#eastern hills mall
twinvictim · 2 years
I think one of my favorite video game locations is the despicable Alice In Wonderland themed fast food joint in SH shattered memories. it's so goddamn awful in there I love it, I also like that the roof is just close enough to the roof of the brothel next door that you can just jump it. I also like that this place and a brothel are right next to the high-school
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empty-livingroom · 1 year
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Eastern Hills Mall
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dailyoverview · 11 months
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Today is Election Day in the USA, and although it is an off-year, important state and local elections are taking place across the nation. If you have not done so already, we encourage you to cast your vote!
The United States Capitol, often called the Capitol Building, is the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It is located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
38.889806°, -77.009056°
Source imagery: Nearmap
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angelmartinez2022 · 1 year
story one
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 ok.. so i never really use this blog for much. So I've decided to start using it to get some of the crap echoing in my skull out. Maybe if I write about these feelings, confront them and drag them out into the light of day
they will go away. My family is basically nuts. Long story short. 
My father was a very good man but I think he was too caught up in enabling my mom's bad behavior. My mom was what I now realize a very selfish person, concerned with only my sister and my sister's children. Many times to the exclusions of my own needs. I have a lot of other stories.. but ahh right now I wanna get the story of this lil fella outta my head.
That's right folks.. A bloody green ranger toy. HOW may you ask, does a green ranger toy play into the chasms of my mind ? Really simple. This lil guy is a reproduction of the original. See the lil hasbro dealy down in the corner?
But many years ago back in the summer of 1994, I had some extra money from my baby sitting and dog walking jobs. Relying on my folks for money was after a certain point just plain stupid. I had to rely on them for insurance and a few other things, but spending money. Fun money, and yah even clothes and food, no. NOPE. My pride got the better of me and I got sick of listening to people ( mom) bitch about what I ate, how much clothes cost, and how sorry and wasteful I was. I really got kinda tired of it. It's not that they refused to provide it. They did. But it came at the price of having to hear her constantly criticize me. My weight, what I ate, What i wore. So my brain simply went to the place.. WELL.. if I stop asking them to provide these things. They will lose that control. So I just started getting my own things. That was the situation the summer that the original of this lil fella came out. Originally he was about half of what he is now, 13.00. So he would have been like six bucks. (Yay inflation!)  There was a mall on the hill that had Kaybee toys in it. Despite the fact that I was a teenager myself, I enjoyed the show a lot. And this lil asshole in green spandex was my fave. I loved green, I loved dragons, And Pretty boy mc fluffuly hair was kinda cute. So… yah He was my fave. So thinking not much of it I brought this lil fell as a model to help me learn to draw them. Fast forward to that fall. See my sister had gone off and gotten knocked up back when I was Ten.. Par for the course with people of my mom's religious persuasion. It is The DUTY of the younger family members to help when the older sibling has a baby. Especially when she comes home from whoring around out west, without a penny to her name. She came home with her demon spawn in her belly and my childhood effectively came to an end. For around six/seven years I had been putting up with it. My sister's child, though he claims he loves his auntie now, was EVIL. I have scars from where this lil asshole assaulted me.  Maybe I should forgive him but I refuse to forget. Specifically this incident. For some ungodly reason. My parents decided that weekend we were all going to spend time at the grandparents house out in the small town in eastern KY. I HATED it. I was basically Belle in that town. Girl with a brain stuck in a town that only values a woman on how many babies she can crank out and how fast. To this day they hate me because I, after finding out I was fucking sterile, chose degree's over children. Not even bothering to account that Children are an impossibility for me. Nope, being a pregasaurus rex is all that matters there. That is how your value as a woman is determined in that family. My dad's family wasn't as bad, due to my Grandpa Jim being very progressive and very education oriented. Honestly without my Grandpa Jim, I'd probably have gone stark raving mad when the occasion came to visit this town. BLEH. 
So this weekend.. because I wanted to work on some art and drawings. I shoved my lil green buddy there in my bag and took him with me so I could practice drawing his shield and stuff. So picture that.. Someone minding their own business .. with their own toy… not bothering anyone else and working on a drawing. Peaceful right? That peace was very quickly shattered. Noa, the demon seed of my sister had never noticed my lil green ranger toy there before. Sometimes he and I watched the show together when I was forced to babysit the lil shit. 
So he liked the show too. He spots my toy sitting on the table as I am drawing him and comes up. Promptly reaches up onto the table.. takes my figure and starts to make off with him. I Stop him, take Tommy back and tell him. "No kid, that's mine. You can't have it." "but I waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaant  it!!" I tell him no again and then pack up my drawing stuff and head up stairs to get some peace and quiet. It does not last long. I'm on my bed now drawing, and here comes my sister. "Did you take that toy from Noa!" She shouts.. pointing at the green ranger that I remind you, I paid for and was mine. "NO," I tell her flatly, "HE tried to take it from ME." "Well," She huffs, "GIVE IT TOO HIM." "No," I replied, "no, it's my toy and he can't have it. They sell them at Kaybees, when we get back to civilization just go get him one." "NO give it to him now!" She snarls, "You're too old for that anyway." "Well I don't care if I am too old for it," I shrug, "I paid for it, It's mine. If he wants one, buy him his own." I proceed to pick up the toy and shove it back into my bag. "You either give me that toy or You're gonna get it," She tells me. I ignore her and go back to my drawing. She storms off down the steps and not 10 minutes later I hear my mom standing at the bottom step, screeching like a fucking banshee.
My dad is out with my Mom's father some place so I am aware that I am caught in there with all my female relatives on my mom's side of the family. Mom, Sister, Nanna, and Auntie. I know I will be ganged up on the moment I go down stairs. I make a point of leaving Tommy in my bag and head down so that the yelling can start. Start it does. For a good thirty minutes. Basically telling me what a selfish lil brat I am for not giving my nephew that toy. HOW horrid of a person I was for hogging the item that I PERSONALLY paid for and not giving it to him. I tell them he can't have it and promptly get slapped in the face by my mom. I am not the five nine amazon that I am now. I was a bitty lil 17 year old that was about two sauce packets tall. And my mom knew how to slap someone and make it hurt.  She slapped me so hard my nose tried to bleed. Then told me that IF I didn't go get the toy she was gonna slap me again. All of my female relatives backed her up. I told her NO.. Got slapped again and she went and got the toy out of my backpack herself. She then asked me if I was going to give it to Noa. I Once again told her no. So she told me in no uncertain terms that If Noa couldn't have the toy. Neither could I. She tossed my Green ranger into the trash. Had my Auntie bag it up in front of me and haul it out to the trash can. Eventually Dad came home and saw the red hand print and found out what had happened. Told my mom she had no right to make me share something I had paid for with my own money. Or simply take it from me because the demon seed wanted it. He went to get it but by then it was too late. The trash had been picked up and my green ranger was gone. He offered me the money to replace the toy but I told him no. The same thing would just continue to happen as long as Noa and my sister were around. Mom would take their side and the things I loved would keep dying. It was a long time before I ever saw that toy again. A year ago I saw one on hasbro and my darling husband asked me , without knowing the story actually, if I wanted it. This was because he knows my love of power rangers. He got me the reproduction and it sits on my desk  for the world to see. To pay him back this year I bought him the white one because that was his favorite. But he never had it taken away, just never got one. So yah.. Proof that my mom, sister , auntie and nana were fucking nuts. They destroyed my power ranger toy because I refused to give it to my nephew. Plain and simple.
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simswhitehouse · 2 years
Does your country have any interesting landmarks or tourist attractions?
Hiii thank you so much for the ask! and sorry for the very late replies lol
I’m just scrolling through my inbox and found out this lovely question 💙
Since my blog is set in the United States of America, and the main city of my story is in Washington D.C. Here are some interesting landmarks that you can visit!
1. White House
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The White House, is the official residence and workplace of the President of the United States. located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. President Clark and First Lady Laura Clark are delighted to welcome members of the public to tour the White House.
2. U.S. Capitol
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The U.S. Capitol, is the seat of the the United States Congress. located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The U.S. Capitol welcome visitors from across the United States and around the world. 
3. Lincoln Memorial
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The Lincoln Memorial, is a U.S. national memorial built to honor the 16th president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. Located on the western end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The national memorial is a National Park and is open to the public 24 hours.
4. World War II Memorial
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The World War II Memorial, is a national memorial in the United States. located on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. This memorial is dedicated to Americans who served in the armed forces and as civilians during World War II.
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Postcards from Snagglepuss
"Ocean City, here we come!"
So here we are, Huckleberry Hound and yours truly, sitting in a somewhat cheesy-looking motel near one of our former hangouts back in the day, Kings Dominion by name, about halfway between Washington, DC and Richmond, Virginia, having driven along US 1 as opposed to I-95 much of the night through Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia following quite an interesting diver's holiday with Peter Potamus and the Hair Bear Bunch off the Florida Keys.
Said motel, it turns out, being something of a staging area for many of us fellow Funtastics heading to the Character Convocation planned and timed to coincide with Springfest out Ocean City, Maryland way in a weekend's time.
Think of Springfest, if you will, as a sort of summer prelude on Maryland's Eastern Shore, particularly before the major crowds come over and turn an otherwise docile town of some 7,750 people (that's the year-round populace) into Maryland's third-largest city (as in as much as 163,000 people) on busy weekends. And the contingents of fellow characters bound to arrive ahead of same as a convoy of sorts, prompting Huck and I to find a party room of sorts nearby to explain the logistics of the warmup to Springfest as much as Springfest proper ...as well as a more direct, logically logical even, routing into Ocean City from our staging ground:
I-95 to US 301 (Virginia Exit 104), crossing Fort A. P. Hill and the Potomac River via the Nice-Middleton Bridge into Maryland, picking up US 50 near Bowie;
US 50/301 via the Bay Bridge to the route split in Queenstown;
US 50 to Maryland 404 near Wye Mills, continued into Delaware and joining US 113 near Georgetown;
Continuing on US 113 to the junction with Delaware 20, thence on Delaware 20 and 54 to practically the Maryland line, becoming Maryland 528 and, hence, into Ocean City proper.
Which, at any rate, means plenty of overtime for our trusty cell phones, and plenty of charging time as well, just to remind the whole contingent, Ruff and Reddy onwards to the Skatebirds, Kwicky Koala and even Crazy Claws--the Funtastic sort of crowd, mind you--of developments and the meetings ahead.
"And there's also the crab dinner to think about," Huck admitted.
"Not to mention," added I, "the meet-and-greets. Especially along the Boardwalk and at an outlet mall, even!"
So just be thankful that we're not turning to strong liquors as the way to maintain steady nerves as things press forward. And there's more of this where it all came from....
@warnerbrosentertainment @oceancitymd @jellystone-enjoyer @iheartgod175 @archive-archives @themineralyoucrave @princessgalaxy505 @thylordshipofbutts @thebigdingle @warnerbros-blog1 @joey-gatorman @theweekenddigest @xdiver71 @warnerbrosent-blog
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airmanisr · 2 years
160756, Messerschmitt Bf 109 G-6/R3, NASM Silver Hill, Maryland, 09-08-1974 by Gordon Riley Via Flickr: For many years, the history of the NASM Bf 109G-6 was mysterious. In 1995, Jim Kitchens, an archivist at Maxwell Air Force Base, discovered a report on the defection of René Darbois on July 25, 1944. Darbois was a native of German-annexed Lorraine who claimed he was forced to fly in the Luftwaffe. He took off in the NASM BF 109G-6 on his first combat mission and proceeded directly to the airfield at Caserta, Italy. He landed and walked into the custody of the U. S. Army Air Forces 72nd Liaison Squadron. In 1989 Museum specialist Tom Dietz discovered the Gustav's Werk-Nummer to be 160756. The number falls within the range of airframes manufactured at Messerschmitt's Regensburg plant in summer or fall 1943. Messerschmitt built this particular model specifically to operate in tropical and desert climates. For desert operations, mechanics installed a sand filter but none was found with the NASM Gustav. The Army Air Forces (AAF) shipped the fighter to the United States for evaluation. AAF personnel stripped the aircraft of all unit markings and camouflage and the Air Technical Intelligence Command assigned it an inventory and tracking number, FE-496. The Air Force transferred the Messerschmitt to the National Air Museum (later National Air and Space Museum) in 1948, along with a group of other World War II aircraft, and was stored at the Park Ridge, Illinois, facility. Later, the collection was moved to the museum's storage facility at Silver Hill, Maryland, near Washington, D.C. During the mid-1970s, plans for a new museum building on the Washington Mall became definite. The Bf 109 was one of the first aircraft restored for exhibition. No information was available on the aircraft's original markings so restorers applied the camouflage and markings of aircraft number 2 of 7th Squadron, III./JG 27 (3d Group, Fighter Wing 27) flown in the Eastern Mediterranean in late 1943. Specialists completed the restoration during April 1974.
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livinginthebuff · 2 years
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So many rescue pets found their forever homes today at the Furtastic Adopt-a-thon held at the Eastern Hills Mall. A busy day of pups, cats and people looking for their new best friend! Give me all the doggos to photograph! #petphotography #eventphotography #photographywithoutlimits #dogsofbuffalo #rescuedogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop (at Eastern Hills Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnacGRIu0Rt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jadhavpropmart · 12 days
Hiranandani Empress Hill Powai: Luxury 3BHK and 4BHK Flats in Powai
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Powai, a bustling neighborhood in Mumbai, is renowned for its scenic lakes, vibrant community, and excellent connectivity. Among its many residential marvels, Hiranandani Empress stands out as a symbol of luxury and sophistication. Developed by the esteemed Hiranandani Developers, this project offers exquisite 3BHK and 4BHK flats designed to cater to the modern urbanite’s needs. Let’s dive into what makes Hiranandani Empress Powai an ideal choice for your next home.
Prime Location and Connectivity
Propery in Powai is strategically located, offering easy access to key parts of Mumbai, including the international airport and major business districts. Its excellent connectivity via the Eastern and Western Express Highways and the Mumbai Metro makes commuting a breeze.
Heritage Garden & Racquet’s Club – 03 mins
Dr L H Hiranandani Hospital – 05 mins
High Street & Haiko Mall – 06 mins
Galleria Mall – 06 mins
Restaurants, Cafes & Banks – 7 mins
Hiranandani Foundation School – 11 mins
HFS International – 11 mins
Key Features and Amenities
From state-of-the-art fitness centers to lush green gardens, Hiranandani Empress is equipped with a range of amenities that cater to the needs of all age groups. The project boasts a swimming pool, children’s play area, multipurpose hall, and more, ensuring a holistic living experience.
Types of Flats Available
3 BHK-1,110 | 1,135 Sq.Ft.
3 BHK-1,150 | 1,220 Sq.Ft.
3 BHK-1,300 | 1,380 Sq.Ft.
3 BHK + Study-1,450 sqft Sq.Ft.
4 BHK-1,660 | 1,675 Sq.Ft.
Overview of 3BHK Flats
The 3BHK  in powai  are designed to offer ample space and privacy. With spacious bedrooms, modern kitchens, and elegant living areas, these flats are perfect for families looking for a comfortable and stylish home.
Overview of 4BHK Flats
The 4BHK flats are the epitome of luxury, offering even more space and premium features. These flats are ideal for larger families or those who desire extra room for guests or home offices.
Detailed Look at 4BHK Flats in Hiranandani Empress
The 4BHK flats offer expansive living spaces, including a grand living room, a dining area, four spacious bedrooms, and well-designed bathrooms. The layout is perfect for those who enjoy hosting and need extra space for their family.
Interior Design and Fittings
The interiors of the 4BHK flats are nothing short of spectacular. Premium materials, elegant finishes, and cutting-edge designs combine to create a home that is both beautiful and functional.
Price Range and Value for Money
While the real estate come at a higher price point, they offer unparalleled luxury and space. The investment in a 4BHK flat promises not only a lavish lifestyle but also significant appreciation over time.
For more details visit our site:  https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-powai/
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dynamixparkwoods · 1 month
Discover Your Dream Home: 2 BHK Flats in Ghodbunder Road, Thane
If you're on the lookout for a perfect blend of luxury, comfort, and convenience, look no further than the 2 BHK flats on Ghodbunder Road, Thane. Renowned for its strategic location, excellent connectivity, and thriving community, 2 BHK Flats in Ghodbunder Road Thane Ghodbunder Road has become one of the most sought-after residential destinations in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR).
Why Ghodbunder Road?
Ghodbunder Road, often referred to as GB Road, is a major arterial road in Thane, connecting the Eastern and Western Express Highways. This strategic link not only provides seamless connectivity to Mumbai but also to other significant suburbs like Borivali, Mira Road, and Mulund. The road is surrounded by lush greenery and offers stunning views of the Yeoor Hills, making it a peaceful yet vibrant place to call home.
Benefits of Living in a 2 BHK Flat on Ghodbunder Road
Prime Location: Ghodbunder Road is a prime residential area with easy access to all essential services such as schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and entertainment hubs. Whether you work in Mumbai or any nearby suburb, the excellent road connectivity ensures you are never far from your workplace.
Modern Infrastructure: The area boasts modern infrastructure with well-developed roads, ample public transport options, and upcoming metro connectivity. The presence of several reputed schools, colleges, and healthcare facilities makes it an ideal choice for families.
Serene Environment: Despite being close to the bustling city, Ghodbunder Road offers a serene environment surrounded by natural beauty. The Yeoor Hills and the Sanjay Gandhi National Park are just a short drive away, providing ample opportunities for outdoor activities and relaxation.
Investment Potential: Thane has seen significant appreciation in property values over the years, and Ghodbunder Road is no exception. Investing in a 2 BHK flat here is not only a wise decision for your living needs but also a sound financial investment.
Introducing Dynamix Parkwoods
Among the various residential projects on Ghodbunder Road, Dynamix Parkwoods stands out as a beacon of modern living. This project offers meticulously designed 2 BHK flats that cater to the needs of urban families. The flats are spacious, well-ventilated, and equipped with the latest amenities to ensure a comfortable lifestyle.
Key Features of Dynamix Parkwoods:
Contemporary Design: The architecture of Dynamix Parkwoods is a perfect blend of modern design and functional spaces. Each flat is designed to maximize space utilization while ensuring ample natural light and ventilation.
State-of-the-Art Amenities: Residents can enjoy a host of amenities such as a well-equipped gym, swimming pool, children's play area, and landscaped gardens. The project also features a clubhouse, indoor games room, and a multi-purpose hall for social gatherings.
Sustainable Living: Dynamix Parkwoods is committed to sustainable living. The project incorporates eco-friendly practices such as rainwater harvesting, solar power, and waste management systems.
Security and Convenience: The safety of residents is a top priority. The project is equipped with 24/7 security, CCTV surveillance, and power backup. Additionally, ample parking space and easy access to public transport make daily commuting hassle-free.
Choosing a 2 BHK flat on Ghodbunder Road, Thane, especially in a project like Dynamix Parkwoods, is a decision that promises a high quality of life in a thriving community. With its prime location, modern amenities, and serene environment, 2 BHK Flats in Ghodbunder Road Thane Ghodbunder Road is the perfect place for families looking to settle down in a home that offers both luxury and practicality.
Explore more about the 2 BHK flats at Dynamix Parkwoods and take the first step towards owning your dream home. Visit Dynamix Parkwoods to learn more and schedule a site visit today!
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gssoftwareposts · 1 month
6 Wonderful Things That Make Darjeeling Famous
Nestles in the North Eastern Part of India, Darjeeling falls under the  State of West Bengal best known for its majestic views of mountains, a unique blend of culture. But what is it about the quaint town that makes it a year-round favourites tourist spot in West Bengal? Well, it is not just the breathtaking view of the famous Darjeeling tea. As someone who recently spent some time wandering through the spot, I can tell you the 5 hidden or unknown reasons Darjeeling is famous for all that and so much more.
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Colonial Era Architechture
The history of Darjeeling dates back to the British Colonial Era as a result, they began to develop the area, establishing it as a sanatorium making Darjeeling a popular tourist spot. The evident Result is the most iconic structure is the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which features the famous "Toy Train." Built-in 1881, St. Andrew's Church, with its Gothic architecture or the iconic clock tower itself also known as “The Big Ben”, Bose Institute and Bishops House. These buildings are not merely structures; they are stories etched in stone.
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Culinary- At its Best
Name a dish you won't find in Darjeeling. There is none. Sure, you’ll find the ubiquitous momo and thukpa at every corner, but dig a little deeper, and you’ll discover some hidden gastronomic gems. One evening, I stumbled upon a small, nondescript eatery in Hotel Wind Horse Darjeeling's in-house restaurant that served authentic Sikkimese cuisine. Another must-try is the “Sael Roti,” a traditional Nepali dish made from rice flour.
The warmth and hospitality you get in the mountains are incomparable. The most beautiful aspect of Darjeeling is its people. The locals, often of Nepali, Tibetan, and Bhutanese descent, are a warm and welcoming bunch. When you stay in a mountain home, the hosts often take the time to share tales of their ancestors, local legends, and the history of the area. These stories not only entertain but also provide insight into the traditions and values of the community. This level of warmth and hospitality attracts tourists and makes Darjeeling the most famous Tourist Spot. 
where the clouds seem to meet the earth, a significant pilgrimage site for the Hindu community. But what makes it unique is that it’s also a sacred site for Buddhists, who often come to offer prayers alongside their Hindu brethren. The path is lined with small shrines, each exuding a peaceful aura that calms the mind and soul. Once at the top, the view is nothing short of spectacular. The temple itself is modest, but it’s the atmosphere that makes it so special. There’s a sense of peace and harmony here that’s hard to describe but easy to feel. The nearest temple in Darjeeling Mall is Mahakal Mandir walking distance from Hotel Wind Horse Darjeeling. 
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Lush Green Tea Gardens- NOT the usual
while most tourists flock to the well-known plantations, I decided to explore some of the lesser-known ones. took a trail that led me to the Ghumti Tea Garden, a small, almost hidden estate in Darjeeling that offered a more intimate and personal experience.The workers were more than happy to share their knowledge, and I learned a lot about the art of tea cultivation. Get tea samples and taste them there itself.
The Effort of Preserving Heritage
As time marches on, the preservation of Darjeeling's colonial architecture has become increasingly important the primary reason Darjeeling is famous for. With the rise of modern development, many historical structures face the threat of being overshadowed or demolished. However, there are ongoing efforts to maintain and restore these architectural treasures. Local organizations and heritage enthusiasts are working tirelessly to raise awareness about the significance of preserving Darjeeling's unique architectural heritage.
Darjeeling also known as the “queen of hills located in Northesatern part of India truly sets Darjeeling apart is its colonial-era architecture,hidden tea gardens, people, culture, locality, food and ofcourse the best stays like Hotel Wind Horse near Darjeeling Mall Road. The history of Darjeeling  to Walking through the streets as a traveller  take a moment to appreciate the architectural wonders that make this hill station truly famous.
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ishika206 · 2 months
Unforgettable Road Trips During Monsoon in India
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The monsoon season in India, with its lush landscapes and cooler temperatures, offers a unique backdrop for road trips. The rain transforms the countryside into a green paradise, and the cooler weather makes driving a pleasure. If you’re considering a road trip during the monsoon, the experience can be both exhilarating and refreshing. For a guide on road trips during monsoon in India, and if you’re looking for nearby destinations from Delhi to explore during this season, check out places to visit near Delhi in monsoon. Here’s a detailed look at some of the most enchanting road trips you can embark on during the monsoon season across India.
1. Mumbai to Goa
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A road trip from Mumbai to Goa is a dream journey for many, and the monsoon adds an extra layer of charm to this route. The drive of about 450 kilometers takes you through the picturesque Western Ghats, lush green landscapes, and charming coastal towns. As you travel through the ghats, you’ll witness breathtaking views of waterfalls and mist-covered hills. Make stops at places like Konkan coast, Ratnagiri, and Malvan, where you can enjoy local cuisine and explore historical forts. The monsoon rain makes the beaches in Goa even more beautiful, with fewer crowds and a refreshing atmosphere.
2. Bangalore to Coorg
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The drive from Bangalore to Coorg is a delightful monsoon road trip. Coorg, located about 260 kilometers from Bangalore, is known for its coffee plantations, lush greenery, and scenic beauty. During the monsoon, the landscape becomes even more vibrant, with waterfalls like Abbey Falls and Iruppu Falls in full flow. The drive through the Western Ghats offers stunning views of verdant hills and misty forests. Coorg’s cool climate and monsoon rains make it an ideal destination for nature lovers and those seeking a serene escape from city life.
3. Delhi to Shimla
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A road trip from Delhi to Shimla is an excellent choice for monsoon travel. The journey of about 350 kilometers takes you through the beautiful hills of Himachal Pradesh. The rain adds a magical touch to the journey, with lush green valleys and mist-covered mountains enhancing the scenic beauty. Shimla, with its pleasant weather and colonial charm, is a perfect retreat. Explore the Ridge, Mall Road, and nearby areas like Kufri and Fagu, which are even more picturesque during the monsoon season.
4. Chennai to Kodaikanal
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The drive from Chennai to Kodaikanal, covering approximately 520 kilometers, is a fantastic monsoon road trip. Kodaikanal, a beautiful hill station in Tamil Nadu, is known for its pleasant weather and scenic spots. During the monsoon, the hill station transforms into a lush green paradise with numerous waterfalls and misty landscapes. Visit places like the Kodai Lake, Coaker’s Walk, and the Pillar Rocks. The monsoon rains make the surroundings even more enchanting, providing a refreshing experience away from the city heat.
5. Hyderabad to Araku Valley
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A road trip from Hyderabad to Araku Valley offers a unique experience during the monsoon. The drive of about 350 kilometers takes you through the scenic Eastern Ghats, passing through lush green forests and coffee plantations. Araku Valley, known for its beautiful landscapes and pleasant climate, becomes even more captivating during the monsoon. Explore the Borra Caves, Ananthagiri Hills, and the scenic coffee plantations. The monsoon rains bring out the vibrant greens and make the journey even more enjoyable.
6. Kolkata to Darjeeling
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A road trip from Kolkata to Darjeeling, covering around 600 kilometers, is a journey through scenic beauty and cultural richness. The drive takes you through the picturesque landscapes of West Bengal and Sikkim, with stunning views of the Himalayas. During the monsoon, Darjeeling becomes even more beautiful with mist-covered hills and lush green tea gardens. Explore the famous Mall Road, visit the Tiger Hill for a sunrise view, and enjoy the local tea estates. The monsoon rains add a magical touch to this charming hill station.
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dailyoverview · 2 years
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The United States Capitol, often called the Capitol Building, is the meeting place of the United States Congress and the seat of the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It is located on Capitol Hill at the eastern end of the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Today is Election Day in the USA, and many congressional candidates are on the ballot. If you have not done so already, we encourage you to cast your vote!
38.889806°, -77.009056°
Source imagery: Nearmap
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tourmyholidayholiday · 2 months
Darjeeling Tour Package: Must-Visit Places, Activities, and Attractions
Nestled in the foothills of the Eastern Himalayas, Darjeeling, known as the "Queen of the Hills," is a charming hill station in West Bengal, India. Famous for its stunning tea gardens, panoramic views of Mount Kanchenjunga, and colonial charm, Darjeeling is a perfect destination for nature lovers, adventure enthusiasts, and those seeking a tranquil retreat. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the top places to visit, activities to enjoy, and famous attractions to include in your Darjeeling tour package.
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Must-Visit Places in Darjeeling
Tiger Hill
Overview: Renowned for its breathtaking sunrise views over Mount Kanchenjunga.
Highlights: Spectacular sunrise, panoramic views of the Himalayas, and glimpses of Mount Everest on clear days.
Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (Toy Train)
Overview: A UNESCO World Heritage site offering a scenic journey through the hills.
Highlights: The toy train ride, scenic landscapes, and historic steam locomotives.
Batasia Loop
Overview: A spiral railway track with a beautiful garden and war memorial.
Highlights: 360-degree views of the surrounding hills, the Gorkha War Memorial, and landscaped gardens.
Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park
Overview: A high-altitude zoo known for its conservation efforts and diverse wildlife.
Highlights: Snow leopards, red pandas, Himalayan wolves, and various other rare species.
Himalayan Mountaineering Institute (HMI)
Overview: An institute dedicated to promoting mountaineering as an organized sport.
Highlights: Museum showcasing mountaineering gear, exhibits on Everest expeditions, and training facilities.
Japanese Peace Pagoda
Overview: A Buddhist stupa built to promote peace and harmony.
Highlights: Serene ambiance, panoramic views of Darjeeling, and beautiful architecture.
Tea Gardens
Overview: Darjeeling is famous for its tea estates producing world-renowned Darjeeling tea.
Highlights: Visits to estates like Happy Valley Tea Estate, tea tasting sessions, and learning about the tea-making process.
Observatory Hill
Overview: A sacred site with temples and a stunning view of the mountains.
Highlights: Mahakal Temple, panoramic views, and peaceful surroundings.
Top Activities in Darjeeling
Trekking and Hiking
Description: Explore the scenic trails and enjoy the natural beauty of the Eastern Himalayas.
Highlights: Sandakphu trek, Singalila Ridge trek, and day hikes around Darjeeling.
Description: Experience the thrill of flying over the lush landscapes and tea gardens.
Highlights: Tandem paragliding flights, breathtaking aerial views, and experienced instructors.
River Rafting
Description: Enjoy the adventure of white-water rafting on the Teesta River.
Highlights: Rapids of varying difficulty levels, scenic river routes, and professional guides.
Description: Explore local markets and shops for unique souvenirs and handicrafts.
Highlights: Mall Road, Chowrasta, and Nehru Road for traditional woolen garments, Tibetan artifacts, and local handicrafts.
Description: Capture the stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and historic architecture.
Highlights: Sunrise at Tiger Hill, tea gardens, and the charming colonial buildings.
Famous Attractions in Darjeeling
Darjeeling Ropeway
Overview: One of the oldest cable car systems in India, offering scenic rides over the tea gardens.
Highlights: Aerial views of the valleys, lush tea estates, and the snow-capped Himalayas.
Rock Garden and Ganga Maya Park
Overview: Beautifully landscaped garden with terraced rock formations and a waterfall.
Highlights: Man-made rock structures, boating in the park, and the tranquil ambiance.
Bhutia Busty Monastery
Overview: An ancient monastery with a rich history and beautiful murals.
Highlights: Buddhist scriptures, serene surroundings, and views of Kanchenjunga.
St. Andrew’s Church
Overview: A historical church with Gothic architecture.
Highlights: Architectural beauty, stained glass windows, and peaceful environment.
Lloyd’s Botanical Garden
Overview: A garden showcasing a diverse collection of plants and trees.
Highlights: Exotic plant species, orchids, and well-maintained gardens.
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Tips for Planning Your Darjeeling Tour
Best Time to Visit: The best time to visit Darjeeling is from April to June and September to December when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing.
Accommodation: Choose from a range of accommodations, including heritage hotels, budget guesthouses, and luxury resorts.
Local Cuisine: Savor traditional Darjeeling dishes such as momos, thukpa, and the famous Darjeeling tea.
Transportation: Use local taxis, shared jeeps, and the toy train to explore the town. Renting a car is also a convenient option for visiting nearby attractions.
Packing Essentials: Pack warm clothing, especially for early mornings and evenings, comfortable shoes for trekking, a hat, sunscreen, and a camera to capture the beautiful landscapes.
Cultural Etiquette: Respect local customs, dress modestly, and be mindful of the environment by avoiding littering.
Darjeeling offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural experiences. With this guide, you can create a comprehensive tour package that includes must-visit places, engaging activities, and famous attractions. Whether you’re watching the sunrise over Kanchenjunga, exploring tea gardens, or riding the historic toy train, Darjeeling promises an unforgettable journey. So, pack your bags and get ready to discover the enchanting hill station of Darjeeling.
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kpawarpropmart · 2 months
Discover Luxurious Living at L&T Realty Veridian in Powai
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Are you in search of a sophisticated and contemporary home in Mumbai? L&T Realty Veridian in Powai offers an unparalleled living experience with its range of well-designed properties, including 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK, and 4BHK flats. This premier residential complex is located in the heart of Powai, one of Mumbai's most sought-after neighborhoods, and provides a perfect blend of luxury, convenience, and modern amenities.
Prime Location in Powai
Powai is a vibrant and upscale suburb in Mumbai, renowned for its scenic beauty, excellent infrastructure, and thriving community. L&T Realty Veridian leverages this prime location, providing residents with easy access to top-notch educational institutions, healthcare facilities, shopping centers, and recreational spots. Whether you need to commute to work or enjoy a leisurely day out, Powai’s central location ensures you are always well-connected.
Exceptional Connectivity
One of the key advantages of living in Powai is its outstanding connectivity. The area is well-linked to major roads and highways, including the Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road (JVLR) and the Eastern Express Highway. This ensures seamless travel to different parts of Mumbai. Additionally, the proximity to the Saki Naka metro station and the Kanjurmarg railway station enhances accessibility, making daily commuting a breeze for residents of L&T Realty Veridian.
JVLR – 2 mins
Upcoming Metro station – 2 mins
International Airport – 16 mins
Eastern & Western Expressway – 30 mins
Seven Hills Hospital – 15 mins
IIT Powai – 15 mins
Luxurious Living Spaces
L&T Realty Veridian offers a variety of living options to cater to different needs and preferences. From cozy 1BHK flats to spacious 4BHK Flats in Powai, each unit is meticulously designed with a focus on functionality and aesthetics. The flats feature contemporary interiors, high-quality finishes, and well-planned layouts that maximize space and comfort.
1BHK 360-380 sq.ft
2BHK 550-600 sq.ft
3BHK 990 sq.ft
4BHK 1650 sq.ft
World-Class Amenities
Residents of L&T Realty Veridian enjoy access to a range of world-class amenities that enhance their lifestyle. The property includes a state-of-the-art fitness center, a swimming pool, landscaped gardens, a children’s play area, and a multi-purpose community hall. These amenities provide opportunities for relaxation, fitness, and socializing, ensuring a well-rounded living experience within the complex.
Other Features:
Children's play area
Indoor Games
Jogging Track
Swimming Pool
A Smart Investment
Investing in real estate in Powai is a wise decision, given the area’s continuous development and rising property values. L&T Realty Veridian represents an excellent investment opportunity, combining prime location, quality construction, and modern amenities. Whether you are purchasing for personal use or as an investment, these Properties in Powai promise substantial returns and enduring value.
A Thriving Community
Living at L&T Realty Veridian means becoming part of a vibrant and welcoming community. The residential complex fosters a sense of belonging, with regular social events and communal spaces that encourage interaction among residents. The proximity to top-rated schools, hospitals, shopping malls, and entertainment venues further enriches the lifestyle experience, making it a desirable place to call home.
L&T Realty Veridian in Powai is more than just a residential complex; it’s a gateway to an elevated urban lifestyle. With its prime location, luxurious 1BHK, 2BHK, 3BHK, and 4BHK flats, and exceptional amenities, it stands out as one of the best properties in Powai. If you are looking for a home that combines comfort, convenience, and luxury, L&T Realty Veridian is the perfect choice. Embrace a new standard of living at L&T Realty Veridian and experience the best that Powai has to offer.
For more details, visit our website: https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-powai/
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visacollect · 4 months
Top 10 places to visit in Summer in India
Particularly there are many places in India with varied geographical terrains and varied climate so there are numerous options for the people who want to escape the summer heat. These range from the mountain region of Eastern Himalayas to the seashores of Southern India and much more in between. Here are the top 10 destinations to explore in India this summer:Here are the top 10 destinations to explore in India this summer:
List of Best Places to Visit in Summer:
1. Ladakh, Jammu & Kashmir
Famous by the nickname the “Land of High Passes,” Ladakh is a heaven for all sorts of tourists who enjoy activities like trekking and sightseeing. Complemented by an arid topography of eerie mountains, cerulean skies and serene lakes such as Pangong and Tso Moriri, its raw, unapologetic beauty is unmatched. Adventure sports like trekking, river rafting specifically in the Zanskar River, and exploring the Buddhist monasteries are something that can be relished here.
2. Manali, Himachal Pradesh
Kullu Valley’s Manali is one of the most famous hill stations with fantastic sights of the snow-blanketed mountains and the foliage-filled forests. Existing adventure points include paragliding, zorbing and river rafting and the town is an appropriate starting point for these activities. Rohtang Pass, Solang Valley, and Hadimba Temple are some of the landmarks that must be included on the tour.
3. Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
It is one of the most beautiful and well-liked cities in the northern part of India, and the capital city of Himachal Pradesh is Shimla. Some of the primary going places include the Mall Road, Christ Church, and Jakhoo Temple. A famous heritage site, the toy train journey leads from Kalka to Shimla, enjoying the picturesque views of the hills.
4. Darjeeling, West Bengal
Darjeeling, widely known for its tea gardens and the magnificent view of the Kanchenjunga is also known as the ‘Queen of the Hills. ‘ The most famous DHR or Darjeeling Himalayan Railway more popularly known as the ‘Toy Train’ is a world heritage site; the zoological park dedicated to the Himalayan wilderness more popularly known as the ‘Padmaja Naidu Himalayan Zoological Park’; and Among the gastronomic delights do not neglect to taste a cup of the world famous Darjeeling tea.
5. Munnar, Kerala
Munnar, situated in the Western Ghats, is quite a popular destination for tourists who are interested in the beauty of nature as there is a picturesque landscape there, tea gardens, valleys and plenty of opportunities for observing wildlife. Go to Eravikulam National Park, Mattupetty Dam, and Anamudi Peak which are some significant places to visit in Idukki. For this reason, the climate is cool with a number of regional features like green vegetation which makes it suitable for summer.
6. Ooty, Tamil Nadu
Also nicknamed the Queen of the Nilgiris, Ooty is a picturesque city in the Tamil Nadu region of India. Few of the attractions of the town include the botanical gardens, Ooty Lake, and tea gardens. Nilgiri Mountain Railway, another world heritage site, is a perfect train for passengers who expect a beautiful view along the railroad.
7. Rishikesh, Uttarakhand
Rishikesh, beautifully located on the banks of the Ganges and amidst the magnificent Himalayas, is the Land of spirituality and adventure. Otherwise known as the “Yoga Capital of the World”, there are many ashrams and yoga centers situated here. For the tourists who like to take risks, there are options for coming with river rafting, bungee jumping, and trekking. In the mornings and in the evening, there is Ganga Aarti, special aarti of the confluence of Triveni Ghat.
8. Coorg, Karnataka
Coorg is a district in the state of Karnataka, well famous for its beauty marked by natural vales, coffee estates, and hilly terrain often enveloped in clouds. Some of the notable places of visit are Abbey Falls, Raja’s Seat; Namdroling Monastery. The favourable climatic conditions accompanied by picturesque setting makes it an ideal destination to be visited during the hot summer.
9. Nainital, Uttarakhand
Nainital: Nestled between lush mountains and standing on the shores of a beautiful lake, this tourist hub is in the region of Uttarakhand. There is boat riding on the Naini lake, Naina devi temple, and snow viewing are some of the explorations that one can make. It has a pleasant climate and a beautifully designed strip of land that creates a regional tourist destination throughout the year.
10. Andaman and Nicobar Islands
For those who like to opt for the mountain terrain like others, the Andaman & Nicobar Islands have beautiful white sand beaches, clear blue water & splendid marine life. A visit to Radhanagar Beach in Havelock Island and Cellular Jail are the places to look forward to. Reports of snorkeling and scuba diving accompanied by viewing corals are frequent coming from this region.
11. Gulmarg, Jammu & Kashmir
Gulmarg is a perfect holiday destination in Jammu & Kashmir which is also known as the “Meadow of Flowers. ” Deemed for its green foliage meadows, the snow-covered mountains, and the world’s highest golf course – the skiing spot Gulmarg is not any less than a fairy tale. During summer, many flowers erupt into full bloom giving the meadows a perfect look as if a painter has painted them. Trek through the vast wilderness to see the majestic Himalayan views that the Gulmarg Gondola offers.
12. Mount Abu, Rajasthan
It is the only hill station in the state of Rajasthan, therefore after long sun-parched days in the desert, it offers a cool retreat. The town is noteworthy for its Dilwara Temples, Marcus and amazing marble work; Nakki Lake is ideal for boating. At Rajsamand Lake, the sunset point and the Guru Shikhar which is the highest peak in the entire Aravalli range can enjoy the beauty of the region.
13. Shillong, Meghalaya
As dubbed the “Scotland of the East,” Shillong is the capital of Meghalaya and has a renowned beautiful terrain, cool climate, and persistent ethnic influence. These include the Elephant Falls located in the city and the overwhelming view from the Shillong Peak. The Umiam Lake which was randomly designed is perfect for having a picnic or even any water activity.
14. Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu
Kodaikanal, which is known as the ‘Queen of Hill Stations’, is a picturesque and ‘pretty’ place located in Tamil Nadu. It is famous for the prevailing low temperatures, the cliffs which are fog wrapped and the forests. Some of the places that tourists can never miss to visit are Kodai Lake, Coaker’s Walk as well as Bryant Park. It will be good news for the people who love nature and want to be calm. There are the Pillar Rocks, and the beautiful Berijam Lake.
15. Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh
Tawang is situated in the state called Arunachal Pradesh of India and the beauty of this place with wonderful sceneries and colourful culture make this place awesome. There are several tourist attractions, one of which is the largest monastery in India that is called Tawang Monastery.
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