakes his finger at you, that signature gold bracelet of his, the one encrusted with diamonds that spell out his name, glinting in the lamplight.
You suppose you should feel angry yourself, with him barging in here like this, but instead, his hotheadedness is making you feel something else entirely.
“And how exactly are you gonna do that, Elvis? How are you gonna make me happy?” you finally speak, the challenge coming out sultry, your breathing quickening. You are shocked at your own boldness, but that coil in your belly has wound its way into your mind, dampening your usual propriety and common sense.
He steps towards you, but this time you don’t back up, only raising your eyes to meet his. The annoyance in his eyes transforms into that heated, dangerous look from earlier, blackening his usually bright irises.
His long pointer finger raises up to trace the lightning bolt on the gold and diamond TLC necklace you’d forgotten is still hanging around your neck, the necklace he’s given you that marks you as one of the elite women in the inner circle around him. The necklace which you almost never take off.
“I take care of what’s mine,” Elvis says, voice deep and vibrating. The implication is clear, sending a pleasurable shudder down your spine.
You know you are off the rails now. Every cell in your body is screaming for him, his touch. Your breath is shallow, quick, waiting for his next move. And all your concerns and objections from earlier are burned away, forgotten, buried somewhere deep below the spell he has you under.
But when you look into his eyes now, all you see is fire, well controlled fire, which sends a thrill into your belly. Those blazing eyes never leave yours as he slowly pulls on the tie of your robe, undoing the knot, letting it fall open. The room’s cool air rolls over your warm body, sending a visible, trembling shiver through you. He gently pushes the robe over your shoulders, watching as it slips down your arms, finally pooling at your feet.
His fingers, calloused from so many years of guitar playing, flit over your collarbone and down your bare arm, his thumb brushing the satiny fabric of your nightgown along the way. Your heart flutters at the contact, starved for him, but unable to move. Gooseflesh rises on your skin, both from the cold of the heavily air-conditioned room and from the sensation of his touch.
It does not go unnoticed that your nipples have hardened under the thin fabric. Elvis smiles a coy little smile, his hands finding your waist, and then he walks you backwards, bringing you with him to the edge of the bed. He pulls you down onto the bed with him so smoothly, you barely have time to register the change because you are so focused on the heated way he’s looking at you.
His lips meet yours at the same exact moment he trails those fingers deftly over the satin, over the hard bud of your nipple, causing your mouth to open to him as your body arches up, desperate for his touch. He sucks briefly at your bottom lip and your entire body is dowsed in heat.
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591 notes - Posted August 19, 2022
Pink Scarf - PART 6! (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: SEX. Some of it is on the rougher side. Cussing. Infidelity. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline.  
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)        ||     Word Count: 6858
A/N: This part is HUGE, y'all, a monster! So much is happening. I'm sorry, I just could not for the life of me pair it down or find a good place to break it up, so I'm hoping you're all okay with the ginormous size of this part!
And y'all-- your reactions, reblogs, messages, and comments--I couldn't believe what an amazing response I got for Part 5, like I actually teared up, no lie. I can't tell you how glad I am that you are rooting for our reader and falling in love with/getting hot for EP as much as I am as you read! I hope you like this part, too, cuz I've got some good stuff planned for them coming ahead. (I'm a sucker for angst and tension, if you can't tell!)
If you feel so moved, please let me know what you think or how you're feeling (or send me asks since now I know how they work lol)! I put everyone on the taglist who requested it, but please let me know if there are any issues.
I imagined this with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat! 
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch. 
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(Listen, I chose this picture for very specific reasons for this part, so enjoy!)
The secret of it thrills you now, sitting there in the round booth with the other ladies before the show begins. The scarf still smells like Elvis, and each time you catch a whiff, it reminds you of his skin on yours. You smile inwardly at the thought.
You’ve shoved your earlier humiliation down as far as it will go, choosing to not let Jack ruin your night. Nothing really has changed, you convince yourself, things are only confirmed. You didn’t tell the others what happened, instead overcompensating, throwing yourself into having a good time, fueled by anticipation from the pink silk knotted around your neck and what might happen when Elvis sees it.
Finally, the lights go down and the crowd cheers. The Sweet Inspirations were a wonderful opening act, but you all know who you are really here for. The band starts playing and you feel your heart rate increase. The entire room is excited, though a nervousness underlies your own excitement. What if he doesn’t notice? What if it was all an act to placate you? What if he’s changed his mind?
You can’t dwell too much on it because Elvis enters and the room goes wild. He walks on the stage, in all black tonight, looking like a panther stalking the jungle, and you have to keep yourself from jumping out of your seat. Your heart hits your stomach at just how incredible he looks, and even though you can sense an initial nervousness in him the first few songs, he captivates the crowd immediately. He runs through all his old hits before heading into a breathless and charming monologue about how he ended up here, and somehow, he has you just as mesmerized, if not more, than the rest of the ladies in the audience.
He's obviously in good spirits, laughing frequently as he messes around with Charlie and the backup singers, changing the lyrics to some of his old hits to funny or naughty things, making the raucous, well-imbibed midnight audience laugh with him. You don’t think you’ll ever get over how he commands such a large room with ease, making every person feel seen even though they are just a sea of faces.
His voice sounds good, though maybe a bit tired with it being the second show of the night. He doesn’t let it affect his performance one bit, however. He is as energetic as ever and you become increasingly distracted by the way his body moves up there, thrusting in time with the drums, your mind unable to forget how he was doing the same to you less than 48 hours ago.
Heat flushes your body as you desperately squeeze your thighs together, because the more his baritone croons and the more he moves, the more you can picture him, feel him, on top of you. You are struck by how similar his performance seems to those intimate moments, just how turned on he looks playing and singing up there in front of the crowd. That mischievous glint in his eyes, the way his jaw clenches, how his lips pull, and that damn gritty whine in his voice the further up he goes in pitch—it all feels so very seductive. Even his fast, even vibrato has you shifting in your seat. You are thankful for the darkened room because you know your cheeks must be on fire and you can’t blame the unfinished martini sitting in front of you on the table.
You cannot tear your eyes from him, drinking in every inch, so captivated that you barely register when he brings the lights up to kiss his way through the audience during a rendition of Love Me Tender. Part of you feels a little jealous of all the girls, but as Elvis comes closer and closer, your heart speeds up and all you wonder is if he will have a chance to see you through the sea of women surrounding him. You fear he won’t, and prepare yourself for disappointment, reminding yourself that you’ll have access to him after the show anyway.
You need not have worried because he seems to sense you through the crowd, his blue eyes finding yours instantly as he nears the table. It is only for a second, as the barrage around him is intense, but his eyes flit down to the scarf and back up to your face, giving you a small grin and a wink before being consumed by the crowd once again.
You sit on your hands to keep yourself from leaping from your seat and attacking him right there and then. Just a few nights ago, you would’ve been absolutely mortified at this reaction to Elvis, but after everything that’s happened in the last few days, you can’t bring yourself to care, instead letting yourself get swept up by the feelings in your body. The heat flowing through you is intense, and you can’t seem to catch your breath. He saw you, alright, and now all you have to do is wait.
Which is easier said than done because your body is already ridiculously aroused. The more he sings and the more you watch, the more wetness pools between your legs. You have never in your life been aroused in a room full of people, and the more you try not to think about him, the worse it gets because he is right there, looking like that, seducing you without even trying.
Finally, he begins Can’t Help Falling in Love, bringing the show to a close, and Sonny rushes out to usher you all away from the table and get you backstage before it ends. You can’t help but fiddle with the scarf and the TLC necklace beneath it, both of which mark you as Elvis’, as you wait to see him.
You become increasingly aware, however, that you need to keep cool. Everyone is milling about, so any glances or words could be seen or heard easily. However, Jack is paying no attention to you whatsoever, making you somewhat infuriated but not surprised (though if he did pay attention to you in this moment, you might slap him in the face, so it’s probably better this way, you think). Pushing that aside, nervousness, laced with a little excitement at the danger of it, floods through you. It is all forgotten the moment you see Elvis walking towards all of you. You stand as casually as possible, attempting to make conversation with the ladies around you, waiting patiently as he greets everyone backstage.
He is drenched in sweat, blotting himself periodically with the towel around his neck as he slowly makes his way through the group. You feel that magnetic pull towards him as he lightly hugs everyone, a need that has your limbs tingling and forcing yourself to stand still. Then finally he gets to you, pulling you a little tighter, his hand gripping at your waist. You circle your hands to his back, the heat of his exertion rolling off him in waves, and you are overwhelmed by being so close to him again.
“Great show, E,” you manage to say breathlessly as he brings you closer.
He leans in quickly. “Wait for Jerry, baby,” he whispers so quiet in your ear, you almost question that he spoke at all.
Shivers rush through you, both in acknowledgement and anticipation. You squeeze him in a silent reply before he moves along.
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651 notes - Posted August 27, 2022
Pink Scarf - Part 1 (Elvis/Austin!Elvis x Reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Requested: kinda??
(Read more here--Pink Scarf Series Masterlist!)
Prompt: You are part of Elvis Presley's coveted inner circle, and the currently-disgruntled wife of one of the members of Elvis' famous entourage, the Memphis Mafia. After Elvis' dynamite first performance in Vegas, you find yourself in deep water when his magnetism finally gets to you after all these years.  [ Fem!Reader ]
TW: Brief talk of alcohol and drug use. Cussing. Mentions of infidelity. Historical inaccuracies in the Vegas timeline. Priscilla doesn't exist in this timeline. This part is rather tame. but the others definitely won't be.
Rating: PG (ish?) (but this story will be very NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)   ||     Word Count: 3172
A/N: It's been a long time, baby! I am rather nervous about posting this because it's been so damn long since I've put my writing out there, but since Black Suit/Pink Scarf Elvis has us all in a chokehold, I figured I should get it out there, so I really hope you enjoy it! I imagined it with Elvis in mind, but Austin!Elvis works here, too, whatever floats your boat! If y'all like it, I've got a very smutty part 2 in the works...
I've linked the song Power of My Love that is referenced in the story, and I highly recommend giving it a listen to get the full effect of the moment.
Apologies in advance if there are any grammatical errors or TW that I didn't catch. I'm honestly trying to get this out into the world as quickly as possible before I chicken out, lol. I've never written a reader fic before, but here we are!
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You can’t take your eyes off him. They keep drifting to him like the pull of a magnet. You want to stop, you really do. You catch yourself and force your gaze back down to the drink you’ve been nursing for the better part of an hour.
Elvis Presley is a supernova. Every bit of him is lit up, shaking hands, telling jokes, drawing people into his radiance. You’ve never quite seen him this way, not like this. He is absolutely glowing after his performance, and you know why. You finally get it after seeing him live tonight.
It scares you a little, how captivated you are. He’d been so alluring, his voice smooth like butter but a little gritty around the edges, strong, deep, supported. You’ve heard him sing a million times, but with that band and the fuel of the crowd, it shook you to you core. Every word resonated with you, his dynamics and skill showing what a master he is of his craft.
Not many people could pull off a white jumpsuit, but he looked incredible—trim, tan, fit—doing his karate stretches on stage. Between that and his crooning, deep baritone, not one woman (and some of the men, to be sure) in that audience stood a chance. Even when the sweat began pouring down his face, you found yourself feeling things you didn’t want to feel.
You’d watched as prim and proper ladies fell apart at his feet. Part of it was hysterically funny to you, but another part understood that deep, biological need to be in his presence.
You’d always known that, no matter how much you’d pushed those feelings away.
You swirl your drink again, watching the last bits of ice melt, taking a small sip.
You knew how nervous Elvis had been about tonight, beneath all the bravado and jokes. You’d sensed it in his opening moments, his legs vibrating so quickly he could’ve taken off in flight, but the roar of the crowd had given him back what he needed most, that deep confidence of performing that had been buried under terrible, low budget movies for the last decade. It had been magical to watch.
Despite yourself, your gaze finds him again in the crowd. His breathy, musical laugh echoes across the room. It’s a beautiful sound, especially after years of his more moody, depressed state as he was being drained dry creatively. But tonight, his 1,000-megawatt smile lights up the room.
And, god help you, that tailored black suit with the high collar, with no shirt underneath, just a silky black and pink scarf over his bronze chest has you shifting in your seat a little to try and quell the warmth low in your belly.
Jesus, get a grip.
He just looks so fucking amazing, and with that natural charisma of his oozing out of his pores, even you aren’t immune to it. It is frustrating, in more ways than one.
Elvis suddenly looks at you, catching your stare. Those dreamy deep blue eyes sparkle and lock on you, but you look away quickly, blushing despite yourself, turning back to your watered-down cocktail. Your heart flips in your chest, which pisses you off. You’re an adult woman, for god’s sake, not a teenager. An adult married woman, for that matter.
You scoff bitterly at that thought. You wouldn’t really call what you were living with a true marriage. Marriage required two people to actually be in the same room, to actually communicate. Marriage seemed like a make-believe fairytale to you now, after all this time. You barely remember what it was like to feel happy around Jack.
Speaking of, you are alone at the bar, Jack nowhere to be found. Your husband has been part of Elvis’ inner circle forever, one of his early friends who remembered the days before he was a superstar. An integral part of the Memphis Mafia, helping keep the strange life of the world’s first superstar on track and less lonely.
You knew of the rumors, about the girls that frequented the house in Los Angeles. You tried not to dwell on it, but part of you hated Elvis a little for it. If not for him, you might have a normal, fulfilled marriage. Instead, you have a husband who is around a fraction of the time and when he is around, he’s either intoxicated with some substance or bending to EP’s every little whim. Not to mention the lipstick marks left on his clothes and the way he barely even hides the fact that he’s screwing around anymore.
Sometimes you cursed the day you met Elvis Presley.
Good, you think. The anger is tempering the swell of unwanted feelings you’re having for the man. And Elvis is just a man, after all, you remind yourself.
You’d been amazed by him in those early days, meeting the great Elvis Presley and being brought into his inner circle. It was like a dream. And he was every bit as magical as he appeared to be, though also surprisingly down to earth and generous. The gifts—jewelry, cars, the housing at Graceland—were unbelievable. And the man was insanely charming, friendly, and smart, making you feel like a part of the family. He’d even been in your wedding, for god’s sake.
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851 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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854 notes - Posted August 2, 2022
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whumpupthejam · 2 years
“He’s Out There” - Character Intros + picrews
ALRIGHT. I was gonna wait until I’d posted more writing of these characters, especially because I haven’t even introduced most of them yet 🤪
But I’m really excited abt these and I’m taking too long on the next pieces, so you’ll just get to know them a little now!
If you have any questions about them, or wanna see snippets/drabbles featuring any of them, my asks are open and I would kiss you on the mouth <3 (open to non-canon compliant asks/requests).
I’ll start with the precious boy we all know and love and want to see destroyed:
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Full name: Marcus Pearce
Age: 22
Height: 5’10”
Mbti/enneagram: INFJ/4w5
Birthday: June 7
Actual favorite film (the picrew gave limited choices): Star Wars Ep. V
Primary Role: Whumpee
Fun fact: Marcus plays the violin and is first chair/soloist for his college’s symphony….or he was. :(
Also, he doesn’t really have a hand tat, I just thought it fit his aesthetic for the picrew, and he DOES have a half sleeve on his right forearm (easily covered by a tux when performing).
Caleb ~
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Full name: Caleb Levi
Age: 22
Height: 6’2”
Mbti/enneagram: ENTP/8w7
Birthday: April 25
Orientation: Bisexual/Aromantic
Actual favorite film: Best in Show
Fun fact: He is a criminal justice major with a minor in behavioral psychology. He’s basically super scary and super smart. Many find him intimidating, but once you get to know him a little bit, it’s easy to see he’s a big goofball teddy bear angel.
Caleb has been Marcus’s best friend since they were kids living in the same neighborhood. There’s nothing. Nothing Caleb wouldn’t do for Marcus.
Jake ~
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Full name: Jacob Settler
Age: 23
Height: 6’0”
Mbti/enneagram: ESFP/6w7
Birthday: March 2
Actual favorite film: He doesn’t watch many actual movies. He’s more of a TV show guy. Faves are Arrested Development and Downton Abbey (he used to hide this fact, but when he got to college he decided, what the hell! so he’s got refined tastes, sue him!). He also loves Napoleon Dynamite.
Primary role: Whumpee
Fun fact: He has two sisters, one older, one younger. Ever since his dad died tragically, he’s taken all the emotional responsibilities of father onto himself. His mom wishes he wouldn’t, but he feels guilt over his dad’s death. He tries to use humor to throw people off from the fact that he’s incredibly self critical and struggles with his mental health. He’s been feeling a little better since meeting Marcus and Caleb, but he’s in a pit he can’t seem to get out of. Really fun fact, right??
Elena ~
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Full name: Elena Sherwin
Age: 22
Height: 5’7”
Mbti/enneagram: ENFP/4w3
Birthday: October 19
Actual favorite film: Pan’s Labyrinth
Primary role: Caretaker
Fun fact: She has a beautiful singing voice. She hopes to be a film actress someday, but she’d also love to get to sing for the rest of her life.
The Man (+name reveal..?) ~
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Full name: Daniel Stane (alias?), (Other known aliases: Daniel Goran, John Landry, Elliot Golfinder, Barrett Cork).
Age: 51
Height: 6’1”
Mbti/enneagram: INFP/6w5
Birthday: February 5
Actual favorite film: *sigh.* It’s Pride and Prejudice (1995). Look I’m not happy about it either, but it’s true.
Primary role: Whumper
Fun fact: He has a cat. His name is Marcus—no I’m kidding, lol. The cat is very sweet. He doesn’t have a name.
p.s. while this picrew is ridiculously adorable, it portrays one body type. So just for the record! Marcus actually is a fairly skinny boy, Caleb and the Man are both reasonably buff, Jake is as well, but less so than they are, and Elena is mid-plus sized. <3
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18 3 Polaroid - Polaroid 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 57,544
19 3 SPOT! - SPOT! (feat. JENNIE) 지코 (ZICO) SPOT! 좋아요 114,281
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54 4 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE - 봄날 방탄소년단 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE 좋아요 564,482
55 3 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - Super Shy NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 170,831
56 4 Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. 로꼬) - Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. 로꼬) 지민, 로꼬 Smeraldo Garden Marching Band (feat. 로꼬) 좋아요 18,314
57 Drama - The 4th Mini Album - Drama aespa Drama - The 4th Mini Album 좋아요 95,436
58 7 전설 - 주저하는 연인들을 위해 잔나비 전설 좋아요 424,479
59 8 청혼하지 않을 이유를 못 찾았어 - 청혼하지 않을 이유를 못 찾았어 이무진 청혼하지 않을 이유를 못 찾았어 좋아요 24,801
60 1 Love 119 - Love 119 RIIZE Love 119 좋아요 105,680
61 1 NewJeans 'OMG' - Ditto NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 289,587
63 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 - 너의 모든 순간 성시경 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 좋아요 301,431
64 인사 - 인사 범진 인사 좋아요 117,834
65 22 ASTERUM : 134-1 - Merry PLLIstmas PLAVE ASTERUM : 134-1 좋아요 24,521
66 선재 업고 튀어 OST Part 6 - 그랬나봐 유회승 (엔플라잉) 선재 업고 튀어 OST Part 6 좋아요 25,957
67 1 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Attention NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 248,323
68 6 Get A Guitar - Get A Guitar RIIZE Get A Guitar 좋아요 99,565
69 11 IVE SWITCH - Accendio IVE (아이브) IVE SWITCH 좋아요 33,993
70 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) - 사랑인가 봐 멜로망스 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) 좋아요 211,627
71 19 네가 내 마음에 자리 잡았다 - 네가 내 마음에 자리 잡았다 (Into You) 엔플라잉 (N.Flying) 네가 내 마음에 자리 잡았다 좋아요 12,218
72 2 MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album - Spicy aespa MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album 좋아요 138,619
73 8 선재 업고 튀어 OST Part 8 - 봄눈 10CM 선재 업고 튀어 OST Part 8 좋아요 35,296
74 15 Cosmic - Cosmic Red Velvet (레드벨벳) Cosmic 좋아요 16,675
75 12 Supernatural - Right Now NewJeans Supernatural 좋아요 20,781
76 12 〈ASSEMBLE24〉 - Girls Never Die tripleS (트리플에스) 〈ASSEMBLE24〉 좋아요 37,440
77 2 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' - 파이팅 해야지 (Feat. 이영지) 부석순 (SEVENTEEN) 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' 좋아요 199,997
78 6 NewJeans 'OMG' - OMG NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 217,346
79 RIIZING - The 1st Mini Album - Impossible RIIZE RIIZING - The 1st Mini Album 좋아요 46,609
80 3 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 - 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 우디 (Woody) 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 좋아요 91,145
81 5 항해 - 어떻게 이별까지 사랑하겠어, 널 사랑하는 거지 AKMU (악뮤) 항해 좋아요 441,745
82 3 Perfect Night - Perfect Night LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) Perfect Night 좋아요 116,189
83 1 RIIZING - The 1st Mini Album - Siren RIIZE RIIZING - The 1st Mini Album 좋아요 58,561
84 7 YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' - 사건의 지평선 윤하 (YOUNHA) YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' 좋아요 325,951
85 10 Midas Touch - Midas Touch KISS OF LIFE Midas Touch 좋아요 42,929
86 6 I feel - 퀸카 (Queencard) (여자)아이들 I feel 좋아요 146,038
87 6 '키스 먼저 할까요?' OST Part.3 - 모든 날, 모든 순간 (Every day, Every Moment) 폴킴 '키스 먼저 할까요?' OST Part.3 좋아요 442,983
88 The 4th Mini Album 'VERSUS' - MANIAC VIVIZ (비비지) The 4th Mini Album 'VERSUS' 좋아요 61,353
89 9 EASY - EASY LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) EASY 좋아요 72,661
90 10 SUPER REAL ME - Lucky Girl Syndrome 아일릿(ILLIT) SUPER REAL ME 좋아요 34,791
91 Love Lee - Love Lee AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 124,252
92 TWS 2nd Mini Album ‘SUMMER BEAT!’ - 내가 S면 넌 나의 N이 되어줘 TWS (투어스) TWS 2nd Mini Album ‘SUMMER BEAT!’ 좋아요 14,867
93 3 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) - 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 경서예지, 전건호 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) 좋아요 192,672
94 LOVE DIVE - LOVE DIVE IVE (아이브) LOVE DIVE 좋아요 252,593
95 4 CHARLIE - I Don't Think That I Like Her Charlie Puth CHARLIE 좋아요 208,932
96 취중고백 - 취중고백 김민석 취중고백 좋아요 187,175
97 웰컴투 삼달리 OST Part.3 - 꿈 태연 (TAEYEON) 웰컴투 삼달리 OST Part.3 좋아요 43,430
98 1 SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' - 손오공 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' 좋아요 182,481
99 선재 업고 튀어 OST Part 1 - Run Run 이클립스 (ECLIPSE) 선재 업고 튀어 OST Part 1 좋아요 32,906
100 31 A LIFE(세상) - 그대… 떠나도 김호중 A LIFE(세상) 좋아요 12,111
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멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월
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1 비의 랩소디 - 비의 랩소디 임재현 비의 랩소디 좋아요 31,303
2 To. X - The 5th Mini Album - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 To. X 태연 (TAEYEON) To. X - The 5th Mini Album 좋아요 80,147
3 Perfect Night - Perfect Night LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) Perfect Night 좋아요 94,320
4 Drama - The 4th Mini Album - Drama aespa Drama - The 4th Mini Album 좋아요 67,903
5 1집 Alone - 헤어지자 말해요 박재정 1집 Alone 좋아요 156,806
6 에피소드 - 에피소드 이무진 에피소드 좋아요 31,720
7 인사 - 인사 범진 인사 좋아요 81,636
8 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) - 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection) 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) 좋아요 59,991
9 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 - 사랑은 늘 도망가 임영웅 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 좋아요 208,576
10 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. - Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 정국 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 좋아요 201,333
11 I'VE MINE - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 Baddie IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 61,117
12 겨울 스페셜 앨범 '12월의 기적 (Miracles In December)' - 첫 눈 EXO 겨울 스페셜 앨범 '12월의 기적 (Miracles In December)' 좋아요 281,989
13 Love 119 - Love 119 RIIZE Love 119 좋아요 40,556
14 I've IVE - I AM IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 207,415
15 3 Love Lee - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 Love Lee AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 115,396
16 IM HERO - 우리들의 블루스 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 102,124
17 2 Do or Die - Do or Die 임영웅 Do or Die 좋아요 38,412
18 1 JENNIE Special Single [You & Me] - You & Me 제니 (JENNIE) JENNIE Special Single [You & Me] 좋아요 61,688
19 2 모래 알갱이 - 모래 알갱이 임영웅 모래 알갱이 좋아요 56,384
20 1 Get A Guitar - Get A Guitar RIIZE Get A Guitar 좋아요 71,179
21 1 IM HERO - 다시 만날 수 있을까 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 83,336
22 1 Love Lee - 후라이의 꿈 AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 117,309
23 2 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 Super Shy NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 158,099
24 2 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 - 이제 나만 믿어요 임영웅 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 좋아요 173,159
25 1 GOLDEN - Standing Next to You 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 60,402
26 2 IM HERO - 무지개 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 71,737
27 4 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 - 너의 모든 순간 성시경 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 좋아요 286,077
28 2 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 - 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 우디 (Woody) 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 좋아요 76,664
29 2 Polaroid - London Boy 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 59,215
30 2 NewJeans 'OMG' - Ditto NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 278,600
31 3 IM HERO - 아버지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 58,247
32 3 Polaroid - Polaroid 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 53,328
33 1 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) - 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 로이킴 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 좋아요 66,745
34 1 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - ETA NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 115,962
35 2 IM HERO - 인생찬가 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 53,648
36 1 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Hype Boy NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 284,778
37 1 I feel - 퀸카 (Queencard) (여자)아이들 I feel 좋아요 139,415
38 2 IM HERO - A bientot 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 54,749
39 기대 - The 2nd Mini Album - 별 떨어진다 (I Do) 디오 (D.O.) 기대 - The 2nd Mini Album 좋아요 64,575
40 1 The 4th Mini Album 'VERSUS' - MANIAC VIVIZ (비비지) The 4th Mini Album 'VERSUS' 좋아요 29,486
41 1 1st Single Album 'Harmony from Discord' - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 Discord QWER 1st Single Album 'Harmony from Discord' 좋아요 38,333
42 2 IM HERO - 연애편지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 51,438
43 1 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) - 사랑인가 봐 멜로망스 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) 좋아요 199,935
44 1 항해 - 어떻게 이별까지 사랑하겠어, 널 사랑하는 거지 AKMU (악뮤) 항해 좋아요 430,055
45 MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album - Spicy aespa MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album 좋아요 128,574
46 YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' - 사건의 지평선 윤하 (YOUNHA) YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' 좋아요 317,444
47 1 I'VE MINE - Either Way IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 71,911
48 5 Merry Go Round - 사랑할 수밖에 볼빨간사춘기 Merry Go Round 좋아요 20,238
49 2 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 - Smoke (Prod. Dynamicduo, Padi) 다이나믹 듀오, 이영지 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 좋아요 55,873
50 2 I've IVE - Kitsch IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 154,663
51 1 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 - 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 임한별 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 좋아요 52,090
52 3 Dynamite (DayTime Version) - Dynamite 방탄소년단 Dynamite (DayTime Version) 좋아요 460,797
53 2 GAME PLAN - Fast Forward 전소미 GAME PLAN 좋아요 72,503
54 1 SEVENTEEN 11th Mini Album ‘SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN' - 음악의 신 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 11th Mini Album ‘SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN' 좋아요 78,415
55 2 NewJeans 'OMG' - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 OMG NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 198,170
56 2 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE - 봄날 방탄소년단 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE 좋아요 556,073
57 1 I'VE MINE - Off The Record IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 49,440
58 4 그대가 내 안에 박혔다(그내박) - 그대가 내 안에 박혔다(그내박) 순순희(기태) 그대가 내 안에 박혔다(그내박) 좋아요 29,836
59 1 LOVE DIVE - LOVE DIVE IVE (아이브) LOVE DIVE 좋아요 246,657
60 2 취중고백 - 취중고백 김민석 취중고백 좋아요 178,741
61 UNFORGIVEN - 이브, 프시케 그리고 푸른 수���의 아내 LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 112,601
62 3 CHARLIE - I Don't Think That I Like Her Charlie Puth CHARLIE 좋아요 194,957
63 1 심(心) - 심(心) DK(디셈버) 심(心) 좋아요 71,973
64 1 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' - 파이팅 해야지 (Feat. 이영지) 부석순 (SEVENTEEN) 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' 좋아요 183,521
65 Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) - Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) Lauv Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) 좋아요 163,175
66 3 잠시라도 우리 - 잠시라도 우리 성시경, 나얼 잠시라도 우리 좋아요 34,488
67 4 After LIKE - After LIKE IVE (아이브) After LIKE 좋아요 239,740
68 Every DAY6 February - 예뻤어 DAY6 (데이식스) Every DAY6 February 좋아요 268,551
69 2 SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' - 손오공 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' 좋아요 164,149
70 4 물론 - 물론 허각 물론 좋아요 51,054 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월
71 6 I Love You - I Love You 안세하 I Love You 좋아요 9,935
72 3 TEENFRESH - Bubble STAYC(스테이씨) TEENFRESH 좋아요 53,335
73 1 해요 (2022) - 해요 (2022)
해요 (2022) 좋아요 93,013
74 4 사랑..그게 뭔데 - 사랑..그게 뭔데 지아 사랑..그게 뭔데 좋아요 34,907
75 1 '키스 먼저 할까요?' OST Part.3 - 모든 날, 모든 순간 (Every day, Every Moment) 폴킴 '키스 먼저 할까요?' OST Part.3 좋아요 433,929
76 Butter - Butter 방탄소년단 Butter 좋아요 294,771
77 4 전설 - 주저하는 연인들을 위해 잔나비 전설 좋아요 407,977
78 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) - 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 경서예지, 전건호 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) 좋아요 183,374
79 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Attention NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 237,478
80 2 Chill Kill - The 3rd Album - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 Chill Kill Red Velvet (레드벨벳) Chill Kill - The 3rd Album 좋아요 38,489
81 로이킴 X 마이데몬 - 그대가 있는 곳, 언제 어디든 로이킴 로이킴 X 마이데몬 좋아요 15,831
82 2 Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) - Dangerously Charlie Puth Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) 좋아요 201,793
83 Merry PLLIstmas - Merry PLLIstmas PLAVE Merry PLLIstmas 좋아요 24,176
84 2 눈이 오잖아(Feat.헤이즈) - 눈이 오잖아(Feat.헤이즈) 이무진 눈이 오잖아(Feat.헤이즈) 좋아요 130,538
85 The Book of Us : Gravity - 한 페이지가 될 수 있게 DAY6 (데이식스) The Book of Us : Gravity 좋아요 229,460
86 2 UNFORGIVEN - UNFORGIVEN (feat. Nile Rodgers) LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 119,920
87 1 2023 리그 오브 레전드 월드 챔피언십 주제곡 - GODS NewJeans, League of Legends 2023 리그 오브 레전드 월드 챔피언십 주제곡 좋아요 39,603
88 1 나에게 그대만이 - 나에게 그대만이 탑현 나에게 그대만이 좋아요 47,034
89 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 - 그중에 그대를 만나 김호중 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 좋아요 23,295
90 ASTERUM : The Shape of Things to Come - 여섯 번째 여름 PLAVE ASTERUM : The Shape of Things to Come 좋아요 33,711
91 I Love My Body - I Love My Body 화사 (HWASA) I Love My Body 좋아요 33,298
92 1 H1-KEY 1st Mini Album [Rose Blossom] - 건물 사이에 피어난 장미 (Rose Blossom) H1-KEY (하이키) H1-KEY 1st Mini Album [Rose Blossom] 좋아요 101,768
93 1 화이트 (White) - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 화이트 (White) 폴킴 화이트 (White) 좋아요 16,400
94 2 GOLDEN - Yes or No 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 35,103
95 2 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) - 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) 정국, Jack Harlow 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) 좋아요 57,460
96 1 Closer Than This - Closer Than This 지민 Closer Than This 좋아요 23,988
97 1 ASTERUM : The Shape of Things to Come - Dear. PLLI PLAVE ASTERUM : The Shape of Things to Come 좋아요 20,816
98 Fe3O4: BREAK - DASH NMIXX Fe3O4: BREAK 좋아요 8,624
99 Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition) - Snowman Sia Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition) 좋아요 264,277
100 ASTERUM - 기다릴게 PLAVE ASTERUM 좋아요 25,063
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CKUA - In Our Neighbourhood: 2024 (part 1)
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In Our Neighbourhood is CKUA’s weekly exploration of Alberta’s eclectic soundscapes. Kickstarting the weekend with two hours of songs, singers, stories, and sounds spanning the province, it’s an upbeat mix of unpredictable and essential tracks for your Friday night.
Opening theme music: “Strange Displacement” by Layten Kramer
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(138) 2024-01-05 - 18:00-20:00
^^ Listener recommendations/requests ~~ Featured content
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Shaky Hands • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 18:05
Fog • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:08
Stars Still Dying • Clea Anais • CIRCLE ZERO • 18:12
Sitting on Top of the World • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 18:19
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:22
Last Song • Vic Ruggiero & Jory Kinjo • ______ • 18:26
Five Years In The Slammer • The Rembetika Hipsters • HOLD YOUR GROUND, V 1-4 • 18:30
Messy Child • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:34
Bubble Monkey • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:37
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:40
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:43
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:48
Bear The Cold • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:51
Down the Middle • The Bobby Cairns Legacy Band • PLAY IT FORWARD • 18:54
Neon (That's Why) • Altameda • BORN LOSERS • 19:00
I Did It All For You • Jesse Murray • I DID IT ALL FOR YOU • 19:06
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 19:09
Charlemagne • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:13
Athene • The Velveteins • ______ • 19:17
It's Not The Same Anymore • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS... • 19:21
Over Before It Began • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:25
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:28
Space • Nuela Charles • BLISSFUL MADNESS • 19:33
Open Heart • Rae Spoon • ______ • 19:37
Everywhere I Used to Be • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:40
Young Love • Vissia • YOUNG LOVE • 19:43
Progress • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:49
Otemihin • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 19:53
(139) 2024-01-12 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
Bear The Cold • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:01
Ralph Wiggum • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:04
Winter Money Blues • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 18:07
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:18
Everything • Celeigh Cardinal • EVERYTHING AND NOTHING AT ALL • 18:22
Never Gonna Not • Mike Clark (Alberta) • ______ • 18:25
Come On Into My Kitchen • Kirby Sewell • THE BLUES FOUND ME • 18:32
One Too Many • Peter & The Wolves • WORTH THE TROUBLE • 18:41
Shot Out From A Cannon • Punch Drunk Cabaret • ______ • 18:43
Waking Up • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:47
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & T.C.B. • 18:50
Stay Cool • The Melisizwe Brothers • ______ • 18:57 ^^
Range Delivery • Ian Tyson • SONGS FROM THE GRAVEL ROAD • 19:00
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 19:07
How Would It Feel • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:10
Won't Let You Down This Time • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 19:14
Sundown • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 19:17
Crop Circle • Baby Jey • CROP CIRCLES • 19:24
Fantasy • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:28
Virtual Insanity / Canned Heat • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 19:33
Petite Histoires • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:38
Road To Las Cruces • Corb Lund • COVER ART • 19:43
Whatever Helps You • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:47
Soul Seeker • Jesse Northey • ONION KNIGHT • 19:50
So Long • P.J. Perry • NO HUGS • 19:53
(140) 2024-01-19 - 18:00-20:00
Home • Tim Isberg • COMIN' HOME • 18:01
Church Of The Long Grass • John Wort Hannam • DYNAMITE AND 'DOZERS • 18:06
Don't Think Twice (It's Alright) • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 18:10
TV Blue • Skinny Dyck • PALACE WAITING • 18:14
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 18:17
Chasing Horizons • Kit Johnson • UGLY TRUTHS • 18:20
Still Calls Me • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 18:24
I'm Okay • Kimberly MacGregor • I AM ON MY OWN • 18:28
A Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 18:32
More • Micah Sage • MICAH SAGE • 18:35
Baby Blues • Doug • DEAR, ODD, UGLY • 18:38
Die Laughing • Magnolia Buckskin • MAGNOLIA BUCKSKIN • 18:43
Luke W. Milwaukee • The Rifle County Players • ON A DAY LIKE ANY OTHER • 18:47
Old Enough To Know • Neil Mac • LEAVES FROM THE FAMILY TREE EP • 18:50
Otemihin • Jessica McMann • PRAIRIE DUSK • 18:53
Atacama • Panqueque • ______ • 19:00
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:04
If I Were You (Close To the Groove mix) • k.d. lang • MAKEOVER • 19:08
Take it Apart • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 19:13
Take A Dive • The Dust Collectors • FILTERED GEMS • 19:16
In it to Win • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 19:19
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:23
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 19:26
Drifting • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:29
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:33
Never Gonna Happen Again • Andy Eichhorn • SATELLITES & SECRETS • 19:36
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 19:40
I Can't Wait (Clean) • Miesha and the Sparks • ______ • 19:44
Getting Older • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:47
Sophie • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:50
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:53
(141) 2024-01-26 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
^^ Donor and/or listener recommendations/requests
Lift You Up • Ayla Brook & The Sound Men • DESOLATION SOUNDS • 18:01
Winter Lining • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 18:05 ^^
Bowling Green • Altameda • TIME HASN'T CHANGED YOU • 18:09
Glass Airplane • The Static Shift • ______ • 18:17
Peace Forever • Crystal Eyes • RADICAL SOFTNESS: THE SPLIT • 18:23
Hold And Console • Billie Zizi • MOON OF HONEY • 18:27
Open Book • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:30
Not My Business Either Way • Confusionaires! • WESTERNIZATION • 18:35
Telephone • Vailhalen • ______ • 18:38 ^^
Endless Hot Stuff • Electricity for Everybody! • THE HUSK • 18:40
Artificial Light • Uncanny Valley • FEVERING STARE • 18:44
GRLSROK • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 18:48
Stargazer • Self-Cut Bangs • CIRCLE AROUND THE FREE • 18:51
Top of the World • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:53
Wintering Hills • Liquor Mountain • EAST DOOLEY EP • 18:58 ^^
Lotus • Wild Coulee • BIRD TO A BREEZE • 19:04 ^^
Asheville • Von Bieker • ______ • 19:08 ^^
Before It's Too Late • Justine Giles • ______ • 19:13
Long Haul • John Wort Hannam • LONG HAUL • 19:17
Brown Paisley Cowgirl • John Hewitt • BROKEN REBELS • 19:22
The Simple Man • The Denim Daddies • ______ • 19:26
Saved • Alfie Zappacosta • ______ • 19:30
He Perdido el Centro • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:34
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 19:38
The Uranium War • nehiyawak • COVER ART • 19:42 ^^
Morning Light • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:46
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:48
Frenetic • Good Information • ______ • 19:52
(142) 2024-02-02 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Stages • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:02
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:05
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 18:09
He Doesn't Know • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:15
It Ain't Easy Being Blue • Donald Ray Johnson • THESE BLUES: THE BEST • 18:19
Blue Star • Sammy Volkov • BE ALRIGHT! • 18:24
Where Are My Blue Eyes? • Ryland Moranz • XO, 1945. • 18:28
The Devil is a Blue-Eyed Man • Celeigh Cardinal • STORIES FROM A DOWNTOWN APT • 18:34
Lovers in a Dangerous Time • Martin Kerr • BETTER THAN BRAND-NEW • 18:37
Last Song • Vic Ruggiero & Jory Kinjo • ______ • 18:42
Take Me Higher • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 18:45
What You Say • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:50
Get Down • Lynn Olagundoye • AFRICA VIOLET • 18:53
Here 4 U • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:59
Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 19:04
Be Easy • Taylor Ackerman's Global Acid Reset • ENCEPHALON • 19:08
One Too Many • Peter & The Wolves • WORTH THE TROUBLE • 19:12 ^^
Winter Money Blues • Sargeant X Comrade • MAGIC RADIO • 19:16
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:21
Ego • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 19:24
Paralyzed • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 19:28
Great Great Day • Beth Portman • GREAT GREAT DAY • 19:32
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 19:35
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:40
Escargot and Risotto • Tendavillage • ESCARGOT AND RISOTTO • 19:45
Look Around • Judy Singh • A TIME FOR LOVE • 19:51
If You Look Away • Barry Allen • 1970 MOLTEN 45 • 19:53
Carpenter • Doug Organ • QUIET IN THE LIBRARY • 19:55
(143) 2024-02-09 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
~~ Featured content
Going Home • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:02 ~~
Walk On Through • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 18:05
Conditioning • Lynn Olagundoye • COVER ART • 18:09
Keep in the Middle of the Road • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 18:14
Cruisin' • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:19
Stop And Go • Kirby Sewell • GIRL WITH A NEW TATTOO • 18:22
So You Know My Thoughts • Cantoo • MINT RECORDS - HOT HEROS 2 • 18:26
Cool Scorpio • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 18:32 ~~
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:38
They Can't Blackout The Moon • Over The Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 18:42
Circus • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 18:45
Take It Or Leave It • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 18:51
Black Everyday • Arlo Maverick • SOUL MERCHANT • 18:54
Rent Free • Tanika Charles • PAPILLON DE NUIT • 19:00 ~~
Shooting at the Moon • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:05
I Hear Them Calling • Rae Spoon • ARMOUR • 19:08
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 19:12
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 19:15
Holiday (Map of the City) • The Bolt Actions • RADIO SILENT • 19:19
Crazy Legs • Pete Turland • BEST OF PETE TURLAND • 19:23
Sitting on Top of the World • Lionel Rault • LINEDRIVER • 19:26
Beatles medley clip (1976 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 19:32
Lovedrops • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 19:38
Since You Been Gone (Live in Studio) • Tanika Charles • THE UNION SESSIONS EP • 19:40 ~~
One More Time • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:46
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 19:51
Tijuana Sunset • The 427's • MAVERICKS • 19:55
(144) 2024-02-16 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Whussup? (ft. Janessa J) • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 18:02 ~~
Conditioning • Lynn Olagundoye • COVER ART • 18:05
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:10
If Walls Could Talk • Donald Ray Johnson • TRAVELIN' MAN • 18:16
My Babe • Mike Clark • FOREVER PEOPLE • 18:20
Back Where I Started • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:24
Half A Heart • T. Buckley • MILES WE PUT BEHIND • 18:27
Distant Whisper • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 18:33
All the Days • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 18:36
Waiting for a Train • Starpainter • RATTLESNAKE DREAM • 18:40
Guess I'll See You • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:46
One Way Ticket (ft. Emily Powers) • K-Riz • ONE WAY TICKET • 18:52
On Track (feat. Tarik Robinson) • Freak Motif • LA CASA BLANCA • 18:58 ~~
Library Ladies • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:03
Vakuru Vanoti • Juba • MAFARO • 19:06
Love Overdue • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:09
Ernesto • Baby Jey • BEST WISHES • 19:12
Paradise (ft. Cayley Thomas) • Astrocolor • PARADISE • 19:17
Holiday • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:19
Radiation • Tarik Robinson • ROTATIONS • 19:22 ~~
Just Our Luck • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:26
Promises • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:30
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:34
Midnight Kid • Ten Minute Detour • GOLDEN TAPESTRY • 19:36
Neither Love Nor Money • Michael Rault • ______ • 19:39
How Would It Feel • Rosina Cove • SOMEDAY WE WILL MAKE IT THERE • 19:44
Be Careful • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 19:48
Looking for Tomorrow • Dragon Fli Empire • BANFF AVENUE • 19:50 ~~
Hedgehog • Ginger Beef • GINGER BEEF • 19:54
(145) 2024-02-23 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Nerve • Nuela Charles • BLISSFUL MADNESS • 18:02 ~~
You Got Me • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 18:05 ~~
Hello • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:08
Everything • Fendercase • FENDERCASE • 18:12
Stages • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:15
When The Stars Align (Ft. K-Riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • LO FI FUTURE • 18:18
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 18:23
Queen (ft. Riwo) • K-Riz • ONE WAY TICKET • 18:28
Hope That • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:32
Why Don't You Know • Mitchmatic • IT'S PROBABLY RAINING • 18:36
Space • Nuela Charles • BLISSFUL MADNESS • 18:41 ~~
Hopes Up • Justine Tyrell • ______ • 18:44
Grim Reaper • K A R I M A H • ______ • 18:48
Rhythm Chante (ft. Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • ______ • 18:52
He Doesn't Know • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:58
Somebody That I Used To Know • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 19:04
Famba • The Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 19:09
Kure Kure • The Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 19:13
Awakening • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:18 ~~
How You Gonna Live... • Lynn Olagundoye • AFRICA VIOLET • 19:22
Sweet Chamomile • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:29
Holiday • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:33
Record Store (feat. J-Live) • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 19:36
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 19:41
Alive • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:45 ~~
Keep Your Hand on the Plow • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 19:49
The Fall • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 19:56
(146) 2024-03-01 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
The Devil In You • Shaela Miller • BIG HAIR SMALL CITY • 18:02 ~~
Care • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 18:04
Tap Me On the Shoulder • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 18:08
Rose Coloured Frames • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:13
Set Yourself Free • Martin Kerr & Celeigh Cardinal • GRATEFUL • 18:16
The Chelsea Hotel Is Closed... • Emet • ______ • 18:20
Does Anybody Live Here? • Leeroy Stagger • DYSTOPIAN WEEKENDS • 18:23
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:29
Hide It Away • Amy van Keeken • IN DREAMS • 18:33
The Gondola Ride • Wilfred Kozub • THE LAST VIBRATIONS OF SUMMER • 18:36
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 18:39 ~~
Sundown • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 18:45
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 18:49
The Words I've Said Before • Doug Hoyer • ______ • 18:54
Cheatin' & Lyin' • Shaela Miller • BAD IDEAS • 19:02 ~~
Stoke That Fire • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 19:05
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:08
Pleasant Solutions • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 19:13
Smoke Rings for My Rider • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 19:18
Travelin' Man • Donald Ray Johnson • TRAVELIN' MAN • 19:21
Keep Your Hand on the Plow • Black Pioneer Heritage Singers • AIN'T THAT GOOD NEWS • 19:26
Foolmaker • The Camie Leard Band • FOOLMAKER • 19:33
Escargot and Risotto • Tendavillage • ESCARGOT AND RISOTTO • 19:38
Spaceship • Ruth B • MOMENTS IN BETWEEN • 19:41
Impossible • David Ward • IMPOSSIBLE • 19:46
You're Still On My Mind • Shaela Miller • BAD IDEAS • 19:49 ~~
Inni • Jessica McMann • INCANDESCENT TALES • 19:53
(147) 2024-03-08 - 18:00-20:00
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • THE WAR • 18:01
Hide Forever • Selci • A SOFT PLACE (EP) • 18:04
Impossible Things • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 18:09
Tossed In A Tempest • Shona Rae & The Bona Fides • BURNIN' UP (EP) • 18:19
Nanton Wind • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 18:23
Shadows • Chantelle Marie • ______ • 18:28
Joyful Banner Blazing • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:29
Starwalker • Asani • CALGARY FMF SAMPLER • 18:33
Hopelessly Devoted • Fawn Wood • KAKIKE • 18:36
I Watch The Sun Come Up • Billie ZiZi • MOON OF HONEY • 18:40
Who's Foolin' Who • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 18:45
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:48
Together • Jan Baker • IN GOOD TIME • 18:55
Barefoot • AImee-Jo Benoit • HORNS OF HOPE • 19:01
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:06
Say You'll Wait • Kimberley MacGregor • ______ • 19:09
Music is My Medicine • Tzadeka • CITIES ON FIRE • 19:13
Love Someone (Mo Gravy Mix) • Sargeant X Comrade • ______ • 19:17
Save Me • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 19:23
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 19:26
My Wom • Vissia • WITH PLEASURE • 19:29
My Baby Just Cares For Me • Krystle Dos Santos • KRYSTLE DOS SANTOS • 19:33
Stay With Me • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 19:36
Crush • The Lovebullies • ______ • 19:40
Call on Me • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 19:45
Nighttime • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 19:49
Anticipating • Shumaila Hemani • MANNAT • 19:55
(148) 2024-03-15 - 18:00-20:00 (donated hour)
Here Come The Cossacks • Millenia • BRATTYA • 18:01
Whiskey In The Jar • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 18:05
Joyful Banner Blazing • Maria Dunn • JOYFUL BANNER BLAZING • 18:10
Willie Reilly • The McDades • THE EMPRESS • 18:15
Grease and Gasoline • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:19
Galway Girl • Derina Harvey • ROVE AND GO • 18:22
More love than Money • Leeroy Stagger • DYSTOPIAN WEEKENDS • 18:25
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:31
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:35
Diagnosed Dissociative • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:37
Metelytsia • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • ______ • 18:44
Peaches & Cream • Red Hot Hayseeds • RED HOT HAYSEEDS • 18:47
Is There Anybody Out There? • Sean Holowaty • TSYMBALY • 18:50
Foggy Dew • Osyron • ______ • 18:56
Last Kiss • Coeur De Pirate • TRAUMA • 19:03
El Viejo • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:10
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • EVERYBODY MATTERS • 19:14
Summertime • Denis Frigon • ______ • 19:17
That's How She Goes • Sonny Mac • SONNY MAC SINGS • 19:21
Wherever You Are Tonight • John Hewitt • WONDERLUST • 19:24
All of Me (w/ Mallory Chipman) • Hutchinson Andrew Trio • THE SENATOR • 19:27
Black Magic Woman (2012 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 19:36
Bridge Over Troubled Water • 6 Minute Warning • 6 MINUTE WARNING • 19:43
Petite Histoires • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:48
Dans les Nuages • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:52
Flyby • Celtara • SINGLE • 19:55
(149) 2024-03-22 - 18:00-20:00
On My Mind • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:01
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:03
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:06
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:09
Stereo • Hello Moth • WHEN THE SKY MELTED • 18:15
Anything I Know • Ann Vriend • ______ • 18:18
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 18:21
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 18:25
Grandpa Was a Bushman • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 18:30
Glory Hallelujah • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:33
Talk to Me • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 18:38
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 18:42
Everything Fades Away • Sam The Living • ______ • 18:47
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • DANCING WITH SUE • 18:51
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • ______ • 18:54
King of the Road • Stickel & Son • ______ • 19:01
Am I Dear? • JJ Shiplett • SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN • 19:07
Charlemagne • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:11
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:15
Sleep for a Liftime • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:19
Sometimes I See Stars • Tegan and Sara • CRYBABY • 19:23
Unfortunate Love • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 19:28
Grim Reaper • Karimah • TR/GR • 19:32
Inside Your Love • K-Riz • INSIDE YOUR LOVE • 19:36
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:41
Room with a View • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 19:45
I Can`t Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 19:50
Frenetic • Good Information • ______ • 19:54
(150) 2024-03-29 - 18:00-20:00
Livin' on the Road • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 18:01
I Know How • Shane Ghostkeeper • SONGS FOR MY PEOPLE • 18:04
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:07
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:13
Tango • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:17
Girl In The Crowd • Jr. Gone Wild • STILL GOT THE JACKET • 18:20
Bad Bad Man • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:23
Heather's Medley (2012 live) • Headwind • THE BOOTLEG ANTHOLOGY • 18:28
Start a Fire • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 18:36
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:40
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:43
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:46
Everything Fades Away • Sam The Living • ______ • 18:50
Southern Song • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:53
Keep Dancing • Suzanne de Bussac • SHIVER STORIES • 19:01
Sneakin' Sally Through the Alley • Mike Clark • DEVIL'S PLAYGROUND • 19:08
The Games Gets Hot • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:12
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:15
Grocery Store • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 19:19
Everywhere I Used to Be • Mariel Buckley • EVERYWHERE I USED TO BE • 19:22
London Destroyer • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:25
Sleep for a Liftime • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:29
Luke W. Milwaukee • The Rifle County Players • ON A DAY LIKE ANY OTHER • 19:34
Yip Yip • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 19:37
Harder Stuff • River Poets • RIVER POETS EP • 19:40
Get It Right • Doug Hoyer • DREAM LIFE • 19:43
Baby Blues • doug. • DEAR, ODD, UGLY • 19:48
Tell Me Something • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:52
Sardasht • Morteza • ON THE EVE OF A THOUSAND TUNES • 19:55
(151) 2024-04-05 - 18:00-20:00
Tear It Down • Major Love • MAJOR LOVE • 18:02
Cartagena • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:06
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 18:10
Light Me Up • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:13
Rambling Bones • Ben Sures • LIVE AT THE YARDBIRD SUITE • 18:19
Don't Be Cruel • The Carolines • THE CAROLINES • 18:23
Mystery Train • Pete Turland • PETE TURLAND AND THE RENTAL CATS • 18:26
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:30
Aphrodite & Me • John Hewitt • BROKEN REBELS • 18:36
Is There Anybody Out There? • Sean Holowaty • TSYMBALY • 18:39
Kalyna • The Kubasonics • KUBASONGS • 18:43
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:46
Walk The Tweed • Celtic Fusion Illusion • WALK THE TWEED • 18:52
Foggy Dew • Osyron • SINGLE • 18:59
Dead End Street • Southbound Freeway • FROM THE 1968 PACE LP • 19:05
See the World • Barry Allen • 1970 MCA 45 • 19:07
Interesting Times • Thomas Thomas • THE SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 19:10
Station • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:14
Barefoot • AImee-Jo Benoit • HORNS OF HOPE • 19:19
Famous Blue Raincoat • Mallory Chipman • RAGS AND FEATHERS • 19:23
Last Two Dollars • Donald Ray Johnson • THESE BLUES • 19:28
Funky Hokey Pokey • ADEQUATE! • ADEQUATE! • 19:35
Tonight • Mouraine • ______ • 19:39
Two Moons • Sonia Deleo • LOVE NOTES TO THE MONSTERS • 19:43
Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 19:47
(152) 2024-04-12 - 18:00-20:00
Doorway • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:01
Hold And Console • Billie Zizi • MOON OF HONEY • 18:04
Red Skates • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:07
No Wrong • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:12
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 18:16
One Headlight • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:21
Easy • Jenesia • CATCH-22 • 18:26
Think of You (Clean) • Tanika Charles • ______ • 18:32
I Can`t Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 18:37
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 18:41
The Mountain (ft K-riz) • Sargeant X Comrade • THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM • 18:45
Hi-Fli • Dragon Fli Empire • INTERMISSION EP • 18:48
Save Me • Nuela Charles • NUELA CHARLES • 18:51
F-Man • Up And Over Trio • UP AND OVER • 18:54
Keep On • Marcus Trummer • ______ • 19:01
Tell Me What You're Thinkin' • Secondhand Dreamcar • ______ • 19:07
Back to My Home • Mike Tod • MIKE TOD LP • 19:12
Mineral • Jed And The Valentine • ______ • 19:15
Clambake! • The Ramblin' Ambassadors • ______ • 19:20
Range Delivery • Ian Tyson • SONGS FROM THE GRAVEL ROAD • 19:23
Polka From L'viv • The Kubasonics • BIG BEET MUSIC • 19:27
Went To Pick Mushrooms • Millenia • BRATTYA • 19:30
Better Times Ahead • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 19:34
Die Laughing • Magnolia Buckskin • DIE LAUGHING • 19:37
Catching Flies • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:41
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 19:44
Big Sunglasses • Dylan Farrell • BLUES BEFORE • 19:48
Bloom • Krystle Dos Santos • BLOOM/ BURN • 19:52
Butterfly Sneezes • Aagtive • BUTTERFLY SNEEZES • 19:56
(153) 2024-04-19 - 18:00-20:00 (fundraiser edition, pt 1)
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:06
Backsliders • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 18:09
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & T.C.B. • 18:15
Radio Morning • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:19
Glory Hallelujah • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:24
Back Where I Started (At The Bottom) • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:29
Flamingo • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • 18:36
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:39
Do It Right • Nuela Charles • DISTANT DANGER • 18:45
Diagnosed Dissociative • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 18:49
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:52
On My Mind • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 19:01
Ocean Blue • Rae Spoon • I CAN'T KEEP ALL OF OUR SECRETS • 19:04
One Time Asking • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 19:13
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • ______ • 19:15
Easy Steps • Bailey Kate • WITHIN / WITHOUT • 19:24
London 1969 • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:28
Rawhide • Boots & The Hoots • BUCK OR TWO BUCKAROO • 19:37
Scream, Holler & Howl • Blue Moon Marquee • SCREAM, HOLLER & HOWL • 19:40
I Won't Be There • Barry Allen • 1966 CAPITOL 45 • 19:44
Call on Me • Elle Celeste • CALL ON ME • 19:52
De Mi • Audrey Ochoa • AFTERTHOUGHT • 19:55
(154) 2024-04-26 - 18:00-20:00 (fundraiser edition, pt 2)
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:03
Am I Dear? • JJ Shiplett • SOMETHING TO BELIEVE IN • 18:07
Fill My Cup • Kimberley MacGregor • SITTING, WITH UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS • 18:14
Wild Azaleas • Starpainter • BURY ME BY MY FAMILY • 18:17
Fire Canoe • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:26
(I Think) I Hit My Limit • Ayla Brook & The Sound Men • DESOLATION SOUNDS • 18:30
Aunt Lucy • Maria Dunn • FROM WHERE I STAND • 18:38
Maggie's Farm • Bill Bourne • FREE RADIO DANCE BAND • 18:42
Stay • Justine Vandergrift • ______ • 18:50
One Day Closer • D'orjay The Singing Shaman • NEW KIND OF OUTLAW • 18:54
Springtime • Jan Baker • IN GOOD TIME • 19:02
The Storm • Celtic Fusion Illusion • THE STORM • 19:11
Galway Girl • Derina Harvey • ROVE AND GO • 19:16
Father's Shoes • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 19:23
Blue Wing • Corb Lund • ______ • 19:26
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls In Rhythm • ______ • 19:33
Paintbrush and a Palette • Tanika Charles • PAPILLON DE NUIT • 19:37
After The Masquerade • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:44
Wherever You Are Tonight • John Hewitt • WONDERLUST • 19:51
Seems to Me (Instrumental) • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 19:54
(155) 2024-05-03 - 18:00-20:00
Mourning Tonight • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 18:01
Over Before It Began • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:05
Stole My Money • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:08
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:15
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 18:18
What You Say • Mitch Davis • THE HAUNT • 18:22
Tango • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:25
Gone Too Long • Kinjo & Young • WILD PRAIRIE ROSE • 18:28
Waking Up • Jay Gilday • FASTER THAN LIGHT • 18:32
Holiday (2012) • The Bolt Actions • RADIO SILENT • 18:35
Run • Von Bieker • WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME? • 18:42
Chasing Memories • Tim Isberg • PRAIRIE FIRE • 18:46
I Just Wanna Drive • Amy Bishop • JUST LIKE HER… • 18:51
If You Hear Me In Your Sleep • Mikayla Bortscher • ______ • 18:56
Sister Summer • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:03
London 1969 • The Lovebullies • SOMEWHERE • 19:07
Small Town Dance • Greg Herman • ______ • 19:11
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • DANCING WITH SUE • 19:15
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 19:18
Navajo Rug • Ian Tyson • ALL THE GOOD 'UNS • 19:23
Weather Report • Sammy Volkov • ______ • 19:26
Good Natured Man • Amy Nelson • EDUCATED WOMAN • 19:30
Yellow Flower • Meadowsweet • ______ • 19:37
Before It's Too Late • Justine Giles • ______ • 19:41
Hobo Shower • Boots & The Hoots • III • 19:45
All That I Can • Ann Vriend • ANYBODY'S DIFFERENT (EP) • 19:50
Elevated • Neon Dreams • DISSIMULATION • 19:53
(156) 2024-05-10 - 18:00-20:00
^^ Donor recommendations/requests
Have You Lost It • Fish Memory • ONE OF THOSE MORNINGS IN THE AFTERNOON • 18:01
Bubble Monkey • Tendavillage • DEBUT EP • 18:04
Glitter On The Dancefloor • 0Stella • FREEFALL EP • 18:07
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:10
Call Your Friends • Scenic Route To Alaska • ______ • 18:16
Good Life • Colleen Brown • ISOLATION SONGS • 18:19
Alberta May • Allen Christie • ALLEN CHRISTIE • 18:23 ^^
Nothing To Hide • Of Candor • ______ • 18:27 ^^
I Take It Back • Bailey Sutton • JUST FOR FUN • ______ • 18:32
Somewhere in the Rubies • Ian Tyson • LIVE AT LONGVIEW • 18:36 ^^
Southern Song • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:40
Good Natured Man • Amy Nelson • EDUCATED WOMAN • 18:45
Burn It Up • Jory Kinjo • STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS • 18:50
Marilyn • T. Buckley • FRAME BY FRAME • 18:55
Falling (Into You) • ZENON • ______ • 19:01
They Can't Blackout The Moon • Over The Moon • CHINOOK WALTZ • 19:07
It Takes Practice • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:10 ^^
Sister Summer • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:12
Grandpa Was a Bushman • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 19:15 ^^
Happy Is How I Feel • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:19
Catch Myself • The Goddamsels • WAYWARD DAUGHTER (EP) • 19:23
40 Days & 40 Nights • The Doll Sisters • OFF THE EDGE OF THE EARTH • 19:27
How Many Days Until Tomorrow • Matt Masters (w Kendel Carson) • ______ • 19:32 ^^
Open Book • King of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 19:38 ^^
Into The Night • Geist • HURRICANE GOLD • 19:41
All Your Love • Ghost Woman • GHOST WOMAN • 19:45
Want For Nothing • Michael Rault • MICHAEL RAULT • 19:47 ^^
Grim Reaper • Karimah • ______ • 19:50
Neon Vaci • J.Alpinist • VHS DUBS • 19:54
(157) 2024-05-17 - 18:00-20:00
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 18:01
Morning Light • Elk Run & Riot • MORNING LIGHT • 18:04
Pick it Up • The Fast Romantics • PICK IT UP • 18:08
Mountain Standard Time • Major Love • LIVE, LAUGH, MAJOR LOVE • 18:12
Everyday • Mercy Funk • FEEL GOOD • 18:18
Be Easy • Taylor Ackerman's Global Acid Reset • ENCEPHALON • 18:23
Reasons • Swear By the Moon • AT RIVERDALE RECORDERS • 18:29
Southern Song • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 18:33
A Picture of a Picture • Billie Zizi • ______ • 18:45
Great Great Day • Beth Portman • GREAT GREAT DAY • 18:47
Barefoot • AImee-Jo Benoit • HORNS OF HOPE • 18:48
Embarrassed To Say • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 18:51
Whisky Waltz • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 18:56
Of Roses • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:03
London 1969 • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:09
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 19:13
Train Bridge • Charlie Jacobson • TRAVELIN' • 19:16
Both Sides Now (live) • Joni Mitchell • LIVE AT THE ISLE OF WIGHT 1970 • 19:21
The Rubble • Justine Vandergrift • YES RIGHT OK • 19:25
Walk Until • Sonia Deleo • LOVE NOTES TO THE MONSTERS • 19:28
El Camino • Cristian De La Luna • SABES • 19:38
Rhythm Chante (feat Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • THE DRIP • 19:42
Sonrisa Eterna • Notas de 4 • COSAS MARAVILLOSAS • 19:46
9 to 5 • Dolly Parton • DOLLY (BOX SET) • 19:52
Good Vibes • Jim Findlay & Mingmei Xu • I SEE • 19:55
(158) 2024-05-24 - 18:00-20:00
Two Strike Foul • J.R. Shore • TALKIN' ON A BUS • 18:01
Don't Think Twice It's Alright • Steve Pineo • AROUND THE HORN • 18:05
Blue Shadows • Tom Phillips & The D.T.s • SATELLITES AND STARS • 18:09
Drownin' The Memory • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:15
Bear Hug • I Am The Mountain • CALGARY FMF SAMPLER • 18:18
Paper Thin Hotel • Nadia • STRANGE SONG • 18:22
Two-Bit Suit • John Wort Hannam • TWO BIT SUIT • 18:27
Simultaneously • Bad Buddy • BAD BUDDY • 18:33
Don't Take it (Don't Give it Away) • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:36
Isolation • Counterfeit Jeans • JUNIOR CAPITALISTS • 18:40
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:45
Into the Dark • Robin Cisek • DELICATE MINDS • 18:48
Falling (Into You) • ZENON • ______ • 18:51
Woodland • Matthew Cardinal • PIECES: 2011-2019 • 18:56
Few More Hours • Hangman Pencil Co. • AS DARK AS IT SEEMS • 18:59
In Emerald • Wyatt C.Louis • CHANDLER • 19:04
Left In June • Jed And The Valentine • ______ • 19:07
In the Pub • Trembita • IN THE PUB • 19:11
Went To Pick Mushrooms • Millenia • BRATTYA • 19:16
Escargot and Risotto • Tendavillage • ESCARGOT AND RISOTTO • 19:19
Ketchup • Denny Von Braun • IRRATIONAL FASHION • 19:23
Summer Child • Ghostkeeper • MULTIDIMENSIONAL CULTURE • 19:27
Picture of a Picture • Billie Zizi • ______ • 19:32
El Viejo • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 19:35
Stay With Me • Erin Ross • THE WIND WILL LEAD ME HOME • 19:39
Beautiful August • Emily Triggs • THE GREAT ESCAPE • 19:44
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:46
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 19:51
The Tail Of A Lion • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 19:55
(159) 2024-05-31 - 18:00-20:00
++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
Unfolded Heart • Des Arcs • MASKS • 18:01
Poltergeist • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:04
Runner • Jed and the Valentine • AWAKE • 18:07
Embarrassed To Say • Audrey Ochoa • THE HEAD OF A MOUSE • 18:10
Whatcha Gonna Do • Suzanne de Bussac • ______ • 18:13
Good Bread • Electric Religous • ______ • 18:18
I Can't Wait • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 18:21
Chase the Sun • Lab Coast • SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 18:24
Vakuru Vanoti • Juba • MAFARO • 18:27
Ink on Paper • L'omelette • YOU ARE HERE • ______ • 18:30
Driving In The Dark • Mariel Buckley • DRIVING IN THE DARK • 18:34
Sayonara • The Lovebullies • FRIEND • 18:37
Don't Disappoint Me • Ruth B • MAYBE I'LL FIND YOU AGAIN • 18:41
Sunshine • Tzadeka • HALF THE PAIN IS HALF THE WORK • 18:45
Gold • Mouraine • IN SEARCH OF GOLD • 18:48
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • ______ • 18:51
Moving On • Uyemi • BUTTERFLY EFFECT • 18:55
The Valiant Thieves • Pop Goes the World • THE VALIANT THIEVES • 19:00
My Lover And My Ghost • Lucas Chaisson • TELLING TIME • 19:04
Golden Line • Amelie Patterson • ______ • 19:08
What Are You Gonna Do With Yourself • Astral Swans • STRANGE PRISON • 19:11
I Can't Do It Alone • Souls in Rhythm • ______ • 19:15
You Don't Need the Limelight • ______ • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • ______ • 19:19
True Love Leaves No Traces • Nadia • STRANGE SONG • 19:23
Famous Blue Raincoat • Mallory Chipman • RAGS AND FEATHERS • 19:27
The Chelsea Hotel Is Closed Until Further Notice • Emet • CARLIN'S FARM • 19:32
More • Micah Sage • ______ • 19:35
Roots That Go Deep • Laura Vinson • VOICES ON THE WIND • 19:39
For Mitch • Herky Cutler • LOVE IS LIKE A CHICKEN • ______ • 19:42
Allen Saved the Radio Station • The Bownesians • THE BOWNESIANS • 19:46
Some Things Never Change • Matt Andersen • ______ • 19:50 ++
Fringes • Good Information • ______ • 19:53
(160) 2024-06-07 - 18:00-20:00
Wolfman Rock • Peter & The Wolves • HOWLIN' & PROWLIN' • 18:04
The Cardplayer • Corb Lund • EL VIEJO • 18:08
Forsaken • Give 'Em Hell Boys • BARN BURNER • 18:11
Beneath The Lies • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:16
Into the Dark • Robin Cisek • DELICATE MINDS • 18:19
Adventure Island • Brother Octopus • SERENADED THROUGH SEAWEED • 18:23
Fool • Zenon Epp • GENRE Z (EP) • 18:30
Crush • The Lovebullies • ______ • 18:33
There • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 18:38
Burn It Up • Jory Kinjo • STAND CLEAR OF THE CLOSING DOORS • 18:41
For the Long Run • Major Love • LIVE, LAUGH, MAJOR LOVE • 18:48
Don't Call Me Baby • Kreesha Turner • PASSION • 18:52
Fast Fashion Fascist • L'omelette • ______ • 18:56
Time, Love & Tenderness • Osyron • ______ • 19:01
Groove (w/ Mariya Stokes) • Adequate! • ______ • 19:08
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 19:11
Feelin' Lucky • Kue Varo • ______ • 19:14
Take It Or Leave It • Nuela Charles • AWARE • 19:19
Simple Math • JJ Miller • ______ • 19:23
Just Our Luck • TOVI • I KEEP FLOATING AWAY • 19:27
Albatross • John Hewitt • DEAD LOVERS • 19:31
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • 19:35
Lost • doug. • DEAR, ODD, UGLY • 19:39
Oh, The Wind Will Blow • Doug Hoyer • WALKS WITH THE TENDER AND GROWING NIGHT • 19:43
Ivory Eyes • Cantoo • CANTOO • 19:47
Goin' Gone • Kat Danser • GOIN' GONE • 19:51
Nisis • ASKO • ______ • 19:55
(161) 2024-06-14 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content
Strange Displacement • Layten Kramer • DEAR APATHY • 18:00
Get It Right • Doug Hoyer • DREAM LIFE • 18:04 ~~
I See/ Icy Water • Cris Derksen • THE COLLAPSE • 18:08
Capsized • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 18:12
Sea Of Hearts • Ellen Doty • COME FALL • 18:20
Take a Step • Aladean Kheroufi • BEAUTY BEYOND GRIEF • 18:23
Crop Circle • Baby Jey • CROP CIRCLES • 18:25
After a While • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:29
Interesting Times • Thomas Thomas • SLED ISLAND LEMONADE STAND • 18:34
Like a Movie • Crystal Eyes • THE SWEETNESS RESTORED • 18:37
Quickly • Samantha Savage Smith • FAKE NICE • 18:40
To Fall In Love • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 18:44 ~~
Few More Hours • Hangman Pencil Co. • AS DARK AS IT SEEMS • 18:50
Church of the Long Grass • John Wort Hannam • QUEEN'S HOTEL • 18:52
Nipawakan • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 18:56
Streetlights • Midnite Gossip • ______ • 19:00
Sophie • St. Arnaud • LOVE AND THE FRONT LAWN • 19:05
Ivory Eyes • Cantoo • CANTOO • 19:09
Days Like Today • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:15 ~~
Get To Know Lonesome • Skinny Dyck • GET TO KNOW LONESOME • 19:19
I've Roped Myself Into a Rodeo • The Rifle County Players • ON A DAY LIKE ANY OTHER • 19:23
Yip Yip • Kue Varo • COWBOY WITCHCRAFT • 19:25
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:29
Hocus Pocus • Ginger Beef • GINGER BEEF • 19:31
GRLSROK • Miesha and the Spanks • UNCONDITIONAL LOVE IN HI-FI • 19:35
Julia • The Fast Romantics • AMERICAN LOVE • 19:39
Upside Down • Tanika Charles • THE GUMPTION • 19:42
Getting Older • Doug Hoyer • GETTING OLDER • 19:45 ~~
Time Stops • Sonia Deleo • LOVE NOTES TO THE MONSTERS • 19:50
Don't Tell Me Riddles • Vissia • A LOT LESS GOLD • 19:52
Freddie Freeloader • Amos Garrett • JAZZBLUES • 19:56
(162) 2024-06-21 - 18:00-20:00 (National Indigenous Peoples Day)
~~ Featured content
Tommasso • Nehiyawak • NIPIY • 18:01
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:05 ~~
Your Cheatin' Heart (Dance Remix) • Dean Boucher • SWEET MEMORIES • 18:09
Natural • 36? • NATURALLY • 18:11
Dancing with Sue • Wyatt C. Louis • ______ • 18:17
Take a Little Piece of My Heart • Jay Gilday • THE CHOICE AND THE CHASE • 18:19
Celebrate • Asani • LISTEN • 18:23
Reputations • Sister Ray • COMMUNION • 18:28
Good Enough • Sofa Gnomes • THE CLOSEST • 18:31
Hunger Strike • Shane Ghostkeeper • ______ • 18:35
Jim Cuddy • Troy Kokol • LONELY GHOST • 18:39
Taking It Over • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:44 ~~
Just Let Me Lie to You • Celeigh Cardinal • ______ • 18:48
Ego • Kaeley Jade • TURPENTINE • 18:51
Nikawis • ASKO • NIKAWIS • 18:55
Journey of Life • The Bearhead Sisters • UNBREAKABLE • 18:59
Fever Flickering Flame • Blue Moon Marquee • BARE KNUCKLES & BRAWN • 19:04
Light A Fire • Cynthia Hamar • JOINT & MARROW • 19:08
Take the Long Way Home • Monks On Call • LAKEWOOD RD. • 19:13
The Ride • Double Rider • TIMES OF THE DAY • 19:17
Travelling Kind • Terry Morrison • WOLF WILLOW AND ALBERTA ROSE • 19:19
Shimmy Shake • Sewepagaham • SPLASHING THE WATER LOUDLY • 19:23
Got It Bad • Shawnee Kish • SHAWNEE KISH (EP) • 19:25
Paralyzed • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 19:30 ~~
Futureproof Design • Comaduster • HOLLOW WORLDS • 19:34
Woodland • Matthew Cardinal • PIECES: 2011-2019 • 19:41
Song for Mosom • Fawn Wood • KIKAWIYNAW • 19:42
Lied • Jessica McMann • INCANDESCENT TALES • 19:45
You Serve No One • Real Cardinal • ______ • 19:47
Hard Skin • Electric Religious • TRAGIC LOVER • 19:49 ~~
Pelagic • Tamarack Cunningham • FREQUENCY MODULATION • 19:53
(163) 2024-06-28 - 18:00-20:00
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener recommendations/requests
Hold the Line • Osyron • ______ • 18:02 ~~
Good Bread • Electric Religious • ______ • 18:05
Swimming in the Undertow • King of Foxes • TWILIGHT OF THE EMPIRE • 18:09
Back Where I Started (At The Bottom) • Double Suede • THE DEEP END • 18:14
Sayonara • The Lovebullies • FRIEND • 18:17
Never Gonna Not • Mike Clark • ______ • 18:20
Forerunners • Trevor Howlett & The Cruz Bros • TREVOR HOWLETT & TCB • 18:27
Before We Had Sarah • Ben Sures • THE STORY THAT LIVED HERE • 18:30
Left In June • Jed And The Valentine • ______ • 18:34
Thong Song • Garett Gunderson • CONSTELLATIONS • 18:37
Tonight • The Bolt Actions • RADIO SILENT • 18:42 ^^
Take it Apart • VISSIA • WITH PLEASURE • 18:47
Fli Beat Patrol • Dragon Fli Empire • RECORD STORE / FLI BEAT PATROL • 18:51
Sleeping in a Grand Piano • Matthew Cardinal • PIECES: 2011-2019 • 18:56
Time, Love & Tenderness • Osyron • ______ • 18:59 ~~
A Picture of a Picture • Billie Zizi • LEVITATE • 19:06
Wild • Wyatt C. Louis • CHANDLER • 19:09
Coming Back To Me • Ellen Doty • EVERY LITTLE SCENE • 19:12
Joshua • Aladean Kheroufi • STUDIES IN A DYING LOVE • 19:15
Don't Waste Your Love On Me • Celeigh Cardinal • BOUNDLESS POSSIBILITIES • 19:20
In My Dreams • Shaela Miller • AFTER THE MASQUERADE • 19:23
Stronger • Melafrique ft K-Riz • ______ • 19:27
Freedom Ain't the Same (feat Karimah) • Rubim de Toledo • THE DRIP • 19:30
One Foot (feat. Karimah) • Doug Hoyer • TO BE A RIVER • 19:35
Whisky Waltz • The Denim Daddies • NORTHERN GOODS • 19:39
Refuse to Dance • Carter Felker • EVEN THE HAPPY ONES ARE SAD • 19:44
Battle of the Thames • Osyron • FOUNDATIONS • 19:48 ~~
Neon Vaci • J.Alpinist • VHS DUBS • 19:55
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>> Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs.
~~ Featured content ^^ Listener/donor recommendations/requests ++ Tonight’s ‘odd one out’
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Focusing on home-grown talent. An eclectic all-Albertan playlist, with the best and brightest our province has to offer taking center stage. New releases… familiar favourites… we’ve got it all. Sidle up to our local jukebox and make yourself at home. The folks are friendly and the music’s good in our neighbourhood.
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멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월
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1 Perfect Night - Perfect Night LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) Perfect Night 좋아요 87,072
2 Drama - The 4th Mini Album - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 Drama aespa Drama - The 4th Mini Album 좋아요 62,490
3 To. X - The 5th Mini Album - To. X 태연 (TAEYEON) To. X - The 5th Mini Album 좋아요 63,273
4 겨울 스페셜 앨범 '12월의 기적 (Miracles In December)' - 첫 눈 EXO 겨울 스페셜 앨범 '12월의 기적 (Miracles In December)' 좋아요 277,078
5 비의 랩소디 - 비의 랩소디 임재현 비의 랩소디 좋아요 18,031
6 1집 Alone - 헤어지자 말해요 박재정 1집 Alone 좋아요 153,676
7 인사 - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 인사 범진 인사 좋아요 74,703
8 I'VE MINE - Baddie IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 58,733
9 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 정국 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 좋아요 199,793
10 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 - 사랑은 늘 도망가 임영웅 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 좋아요 207,927
11 1 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) - 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection) 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) 좋아요 51,880
12 1 Love Lee - Love Lee AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 113,974
13 I've IVE - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2024년 1월 I AM IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 206,363
14 1 JENNIE Special Single [You & Me] - You & Me 제니 (JENNIE) JENNIE Special Single [You & Me] 좋아요 59,202
15 3 에피소드 - 에피소드 이무진 에피소드 좋아요 21,636
16 2 Do or Die - Do or Die 임영웅 Do or Die 좋아요 37,736
17 1 모래 알갱이 - 모래 알갱이 임영웅 모래 알갱이 좋아요 56,038
18 2 Love Lee - 후라이의 꿈 AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 115,326
19 2 IM HERO - 우리들의 블루스 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 101,716
20 1 IM HERO - 다시 만날 수 있을까 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 83,069
21 GOLDEN - Standing Next to You 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 57,795
22 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - Super Shy NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 157,151
23 1 NewJeans 'OMG' - Ditto NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 277,662
24 1 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 - 이제 나만 믿어요 임영웅 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 좋아요 172,981
25 3 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 - 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 우디 (Woody) 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 좋아요 75,008
26 4 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - ETA NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 114,867
27 2 IM HERO - 무지개 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 71,470
28 4 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 - 너의 모든 순간 성시경 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 좋아요 284,501
29 5 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) - 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 로이킴 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 좋아요 63,665
30 4 Polaroid - London Boy 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 58,961
31 4 IM HERO - 아버지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 58,068
32 1 I feel - 퀸카 (Queencard) (여자)아이들 I feel 좋아요 138,774
33 3 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Hype Boy NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 284,170
34 5 Polaroid - Polaroid 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 53,117
35 3 Get A Guitar - Get A Guitar RIIZE Get A Guitar 좋아요 65,061
36 1 기대 - The 2nd Mini Album - 별 떨어진다 (I Do) 디오 (D.O.) 기대 - The 2nd Mini Album 좋아요 61,547
37 6 IM HERO - 인생찬가 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 53,490
38 1 I'VE MINE - Either Way IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 70,793
39 2 IM HERO - A bientot 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 54,628
40 1st Single Album 'Harmony from Discord' - Discord QWER 1st Single Album 'Harmony from Discord' 좋아요 32,459
41 2 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 - Smoke (Prod. Dynamicduo, Padi) 다이나믹 듀오, 이영지 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 좋아요 55,052
42 Merry Go Round - 사랑할 수밖에 볼빨간사춘기 Merry Go Round 좋아요 16,417
43 1 I'VE MINE - Off The Record IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 47,042
44 1 항해 - 어떻게 이별까지 사랑하겠어, 널 사랑하는 거지 AKMU (악뮤) 항해 좋아요 428,775
45 4 IM HERO - 연애편지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 51,327
46 1 GAME PLAN - Fast Forward 전소미 GAME PLAN 좋아요 71,646
47 1 Dynamite (DayTime Version) - Dynamite 방탄소년단 Dynamite (DayTime Version) 좋아요 460,487
48 3 YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' - 사건의 지평선 윤하 (YOUNHA) YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' 좋아요 316,767
49 1 MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album - Spicy aespa MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album 좋아요 127,804
50 1 NewJeans 'OMG' - OMG NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 197,509
51 1 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) - 사랑인가 봐 멜로망스 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) 좋아요 199,031
52 2 SEVENTEEN 11th Mini Album ‘SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN' - 음악의 신 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 11th Mini Album ‘SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN' 좋아요 75,992
53 2 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 - 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 임한별 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 좋아요 50,923
54 I've IVE - Kitsch IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 154,176
55 2 잠시라도 우리 - 잠시라도 우리 성시경, 나얼 잠시라도 우리 좋아요 32,847
56 3 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE - 봄날 방탄소년단 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE 좋아요 555,276
57 1 Chill Kill - The 3rd Album - Chill Kill Red Velvet (레드벨벳) Chill Kill - The 3rd Album 좋아요 36,957
58 1 화이트 (White) - 화이트 (White) 폴킴 화이트 (White) 좋아요 14,315
59 3 UNFORGIVEN - 이브, 프시케 그리고 푸른 수염의 아내 LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 111,933
60 LOVE DIVE - LOVE DIVE IVE (아이브) LOVE DIVE 좋아요 246,266
61 3 Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) - Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) Lauv Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) 좋아요 161,336
62 1 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' - 파이팅 해야지 (Feat. 이영지) 부석순 (SEVENTEEN) 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' 좋아요 182,392
63 1 취중고백 - 취중고백 김민석 취중고백 좋아요 177,927
64 2 심(心) - 심(心) DK(디셈버) 심(心) 좋아요 70,794
65 2 After LIKE - After LIKE IVE (아이브) After LIKE 좋아요 239,450
66 1 TEENFRESH - Bubble STAYC(스테이씨) TEENFRESH 좋아요 52,176
67 2 2023 리그 오브 레전드 월드 챔피언십 주제곡 - GODS NewJeans, League of Legends 2023 리그 오브 레전드 월드 챔피언십 주제곡 좋아요 37,475
68 3 The 4th Mini Album 'VERSUS' - MANIAC VIVIZ (비비지) The 4th Mini Album 'VERSUS' 좋아요 23,764
69 1 CHARLIE - I Don't Think That I Like Her Charlie Puth CHARLIE 좋아요 193,900
70 7 Merry PLLIstmas - Merry PLLIstmas PLAVE Merry PLLIstmas 좋아요 22,676
71 1 물론 - 물론 허각 물론 좋아요 50,010
72 1 눈이 오잖아(Feat.헤이즈) - 눈이 오잖아(Feat.헤이즈) 이무진 눈이 오잖아(Feat.헤이즈) 좋아요 128,943
73 5 Butter - Butter 방탄소년단 Butter 좋아요 294,504
74 전설 - 주저하는 연인들을 위해 잔나비 전설 좋아요 406,766
75 2 Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition) - Snowman Sia Everyday Is Christmas (Snowman Deluxe Edition) 좋아요 263,704
76 1 SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' - 손오공 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' 좋아요 162,898
77 1 해요 (2022) - 해요 (2022)
해요 (2022) 좋아요 92,308
78 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) - 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 경서예지, 전건호 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) 좋아요 182,640
79 2 로이킴 X 마이데몬 - 그대가 있는 곳, 언제 어디든 로이킴 로이킴 X 마이데몬 좋아요 13,053
80 Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) - Dangerously Charlie Puth Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) 좋아요 200,855
81 2 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Attention NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 237,213
82 '키스 먼저 할까요?' OST Part.3 - 모든 날, 모든 순간 (Every day, Every Moment) 폴킴 '키스 먼저 할까요?' OST Part.3 좋아요 433,141
83 사랑..그게 뭔데 - 사랑..그게 뭔데 지아 사랑..그게 뭔데 좋아요 33,485
84 4 그대가 내 안에 박혔다(그내박) - 그대가 내 안에 박혔다(그내박) 순순희(기태) 그대가 내 안에 박혔다(그내박) 좋아요 26,857
85 UNFORGIVEN - UNFORGIVEN (feat. Nile Rodgers) LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 119,513
86 나에게 그대만이 - 나에게 그대만이 탑현 나에게 그대만이 좋아요 46,110
87 3 I Love My Body - I Love My Body 화사 (HWASA) I Love My Body 좋아요 32,900
88 2 The Book of Us : Gravity - 한 페이지가 될 수 있게 DAY6 (데이식스) The Book of Us : Gravity 좋아요 225,217
89 2 ASTERUM : The Shape of Things to Come - 여섯 번째 여름 PLAVE ASTERUM : The Shape of Things to Come 좋아요 32,423
90 1 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 - 그중에 그대를 만나 김호중 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 좋아요 23,156
91 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) - 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) 정국, Jack Harlow 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) 좋아요 56,463
92 2 Every DAY6 February - 예뻤어 DAY6 (데이식스) Every DAY6 February 좋아요 264,579
93 1 Jelly Christmas 2012 HEART PROJECT - 크리스마스니까 성시경, 박효신, 이석훈, 서인국, VIXX (빅스) Jelly Christmas 2012 HEART PROJECT 좋아요 171,025
94 1 GOLDEN - Yes or No 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 34,046
95 Be There For Me - Winter Special Single - Be There For Me NCT 127 Be There For Me - Winter Special Single 좋아요 26,481
96 1 Merry Christmas (Deluxe Anniversary Edition) - All I Want for Christmas Is You Mariah Carey Merry Christmas (Deluxe Anniversary Edition) 좋아요 238,009
97 1 Closer Than This - Closer Than This 지민 Closer Than This 좋아요 22,574
98 1 여행: 플리(playlist) OST Part.2 - 밤, 바다 최유리 여행: 플리(playlist) OST Part.2 좋아요 24,140
99 1 Fact Check - The 5th Album - Fact Check (불가사의; 不可思議) NCT 127 Fact Check - The 5th Album 좋아요 42,672
100 Santa Tell Me - Santa Tell Me Ariana Grande Santa Tell Me 좋아요 247,343
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멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월
멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월 받는법 필요한가요?
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1 Perfect Night - Perfect Night LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) Perfect Night 좋아요 40,154
2 I'VE MINE - Baddie IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 45,596
3 Love Lee - Love Lee AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 106,681
4 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. - Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 정국 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 좋아요 193,603
5 Drama - The 4th Mini Album - 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월 Drama aespa Drama - The 4th Mini Album 좋아요 29,658
6 Love Lee - 후라이의 꿈 AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 105,175
7 JENNIE Special Single [You & Me] - You & Me 제니 (JENNIE) JENNIE Special Single [You & Me] 좋아요 49,701
8 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 - 사랑은 늘 도망가 임영웅 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 좋아요 205,786
9 4:44 - DIE 4 YOU DEAN 4:44 좋아요 30,143
10 1 1집 Alone - 헤어지자 말해요 박재정 1집 Alone 좋아요 142,852
11 1 Do or Die - Do or Die 임영웅 Do or Die 좋아요 34,169
12 2 I'VE MINE - Either Way IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 63,906
13 1 모래 알갱이 - 모래 알갱이 임영웅 모래 알갱이 좋아요 54,529
14 1 GOLDEN - Standing Next to You 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 44,290
15 IM HERO - 우리들의 블루스 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 100,382
16 IM HERO - 다시 만날 수 있을까 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 82,007
17 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 - Smoke (Prod. Dynamicduo, Padi) 다이나믹 듀오, 이영지 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 좋아요 50,435
18 I've IVE - I AM IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 202,424
19 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 - 이제 나만 믿어요 임영웅 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 좋아요 172,146
20 1 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - Super Shy NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 153,113
21 1 IM HERO - 무지개 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 70,426
22 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 - 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 우디 (Woody) 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 좋아요 68,787
23 Polaroid - London Boy 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 57,990
24 2 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - ETA NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 110,450
25 1 Polaroid - Polaroid 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 52,373
26 1 IM HERO - 아버지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 57,360
27 IM HERO - 인생찬가 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 52,898
28 1 SEVENTEEN 11th Mini Album ‘SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN' - 음악의 신 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 11th Mini Album ‘SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN' 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월 좋아요 64,836
29 1 IM HERO - A bientot 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 54,038
30 GAME PLAN - Fast Forward 전소미 GAME PLAN 좋아요 68,105
31 Get A Guitar - Get A Guitar RIIZE Get A Guitar 좋아요 51,931
32 Chill Kill - The 3rd Album - Chill Kill Red Velvet (레드벨벳) Chill Kill - The 3rd Album 좋아요 23,393
33 1 I feel - 퀸카 (Queencard) (여자)아이들 I feel 좋아요 136,658
34 1 IM HERO - 연애편지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 50,818
35 I Love My Body - I Love My Body 화사 (HWASA) I Love My Body 좋아요 30,772
36 1 I'VE MINE - Off The Record IVE (아이브) I'VE MINE 좋아요 36,760
37 1 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Hype Boy NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 282,082
38 잠시라도 우리 - 잠시라도 우리 성시경, 나얼 잠시라도 우리 좋아요 26,859
39 NewJeans 'OMG' - Ditto NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 273,134
40 2 TEENFRESH - Bubble STAYC(스테이씨) TEENFRESH 좋아요 47,461
41 1 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 - 너의 모든 순간 성시경 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 좋아요 280,084
42 1 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) - 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 로이킴 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 좋아요 53,352
43 2 인사 - 인사 범진 인사 좋아요 44,876
44 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) - 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) 정국 3D (feat. Jack Harlow) 좋아요 51,914
45 1 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) - 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection) 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월 그대만 있다면 (여름날 우리 X 너드커넥션 (Nerd Connection)) 좋아요 26,944
46 4 항해 - 어떻게 이별까지 사랑하겠어, 널 사랑하는 거지 AKMU (악뮤) 항해 좋아요 423,904
47 1 UNFORGIVEN - 이브, 프시케 그리고 푸른 수염의 아내 LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 109,536
48 1 기대 - The 2nd Mini Album - 별 떨어진다 (I Do) 디오 (D.O.) 기대 - The 2nd Mini Album 좋아요 44,103
49 4 Dynamite (DayTime Version) - Dynamite 방탄소년단 Dynamite (DayTime Version) 좋아요 459,426
50 1 MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album - Spicy aespa MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album 좋아요 125,219
51 2 I've IVE - Kitsch IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 152,369
52 6 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 - 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 임한별 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 좋아요 46,763
53 1 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) - 사랑인가 봐 멜로망스 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) 좋아요 196,744
54 2 GOLDEN - Yes or No 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 28,079
55 2 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE - 봄날 방탄소년단 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE 좋아요 552,833
56 Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) - Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) Lauv Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) 좋아요 156,140
57 2 YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' - 사건의 지평선 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월 윤하 (YOUNHA) YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' 좋아요 314,561
58 5 LOVE DIVE - LOVE DIVE IVE (아이브) LOVE DIVE 좋아요 244,836
59 CHARLIE - I Don't Think That I Like Her Charlie Puth CHARLIE 좋아요 190,248
60 물론 - 물론 허각 물론 좋아요 46,515
61 1 After LIKE - After LIKE IVE (아이브) After LIKE 좋아요 238,346
62 1 SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' - 손오공 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' 좋아요 159,504
63 Butter - Butter 방탄소년단 Butter 좋아요 293,527
64 1 취중고백 - 취중고백 김민석 (멜로망스) 취중고백 좋아요 175,726
65 1 겨울 스페셜 앨범 '12월의 기적 (Miracles In December)' - 첫 눈 EXO 겨울 스페셜 앨범 '12월의 기적 (Miracles In December)' 좋아요 226,283
66 2 NewJeans 'OMG' - OMG NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 195,032
67 심(心) - 심(心) DK(디셈버) 심(心) 좋아요 67,568
68 1 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' - 파이팅 해야지 (Feat. 이영지) 부석순 (SEVENTEEN) 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' 좋아요 178,393
69 3 GOLDEN - Hate You 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 26,179
70 Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) - Dangerously Charlie Puth Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) 좋아요 197,285
71 전설 - 주저하는 연인들을 위해 잔나비 전설 좋아요 402,627
72 1 UNFORGIVEN - UNFORGIVEN (feat. Nile Rodgers) LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 118,280
73 1 나에게 그대만이 - 나에게 그대만이 탑현 나에게 그대만이 좋아요 42,977
74 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) - 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 경서예지, 전건호 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) 좋아요 180,406
75 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Attention NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 235,923
76 2 Still With You - Still With You 정국 Still With You 좋아요 116,357
77 여행: 플리(playlist) OST Part.2 - 밤, 바다 최유리 여행: 플리(playlist) OST Part.2 좋아요 16,140
78 2 Summer - Summer (Feat. BE’O (비오)) Paul Blanco Summer 좋아요 124,265
79 해요 (2022) - 해요 (2022)
해요 (2022) 좋아요 90,129
80 인생은 한번이야 - 이쁜 여자가 좋더라 (Feat. Gist, Jayci yucca) 릴러말즈 (Leellamarz) 인생은 한번이야 좋아요 18,149
81 3 Stay - STAY The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber Stay 좋아요 275,487
82 3 H1-KEY 1st Mini Album [Rose Blossom] - 건물 사이에 피어난 장미 (Rose Blossom) H1-KEY (하이키) H1-KEY 1st Mini Album [Rose Blossom] 좋아요 97,151
83 사랑..그게 뭔데 - 사랑..그게 뭔데 지아 사랑..그게 뭔데 좋아요 30,109
84 2 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 - 그중에 그대를 만나 김호중 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 좋아요 22,673
85 4 지극히 사적인 얘기 - 지극히 사적인 얘기 다비치 지극히 사적인 얘기 좋아요 6,934
86 3 ME - 꽃 지수 (JISOO) ME 좋아요 121,253
87 1 KIDDING - KIDDING 이세계아이돌 KIDDING 좋아요 55,163
88 2 FORM - 폼미쳤다 영탁 FORM 좋아요 18,676
89 2 GOLDEN - Too Sad to Dance 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 24,984
90 4 Merry Christmas (Deluxe Anniversary Edition) - All I Want for Christmas Is You Mariah Carey Merry Christmas (Deluxe Anniversary Edition) 좋아요 224,610
91 1 GOLDEN - Please Don't Change (feat. DJ Snake) 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 22,014
92 1 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - New Jeans NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 79,206
93 사실말야내가말야그게그러니까말이야 - 사실말야내가말야그게그러니까말이야 케이시 (Kassy) 사실말야내가말야그게그러니까말이야 좋아요 34,651
94 2 연인 OST Part.4 - 달빛에 그려지는 미연 ((여자)아이들) 연인 OST Part.4 좋아요 26,064
95 Teddy Bear - Teddy Bear STAYC(스테이씨) Teddy Bear 좋아요 105,944
96 2 KILL MY DOUBT - CAKE ITZY (있지) KILL MY DOUBT 좋아요 31,359
97 1 2023 리그 오브 레전드 월드 챔피언십 주제곡 - GODS NewJeans, League of Legends 2023 리그 오브 레전드 월드 챔피언십 주제곡 좋아요 19,547
98 1 GOLDEN - Shot Glass of Tears 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 21,769
99 MELTING POINT - CRUSH (가시) ZEROBASEONE (제로베이스원) 멜론 top100 토렌트 다운로드 2023년 11월 12월 MELTING POINT 좋아요 22,659
100 GOLDEN - Closer to You (feat. Major Lazer) 정국 GOLDEN 좋아요 22,888
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melon-mp3-top00 · 1 year
멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간
멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간 mp3 받을수 있습니다. 멜론 Melon 실시간 TOP100 올려드립니다.
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1 Love Lee - Love Lee AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 65,362
2 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. - Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 정국 Seven (feat. Latto) - Clean Ver. 좋아요 176,807
3 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 - Smoke (Prod. Dynamicduo, Padi) 다이나믹 듀오, 이영지 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 좋아요 22,583
4 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - Super Shy NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 145,287
5 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - 멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간 토렌트 ETA NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 100,603
6 Love Lee - 후라이의 꿈 AKMU (악뮤) Love Lee 좋아요 54,244
7 GAME PLAN - Fast Forward 전소미 GAME PLAN 좋아요 49,772
8 1집 Alone - 헤어지자 말해요 박재정 1집 Alone 좋아요 129,222
9 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 - 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 우디 (Woody) 사막에서 꽃을 피우듯 좋아요 50,538
10 I've IVE - I AM IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 196,954
11 TEENFRESH - 멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간 토렌트 Bubble STAYC(스테이씨) TEENFRESH 좋아요 33,143
12 I feel - 퀸카 (Queencard) (여자)아이들 I feel 좋아요 133,610
13 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 - 사랑은 늘 도망가 임영웅 신사와 아가씨 OST Part.2 좋아요 202,658
14 1 I Love My Body - I Love My Body 화사 (HWASA) I Love My Body 좋아요 11,087
15 1 Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) - 멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간 토렌트 Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) Lauv Steal The Show (From “엘리멘탈”) 좋아요 145,012
16 2 모래 알갱이 - 모래 알갱이 임영웅 모래 알갱이 좋아요 50,807
17 Still With You - Still With You 정국 Still With You 좋아요 102,054
18 1 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - Hype boy NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 279,886
19 1 UNFORGIVEN - 이브, 프시케 그리고 푸른 수염의 아내 LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 105,571
20 1 MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album - Spicy aespa MY WORLD - The 3rd Mini Album 좋아요 121,984
21 3 IM HERO - 우리들의 블루스 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 98,092
22 1 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) - 멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간 토렌트 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 로이킴 잘 지내자, 우리 (여름날 우리 X 로이킴) 좋아요 35,996
23 1 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - New Jeans NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 74,095
24 2 IM HERO - 다시 만날 수 있을까 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 79,772
25 2 I've IVE - Kitsch IVE (아이브) I've IVE 좋아요 149,651
26 1 Layover - Love Me Again V Layover 좋아요 45,855
27 2 KILL MY DOUBT - CAKE ITZY (있지) KILL MY DOUBT 좋아요 25,853
28 2 NewJeans 'OMG' - Ditto NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 270,135
29 3 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 - 이제 나만 믿어요 임영웅 내일은 미스터트롯 우승자 특전곡 좋아요 170,631
30 2 IM HERO - 무지개 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 68,273
31 3 Summer - Summer (Feat. BE’O (비오)) 멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간 Paul Blanco Summer 좋아요 115,681
32 IM HERO - 아버지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 55,683
33 2 Polaroid - London Boy 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 56,014
34 2 UNFORGIVEN - UNFORGIVEN (feat. Nile Rodgers) LE SSERAFIM (르세라핌) UNFORGIVEN 좋아요 116,510
35 2 Polaroid - Polaroid 임영웅 Polaroid 좋아요 50,699
36 2 나에게 그대만이 - 나에게 그대만이 탑현 나에게 그대만이 좋아요 35,774
37 2 IM HERO - 인생찬가 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 51,456
38 6 NewJeans 'OMG' - OMG NewJeans NewJeans 'OMG' 좋아요 193,200
39 4 After LIKE - After LIKE IVE (아이브) After LIKE 좋아요 236,233
40 2 YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' - 사건의 지평선 윤하 (YOUNHA) YOUNHA 6th Album Repackage 'END THEORY : Final Edition' 좋아요 312,170
41 4 IM HERO - A bientot 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 52,702
42 4 NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' - 멜론 top100 다운로드 2023년 9월 ZIP 실시간 Attention NewJeans NewJeans 1st EP 'New Jeans' 좋아요 234,508
43 4 IM HERO - 손이 참 곱던 그대 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 50,362
44 1 Dynamite (DayTime Version) - Dynamite 방탄소년단 Dynamite (DayTime Version) 좋아요 458,297
45 5 IM HERO - 사랑해 진짜 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 51,551
46 5 IM HERO - 연애편지 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 49,462
47 1 LOVE DIVE - LOVE DIVE IVE (아이브) LOVE DIVE 좋아요 242,501
48 4 심(心) - 심(心) DK(디셈버) 심(心) 좋아요 62,694
49 2 Layover - Slow Dancing V Layover 좋아요 26,896
50 Take Two - Take Two 방탄소년단 Take Two 좋아요 67,751
51 SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' - 손오공 세븐틴 (SEVENTEEN) SEVENTEEN 10th Mini Album ‘FML' 좋아요 151,299
52 3 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 - 너의 모든 순간 성시경 별에서 온 그대 OST Part.7 좋아요 274,985
53 3 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 - Click Like (Prod. Crush) (Feat. Paul Blanco) Crush 스트릿 우먼 파이터2(SWF2) 계급미션 좋아요 11,700
54 CHARLIE - I Don't Think That I Like Her Charlie Puth CHARLIE 좋아요 184,751
55 6 IM HERO - 보금자리 임영웅 IM HERO 좋아요 48,966
56 3 Layover - Rainy Days V Layover 좋아요 36,510
57 1 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - Cool With You NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 44,937
58 1 ME - 꽃 지수 (JISOO) ME 좋아요 119,912
59 1 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) - 사랑인가 봐 멜로망스 사랑인가 봐 (사내맞선 OST 스페셜 트랙) 좋아요 193,586
60 3 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 - 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 임한별 사랑하지 않아서 그랬어 좋아요 40,562
61 2 Butter - Butter 방탄소년단 Butter 좋아요 292,599
62 1 KIDDING - KIDDING 이세계아이돌 KIDDING 좋아요 42,971
63 1 I WANT - I WANT IVE (아이브) I WANT 좋아요 34,783
64 2 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE - 봄날 방탄소년단 YOU NEVER WALK ALONE 좋아요 550,854
65 1 Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) - Dangerously Charlie Puth Nine Track Mind (Deluxe Edition) 좋아요 192,208
66 1 Teddy Bear - Teddy Bear STAYC(스테이씨) Teddy Bear 좋아요 104,057
67 Golden Age - The 4th Album - Baggy Jeans NCT U Golden Age - The 4th Album 좋아요 27,688
68 1 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' - 파이팅 해야지 (Feat. 이영지) 부석순 (SEVENTEEN) 부석순 1st Single Album 'SECOND WIND' 좋아요 171,259
69 1 사실말야내가말야그게그러니까말이야 - 사실말야내가말야그게그러니까말이야 케이시 (Kassy) 사실말야내가말야그게그러니까말이야 좋아요 29,539
70 1 사랑의 바보 - 사랑의 바보 제이세라 사랑의 바보 좋아요 18,574
71 1 FACE - Like Crazy 지민 FACE 좋아요 68,427
72 1 H1-KEY 1st Mini Album [Rose Blossom] - 건물 사이에 피어난 장미 (Rose Blossom) H1-KEY (하이키) H1-KEY 1st Mini Album [Rose Blossom] 좋아요 91,864
73 1 미친 사랑의 노래 - 미친 사랑의 노래 김연지, DK(디셈버) 미친 사랑의 노래 좋아요 7,038
74 2 Dreamers [Music from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack] - Dreamers [Music from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack] (Feat. FIFA Sound) 정국, 방탄소년단 Dreamers [Music from the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Official Soundtrack] 좋아요 129,487
76 2 물론 - 물론 허각 물론 좋아요 39,980
77 1 취중고백 - 취중고백 김민석 (멜로망스) 취중고백 좋아요 172,835
78 3 D-DAY - 사람 Pt.2 (feat. 아이유) Agust D D-DAY 좋아요 76,999
79 Stay - STAY The Kid LAROI, Justin Bieber Stay 좋아요 271,851
80 1 잠깐 시간 될까 - 잠깐 시간 될까 이무진 잠깐 시간 될까 좋아요 58,093
81 1 항해 - 어떻게 이별까지 사랑하겠어, 널 사랑하는 거지 AKMU (악뮤) 항해 좋아요 414,242
82 Candy - Winter Special Mini Album - Candy NCT DREAM Candy - Winter Special Mini Album 좋아요 167,357
83 2 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) - 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 경서예지, 전건호 다정히 내 이름을 부르면 (경서예지 x 전건호) 좋아요 177,128
84 1 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 - 그중에 그대를 만나 김호중 삼남매가 용감하게 OST Part.1 좋아요 22,068
85 1 해요 (2022) - 해요 (2022)
해요 (2022) 좋아요 87,338
86 The Beginning: Cupid - Cupid FIFTY FIFTY The Beginning: Cupid 좋아요 115,440
87 NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' - ASAP NewJeans NewJeans 2nd EP 'Get Up' 좋아요 39,369
88 1 ISTJ - The 3rd Album - ISTJ NCT DREAM ISTJ - The 3rd Album 좋아요 65,831
89 1 Golden Hourglass - 여름이 들려 (Summer Comes) 오마이걸 (OH MY GIRL) Golden Hourglass 좋아요 23,333
90 2 ONGOING - 첫 키스에 내 심장은 120BPM 경서 ONGOING 좋아요 31,013
91 1 민들레 - 민들레 (single ver.) 우효 민들레 좋아요 129,477
92 1 사랑..그게 뭔데 - 사랑..그게 뭔데 지아 사랑..그게 뭔데 좋아요 26,283
93 1 Get A Guitar - Get A Guitar RIIZE Get A Guitar 좋아요 17,040
94 1 CHARLIE - That's Hilarious Charlie Puth CHARLIE 좋아요 173,314
95 1 I NEVER DIE - TOMBOY (여자)아이들 I NEVER DIE 좋아요 241,362
96 3 on the street (with J. Cole) - on the street (with J. Cole) j-hope, J. Cole on the street (with J. Cole) 좋아요 58,183
97 1 ISTJ - The 3rd Album - Yogurt Shake NCT DREAM ISTJ - The 3rd Album 좋아요 50,132
98 1 Better Things - Better Things aespa Better Things 좋아요 22,436
100 I feel - Allergy (여자)아이들 I feel 좋아요 64,896
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caninecowboy · 1 year
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you can see the trail of blood trent leaves my god
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weaversweek · 2 years
#Uncool500 - the big list (the top end)
Follow-up to (the bottom part) and (the bit in the middle)
Remember the #Uncool50 I did in October and November? A lot of other people did it as well, and contest sponsor @[email protected] has compiled a full #Uncool500 from our nominations.
This is the last of three posts, songs that got six or more nominations. Part 1 takes us through two and three noms, part 2 the fours and fives.
Each nomination was worth 10 points, but we could each nominate four singles for 11 points, and one song for 12 points.
Ties are broken in a lot of ways. Acts that had a lot of songs nominated went ahead of acts with just the one big hit. As the project is inspired by "This is Uncool", a handbook of great singles from the last quarter of the 20th century. Anything in that book gravitated to the top of the tie; anything from this century followed, and songs from the 20th century and not in the book came further down.
60 pts 108 Can't be sure - The Sundays 107 E=MC2 - Big Audio Dynamite 106 Pump up the volume - M|A|R|R|S 105 Video games - Lana del Rey 104 Crash - The Primitives 103 The sun always shines on tv - A-ha 102 Little fluffy clouds - The Orb 101 BOB (Bombs over Baghdad) - Outkast 100 Bela Lugosi's dead - Bauhaus 99 Paper planes - MIA 98 Make me feel - Janelle Monaé 97 Bittersweet symphony - The Verve 96 Ms Jackson - Outkast 95 Cloudbusting - Kate Bush 94 Being boiled - Human League 93 Killer - Adamski 92 Heroes - David Bowie 91 O Superman - Laurie Anderson 90 Shot by both sides - Magazine 89 Loser - Beck 88 The message - Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five 87 G'd save the queen - Sex Pistols
61 pts 86 Life in a northern town - Dream Academy 85 Yes - McAlmont & Butler 84 Smalltown boy - Bronski Beat 83 Getting away with it - Electronic 82 Levi Stubbs' tears - Billy Bragg 81 Go your own way - Fleetwood Mac 80 Slave to the rhythm - Grace Jones 79 Bring the noise - Public Enemy 78 Groove is in the heart - Deee-Lite 77 The mercy seat - Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds
62 pts 76 Blackstar - David Bowie 75 Hey ya! - Outkast 74 Geno - Sexist Midnight Runners 73 Fool's gold - The Stone Roses
63 pts 72 Babies - Pulp 71 Computer love - Kraftwerk 70 A forest - The Cure
64 pts 69 Teenage kicks - The Undertones
70 pts 68 Relax - Frankie Goes to Hollywood 67 Sabotage - The Beastie Boys 66 Freak like me - Sugababes 65 Sound and vision - David Bowie 64 Loaded - Primal Scream 63 Heart of glass - Blondie
71 pts 62 Fade to grey - Visage 61 Video killed the radio star - Buggles 60 Into the groove - Madonna 59 Take on me - A-ha 58 Come on Eileen - Sexist Midnight Runners and the Emerald Express 57 Windowlicker - Aphex Twin 56 Public image - Public Image Limited 55 Ever fallen in love - Buzzcocks 54 The killing moon - Echo and the Bunnymen 53 What time is love - The KLF 52 Hyperballad - Björk
72 pts 51 Cannonball - The Breeders 50 212 - Azealia Banks ft Lazy Jay 49 Can't get you out of my head - Kylie Minogue 48 Brimful of Asha - Cornershop 47 London calling - The Clash
73 pts 46 Protection - Massive Attack ft Tracey Thorn 45 Two tribes - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
74 pts 44 Lost in music - Sister Sledge
76 pts 43 Always on my mind - Pet Shop Boys
80 pts 42 Enjoy the silence - Depeche Mode 41 Glory box - Portishead 40 Motorcycle emptiness - Manic Street Preachers 39 Atomic - Blondie 38 Like a prayer - Madonna 37 Teardrop - Massive Attack 36 Senses working overtime - XTC
81 pts 35 How soon is now? - The Smiths 34 Ace of spades - Motörhead 33 Soon (Glider ep) - My Bloody Valentine 32 Firestarter - The Prodigy
83 pts 31 Freak scene - Dinosaur Jr
84 pts 30 I feel for you - Chaka Khan
85 pts 29 Life's what you make it - Talk Talk 28 West end girls - Pet Shop Boys
90 pts 27 1 thing - Amerie 26 Duel - Propaganda 25 There she goes - The La's
91 pts 24 Born slippy (nuxx) - Underworld
92 pts 23 Sign 'o' the times - Prince
93 pts 22 Ashes to ashes - David Bowie
94 pts 21 Ceremony - New Order
101 pts 20 Party fears two - The Associates
103 pts 19 Fight the power - Public Enemy 18 This charming man - The Smiths
110 pts 17 Tainted love - Soft Cell
112 pts 16 Another girl, another planet - The Only Ones 15 Biology - Girls Aloud
113 pts 14 Once in a lifetime - Talking Heads
123 pts 13 Buffalo stance - Neneh Cherry 12 Transmission - Joy Division
131 pts 11 Atmosphere - Joy Division
134 pts 10 When doves cry - Prince
143 pts 9 Smells like teen spirit - Nirvana
144 pts 8 Wuthering Heights - Kate Bush
145 pts 7 Unfinished sympathy - Massive Attack
156 pts 6 Love will tear us apart - Joy Division
157 pts 5 Ghost town - The Specials
168 pts 4 Blue Monday - New Order
180 pts 3 Are "friends" electric? - Tubeway Army 2 Common people - Pulp
239 pts 1 I feel love - Donna Summer
So, by a massive margin, Donna Summer proves to be the pick of Music Twitter (primarily on the Isles Trans-Manche, as assessed during autumn 2022).
But there are other popular music surveys. What happens if we put the #Uncool500 up against the #Top2000 as voted by NPO Radio 2 listeners in the Netherlands?
That would be another post.......
Footnotes 71 - "The model" charted separately at 269. 53 - The 1990 version, not 1992's "America: what time is love?" 25 - Combines nominations for the 1995 and 1996 versions; they're so close in time that it may not be clear from nomination order
0 notes
shorelinnes · 3 years
excuse me hun but could u leave links for all the clips u used in this absolutely jaw drop gorgeous edit https://intronnevermind.tumblr.com/post/653864326646710272/best-friend-8-years-with-bts-song-youre-my
the edit brought me to tears and your just a precious queen 👑 in this fandom and I admire u from afar <3
you're so sweet!! thank you <333 🥺
here's all the videos I used in order of how they appear:
1. 방탄소년단 Official Fancafe Greeting
2. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) Debut day 130613
3. [BANGTAN BOMB] Happy barbecue dance Performance - BTS (방탄소년단)
4. [EPISODE] 1st BTS Birthday Party (Jin chef of BTS)
5. 방탄소년들의 졸업 - Making Film
6. [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS' rhythmical farce! LOL - BTS (방탄소년단)
7. [BANGTAN BOMB] Welcome to BTS Class, Mr. Camera! - BTS (방탄소년단)
8. 방탄소년단 NOW BTS in Thailand!
9. [BANGTAN BOMB] Jutti Meri Oye~ Hoi~ Hoi~ (Catallena of Orange Caramel) - BTS (방탄소년단)
10. [BANGTAN BOMB] Jin and Jimin's Push-up time - BTS (방탄소년단)
11. [BANGTAN BOMB] it's tricky is title! BTS, here we go! (by Run–D.M.C.)
12. [BANGTAN BOMB] Show Me Your BBA SAE!! - BTS (방탄소년단)
13. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) 'MIC Drop' MV Shooting
14. [BANGTAN BOMB] '고민보다 GO (GOGO)' Dance Practice (Halloween ver.) - BTS (방탄소년단)
15. [BANGTAN BOMB] Jung Kook went to High school with BTS for graduation! - BTS (방탄소년단)
16. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) @ 2016 MMA
17 & 18. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) '피 땀 눈물' MV Shooting Sketch
19. Run BTS! 2018 - EP.51
22. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) '화양연화 Young Forever' Jacket Photo Shooting
23. Run BTS! 2017 - EP.28
25. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) @ 2018 MAMA in JAPAN
26. BTS (방탄소년단) '방탄회식' #2018BTSFESTA
27. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) '작은 것들을 위한 시 (Boy With Luv) feat. Halsey' MV Shooting Sketch
28. [2019 FESTA] BTS STAGE SELF CAM '앙팡맨 by BTS' @190518 New York
29. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) @2018 MAMA in HONG KONG
30. [BANGTAN BOMB] Behind the stage of ‘Boy With Luv’ (Heart ver.) - BTS (방탄소년단)
31. [BANGTAN BOMB] j-hope & Jimin Let's exercise - BTS (방탄소년단)
32. [BANGTAN BOMB] Rockin' out with invisible instruments - BTS (방탄소년단)
33. [BANGTAN BOMB] What happened during the V LIVE - BTS (방탄소년단)
34. BTS (방탄소년단) BON VOYAGE Season 4 Preview Clip 2 : 大 환장 하이 텐션
35. [BANGTAN BOMB] RM, Jin & V having fun singing songs - BTS (방탄소년단)
36. & 37. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) @ 2019 MMA
38. [2020 FESTA] BTS (방탄소년단) 'Airplane pt.2' (Summer ver.) @ 2018 SUMMER PACKAGE in SAIPAN
39. [2020 FESTA] BTS (방탄소년단) '방탄생파' #2020BTSFESTA
40. [BANGTAN BOMB] The No No Game - BTS (방탄소년단)
41. BTS WORLD TOUR 'LOVE YOURSELF: SPEAK YOURSELF' in Wembley Stadium (I don't have a link for this one since it's vlive+ but if you look up qdeoks on twitter you should be able to find it 😉)
42. [BANGTAN BOMB] 'MAP OF THE SONG : 7' Behind the Scenes - BTS (방탄소년단)
43. [BANGTAN BOMB] Dance With BTS @ BTS POP-UP : HOUSE OF BTS - BTS (방탄소년단)
44. Run BTS! 2021 - EP.131
45. [BANGTAN BOMB] Jin's selfie time - BTS (방탄소년단)
46. Run BTS! 2021 - EP.128
47. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) @ 62nd GRAMMY Awards
48. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) 'Dynamite' MV Shooting Sketch
49. [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS STAGE SELF-CAM '등골브레이커' @ 190615 MAGIC SHOP - BTS (방탄소년단)
51. [BANGTAN BOMB] Let's warm up! - BTS (방탄소년단)
52. [BANGTAN BOMB] BTS Donut Time - BTS (방탄소년단)
53. #LifeGoesOn1onHot100 (twitter)
54. [BANGTAN BOMB] Bickering Over a Camera, and the Winner Is? - BTS (방탄소년단)
55. [EPISODE] BTS (방탄소년단) @ 2019 MAMA
56. [2021 FESTA] BTS (방탄소년단) ‘방림이네 사진관 (Mission! BTS 4 Cuts)’ #2021BTSFESTA
57. [2021 FESTA] BTS (방탄소년단) ‘아미 만물상점’ #2021BTSFESTA
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deadcactuswalking · 4 years
REVIEWING THE CHARTS: 13/02/2021 (Digga D, AJ Tracey, Cardi B)
It’s not as big of a week as it is just a confusing one, so there’s no pre-amble. Olivia Rodrigo spends a fifth week at #1 with “drivers license” and let’s start REVIEWING THE CHARTS.
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I started writing this a bit later than usual so I just want to rush through most of what’s here. The songs dropping out of the UK Top 75 are either debuts from not long ago like “Notorious” by Bugzy Malone featuring Chip and “Lo Vas A Olvidar” by Billie Eilish and ROSALÍA, or songs that have been here for a while, like “Monster”  by Shawn Mendes and Justin Bieber, “Holy” by Justin Bieber featuring Chance the Rapper and “Dynamite” by BTS. We even have some #1 hits dropping out of the Top 75 this week, like “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac, “WAP” by Cardi B featuring Megan Thee Stallion and “Shallow” by Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper. In terms of fallers, we have, seemingly, some of the older Winter cuts being replaced, as we see “Sweet Melody” by Little Mix getting a harsh streaming cut down to #30,  “Whoopty” by CJ down to #33, “Levitating” by Dua Lipa and remixed by DaBaby down to #34 (although this could rebound given the album release), “you broke me first” by Tate McRae at #37, “SO DONE” by The Kid YAOI at #57, “All I Want” by Olivia Rodrigo at #61, “Looking for Me” by Diplo, Paul Woodford and Kareen Lomax at #62, “Train Wreck” by James Arthur at #63, “See Nobody” by Wes Nelson and Hardy Caprio at #64, “Take You Dancing” by Jason Derulo at #65, “Therefore I Am” by Billie Eilish at #68, “Before You Go” by Lewis Capaldi at #72 and “Golden” by Harry Styles at #73, as well as some more recent debuts, including the entirety of Fredo’s album impact from last week, as “Money Talks” with Dave is at #11, “Ready” with Summer Walker at #31 and “Burner on Deck” with Young Adz and the late Pop Smoke at #32. “Skin” by Sabrina Carpenter and “Apricots”  by Bicep aren’t faring that well either, at #51 and #56 respectively. When I said these songs are being replaced, I wasn’t overestimating anything as we have our new crop of hits seemingly all surging, as “Martin & Gina” by Polo G is at #54, “Be the One” by Rudimental, MORGAN, TIKE and Digga D is at #49, “Best Friend” by Saweetie featuring Doja Cat is at #42, “My Head & My Heart” by Ava Max is at #35, “Love Not War (The Tampa Beat)” by Jason Derulo and Nuka is at #27, “Heat Waves” by Glass Animals is at #24, “Your Love (9PM)” by ATB, Topic and A7S is at #23 (it’s honestly starting to grow on me), and “Blinding Lights” by the Weeknd is somehow back up to #20. Speaking of the top 20, we also have “Friday” by Riton, Nightcrawlers and Musafa & Hypeman dopamine re-editing itself up to #16, “Save Your Tears” also by the Weeknd at #15, and two new top 10 hits, both songs with basically the same chart run and genre. “Goosebumps” by Travis Scott, remixed by HVME, remixed by Travis Scott is at #10, becoming HVME’s first and Travis’ fourth top 10 hit here in Britain. We also have “The Business” by Tiesto grooving up to #7, becoming Tiesto’s fourth top 10 hit. I honestly feel bad for the still completely uncredited vocalist. We also have a third new top 10 entry but that’s a debut that we can discuss later. I should also note that “Roses” by SAINt JHN and remixed by Imanbek is back at #74, and a winning Eurovision song, “Arcade”, by Dutch singer Duncan Lawrence is also back at #39 off of the back of some TikTok traction. I think this is the most streamed Eurovision now – I’d watch out for this being a big hit. Welp, time to get into our really, and I mean REALLY, varied and weird crop of new arrivals, starting with...
#75 – “Roadtrip” – Dream and PmBata
Produced by Banrisk and Perish Beats
Okay, so this is a song by Minecraft YouTuber Dream, or at least that’s who I think he is. I think there was some kind of scandal related to him, and a couple people got involved and someone got doxed... listen, I don’t care. Not only is this song really not worthy of reviewing on the principle that unlike Wilbur Soot a couple weeks ago, Dream has never been a musician, which is clear from how involved no-name singer PmBata was in this, but I care for my private information not being made public so... What ridiculous excuse do I have to not review this? Okay, 1997 reggae-rock classic “Doin’ Time” by Sublime returns to #75 after Boris Johnson made a TikTok in the Houses of Parliament where he says “Pogchamp, Brexiteers, I just got tested for COVID-19” with the song in the background, and Joe Biden is on a Zoom call with him a few seconds later visibly annoyed because he prefers the New Radicals. Sure, let’s go with that. What was this entry about again?
#71 – “Goodbye” – Imanbek and Goodboys
Produced by Joris Mur, Imanbek and Goodboys
Everyone’s favourite Kazakh house producer Imanbek is finally back on the charts with his collaboration with British pop trio Goodboys, who you may know from their carbon-copy hits made with MEDUZA. After listening to that EP he made with Rita Ora, I’m slightly less impressed with Imanbek’s production, but that EP’s impact, if any, will be seen when the lead single featuring David Guetta and Gunna debuts low next week. Yes, seriously, all four on the same track. Anyway, this song, “Goodbye”, is actually pretty okay, with a generic deep house groove and fake hand-clap effectively saved by the Goodboys’ really intriguing vocal delivery and processing, which ends up in a Travis Scott-like Auto-Tune harmony that’s honestly pretty endearing right before the anti-climactic slap-house drop. The song’s lyrical content probably isn’t worth talking about, but it’s about a generic struggle with a break-up, and how hard it is for one of these good boys to say good bye. The build-up with the pre-chorus before the blue-balls second drop is kind of genius, and that’s probably my favourite part of the song outside of the abrupt vocaloid drop at the end. For what it’s worth, it takes more risks than most of these house-pop songs, most notably by having only a single verse in the middle of the song, and being really short, clocking in at less than two and a half minutes. It’s not as infectious as “Piece of Your Heart”, but this is fine. I’m glad it’s here if it’s going to give Imanbek another non-Rita Ora-assisted hit.
#60 – “Little Bit of Love” – Tom Grennan
Produced by Jamie Scott, LOSTBOY and Daniel Bryer
Tom Grennan is an English singer-songwriter who released their debut record in 2016 and was crowned by the BBC as the “Sound of 2017”, before dropping off the face of the Earth. He was brought to fame by a guest feature on a Chase & Status song that didn’t even do that well and now he’s back with the lead single from his upcoming sophomore effort, and his highest ever charting song. Well, is it any good? I mean, I like OneRepublic too. The rising strings here in the intro and chorus are pretty cool, and I’ll give it to Grennan for having an interesting voice but the odd level of grit in it does not fit well for this plastic production, which quickly devolves into vaguely danceable synth-mess that’s just not interesting. The content is mostly about unconditional love, particularly one that feels not particularly reciprocated, although some of the detail in the second verse feels like it’s going somewhere. I’ll admit, the chorus is catchy, but this mix puts way too much emphasis on a flawed vocal take from Grennan, which really detracts from the pathetic excuse for a bridge. I do enjoy how this feels like a flash-back to the mid-2010s, where happier, synth-based pop was this prominent, and I do love how the strings come back in the outro, but good production can’t do much to save a song that just feels under-cooked and definitely under-written. The OneRepublic comparison feels particularly fitting here too because their stuff tends to be just as stagnant, not to mention the lyrical riffs off of “Counting Stars”. I mean, when you start your first verse – in the first 10 or so seconds of the track – with the most recognisable part of a very recognisable song, I think Ryan Tedder deserves at least some royalties.
#58 – “Astronaut in the Ocean” – Masked Wolf
Produced by Tyron Hapi
Masked Wolf is an Australian singer and this song is actually from June 2019, just gaining enough traction, presumably off of TikTok, to debut on the charts this week. The song got a 2021 reissue and I assume a remix and, well... for God’s sake. The Kid LAROI should not have been an entry point for Australian trap, because outside of a second or two of distortion in the intro, this is far from unique. It has a guitar-based trap instrumental with dark 808s that even Gunna would pass up on, and an Auto-Tuned delivery from Masked Wolf, clearly trying too hard to replicate Drake in the intro and bridge, Kid Cudi in the chorus, G-Eazy in the first verse, Eminem AND Kendrick on the second verse, to the point where he even directly references Kendrick Lamar’s much better music. He suffers from the same problems as all of these artists combined, with lyrics that seem like they’re building up off of something interesting about depression before going into aimless flexing like a mid-tier Kid Cudi track, flows that sound as meandering and checked-out as Drake’s, the failed attempt at some kind of white-boy swagger that G-Eazy hasn’t pulled off successfully since 2016, the substance-less content hidden behind fast flows from Eminem and... oh, my God, this guy’s just like Australian Logic. I don’t like American Logic, why do we need this guy too? Yeah, this is bad, and there’s not much worth nitpicking in this mix or even the lyrics to even point out. I guess the worst bar is when he says he believes in G-O-D but not a T-H-O-T. So he’s a slut-shaming NF now? Jesus Christ, I’d take a full album from The Kid LAROI over this.
So the next two songs are ones I’ll actually need to somewhat lump together, as they are consecutive on the chart and both from the same album, and the same washed-up band.
#53 – “Waiting on a War” – Foo Fighters
Produced by Greg Kurstin
We have two songs from Dave Grohl and friends here from their latest album, Medicine at Midnight, technically three if we count the entire top 100, which means, yes, the UK just had a Foo Fighters album bomb. I’ll focus on the album as a whole with the next song because this is easily the worse track here and the worst track on the album purely out of how misguided it is. Dave Grohl wrote this song because he felt inspired by the current hell-scape of the political climate, reminding him of his own youth when he was surrounded by rising Cold War tensions. His young daughter asked him if there was going to be a war and naturally this song came out of it, reflecting on the fears he and his daughter have and that everyone deserves a future and a lifetime not taken away from them by conflict and fear. This is a good song idea but it absolutely does not work, and that’s partially down to the production. When I first heard this track on the album, I genuinely grimaced at the vocoder-mumble that Grohl takes on against the scratchy acoustic guitars. The whole point of the instrumentation is that it builds tension with rising strings, multi-tracked acoustics and eventually some electric guitars and powerful drums, yet because of how slow-paced the song is, it fails to mirror the rising tension of the prospect of there being a war. Instead, it’s a slog and its pay-off by the end feels unwarranted in the most boring way. Sure, the squeals of the guitars in the back of the mix sound good, but surely a song like this should not end like any of the Foo Fighters’ other pop-rock anthems, especially not as abruptly as it does. Wouldn’t you want a more subdued outro to comfort your daughter’s fears that at least right now, everything’s okay? That would make the most sense to me, but that’s thrown out of the window, with pathetic songwriting, with verses that play word association with the blandest of rhymes, seemingly irrelevant pop-song-generator filer and a chorus that is mind-numbingly repetitive but ultimately fails to build tension because of the content asking us to wait, constantly, even when it gets into its heavier rock tone. We’re supposed to wait for something that is only implied to never come, because there isn’t finality. Sure, that could work as a way of saying that Grohl is just as uncertain and scared as his daughter is about political conflict, but that would imply this song gives off any further emotion than the fact the Foo Fighters felt the need to cut a vaguely political track out of necessity. As a song, and as an album, Dave Grohl is utterly confused, and “Waiting on a War” is way too slow and non-specific to act as a protest song, as well as being way too on-the-nose for it to work as a ballad. Let’s talk about this next single.
#52 – “Making a Fire” – Foo Fighters
Produced by Greg Kurstin
What the hell is Greg Kurstin doing here? This is the first track on the album and is supposed to make some kind of gripping impact but is instead just a snoozefest. The choral female vocals sound bored, but at least it’s not as strained as the struggling Dave Grohl trying and failing to yelp over a stiff groove which has its momentum killed by drumming too slow and mixed too oddly to make this pre-chorus even coherent, not helped by Grohl’s butt-rock delivery and non-descript lyrics. There could be a guitar solo here, to make this track feel memorable, but no, it’s hidden under a pre-chorus with an extended gospel bridge that doesn’t build up effectively to a chorus that just comes crashing in and hence has no effect. Maybe I just can’t listen to arena  rock in a quarantine context, but I can’t even imagine this making much of a fuss in a packed stadium without desperately needing tweaks in the songwriting and especially the production, because this just sounds stunted. It’s telling that Grohl made his best tracks as the Foo Fighters on his own and those first two records, alongside a pretty decent 2014 comeback in the form of Sonic Highways, are still great. I’m not denying that Grohl can write a good song, or that the Food Figures can’t play, because they’re all talented guys. This is just one album in many that leaves me with the feeling that these guys just can’t do much more outside of their comfort zone than fail miserably. These songs won’t stick around, and thank God for that.
#50 – “Believe Me” – Navos
Produced by Tom Demac and Navos
Another week, another... okay, but we already had a generic pop-infused deep house track from a couple EDM randos, do we really need another? Okay, well, this one is even less interesting than Imanbek’s effort as it doesn’t even try for a verse, instead going for a deep house groove I’ve heard countless times before, drowned out by some square synths and, yes, you guessed it, 90s piano loops and an uncredited female vocalist repeating basically the same couple lines over and over. This is made for the clubs, but I feel like even regular club-goers would tire of this vocaloid drop and cloudy production two minutes in. There’s nothing worth discussing here, because this probably took as many minutes to make as it did to listen to. I have no idea why Navos debuts a song so high, but I’ve got to assume TikTok’s to blame. Apparently this guy makes tech house, where’d any of that skill or intrigue go here?
#21 – “Up” – Cardi B
Produced by Sean Island, DJ SwanQo and Yung Dza
Anyone else surprised at how such a big name gets production from people I’ve never heard of before? Not that it matters, it’s just odd. Anyways, this is Cardi’s new single, presumably from that ever-elusive second album, debuting around 20 spots lower than it will in the US, and it’s going for a more gangsta-rap content than the hyper-sexual “WAP”, but does she keep the same energy? Well, yes... in fact, after all the mediocrity, I’m glad to have a genuinely great song debut this week. This is a great, bass-heavy beat that gives a Memphis phonk feel in the dark keys as well as the hard-hitting 808s and spacey percs and sound effects that add some needed distortion, even if there’s going to be some brief clipping along the way. Cardi brings some necessary energy from the brilliant opening lyrics and continues with a fast-paced, chanting flow that accentuates some of her funnier lyrics with her charisma that she always brings to a trap track like this. I’d say that this is maybe too repetitive – with very little of the verses to speak of – or even somewhat derivative of her previous song, “Money”, but there’s a lot better lyrical content in this one, not to mention how well she complements a more straight-forward but still killer beat. Oh, yeah, and Cardi’s stacks are Shaq-height as she dismisses haters with an impressive level of swagger and confidence, that carries the refrain, but that’s not to say the lyrics aren’t really great in the verses. There’s genuinely funny and sexy wordplay here, especially in the second verse, and also some great liners: “hoes speakin’ cap-anese”, accusing her haters of having pink-eye and their breath smelling like “horse sex”. This is a short, probably underdeveloped song, but it’s the type of surreal, high-energy trap I kind of really love and I hope this sticks around further in the UK.
#19 – “Latest Trends” – A1 x J1
Produced by ShoBeatz
A1 x J1 are a British rap duo with no other songs. Yeah, something’s fishy here: this is their only song on Spotify that blew up from a 15-second clip on TikTok, and their Spotify bio is trying to decide whether they’re the next D-Block Europe or the Beatles, as well as really emphasising how the song grew “all organically”, even though they’re already signed to Universal... yeah, there’s nothing subtle here, so I won’t buy this TikTok fame schtick, but does it matter when the song is good? Well, not really, and honestly, I’m kind of into this guitar-based drill-R&B fusion in the beat, but it doesn’t really help the fact that J1’s Stormzy impression is janky and unconvincing, especially if he’s going to try for some shallow wordplay, and that A1’s Auto-Tuned croon is just boring, reminding me a lot of A Boogie wit da Hoodie, but with a less recognisable voice and delivery, even if the first verse contains a funny line about a woman making that ass clap “for the NHS”, although he totally took that from Swarmz anyway. Yeah, I’m not a fan of this fake attempt at an organic pop-drill crossover, but unfortunately, I can very much see this working, though I’d be happy if the British public will see through this dishonesty as soon as possible.
#5 – “Bringing it Back” – Digga D and AJ Tracey
Produced by TheElements and AoD
Now for a rap duo that makes more sense to debut this high and are actually, you know, separately successful rappers, therefore they debut in the top five, which is impressive. The whole concept of this song is that Digga D and AJ Tracey are using old flows, those that would be nostalgic to their deeper fan base, to spit bars on a new track called, fittingly “Bringing it Back”. The flow AJ Tracey brings back is from his overlong “Packages” freestyle, a five-minute track from 2016, that works more as a freestyle than it does as a song, where he uses a familiar UK drill flow to go off for a really long time, and, yes, it is pretty impressive but the flow becomes stale too quickly. Digga D uses his flow from his “Next Up?” freestyle from 2017, a similarly badly-mixed UK drill freestyle but with a much more palatable length. Digga D’s flow he uses in that track is arguably slicker but honestly one that I see used a lot in UK drill and by Digga D, so I’m not sure it’s not worth “bringing it back” when you could come up with a new, catchier flow. I’ll admit that “Bringing it Back”, however, is a pretty damn good song, with Digga D’s more technical and fluid flow allowing for a lot more intricate internal rhymes that sound really great over the triumphant, string-heavy drill beat, as he trades bars with AJ Tracey’s slower but more confident, laid-back flow, which allows him to spit some more specific, interesting bars, some of which really hit, like when he says he “locked up the food for the kids like Boris and then I let it go like Rashford”. Hey, I respect it, I haven’t heard a more clever way of intertwining political commentary with cocaine smuggling since Pusha T last released a record. The way AJ Tracey and Digga D play off of each other’s lines is really smooth, and especially how Digga D plays with the beat, as while his lyrics may be less interesting, they mash perfectly with the beat’s frantic fades in and out, especially in his last lines before the first chorus, where he asks for the track to literally be turned off... and it is. So, yeah, I’m pretty damn happy with this debuting so high off the energy alone, even if Digga D is going to pronounce “LOL” like a one-syllable word. I’d say this is actually a really good starting point for people who want to get into more UK drill because it has a lot of the grit and menace of the genre in a more accessible, catchy form, even if it may run a bit too long for my taste.
Wow, what a weird, weird week... and a lot of it was straight garbage. I’m giving Best of the Week to “Up” by Cardi B, with an Honourable Mention to Digga D and AJ Tracey for “Bringing it Back”, though Worst of the Week is pretty much a toss-up. I’ll give it to the Foo Fighters for “Waiting on a War”, with a Dishonourable Mention tied between “Astronaut in the Ocean” by Masked Wolf and “Believe Me” by Navos for just both being worthless. Anyways, here’s our top 10:
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The UK Singles Chart is honestly kind of chaotic right now – even more so than usual – and I don’t see that changing. Even if I don’t like all of the songs, it’s at least compelling. Anyways, thank you for reading and you can follow me @cactusinthebank on Twitter if you want. I can’t really make any predictions for next week other than Taylor Swift re-recording her own music and I guess some impact from Rita Ora and Imanbek, or hopefully, slowthai. Regardless of what happens, I’ll see you next week!
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shiroichou · 6 years
Masterpost VIXX variety shows, radio podcasts and special performances part 2
Billboard Full group VIXX plays “How well do you know your band     mates?” (140820)
Daum VIXX Flawless Talk Show: Full group part 1, 2, 3 (141013)
JTBC Off to school RAW:     N eps 53p1 53p2, 54p2, 55p1 55p2, 56p1 56p2 (150721-150811, short     clips  🇬🇧: from ep54
JTBC 100 people 100 songs: Ken & N ep 28 - cover     clips ‘Rustic’, ‘Tears’ cover, ‘To you again’ (150512)
JTBC Best Combi: Ravi with Ha Sungwoon ep 10 youtube clip     (190818) 
JTBC Five Cranky Brothers: Ravi ep 11 (200130)
JTBC Knowing Brother: Ravi ep 223 (200328)
MBig TV Celebrity Brother 🇬🇧 : N with Lee     Wonkeun eps 31, 32, 33, 34 (160531-160621) | Hongbin with B1A4′s     Gongchan eps 48, 49,  50, 51  (161101-161122) 
Jiangsu Television Heroes of Remix (Chinese): Full group performance of ep 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 (160703-160814) 
Mobidic’s “JungDaeMan” (Overwatch): Hongbin & Hyuk vs. Monsta X’ Minhyuk, Kihun and I.M Ep 6  🇬🇧 , 7  🇬🇧 , 8, 9, 10, 11  (161024-161121)
OnStyle Lipstick Prince RAW: N S2E03 🇬🇧 -S2E10 (170413-170602)  
Dingo: Ken Lost Lullaby Live (160413) | VIXX Dynamite Karaoke (160425) | VIXX Shangrila Live (170516) | Hongbin & Hyuk Flower Intern’s Lucky Box (170520) | N What if N made a personal fan sign? (170825) | Ravi What if Ravi washed your hair in the hair salon? (171209) | VIXX Scentist Tipsy Karaoke & Rock Ur Body(180427) | Hyuk What if you have a date with Hyuk? (180714) | Dingo School - Soccer training with VRVR and Leo p1, p2 (191228
SkyDrama Jukebox: Ken singing BIGBANG’s Fxxk It (170226)
Humon ‘Star that says Star’ 🇬🇧 : Full group Shangri-La era (170517) 
Pikicast: VIXX LR  After Mom Falls Asleep ASMR challenge (170908), , Ken ‘Last Greeting before enlistment’ p1 p2 (200530)
MBN ‘Real Life Men and Women‘ RAW: Ken S2Ep6 (180914) S2Ep7 180921), S2Ep7 (180921) + cameo Ravi | Ken S2Ep8-S2Ep11 (180928-181019), S2Ep12 full + cut subbed (181026)
YinYueTai Award: Full group in Beijing 160410
YinYueTai ‘StarTV’: Full group in Macau (170407), (170408)
YinYueTai ‘interview: Full group Chained up era p1 p2 p3 (151224) | Closer era (161230)
YinYueTai ‘Idol Discovery’: Full group Scentist Self Interview (180522)
Seezn Idol Troops Camp: Ravi with Taemin & Ha Sungwoon Ep 1, 2, 3, 4 (200528-200605) 
Gems Geniemusic Media Studio: Ken Keyword Live + Interview     (200521-200522)
Radio podcasts
KBS Cool FM ‘Kiss The Radio’ : Full group on Super Junior Ryewook’s Kiss The Radio SuKiRa G.R.8.U. era (130810) | on Jang Yoon Ju’s Rooftop Radio Thank you for my love era (131212) | N as telephone guest for Shinee’s Key (140313) | Full group Eternity era p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 (140529) | Hongbin as telephone quiz guest for B1A4′s Gongchan (140729) | Full group Error era p1 p2 p3 p4 (141016) | Leo as telephone quiz guest for BEAST Yangseob (2014) | Full group Sukira TV Love Equation era p1 p2 p3 (150305) | VIXX LR Beautiful Liar p1 p2 | Full group Chained Up era RAW (151118) | Fantasy era p1 p2 (160823) | Ravi on Hongki’s Kiss the Radio HongKiRa Ravi VIXX & Thunder RAW (170118) |  Full group Shangri La [Hongkira - Quiz Cut] (170526 )
MBC Radio:  Full group on ShinDong’s SSTP VIXX Voodoo era (131205) |  Kim Shinyoung Midday’s Song of Hope Radio Error era p1 p2 p3 (141106) | Ravi on Yang Yoseob’s Dreaming Radio for ‘Adorable’-collab (180912)
SBS Power FM ‘Cultwo Show’: Full group Fantasy era RAW (160818) | Full Group Shangri-La era part 1, 2 (170518) | VIXX LR Whisper era part 1, 2 (170831) | Full group Scentist era (180419) | Leo Touch&Sketch era (180829)
SBS Power FM ‘VIXXNKPOP’: VIXX RAW (150502) | SEVENTEEN (150621) | Mamamoo RAW (150625) | N’s B-Day broadcast p1, p2 (150701) | BtoB Special p1, p2, p3, p4 (150709) | APink (150730) | GOT7 (150806) | Okdal RAW (150813) | VIXX LR p1, p2, p3, p4 (150820)
(Lee Guk Joo’s) Youngstreet Radio: Full Group Scentist era part 1, 2 (180423) | Ravi as Special MC ep 1 (181022), ep 2 (181023), ep 3 (181025) | Ken (200525) 
Naver Now (Radio) ‘Ravi’s Question Mark’: ep 1 with EXO Kai (200601) + snippets subbed,  ep 2 with VIXX Ken (200603) + snippets subbed, ep 6     with Ha Sungwoon (200617) – eps 3-5, 7-13 check yt channel momo
Special Concert Performances / Year end shows 
Mnet Mcountdown Special Stage: Full group dancing to Sechs Kies’ ‘Pom Saeng Pom Sa’ (2012) 
Mnet Mcountdown Dancing9 Special Stage: VIXX in ‘Love Stoned’ (2013)
SBS Star face Off Chuseok Special: ot5 cover Wonder Girls ‘So Hot’ (130920)
KBS Music Bank Special Stage: N & Leo & Ken & Hongbin with Girls Day - Trouble Maker’s ‘Now’ (131220) | Hyuk in UKISS’ ‘Am I That Easy‘ (160902) | Full group in Camilla Cabello’s  ‘Havana’ official video and fancam (180323) 
MBC 400th Show Music Core: Hongbin Boys Day’s ‘Something’  (140308)
Mnet Mcountdown 10th anniversary: Full group singing to TVXQ’s ‘Hug’ (2014)
MBC Show Champion Special Stage: Full group Error (accoustic ver.) (141231)
2014 Korean Music Festival: Full group Error (remix & dance ver.)
2014 SBS Hallyu Dream Concert: Leo TVXQ’s Mirotic Special Stage, Full group with BTOB Special Stage  
2014 KBS Song Festival Full group with 2PM & BTS Power Performance (150114)
SBS Inkigayo Special Stage: N in Six Flying Dragons - Ultra Dance Festival (UDF) (160717) 
2016 KBS Song Festival: Ken with mom ‘Mother’ (170101)
2017 Golden Disk Award Special Stage: Ken with Got7′s Youngjae Never Let You Go 
2017 MBC Music Festival: Full group Shangri-La (remix version)
KCON LA: Full group full performance (170819), Mnet clip (170831)
IOC of Winter Olympic Games: Full group perf. Wind of Starlight & Shangri-La (180207).
2018 KBS Song Festival: Scentist ‘Possession’ perf (181228) 
2018 MBC Music Festival: Scentist ‘Resurrection’ (181231)
Ice Fantasia 2019: Hyuk ‘Boy with a star’ with figure skater Cha Junhwan (190420)
You are looking for the title shows or tv shows from KBS, SBS and MBC? Please take a look at part 1...
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