#miha kralj
ymofan04 · 1 year
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Miha Kralj is a pioneer of Electronic music in Slovenia and former Yugoslavia.
The "Slovenian Jarre".
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-2 385 Dope Library Music With A Space Theme
Holst's suite The Planets written as what the composer described as "a series of mood pictures" (in a music lesson at school we were told to close our eyes listen to this piece of music and let images appear infant of our eyes) I'd argue it was very influential in the development of space music. Mainstream public interest interest in space travel is believed to have come from a Soviet youth magazine published October 2nd 1951 which outlined how two men might fly to the moon and back, thus kickstarting the Soviet lunar programme. This is published in the US and the space race is born. The Space Shuttle era begins in 1981
John Cage composes Imaginary Landscapes No.1 in 1939. In the 1950s with the onset of the space race there was a boom in space films. The film Forbidden Planet came out in 1956, it's soundtrack was made entirely electronically (reportedly to get out of paying musicians and union rates), this helped solidify a connection between space and synths. Electronic music is considered to be futuristic in nature, and in the 1950s it was (in 2022 watching films set hundreds of years in the future but they're still dancing to 1990s electronic dance music is a bit of a joke.) In 1963 Doctor Who appeared on UK television screens with it's electronic theme music realised by Delia Derbyshire using musique concrète tequniques. Like with the John Cage piece I mentioned the sounds electronics can produce often sound alien, sound can be manipulated way beyond what a musician playing wind, strings, percussion, or a voice can do. In that way these sounds might be considered futuristic or even emanating from outer space. Electronic instruments also seem more scientific, it's often called tech, closer to computer laboratories and rocket controls than pianos, saxophones, drums, or guitars
We tell stories about space. Star Wars ushers in a renaissance of space fiction and it remains popular to this day. Ridley Scott's second space film Bladerunner comes out in 1982, which has one of my favourite soundtracks
Space library records are popular with fans of electronica and they usually have great sleeve artwork. That space library albums have a funky beat makes no sense at all, there's nothing particularly spacey about drum breaks, still I am drawn to them
Gaston Borreani recording under the name Galaxy for De Wolfe
Galaxy - Jupiter
Again for De Wolfe Unit 9 who did two space titled albums Delta and Over The Moon. Also check Fission Chips from Over The Moon and Omicron (before it was the name of a covid19 variant and we believed in progress and the future, ah! innocent times) from Delta
Unit 9 - Pi
Earforce Band - Sky Racer brilliant German one off for UBM Records. Bassist Dieter Petereit and drummer Willy Ketzer were both in the fusion band Passport. Space is big enough from harpsichord
Roger's New Conception - Expectation from the album Infomatic 2000. Roger Roger & Nino Nardini sounding like something from the 1960s or 70s. Sleeve artwork is nicked from the CTI album Moon Germs by Joe Farrell and isn't a million miles away from the sleeve for China Crisis' debut album designed by Peter Saville Associates. Anyway, beats
Christian Chevalier - Strange Pop from the album Christian Chevalier & Alan Feanch - Space Résonance. Alan Feanch followed up with sister album Flash Résonance: Space Dream
Miha Kralj - Jupiter from the Yugoslavian state owned record label PGP RTB album Odyssey
Roland Brocquet - Epsilove another French offering, this one from the album Robot Rose "Claviers Synthétiseur"
The Astral Dimension - Black Holes from Italy, not to be confused with Astral Sounds. A spooky ambient one this
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matmatto1 · 1 year
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02. junija OB 19 h, BO IZDELEK CENSORED, STOP SEXSTING OD MATJAŽA BOROVNIČARJA NA OGLED V GALERIJI POGLED, KAMNIK, Sl.On June 2 AT 7 p.m., THE PRODUCT CENSORED, STOP SEXSTING BY MATJAŽ BOROVNIČARJA WILL BE ON SHOW AT GALLERY POGLED, KAMNIK, Sl.IL 2 GIUGNO ALLE 19:00, IL PRODOTTO CENSORED, STOP SEXSTING DI MATJAŽ BOROVNIČARJA SARÀ IN MOSTRA NELLA GALLERIA POGLED, KAMNIK, Sl.Jeseni leta 2016 se je odprla možnost, da v drugem nadstropju galerije Miha Maleš v središču Kamnika odpremo nov prostor, ki bo namenjen sodobnemu umetniškemu ustvarjanju. V galeriji Pogled so tako razstavljali popolnoma sveži, mladi umetniki kot tudi tisti, ki so na svoji poti do poznih let uspeli ohraniti mladosten pogled na svet in dogajanje ter predvsem sodoben likovni izraz.Po prvem letu delovanja je bil vsakoletni projekt Sodobnost sprejet in podprt tudi s strani Občine Kamnik in Ministrstva za kulturo, kar nam je dalo dodatno vzpodbudo in potrditev, da smo na pravi poti. Čas korona virusa in množičnega omejevanja gibanja je v naše predstavljanje (pravzaprav iz nuje, da ne bi dogodki ostali skriti očem publike) vnesel tudi kratke predstavitvene video posnetke, ki so opremljeni z avtorsko glasbo oblikovalca Vladimirja Ristića, ki poleg videa ohranja in razvija vizualno podobo naše galerije z ličnimi zloženkami in plakati.Vsako leto na naš razpis prispejo številne prijave avtorjev, ki pa se iz leta v leto povečujejo in tako počasi majhen razstavni prostor galerije Pogled pridobiva svoje mesto med velikani, v katerega vstopajo tako mladi sodobni umetniki (med katerimi je bila marsikomu razstava v galeriji Pogled prva stopnica in vstopnica na slovensko likovno sceno) kot tudi že uveljavljeni slovenski umetniki s svojimi intimnejšimi zgodbami, ki jim prostor galerije prav zaradi tega ustreza.Prva petletka je za nami in tako se na skupinski razstavi Pogled 5 let predstavlja kar 29 slovenskih umetnikov, s prepoznavnimi likovnimi zgodbami, lastnimi vsakemu posamezniku, ki so skupaj z nami ustvarjali pot galerije Pogled – kamniškega razstavnega prostora, ki vse od jeseni 2016 bogati kamniški in širši slovenski likovni prostor.(iz kataloga razstave avtorice in kustosinje razstave Saše Bučan)SODELUJOČI:Slikarstvo (M. Sterle, K. Klimt, B. Demšar, B. Plesničar, M. Šuštar, M. Kavčič, M. Šubic, B. Carniollus, M. Sekulič Fo, A. Pavlovec, Ž. Vrezec, G. Pratneker, M. Borovničar, P. Kolenko),Kiparstvo (T. Bregar, N. Koželj, T. Curk Sorta, U. Toman)Grafika ( O. Pilić, A. Košar, K. Sorta, A. Hribar Lemovec, M. Erič),Strip (M. Ramoveš, K. Kovše),Ilustracija (P. Lovšin)Fotografija (A. Š. Kralj, J. Bizjak, K. Bogataj).Občasna razstava Pogled v Pogled – 5 let Galerije Pogled 2017-2021, 2. 6. – 10. 10. 2023. Medobčinski muzej Kamnik – Galerija Miha Maleš. Zanj: mag. Zora TorkarKustosinja razstave: Saša Bučan Besedilo: Saša Bučan Oblikovanje: Vladimir Ristić Lektoriranje: Ana Gruden Tisk: Studio Print Projekt sta financirali: Občina Kamnik in Ministrstvo za kulturo
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psikonauti · 5 years
Miha Kralj ‎– Andromeda (FULL ALBUM, ambient / space electronic, Sloveni...
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ukav · 2 years
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"Andromeda" by Miha Kralj | Dream Chimney
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architectnews · 3 years
Venice Biennale Slovenia Pavilion 2021
Venice Architecture Biennale Slovenia Pavilion 2021, Exhibition in Italy, Design
Venice Biennale Slovenia Pavilion 2021 News
30 Apr 2021
La Biennale di Venezia Pavilion of Slovenia 2021
The Common in Community
Seventy Years of Cooperative Centres as a Social Infrastructure
Pavilion of Slovenia
at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia
Cooperative centre in Kostanjevica na Krki, 1953: photo Courtesy of Božidar Jakac Art Museum, Kostanjevica na Krki (photo: Lado Smrekar)
As we go through our daily routines we frequently overlook how important community is in our lives; we lose sight of our place within it, our relationships with other people, and how strongly this shapes our daily lives. But once this interaction is broken due to personal or social circumstances, it soon becomes obvious how much it is missed. It’s in times of economic, health or natural crises that indoor public community spaces suddenly become extremely important connective elements whose existence is crucial for the widest community.
The exhibition focuses on the Cooperative Centre – a multipurpose public building most often set in a rural context. In villages, small towns and suburban areas they serve as venues for various administrative, economic, social and cultural activities. The cooperative centre has a specific architectural typology, whose purpose is to create an indoor public space that usually serves as a central space in the community, a place of social interaction and a hub that serves a range of local community needs.
Cooperative centre in Polhov Gradec: photograph : Jana Jocif
Cooperative centres represent the remnants of the Yugoslavian project of building cooperative centres during the time of post-war reconstruction and the broader modernisation of society. The project was launched in December 1947, and within five years, with mass mobilisation, volunteer and shock work, the country saw thousands of cooperative centres built across its territory. The centres, which were primarily designed to serve the needs of the new model of cooperative agriculture and functioned also as cultural and educational centres in their towns and villages, took on an array of roles and uses in the course of their lives.
Cooperative centre in Srednja Dobrava: photo : Jana Jocif
A network of 523 cooperative centres was planned for Slovenia and, as the research shows, more than 300 were built within a couple of years. The state-led project was conducted by the authorities at the federal, republic and district levels. It engaged technical staff, architects and artists who helped in finding suitable locations, preparing the type plans for the cooperative centres and providing guidance, all the way down to instructions on how to set up stages and arrange the space for the film projector. Realisation of this massive project involved the local people and veterans’ organisations as well as women’s and mass youth organisations.
The construction was straightforward, well-organised and carefully documented. Complementing the construction process was the periodical “Cooperative Centre”, which reported on developments on construction sites, published information and educational material as well as architectural plans with instructions for construction. The project was also soon captured in propaganda films and photo-documentation; handbooks were published to help in the construction.
Cooperative centre in Ribno: photo : Jana Jocif
Seventy years later, many cooperative centres remain standing and continue to serve their purpose as local community centres – venues that bring people together for leisure and for an array of public enterprises. Some have been privatised, some demolished, but most continue to serve their original purpose. Some of the latter have been renewed, while others await renovation.
Cooperative centres open up broader issues of social cohesion, namely how we as a society can live together in diversity and avoid being closed off in physical or mental strongholds. Cooperative centres have served as important social infrastructures that enable and nurture basic social bonds. On the other hand they also reveal differences between Slovenian regions, life in small towns and villages, differences between urban centres and the periphery, and raise questions of (un)equal social development.
Cooperative centre in Vnanje Gorice: photo : Jana Jocif
The exhibition highlights the various dimensions of this project of constructing cooperative centres in the given historical, spatial and organisational circumstances, both at the time of their emergence and today. Employing distinctive architectural elements it shapes the character and functioning of indoor public space, whose significance is underlined by the presentation of the project itself. Today, exploring the subject of cooperative centres offers us the chance to better understand the ways in which indoor public spaces can be set up as social infrastructures that have the potential to foster free interaction and association, communication and empowerment. How important they are for society only becomes that much more obvious when we are deprived of the possibility to participate and associate.
Cooperative centre in Dobrunje: photo : Jana Jocif
venicebiennial.mao.si IG: @slovenianpavilion FB: @slovenianpavilion.venicebiennial
Obrat d.o.o. www.obratdoo.si [email protected] +386 41 384 764
Commissioner Matevž Čelik Vidmar
Assistant to the Commissioner Nikola Pongrac
Blaž Babnik Romaniuk: photo : Jošt Franko
Martina Malešič: photo : personal archive
Rastko Pečar: photo : Mateja Kolarič
Asta Vrečko: photo : Miha Tozon
Pavilion Design Obrat d.o.o.
Exhibition Design Blaž Babnik Romaniuk Anja Delbello Nuša Jurkovič Samo Kralj Martina Malešič Rastko Pečar Aljaž Vesel Asta Vrečko
Graphic Design Anja Delbello Aljaž Vesel
Architectural Models Nuša Jurkovič Samo Kralj
Video Vid Hajnšek
Photography Jana Jocif
Collaborator Urška Cvikl
Coordinator in Venice eiletz | ortigas architects
Producer Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO)
With the support of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Venice Biennale Slovenia Pavilion 2021 images / information received 290421
Location: Giardini della Biennale, Castello 1260, 30122 Venezia, Italia
Venice Architecture
Venice Architecture Designs – chronological list
Venice Architecture Tours by e-architect
Venice Architecture News
Vatican Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale Architects: Foster + Partners image courtesy of architects Vatican Pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennale
Venice Biennale Korean Pavilion 2018 by KECC image © N.E.E.D. Architecture, Sungwoo Kim (N.E.E.D. Architecture) Venice Biennale Korean Pavilion 2018
Venice Biennale Irish Pavilion 2018 Venice Biennale Irish Pavilion 2018
Pavilion of the Holy See at Venice Biennial image courtesy of architects Pavilion of the Holy See at Venice Biennial
British Pavilion at the 16th International Architecture Exhibition La Biennale di Venezia image courtesy of architects British Pavilion Venice Biennale 2018 – Caruso St John Architects and artist Marcus Taylor
Venice Biennale
Venice Architecture Biennale – Review + Images
Website: La Biennale di Venezia
Comments / photos for the Venice Biennale Slovenia Pavilion 2021 page welcome
Website: Venice, Italy
The post Venice Biennale Slovenia Pavilion 2021 appeared first on e-architect.
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buggerallsound · 7 years
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★ Unreleased space synth sessions from Split,  Yugoslavia, 1985. ★ From the original master tapes. ★ Vinyl Gatefold LP ★ Liner Notes ★ Exclusive Artwork & Design by Eric Adrian Lee  ★ DMM cut by Pauler Acoustics ★ Mastering by Antony Ryan (RedRedPaw) ★ Limited Edition ★ No repress ★
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Deluxe limited edition vinyl LP of the unpublished Nenad Vilović lost synth-masterpiece Prizma. The Yugoslavian and Croatian disco and pop chart-maker and once a Split International Music Festival headman (also in groups Grupa ST, Mladi Batali, etc.), producer of Dino Dvornik, Ambasadori, Oliver Dragojević, Meri Cetinić, Leo Martin and many more, recorded this space-prog-electronica album in complete secrecy. ★  It was refused in the 1980s by all major Yugoslavian record labels for being too experimental, but it is actually a game changer in the field of socialist YU electronica. Miha Kralj, Laza Ristovski, Igor Savin and Kornelije Kovač now have company in the field of complex analog synthesizer concept albums, with this one being finally released by Fox & His Friends Records after 37 years of being shelved. Every instrument on this album has been played by Vilović himself. This rare piece of vinyl is cut by Pauler Acoustics, mastered by Antony Ryan and features exclusive cover design by Eric Adrian Lee. 
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In the golden era of pop music in Yugoslavia, city of Split had a special place. The Adriatic Sea, nearing Italian radio stations and the famous San Remo music festival that influenced almost everything, from fashion, lifestyle to music. It's local counterpart was The Split Pop Music Festival since the 1960s, international at first and lasting even till now. Our hero was in the organizational leadership at the end of the 1990s and attracted much public disapproval while selecting the tunes for the competition: he resolutely refused to include what he considered old-fashion songs. Nenad Vilović fiercely wanted the Split Festival and music scene to modernize, in order to appeal to the younger audiences and to reach the charts and dance-floors. As the sound of the time regarding his requirements was predominately electronic, the ‘traditionalists’ hated him.
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It was not the first time Nenad Vilović (often under the names ST or Nenad Vilović & Grupa ST) clashed with the keepers of tradition. Long before he managed Split Festival, many of his songs and productions won the awards of the popular vote and became high-selling singles. However, critics smashed his efforts, calling him a commercial sell-out and even the local term was forged especially for him: ‘čekićanje’ and ‘kovačija’, meaning ‘hammering’ and ‘blacksmithing’ of the songs that introduced 4/4 beat. It was Vilović’s love of dance culture and disco, catchy melodies and fun lyrics that his opponents and critics took as a final proof that this guy is making empty and shallow pop music.
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Nenad Vilović has enjoyed quite of success; produced, composed and arranged for numerous artists and himself as well; been in several groups starting the legendary Mladi Batali and released singles and LPs for some of the largest companies in Yugoslavia: Jugoton, PGP RTB and Diskoton. But, as he jokingly said when Leri Ahel and Željko Luketić first met him in his studio: I was all ‘kovačija’, they said! Then he played us the main theme of an album that was shelved for a staggering 37 years, luscious and layered synth-prog piece called “Introduction to The Prism”. Amazing! The tape was played once in the 80s to a local music critic who said “oh, you CAN make quality music!”, but it was still rejected by a major labels for being “too experimental”.
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The studio master is here presented in its entirety; no track was replaced or changed its side or order. This is how it was imagined to be released in 1985, when Nenad Vilović played all instruments, produced, composed, arranged, recorded and even sang on the whole thing. However the title “Prizma” may suggest, this is not a structuralist concept album, but a conceptual use of his studio, instruments and musical knowledge. It mixes the ethnic, electronic, geographical and ambient roots of the crowned festival producer, hit-maker and fast-skilled studio musician who spent all of his money on new machines and his musical progress.
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Composed, arranged, produced, recorded & all instruments played by Nenad Vilović. Recorded in 1985 at Vilović Studio (NV), Split, Yugoslavia (Croatia). Vocals by Nenad Vilović.
Real time recording and mixing via 24-track 3M M79 reel-to-reel. No computers and no sequencers were used. ★ Instruments: Violin, Viola, Keyboards (Yamaha Piano, Fender Rhodes Piano, Prophet 2000, Crumar Performer, Ace Tone Canary Organ, Korg CX-3, Polymoog, ARP Omni-2), Effects (Eventide Harmonizer H949, Iskra Signal Generator MA3731), Guitars (Acoustic, Les Paul Gibson, Ovation Matrix, Fender Jaguar, Klira), Clarinet, Soprano Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax, Ocarina, Drums (Ludwig, Sonor), Fender Bass Guitar, Gibson L9-S Ripper, Gibson SG, Claves, Remo Rototom, Tambourine, Mandola, Triangle, Bells, Conga, Castanets, Shakers.
Executive Producers, Creative Direction and A&R: Leri Ahel & Željko Luketić Liner Notes by Željko Luketić Artwork by Eric Adrian Lee Audio Mastering by Antony Ryan (RedRedPaw Mastering) DMM Cut by Pauler Acoustics Rights Society: HDS/BIEM
A1 Nenad Vilović | Sjećanje | Memory A2 Nenad Vilović | Maglica | Nebula A3 Nenad Vilović | Čudesna panorama | Magical Panorama A4 Nenad Vilović | Prizma | The Prism A5 Nenad Vilović | Sanjivi glasnik | Dreamy Messenger A6 Nenad Vilović | Zlato mozaika | Mosaic Gold
B1 Nenad Vilović | Iza Oriona | Behind the Orion B2 Nenad Vilović | Prerija | Prairie B3 Nenad Vilović | Konjanici | Horsemen B4 Nenad Vilović | Istočni pravac | East Direction B5 Nenad Vilović | Sjećanje na istok | Memory of the East B6 Nenad Vilović | Refleksija | Reflection
Links: http://www.facebook.com/foxandhisfriends http://soundcloud.com/foxandhisfriends http://twitter.com/FoxAndHisFriend http://www.instagram.com/fox.and.his.friends https://www.discogs.com/label/1132857-Fox-His-Friends http://foxandhisfriends.bigcartel.com/
©℗ 2022 Fox & His Friends Records
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cryptswahili · 6 years
Students Can Get Free Tickets to Neo Devcon 2019 in Seattle
Chinese giant welcomes future blockchain talent with free tickets to Seattle DevCon, ahead of NEO 3.0 announcement
NEO is promising that details of its much vaunted 3.0 upgrade will be announced at February’s second NEO DevCon in Seattle on February 16th-17th.
Erik Zhang, founder of the Chinese blockchain giant and NEO’s original core developer, is promising to reveal more details about the upgrade to the smart economy platform, most notably to make it ready for large-scale commercial use.
It’s expected that the upgrade to NEO 3.0 will also bring faster transaction speeds, greater stability and expanded application programming interfaces for smart contracts. This is the biggest upgrade since NEO launched its mainnet in October 2016.
The flagship event will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel, Seattle, and will feature NEO’s founders Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang, plus prominent speakers from the world of blockchain, including Drew Gude, Managing Director of Microsoft Digital, and Miha Kralj, Managing Director of the world’s largest consulting company Accenture and Daniel Haudenschild, CEO of Swisscom Blockchain.
Students and developers are being offered free tickets to the event, more details can be found here.
Seattle is a hot bed of tech innovation with students from the city’s colleges and universities primed to become some of the most sought after developers in the industry.
NEO’s flagship event promises to give students valuable experience of the latest developments in blockchain technology.
The move is part of NEO’s strategy to encourage promising new coders and computer science students to its developer-friendly blockchain platform.
NEO will also host a developer workshop at the event to introduce coders to NEO’s smart economy platform.
It will guide developers through how to set up a NEO development environment, design a smart contract, deploy it to the blockchain, and interface with a smart contract.
It will give participants all the skills required to start building their own dApps on the NEO Platform.
NEO is targeting the development of blockchain games and decentralized apps (dApps), and at DevCon teams who are already building on NEO will give an update on their latest work.
A range of ecosystem projects such as Moonlight, Nash, Guardian Circle, and Bridge Protocol will share insights on the progress of their dApps, as well as BlaCat, which has recently attracted blockchain-based game Imperial Thrones to NEO.
The developer workshop is expected to be in high demand so if you would like to reserve a place please RSVP to NEO on [email protected].
For more details visit: devcon.neo.org.
Disclosure: This is a Sponsored Press Release. NullTX is a media partner with NEO Devcon Seattle.
The post Students Can Get Free Tickets to Neo Devcon 2019 in Seattle appeared first on NullTX.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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cryptobrief · 6 years
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To celebrate the upcoming NEO Devcon, Crypto Daily will be giving away FOUR FREE TICKETS to the event, giving you the chance to access the event and attend what looks to be the biggest NEO gathering of the year. Please note that these tickets will only give you access to the conference and that you will need to arrange your own travel to and from the event, as well as arranging your own accommodation during your stay. The conference kicks off on the 16th of February 2019, therefore you will need to be available to attend from this date.
To enter the competition, simply comment on this video and tell us why you deserve two free tickets to NEO Devcon! Two winners will be selected from the comments of this video on WEDNESDAY 6TH OF FEBRUARY and will be contacted by a member of the Crypto Daily team.
Good luck!
What is NEO Devcon
Devcon is the annual NEO developers conference and is known as one of the most important annual events from within the blockchain industry. It is rare that an event manages to attract so many creative and technical minds in order to discuss the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Devcon is a truly innovative platform that attracts both experienced and new developers alike, in order to share, collaborate and learn. As a part of the event, prolific speakers take to the stage to share their knowledge and insight with the NEO community in order to help highlight the next steps for NEO, as well as in discussing important parts of NEO’s history and the current work from the NEO development team.
The event, takes place at the Hyatt Regency in Seattle, Washington, between the 16th of February and the 17th of February 2019.
According to the Devcon website:
“NEO is a community-driven, open-source blockchain platform. The project was initiated in 2014 and open-sourced on Github in 2015. Its mainnet has maintained stable operation for two and a half years. It upholds the vision of realizing a programmable, digitized and trustless ‘smart economy’ with millions of community members making active contributions across the globe. NEO is one of the most developer-friendly public blockchain projects and decentralized application platforms, offering robust infrastructure,  a variety of APIs and SDKs, a comprehensive smart contract system and easily accessible support to community developers.”
The event allows developers to showcase their latest ideas and products on a truly international scale, reaching a huge audience of like minded individuals, all of whom are equally bullish about the technology behind NEO. Some of the Devcon prolific speakers include Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang, the Co-Founders and CEO’s of NEO. Zhao Chen, the General Manager for NEO Global Development, Drew Gude, the Managing Director for Microsoft Digital World-wide and Harry Pierson, the Program Manager for Xlang, Microsoft.
Some of the important topics covered by the speakers include; ‘The promise of smart economy’ presented by Da Hongfei, new improvements in NEO 3.0, presented by Erik Zhang and even a speech about the ‘Big trend in Blockchain’ presented by Miha Kralj, the Managing Director at Accenture.
How do I take part
There are a number of ways the blockchain community can get involved with this years Devcon. Of course, by entering our giveaway, you are in for a chance of winning a couple of free tickets (what better way to get started), otherwise though, tickets can be purchased online using either NEO, or USD.
Buy your tickets with NEO
Buy your tickets with $USD
Students and developers are also able to access free tickets, in a bid to make this event as transparent as possible for the entire blockchain community. As highlighted in our recent coverage of this story:  
“The NEO team expects to attract young developers and students to the event with free tickets so they can learn more about the ambitious ‘smart economy’ project and pick up valuable blockchain development skills at the workshops. Free access to the event and expert workshops is part of the NEO team’s strategy to unleash a wave of innovation and development activity on the NEO blockchain. Young students and developers can learn how to develop their first decentralized application (dApp), create a smart contract, or deploy solutions on the blockchain. Widening the base of young blockchain experts is seen as a way to augment the already thriving NEO developer community.”
To book tickets or reserve one of the limited seats at the developer workshop, contact the NEO team at [email protected]. For more details, please visit https://devcon.neo.org/.
NEO Devcon promises to be one of the most exciting events of the year, we can’t wait to see what exciting developments come out as a result of this and we can’t wait to find out more about the future of NEO, and NEO 3.0.
Good luck to those taking part in our ticket giveaway. Remember, you simply just need to leave a comment this video via YouTube before Wednesday the 6th of February. Two winners will be selected to win 2 tickets each and will be able to use them to attend the conference next week!
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matmatto1 · 1 year
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02. junija OB 19 h, BO IZDELEK CENSORED, STOP SEXSTING OD MATJAŽA BOROVNIČARJA NA OGLED V GALERIJI POGLED, KAMNIK, Sl.On June 2 AT 7 p.m., THE PRODUCT CENSORED, STOP SEXSTING BY MATJAŽ BOROVNIČARJA WILL BE ON SHOW AT GALLERY POGLED, KAMNIK, Sl.IL 2 GIUGNO ALLE 19:00, IL PRODOTTO CENSORED, STOP SEXSTING DI MATJAŽ BOROVNIČARJA SARÀ IN MOSTRA NELLA GALLERIA POGLED, KAMNIK, Sl.Jeseni leta 2016 se je odprla možnost, da v drugem nadstropju galerije Miha Maleš v središču Kamnika odpremo nov prostor, ki bo namenjen sodobnemu umetniškemu ustvarjanju. V galeriji Pogled so tako razstavljali popolnoma sveži, mladi umetniki kot tudi tisti, ki so na svoji poti do poznih let uspeli ohraniti mladosten pogled na svet in dogajanje ter predvsem sodoben likovni izraz.Po prvem letu delovanja je bil vsakoletni projekt Sodobnost sprejet in podprt tudi s strani Občine Kamnik in Ministrstva za kulturo, kar nam je dalo dodatno vzpodbudo in potrditev, da smo na pravi poti. Čas korona virusa in množičnega omejevanja gibanja je v naše predstavljanje (pravzaprav iz nuje, da ne bi dogodki ostali skriti očem publike) vnesel tudi kratke predstavitvene video posnetke, ki so opremljeni z avtorsko glasbo oblikovalca Vladimirja Ristića, ki poleg videa ohranja in razvija vizualno podobo naše galerije z ličnimi zloženkami in plakati.Vsako leto na naš razpis prispejo številne prijave avtorjev, ki pa se iz leta v leto povečujejo in tako počasi majhen razstavni prostor galerije Pogled pridobiva svoje mesto med velikani, v katerega vstopajo tako mladi sodobni umetniki (med katerimi je bila marsikomu razstava v galeriji Pogled prva stopnica in vstopnica na slovensko likovno sceno) kot tudi že uveljavljeni slovenski umetniki s svojimi intimnejšimi zgodbami, ki jim prostor galerije prav zaradi tega ustreza.Prva petletka je za nami in tako se na skupinski razstavi Pogled 5 let predstavlja kar 29 slovenskih umetnikov, s prepoznavnimi likovnimi zgodbami, lastnimi vsakemu posamezniku, ki so skupaj z nami ustvarjali pot galerije Pogled – kamniškega razstavnega prostora, ki vse od jeseni 2016 bogati kamniški in širši slovenski likovni prostor.(iz kataloga razstave avtorice in kustosinje razstave Saše Bučan)SODELUJOČI:Slikarstvo (M. Sterle, K. Klimt, B. Demšar, B. Plesničar, M. Šuštar, M. Kavčič, M. Šubic, B. Carniollus, M. Sekulič Fo, A. Pavlovec, Ž. Vrezec, G. Pratneker, M. Borovničar, P. Kolenko),Kiparstvo (T. Bregar, N. Koželj, T. Curk Sorta, U. Toman)Grafika ( O. Pilić, A. Košar, K. Sorta, A. Hribar Lemovec, M. Erič),Strip (M. Ramoveš, K. Kovše),Ilustracija (P. Lovšin)Fotografija (A. Š. Kralj, J. Bizjak, K. Bogataj).Občasna razstava Pogled v Pogled – 5 let Galerije Pogled 2017-2021, 2. 6. – 10. 10. 2023. Medobčinski muzej Kamnik – Galerija Miha Maleš. Zanj: mag. Zora TorkarKustosinja razstave: Saša Bučan Besedilo: Saša Bučan Oblikovanje: Vladimir Ristić Lektoriranje: Ana Gruden Tisk: Studio Print Projekt sta financirali: Občina Kamnik in Ministrstvo za kulturo
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sanmansp · 6 years
Thanks Miha Kralj for the follow!
— sanmansp (@sanmansp) May 6, 2018
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sqljoker · 7 years
Miha Kralj is now one of my followers! Thank you! https://t.co/johUJ7g4Lx http://pic.twitter.com/INprTwYXkZ
— SQL Joker (@sql_joker) October 20, 2017
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cosmicloners · 9 years
miha kralj - simfonija c mol
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cryptswahili · 6 years
Accenture Among Tech Heavyweights Attending Neo’s Second Devcon in Seattle
Blockchain-based smart economy platform NEO has surged to the top of the crypto market driven by the strength of its developer community. This year the community is coming together at the 2019 DevCon event to showcase the latest innovations and tools being built on NEO’s open-source platform.
Hosted at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Seattle on February 16th  and 17th, the event will feature more than 40 speakers and more than 30 projects across 20 separate exhibits organized by NEO users and developers from across the world. The two-day event is split between discussions on the first day and a developer workshop on the second.
For the community, this year’s developer conference is a critical step in helping the blockchain project gain global mainstream attention. The objective is to attract the best developers and technical talent from across the world by introducing them to the coder-friendly platform through workshops and expert insights from the best minds in the industry.
Founders Da Hongfei and Erik Zhang are expected to open the event with an update on NEO’s ‘Smart Economy’ plan and an official timeline for major developments over the next twelve months.
Speakers and panels throughout the rest of the day will focus on platform architecture, innovation, and the regulatory landscape for blockchain developers. Some of the noteworthy speakers include Miha Kralj, managing director of consulting firm Accenture, and Dr Chris Berg of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), who will discuss major trends and crypto-economics respectively.
“The NEO DevCon is a place where we can share the latest technological advances, learn about interesting applications and discuss the possibilities of future changes with relevant experts and scholars. This time we also invited some speakers from Seattle-based tech giants to share their insights with us,” said Erik Zhang founder of NEO.
This year’s developer conference will also feature regulators sharing their perspective of this nascent industry and bringing clarity to the blockchain developer community. One of the confirmed speakers is Joseph Williams, Governor Jay Inslee’s ICT industry sector lead and the State of Washington ICT economic development director. Williams is expected to talk about the regulatory hurdles the community faces, provide an insider’s perspective of this emerging technology, and discuss his experience working with blockchain innovators, VCs, and entrepreneurs from across the country.
Regulatory uncertainty is largely seen as one of the biggest hurdles for blockchain development and adoption. The NEO community’s attempt to work with regulators and create consensus with authorities from across the world is part of the reason it is seen as one of the most viable and developer-friendly projects in the crypto industry. Erik Zhang said:
“NEO’s goal is to have the ability to run large-scale commercial applications. The technology development of the blockchain will eventually land in practical applications, and we hope to serve the goals of the smart economy”
Anyone interested in participating or supporting the event can email: [email protected]
Early bird tickets are on sale now for $149 and are available until January 15th. Full price tickets will be $299.
More information can be found at devcon.neo.org
The post Accenture Among Tech Heavyweights Attending Neo’s Second Devcon in Seattle appeared first on NullTX.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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cryptobrief · 6 years
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  Open-source blockchain platform NEO already has one of the most diverse and vibrant developer communities in the crypto space. Nevertheless, the NEO Foundation is trying to win over the best tech talent from across the world by making its platform as simple and developer-friendly as possible.
Part of the team’s strategy to attract more developers to the network is the annual developer conference. This year’s NEO DevCon event will be hosted at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Seattle on the 16th and 17th of February.
40 noteworthy industry insiders, prominent developers, regulators, and academics are expected to take the stage and share their insights with an audience gathered from across the world.
Scheduled speeches include a rundown of major blockchain trends from Miha Kralj, managing director of Accenture, crypto-economics and its role in the future of the global economy, by Dr Chris Berg of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), and regulatory updates and insights from Joseph Williams, Governor Jay Inslee's ICT industry sector lead & State of Washington ICT economic development director.
The second day of the conference will be devoted to more technical discussions. Speakers will take a deep dive into technical blockchain topics such as consensus mechanisms and decentralized storage, as well as explore a range of decentralized application (dApp) use cases, patterns and practices.
Sergei Liubich and Anatoly Bogatryrev, co-founders of the NEO Saint Petersburg Competency Center will present research progress on their NEO based distributed decentralized storage platform, Igor and Vitor Coelho, founders of NeoResearch, will discuss how high-performance computing can advance consensus mechanisms, and representatives from ecosystem projects such as Neon Exchange, Moonlight, Blacat and Archon will share insights on dApp development and their contributions to the Smart Economy.
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“The NEO DevCon is a place where we can share the latest technological advances, learn about interesting applications and discuss the possibilities of future changes with relevant experts and scholars. This time we also invited some speakers from Seattle-based tech giants to share their insights with us.” said Erik Zhang, founder of NEO.
One of the many highlights of the event is the widely anticipated developer workshop. NEO is already one of the most developer-friendly platforms in the industry. Coders can build solutions and tools on the NEO platform with a wide range of programming languages, including C#, Python, and JavaScript. NEO DevCOn 2019’s developer workshop brings this usability and ease-of-development to the centrestage.
Curious developers and blockchain hobbyists will have access to the most experienced developers at the conference workshop. Leading experts from the NEO community will guide developers through how to set up a NEO development environment, design a smart contract, deploy to the blockchain, and interface with a smart contract.
All workshops across the conference are designed to give participants all the skills required to start building their own dApps on the NEO platform. The team hopes this initiative can kick start the next wave of entrepreneurial creativity and technical innovation necessary to build the envisioned smart economy of the future.
“NEO's goal is to have the ability to run large-scale commercial applications. The technology development of the blockchain will eventually land in practical applications, and we hope to serve the goals of the smart economy.” Erik Zhang, said.
NEO DevCOn 2019 tickets are already on sale. Early bird tickets are on sale now for $149 and are available until January 15th. Full price tickets will be $299.
Potential partners and sponsors can contact the team at [email protected].
Further details are available at devcon.neo.org. 
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