#e-0094 ^
theshootingraistar · 6 months
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so it's @dreamscape-popstar's birthday today, so i figured i'd draw them something. here, have a Caret.
oh and here's some wallpapers-
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日・月 休廊
tel/fax : 052-753-4638
For Overseas customer
Please contact at following mail-address
Kazuo Hotta in charge
Rust, dead leaves, and leaning houses seem beautiful to us because we are moved by and sympathize with their accumulated traces.
These things, which may be beyond our control, remind us of various things in a vivid and colorful way.
Since the spring of this year, I have been taking notes of the things I see, replacing them with words, because I feel that thinking in terms of words rather than visual information is closer to the act of remembering a person and provides more information.
I began to take notes of things I saw, replacing them with words, and the beings depicted with words began to seem more human, and their "background" became exaggerated.
As I continued this process, I realized that when I really think of people, it is not when I try to remember them, but rather when I suddenly come into contact with a nostalgic sight or sound.
If I can create works that allow people to feel the warmth of others through familiar words, shapes, and colors, I believe that I can naturally empathize and connect with someone somewhere.
I hope to depict the mere existence of "people" that transcends age and sex, and the existence of gentle "life" without conflict.
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nejiresoukakusuigun · 2 years
 紙片は縦横比が1:1.654の横長で、白い用紙の上に横書きで日本語の文字が並んでいる。文字情報は用紙左側に左揃えで整列し、その整列から外れた用紙右上部にはロゴマークがついている。ロゴマークは「T」の文字に惑星環の意匠を取り入れた青色のデザインをしており、「Telesto Technologies」というロゴとセットになっている。左揃えで整列している文字情報の最上部には「株式会社Telesto Technologies」との記載があり、この文字列はロゴと同様の青色で、サンセリフ体である。その下に続いて、「インテリジェンス事業部」、改行、「エンジニア」とあり、これは黒色のゴシック体である。続けて行を改めたのちに、これまでのフォントよりも2.5倍ほどの大きさのゴシック体で「姫野伊織」とあり、その下部には小さなローマン体の「Himeno Iori」が添えられている。その下部には再び小さな、ややウェイトを落としたフォントで、「〒102-0094 東京都千代田区紀尾井町8番1号 紀尾井フロントプレイス22階」とある。続けて「Tel:」「E-mail:」と記載があり、それぞれに連絡先を特定する文字列が続いているが、いずれも差し出されている現在では有効なものではない。
 次の紙片を確認すると、紙片はやはり縦横比が1:1.654の横長で、白い用紙の上に横書きで日本語の文字が並んでいる。紙面の左上にはマークが置かれており、赤色の円に同じく赤色の二本の直線が重なり、うち一本は円の外で鉤のように折り返している。続けて「NAKA」のサンセリフ体のロゴが、やはり赤で配置されている。同じ赤の細い水平線がセクションを区切り、その下に続けて、いずれも黒の明朝体の左揃えで「次世代コミュニケーション研究部門」、改行、「越時知性研究室」、改行、「研究員」。改行して大きなフォントで「姫野伊織」とある。紙面の下部には「株式会社那珂技術研究所」とあり、住所「〒211-0053 神奈川県川崎市中原区上小田中8丁目1-1」、電話番号、メールアドレスの情報が記載されている。最下部の余白にはごく小さなフォントで「地球環境にやさしい紙を使用しています」とある。また、「姫野伊織」の右側のスペースには、藍色の市松模様を環状にしたエンブレム、「TOKYO 2020」、青、黄、黒、緑、赤の五輪、さらに同じく藍色の市松模様が上部を開いているエンブレム、「TOKYO 2020 PARALYMPICS GAMES」、赤、青、緑の動きを思わせるシンボルがつき、それらをとりまとめる下部に「東京2020オフィシャルパートナー」の文字が配置されている。
 次の紙片を確認すると、先のものと全体的な印象は変わらないが、「次世代コミュニケーション研究部門」、「越時知性研究室」に続いていた「研究員」の部分が「主任研究員」となっている。また、「東京2020オフィシャルパートナー」の記載がエンブレムを含めてなくなっており、それらがあったスペースには代わりに、二つのマークが並んでいる。左側は、黒色で「B」、「S」、「I」の三文字を組み合わせてハート型としたものを円で囲い、上部に「bsi」と表記したロゴ、その隣には、青い四角形の地に、簡略化された人を表現する「i」に似たシルエットが抜かれ、そのマークの下部に「ISMS-AC」および「ISO 27001」と記載されている。
 次の紙片を確認すると、紙片の縦横比はやはり1:1.654であるが、長辺を縦とする縦型となっている。白い用紙に、黒の明朝体の日本語文字列のみが縦書きで配置されており、ロゴマークやエンブレムの類い、あるいは黒以外の色味の印刷は存在しない。紙面の右側に「文部科学省」。続けて、「研究開発局 宇宙開発課 技術専門官」とある。紙面の中央に「姫野伊織」。紙面の左側には「〒100-8959 東京都千代田区霞が関3丁目2番2号」、続けて電話番号とメールアドレスの記載がある。
 次の紙片を確認すると、紙片は再び横型に戻るが、縦横比が先ほどまでと異なり1:1.75となっており、寸法としても先ほどまでよりも一回り小さく、より細長い形になっている。記載されている文字列は全て英字である。紙面の右肩にロゴマークがあり、青色の円のなかに白い点で遥か彼方の星々、それに周回する惑星が表現されており、赤いV字形の紋章が組み込まれたデザインの中央に、「NASA」とある。ロゴマークの右側にはサンセリフ体で「National Astronauts and Space Administration」とあり、紙面中央部に中央揃えで、この部分だけがややウェイトのあるフォントで「Iori Himeno」、その下に「Senior Researcher」、改行、「Omni-time Presence, External Affairs」とある。左下と右下にそれぞれ左揃えの文字列のブロックがあり、左下のブロックには「NASA Ames Research Center」、「236 De France Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043」とあり、右下のブロックには電話番号とメールアドレスが記載されている。
 次の紙片を確認すると、この紙片が現在の私たちの前に差し出されているものである。紙片の縦横比は1:1.654の縦置きで、「文部科学省」のものと似たデザインであるが、これには「外務省」とあり、「総合外交政策局 国連政策課 首席事務官」と続く。紙面の中央に「姫野伊織」。
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lushrgv · 2 months
Lush Smoke Shop
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Discover Lush Smoke Shop in Hidalgo, TX, your go-to spot for exclusive CBD vapes, THCA flowers, stylish accessories, and a variety of energy and hydration drinks. Located at 2206 E Hwy 281, our shop offers a luxurious, dispensary-like atmosphere ideal for both tourists and locals. Experience top-tier products and exceptional service in a modern and elegant setting. Visit us for a unique shopping experience.
Business Hours: Mon — Sat: 11am — 11pm | Sun: 11am — 5pm Payment Methods: Cash, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, Cash App Year Establish: August 7 2024 Contact Name: rogelio de luna
Contact info- Lush Smoke Shop Address: 2206 E HWY 281 suite 7, Hidalgo, TX, USA 78557 Phone number: +1 (956) 627–0094 Business Mail: [email protected] Website: http://4.www.lushrgv.com/
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irtextiles · 2 months
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eternitycomenevermore · 7 months
0092 ラジオネーム名無しさん 2022/10/17(月) 16:01:55.90
0093 ラジオネーム名無しさん 2022/10/17(月) 16:06:44.00
0094 ラジオネーム名無しさん 2022/10/17(月) 17:06:37.34
0095 ラジオネーム名無しさん 2022/10/18(火) 01:09:31.69
0096 ラジオネーム名無しさん 2022/10/18(火) 01:28:06.02
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0100 ラジオネーム名無しさん 2022/10/18(火) 05:43:58.41
0101 ラジ���ネーム名無しさん 2022/10/18(火) 11:51:46.67
0102 ラジオネーム名無しさん 2022/10/18(火) 12:04:54.07
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scontomio · 1 year
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💣 Liebeskind Orologio Da Donna Berlin LT-0094-LQ 🤑 a soli 27,42€ invece di 169,90€ ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/liebeskind-orologio-da-donna-berlin-lt-0094-lq/?feed_id=145686&_unique_id=64dbbff983426&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Liebeskind%20Orologio%20Da%20Donna%20Berlin%20LT-0094-LQ L'orologio da donna Liebeskind Berlin è un elegante accessorio quotidiano con cassa in acciaio inox e cinturino in pelle di alta qualità. Il cinturino grigio si adatta perfettamente al polso, garantendo comfort e stile. Il quadrante nero e la cassa in oro rosa creano un mix di eleganza e modernità. Con un diametro di 34 mm, vetro antigraffio e impermeabilità testata fino a 5 bar, questo orologio è perfetto per ogni occasione. Il sistema Easy Change permette una facile sostituzione del cinturino. Confezionato in una scatola regalo originale Liebeskind Berlin. #coupon #liebeskind #orologidapolso #offerteamazon #orologiodapolso #scontomio
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smbhax · 2 years
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A* episode 44, page 94: https://smbhax.com/?e=0044&d=0094
That’s the end of episode 44! Episode 45 starts next week. : )
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onewedata · 4 years
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© 0094 ♡ do not edit or crop logo.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Monday 17 July 1837
12 10
fine morning – A- came and sat with me 20 minutes – ready at 7 10 at which hour F57° - my letter to Lady V.C. yesterday kind chit chat – ‘if, my dearest Vere, I ever have a day of rest, it is Sunday’ – glad of the rain tho’ one 3rd. of my hay is out ‘because it gives me an occasion of chit chat with you’ – think and believe we shall meet again if we live – ‘I shall be at liberty again sometime’ – ‘3 or 4 cheap days will suffice for the traject’ from Achnacary to Shibden – ‘some summer, when you are not too busily employed about the little people you have and those you have not, I shall propose our trying the experiment’ …. Trust me I should be ‘much more in my element with you and yours at my elbow, than I am at present – the truth is, I am in any element but my own, and I shall get out of it as soon as I can – yet I have no reason to doubt being pecuniarly repaid, or to fear that I shall not be satisfied hereafter with the feeling of having overcome the opposition and imposition it was deemed beyond my power to withstand – Our friend Gibbon somewhere observes, l’Esprit s’excite par les difficultés, and you know me well enough to understand that this observation se vérifie un peu chez une personne comme moi – Our motives ought often to be better than they are – but we are what we are – and the spur of irritation has often been the most effectual and useful good – I now hope that I can get off for the winter; and that those of my concerns which will from that time take two years more for their completion, may be left safely enough without much of my own personal looking-after, in the interim – But who can count upon the morrow? come what may, it can do no harm to send me a little catalogue of your books, with notes of what you would like to have – you need be in no fear of duplicates, nor of anything much out of the way of your wishes – so long as I know where to find you, and that I am not to think of franks, you shall be well informed of what I am doing, and fancy myself going to do – with regard, and in regard to you, you will find me the same today and tomorrow – Here and everywhere
occupied or at leisure, I shall think of you often, and always affectionately’ – then about the Cornish cook-house-keeper leaving Lady V.C – ‘we have already a very trustworthy tolerable cook’ and my little friend tells me ‘it would hardly be wise to change unless for someone who was deemed excellent’ .:. we remain as we are – then wrote (but without a fresh date) the last 1/3 of p. 3 and the 2 ends – glad Lady V.C. is going to dear Lady Stuart ‘Is anything particular going to happen between this and October?.... I shall order the ‘philosophy of Health’ Mr. Croker! Henry! (vide Quarterly review no.115 for February last – I had praised the mention of Lady Louisa Stuart in the article on the new edition of Lady M. Wortley Montague’s works – V- thinks the review ‘owned her an amende for the impertinencies of Mr. Croker in the 1st notice of the new edition of Lady MW.’) Had I read the article more leisurely I should have guessed that the praise would not balance the impertinences alias truths?   Hope V- will see the Highcliffe party – long to hear her report of them – ‘I do hope to be in Paris, tho’ perhaps merely en passant, before the end of November; but I shall hardly name it till nearer the time – I feel at this moment as if I could not possibly bring myself to spend next winter here – I am heartily sick of a longer abiding in my present position, without some break – we are all bustle within and without – country and borough – it is quite terrible – a company of police and military sent to Huddersfield to enforce the poor-law – two thirds of population out of work vow vengeance against it – Mr. Cameron was paid for his wool only just in time – the quiet days of old have ‘parted never to return’ – Ever very affectionately yours AL-‘ – ‘tis now 8 ½ - breakfast – A- going into Stainland has written to her sister what I wrote for her last night – A- to take en passant her letter to her sister to the post and mine to ‘the Lady Vere Cameron Brafield house, Oulney, Bucks’ –spelt Oulney by the O- post office tho’ Olny by V- breakfast at 8 40 to 9 35 – then it and out – A- off to Stainland at 10 ½ - to James Schofields to say if he did not pay up his arrears, he would have a notice to quit – she called at Taylors’ and Charles Laws’ – but somehow lost her way – went to Lindley and had to retrace her steps, and did not get home till 6 ¾ - having been caught in 2 or 3 showers and got  rather wet but did not seem much tired – about 11 am came Mr. James Mallinson with 5 country newspapers from the office of Messrs. P- and A- containing the advertisement of the Northgate hotel Manchester Guardian of Saturday 15 July – Liverpool mercury of Friday 14, Leeds ditto of Saturday 15, Yorkshire Gazette and H-x express both of Saturday 15th instant – Mr. JM. had been at Mr. Parker’s about redeeming the Landtax of my Godley land, and being coming here on that account brought the newspapers – ordered the redemption of land tax of Godley land 1/3 of the whole (rated at 1.16.6/3= 12s.2d. per annum
take Stocks as at present from 90 to 110 said Mr. James M.    Godley cottage    1. 6
the purchase money to be paid = £7.7.6 ½       Stump X Inn   7.0.              Northowram
(I don’t understand this?)         Staups land and buildings  1.9.0
Barraclough cottage  2. 6 ½                                     Southowram
2.12. 2 ½
at the wheel-race between 12 and 1 – saw Booth and then Joseph Mann – then sometime in the garden a long while with Mr. Gray (while it rained) in the west tower top room planning bookcases etc. and had him up in the red room and north room passage about door-way into the tower, and fall- of the roof water – Mr. H- had set out the doorway, not in the middle of the passage, and made the drip down by the west tower  outdoor! said I would have the drip made to fall as it used to do – to the north between the north parlour passage and the tower – what a self-sufficient ignoramus Mr. Husband is! all the rest of the day backwards and forwards in and out with Robert Mann + 4 his son the silk dresser not there – and not here on Saturday afternoon – has returned to his own job (silk dressing) – Robert and co. getting up box and Portugal laurels, and raising up the low corner (South corner – a great height to raise) of the Portugal laurel row – George Naylors’ man (Thomas) bought us 4 loads of sods from the low end of the conery and Abraham and my own jobbing cart brought 2 loads the last thing till 7 pm – came in at 7 – dressed – dinner at 7 20 – coffee – A- and I came upstairs at 9 ½ - she a little while asleep on the sofa while I wrote note to Messrs. Robert Harris and co. Timber merchants Leeds’ to go by Blythe tomorrow morning – he is to be off at 8 am to buy wood for the hay barn and little marsh and 2 or 3 oak logs for Shibden hall – begged they (Messrs. RH- and co.) would let Mr. Blythe my clerk of the works what he wanted for me this time and I would pay thro’ the Yorkshire District Bank immediately if discount was allowed – should be obliged to them not to furnish anyone with wood in my name in future without a written order from me – I had not ordered the last load, but had taken it, and would pay for it by and by – with Blythe till 10 40 then till 11 40 wrote the last 32 lines of today – very showery day – F56 ½° at 9 ½ pm – till 11 1/2 looking over the newspaper for the advertisement of the Northgate hotel
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oneustual-moving · 3 years
hi coby!! ☀️🍊
23 for the numbers game!!
and monsta x + follow:find you for the era game <3
23. spell ur url with songs u have been obsessed with
(o)opsy - weki meki
(n)o diggity - oneus
(e)raser - onewe
(u)nderwater - monsta x
(s)tarlight - mas 0094
(t)o be or not to be - oneus
(u)mpah umpah - red velvet
(a)dore u - seventeen
(l)a vie en rose - izone
send me a number !
AND HYUNGWON!!!!!! ohmy god….. i truly believe he is one of the most beautiful ppl ever & he looked so good this era
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send me a group + an era & i’ll tell u which member i think looked best!
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babysackville · 4 years
Monday 1 August 1831
1 ½
Vc Vc
+ +
Fahrenheit 72° and fine morning at 8 - breakfast at 9 ½ - Mrs. Duffin gone at 6 ¼ on horseback to spent the day at Newton Kyme with her brother and his family at the Fairfaxes - Off at 11 10/.. with Mr. Duffin over the bridge - went direct to Mrs. Belcombe’s sat some time with her and Mariana - and Stephens and Rose Bagshaw and little Mariana - then left Mr. Duffin there and went home with Steph to look at his German grammars &c Renden’s, and exercises and grammar by M. Bernay - George had just brought back Christion on poisons of which I had read the 1st 92 ppages out of ppages 697 very interesting work - worth my buying - Left Mr. Duffin’s manuscript book on cholera morbus &c with Steph till tomorrow - he thought the subject sensibly treated and that ‘Mr Duffin must have been a clever man in his middle life’ - Mariana soon came and Mrs. H.S.B [Henry Stephen Belcombe] Steph went away, and Mariana and I remained some time - then sauntered up Coney Street and bought gloves then called and sat a long while with Mrs. H.S.B [Henry Stephen Belcombe] at their lodgings (Stephenson’s Coney Street) all the business of whether little Mariana should stay another year or not at her present school at Leamington talked over - I for her staying another year when she will only be 11 - off from there (Mrs. Gilbert Crompton had called while we were there) went into the minster - there sauntered up and down near Mrs. Belcombe’s settling what to do - Mariana will go with me tomorrow - all the votes but Steph’s for Holland - fixed upon it in preference to the Giant’s Causeway - then Mariana and I sat a little tête-à-tête and then with Mrs. Milne talking it over 
I think π [Mariana] looked as if she thought Mrs. M [Milne] and I understood each other pretty well so we did much better than π [Mariana] would have liked had she known she left us for a moment and I said something about her keeping me in order and scolding me said she had just been doing so (we had been [laughing?] and I had somehow taken the opportunity of saying when we were talking of debts and my owning to one hundred and her saying I had two hundred of hers that I had left her but it was not quite done yet one hundred a year after my aunts death and as long as she was L [Charles Lawton’s] widow which she laughed and said was very hard) and Mrs. M [Milne] replied with a significant look then come to me I wont scold oh oh thought I but I am not quite so simple I staid behind a moment to wish goodbye and kissed her with a gentle pressure she then drew me to her again and I kissed her again with a little stronger pressure and darted off I might have her easily enough but we are fairly matched now for I have as little real feeling in the business as she can have I do not care a farthing for her and she will have her work set to get hold of me - 
Walked home pretty quickly and came in at 5 ½ - dinner at 5 ¾ - afterwards wrote and sent at 7 ½ 2 ppages  ½ sheet note paper to my aunt at Shibden to say Mariana would be my companion we should arrive between 7 and 6 to dinner are going a little tour for a fortnight or 3 weeks and should be off the next day, Wednesday - then sat a little in my room looking over maps of Ireland and favourite work on ditto that Todd had sent me to look at - tea at 8 ½ - Mrs. Duffin returned at 9 all the Fairfaxes and Marshes coming to luncheon tomorrow at 1 about the time I shall be off - offered to change the hour for fear of inconvenience to the Duffin’s by removing my things and the bustle of departure and Mariana’s not being able to get out to stay more than a few minutes - on which Mrs. Duffin got huffy and I too - ‘did I not think Mariana would be delighted to see Mrs. Marsh and Ana? &c &c - then went to Mrs. Duffin’s room at 10 10/.. and she kept me till 11 ½ sparring at 1st and threatening a quarrel so that Miss. Greenup wisely went off - at last, when this would not do, Mrs. Duffin got into tears sure I should never forget Saturday &c &c and I got mollified.
Margin: saying to myself well! I am completely talked out and we parted the best friend in the world - fine day - Fahrenheit 70 ½ ° now at 12 ½ tonight when had just done the whole of the above of today -
(Diary ref: SH:7/ML/E/14/0094)
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elllemann · 3 years
0094 what radio station do you think I'm listening to ? 🎵
# a e s t h e t i c #mininalfeed #mininalist #minimalism #mininalpost #bagslovers #bagslover #littleblackbag #labloggers #ukbloggers #labloggersstyle #parisianvibes #aestheticdetails #thenoiseter #thenoisetier #velvetdynasty #parisianchic #discoverunder10k #discoverunder9k #minimaliststyle #hypebaes #streetstylefashion #streetstylechic #microblogger #styleblog #styleblogger
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decodingannelister · 4 years
Tuesday 29 December 1818
8 1/2
11 1/2
B[efore] B[reakfast] finish[e]d Fri[day] 18 Dec wr[ote] a sh[ee]t ( all but the end of the 3[r]d p[age] left for Miss V[allance])and cross[e]d the 2 first p[ages] to Tib[Isabella] .A lit[tle] aft[er] 3 d[o]wn the o[ld]b[ank]. Sp[oke] to Turner ab[ou]t clean[in]g the large pist[o]l and w[e]nt to the library,thence to KingX [Cross]. Met Messrs George and Henry Priestley who told me their sist[er] Mrs Edw[ar]ds(Pye Nest) h[a]d been safe[l]y deliv[ere]d of a fine boy (h[e]r 8th child) at one in the morn[in]g. Ret[urned]d d[o]wn Callista Lane and well-head lane and call[e]d at Well-head saw on[l]y the gov[erne]s Mrs Green and young John at his Fr[ench] less[ons] w[i]th Mr Parry. Mrs W_ w[i]th 3 sick child[re]n upst[ai]rs and c[oul]d n[o]t leave them. D[i]d not sit d[o]wn st[aye]d 20 min[ute]s at N[orth]gate and g[o]t ho[me] ab[ou]t 5. In the ev[ening] cop[ie]d out fr[om] Sat[urday] 19 to Wed[nesday] 23[r]d inst.[instante mense]. Ver[y] fine frosty day. B [arometer] 1 1/2 ab[ov]e fair – F[ahrenheit] 32 ½  at 9p.m.(no fire in the hall).
WYAS reference number :  SH:7/ML/E/2/0094
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Saturday, 2 May 1840
6 3/4
1 3/4
Very fine morning and Reaumur 10 1/2º at 6 3/4 a.m. the German woman came with butter A[Ann] wrong again because I took one instead of half a pound      surely I shall now stick to my purpose and get rid of her some way or other as well as I can 
At 10 came Hoffman for 1/2 the money in advance for the carriage doing yet he has been since Wednesday morning and done nothing at it! I would give him the money if he would give me security for having it done as he promised I said on Tuesday but it was agreed to be done on Monday evening – No! He had taken 2 Calêches to do, and the Kibitka was to be ready next Tuesday week! No! said I, I must be auge or demidieu not to be out of patience with this – Tell the man I wish him good morning – And I sent George with compliments to Mr. Chwostoff to ask him to be so good as say when he could come –
I should go out today at 1 1/2 for a couple of hours except this had no engagement – George can literally do nothing i.e. get nothing done for us – What can be the reason of it? I cannot comprehend the man he is Russian – It is not that he cannot explain what is wanted – Had George in soon afterwards about what to do with Domna – Mentioned her going to Mr. Besoc’s – Longish talk – George went to her, and brought word back that she should not like to be at Mr. B-s[Besoc’s] all the people being Georgians – What would she like? To be at the house of a Marchand here whose wife had been to visit her – Said I had nothing to say against her objection to Mr. Besoc’s – Would consult Mr. Chwostoff tonight – George to inquire into the volonté of Domná and if her volonté and mine agreed, the matter would be easy – If not, I would arrange some other way – But if she returned I saw no way but his going with her – A-[Ann] and I sat talking things over she mending gloves &c. at my elbow, I drinking raisin tea and eating the raisins being thirsty – Then wrote the last 8 lines till now 1 5/’’ – 
At 1 1/2 Hajie Yoosoof came and brought a youth with him – At the moment Madame and Mademoiselle Golovin were announced sent off Hajie and received the ladies who sat some time very civil Mr. Stadler soon came and sat more than 1/2 the time they were here, and after they went took him with us to the Gymnase for Hajie returned for us soon after 2 – 
Large handsome building 60 élèves du Gouvernement – Building 50,000/- and 3,000/- (en argent) per annum allowed in the Directeur and Master of the School only arrived about a month ago from St. P-[Petersburg] the latter had been 3 years at St. P-[Petersburg] a student before that at Charkoff – 
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The Tiflis Gymmase. (Image Source)
He shewed us his translation into Russian of Romeo and Juliet, and his Baudry-Paris Edition of Shakspeare[Shakespeare] in 2 volumes large 8vo.[octavo] – Good clear print – The edition corrected by Chalmers – Well-informed gentlemanly man – Turned to Macbeth – The beginning – Aroint thee witch – The glossary explained it – Avaunt – Begone – Mentioned the conjecture of a learned Scotsman (Dr. Hunter ages ago to my Aunt Anne) – That aroint thee should probably be a rowan tree, witch – i.e. the rowan tree or mountain ash was a spell against witchcraft – Or it might mean, that the shaft of the besom on which witches rode was generally of rowan tree, and that the witch should betake herself to it and begone – But now on writing this (at 10 55/’’ p.m.) it seems to me that the conjecture was that rowan tree witch, meant, there is, or I have, or beware of, a rowantree, or spell against thy powers, and will have nothing to say to thee – 
The rooms of the Gymnase large lofty and good – And the master’s apartment very nice and comfortable – Tasted the soup the roast beef and soup the 5 boys remaining (vacance – All the rest gone to their friends to return next week) had for dinner – very good beef – Tender – Best we have tasted here – The Maître de Pension gave us chocolate and excellent Savoy Biscuits as we talked over Shakespeare – Mr. Stadler, too, at home on the subject of English Literature – 
From there to Hajie Yoosoofs house in the square Abasabad – He shewed us several dictionaries and grammars – English Richardson’s Dictionary and Sir William Jones’s Grammar and Jauberts French Turkish Grammar – At last shewed his own MS. Grammar in Persian Tartar and Turkish – Had given 29 lessons to a young Prince Tchetchevadsoff (vide the name right spelt a p.[page] or 2 back) and he could already read and speak a little Persian – Mr. Stadler as we talked it over afterwards thought our Hajie’s grammar quite on an Eastern plan, no easier to an European, nor so easy as the common method – For my part, I am no judge – But it is probable that Lord Clanricarde will not trouble himself much about grammar or asiatic society in this case – Got away as soon as we could much obliged to Mr. S-[Stadler] – 
Came in at 4 50/’’ – Sat talking – Dinner about 5 17/’’ that is eggs and barley cake and butter and a little cheese and wine and water – Had just got all sided (about 7 p.m.) when Mr. Chwostoff came and staid till 10 25/’’ – Had stood some time but we somehow got to the subject of our English Ministers and their measures and Hein came – 
Soon after Mr. S-[Stadler] came we had sent for Hoffmann who arrived too tipsy to be fit for anything ∴[therefore] sent him off – With Hein la chose s’arrangeait – The carriage to be done on Thursday or Hein to forfeit (to pay) for 55/- S.[Silver] R.[Rubles] which it is now agreed to pay – He to send the carriage back but I to pay for its going to him = 3 or 4 abasses – Does not want paying till the work is done – 
Had talked over the affair of the servants – Of leaving Domna – On C-‘s[Chwostoff’s] saying it would be best to give her so much, and let her arrange for herself, but surprised she would not go chez Mr. Besoc, I proposed giving her her wages as usual and doubling her allowance for nourriture i.e. giving her 2/- a day – Yes! That would be quite enough – And if I gave George 1/- per day for the time he had been here it would be quite enough – 
All this settled we had tea – Green exprès for Mr. C-[Chwostoff] and he probably thought it good; for he took 2 cups – Did not know of any other place (Inn) for us to be at than this – Shops here where nothing but Persian things are sold in a Georgian (Colonel in the Russian Service) here learned in the Persian language and who has just finished or is finishing – Persian Grammar and Dictionary – 
On C-‘s[Chwostoff’s] going away asked what books we could bring from England, should we return to go to Persia, that he would like – But said he was of course aware of the difficulty – All must be sent to the Censureship – He said we should get the Russian Ambassador’s seal put on the package – Box or caisse – This led to explaining the difficulty of this – Lord S.[Stuart] de R-‘s[Rothesay’s] getting our passport signed Whig Ministers &c. &c. – But inquire again as to getting the Russian Minister’s seal – He might safely give it to us – We are certainly not likely to aid the spread of Whig politics – 
C-[Chwostoff] asked to see A-‘s[Ann’s] album – heard we had beautiful views &c. &c. !!! Explained – Shewed A-‘s[Ann’s] little unfinished sketches – I wish we could se fournir de jolies dessins –
Had Domna and had just read a few pp.[pages] of vol.[volume] 3 Dubois and had just written the last 4 1/2 lines of p.[page] 181 and the last p.[page] and so far of this now at 12 10/’’ – Very fine day, but rather windy – 
Mr. C-[Chwostoff] spoke of the amazing of trotting horses in America – The Marquis of Sligo had bought 2 horses in Philadelphia that trotted in double harness 19 English miles an hour with ease – He had given 2000 dollars for one horse – But for 600 dollars one could have a good horse that would trot 19 miles an hour in harness – The American horses taught to trot from their ‘infancy’ –Could trot a mile in 1 20/’’ minutes to 1 1/2 minutes – the latter pace common enough! – I had boasted that our English horses could trot as well as the American – no! said I – now I give in – we cannot do that – a mile in 1/2 minute a common trotting speed = 60 x 2 / 3 = 40 miles an hour!!! they can beat our best blood horses at gallop – Yes! They could – I said I had once ridden 2 miles in 4 minutes and thought it a great thing and I had trotted 14 miles in an hour (the little brown Buskett mare at Skelfler) and thought the galloping in particular a great thing – But I had only gone at the rate of 30 miles an hour and American horses can trot at the rate of 40!!! – 
It seems the great Western America-going steamer is taken up by our government for the India Mail to Alexandria and letters do not now go viâ Marseilles – And by this new arrangement government would save £60,000 a year – Speaking on the head of Whig savings, I said we paid the same taxes as before the petites économies of clerks and ladies pensions &c. &c. and in a time of and after 20 years of profound peace, we still borrowed, Ministers could not make all ends meet! – 
C-[Chwostoff] said we were better off in war – No nation had gained by the peace – Nor England nor Russia nor France still in a precarious state – And we should go on from change to change till we had (such was the sense of his phrase) run the whole rig – Had just written so far now at 12 40/’’
[symbols in the margin of the page:]         ✓       ✓       +          ✓       +          +
[in the margin of the page:]             Hoffman again
[in the margin of the page:]            Gymnase
[in the margin of the page:]            Mr. C-[Chwostoff] drank tea with us
[in the margin of the page:]            Agreement with Hein
Page References: SH:7/ML/E/24/0093 and SH:7/ML/E/24/0094 and SH:7/ML/E/24/0095
2 notes · View notes
1826 Saturday 29 April
7 55/60
11 1/2
Went into Miss Duffin’s room for 1/4 hour - She had expected me to wish her good night last night - would evidently like my attentions - at breakfast at 9 20/60 - Miss and Miss Jane Percival called, and sat some time - Went out with Miss Marsh at ten minutes before 12 - Called at Mrs Willey’s - she not at home, but saw the Percivals for another moment, for they and Mrs Willey had called on me yesterday - Went to Dr H.S. Belcombe’s - tête à tête with Mrs H.S. Belcombe while Miss Marsh went to the spinning school - talked over divers matters, but said nothing new - M- [Mariana] came in about 1 - all sat down to luncheon -
Went with Miss Marsh to speak to Breary and Myers - in fact she wanted to see Mr Ridley’s carriage for Mr Duffin meant to have one built for him said it was high time to bespeak it - we took Miss Marsh back into Micklegate just got out to wish the Duffins goodby, and were finally off at 1 50/60 - Watson outside - Offley with us changed horses at the whitehorse Tadcaster, Graves’s hotel Leeds, the Talbot Bradford, and got home at 8 - between Leeds and Bradford grubbled Pi [Mariana] thro her pockethole and under her shawl and my greatcoat thrown over our knees we were both exhausted and slept a little -
Found my aunt pretty well - tea and coffee at 8 1/2 - Note from Mrs Edwards of Pyenest to say she and her husband would meet me at Northgate at 1 on Monday - wrote a note in answer (to go tomorrow) to say I should be glad to see them at 12 1/2 - Very fine day - all the people afloat in and about Bradford as if disturbed - passed a troop or 2 of the 5th Dragoon Guards returning towards Leeds - came up to bed at 10 - EO..
Reference: SH:7/ML/E/9/0094
6 notes · View notes