#eagle murphy
fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year
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(I know this is not Good Omens, but it made me smile, so I'm spreading it further so it can make you smile too ❤)
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phoebonica · 1 year
Duck may be implied elsewhere to be into some Weird Stuff but I headcanon that his "private business" with the rock in Transport isn't a horny thing, it's a broody thing. That's his egg. He is going to dad that rock so hard. Weaving little blankets for it and everything.
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persephinae · 1 year
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
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Not just taking care of a rock now.
World Bird Sanctuary
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Favourite genre of feel-good stories:
Bird tries to incubate a rock and then the keepers replace the rock with an actual egg/hatchling and the bird raises the baby like their own 😭
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onbearfeet · 5 months
Murphy the Eagle is a Dad again!
Remember Murphy, the eagle who tried to hatch a rock and ended up fostering an eaglet in need? Well, he made such a good dad that his first charge was successfully released into the wild in the summer of 2023, and now (in May 2024) Murphy has been tasked with fostering a second baby. This one fell out of a nest in a windstorm and suffered a fracture in one wing. So far, things are going well!
Best wishes to Murphy, who continues to be a better parent than many humans.
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izzys-summer · 2 years
Guess my mental health in the comments lol.
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sepdet · 1 year
Success! Murphy the eagle is now a stepdad!
Murphy is proudly keeping an eye on his rock hatchling (don't tell him that's not what happened!), dining side by side, teaching RockBaby How to Eagle, and just hanging out together.
Here's a filtered search results link [*]which will pull up all the World Bird Sanctuary's Twitter updates on Murphy the Eagle from April through June 2023, including several videos of Murphy and RockBaby!
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*EDIT: STUPID TWITSITE. That first link only works if you're already logged into Twitter. Twitter probably won't let you search it you aren't, but for what it's worth, you can try pasting this into the Twitter searchbar: murphy (from:wbsstl) until:2023-06-30 since:2023-04-01 -filter:replies
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short-wooloo · 5 months
Murphy The Eagle Fosters Another Stranded Eaglet | Living St. Louis
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jeena-says-hi · 2 years
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You know who you are
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old-long-john · 1 year
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They’re giving Murphy a baby!
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avyine · 1 year
Important Murphy update!!
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geezerwench · 1 year
Bald Eagle That Went Viral For Sitting On A Rock Becomes Foster Dad To Injured Eaglet
Murphy is a DAD!
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mrparable · 1 year
michael x eagle. you agree
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nonprodigalchild · 1 year
I am invested in Murphy the bald eagle news
Please feed me kind people of tumblr and twitter
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kittyowner · 1 year
I've been keeping up with Murphy and his eaglet since it's such a sweet story, and I realized some of y'all might not have the most up to date scoop!
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Murphy and Eaglet 23-126 have had their barriers removed! Murphy has been doing great as a dad for his new chick. When given his own fish and some extra bits for the chick, Murphy still tore prices of his own up to give to it. 🥺 On the other hand, he didn't protect it from the weather when a storm blew in. Oops! Still, he has a good track record for a first timer.
Check out CBS News' video here, The New York Times' article here, and Smithsonian Magazine's article here. Also don't be shy to adopt Murphy and donate to his and his eaglet's care here!
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