#earl of dorincourt
medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Shoukoushi Cedie
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(a.k.a. Little Lord Fauntleroy; Our Boy Ceddie; etc.)
Let’s get back to watching some World Masterpiece Theater animes with another anime loosely based on another novel by Francis Hodgson-Burnett. Unlike my familiarity of her other works like The Secret Garden and A Little Princess, I never knew this story.
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I’ve heard of the name many times (mostly used as an insult) and would see movie adaptations here and there, but would never sit down to watch any of them. There are movies to this story. Quite a bit, actually! There are two prominent versions out there that people would flock to. The first would be the 1936 adaptation with Freddie Bartholomew and Mickey Rooney. And the other would be the 1980 adaptation starring future dick-head Ricky Schroder.
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Cedric Errol (Ceddie to those who know him well) is a happy-go-lucky child. He lives with his parents in Brooklyn, NY. He loves baseball. He’s a wide-eyed optimist. If any of his friends are in a jam, he will always help them out. Would anybody think this little boy could be an heir to an earl in England? Ceddie’s father James was trying to hide that previous life by moving far away from England. But misfortune struck with James’s brother suddenly passing away and then James winds up passing away with a heart attack. This leaves Ceddie without a father but also leaves him with a title across the pond.
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Sometime after James’s death, Ceddie was visited by his grandfather’s lawyer, Mr. Havisham and the intentions are to take Ceddie away from Brooklyn and have him live with his grandfather in England. His grandfather is the Earl of Dorincourt and with all of his sons gone, Ceddie is to be the next heir to the earldom. Upon arrival, Ceddie was given literally everything a child could want and more. The only downside to this is that his dearest mother could not live with him. The reason is because Ceddie’s grandfather has a disdain for the American woman his son married.
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Probably because she looks like his dead wife. Whatever that reason may be, they promised to keep it away from Ceddie to keep him from hating his grandfather. Once meeting his only grandson, The Earl bonded with Ceddie in a way he didn’t expect to. Will Ceddie soften the heart of this crotchety old earl?
BETWEEN THE SUB AND DUB: Once again, I’m reviewing an anime from the World Masterpiece Theater collection so that means there’s no licensing or an English dub. There’s word that this anime aired in England back in the 1990s and it was dubbed. But I have been unable to locate any footage or proof that it exists. As for the sub, I found this interesting tidbit. This was Ai Orikasa’s voice acting debut. I always like to hear voice actor’s first role and see how far they’ve come from there. It looked like Orikasa was on good terms as she went on to voice another major character in the World Masterpiece Theater collection. Now, I want to bring to your attention the availability of this anime on the internet. This was the one anime I found difficulty finding with semi-decent subs. So just be aware of this little hurdle you might come across if your wish is to view this story. With that said, here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
*Ceddie is played by Ai Orikasa (known for Ryoko on Tenchi Muyo, Ren on Fruits Basket 2019, Jakotsu on InuYasha, Shizuru on Yu Yu Hakusho, Tohma on Gravitation, and Romeo on Romeo’s Blue Skies)
*The Earl is played by Takeshi Watabe (known for Gamabunta on Naruto) [R.I.P.]
*Annie is played by Tomoko Munakata
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RESPECTED CHARACTER: This honor goes to Annie. Ceddie’s mother gets my full respect. Annie has persevered through the hardest moments in her life. In the span of several months, Annie lost her husband to a heart condition, became the bread winner of her house, had to uproot her entire life to another country, and be separated from her one and only son because her father-in-law said so. Despite all of that, she still put on a brave face. While living in Dorincourt, she would help those around her, especially the sick and disabled. I’m happy that Annie was eventually able to see Ceddie every now and then throughout the series. I just wished The Earl would have come to his senses early on. Who taught Ceddie all of those manners you like him for? His mother Annie, that’s who!
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PROTECT THAT SMILE: This is Cocky. I like Cocky. Protect her smile at all costs!
DISLIKED CHARACTER: Hmm…does this anime have a snot-nosed bitch for me to rag on or a bastard old man?
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Oh my, it does! However, my hatred for Bridget was only for a few episodes. Her mother on the other hand is another story. Thankfully, we don’t see them that often and the whole thing with Bridget was resolved sooner than you’d think. As for the bastard old man, that would be The Earl. Like with Bridget, my hatred for him waned over time. Yes, he did piss me off when he got in a hissy-fit whenever Ceddie’s mother was brought up. I’ve dealt with that in my youth where certain family members trash-talked my mother. I hate them. But the Earl slowly became accepting of Annie and most of that thanks goes to Ceddie. He’s a saint. I think everyone can come together to hate one, single character. And that is…
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Newick! Nobody likes him.
He’s a debt collector. He’s an asshole. He lies to cover his own ass and steals. That’s all there is to him. He’s terrible. Oh and he tried to hurt Cocky. Fuck this guy!
Oh, you thought I was going to say Minna, weren’t you? That’s the obvious choice. My hatred for Newick gradually built over a certain amount of time because he was on the series longer than that gold-digging ho.
SADDEST MOMENT: Death is a familiar topic brought up throughout nearly all of the stories featured in Japan’s World Masterpiece Theater. And the ones I saw in previous animes from this collection didn’t really strike a chord with me. Don’t get me wrong, they were tragic, but most of them were just followed by an intense streak of anger brought on by the circumstance. Most notably, Fantine’s death in Les Miserables and Alfredo’s parents assassination in Romeo’s Blue Skies got me angry. Watching Ceddie’s father die was just sad!
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Watching James cry while saying his final words on this earth as Ceddie performs his favorite song is enough to blast you in the gut. And little Ceddie is just so innocent in this scene and thinks his father just fell asleep. Scenes like that just don’t get any easier to watch. That’s why I get choked up when Mufasa dies in The Lion King and Simba tries to wake him up.
ACCURATE OR NOT: Okay, a lot of these animes I’ve been watching have been pretty good with accuracy. Will this one do the same? Ehh…hard to tell. Filler episodes are everywhere here so anything is possible. This’ll be smaller than usual.
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*Even though Ceddie’s father is hardly ever seen in any other adaptation, we do see him significantly in the first 5 episodes. In the anime, his name was James Errol. But in everything else he’s known as Captain Cedric. Usually, he’s dead before the story begins. I’m also pretty sure that Ceddie’s father never worked for the newspaper.
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*Apparently, The Earl had three sons in total. In the anime, we only know of James (Ceddie’s father) and Bevis. Whatever the case, all three are dead now.
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*Dearest Annie! Watching this anime with even the crappiest of subtitles, one thing that I know for sure is that Ceddie never once called his mother “Dearest” like in every other piece of media with this story. I’m actually relieved on that one. Next to men calling their wives “mother”, that is too cringy for my liking. I know Ceddie calls his mother “Dearest” because that’s what his father called her and so Ceddie took over calling her that. In the anime however, Ceddie calls her “mother”. It’s quite possible they gave her the name Annie in this adaptation after the song “Annie Laurie”, the song Ceddie constantly plays on his instrument.
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*I really can’t find anything proving that Cocky was a real character in the novel or any other adaptation. And that sucks because I really liked her. Yeah, a lot of memorable characters in the anime were not really there in the actual story. And if they were, they probably didn’t have a name or went by something else. At least I know the dog actually existed.
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ENDING: Ceddie might not be the rightful heir to become Earl. It’s not like Ceddie isn’t really The Earl’s grandson. They’re related, there’s no doubt about that. And The Earl loves Ceddie! I mean, he loves his grandson dearly. If Ceddie weren’t around, he’d still be in that mansion, stomping his cane around being a crusty old crone. The reason behind this new turn of events is that he might have a surprise grandson. Let me explain!
Ceddie’s father James had an older brother named Bevis. Bevis might have fucked around with some random lady and they had a son. I think the woman’s name was Minna or something. I don’t know, I’m just gonna call her Lyin’ ass ho. And you know the rules, first sons are the heirs and everyone else is the spare. Not my rule, this shit goes back to Henry VIII times. So, what now? Does Ceddie get cast aside for this illegitimate heir? Does that mean Ceddie can at least live with his mother now? Could this possibly mean that Ceddie and Annie are going to go back to Brooklyn? The Earl was not having this malarchy in his mansion. He threw out this lyin’ ass ho and her son.
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The thought occurred with Annie and Ceddie about returning to the states. But all of the people they helped throughout this story pleaded with them not to go. During their time in England, Annie and Ceddie helped the people of the area known as Earl’s Court. Annie would look after the sick and disabled. And Ceddie persuaded his grandfather to rebuild the entire area when it was discovered that everyone there was practically living in squalor. Hell, Ceddie was able to soften his grandfather’s heart and The Earl ended up opening up a bit.
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Now comes an ugly ultimatum. Bevis’s so-called ex-wife has been challenging to go to court on the matter of having her son become Little Lord Fauntleroy. But she’s willing to drop it if she lets her son move in and have Ceddie leave the mansion. Yeah, I hate this bitch. Come on anime, we’ve got one episode left. Is this bitch gonna get her comeuppance or what because tick-tock!? Ceddie decides to leave the mansion to prevent being a burden to his grandfather. He decides to stay with his mother and Cocky. Back in the states, Ceddie’s friends and acquaintances have been following this whole story. Mr. Hobbs the storekeeper has been getting frequent letters from Ceddie and the newspaper has been getting stories from across the pond about the development in the alleged new earl case.
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Well, time for this shit to be blown up. Ceddie’s NY friend Dick recognized the woman claiming to be Bevis’s ex with his child. Dick and Mr. Hobbs make an unexpected trip to England to straighten out this ugly situation. The evil woman claiming she has the real Lord Fauntleroy is a lyin’ ass ho. Dick’s brother Ben is the real father to this poor kid. So, he’s not related to the lord or Ceddie. Lyin’ ass ho was caught in that web of lies she concocted in front of the lord, Ceddie, her son, the baby-daddy, the servants, all of that. Turns out Lyin’ ass ho was married to Dick’s brother and had a baby with him, but was tired of being poor. So, she ditches both her husband and son to go searching for a sugar daddy. That’s when she met and married Bevis (Ceddie’s uncle). But when their relationship lapsed, she came back to take the child she ditched and went away somewhere the father couldn’t find.
Yeah, this story would make anyone’s blood boil. The Earl was ready to lay down some much-welcomed punishment on this evil woman. But Ceddie pleaded with his grandfather to not be cruel and even went so far as to threaten renouncing his heirdom if he does something cruel to the lyin’ ass ho. That’s the one thing that always annoyed me about Ceddie. This woman did a lot of damage to the people around her. She should not be let off easy. Then again, the only time you’ll see Ceddie lose his temper is if anyone insults his mother. Anyways, The Earl decided to just let her go and she left her son with his father and left without a fuss. So, Ceddie is officially Little Lord Fauntleroy. And even better, his grandfather did something nice for Ceddie. He is finally allowing his mother Annie to live with her son in the mansion and offered a heartfelt apology for his stubbornness.
I guess the characters get a happy ending. Dick’s brother gets to live with his son on a farm somewhere in the states. Dick is working for Mr. Hobbs instead of shining shoes. Ceddie and his mother get to live with each other. And now it’s time for the family to make a trip to New York to visit James’s grave and pay their respects.
This was an okay story. Once again, I like this version than the movie versions I watched. I gotta say, Ceddie was one of the luckier of the children featured in Japan’s World Masterpiece Theater. I know he lost his father at a young age and was separated from his mother shortly after. But you’ve gotta admit he’s luckier compared to other characters like Cosette, Romeo, and Sara Crewe.
A few gripes…Besides the animation, that’s a given. I should save my breath when it comes to all of the early Nippon animations. One of my gripes has to do with the previews. The previews talk about the next episode and when the next episode comes, the stuff they talk about happens at the end. What a cock-tease! The other gripe is that the ending felt very rushed. All the stuff with who was the rightful Little Lord Fauntleroy comes at the very last second. In a 43-episode long series, they save something big like this to the last 3 episodes. And for something as serious as proving paternity, the matter was taken care of rather quickly in the final episode.
Recommendation wise…eh, it’s a toss up for me. I was just okay with it. It wasn’t a favorite of mine and would recommend other animes that came from the same company. I honestly thought it was too cute and wholesome for my liking. It’s weird for me to say that when you see some of my taste in anime, but that’s how I felt. But if you’re curious and have read the book or watched some of the older movies to Little Lord Fauntleroy, give it a watch. But only if you’re able to find the entire series. Like I said before, this series was difficult to find with semi-decent subtitles.
Okay, I’m going to replace Little Lord Fauntleroy with yet another World Masterpiece Theater anime. And funny enough, this anime was the one that replaced Little Lord Fauntleroy after original its run.
Peter Pan!
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Oh God. The Little Lord Fauntleroy anime looks like a Makoto Shinkai masterpiece compared to what they did to Peter Pan.
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wahwealth · 5 months
Freddie Bartholomew, Dolores Costello, C. Aubrey Smith | Little Lord Fau...
Little Lord Fauntleroy is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. It was published as a serial in St. Nicholas Magazine from November 1885 to October 1886, then as a book by Scribner's (the publisher of St. Nicholas) in 1886  Polly Hovarth writes that Little Lord Fauntleroy "was the Harry Potter of his time and Frances Hodgson Burnett was as celebrated for creating him as J. K. Rowling is for Potter". The film stars Freddie Bartholomew, Dolores Costello, and C. Aubrey Smith. The first film produced by David O. Selznick's Selznick International Pictures, it was the studio's most profitable film until Gone with the Wind. The film is directed by John Cromwell. Cast Freddie Bartholomew as Cedric "Ceddie" Errol, Lord Fauntleroy Dolores Costello Barrymore as "Dearest" Errol C. Aubrey Smith as the Earl of Dorincourt Guy Kibbee as Silas Hobbs Henry Stephenson as Mr Havisham Mickey Rooney as Dick Tipton, a Brooklyn bootblack Una O'Connor as Mary, the Errols' servant Constance Collier as Lady Constantia Lorridaile, Dorincourt's sister Jackie Searl as Tom Tipton Jessie Ralph as the Applewoman from Brooklyn Helen Flint as Minna Tipton Walter Kingsford as Joshua Snade, Minna's lawyer E. E. Clive as Sir Harry Lorridaile, Constantia's husband Ivan F. Simpson as Reverend Mordaunt Virginia Field as Miss Herbert, the singer at party Eric Alden as Ben Tipton, Dick's brother William Ingersoll as the Doctor The budget for the film was $500,000 and the move came in at the figure with a final cost of $590K.  By 1939, the movie was at a profit of $447K! Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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Imagine if season 3 pulls a Little Lord Fauntleroy episode
So there was a synopsis about a stranger coming to the house who reveals something that makes Alison question everything and some ghosts are scared, some are delighted etc. ( Why can I never find the proof =( )
So I thought what if the stranger is actually someone claiming to be the rightful heir to the Button estate and seemingly having proof for it?
I mean Alison would question everything and a few of our ghosts would be scared for her to leave because then they are back to not being able to interact with the world, some would be heartbroken.
(I'll come back to delighted later)
Kitty and Thomas would obviously cry a lot and/ or go and sit in the lake.
Julian would first check if the new heir brings some benefits but would then decide that he likes Alison better.
The Captain, who obviously has tried to get rid of her before, would pull an Earl of Dorincourt and immediately start a campaign, looking for ways to debunk the claim with the help of Pat (who is obviously Havisham) and the other ghosts.
Lady Button would surprise everyone and pull an emotional Earl of Dorincourt by stating that Alison is a Button and that she will never accept anyone else as an heir.
Robin, Mary and Humphrey would pull a Mr Hobbs and Dick and find the actual proof.
They would also stage a scene where Alison and Mike confront the impostor and all the ghosts would stand behind Alison and everyone would be very smug in this scene.
Which leads us back to everyone being delighted in the end.
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data2364 · 5 years
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Patrick Stewart  as  Wilkins  1980 in “Little Lord Fauntleroy”
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lightasthesun · 3 years
HOLY SHIT I'm just now realizing that Alec Guinness plays in my favorite holiday movie.
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jackdaw-kraai · 4 years
I FOUND YOUR BLOG YAAAAAY. Just wanted to say that if y'all think that The Guides 'Verse is "Horse Girl In Spaaaaace," I personally think Luke is basically Space Little Lord Fauntleroy - sunshine boi, pure of heart, with dear ol' murder dad as the 'Wicked' Earl of Dorincourt.
Also, Luke also reminds me of Kenshin Himura. Because secret badaas. 🤣🤣🤣
Gotta say, I had no clue as to who you meant by Little Lord Fauntleroy so I went digging and, thankfully, I found your post with a neat little explanation! And I agree, it does fit, doesn’t it? Lill’ Lord Luke, what fun with alliterative! And also very appropriate once Vader adopts him, as he’ll be an Imperial Prince and thus, truly a lord. Maybe I should make a reference...? We’ll see.
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dddart · 7 years
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earl of dorincourt + cedie :^) ft. platonic!usuk
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farnwedel · 6 years
Der Engelsbaum 05: Exzessiver Expositionismus
Beim Aufwachen stellt Greta fest, dass die Landschaft wirklich supidupiwundertollschönherrlich ist.
LJ schneit herein, verkündet, sie sei schon seit 5 auf den Beinen, müsse jetzt ein Schaf aus einer Schlucht ziehen, und Greta solle sich um sieben bei ihr im Gate Lodge zum Abendessen einfinden.
Greta verbringt den Tag mit Um- und Aufräumen.
Kurz vor sieben ist sie bei LJ.
„Setzen Sie sich. Möchten Sie was trinken?“ „Ja, gern. Irgendwas ohne Alkohol.“ „Ich mache Ihnen einen kleinen Gin Tonic. Der wird Ihnen und dem Kleinen schon nicht schaden. Ich hab in der Schwangerschaft gesoffen wie ein Loch, und Sie wissen ja, was David für ein Prachtkerl geworden ist! […]“
…boi, welchen Teil von „ohne Alkohol“ hast du nicht verstanden????
Anyway. Sie essen und trinken. Greta erzählt, David käme in London super an. LJ wiederum erzählt, Davids Vater Robin sei gestorben, als David 12 war. Da Marchmont Hall im Krieg als Lazarett diente, zog LJ ins Gate Lodge um und blieb dort, weil Robins älterer Bruder Owen nun im Haupthaus wohnt.
Greta erzählt, dass sie Tänzerin im Windmill Theatre war, worauf LJ meint, das sei kein Grund, sich zu schämen. Sie selbst sei ja auch upper class und nun mehr so hauptberuflich Bäuerin in Wales…was das miteinander zu tun hat, keine Ahnung. LJs Brüder werden auch kurz erwähnt. Sie scheinen ungefähr so erfolgreich gewesen zu sein wie die älteren Söhne des Earl of Dorincourt.
Noch mehr Exposition:
Greta und David sind Nur Freunde
Gretas Eltern sind „Bei einem Luftangriff umgekommen“
LJ erklärt Greta, womit sie hier ihre Zeit verbringen kann (Busfahrt nach Crickhowell, Stricken, Lesen)
Davids Lebensgeschichte (Internat in Winchester, Oxford, Militär, Krieg, Dünkirchen, Bletchley Park [zentrale militärische Dienststelle, die sich im 2. WK erfolgreich mit der Entzifferung des deutschen Nachrichtenverkehrs befasste], London)
LJ betont, dass sie alles für David tun würde, und bald werde Greta das auch verstehen, nudge nudge.
Als Greta wieder aufbricht, schaut LJ ihr besorgt hinterher und hofft, sie werde David nicht das Herz brechen.
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sizekitap · 5 years
Little Lord Fauntleroy
Little Lord Fauntleroy Frances Hodgson Burnett Karbon Kitaplar
Little Lord Fauntleroy is a beloved children’s novel that made a huge impact on the 19th century public, shaping everything from boys’ clothing fashions to copyright law. Cedric Errol is a generous, kind, and exemplary middle-class American boy who is suddenly found to be the heir of the Earl of Dorincourt. Saying loving goodbyes to his working-class friends, Cedric goes to England together with his mother to embrace his new fortune. His grandfather, the old earl, is a bitter old man ridden with gout and a foul temper, trusting no one. However the angelic boy elicits a profound transformation in the grandfather, which not only benefits the castle household but the whole populace of the earldom.
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lachatte-noire · 7 years
Little Lord Fauntleroy, by Frances Hodgson Burnett
Little Lord Fauntleroy, by Frances Hodgson Burnett
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Cedric Errol is a generous, kind, and exemplary middle-class American boy who is suddenly found to be the heir of the Earl of Dorincourt. Saying loving goodbyes to his working-class friends, Cedric goes to England together with his mother to embrace his new fortune. His grandfather, the old earl, is a bitter old man ridden with gout and a foul temper, trusting no one. However the angelic boy…
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sdcognews · 8 years
Lloyds of London (1936) - Freddie Bartholomew, Dolores Costello Barrymore, C. Aubrey Smith - SDC Television from SDC TELEVISION on Vimeo.
After the death of Cedric ('Ceddie')'s English father, he and his mother live together in Brooklyn. Cedric's grandfather, the Earl of Dorincourt, had disowned Cedric's father when he married an American. But when the Earl's remaining son dies, he accepts Cedric as Lord Fauntleroy, his heir, and the Earl sends for Cedric and his mother. Cedric uses the first of his newly found wealth to do some favors for his old friends, and then heads to England, where he must try to overcome the Earl's dislike for Cedric's mother.
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christiannetsa-blog · 8 years
Royalty Recognized
At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, . . . [and] every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. —Philippians 2:10-11 As a kid, I loved watching the film Little Lord Fauntleroy. The story focuses on Cedric, a boy growing up in a poor home with his mother in Brooklyn. He discovers the stunning news that he is actually the direct descendant of the Earl of Dorincourt and the heir of a…
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sdcognews · 8 years
Little Lord Fauntleroy (1936) - Freddie Bartholomew, Mickey Rooney, Dolores Costello Barrymore, C. Aubrey Smith - SDC Television from Family History Channel on Vimeo.
After the death of Cedric ('Ceddie')'s English father, he and his mother live together in Brooklyn. Cedric's grandfather, the Earl of Dorincourt, had disowned Cedric's father when he married an American. But when the Earl's remaining son dies, he accepts Cedric as Lord Fauntleroy, his heir, and the Earl sends for Cedric and his mother. Cedric uses the first of his newly found wealth to do some favors for his old friends, and then heads to England, where he must try to overcome the Earl's dislike for Cedric's mother. With Spanish Sub titles.
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