#eah statistics
froggywentaprincin · 5 months
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There are currently around 1386 fics on fanfiction.net for Ever After High. Of these, 1004 are tagged with at least one EAH character (the others not being tagged at all or only being tagged OC).
Above are the Top 15 tagged EAH characters!
Below are all the Ever After High characters that have been tagged on fanfiction.net in order of how much they are tagged:
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This data taken on May 1st, 2024.
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faybellesbeauty · 5 months
usually i stay up past midnight to post about eah because eah tumblr is most active during that time yeah i look at statistics what about it??? but just so you know sacrifices are being made for these silly little shitposts
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hey I saw something about categorizing how popular eah fics are by how many different authors write on one ship, are you doing anything on that, because it sounds like a lot of fun. i also know you from your fics, so it was really exciting to see you here! have a nice day!
I believe you're referring to the ship statistics ran by @royalrebelpropaganda, and while I'm not personally involved in running anything related to that, I will admit I've swayed the numbers quite a bit 😬
(If you're not referring to that, I'm very curious to know what you are referring to, though! Please feel free to enlighten me on it)
It's always so so lovely to have someone know my fics!!! I hope you liked them, and I hope you find plenty of fics you enjoy in the future (from me or otherwise ^-^)
You have a lovely day, too!!
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bastardennis · 3 years
• tagged by @prince-luffy
1. why did you choose your url? It's really self explanatory innit? 2. any side blogs? Actually yes, I have trouble separating fandoms so when I get ~into stuff a bit too much, I create a sideblog for it. My main blog is actually @metalicar but I haven't even been watching SPN for the last couple of years, I mostly use it to follow all the fan content I like and keep myself up to date for any new shenanigans happening over there. Some of my others are @silverhandpunk for some game stuff (but it's pretty empty there and not at all active), @bambicoldwaughter for The Magicians stuff (that I've basically killed dead after The Event) and some random aesthetique blogs for my personal visual pleasure (@chrysleralmighty, @vanderohe).
3. how long have you been on tumblr? Whooo boy... I think I have like... more than 1400 pages of reblogs and stuff on my main blog, so at least 9 years?
4. do you have a queue tag? Nope, typing an extra q into the tags is so much work.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? I joined because of the dumpster fire that was Gossip Girl, specifically because of that one ship that never was. I never watched the last season and deleted all traces of it from my main blog.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? It's the cutest Mac face I've ever seen ngl, and I love Mac, he's my soul twin yeah I'm kinning Ronald McDonald and what about it?
7. why did you choose your header? *checks what the fuck even is my header* Oh, that! It's just the most homoerotic and subtext-y Macdennis image I've ever seen, and it was made as a promo for this show, isn't that wild? The brains on those people, I swear
8. what’s your post with the most notes? On my main blog? A post of Misha calling Dean pretty gay for keeping his trenchcoat and being def attracted to Cas... in 2012! (also, holy shit, never knew I somehow accumulated 60k notes for someone that hardly posts?)
On here? Apparently it's a video of Dennis being personally offended and/or massively hurt by Mac going back into the closet in "The Gang Goes To Hell Part Two".
9. how many mutuals do you have? No idea mate, my name blindness works against me on the internets. Also, I don't expect an automatic mutual follow so I don't keep up with the statistics. I'm sure there are people who would make great online friends but are bothered by some niche thing that I constantly post so they really don't need to follow me. Same thing in reverse, I love some of the people that follow me but their interests are so weirdly not my thing that I can't follow them even if I love their chats/asks. I just don't like the concept of "mutuals" in general, can't you tell?
10. how many followers do you have? Around 2.8k on main, ca. 400 on here.
11. how many people do you follow? It's 1337 actually, heh 😎
12. have you ever made a shit post? One man's shit post is another man's treasure (translation: I have no idea what constitues a shit post specifically? The notes or the content?)
13. how often do you use tumblr a day? A lot, it's my multiple fandom news feed, even if I only technically post about mostly one thing.
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? Nah, never even got a 'kill yourself' anon, and I was in the SPN fandom for years. I guess I'm just that unremarkable.
15. how do you feel about the you need to reblog posts? I don't feel anything specifically, I just.... don't reblog? I'm way past my caring phase, and it's mostly because it does nothing for my mental health. Tumblr is not surprisingly my escapism place, so I use it as such.
16. do you like tag games? Sure, 'cause I've got shit to say, y'know? actually I don't, I just like the sound of my keyboard clicking sometimes
17. do you like ask games? See above! also I love interacting with people? The problem with me interacting with people is.. well I just get into a procrastination loop of scrolling so I hardly initiate anything without being prompted. My ADHD allows only One (1) self-motivated action per day and the motivation for the rest needs to come from outside of my brain.
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? The beauty of tumblr is that I literally have no idea. We could all be tumblr famous *insert communist bugs bunny meme*
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? Like a romantic crush? Probably not, idk. But I do get weirdly fixated on people sometimes, though it's usually An Idea of them through snippets of their online life.
tagging @pizzashakes @macronalds @silvermoonreds pls feel free to ignore the tag if you don't want to do it or already did 💗💜💙
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ever-after-why · 4 years
Ch//se Redford headcanons because I love him and I can't sleep
-He's gay, but it both takes a while for him to realize that and to accept it because since (assuming the statistics are similar to in reality) straight is both the majority and the default in people's minds, especially in a universe where you're expected to follow your "destiny". I'm not saying homophobia would run rampant, but considering dating within different social classes is considered unacceptable, same-sex relationships may be considered lower than hetero couples. Plus the main point of EAH is that you need to have a child to fill your place in your story someday so the whole thing about gay couples not being able to have kids would be a very widespread ideal. I think Wonderland is a lot more accepting than Ever After, but Ch//se's mother has it ingrained in him to follow rules, so it takes him a while to realize that his sexuality is just as valid as everyone else's.
-As previously mentioned, Ch//se's mother  (The Red Queen) has raised him to follow rules from a very young age, especially her rules. If he were to make a mistake, she would scold and belittle him for hours to the point that he now instinctively apologizes for everything, even if it's not his fault. He wants approval from his mom above all else, and is constantly struggling with himself about whether following rules is the best idea in a scenario. He's been verbally abused and conditioned by his mother for so long that if there were a case where breaking the rules could save his life, it would take him a lot of consideration to decide to not die and he would feel terrible about it afterward.
- He was born in Ever After, but his parents gave him up as a baby and he ended up being raised in Wonderland by the Red Queen, who took him in with the intention of raising him to be her knight rather than her son. RQ constantly uses this against him, reminding him that she could get rid of him just as easily as she took him in every time he makes an error. Ch//se doesn't know anything about his birth parents, and chooses to believe they're dead because it's easier for him to cope with than the thought that his parents didn't want him.
-I mentioned this a few times already but he doesn't like himself very much. Everything he does is to please his mother, and to uphold his honor as the Red Knight. He never does anything just for himself, and it's taken a toll on his mental health. He constantly feels as though he's not good enough, constantly pushing himself too hard, constantly beating himself up for little mistakes. He's taken his Knight training too far to the point he made himself physically ill. He doesn't know how to take care of himself, because he was raised to act for his mother's sake. When his own morals overlap with a decision, it's hard for him to listen to himself. The only person who Ch//se won't obey and respect is Ch//se.
- Ch//se eventually transfers to Ever After once the curse is lifted. It takes him a while to adjust, but he realizes that he can let his guard down now that his mother isn't around and he starts to open up and become his own person. He tends to stick with the Wonderlandians as much as possible, just for a bit of familiarity, but he's close friends with Darling as well. 
I'll make a separate post for ship headcanons (Ch//sistair) but as I was writing these I realized I relate to Ch//se a lot oof-
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smackmybitchup · 7 years
Oh also today in media we were talking about how some enlightenment thinker was like we should all be autonomous and do what we want unless it involves harming others then the gov can intervene and how that paved the way for society today and the lecturer was like how can we see this in today's media for example the postal vote.. what constitutes causing 'harm' and some dude was like the issue around smoking cigarettes that actually causes harm but gay marriage isn't harm it's just hurt feelings and I was like if gay marriage is legalised statistically less gays will get beaten and suicide rates will probably drop and the whole room was just like... as if how dare I touch on such a subject and the lec was like y.. eah um that is def a problem then he switched subjects lol
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I think, people like my lovelly friend, who was hospitalised for trying to kill herself 4 times in one month(in a time span of less than 2-4 days from eah attempt) Really scew the numbers of deaths vs attempts, and why women have such a high rate. Does the study count multiple attempts from the same person as one, or as multiple?
I really don’t know. I just remember seeing a study or statistic on a post that said that. I am not really good at finding these things out on my own. I am sorry for your friend though and I hope she is getting the help she needs.
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kicksday-blog · 7 years
Can Water Kill? - http://kicksday.com/2017/04/14/can-water-kill/ #Athletes, #CanWaterKill, #FunFacts, #GetInformed, #Sports, #Tips, #Water, #YouWantToKnow
New Post has been published on http://kicksday.com/2017/04/14/can-water-kill/
Can Water Kill?
Can Water Kill? How much water does it take to kill a person? An international expert panel concluded that you should drink only when thirsty in order to avoid exercise-associated hyponatremia (water overdose).
In the summer of 2014, two otherwise healthy 17-year-old high school football players died. In both cases, the common denominator was excessive fluid consumption (a peril that is often underestimated).
Can Water Kill: Exercise-Related Hyponatremia
Water overdose occurs when a person drinks too many fluids and the kidneys cannot “flush them out”. This results in the excess water entering the cells and causing them to swell. That’s when something as vital as water can quickly turn lethal, according to the guidelines published in the Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine.
Dr. Mitchell H. Rosner, from the Division of Nephrology at University of Virginia Health System, said that inaccurate statements can lead to dangerous behaviors and subsequent exercise-related hyponatremia.
Blanket statements that can be found on the Internet such as “don’t wait until you feel thirsty” have the potential for “disastrous consequences” as they reinforce the idea that near constant fluid consumption during athletic events is a judicious and even necessary thing to do, Rosner said.
Can Water Kill: Less is More
What could, therefore, be effective water overdose prevention techniques? The first is perhaps the most physiological and simple: drink according to thirst, according to Rosner.
Sports medicine physician James Winger said that modest to moderate levels of dehydration are tolerable. Thus, they pose little risk to otherwise healthy athletes. In fact, an athlete can lose up the 3 percent of his of her body weight during a competition without negatively affecting performance levels.
Exercise-related hyponatremia has mostly occurred during endurance competitions and military exercises, but the authors of the guidelines claim that it is not just athletes engaging in strenuous exercise that is prone to the condition. Cases have also been reported among people participating in “zen activities” such as lawn bowls and yoga. At present, statistics show that at least 14 athletes died as a result of EAH.
Can Water Kill: Water Overdose and Intoxication
The American Chemistry Society says that it takes about 6 liters of water to kill a 165-pound person. Death by water or water intoxication is not a rare phenomenon.
It’s common among young people who challenge themselves to “water drinking contests,” or athletes who mistakenly over-hydrate while training, Scientific American reported.
To avoid water overdose, these new guidelines are targeting athletes in particular. Experts say that administering a concentrated saline solution containing 3 percent sodium — about three times higher than the concentration in normal saline solution, is a life-saving technique that can treat exercise-associated hyponatremia.
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froggywentaprincin · 5 months
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There are currently around 1386 fics on fanfiction.net for Ever After High. Of these, 367 fics are tagged with at least one ship (As in, [Character, Character] or [Character, Character, Character])
Above are the Top 15 tagged ships!
Below are all the tagged ships, in order of how much they are tagged:
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+There is one tagged Apple X Milton and I am horrified. It’s in spanish so I really hope it is just a terrible misunderstanding.
This data taken on May 5th, 2024.
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froggywentaprincin · 4 months
Types of TikTok’s EAH characters have
Sparrow: 30% band promotion, 70% random fuckery
Hopper: poetry, frog content, complaining about his love life
Daring: those tiktoks where guys basically do NOTHING and get hundreds of thousands of likes
Madeline: tea recipes, tea shoppe promotion, answers comments asking about wonderland but her answers seem to make no sense
Briar: get ready with me, tiktok dances
Lizzie: fashion, sewing, wonderland bragging
Apple: a day in the life of
Raven: experimental videos to find what she likes, makeup, spells, rebel advocating
Darling: subtle how-to content for damsels who want to save themselves, snippets of wonderland with no context
Ashlynn: gf/bf content, nature aesthetic, hauls, has a second TikTok specifically for her shoe store
Hunter: archery, those how-to videos from buff guys with their shirts off that totally aren’t looking for compliments
Humphrey: rapping, makes fan edits of his own music, statistical probabilities
Dexter: fan edits, story times
Chase: videos of battle training
Kitty: pranks, duets people just to giggle snidely
Duchess: dancing videos (her own, not tiktok dances), bragging story times (mostly things that didn’t actually happen)
Justine: dancing videos (her own AND tiktok dances), ballerina content
Ramona: duets and judges/taunts other people
Cerise: athleticism, pranks, duets videos of people cooking meat
Blondie: basically the same as her mirrorcast, tiktok trends
Cupid: love advice, makeup videos
Cedar: art projects
Rosabella: womens rights, animals rights, disability rights, background characters rights,
Courtly: clowncore
Ginger: baking content
Nina: perspective videos
Alistair: travel content, duets those see-if-you-can-find videos
Bunny: plays filter games, duets satisfying content
Meeshell: asmr
Faybelle: pranks, cheerleading
Holly: hair business content, turns into gossip
Poppy: hair business content behind the scenes
Farrah: transformation videos
Crystal: makeup, snowy aesthetics
Jackie: pranks
Northwind: snowball fights
Melody: MUSIC, her remixes, requested remixes, tiktok dances
Jillian: athleticism, doing dares, parkour
Tiny: advocates for giant-sized accessibility, prospective videos, you still can’t see his giant face because his phone is so small everything’s blurry
Gus & Helga: sing if you would eat it
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