#earforce band
c-40 · 2 years
A-T-2 385 Dope Library Music With A Space Theme
Holst's suite The Planets written as what the composer described as "a series of mood pictures" (in a music lesson at school we were told to close our eyes listen to this piece of music and let images appear infant of our eyes) I'd argue it was very influential in the development of space music. Mainstream public interest interest in space travel is believed to have come from a Soviet youth magazine published October 2nd 1951 which outlined how two men might fly to the moon and back, thus kickstarting the Soviet lunar programme. This is published in the US and the space race is born. The Space Shuttle era begins in 1981
John Cage composes Imaginary Landscapes No.1 in 1939. In the 1950s with the onset of the space race there was a boom in space films. The film Forbidden Planet came out in 1956, it's soundtrack was made entirely electronically (reportedly to get out of paying musicians and union rates), this helped solidify a connection between space and synths. Electronic music is considered to be futuristic in nature, and in the 1950s it was (in 2022 watching films set hundreds of years in the future but they're still dancing to 1990s electronic dance music is a bit of a joke.) In 1963 Doctor Who appeared on UK television screens with it's electronic theme music realised by Delia Derbyshire using musique concrète tequniques. Like with the John Cage piece I mentioned the sounds electronics can produce often sound alien, sound can be manipulated way beyond what a musician playing wind, strings, percussion, or a voice can do. In that way these sounds might be considered futuristic or even emanating from outer space. Electronic instruments also seem more scientific, it's often called tech, closer to computer laboratories and rocket controls than pianos, saxophones, drums, or guitars
We tell stories about space. Star Wars ushers in a renaissance of space fiction and it remains popular to this day. Ridley Scott's second space film Bladerunner comes out in 1982, which has one of my favourite soundtracks
Space library records are popular with fans of electronica and they usually have great sleeve artwork. That space library albums have a funky beat makes no sense at all, there's nothing particularly spacey about drum breaks, still I am drawn to them
Gaston Borreani recording under the name Galaxy for De Wolfe
Galaxy - Jupiter
Again for De Wolfe Unit 9 who did two space titled albums Delta and Over The Moon. Also check Fission Chips from Over The Moon and Omicron (before it was the name of a covid19 variant and we believed in progress and the future, ah! innocent times) from Delta
Unit 9 - Pi
Earforce Band - Sky Racer brilliant German one off for UBM Records. Bassist Dieter Petereit and drummer Willy Ketzer were both in the fusion band Passport. Space is big enough from harpsichord
Roger's New Conception - Expectation from the album Infomatic 2000. Roger Roger & Nino Nardini sounding like something from the 1960s or 70s. Sleeve artwork is nicked from the CTI album Moon Germs by Joe Farrell and isn't a million miles away from the sleeve for China Crisis' debut album designed by Peter Saville Associates. Anyway, beats
Christian Chevalier - Strange Pop from the album Christian Chevalier & Alan Feanch - Space Résonance. Alan Feanch followed up with sister album Flash Résonance: Space Dream
Miha Kralj - Jupiter from the Yugoslavian state owned record label PGP RTB album Odyssey
Roland Brocquet - Epsilove another French offering, this one from the album Robot Rose "Claviers Synthétiseur"
The Astral Dimension - Black Holes from Italy, not to be confused with Astral Sounds. A spooky ambient one this
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sorcerermusic · 6 years
Earforce Band ‎- Neon
Sky Racer LP
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