#the astral dimension
caitmayart · 8 months
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THE MALL HAS BEEN REVEALED!!! Honestly this was one of my favorite backgrounds to work on, and the amount of silly shit I was able (and encouraged!) to include is ridiculous ♥ Love this show!
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-2 385 Dope Library Music With A Space Theme
Holst's suite The Planets written as what the composer described as "a series of mood pictures" (in a music lesson at school we were told to close our eyes listen to this piece of music and let images appear infant of our eyes) I'd argue it was very influential in the development of space music. Mainstream public interest interest in space travel is believed to have come from a Soviet youth magazine published October 2nd 1951 which outlined how two men might fly to the moon and back, thus kickstarting the Soviet lunar programme. This is published in the US and the space race is born. The Space Shuttle era begins in 1981
John Cage composes Imaginary Landscapes No.1 in 1939. In the 1950s with the onset of the space race there was a boom in space films. The film Forbidden Planet came out in 1956, it's soundtrack was made entirely electronically (reportedly to get out of paying musicians and union rates), this helped solidify a connection between space and synths. Electronic music is considered to be futuristic in nature, and in the 1950s it was (in 2022 watching films set hundreds of years in the future but they're still dancing to 1990s electronic dance music is a bit of a joke.) In 1963 Doctor Who appeared on UK television screens with it's electronic theme music realised by Delia Derbyshire using musique concrète tequniques. Like with the John Cage piece I mentioned the sounds electronics can produce often sound alien, sound can be manipulated way beyond what a musician playing wind, strings, percussion, or a voice can do. In that way these sounds might be considered futuristic or even emanating from outer space. Electronic instruments also seem more scientific, it's often called tech, closer to computer laboratories and rocket controls than pianos, saxophones, drums, or guitars
We tell stories about space. Star Wars ushers in a renaissance of space fiction and it remains popular to this day. Ridley Scott's second space film Bladerunner comes out in 1982, which has one of my favourite soundtracks
Space library records are popular with fans of electronica and they usually have great sleeve artwork. That space library albums have a funky beat makes no sense at all, there's nothing particularly spacey about drum breaks, still I am drawn to them
Gaston Borreani recording under the name Galaxy for De Wolfe
Galaxy - Jupiter
Again for De Wolfe Unit 9 who did two space titled albums Delta and Over The Moon. Also check Fission Chips from Over The Moon and Omicron (before it was the name of a covid19 variant and we believed in progress and the future, ah! innocent times) from Delta
Unit 9 - Pi
Earforce Band - Sky Racer brilliant German one off for UBM Records. Bassist Dieter Petereit and drummer Willy Ketzer were both in the fusion band Passport. Space is big enough from harpsichord
Roger's New Conception - Expectation from the album Infomatic 2000. Roger Roger & Nino Nardini sounding like something from the 1960s or 70s. Sleeve artwork is nicked from the CTI album Moon Germs by Joe Farrell and isn't a million miles away from the sleeve for China Crisis' debut album designed by Peter Saville Associates. Anyway, beats
Christian Chevalier - Strange Pop from the album Christian Chevalier & Alan Feanch - Space Résonance. Alan Feanch followed up with sister album Flash Résonance: Space Dream
Miha Kralj - Jupiter from the Yugoslavian state owned record label PGP RTB album Odyssey
Roland Brocquet - Epsilove another French offering, this one from the album Robot Rose "Claviers Synthétiseur"
The Astral Dimension - Black Holes from Italy, not to be confused with Astral Sounds. A spooky ambient one this
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qjackmanifold · 6 months
like it would suck if he actually died but it would also be really funny if madagio kicked fit down into that cave to "teach him a lesson" and he just hit the bottom and died instantly
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lucidpast · 9 months
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Introspection from the Astral Plane, Shana Tugbert, 1969
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geekwithoutafandom · 8 months
So I uh did a thing...
I made a tract (a la gospel track) for Kristen Applebees' God in Dimension 20's Fantasy High Cassandra
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Astral Dimensions, magazine, No. 6, Mark Jacobs and Chris Marler, August 1977 (cover by Clifford Bird)
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oh my god I get it now!
Game Central Station, a main hub for several other worlds
Scala ad Caelum, the nexus from which all worlds spring
THEY’RE THE SAME (thematically)
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oddeyes588 · 4 months
A little late to the party but I do have some thoughts about Fantasy High Junior Year now that it's over. First of all, overall? Great season, had lots of laughs... but man, is it just me, or were there a lot of parts in this season that just... were kind of annoying? For me specifically, two big things... and no, I'm not talking about the Rat Grinders. While I'm a little disappointed with how that ended, I'm not too bothered.
Like, idk if this is a hot take or not, because they were arguably the biggest parts of this season... but I found myself especially annoyed and/or disappointed about K2 and Porter.
Like, don't get me wrong, I thought K2 was funny—especially at first—and Porter being the main villain of the season was 100% for the bit and I can respect that... but man, I couldn't help but be disappointed with Porter going full irredeemably evil, as well as just straight-up annoyed by K2's existence (at least in regards to the story. gameplaywise, making a homunculus of their cleric was VERY smart) (oh god if K2 exists in our world now she might come after me. dont forget me).
In regards to Porter... he was for sure an ass, he caused Gorgug a lot of grief with the MCAT, but he also had such a really sweet moment with him when that thing finally got signed?? It was very, like, not a perfect teacher but someone who did have his best interests in mind, paired with a really nice message about how it's alright to get mad. It was an important part of Gorgug's character growth this season! Integral to unlocking his Barbificer subclass!
...and then all of that just gets thrown away because turns out Porter was evil the whole time and this was all just leading up to his big master plan of killing a god and becoming a god of war. He was never offering genuine advice, he never cared about Gorgug or had his best interests in mind, he thought Gorgug's fascination with Artificing was stupid... and now he's dead. The End.
And that just feels... really disappointing, honestly. He was a chill guy, and yeah he had no right to bar Gorgug from pursuing what he wants and force him to take so many years of school in a single year, but it also resulted in some serious growth on Gorgug's part! It was great! Him being Evil The Whole Time felt... almost like a character assassination, honestly.
And then... there's K2...
I'm gonna be real here. I don't care if using a homunculus and shit for multiple divine intervention rolls is how it actually works in the rulebooks, and I know that objectively having more rolls is always better, especially when the stakes are high... and especially considering that Ally was not getting the rolls they needed otherwise.
This was hilarious. It was also supremely annoying, because it just fully took away from any big moment Kristen could've had this season regarding her and Cassandra after her creation... and this happened TWICE.
Like, from a storytelling perspective, I feel Brennan's pain viscerally. These episodes were truly such an experience for me, because on one hand, I was laughing at the sheer comedy of it all... but there was another part of my brain thinking this truly, truly sucked.
Kristen was figuring out her devotion to Cassandra, finding an understanding in what her role as Cassandra's cleric is... and right at the end of the season all of that kind of comes to a halt because in the end K2 did the divine interventions.
...Well, at least that still leaves some room for whatever Kristen will have to deal with in Senior year. Unlike Porter, who is dead and gone and we're definitely not bringing him back.
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fynnchbird · 2 months
I wonder how on purpose the college visit bad kids one shot was to being a spoiler for Junior year. I mean they go into the astral and learn about dead gods.
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rowanyx · 8 months
So in the Adventuring Party, Brennan asked Beardsley whether there is a world in which Kristen gives up being a Cleric.
Mechanics-wise, I understand why the response was a no. That kind of big change would have a lot of restructuring to do, from the character sheet to minis to even plot changes, which would be difficult mid-season like this. (See Riz's sub-class change from Inquisitor to Arcane Trickster happening now, rather than when we actually met Pok)
Story-wise, though, I respectfully disagree. In fact, I posit there is many a world in which Kristen could change her class.
The big one, I think, would be Paladin. Especially either Redemption or Oathbreaker. After all, you could easily argue that this whole situation (i.e. Cassandra seeing Kristen not putting her priesthood first, dying, and the new mysterious voice that taunted the party with the rotting corpse of the god Kristen already failed) cumulates into exactly the type of description for an Oathbreaker (going back on their word and then joining up with some evil entity instead). And, well, after two gods dying, one you've very much stated to want to be good for but can't get yourself to do so, sounds very much like the type of person that would seek Redemption. If not for themselves, at least for others.
And this could also work to show sort of backslide into the Applebee's family drama. After all, we know Bucky just started as a Paladin himself. He's probably not high enough leveled to have a sub-class of his own, but doesn't Redemption fit? The kid who was forced into Kristen's old role, who is already going around trying to save his classmates from Hell? If Kristen did switch to Paladin, they would most likely share classes (something like Gorgug's Artificier track, school-wise). A perfect opportunity to flesh out the relationship there, either to save Bucky from Mac and Donna or have him 'save' Kristen.
Of course, these are just two of the easier paths to see.
Porter did want another Bad Kid in his classes, didn't he?
Maybe Kristen finds she desires a guide and becomes a Totem Warrior Barbarian.
Maybe Kristen decides that just because her parents suck, doesn't mean the whole bloodline did. This causes her to delve into old records and come out of it as a Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian.
Another idea, given the Buff Kristen movement, is a Fighter. Especially the training and power describing a Champion or the fighting spirit of a Samurai, to lose so many gods and keep going.
Or maybe she finds the issue is the evangelizing. That she cannot dedicate herself to bringing others into her path, but still desiring a higher being to help her. There are many to make a Warlock Contract with. She's even living with one, technically, by way of Fig's Archdevil job.
You could even argue for an Eloquence Bard, with all the speeches and now the Presidency campaign.
Or hey, Cassandra was a moon goddess, wasn't she? Maybe even a Lunar Sorcerer.
Unlikely but theoretically possible, she's just desperate to fix something and takes up Artificing. After all, how different can a Battle Smith really be? It's still healing and protecting, right?
Or, let's revisit an old topic. At the top of the game, Kristen was called the Chosen One. We saw that title following her even after leaving Helio. Sol treated her kindly for it, she invented YES! and even reinvented it into YES?. An argument can even be made that that's part of why Cassandra was fixed so easily after clinging to her. But what is that? Where is that power from? Perhaps some new magic awakens in Kristen. That of a Divine Soul Sorcerer.
Just, Kristen, taking a hard look at religion and Clericdom and deciding maybe it wasn't right for her.
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
So, today's episodes....
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Creator is on some Joker levels of psychological torture now. Thankfully, Moon was able to pull Sun out of that nightmare, but DANG! That episode was horrifying yet amazing! Davis and Reed did an amazing job acting in this episode. 👏 🎩 hats off to them. This episode makes me very concerned, though. Creator is capable of a lot of things. He won't stop hunting Sun unless he either dies or gets distracted by something else, maybe the Astrals. Sun isn't safe. I was never one to believe in the "Sun will take his own life" theory, but after this episode, I'm starting to believe it. Sun will (if he hasn't already) start thinking of himself as a liability to his family and everyone around him. He has Creator after him. He has Nexus and Dark Sun after him, and maybe also the Astrals too. Sun is not safe, and anyone who is around won't be either. I can see Sun taking his own life if it means protecting his family. (Cough! And to stop his suffering. Cough!) Gosh, that's gonna be a tear-jerker of an episode. Sun's sacrifice in vrchat.
Creator deserves to get stinkin' lobotomized after this! Also, does anyone else like to imagine that after one of Creator's plans fails, he has a stinkin' temper tantrum. I love the idea of after getting so close this time and that one time with Goliath, he just loses it and destroys stuff around his lab and screams like a madman.
Now onto Eclipse and Puppet...
Haha. Now, Puppet's trauma is kicking in. Ha... it's not funny. But I feel it is the universe getting back at Puppet for all the poo she's pulled.
So, in this universe, Lefte is the star (Kinda, face of the restaurant, not the main singer tho.) Lefty seems better chill (He seems a little egotistical to me though, I don't know why?) So, this universe's fazgang consis of Lefty, Foxy, Monty, and someone else (It was suppose to be Chica but apparently Henry lost her in the lawsuit) in this universe they aren't an 80's theme band...
They're metal! They're a heavy metal band!
I love it! Kinda reminds me of
Ec Universal's Fnaf Punkrocks series! And I love that.
Also, calling Lefte a goth Freddy is so funny to me. 🤣
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shitpostingkats · 1 year
I know they're not gonna do it but please imagine we get to the xyz dimension and the refugees are getting aid from astrals and barians and everyone rightly flips out and Shay is like "What, do you guys not have aliens in your dimensions? :/"
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15lehna · 5 months
There's this thing I'm curious/confused about. If Ankarna refused to lend her powers to her followers if they were going after Ruvina or Cassandra. How come the shards attacked Cassandra? Was there some sort of loophole since some of them turned non followers into rage monsters. Including Kalina who dealt the killing blow. But even then wasn't it still Ankarna's powers that corrupted them?
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Was Micheal/moth always able to see ghosts or was it after the accident?
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(Click it ^^^)
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(This one was fun to run with. If anyone has any other asks for the characters we might get around to them soon hehe)
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cgarttrailsandtails · 3 months
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Inspired by this post
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unidentifiedprimate · 2 years
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"Where did you get that gun, anyway?"
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He's a sorcerer, Sam.
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