#earthbound immortal ccapac apu
artzchao · 1 year
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Blue Earthbound
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yugiohcardsdaily · 3 months
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Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu
"There can only be 1 'Earthbound Immortal' monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent's monsters cannot target this card for attacks. This card can attack directly. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK."
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mathemagician93 · 5 days
I’ve reached the point of my 5Ds re-watch where I’m starting the big round of individual duels to seal off the original Moment and it’s still funny on all the great emotional connections they built for these antagonists- and then there’s Demak
Kiryu shows up, rubs how Yusei was responsible for his death in Yusei’s face, and has the additional trauma of the duel that almost killed Yusei
Carly is one of the few people Jack has a legitimate emotional connection to and he knows she saved him so he feels like he has to return the favor
Misty already established she blames Aki for her brother’s death prior to this moment and had the partial duel that destroyed the place Aki called home
Rudger knows he’s late to the party so he just drops hints he was responsible for the death of Yusei’s biological parents, kills Yusei’s adoptive mom, and reveals he’s forced Yusei into a death duel with one of his friends to make up for pre-existing motivations by making sure he gives Yusei ample reason to want him dead again
Demak…might have stolen a trading card.
It’s so underdeveloped that it’s making me picture this scenario with the Earthbound Immortals discussing how to defeat their assigned signers
Ccapac Apu: my host blames Yusei for his death, and I’ll put Yusei in a situation where he has to actually kill my host
Ccaryhua: Great idea! Aki is traumatized by hurting people in duels, and I can force her into a situation where the only way out is to kill someone she views as innocent
Aslla piscu: By taking an actual innocent host with a connection to Jack, I’m forcing him to fight someone he personally failed to save
Uru: I killed Yusei’s family in the past and I’ll do it again right in front of him just because I can
Cusillu: Guys my signer is an eight year old girl I really don’t feel comfortable traumatizing her directly I’ll just steal her dragon and cause mayhem in the spirit world
Wiraqocha Rasca: you guys have fun I’ll sit this one out for a bit to pull off the twist villain thing (unaware that Rex is so obviously shady)
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anxso · 10 months
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@ygoc-week Day 7 - AU
Clear Skies is a story that involves multiple timelines and a version of Z-ONE trapped, trying to find a solution to a time loop. This VERY mucH revolves around Rain and Kalin.
One timeline we get to see is a brief snapshot of an attempt where Z-ONE defeats Roman and is able to restore Rain’s memory prior to her awakening in the Satellite, so during the Team Satisfaction era she’s instead a murderer-menace.
Yet stilllll ends up in a relationship anyway and is facing a firing squad for the things she and Kalin have done. He sets off an explosion, and they manage to escape.
It gets cut off there in the main story BUT I honestly was so enamored with this timeline that I wrote out how they ended up warming up to each other. This one-shot is prettttty long, almost 4k words! but I’m happy I get to share it for OC Week! I originally wrote this for the Angstober prompt “Crimes of Passion” because oh, doesn’t that fit them perfectly?
WARNINGS FOR THIS ONE-SHOT: alcohol use, gun violence, a drinking game that gets. hot n heavy. implied/offscreen nsfw (nothing that would be an E rating on AO3, don’t worry~!)
full fic under the cut :3c
Soft beeps filled the hospital room. Kalin Kessler had fallen asleep on his knees, his hand in Rain Orichalcum’s; she lay comatose on the bed. Z-ONE appeared in the visitation seats in a green flash wearing a blank expression.
“Again. Again,” Z-ONE whispered. “How many times have I been here?”
A swirl of violet flames birthed the figure of a Dark Signer, Ccapac Apu wearing Rain’s skin. Its black robes lined with blue drank in the noonday sunshine. Its drawn hood casted shadows over its dark eyes, but its grin was free and bright. “If it isn’t the worthless machine back again! What are we at now? Should I be celebrating three thousand?”
“When you are snuffed out,” Z-ONE said, “those taunts will vanish with you along with all the anguish you have woven into the universe.”
“Little old me?” It feigned surprise. “But I was happy to eat up one timeline! Here you are creating ever more for me to feast. Tell me, rusty bucket of bolts, do you ever consider how those timelines end up? Ever had one stick in the old brain?”
“What? No. It doesn’t… matter.”
“Oh, but it does. A tree fallen in the forest may go unheard by humanity yet makes sound enough to scatter the birds, and a timeline abandoned by your sorry self continues to spiral until ending up in my wondrous arms. Or are you a depressed solipsist?”
Z-ONE stared. “I go on. It is what I do.”
“The weight of it all must eat you up.” The wicked god hovered over Z-ONE, spittle flying with its words. “The decisions you’ve made and the sheer agony they’ve resulted in. I know you lie to me. They’re lodged in your brain as much as I continue to experience them—every timeline continuing on, every light for me to consume! You should try godhood sometime, but oh, no machine could process it. You would fall to pieces. I suppose it wouldn’t matter, since you’re already a heap of junk!”
Z-ONE’s fists balled. “I am no god. Nor am I a machine. The probability exists. I merely have to find its branch. Your days have been numbered from the start. As for the other branches…”
Z-ONE stood. “A god such as you exists simultaneously on every timeline, and so you will be eradicated everywhere; everywhen.”
“Eradicated!” The wicked god laughed and slapped its knee. “Funny! You aaare funny. You don’t like to talk about them, but I have my favorites! Timelines you’ve screwed up, that is.”
“I’m done talking.” Z-ONE’s bracelet shone emerald. “I defy your ending.”
The wicked god rolled its eyes. “Whatever, whatever, see you next time around.” It cleaned beneath its grimy fingernails and studied Kalin and Rain.
Its smile curled up.
One thousand three hundred and seventy-seven.
Z-ONE tampered with the game of gods by defeating Roman Godwin, possessed by Earthbound Immortal Uru. Uru had snatched Rain Orichalcum’s memories. She was left as a complacent girl with childlike naïvete. A chance run-in with Kalin Kessler netted her an opportunity to join Team Satisfaction and survive in the post-fallout wasteland known as the Satellite, an island used as garbage disposal for the nearby New Domino City.
The Rain Orichalcum who had her memories returned before any such meeting took place, before growing close to humans who showed her kindness and empathy, was a very different person indeed.
Smog intermingled with the gray clouds blanketing the overcast sky. Kalin Kessler strolled the grimy Satellite streets whistling a tune. He kicked a can as he went and periodically glanced up at the rooftops. He passed a pair of stray dogs fighting over a scrap of rotten food and tossed them a fresh granola bar. 
The hairs on the back of his neck lifted. Wind swept through the streets, carrying litter and brushing the collar of his Team Satisfaction vest against his cheek. He spun on his heel, his focus locked on the rooftop of the building behind him.
A pale woman with long, black hair and blue eyes glared down at him. Her legs dangled over the building's edge. Kalin said, "Heyo, it's just the girl I'm looking for!"
She thinned her eyes.
"Oh, how I enjoy our long and eventful conversations. You know, they've started calling you the shadow. I don't think it fits so much. What about something more creative, like, Raven!"
She rolled her eyes. 
"Not your name, then." He sighed and made a show of slumping sadly. "One of these days, I'll find it out! Eh, I have a more, uh, pressing priority today. You got a hard number on how many Securities you've killed?"
Her head tilted, expression unchanging. She held up both hands and lifted one finger, two fingers, all the way to ten. Then she curled her fingers and shrugged. 
"So many you don't know?" 
She confirmed with a nod. 
"See! That's a problem for us. You, too. They're hiking up their numbers in the Satellite and making it worse for every one of us. It goes pretty counter to what I'm trying to do around here, which is to stay on the low to keep Security out of our hair. S'long as we got a nice, united Satellite, Security's the only fuckheads. Make sense?"
She stared.
"Come on. There's gotta be something I can do to convince you to leave them alone. Anything you want? I'll find it. Anything you wanna do to me? Hell, murder me instead for all I care. The rest of my team can take it from there."
"Your logic is flawed," she said, and he jumped. Words! From her mouth! "Every human is a fuckhead."
He couldn't help it; he laughed. "Ah, you got me there! Hey, you duel? How about a bet?"
"I'll take a bet," she said, "but we'll play my game."
"What game's that?"
She smiled in a very unpleasant way. "Drinking. You pass out first, and you never acknowledge my existence again. I pass out first, and you get your wish. I'll leave the guys in gray alone."
Very many a thought raced through Kalin's mind. If this was her game, she was surely better prepared than him. On the other hand, he had biology on his side considering his size over her. "You got yourself a deal."
She dropped onto the street before him, her boots stirring dust. Her loose-fitting black shirt, one arm missing the fabric, swayed with her stride. He followed her without word and with a wide berth. He'd heard enough stories to know even a perceived slight could end his life.
Yet there he went, following the Satellite's infamous murderer to who-knows-where. If he survived, Yusei and Crow would kill him. Jack would shoot him one of his more judgmental looks.
Perhaps he should rethink this.
Nahh. It was for the good of them all, so he had to. Plus, free drinks. They might end up being straight up poison, buuut-
"Here," she said.
Gray waves splashed up the high, craggy shoreline. Across the inlet, New Domino City caught rays of sunshine. The smog in this part of the Satellite, so close to the factories, blocked out the sun. She stood inside a control building connected to a now-defunct hydropower plant. The steel dam still stood, and trash floated on the disgusting green water behind it. 
Kalin followed her inside. She wound down a steel staircase. Their clanging footsteps echoed, testaments to how deep the plant stretched. She stopped three stories down. The emergency generators kept on the lights, and select rations lay scattered on the many control panels. In the corner lay a sleeping bag, an unlit lantern, and scattered bottles. 
She struck a match and lit the lantern. He studied the place. A few cockroach corpses rested here and there but nothing serious. He said, "Must stay pretty warm way down here in the winter."
She yanked down a large switch on the wall, and the humming overhead lights shut off. Screens and buttons provided minimal bright blue lighting. Most came from her lantern, a buttery orange glow. "Do you feel colder now?"
"Huh? Not really."
"The electricity here keeps the heat going," she said. "Since I don't need it, well. There it goes."
He kept a straight face, but it wasn't the greatest news to hear. They hadn't reached the snowy part of the year but the chill was enough to wake him up in the middle of the night. He'd worn only his typical red t-shirt, jeans, vest, and boots. His socks had more holes than he could count, so the cold found his feet first. "Not many places still get heat. How'd you find this?"
"I'm not here for small talk." She picked up two glass bottles of clear liquid and dropped into a rotating chair. I took the one beside her. The pair of tall bottles rested between various knobs and dials, and the lantern sat on the floor between us. The upward casting of shadows darkened her eyes and the hollows of his cheeks. She said, "Truth or dare's the game. If you pick truth, you drink."
The thought of what she might dare him to do skyrocketed his pulse. He said, "You should drink first. Y'know, so I'm sure you're not poisoning me."
She rolled her eyes and took a deep swig. "Guess I'm truth first."
"Your name!" he said. Uh. Surely there were better options, and yet.
"Rain," she answered. "Rain Orichalcum."
"Wow," he whispered. "Rain…"
"Don't- say it like that."
"Like what?"
She shook her head. "Your turn. Pick."
"Truth." He smelled the bottle. Fuck was it strong. He took a swig and coughed. Stuff almost came back up as vomit but he hit his fist against his chest and kept it down. The strength of it flooded his sinuses and lingered there. "Ugh, what the hell?"
She was laughing. He was too stunned to speak. She swiftly recovered her composure and swiped the bottle from him. "All the other stuff isn't strong enough."
"So you drink fucking rubbing alcohol?"
His brows shot up, and he studied the stuff with renewed interest. It'd hit him within seconds and he felt the urge to laugh even though nothing had happened. He rubbed his mouth and said, "Uh, your question?"
"What are you trying to do to this island? Conquer it?"
He blinked. "Kind of. I don't know. That doesn't sound like the right word. We're trying to, like- unite! Thaaat's the word. Yeah, so, right now it's split into a whole bunch of territories run by different gangs. They make life hell for anyone who's not in their gang, and lots of times, members of the gangs act like slaves to whoever the gang leader is. We're not like that. We wanna take them down and let everybody be free. We can make the Satellite as good a place to live as the City that way."
"Why do you believe that?" she said.
"Ha! I'm not drunk enough to fall for that. You gotta ask me next time."
"Fine." She drank. "Truth."
"Why do you keep killing people?"
She squinted and cleaned out her ear with a pinkie. "Do fuckheads deserve the lives they've been given if they use it only to abuse others? Take these other gangs, for example. Clearly you have a case of an individual with power who abuses it and takes advantage of those beneath the leader. Why should they continue to exist?"
He snorted. "Yeah, okay, they suck. Why does that mean you get to kill 'em? Like, why do you get to decide that?"
"I answered my question."
"Ugggh. How many in are we?"
"You've had two shots," she said. 
"What? No. I'm gonna fall out of the fucking chair! Whatever. I'll take a dare!"
Rain struck a match. A single strip of smoke rose up between them. "Your tongue. Five seconds."
"What the fuck?"
She arched an eyebrow. Psycho. Kalin opened his mouth. The heat started at the tip and slowly moved back inside his mouth, her fingers touching his lips. "One. Two. Three."
He shut his eyes tight against the searing pain. He smelled something burning. She dragged out her vowels: "Fooour…"
He clamped down his teeth, snatching the match and smothering it with his tongue. Her fingers came away wet, and she gaped at them. He grinned with the blackened match as his toothpick. "Five!"
She scowled and took a swig. "Truth."
"So boring!" A corner of his mouth quirked up. "How many shots does it take to get you to pass out?"
"To be determined."
He threw up his hands. The fact it didn't throw off his center of gravity was a good sign insofar. "Lemme ask a real one since you can't answer that. It's only fair." She nodded, so he said, "Why d'you hate people so much?"
A corner of her lip jumped with her snarl. "Because of what they did to me."
Hangups, eh. He considered the bottle. "Meh, do your worst. Dare again."
She giggled. He about fell into the floor hearing it. He deeefinitely had the lead. She said, "Really?"
"Yeah, really! What's the torture gonna be this time?"
She leveled an even stare at him. "Take off your shirt."
He busted out a laugh. Her expression didn't change. He said, "Oh, so I've caught the shadow's eye, huh?"
The chair spun behind Rain as she shot to her feet and gripped a fistful of his shirt. He grinned and held up his empty hands. She dropped him and sniffed. "I hope you freeze to death."
"Mhmm, that's it." He was too far gone to fear her snarl. He tossed off his vest and peeled off his shirt, stretching to leave his broad shoulders. She sat with the chair backwards, her chin resting on its cushioned back. The bottle dangled from her fingers. She kept her eyes locked with his. The cold raised bumps on his skin but the thundering pump of his blood kept him plenty warm. He smiled, saying, "I can tell you're trying sooo hard to keep your eyes up there."
Her expression soured. She downed three massive gulps, finishing the bottle, and tossed it aside. "Truth."
"Do I get three?"
"I'll ssstab you," she said. 
Her blinks were getting uneven, too. That with the slurring meant very good things for him. He nabbed the next bottle. "Are you really gonna follow through on our bet?"
She let her arms dangle over the chair, and her cheek pressed against the chair. "Mmm. I would still defend myshelf."
The lantern flickered yet the light was bright in his eyes–electric. "Myshelf?" 
"Shut up. You take three. You slowed down too fast for it to be fun."
He swallowed a trio of the nasty stuff. He stumbled and had to find his chair with a probing hand. "That answer works for me. I get a truth now, right?"
"Yeah." She stood up and swayed. A firm hand on the chair kept her upright. "What the hell is with your interest in me? You're always talking to me and wanted my name and- you've heard about me. You know what I've done."
There was a tremble to her that could've come from any number of things. Kalin chalked it up to the alcohol. "Suuure. I've got connections. I know the witnesses. Funny thing about all the stories is how all those kills were for the purpose of protecting a victim. Crazy stuff! There's always someone who was in danger and got away."
"That's not true," she hissed.
"Okay, take your sip and lemme ask you for the truth."
She grit her teeth and growled. "Dare."
"I get mine now? Finally!" He crossed his arms over the back of his chair. "Shirt off."
"Come on. You can't act that way when you made me do it."
Her inhale was sharp. Her focus rolled down his bare arms and abdomen. Her frown was a tight little thing as she threw off her black shirt. Loose gauze bound her chest. The lantern light caught on the light hairs surrounding her navel and trailing up her flat stomach to the white wrappings, the topmost loop of which was juuust open enough-
"Stop," she snapped.
"Yeah, yeah. The hell do I do? I think if I have another sip I'll, like, die." 
There was also the curve of her hips, how the lantern's flicker played its soft and warm light over her skin disappearing into her waistband-
"Dare," he managed.
"I dare you to claw out your own fucking eyes."
He blinked and stared at his hands. "Shit."
Rain doubled over laughing. She stumbled, hit the floor, and lay on her back still busting a gut. He started in with her. She said, "Dumbass."
"How'd you know the nickname my friends gave me?"
They broke down into a new fit. 
"I dare you to drink more," she said.
"Huh? That's gotta be against the rules!"
"Fuck your rules."
"Can't argue with that," he said, and he drank. He couldn't taste it anymore. Probably he was dying or something, but what a way to go. "Your turn."
She pushed up off the floor. "Dare."
The lantern was low and sputtering. He leaned into the dark and said, "Touch me."
Her eyes widened, the reflected spot of orange like a sunburst sky. He laughed and ran his hand through his hair. "No, that was stupid, I-"
But she was approaching him, cautious like a feral animal attracted to proffered food. He stood stock still. She studied him from his ice-blue locks long enough to fall in his face to his warm hazel eyes to his bare chest. Her fingertip pressed onto his sternum and traveled down, tracing the outline of his abs, leaving a hot touch in every trench. He realized he was hearing her breaths, loud and echoing, and he was holding his own without meaning to. She pressed her hand to his stomach, and he gasped, the incredible warmth of her enticing a shiver throughout all of him.
"You know," she whispered, her fingertips glancing up his chest to land on his shoulder, "I think it's your turn."
He could only remain upright and breathe.
"Kalin?" she said.
A shaky exhale left him. He laughed a little, and she squeezed his shoulder. "This is the greatest day of my life."
"You said my name," he murmured, staring up at the ceiling. "And I've never heard it said better."
She clicked her tongue and turned away. "I can tell I'm drunk because that one kind of worked."
His arm looped around her waist. "How much?"
She shook him off, and he stepped back. She said, "Drink or don't. I'm still gonna win."
He took a swig. His vision went blurry for a few seconds but he managed to blink it away. "Ask away."
She met his eyes and said, "What do you want to do to me?"
His brows lifted and he had absolutely zero control over his stare landing on her chest, on the gauze-wrapped curves swelling and retreating with the rhythm of her breaths. She inched closer to him, licked her lips, and said, "Dare."
He pinched the end of the gauze above her cleavage and waited, the question in his eyes. Her fingers curled around his wrist and the smallest part of him, the still sober bit, expected his bones to snap. But she guided his hand to unwind the binding and free her bare skin. The white strips fell and curled around her feet. He stared at her and she at him, their exhales long and intermingling, the world silent outside the thrumming beats of their hearts.
She snuffed out the light with her bare fingertips and pressed her body to his. She kissed him and he tasted like bonfire smoke. He couldn't think beyond the need to be consumed by her heat like the damn match, left a burnt and useless nothing, and he didn't care. Her dark hair was silk through his fingers and he had to hold her ever closer. They fell onto the sleeping bag. The glow of the LED screens turned her eyes electric blue, and he grasped her face to brush his thumbs beneath them. She kissed him again and her fingers found his waistband. 
It's dark outside–a seemingly abrupt state but one that occurred gradually, the sunset a fleeting and dying beauty to behold.
"We can't keep running forever. What do we do?" Kalin slammed his fist into the alley wall, and his knuckles bled. The pouring rain filled the open wounds. "I don't know what the fuck to do!"
Rain sat slumped on the opposite side. The white roots of her hair showed on the crown of her head. The drizzle dripped down her face like stray tears. Blood mixed in the liquid from the cut on her cheek, the graze of a bullet. "The clothes factory?"
"Fucking Security knows about it, and about your power plant. The hideout, too. Shit. That explosion got you away from the firing squad but brought more of those fuckers out of the woodworks. Where do we go?"
"If I turn myself in-"
"Don't give me that shit. We go down, we go down together."
"I wouldn't be anybody without you!" she said. "You have to keep going, even if I-"
He took her hand between his. "You're everything, whether I'm there or not. Let's get going. Hard to hear with the rain, so we gotta stay on the move."
They climbed the rooftops. Flashlights attached to assault rifles cut through the storm. Shouts rang out but the downpour drowned them. Rain and Kalin ran from building to building, offering minimal exposure. Bullets fired. Glass shattered by them. They hit the deck and scrambled outside the back exit.
A horde of Securities awaited them. A pair filtered in from behind and jabbed them forward with their barrels. Rain followed Kalin's lead by holding up her empty hands. The Securities surrounding them were all poised and ready to fire their uncountable weapons. 
A voice crackled over their comms. The Security wearing a scarf clicked his radio, saying, "Roger."
All fronts fired at once. Rain screamed but the bullets whizzed past her and tore Kalin apart. The onslaught ceased. She dove to his side and gathered him in her arms but he was gone, gone. She roared and threw out her deck, touching every card. An army of monsters filled the sky. Dragons blasted Securities and blades stabbed clean through bulletproof vests. A panicked Security fired wildly, automatic weapon churning out bullet after bullet. Several Securities fell yet the attack of the enraged monsters did not end.
Scarlet blossomed from Rain's chest. She collapsed in a splash of water. The endless gray sky brought her back to that day so long ago it felt like decades past rather than months.
How love slows time.
Her breaths weakened, and her heartbeat slowed.
It doesn't have to end like this.
Violet blazed from both Rain and Kalin's forearms. The mark of the Giant glowed, and fuchsia flames ate away at their bodies until nothing remained.
(reminder I’m just a writer, artist credit in alt text!)
OC week has been so great!!! I’ve loved seeing and reading about all your blorbos <3 (and I’m in a few nice OC spaces if anyone wants in/ to add on discord, anx)
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magpiejay1234 · 3 months
Episode 35.
This episode is written by Koji Ueda.
Episode starts with Rally, and co. reaching to Crow, but Yusei's D-Wheel is breaking apart.
Yusei activates Miracle Locus, which will inspire the Kanji names of both variants of Ray's Monster Card form, Beyond the Pendulum (Kanji name: Locus Magician), and Exceed the Pendulum (Kanji name: Miracle Magic Swordsman/Miracle Paladin).
As Kiryu is forced to draw another card, Ccapac Apu briefly appears, with a heart-pulse like sound.
Jack assumes Kiryu has a plan.
There is an animation error where Kiryu has normal eyes, instead of black sclera.
Kiryu says the Dennis line.
Kiryu sacrifices the people from Satellite to Summon Ccapac Apu.
As described by Kiryu, Earthbound Immortals are indeed supposed to be analogous to God Cards.
Yusei does not officially lose this Duel, as his D-Wheel explodes before attack makes contact. However, this is functionally a loss.
Rally, and co. run to Yusei, but Crow interrupts them.
Jack tries to force a landing, but Mikage stops him.
Rally says they must bring the D-Wheel for the rest, they eventually agree.
Thieves confront them, but Rally eventually convinces them give away their cards.
They get confronted a second time, this time they throw their clothes.
Crow brings Yusei to Martha.
Rally, and co. eventually lose the D-Wheel to a bunch of thieves, after being misguided by an old man, but Saiga pretending to be the Security comes in.
We cut to Yusei getting medical treatment in Martha's house.
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The Shit Waifu of the Day Is:
Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu from Yu-Gi-Oh!
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christophermulero · 5 years
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Dark Signer ???: Yusei, and his bird-brain friend. You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for this moment, it’s a shame it would be over so quickly.
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Yusei: So how do you know our names?
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Dark Signer ???: Heh, I never forgot old friend...
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Yusei & Crow: AH?!
Crow: We thought that when you left the Satellite its was forever!
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Dark Signer Kalin: It was but thanks to that mark of yours,
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Yusei: Kalin, please! You have to stop what you’re planning to do to the Satellite! You were once our friend! 
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Dark Signer Kalin: “Once your friend”, yes.
But now...
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Dark Signer Kalin: Now get ready...
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stardust-revolver · 5 years
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I wanted to draw a new phone wallpaper for myself and ended up with these two things! Baby Uru and Ccapac Apu! feel free to use!
Don't Repost without crediting me
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ginrouwarlock · 6 years
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Day 20 - Dark Signer
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ygoreviews · 7 years
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Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu ———————————————— There can only be 1 "Earthbound Immortal" monster on the field. If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, destroy this card. Your opponent cannot target this card for attacks. This card can attack your opponent directly. If this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: Inflict damage to your opponent equal to the destroyed monster's original ATK. ———————————————— Can Be Found In: Raging Battle (RGBT-EN020), Legendary Collection 5D's Mega Pack (LC5D-EN147)
Earthbound Immortals invest all their resources in a single monster with heavy weaknesses yet powerful advantages, overall creating Decks exclusively arround one of their members. Every monster in this archetype are extremely dependant of Field Spells, but in return they have the ability to direct attack with their massive stats as well unique abilities to further lead Duels with. Don't be fooled by the archetype's severe flaws, as with the proper coverage a single Earthbound Immortal can cause devastating results if the opponent isn't careful.
"Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" was one of the first Earthbound Immortals to debut in the franchise, and quite flexible in battles in comparison to the rest of the archetype. Like the rest of Earthbound Immortals there can only be one of them in the entire field (Regardless of owner) and will destroy itself if there's no Field Spells on the board. However, Earthbound Immortals cannot be attacked while also being able to direct attack, already making the 3000 ATK fo "Ccapac Apu" quite dangerous. But what makes "Ccapac Apu" different from other Earthbound Immortals is if we decide to attack other monsters instead, as in return we will deal damage equal the original ATK of the defeated target. Therefore, while in most cases Earthbound Immortals will take advantage of their direct attacks to finish off the opponent in a pair of turns, "Ccapac Apu" can take a slightly defensive approach by dealing with problematic enemies and still deal severe damage in return.
Although in most circumstances a build arround this archetype will focus in one or two Earthbound Immortals, their summoning options aren't very different from each other. First of all we must assure a Field Spell on the board unless the opponent is playing their own, relying on cards like "Terraforming" and "Metaverse" to immediately obtain the proper Field Spell to work with. One of those cards can be "Mausoleum of the Emperor", as will allow us to pay Life Points to summon "Ccapac Apu" without any need of materials. Obviously gathering tributes shouldn't be a hard task nowadays, as we can go from Nimble monsters or cards like "Fires of Doomsday" quickly gathering materials, to using monsters such as "Hardened Armed Dragon" to obtain bonus protection for our "Ccapac Apu". However, keep on mind that Earthbound Immortals are as easy to Special Summon and many other monsters, so later on we can use cards like "Revival of the Immortals" to bring back "Ccapac Apu" from the Graveyard in case is defeated.
When compared to the rest of Earthbound Immortals "Ccapac Apu" might seem the most simple of the bunch, but thanks to its unique ability it can take a slightly different approach as the Duel progresses. Obviously we want to use its 3000 ATK to finish off the opponent with its direct attacks, but if we target Attack Position monsters we can deal with any troublesome enemies while dealing the same total damage in most scenarios. Earthbound Immortals shares similar tactics until we try to focus on their respective Types, and in the case of "Ccapac Apu" we can obtain additional attacks from "Evil HERO Infernal Gainer" to either clear the opponent's board and/or achieve an OTK. All that is left to worry about is the vulnerability of these monsters, and can be easily solved by either Field Spells such as "Mound of the Bound Creator" or "The Seal of Orichalcos", or gaining protection from backrow cards like "March of the Monarchs" and "Safe Zone" among many others.
"Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu" might not be the most unique when compared to other effects the rest of members will offer, but can easily become the most damaging monster as the strongest Earthbound Immortal and its ability to constantly assure damage. While the rest of Earthbound Immortals will try to aim for direct attacks most of the time, "Ccapac Apu" has the liberty of targetting opponent monsters and still deal massive damage in return. Together with the staple tools to protect its weaknesses, in a few turns "Ccapac Apu" will defeat the opponent thanks to both its direct attacks as well dealing with any enemies we should take care of. "Ccapac Apu"might not have special abilities to cover its flaws or have unique strategies to work with, but its simplicity and high ATK makes it one of the biggest threats the archetype can offer.
Personal Rating: A
+ Able to direct attack + The opponent cannot declare attacks against it + If destroys a monster in battle will deal damage equal to the target's original ATK + Well supported in both summon and coverage
- Destroys itself if there's no Field Spells on the field - Heavily dependant of other cards and coverage
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artzchao · 1 year
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yugiohcardsdaily · 2 months
Posted Cards Master List - 60.0
June 2024, 5th thru 27th
Altergeist Hexstia
Altergeist Marionetter
Altergeist Meluseek
Altergeist Multifaker
Altergeist Primebanshee
Altergeist Protocol
Altergeist Silquitous
Arcana Force XV - The Fiend
Armored Xyz
Ashoka Pillar
Cabrera Stone
Clorless, Chaos King of Dark World
Code Hack
Combat Wheel
Drastic Draw
Trial and Tribulation
Earthbound Geoglyph
Earthbound Linewalker
Earthbound Greater Linewalker
Earthbound Immortal Aslla piscu
Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu
Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua
Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua
Earthbound Immortal Cusillu
Earthbound Immortal Revival
Earthbound Immortal Uru
Earthbound Immortal Wiraqocha Rasca
Earthbound Prison
Earthbound Prisoner Ground Keeper
Earthbound Prisoner Line Walker
Earthbound Prisoner Stone Sweeper
Earthbound Release
Earthbound Servant Geo Grasha
Earthbound Servant Geo Gremlin
Earthbound Servant Geo Gryphon
Earthbound Servant Geo Kraken
In Papa's Footsteps
Eye of Illusion
Fighting Flame Dragon
Fighting Flame Sword
Fighting Flame Swordsman
Flame Swordsdance
Flame Swordsrealm
Full Armored Crystalzero Lancer
Harmonic Synchro Fusion
Horned Saurus
Hundred Eyes Dragon
Jet Synchron
Junk Warrior
Mirage Swordsman
Number 1: Infection Buzzking
Phoenix Gearblade
Photon Delta Wing
Ring Announcer
Roar of the Earthbound Immortal
Light and Darkness Dragon
Salamandra Fusion
Salamandra with Chain
Salamandra, the Flying Flame Dragon
Satellite Synchron
Sun God Unification
Synchro Chase
Totem Pole
Transaction Rollback
Triangle O
Ultimate Earthbound Immortal
Ultimate Flame Swordsman
Ages of Stars and Frost
Aroma Blend
Aroma Healing
Aromalilith Magnolia
Aromalilith Rosalina
Aromalilith Rosemary
Ashened for Eternity
Awakening of Veidos
Barrier of the Voiceless Voice
Berserk Archfiend
Carnot the Eternal Machine
Dark Element
Dark Guardian
Dramatic Snake-Eye Chase
E Stranger Big Bang
Earthbound Fusion
Emergency Apport
Emissary from the House of Wax
EM:P Meowmine
Enigmaster Packbit
Eternal Favorite
Fish Lamp
Flock Together
Geistgrinder Golem
Goblin Biker Big Gabonga
Goblin Biker Boom Mach
Goblin Biker Clatter Sploder
Goblin Biker Dugg Charger
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yugioh-lovers · 7 years
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stellrz · 4 years
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I like to think that Ccapac Apu gives nice hugs
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manabingu · 6 years
I just remember I’m responsible for this LEGENDARY iconic joke in the 5D’s fandom! XD
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Man this was ages ago XD hahah! Good times! Kallen’s voice actor mispronounced Ccapac Apu’s Quechuan name in the dub and it sounded like “Cocoa Puffs” when he said it & I found it amusing XD! BUT I wasnt mad cuz I know these words are hard to pronounce! But I just found it funny back then ^^ I appreciated the effort! They did great!
 The Japanese seiyuu said it right tho it’s “Coca-Pack Apu”
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magpiejay1234 · 6 months
So, the entire Crash Town mini-arc lasts for 7 episodes, which is amusing, as it is somehow less than ZEXAL II's Barian pawn episodes.
The main purpose of this arc was to showcase new Infernity support, specifically Infernity Doom Dragon, since the last three Infernities remain unprinted. Of course, the main reason for that is Infernities were originally designed to work with Ccapac Apu, but now that Kyosuke is not a Dark Signer, we had to repurpose for them for his new ace monster, which is basically a pseudo-Signer Dragon (and thus will likely a get Level 10 retrain).
The arc is largely disconnected from the main storyline, and Kyosuke himself won't be important except for a minor cameo of getting beaten by Jack to set up the Ceremonial Duel with Jack vs. Yusei.
Most of the monsters besides the aforementioned Infernities have not been printed, though a good chunk of Lotten's cards are in Tag Force games, and of course this arc made into the Duel Links. And there is the Spell Card from History Archive Collection, This Creepy Little Punk.
There isn't much to say about this arc that hasn't been said, at least not right now, maybe when we get the other cards. It is just a cool send-off for a cool, and important character with a cool, nerdy, and fun-loving VA. It successfully brings back a popular character while simultaneously putting them in a permanent bus without denigrating them, with a decent anti-suicide message.
This is obviously not the final Dark Signer post-game arc, since we also have Jack's mini-arc with Bommer. Though that is more focused on the lore of Earthbound Immortals, this is mostly a character-focused arc.
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