#eaa male mc
lovestruckprofiles · 3 years
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Alrighty. These are my final notes on Lucas. I did one long note after I read every episode and, I warn you. It’s very long. I’ll remember these boys for a long time.
This is it. I am Not Prepared.
First episode already giving me a heart attack. Lucas my boy,,,,
And second has got such a pit in my gut. LUCAS MY BOY,,, you deserve everything I’m so sorry. On one hand after last season it’s nice to see some MMC takin care of Lucas after bad things but also. Might be the MMC kinnie in me but it hurts me SO BAD to see bad things happen to Lucas. This episode is good though. I’m glad he can start doing better with the power of Love and Magic and also THE LIGHTHOUSE CAN DEFEAT THE WARLOCK,,,,,, YESSSSS,,,,,,
Oh shit they doin it right now. THEY DOIN IT,,, and of course OF COURSE it’s true loves kiss. What else could it be?? God I’m so giddy. The mood shift was so fast between these two episodes just. God I can’t stop smiling. You know I got that heart scene and. Hm yes actually I think Lucas can stay in Connecticut. Everyone loves him here and he’s so happy and it’s what he deserves. ALSO WHO’S THIS BITCH
Georgie can kiss my ass actually though I do love how The Gang helps Lucas and MMC have their time without worrying about it. I love them all so much. But with the scene on the beach it really all comes down to one thing. When I reread Lucas’s first season, I reread my highlight and review posts as well. And I remembered what I thought at the end of season one. MMC wondered why HE couldn’t be Lucas’s destiny, and I wondered why he didn’t think he could be. I wondered why LUCAS hesitated to think that too. At another point, I don’t quite remember when, Lucas spelled out plain and simple that MMC didn’t think he deserved happiness. And it’s been so cathartic seeing MMC accept all these things about himself. His love. His magic. His happiness. And I’m so so excited to see that happen for Lucas too. There’s a clear reason he tensed when MMC asked last season that he not let himself be miserable, a clear reason he never answers directly really when asked if being king is he wants. As much as I wish this route was longer than 4 seasons, I can’t wait to see how it ends.
On one hand thank god Lucas doesn’t have to leave yet. On the other the wait kills me just a little. I’ll say it forever that MMC and Lucas literally deserve the whole world. I also love FMC and Arin and Ezra and Nora and eaa in general. I’ll come back to it at some point after this. Can’t leave my boys or any of these characters hanging for long.
Lucas really is so happy here and I love that for him. I love how everyone’s trying to help them. I love the hybrid school and MMC really coming into his own as a part of the triad. What I DONT LOVE. Is Lucas’s SELF SACRIFICING NONSENSE. MY BOY. STOP IT. NOT TODAY INNER DEMONS.
Hate it here. Lucas my boy I hate it here. Also I’m trying to not Instinctively Hate Georgie so bad. I like Bosco now but this man gives me bad vibes. This is the only episode I’m stopping in the middle of this season cuz there’s just. So much to say. The impenetrable gold line I knew but the context is a lot. I’m so glad MMC is laying out on the table what has been so clear about Lucas all along. He has the right to make his own choices. He should be able to choose happiness. He shouldn’t need to be tied down by a nebulous duty. And then of course.
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this line absolutely shattered my heart. This line is what made me pause the episode to write because it hit me so bad. My boy deserves everything. Didn’t he tell MMC before? He will love MMC with his flaws and insecurities and all. MMC deserves that. Lucas does too. And of course immediately after I type all this, MMC says basically the same thing. Different words but same sentiment. I can’t believe he’s me. I’m very excited and also dreading the spell getting broken and Lucas leaving. But I want him to find what he wants, go after it, do what he hasn’t really done since he was 7, apparently. He deserves that.
God I love these characters. I love them all so very much and that’s about all I have to say about it. I’d die for them. Even Bosco. I wish eaa routes got more than 4 seasons so I could spend more time with these guys but like. I’ll be back for em.
I haven’t really talked much about Lucas’s father because I kinda wanted to save my anger for when we see him. But now it seems like we never will and the anger I stored is gone and my boy just deserves better. So clearly, he deserves better than to be stifled and to live in pieces. He deserves anything he wants and I’m SO happy he knows what that is. Now it’s just a matter, in these final three episodes, of him reaching out and taking it.
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Now is that not literally the best thing I’ve ever read? It is actually the best that’s the answer. Others can put into words what I feel right now about that line much better than I can I’m sure. I’m so happy for my boys and also. I hate Lucas’s parents and. Listen I can accept that Georgie’s alright he just works here but also I hate it here. I expected pushback and know it’s gonna get resolved one way or another but god damn it. Nothing can be easy in this damn castle 😔.
Alriiiiiiiight. Georgie’s good. I accept this. It’s great to see Tutorea!!! I’ve only seen him in frog form back when I read Ezra’s first season I think. I’m excited. The boys are finally gonna have their happy ending. They’ll finally be home with each other. I love them.
And just like that. It’s over. A part of me wishes it wasn’t. A part of me wishes I had more time with these boys and their love. But it was all wrapped up so nicely. Everything really did fall into place so well. Almost everything I can say about this routes been said already. I love the story. I love the relationship. I love the characters. I love MMC, how hard I connected with him and how much his feelings and struggles and relationships struck me, whether they were strikingly real or purely fantastical. I love Lucas, his energy and his strength and his weakness and his heart. I love the love they share for each other, the way they navigated that love, the way they always found each other in the end, the way that their love saved the world and each other. And perhaps one of the most important things, I love the writing in this route! It’s masterfully done, with beautiful imagery and sentences that knock the wind out of me. I truly don’t cry at fiction much, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say that this route didn’t do that for me with its writing. I couldn’t possibly pull together every screenshot that showcases this routes artistry and beauty because at that point I’d just be screenshooting the whole route. If I had to describe it all in one word, it really would just be. Love. The love of the characters, the love put into it, it all rushed into me as soon as I started reading and never really stopped. Cyrus, idk if you’ll see this or read my gushy nonsense all the way through, but thank you for writing this and thank you for all your hard work and talent. I’ll be returning to Lucas again and again, and even when I don’t anymore he and MMC will exist in my heart.
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jayhalohai · 2 years
Editing Lovestruck CG’s #idk
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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So, I did a thing...
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the-voltage-diaries · 4 years
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me 2 days ago vs me today
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swampwitched · 4 years
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this is EXACTLY the level of stupid shenanigans i want, we love to see it
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megatraven · 4 years
once again lovestruck forces me to break my chain of meg atraven mcs :’( megan atraven number 2, welcome to the team
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Hnnnn Im excited for Ezra. I want some bad boy content. Bad boys turning into SOFT boys??? That’s my kinda content. But I hope we get a soft boy as an LI as well bc we love bad and soft boys🥺.
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Ok what do you think would happen if Andi Kim met Mouse from EAA? Other than give Lorelei, Duke, and EAA male MC a headache lmao
Chaos. Pure and utter chaos. No other way to describe it 😂😂 - Mod Jessa
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lovestruckprofiles · 3 years
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I read all of season 3 of Lucas today. I as a person will never recover from this route.
Healing from bad experiences and building better ones together is maybe one of my favorite things in fiction
Also really digging the Evil Bond With The Warlock thing. Kinda makes me think of Dracula. Love that. I mean hate it cuz it feels Bad but love it cuz it’s Rad. You know.
Will Never get over these boys and their love and how good they are to each other. They’re so good at communicating and respecting each other’s boundaries and I love them
Also love how Lucas in episode 6 let MMC be angry but didn’t indulge in his anger, if that’s how you’d say that. They always always leave space for each other to feel what they’re feeling without feeding off each other’s negativity and they’re always so supportive and reassuring and I actually would die for them
Darla is finally in on it and I couldn’t be happier. She’s lovely. Love how she immediately takes charge and starts helping. I’m in love with her.
Also am in love with Arin. Bb I’ll read your route eventually I just have a feeling I’ll have to take a looong time to recover from this one before coming back to eaa.
This is the only note I’m gonna be taking while actively reading an episode but like. YOU REALLY HAD TO COME IN WITH THE SUCKER PUNCH RIGHT AT THE START OF EPISODE 7 HUH. I’m so glad for it because Lucas NEEDED to be asked what he actually WANTED but. God his shock and tension at the question. His explanation about his parents and his hair and. God he’s not even answering the question. You know what you did Cyrus I’m gonna cry for years.
I have never felt quite so connected to an MC before. I’ve never felt quite so happy when an MC and LI are together or had my stomach drop quite so bad when something bad happens in this app. I’m just saying this is literally the best thing I’ve ever read.
Also I do love just how much the MCs both mean to each other and how much they clearly love each other.
I’m so glad Lucas and MMC have acknowledged what will happen when the quest is over but. It hurts my heart. It makes me want to buy just about every heart scene because even if logically I know the route can’t end with them separated I just FEEL IT so hard yknow? The writing is too good. I spent real life money on Lovestruck for the first time because of how much I love this route.
This is maybe my favorite season
WHY is he a giant he’s SO big
WHY are ALL the characters so so so good
WHY am I crying a little?????
Listen yall that last episode didn’t have the right to crush my heart like that. The idea of dying for someone and living for someone. Imma take a break but. Soon. Before the end of the week I’m gonna read the entire last season. I can’t believe it’s the end. I love these boys so much. I’ll go into more when I actually finish this but. God I’m gonna miss them so much.
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jedimayukidaawesome · 4 years
This latest update for Nora’s route in Ever After Academy is so lit.
Mallory is hella sus, and I am calling it now that she’s there to drain Nora, Jo, and Female MC (possibly Male MC) of their magic, and that she’s Nora’s mentor in disguise.
Nora never found out what happened to her old mentor; so I’m thinking that she was banished to EAA’s universe as punishment. To get back to her old world, I believe that she needs all of the magic that she can absorb to open a portal back to her realm, so that’s why she’s draining them all, especially Jo due to her magic being from a Star.
Either that, or she’s possessed for real and whoever is possessing her is a fucking good liar.
I am also thinking that Mallory may be The Wicked Witch of the West, due to all of the green and general evil usage of magic.
Bonus mention to this fucking scene 😂
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I fucking knew that something like this would happen: this is a classic roommates trope that I am all here for 😂
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 3 years
Blaire Reviews: Ezra Season 4
Disclaimer: This is all my opinion, you are allowed to disagree with me. I encourage you to read this route and form your own opinions. (It’s no secret that EAA is my favorite series, so this will probably be extremely biased)
First Impressions
The stakes are very high going into this season. Red is on the loose, and with the spell on the Ice Queen's heart broken, it's only a matter of time before she's there as well. Probably doesn't help that Ezra broke the fucking front door down because either could easily walk into the house and kill everyone.
The conflict becomes immediately apparent when Ezra and FMC go to the university and find that all of the students and faculty are in some sort of trance, lifelessly moving around the school, while barely reacting to anything going on around them (If only Bosco was in this route, he'd fit right in).
They go to the library to find Darla, only to discover that she and Omar are also under this mysterious spell, and have lost their memories of magic. We also got this glorious moment (and you're lying if you said you picked any other option).
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Ezra, Mouse, and Edward go off to find Red (and restore the power of three after Ezra broke it last season by running away like the dramatic bitch he is for like the fifth time in his route) leaving FMC with Nora and Arin, who get her to confess that the spell around the Ice Queen's heart has been broken. Fortunately, FMC is also given confirmation that she was not responsible for what was happening to the student body.
Unfortunately, we find out that Red is the one responsible for this, having stolen Omar's lamp and using them essentially as an army to literally "paint the town red".
In order to find Red's book, Ezra and FMC realize they need to go to the magic world to find it. Nora goes with them in order to collect ingredients she needs to reverse Dr. Tutorea's curse. But Arin warns them that The Ice Queen would know if Ezra was in the world, so they had to be quick.
The group (minus MMC and Lucas for some reason) performs a spell that will allow the door between worlds to be slightly open. I thought that this heart scene was incredibly well done, and was 100% worth the hearts.
Once in the magic world, we're immediately introduced to Galahad. Now I know plenty of people want his route, which I can understand, (the amount of male LIs who are genuinely sweet off the bat is very low) but I found him to be boring. Granted, he wasn't introduced until halfway through Ezra's last season, and his character was barely used. If we were given more time to see his character, maybe I'd understand the hype around him more.
Ezra finds Red's book and reads it, realizing that Red was the one who killed the wolves (like with Grandma, I'd suspected it, but the reveal was still shocking nonetheless). The Ice Queen shows up (though we don't actually see her), and with Red's book, the potion for Dr. Tutorea, and our new friend who Ezra totally isn't jealous of, the group goes back through the door.
I loved the final battle (even if it was paywalled) and being able to see everyone working together to take Red down. AND MOUSE FINALLY GOT TO SLAP HER!
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Good for you baby, I'm proud of you.
For someone who has been getting hyped for this entire route, the Ice Queen made an appearance for a whooping one episode. In her defense, she did make the most of her short appearance. Her turning on Red and calling her out for betraying the hunters and Grandma was an amazing moment. Also:
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Yeah, it's a little on the nose, especially since we already know she's getting a route in June. Still, I thought it was a fun addition. See you then Lavinia!
The finale was similar to Nora's. The MCs get their memories back, and FMC, Ezra, Nora, Lucas, and Dr. Tutorea go to the magic world. But what I wasn't expecting was that last heart scene. In all honesty, it probably was just a cute moment between Ezra and FMC, and I'm probably overthinking things. But it seemed a lot like they were exchanging vows- So I'm allowing myself to have this headcanon that they eloped.
Then and Now
Since this was Ezra's final season, I'm going to compare the character and relationship dynamics in his first and last seasons.
When we first meet Ezra, he's clearly the mean, snarky LI that we have never seen before, especially in wlm routes. We did get a few glimpses of a softer, more gentle side of Ezra as the season progressed, and he showed himself to be very protective over FMC (especially when Edward was introduced). One thing I loved about the relationship dynamic between FMC and Ezra was the banter. Both of them have very strong personalities, and there were moments where they would clash with each other. But rather than being malicious remarks towards each other, these arguments were more playful jabs, which was refreshing.
In this season, Ezra was much more open with FMC. There was still some witty banter between the two of them, but we also got more sweet moments. There was also better communication, and there was clearly a great amount of trust there. Ezra didn't run off as much and would tell FMC his plans beforehand to make her feel more comfortable.
In my opinion, Ezra is an example of the rude LI trope done right. He admires FMC's ambition and bravery, mentioning how most people don't have the guts to stand up to him (which is the origin of the nickname "Little Star"). I've seen other LIs of this type belittling the MC, and sometimes downright insulting them Chance Valentine, but Ezra clearly respects her.
Final Thoughts
It's always sad to see such a beloved route end. This story had so much potential, and it's sad to see the potential wasted by ending a route early, especially with such a beloved LI. As someone who isn't attracted to men, it's rare for me to find a wlm route that I can avidly enjoy and look forward to seeing updates for.
Despite the ending feeling somewhat rushed, this season was incredibly well done and allowed us time to see our favorite characters one last time. Red was an amazing and ruthless villain, the dynamic between the group was wonderful. I don't think we could have asked for a better ending (just maybe a few seasons later).
Overall Rating: 8/10
Favorite CG
I was stuck between this CG and the last one, but if there's anything that I'm weak for, it's beautiful lighting and attractive women.
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While I understand wanting a lesbian MC, it's very unlikely to happen, considering that LS is a business, and a large portion of their audience is interested in men so to give that part of the fans content they'd have to make a second MC, which would cost money that can be spent on creating good stories/cgs. That is also the reason we'll never have a straight MC. A bisexual or pansexual MC saves them money since she can be with any character that's into women. However, since they introduced a male MC in EAA, it gives me hope for a possible future enby MC.
Ohhh, yessss! An enby MC! Please and thank you 😁 - Mod Runa
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lovestruckprofiles · 3 years
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It’s been a billion years since I’ve read Lovestruck but I’ve returned to it and immediately plan on finishing Lucas’s route. I’ve reread the first season and finished the second and god. I cant express enough how masterful the writing for Lucas is and how much I love the characters and the relationship and the way the world building and plot unfolds. There’s not a second of wasted time and nothings dragged out longer than it needs to be and I will sing the praises of this route to the heavens until the end of time. I’m not gonna do highlights as I read like I did when i was reading things as they came out, but I’m still incredibly enthusiastic about this story and can’t wait to finally get through until the end. Here’s my season 2 thoughts in general. Under the cut cuz I have a lot of feelings
- I do just love how these boys are so communicative with each other once their relationship really gets going. There are misunderstandings and the quest is still the priority a lot in a way that effects the relationship, but they really do talk things through with each other so we’ll and I love them.
- Also as much as I love some good pining I also love to see a lot of the worries from season 1 melting away, or at least manifesting in different ways. It maintains character while leaving room to learn more about them and develop them and uuuugh I love them.
- I know generally the light keeper, path finder, guardian situation through tumble osmosis, but this is my first time experiencing it so! Excited to learn.
- Also VERY excited to get some good ol Darla Developments. I knew she wouldn’t be an enemy for long(though she isn’t quite a friend yet either) but it’s nice to actually see it and I do like her a lot.
- Though this season definitely came with more serious moments what with the plot ampin up a bit with a clearer goal, its fluff and levity was always wonderful and it was all just so full of Yearning which you know the gays(me) love.
- Bosco is the creepiest motherfucker
- I understand Abel’s appeal now. I get it. You’re alright, axe man.
- Kept typing that as ace man so also now Abel’s asexual trust me I know this.
- Also I KNEW as soon as MMC left Lucas in that last episode of the season something bad would happen. I knew in my heart of hearts. THAT MOTHERFUCKER. Someone hand me the sword of truth because I’m about to stab a magic man.
- Listen. Sometimes you read a route in Lovestruck and you just know that. No matter what other routes come no matter what other potential relationships the MC could potentially have, this one is whats REAL. I’m a multi shipper, but in my heart of hearts there will always be some relationships that are just more canon than anything else. Juliette is that for me in VN. Alex Cyprin is that for me in AFK. And Lucas and MMC is that for me in EAA, and I’m not even done. I just don’t think anything can top this. Not only with how good the writing is, but what these boys mean to me. I love them. I’d die for them.
- edit: FUCK AND I DIDNT EVEN TALK ABOUT how much I love the subversion of the idea that someone in love has a weakness. The thought for Lucas is shut down before it even really begins and with the end scene and what little knowledge I do have. It seems that Love is actually a weakness for the warlock, as it helps people see through his glamours. And the real takeaway he had was seeing the leaf necklace MMC had and how he’s important cuz light keeper shenanigans. LOVE THAT. SUPPORT THAT. GOOD SHIT.
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