#eaa lucas
lavinialeguin · 4 months
EAA LIs Planning Dates:
Lucas: Picnic dates, he loves to show off new recipes he's learned just for MMC (despite his lack of cooking skills) usually they are simple dishes but MMC adores the effort Lucas puts into planning dates catered to his interests. They are accompanied by walks on the beach to take in the sunset.
Abel: He doesn't come off as the romantic type, but I think he can surprise MMC with a lovely wine-tasting date after a stroll in the woods with Abel identifying all the local flora for MMC's reference (not that he's paying too close attention).
Arin: Library dates are a big one. Or coffee dates at little cafes that Arin has stumbled on. Anything where it's just a quiet place with the two of them. After the initial date, there's always a fly-around town with the Jabberwocky (little guy needs exercise after all)
Ezra: Ezra's preferred dates to plan are cozy late-night walks to Stargaze. Usually on a warmer night where you can hear all the little noises of animals and insects around the woods. He'd pick a spot to stargaze in the middle of the woods where you can view the stars past the tops of the surrounding trees.
Lavinia: Lavinia's date planning is a little more adventurous (and may or may not include petty crimes like trespassing or arson), She adores leading FMC through complex areas of the library maze (after breaking into the magic library), or walking through nowhere in particular through the woods or beach (possible crashing sorority parties and scaring off the other party-goers) She does like to treat FMC to a nice meal afterword and usually picks a nice restaurant to treat her to, even a few extravagant ones.
Nora: Study dates, a nice cozy area of the library or one of their rooms at the lighthouse covered in books. A nice quiet night studying before a magic broom flight through the evening air.
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megatraven · 2 years
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a doodle/redraw of an old lucas art i drew :) i love him
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incorrectlovestruck · 3 months
EAA MMC: What are your three best qualities? Lucas: I'm gay, I have soft hair, and sometimes I cry because I love my friends.
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ask-everafteracademy · 7 months
EAA Couples As Taylor Swift Songs (coming from a veteran swiftie)
The idea for this came from a 4 hour car ride of nothing but Taylor’s albums, some I was stuck between two so I put them both
FMC x Nora: ivy
MMC x Lucas: Enchanted/Daylight
FMC x Ezra: Starlight
FMC x Arin: You Belong With Me/Snow On The Beach
MMC x Abel: I’m Only Me When I’m With You
FMC x Lavinia: Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Jo x Darla: Paper Rings
If anyone wants to request any others/explanations of these lmk! :)
- Lightkeeper
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Lovestruck | Daily Rewards Puzzles | 61-70
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dazzlerazz · 3 months
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I remember that they used this throne room background also for Altea's parents but also Lucas' home castle in EAA lol it gave me a wild idea that Lucas was somehow Altea's descendant cuz they're queer royalty with an affinity for pink and flashy clothes
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ranigold · 2 years
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Fem MC: hello brother
Male MC:.......
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lioras · 3 years
EAA MMC: This is Lucas, he's super smart and creative and strong and caring, I'm so happy to be with him.
Jo : This is Darla, she might be a little mean but she's really cute and super determined. She's also really nice deep down and I'm glad to be with her every day.
EAA FMC: This is Lavínia... she's a b*tch.
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itlogarts · 3 years
au idea: ever after aCATdemy
all the fairytale gang are cats and arin is just one of the volunteers working at the animal shelter
here are the main 3:
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(bonus fmc w them lol)
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(maybe i’ll add more onto this later idk tho)
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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Goodbye to the Original 3. I know we will see them again, but it's never the same when it's not their route.
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piamastea · 3 years
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Josephine my love!!
For today’s special episode I wanted to draw our beloved Jo, of course I have to draw her laughing to her heart’s content because her curse is a literal pain in the butt and she deserves to be happy and carefree with her emotions
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Non png^^
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lavinialeguin · 11 months
What if the entire Ever After Academy cast and story took place in a more Wolf Among Us Setting?
Whitethorn becomes a town in Connecticut filled with fairy tale characters who've escaped the magical realm after a great war that caused most of the realm to be destroyed by the fae who wished to take over the land for themselves.
The triad becomes the peacekeepers integrating the fables into the non-magical realm, giving them a temporary place to stay while war wages in the magical realm. The story starts with the funeral of FMC and MMC's uncle who is suspected to have been murdered by a fable, though they don't have enough proof to determine which fable did it. FMC takes it upon herself as the newly ascended Path Finder to find her uncle's murderer.
MMC works as the Light Keeper, keeping the lighthouse light on and being a welcoming presence to any new fables that come through the portals. His job is also to keep the Whitethorn trees alive and well to help keep the fae from finding them.
Arin still works as the Guardian, protecting the magic library, and labyrinth, and assisting FMC and MMC in helping stomp civil disputes between the fables living in Whitethorn.
Nora Le Fay is an ally of the triad, assisting with magical barriers and upkeep of the magical library. Nora is also the team's main healer, assisting in treating fables who are infected with hexes or curses from the fae. She currently acts as a librarian at the university library as her cover while assisting with the magical library and labyrinth underneath the school.
Lucas Charming is the heir to the Garnet Throne, his family sent him to Whitethorn in a show of trust to the White Queen, who is assisting them in keeping the fae at bay in their kingdom. Lucas works as a type of bodyguard for MMC as well as assisting in keeping more rowdy fables in line. Lucas works as a docent at the lighthouse, assisting with tours and showing fables around.
Abel is a brooding woodsman, tasked by the White Queen to tend to the Whitethorns, keeping the plans around Whitethorn alive. He's the most muscular of the group and acts as the team's tank fighter when in need, however, he's distrusting of most people and is rude when provoked, making him not as effective as an ally in the beginning.
Lavinia La Guin, the Snow Queen, travels to Whitethorn due to FMC's family promising to return her heart in exchange for help creating stronger barriers to keep the Fae away, as the Winter Kingdom is currently untouched by the Fae due to the Snow Queen's intense protective spells around her kingdom. However, with the death of the previous Pathfinder, FMC is left to strike a new deal to get the witch's help in finding her Uncle's killer. Lavinia resides as the owner and bartender of an Ice Bar in Whitethorn, a common hangout for some of the less moral fables.
Jack Frost is Lavinia's younger half-brother, another child of Titania, Jack assists Lavinia in keeping their kingdom safe. He communicates between the two realms using a communication stone.
Ezra Wolf works as a bouncer at the Ice Bar Lavinia owns. He is a gruff and well-respected security presence at the bar as well as a great keeper in intel due to his ability to sink into the shadows.
More to come, but just the first bunch of ideas.
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violettduchess · 3 years
A Lovestruck English Lesson 👩‍🏫: Lucas 🗡️ season 4, set 4
And just like that it's over and I needed some time to process it. Cal just ended and now Lucas and there are some very tender spots on my heart right now because man, I loved them so much.
Lucas was one of the most consistently good writing in the app. Every sentence was thoughtful and every word well chosen.
It's so hard to only pick 5 screenshots and I'm good to cheat a bit so... here we go:
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The repetiton in syntax is brilliant. It repeats itself until that very last word, equating love and you. It's beautiful and powerful and so moving.
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It continues: "It's me he wants. The light keeper and the house by the sea."
They have to be looked at together. MMC describes the palace as a place with "garnet edges", garnet associated with Lucas and his royal blood. Edges are sharp things, capable of causing great pain. And then the "promises of legacy": things yet unfulfilled, grand ideas of leaving something behind, thinking always of the future.......and yet what he really wants isn't the palace with it's dangerous edges or empty promises for tomorrow. Lucas wants MMC and a home they make together. Simple, solid and in the present moment.
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This is one of the sentences where I just go: yaassss 😅 all teeth is a smile that is way too big, too showy and zero authenticity impresses how fake it is.
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I loved this nod to their future. "The first of many casual goodbyes". They're going to be ok. They're going to be happy ❤️
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This is a beautiful concept: two people do create a space between them that is theirs. A connection between you and the person who love that is only yours. And MMC and Lucas are going to build a home in it, make that special space between two people into a safe harbor, the place you find respite and comfort and love, always love. That's what home should be.
I am going to miss him so very much.
Thank you, wonderful writer, for all the love and effort and tears and care you spent on him. ❤️
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incorrectlovestruck · 4 months
EAA MMC: Don’t you realize you could die? Lucas: I’m not going to die. I’m twenty three. EAA MMC: And so you can’t die?! Lucas: I just don’t see it happening.
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ask-everafteracademy · 11 months
Lucas Charming🤝Omar Naddali
Owning this shirt most likely:
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- Lightkeeper
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daily-lovestruck · 3 years
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Day #9
Character(s): Lucas Charming
I missed posting yesterday, so I decided to post twice today!
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