#easy low energy meal plans i can stick too ok guys
writingpostmidnight · 2 years
if humans only had to eat once a day to survive and thrive i would still complain abt it
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m going to be answering questions about Maximum Aerobic Function, or MAF. If this is your first time hearing the term, MAF refers to a method of endurance training that maximizes the function of your fat-burning aerobic system. I’ve come down hard on conventional or popular modes of endurance training in the past for being too stressful and reliant on sugar. MAF training is the opposite: low stress and reliance on body fat.
Let’s dive right in to the questions:
What is MAF training?
MAF trains your aerobic fat-burning system to be more efficient and produce greater output at the same “intensity.” It means slowing the hell down to go faster. It means the slower you go, the more fat you’re burning and the better your mitochondria are getting at utilizing fat for energy. It means training up to but not over your maximum aerobic heart rate.
MAF was coined by Phil Maffetone, who came up with an ingenious way to calculate your max aerobic heart rate: subtracting your age from 180. 180 minus your age gives you the heart rate at which you’re burning the maximum amount of fat and minimum amount of sugar.
Say you’re 30 years old. 180 minus 30 is 150. To burn the most fat possible, you maintain a heart rate equal to or lower than 150 BPM. Now, and here’s the trick: It doesn’t sound like much. It doesn’t feel like much. It probably feels way too easy. But bear with me. It works. This is where the magic happens, where you accumulate easy volume, where the “base” is built, where you begin building more fat-burning mitochondria.
The hard truth is that if jogging spikes your heart rate past your aerobic max, you’re not very good at burning fat during exercise. Even if you don’t “mind” pushing that heart rate up. Even if you “feel fine” jogging at 153 bpm. 180 minus age is where you have to be to improve fat burning. That might look like jogging, or walking, or walking uphill, or running pretty briskly, depending on where you’re starting. It’s all relative to your aerobic fitness.
It takes patience to stay at the aerobic zone, but over time, if you’re consistent, you’ll notice that you can handle a higher and higher workload at that same “easy” MAF heart rate. You’ll be going faster while still burning mostly fat—and it’ll still feel easy.
What are the benefits of cardio using MAF training?
In some parts, I’m known as the anti-cardio guy. I coined the phrase “chronic cardio,” and the entire reason I got into this Primal business is that decades of elite endurance training—marathons and triathlons—wrecked my body and drove me to develop and pursue a different, more sustainable path to health and fitness.
But I’m not anti-cardio. In fact, moving frequently at a slow pace in all its incarnations forms the foundation of my Primal Blueprint Fitness philosophy. And MAF is just about the best way to do it.
When you build your aerobic base, you don’t just get better at running (or cycling, or rowing, or swimming, or whatever it is that you’re doing). There are more benefits that aren’t as overtly noticeable:
You get better at utilizing the fat you eat and the fat you store, paying huge dividends in other areas of your life.
You get steadier energy levels throughout the day. There’s always that big bolus of energy hanging around, ready to be consumed and converted into ATP. And you’re very good at burning it.
You have a lower propensity to snack. It’s easier to stick to a healthy way of eating and refrain from snacking when you can cruise along eating your own adipose tissue in between meals.
You have more mitochondria, and the mitochondria you have are better at burning fat.6 This is what everything comes down to. Mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent energy overload lie at the root of many degenerative diseases. The better your mitochondria work, the more energy you can handle, and the less likely you are to suffer the negative ramifications of chronic energy overload.
This seems to confer benefits to longevity. Although we can’t establish causation, moderate exercise—jogging up to 20 miles a week at an 11 minute mile pace—offered the most protection against early mortality in one study. Running more than 20 miles a week, or running at a 7 minute mile pace, offered fewer mortality benefits.7
Plus, having that large aerobic base helps with any physical pursuit, and not just endurance sports. A large aerobic base helps in CrossFit. A large aerobic base helps in football or martial arts or rock climbing. Whenever you can burn more fat, save more glycogen, and still get the same amount of performance, you’re winning.
When you’re aiming for MAF, how much cardio is too much?
As long as you stay in the MAF zone, it’s very hard to overdo cardio. You’re deriving your energy primarily (90/95%) from fat, a virtually inexhaustible energy source, and very little from carbohydrate. You have thousands of calories at your disposal. Your relative intensity is lower than the person who’s out there burning sugar, so your joints aren’t falling apart and your muscles aren’t getting as fatigued. You’re accumulating less stress overall.
When you start hitting intensities that elevate your heart rate beyond the 180 minus age MAF zone, your tally begins. The stress and joint damage begins to accumulate. You become more reliant on sugar compared to fat. You can still train like this, but your margin for error is a lot smaller.
If I had to put a number to it, I’d say that you shouldn’t burn more than 4000 calories a week from cardio.
How should you eat while doing maximum aerobic function?
MAF is most effective when paired with carbohydrate restriction. It doesn’t have to be keto reset levels, although that’s a great option. Standard Primal low-carb, staying under 150 grams per day, is good enough.
When you combine MAF training with carb restriction, everything is enhanced. You build more mitochondria after a single carb-restricted MAF training session than after the same session without the carb restriction. 8
Going low-carb while MAF training also continues the work when you’re at rest. If you burn primarily fat when endurance training but go home to a high-carb diet, you’re squandering a lot of progress.
What if I’m too slow?
One of the most common questions I receive comes from people worried they’re too slow. “I feel like I am going too slow. I can run a 7:00 minute mile no problem at race pace and a higher heart rate, but if I stay at 180 minus age, I can’t get my speed past 10 minute miles.”
You can keep doing the higher HR runs, but you’re not building a base and you may be setting yourself up for damage down the line. That means you are good at burning glucose/glycogen and have a good tolerance for discomfort, but it also means that in this current configuration, you suck at burning fat. The whole point of MAF training is to train at the highest heart rate you can handle (and highest speed) while still getting 90-95% of your energy from fat. Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Track things over months, not workouts. It may take a long time to improve, but improve you will. Pro tip: if you are a well-trained runner or cyclist, you could probably add 5 to that 180-age number and be OK.
Isn’t my MAF pace way too easy?
It seems way too easy, and that’s the whole point. It’s also where people get tripped up.
You think you can handle a bit more, so you push the HR up. I mean, running at an easy pace couldn’t possibly make you faster.
Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Just be sure you are always able to carry on a conversation and not get winded as the “guard-rail.”
Folks, that’s MAF training. If you want more details and a specific plan of attack, check out my book Primal Endurance.
If you have any more questions, ask down below! Thanks for reading, everyone.
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https://ift.tt/2MsAdzb shows
The post Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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lauramalchowblog · 4 years
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m going to be answering questions about Maximum Aerobic Function, or MAF. If this is your first time hearing the term, MAF refers to a method of endurance training that maximizes the function of your fat-burning aerobic system. I’ve come down hard on conventional or popular modes of endurance training in the past for being too stressful and reliant on sugar. MAF training is the opposite: low stress and reliance on body fat.
Let’s dive right in to the questions:
What is MAF training?
MAF trains your aerobic fat-burning system to be more efficient and produce greater output at the same “intensity.” It means slowing the hell down to go faster. It means the slower you go, the more fat you’re burning and the better your mitochondria are getting at utilizing fat for energy. It means training up to but not over your maximum aerobic heart rate.
MAF was coined by Phil Maffetone, who came up with an ingenious way to calculate your max aerobic heart rate: subtracting your age from 180. 180 minus your age gives you the heart rate at which you’re burning the maximum amount of fat and minimum amount of sugar.
Say you’re 30 years old. 180 minus 30 is 150. To burn the most fat possible, you maintain a heart rate equal to or lower than 150 BPM. Now, and here’s the trick: It doesn’t sound like much. It doesn’t feel like much. It probably feels way too easy. But bear with me. It works. This is where the magic happens, where you accumulate easy volume, where the “base” is built, where you begin building more fat-burning mitochondria.
The hard truth is that if jogging spikes your heart rate past your aerobic max, you’re not very good at burning fat during exercise. Even if you don’t “mind” pushing that heart rate up. Even if you “feel fine” jogging at 153 bpm. 180 minus age is where you have to be to improve fat burning. That might look like jogging, or walking, or walking uphill, or running pretty briskly, depending on where you’re starting. It’s all relative to your aerobic fitness.
It takes patience to stay at the aerobic zone, but over time, if you’re consistent, you’ll notice that you can handle a higher and higher workload at that same “easy” MAF heart rate. You’ll be going faster while still burning mostly fat—and it’ll still feel easy.
What are the benefits of cardio using MAF training?
In some parts, I’m known as the anti-cardio guy. I coined the phrase “chronic cardio,” and the entire reason I got into this Primal business is that decades of elite endurance training—marathons and triathlons—wrecked my body and drove me to develop and pursue a different, more sustainable path to health and fitness.
But I’m not anti-cardio. In fact, moving frequently at a slow pace in all its incarnations forms the foundation of my Primal Blueprint Fitness philosophy. And MAF is just about the best way to do it.
When you build your aerobic base, you don’t just get better at running (or cycling, or rowing, or swimming, or whatever it is that you’re doing). There are more benefits that aren’t as overtly noticeable:
You get better at utilizing the fat you eat and the fat you store, paying huge dividends in other areas of your life.
You get steadier energy levels throughout the day. There’s always that big bolus of energy hanging around, ready to be consumed and converted into ATP. And you’re very good at burning it.
You have a lower propensity to snack. It’s easier to stick to a healthy way of eating and refrain from snacking when you can cruise along eating your own adipose tissue in between meals.
You have more mitochondria, and the mitochondria you have are better at burning fat.1 This is what everything comes down to. Mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent energy overload lie at the root of many degenerative diseases. The better your mitochondria work, the more energy you can handle, and the less likely you are to suffer the negative ramifications of chronic energy overload.
This seems to confer benefits to longevity. Although we can’t establish causation, moderate exercise—jogging up to 20 miles a week at an 11 minute mile pace—offered the most protection against early mortality in one study. Running more than 20 miles a week, or running at a 7 minute mile pace, offered fewer mortality benefits.2
Plus, having that large aerobic base helps with any physical pursuit, and not just endurance sports. A large aerobic base helps in CrossFit. A large aerobic base helps in football or martial arts or rock climbing. Whenever you can burn more fat, save more glycogen, and still get the same amount of performance, you’re winning.
When you’re aiming for MAF, how much cardio is too much?
As long as you stay in the MAF zone, it’s very hard to overdo cardio. You’re deriving your energy primarily (90/95%) from fat, a virtually inexhaustible energy source, and very little from carbohydrate. You have thousands of calories at your disposal. Your relative intensity is lower than the person who’s out there burning sugar, so your joints aren’t falling apart and your muscles aren’t getting as fatigued. You’re accumulating less stress overall.
When you start hitting intensities that elevate your heart rate beyond the 180 minus age MAF zone, your tally begins. The stress and joint damage begins to accumulate. You become more reliant on sugar compared to fat. You can still train like this, but your margin for error is a lot smaller.
If I had to put a number to it, I’d say that you shouldn’t burn more than 4000 calories a week from cardio.
How should you eat while doing maximum aerobic function?
MAF is most effective when paired with carbohydrate restriction. It doesn’t have to be keto reset levels, although that’s a great option. Standard Primal low-carb, staying under 150 grams per day, is good enough.
When you combine MAF training with carb restriction, everything is enhanced. You build more mitochondria after a single carb-restricted MAF training session than after the same session without the carb restriction. 3
Going low-carb while MAF training also continues the work when you’re at rest. If you burn primarily fat when endurance training but go home to a high-carb diet, you’re squandering a lot of progress.
What if I’m too slow?
One of the most common questions I receive comes from people worried they’re too slow. “I feel like I am going too slow. I can run a 7:00 minute mile no problem at race pace and a higher heart rate, but if I stay at 180 minus age, I can’t get my speed past 10 minute miles.”
You can keep doing the higher HR runs, but you’re not building a base and you may be setting yourself up for damage down the line. That means you are good at burning glucose/glycogen and have a good tolerance for discomfort, but it also means that in this current configuration, you suck at burning fat. The whole point of MAF training is to train at the highest heart rate you can handle (and highest speed) while still getting 90-95% of your energy from fat. Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Track things over months, not workouts. It may take a long time to improve, but improve you will. Pro tip: if you are a well-trained runner or cyclist, you could probably add 5 to that 180-age number and be OK.
Isn’t my MAF pace way too easy?
It seems way too easy, and that’s the whole point. It’s also where people get tripped up.
You think you can handle a bit more, so you push the HR up. I mean, running at an easy pace couldn’t possibly make you faster.
Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Just be sure you are always able to carry on a conversation and not get winded as the “guard-rail.”
Folks, that’s MAF training. If you want more details and a specific plan of attack, check out my book Primal Endurance.
If you have any more questions, ask down below! Thanks for reading, everyone.
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The post Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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gethealthy18-blog · 6 years
PCOS/PCOD Weight Loss Diet Plan - Lose Weight Fast 5 Kgs - Indian Veg Meal/Diet Plan To Lose Weight
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/healty-recipes/healthy-recipes-to-lose-weight/pcos-pcod-weight-loss-diet-plan-lose-weight-fast-5-kgs-indian-veg-meal-diet-plan-to-lose-weight/
PCOS/PCOD Weight Loss Diet Plan - Lose Weight Fast 5 Kgs - Indian Veg Meal/Diet Plan To Lose Weight
hey guys welcome back to my channel and if you're new here hi my name is Nisa Homey and I create healthy and nutrient-dense recipes for a much healthier lifestyle I have been getting a lot of requests for PCOS and diabetic friendly lunch and dinner recipes for weight loss so today I'm sharing two gluten-free recipes which can also be carried to work as a filling and nutrient dense meal for lunch or you can have it as a meal for dinner
having said that these two meals are perfect for anyone who is on a weight-loss journey and girls you need to understand that PCOS is a lifestyle issue and not really a medical condition it's your lifestyle that you should change to manage PCOS which I'm sure you can do by including my recipes in your diet develop habits like eating on time sleeping on time and also try to reduce workplace stress as all these will contribute to your health so avoid processed foods eat healthy along with including exercise and you will be amazed by the energy you have and the way your skin glows plus no more hair fall issues so, give that push to change your habits and eat healthy along with sleeping by at least 10:30 pm
and girls try to include whole grains and seasonal millets in your diet unprocessed carbs like Jowar, Bajra, Ragi etc helps to manage PCOS Jowar is a summer grain it's a rich source of protein iron, fiber, and calcium the high fiber content in jowar will keep you satiated for a longer time making it a perfect meal for lunch to carry to work or to have at home Jowar helps to boost metabolism and also helps to strengthen the bones so it's a must-have grain for women of all ages
studies have shown that a diet rich in millets may help to manage blood sugar levels I will leave some links in the description box below just in case you wanted to know more about this and above all including Jowar in your diet will in weight loss so let's get started with the recipes the first recipe is an easy Palak Jowar roti, I'm also sharing a simple and easy technique to roll out the Jowar roti so that it is much easier for you to make even if you are a beginner in cooking now, I'm using one cup of Jowar flour and about one cup of chopped palak leaves heat a wide pan and add in 1/2 TSP Desi Ghee and girls did you know that ghee is really good for PCOS management those with PCOS maybe having vitamin D and vitamin b12 deficiency so including ghee in your diet helps to manage them as well
avoid refined oils and use unrefined oil and homemade desi ghee in your diet I have already shared a recipe on how to make ghee at home you can check the recipe links will be updated below this video ok! once the ghee is heated add in 1/2 TSP jeera and once the jeera splutters turn off the heat and then add in 1/2 TSP kashmiri chili powder 1/4 TSP turmeric powder and mix well quickly and then add in the chopped palak leaves now turn on the flame and add in 1/2 TSP pink Himalayan salt and mix well and once the palak leaves starts to wilt add in one cup of water and allow the water to come to a boil once the water starts to boil add in 1/4 tsp ajwain and then reduce the flame to the lowest and then add in 1 cup of jowar atta mix well for about 30 seconds and then turn off the heat now allow this to cool down and when it is warm enough to handle knead the dough and to help it need well you can sprinkle in water and and also make sure you are kneading it with wet hands
I'm kneading it a couple of times to make the dough soft and once the dough is soft pinch off six equal sized dough and girls we all know that shaping or rolling gluten-free flour is a bit difficult now, you can use a chapati press to make it easier and do check my Jowar roti recipe where I'm showing three ways to roll out Jowar roti but for those of you who don't have a chapati press I'm sharing this simple technique and for that you need two small cotton napkins now soak the napkins in water and then squeeze out the water you will have to do this each time you roll out the Jowar roti
place the dough on the wet napkin cloth and then cover it with the other napkin cloth and with a rolling pin or a balen and roll it out as thinly as possible as I'm showing, you can even turn it to the other side and roll and once it is rolled out you can just remove the napkin or cotton cloth on top and you can level it with wet fingers now place the napkin side roti down on a hot iron tava and wait for a few seconds and then slowly peel the cloth as I'm showing and since the dough is wet it will stick to the tawa and allow it to cook for about one minute and once it is cooked on that side flip it over and once done removed to a plate repeat the same process with the rest of the dough and remember to wet the cotton napkin each time before you roll out the roti leftover rotis can be stored in the fridge and can be used the next day and now I'm making a quick vegetable raita as a side dish for this we can also serve it with any side dish of your choice like dal curry or vegetable sabji so I have already grated 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, and 1 green chilli chopped add in 2 to 3 tbsp of home set curd, 1/4 TSP pink Himalayan salt, 1/3 TSP roasted jeera powder and mix everything well Serve two palak Jowar roti to a plate and note that the roti has become soft once it has cooled down a perfect meal to carry to work and serve this nutrient-dense and filling palak Jowar roti with a bowl of filling vegetable raita
Moving on to the next gluten-free recipe which is methi cheela and guys remember that you need to increase your intake of low glycemic carbs unrefined grains like oats, Jowar, Bajra, Ragi, Brown rice with bran etc are the best options to manage PCOS and diabetes along with weight management now, into a bowl I have already added three to four chopped shallots, 1 green chilli, 1 sprig of curry leaves which I have finely chopped, now curry leaves are rich in iron and folate hence I like to use them more in my recipes and in 1/4 tsp pink Himalayan salt, 1/4 tsp ajwain, I had shade dried a big batch of fenugreek leaves at home last month and dried fenugreek leaves are also known as kasoori methi which can be easily made at home I used the same technique I used to shade dry Moringa leaves to make moringa powder you can check the recipe links will be updated below this video Kasuri methi has high soluble fiber content and acts as a laxative it will help to lower cholesterol levels, helps to manage diabetes, it flushes out toxins from our body, and helps to clean the intestines but if you're pregnant avoid using Kasuri methi so i'm adding in a small handful of my homemade Kasuri methi, 3 tbsp Jowar flour, and 1 tbsp basin flour also known as kadala mavu in Malayalam now mix this well and guys you can use fresh methi leaves instead of Kasuri methi add an inner water to make it into a smooth batter the batter shouldn't be neither too thick nor too thin
heat an iron tawa and grease it with gingelly oil and then put the flame on the lowest pour in the batter, this batter is just enough for one serving lightly spread it out as thinly as possible using a spoon then cover it with a lid and allow it to cook on low flame for about one and a half to two minutes and girls I am using a well-seasoned iron tawa so the batter will not stick to the tava as the tawa has non sticky surface as always I am again reminding you to cook in an iron cookware as it will help in better iron absorption so if you have a iron deficiency anemia try to cook your meals in an iron tawa now after two minutes open the lid and drizzle in 1/4 TSP Desi Ghee for healthy fats and for better assimilation of nutrients flip it to the other side and again cook for a minute or two once done served your plate so easy, healthy, filling, and nutrient-dense serve with raita or any vegetable curry of your choice so guys do try these two healthy recipes and let me know how it turned out
don't forget to Like comment and share this video with family and friends click here to watch other jowar recipes for weight loss thank you for watching and until next time take care bye bye
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How to Build Muscle on a Vegetarian Diet
Figuring out what buttons to push to meet your own nutrition needs can be difficult and stressful. With so many food choices, claims, and hype — not to mention specific eating preferences, allergies, and food sensitivities — it’s no surprise that consistently eating well is a big hurdle. 
Following a vegetarian diet is a common approach for most people looking to follow a healthier lifestyle. The catch? It can feel difficult to fill the gaps on a meatless diet, especially when it comes to protein, which is a key to building muscle and losing fat.
So we turned to Eric Helms, Ph.D. Not only does Dr. Helms have a master’s in sports nutrition and a doctorate in exercise science, but he’s also been following a plant-based diet since 2011. Here is his advice on following a plant-based diet, and how to build muscle on a vegetarian diet.
[Editor’s Note: We’re launching “The Born Fitness Lab,” where our coaches give you behind-the-scenes access to workouts, diets, and techniques we’re testing before we ever try them with clients. Access the lab by entering your email below (it’s free!)
Ok, you reflected on what you want and decided to follow a vegetarian lifestyle. But you’re also interested in building muscle (or making sure you don’t lose the muscle you’ve already earned). How do you do it?
You might be surprised that building muscle on a vegetarian diet isn’t that different from a meat-filled plan. In fact, no matter what eating style you follow, if you want to build muscle then you need to eat slightly more calories than you burn in a day (called a “caloric surplus”), and make sure you emphasize protein. All that changes is the source of protein you need when following a vegetarian diet. Do that while training consistently and voila! You will add muscle.
Vegetarian Diet Muscle: Start with Calories
Your first step is to figure out your “maintenance level,” or the number of calories you must eat to keep your weight consistent. To do that:
Identify your goal weight. Think “where you want to be,” not “where you are.”

Use that figure to calculate an estimate of your daily intake using this equation: goal weight x (workout hours per week + 9.5) = daily number of calories
Track how much you eat. Online logs like MyFitnessPal can be helpful.
Monitor your intake and your scale weight for a couple of weeks. (Weigh yourself first thing in the morning, after you’ve went to the bathroom but before you eat or drink anything.)
If your body weight holds steady, you’ll know that you’ve accurately hit your maintenance number.
If you’re losing weight, you can bump up calories. Add about 100 per day across a week — so, if you were eating 2000 calories per day last week, you’d bump up to 2100 calories per day this week.
If you find you’re gaining weight, do the opposite. Drop a hundred calories per day.
When you reach a number that keeps your weight consistent, voila! You’re at the maintenance level.
But if your goal is to add muscle, you can’t just stop there. To gain muscle, you need to eat more calories than you burn. How many more?
Let’s say you are an intermediate level lifter, meaning that you have been training for a few years.
If you are a woman or a smaller guy, you’re probably going to want to eat an extra 100 to 200 calories above your maintenance amount.
If you are a larger, taller guy, you’ll want to focus on an extra 200 to 300 calories.
This should result in you gaining one to two pounds per month. It’s a rough guideline, but one that will cover most people (although not everybody).
[Ed. note: Could you gain more muscle than this? Sure. But this is a realistic rate of growth. Don’t buy into promises that sound great on paper but will only leave you frustrated and want to quit.]
From there, you’ll want to monitor your weight and ask yourself: Am I gaining at the rate of weight that I want? If the answer is “yes,” then great. But if “no,” then continue to bump up your intake incrementally.
How Much Protein, Fat, and Carbs Do Vegetarians Need?
Let’s imagine that you’ve determined how many calories you need to gain muscle. For the sake of keeping the math easy, let’s say you need 3,000 calories per day.
From there you can budget your macronutrients, or how many grams of protein, fat, and carbs you should aim for in a day. Do it in this order:
1. Start with protein. Note that your protein intake will not actually be based on your total energy intake. Your target protein number should be based on how much lean body mass you have. [Ed. note: “Lean body mass” is the weight of everything in your body that isn’t fat — muscle tissue, bone, etc.]
Most people don’t have an easy way to calculate that accurately. So, instead, a good surrogate number to use for calculating protein is your goal body weight (If you are 180 pounds and want to weigh 200 pounds, then that is your goal weight). Multiply that weight by .8 to 1.0, and you’ll have your target protein intake in grams.
You can eat more than that, but you don’t need to. The times when you might want to consume more protein would be if you are gaining weight too quickly because you are hungry all the time. Protein is pretty filling, and going above your bodyweight-based target may help you feel fuller longer.
2. Next up, calculate fat. Let’s go back to the example of 3,000 calories per day with a goal weight of 200 pounds. That means you want 200 grams of protein per day. That equals 800 calories from protein (since protein is 4 calories per gram). You have 2,200 calories remaining for fat and carbohydrates.
A good range for fat in your diet is anywhere between 20% and 40% of total calories from fat (Note: exceptions do exist, such as if you choose to follow a ketogenic diet.). For the 3,000 calories-per-day example, here’s what it would look like:
Goal weight: 200 pounds

Protein: 200 grams
Fat calculation: 20-40%
If 20% of 3,000 calories = 600 calories from fat (or 600/9* = 67 grams of fat/day)

If 40% of 3,000 calories = 1,200 calories from fat (or 1,200/9 = 133 grams of fat/day)
[*Ed. note: fat is 9 calories per gram]
3. Carbohydrates take up whatever calories are remaining. Divide that remainder by four and you’ll find the number of carbohydrates you want to eat in grams. So for each of our examples above:
20% Fat 40% Fat Total calories: 3,000 3,000 Total protein: 200 grams (800 calories) 200 grams (800 calories) Total fat: 67 grams (600 calories) 133 grams (1200 calories)  
Remaining calories for carbs:
  3,000 – 800 (protein) – 600 (fat) = 1,600 calories remaining 3,000 – 800 (protein) – 1200 (fat) = 1,000 calories remaining  
Total carbs:
1,600 calories/4 calories per gram = 400 grams of carbs 1,000 calories/4 calories per gram = 250 grams of carbs  
In this sample, you would eat:
  200 grams of protein 67 grams of fat 400 grams of carbs
  200 grams of protein 133 grams of fat 250 grams of carbs
What Are the Best Protein Sources for Vegetarians?
When you go on a vegetarian diet, it’s hard to find many foods that are pure protein. That’s because many vegetarian protein sources have a lot of crossover – i.e. a grain like quinoa will be high in protein but also high in carbs, or nuts will have protein but also a lot of fat.
That’s especially true as you move toward a strict vegan diet. Picture all plant-based diet on a spectrum, with flexitarians or pescatarians (people who’ll eat fish, eggs and dairy) on the left and strict vegans on the right. The closer you go to veganism, the more difficult things will be.
If you are a lacto-ovo vegetarian, eggs and dairy alone provide you with ample opportunity to get sufficient protein. If you have a few protein servings from one of those sources at each meal, you should be set.
For a lacto-vegetarian, again, it’s not hard to keep your protein up. You can consume whey protein or non-fat Greek yogurt, and both are high in protein while being low in carbs and fat. They might as well be meat in terms of their macronutrient breakdowns (although with some extra carbs in there).
For an ovo-vegetarian, egg whites provide basically the same thing: a food that’s high in protein and low in everything else. You could stick with just those if you were trying to control calories. Or you could mix in as many yolks as you want to hit your fat target for the day.
Best of all: In both cases (lacto and ovo), you’re getting a high-quality protein source. What I mean by that, from the perspective of someone who wants to gain muscle, is that they are high in essential amino-acids like leucine, which is one of the triggers for muscle protein synthesis (the process of building of new muscle).
If you’re a vegan, you have to worry to some degree about complementary proteins. Basically, many plant-based protein sources don’t have all nine essential amino acids. [Ed. note: if you don’t have all the essential aminos, then you can’t put those aminos to use for building muscle.] So you’ll have to mix different sources of plant-based protein together in order to get a complete set of amino acids.
A common example is rice and beans. Together, those two foods provide a complete protein source.
You don’t need to worry about complementary proteins on a meal-to-meal basis. You just want to look globally at your diet. Are you consuming multiple sources of proteins — rice, beans, quinoa, tofu to some degree — that are complementary in nature? Eating a variety of protein sources as a vegan ensures that you’re getting all of the essential amino acids.
Here are some of the vegetarian diet protein sources:
High Protein
Edamame (1 cup, cooked) = 16g of protein
Tempeh (3 oz.) = 16g
Seitan (6 oz.) = 15g
Textured Vegetable Protein (¼ cup, dry) = 12g

Hemp Hearts (3 tbsp.) = 10g
Spelt (1 cup) = 10g
Moderate Protein
Red lentils (½ cup) = 9g
Peas (1 cup) = 8g
Red Beans (½ cup) = 8g
Kidney Beans (½ cup) = 8g
Quinoa (1 cup) = 8g
Tofu (3 oz.) = 8g
Black Beans (½ cup) = 7g
Great Northern Beans (½ cup) = 7g
Almonds (1 oz.) = 6g
Garbanzo Beans  (½ cup) = 6g
Pumpkin seeds (1oz.) = 5g
Collard greens (1 cup, raw) = 5 g
Hubbard Squash (1 cup, cooked) = 5g
Lower Protein
Asparagus (1 cup) = 4 g per cup

Spinach (1 cup) = 4g per cup

Sweet potatoes (1 cup, roasted with skins)= 4g
Beet Greens (1 cup) = 4g
Brussel sprouts (1 cup) = 3.9g

Mushrooms (1 cup) = 3g
Broccoli (1 cup) = 3g
Broccoli Rabe (1 cup, cooked) = 3g
Mung Bean Sprouts (1 cup, cooked) = 2.5g

Kale (1 cup, raw) = 2.5g

Zucchini (1 cup, sliced) = 2g
Cauliflower (1 cup, chopped) = 2g
Vegetarian Diet Protein Powder: A Primer
If you are a vegan, it’s likely that you’ll want to invest in a pea protein (or pea protein blend).
Why pea and not soy, the most common one?
There’s some research showing that soy protein, in large amounts, could potentially affect sperm quality and quantity in men. There’s other research indicating that soy could potentially affect estrogen levels, but that’s less consistent. Some studies show it, some don’t.
Women probably don’t have to worry about this stuff because even if estrogen changes, you’d still be within normal, acceptable ranges compared to how much estrogen you’re normally producing. But, I’m not comfortable enough with the ambivalence of the research, and the potential consequences, to advise having soy as a large part of your diet, as a vegan or a vegetarian.
Notice I said “large part.” Having a serving of soy per day is not a big deal. So if you want to have tofu once a day, that’s all good. If you have a scoop of soy protein once a day, that’s totally fine. You just wouldn’t want to have 40-50% of your protein intake come from soy. That’s probably not a good idea.
Instead, you probably want to invest in a protein blend that is high quality, complete, and doesn’t have those issues. Pea protein or a rice-pea blend is what you want.
In fact, pea protein performs really well in research. It’s comparable to whey protein in terms of its leucine content. A term that I’ve seen thrown around is “vegan’s whey,” which is roughly a 70/30 blend of pea protein and rice protein. You actually get a very similar essential amino acid profile to whey.
Outside of just the amino acid profile, we’ve actually seen studies where people perform just as well in terms of body competition change (ratio of muscle to body fat) and performance when they eat pea protein after a workout, compared to whey.
The one thing to note about pea/rice blends is that they bulk up a lot. No matter how much water you add to it, it will have an earthy flavor. The mix is pretty filling, I’ve found, but drinking it can feel a little bit tiresome due to that mouthfeel. If you are accustomed to whey protein, which is very thin, this will be different than what you are used to.
A way to work around that is to mix small amounts of vegan protein powder into things like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You can’t put a huge amount in there or it can start to get a little gritty and weird, but sneaking in a little bit will help you up the protein count of your meals – and save you from having to drink shake after shake.
How to Tell if a Vegetarian Diet is Working for You
When your goal is building muscle, start by tracking your weight. You’ll also want to track your workout performance. Whether or not the weights you are using, or the reps you can perform, are going upward or downward can tell you a lot about how well your lifestyle is supporting your goals.
But remember: external goals aren’t the only thing that matters. You also have to live in the body you’re building every day. So create a rating scale for yourself, say, from 1 to 5. Each day, rate how you feel on the qualitative aspects of your life. This includes:

mental clarity

workout quality or enjoyment
Those subjective ratings are important. Also, while it’s a little bit uncomfortable to talk about, you may even want to monitor whether it’s easier or harder to use the toilet. If you’re eating appropriately and drinking sufficient water, it should get easier.
While we’re on the subject, here’s another thing to note: When you increase your vegetable consumption, you may experience an increase in gas. Really, that’s true whenever you make a large-scale change to your diet. Two things to note:
Try Gas-X (it’s a lifesaver).
Typically, things should start to normalize as your gut microbiome gets more accustomed to what you’re taking in. You’ll likely notice an improvement over a few weeks to a month.
Your energy levels shouldn’t fluctuate that much if you’re doing it right. If you feel really off, even though your macronutrients and your total calories are the same, that can indicate some type of micronutrient problem. That’s not always the case, but it’s worth watching. If the issue is persistent, try a blood test.
For Long-Term Success, Be Clear About Why You Want to Be a Vegetarian
Whenever I first start talking to someone who wants to make a shift over to a vegetarian or vegan diet, but who is also interested in athletic performance, the first thing I ask is: Why do you want to do this?
A common response is, “Well, we know vegetarian diets are better for health and performance.” That’s where we have to stop and take an objective look at what we really know about vegetarian diets.
There are two things that often skew people’s viewpoints:
1. The “rose-colored glasses” problem. It’s natural for people to see only the positives in data, especially when their ethical beliefs are driving it. Someone who promotes vegetarian diet, or who believes it is unethical to not eat vegetarian, may only highlight or acknowledge research showing that vegetarian diets are healthier.
2. The confounding variables problem. When you look at the broad spectrum of quality research, you see that, yes, vegetarians are healthier and live longer compared to the general population. The thing is, a person from the general population is not someone who really thinks about what they are eating, other than perhaps to ask, “Do I want more salt on this?”
So in these studies, as soon as you look at a vegetarian, you are bringing in someone who has made a serious decision about their nutrition. Which usually means they are more attentive to their health in general. They’re typically more active. They drink and smoke less. They are more conscious of calorie intake. They usually have a lower BMI. All of these things predict a longer life and better health. So yes, compared to the general population, vegetarians typically do better.
Here’s the “but.” But, when researchers get comparable controls to vegetarians (i.e. people who tick those other boxes about less drinking/smoking, lower BMI higher activity levels, and so on), it starts to wash out those differences. You don’t see such drastic health benefits.
That’s not to say a vegetarian diet can’t be healthy. Fruit and vegetable intake are highly important for health. But you can eat meat, fruit and vegetables, and likewise be healthy.
I would say that the only “evidence based argument” to do a plant-based diet would probably be for ethics – and even then, it’s going to be subjective, and specific to your personal ethics.
I encourage you to assess your own beliefs. Figure out what you feel the most ethically comfortable with. Instead of just rigidly trying to follow someone else’s plan, ask yourself, “What am I trying to accomplish?”
Vegetarian Diet for Muscle Building: Quick Notes
Building muscle on a vegetarian diet is very possible. The basic rules are the same: Eat a little more, prioritize protein, get sufficient rest and sleep, and then kick ass in the gym.
If you’re a flexitarian, pescetarian, lacto-ovo vegetarian, you have plenty of options for getting sufficient protein. Whey protein is your friend. So is Greek yogurt and eggs.
Want to see how the coaches at Born Fitness build a vegetarian muscle building plan? Join the Born Fitness lab. It’s completely free. And every few months the coaches try a new experiment. You can sign up below.
The Best Protein Sources
The Myth of the Best Diet Plan (And How to Find What Works for You)
Winning the War on Hunger: Practical Solutions to Overeating
The post How to Build Muscle on a Vegetarian Diet appeared first on Born Fitness.
Credits: Original Content Source
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tc-upatnight-blog · 7 years
Testabolan cyp - Boost your size and confidence
A healthful degree of testosterone will assist to build muscle and decrease frame fat percent. These benefits can be received without resorting to dangerous dietary supplements or even steroids. The key additives to growing testabolan cyp testosterone obviously are maximum attempt within the fitness center combined with a nicely balanced weight-reduction plan. Sticking to a diet that offers forty% of calories from carbohydrates, 30% from protein and 30% from fats seems to be a good target. Adding a multivitamin for your nutritional routine appears to be one manner to ensure you purchased the nutrients and minerals necessary for healthy levels of testosterone.
This all seems easy enough until an antagonist is thrown inside the blend. That antagonist is the woman hormone; estrogen. Yes, guys' bodies are designed to require some estrogen. But, we guys aren't imagined to have a whole lot of these items and it in order that happens that we get it from the conversion of some of our very own testabolan cyp testosterone (2). This is right - the simple removal of a molecule here and there from the molecular shape of testosterone and - surprise... You have got the lady stuff. It is ok when the ratio among 'test' and 'Astro' is massive. Matters move downhill as the ratio shrinks.
So what do we imply through "downhill"? Nicely, consider this; when the hypothalamus takes it's analyzing to find out whether or not testosterone is sufficiently high and for this reason reduce its output of LH and FSH, it cannot always distinguish between estrogen and testosterone in the receptor sites (three). Meaning I should have a subpar testosterone degree but my hypothalamus may read it as being sufficient or maybe excessive because of estrogen that's occupying the receptor sites in my frame. So my testabolan cyp libido and normal fitness will be in dyer want of a testosterone increase, however, the sign that might make things happen is being smothered by estrogen. It is now not a pretty sight. (no pun)
And what can cause those high estrogen tiers? You guessed it; body fat. A hormone called aromatase is what does the conversion and these items increases as frame fats degrees pass up. Similarly, testabolan cyp testosterone levels tend to be knocked down even in addition via high insulin levels which can be a facet-impact of the specific kind of fat that accumulates within the belly place.
Libido is the testabolan cyp intellectual erotic choice a person feels for a woman (or vice versa), and works collectively with testosterone stages. A low libido can create mental health issues, a lackluster intercourse lifestyles, erectile disorder, loss of attention, mood fluctuations and so on. It is necessary to maintain testosterone tiers high (or at least common), to hold a healthy libido. All this boils up to 1 question - how are you going to clearly increase testosterone levels? If this sounds exciting to you, examine on:
How to growth your testabolan cyp testosterone levels
The various clearly taking place hormones, testosterone is the most crucial for sex pressure. Alas, now, lack of exercising, awful vitamins and different horrific conduct lead to lower testosterone levels in lots of men. Fortunately, the below referred to hints will assist repair the scenario:
1.Make love regularly: not anything should beat the acute love-making together with your companion in boosting your testabolan cyp libido. Having intercourse often has shown to reinforce testosterone production. Studies suggests that testosterone tiers are maximum within the morning, so start your day with a pleasant testosterone bounce.
2.Loosen up: live your life confidently and strain free. A comfortable mind is much more likely to the specific hobby in testabolan cyp sexual pressure than a stressful thought. Preserving distinction among non-public and professional existence is pretty encouraged to make sure a triumphing mind-set towards life. Pressure increases cortisol, which has a terrible effect on testosterone production.
3. Sleep nicely: entire bed rest of up to 8 hours every night time could significantly increase your testabolan cyp testosterone stages. However, in case you are not able to sleep comfortably and are spending long hours in your paintings, it will drastically reduce the testabolan cyp testosterone amount on your body. Shut out all lighting, all sound, have a chilly temperature, and attempt not to observe tv or any other electronic device for a while earlier than going to sleep.
4. Reduce weight: if being overweight is the motive at the back of dropping your essential intercourse hormone, this is the time that you start a regime to shed off those extra pounds from your body. A few cautioned hints might be to paste to a dietary plan (would not be intense, but begin somewhere), get a few exercise (weights assist too!) and reduce out the past due to night time junk meals.
5. Preserve your testabolan cyp weight loss desires affordable: a sudden cut off to your energy should lower testosterone tiers. As an alternative, it's miles better to reduce the amount of energy in stages. Restoration a positive restrict every week and try to lower the consumption of energy, therefore.
6. Devour protein and wholesome fats: your ingesting behavior paintings actively in boosting the stages of your sexual hormones. Do not devour an excessive amount of sugar. Consume nuts, oil, fish, hen, egg yolks, and olive oil to your food plan. These kinds of eatables include testabolan cyp healthy fats that during turn enable you to have a more fit body. Zinc that happens obviously additionally increases testosterone level; for this reason, try to take pleasure in on zinc wealthy dairy products like yogurt and milk.
7. Begin exercise: if you are already an every day on physical games, you can seek advice from a bodily trainer to trade your workouts to decorate the tiers of testosterone. But, if you have no longer but completed any workout but, start from nowadays itself. Begin with small sports like the use of rubber stress to strengthen vulnerable muscle groups, lifting weights might be the subsequent stage. As per a research, weight lifting is noticeably helpful in increasing testabolan cyp testosterone degrees.
8. Discuss with the medical doctor: are you already on anabolic steroids, ache medicinal drugs, or present process some different remedy? If so, then ensure that you consult a medical doctor before taking any initiative on growing testosterone stage. Mild carelessness may adversely affect your frame and could lead to decreased levels of testosterone.
9. Testosterone is the hormone that grows boys into men. It is manufacturing is at its highest degree at some stage in puberty when principal body growth takes area. Younger boys enjoy an inflow of testosterone at some point of puberty that consequences within the boom of penis and improvement of different secondary male features and developments inclusive of the boom of facial, torso and pubic hair, deepening of the voice and many others.
10. Regrettably, testosterone production for your body begins declining after the age of 30. Plummeting testosterone levels result in a number of adjustments in your frame as well as conduct. Low libido, testabolan cyp erections disorder, loss of lean muscles, weight advantage and a growing waistline, weaker bones, lack of mental concentration, temper swings, irritable conduct etc. Are a few ordinary signs and testabolan cyp symptoms of low testosterone in guys.
11.Happily, it's miles possible to elevate testosterone stages for your body with easy changes in your testabolan cyp weight-reduction plan and life-style.
12.  You'll be surprised to recognize that sure spices can assist improve your testosterone manufacturing evidently.
13. Right here are some spices that you need to upload on your weight-reduction plan in case you need to raise testosterone stages to your frame.
14. This is yellow spice that utilized in numerous curries. Turmeric is well-known for its medicinal houses. However, it is one spice that is terrific for increasing testosterone production in guys.
15. The energetic compound in turmeric is curcumin. This compound is anti-estrogenic in nature. What it manner is that it is able to prevent conversion of testosterone into estrogen to your body. This will help preserve and increase your testosterone degrees.
16. Not simply this, consistent with a clinical study, turmeric is especially anabolic in nature. What it method is that it can assist increase lean muscle to your frame.
17. Yet another benefit of this spice is that a small dose of 500 mg in line with day can assist boom hdl cholesterol or properly ldl cholesterol for your body by means of an superb 29%. This can assist improve your cardiac fitness resulting in higher and advanced blood stream. This makes it exceptional for growing your testabolan cyp libido or intercourse pressure.
18. If you want to decorate your testosterone stages, its time to growth your consumption of ginger.
19. A clinical look at has proven that ginger can assist boost testosterone stages in guys by means of 17.7%. Moreover, the equal examine showed that ginger can help enhance luteinizing hormone for your frame by means of a spectacular forty-three.2%. This is crucial because luteinizing hormone stimulates Leydig cells to your testes to produce testosterone.
20.But every other essential reality is that it includes a powerful antioxidant glutathione that protects Leydig cells on your testes.
21.Basil or tulsi, as its referred to as in India, is a effective aphrodisiac. It can help boost testosterone levels in your frame pretty efficaciously.
22. It has a excessive concentration of a flavonoid referred to as apigenin that is clinically confirmed to boost testosterone ranges in men. So, if you want to get testabolan cyp testosterone increase, try to have some basil leaves each day. You would be surprised to see what it could do in your testosterone stages and libido.
23. Try a testabolan cyp natural testosterone supplement
24. Apart from the above, it's also a great idea to attempt a herbal testosterone complement. Testosterone supplements are a big hit among guys and some of the great ones are a powerful combination of herbal extracts, minerals and amino acids.
25. Pinnacle of the line testosterone supplements include herbs like Tribulus Terrestris, ginkgo biloba, ginseng and many others. They may be safe and freed from all forms of facet results too.
26. There are some precise testosterone dietary supplements that can assist raise your boom hormone stages too. For that reason, they permit you to beat age outcomes. In different words, such dietary supplements can reverse age effects and restore youthfulness.
27. Testosterone is the hormone that is liable for controlling a lot of essential frame functions in men. It's far the hormone that grows boys into guys.
28. Young boys enjoy an inflow of testosterone all through puberty. This ends in increase of penis and different secondary male characteristics consisting of deepening of voice, increase of facial and torso hair and so on. Muscle increase, sexual and reproductive function to your frame are also controlled by means of testosterone.
29. However, its production starts slowing down after the age of 30. This drop on your t-stages brings approximately a sequence of modifications in your body as well as conduct.
30.  But, it's miles possible to boom testosterone for your frame with the assist of a few easy modifications to your testabolan cyp weight loss program and way of life.
31.  Following are a few easy methods to boost testosterone for your body:
32. Drink a whole lot of water
33. Water keeps your frame properly hydrated. One of the fallout of dehydration is that it is able to affect your endocrine system. It could gradual down manufacturing of testosterone, HGH, and dopamine for your body.
34. As a result, you should try to hold your body well hydrated by way of drinking sufficient water via the day.
35. Squats are notable for making your frame launch extra testosterone and soar squats are even higher.
36. That is a simple exercising which can improve your testosterone stages almost right away and maintain them excessively for hours.
37. Simply 20 repetitions of this exercise can ship your testosterone levels soaring high. This is because whilst you all at once start doing some thing that requires high-quality awareness and sources from the frame, your hypothalamus instructs your body to launch greater testabolan cyp testosterone.
38. Acting any workout after doing squats goes to offer a better pump. In case you don't consider me, try it your self-next time you hit the fitness center.
39. Eggs are rich in cholesterol that is required by means of your frame to provide steroid hormones like testosterone.
40.  Loads of bodybuilders used to have uncooked eggs within the beyond. This is a technique that they used to enhance their testosterone stages.
41. Logic at the back of having them uncooked is that frying eggs outcomes in oxidization of LDL cholesterol and this has a tendency to limit their potential to produce testosterone.
42. So, make it an addiction to gulp down multiple uncooked eggs every day. It'd seem tough to start with however you'll recover from it after a while. Some other super way is to overcome a uncooked egg in milk earlier than consuming it.
43. Testosterone is produced in your testes. One of the easy techniques utilized by Russians to enhance testabolan cyp their testosterone is to try to lower the temperature in their testicles.
44. One of the fine methods to achieve this is with a chilly bathe. Taking a chilly bathe can decrease the temperature in your testicles so one can produce greater testosterone.
45. Processed and a whole lot of business meals include preservatives and other elements that can have an effect on testosterone production to your frame. One among such ingredients testabolan cyp found in a variety of such ingredients is bromide.
46. It's far the identical component that turned into used in prisons to turn inmates extra passive in order that guards could manage them easily. But, it turned into later found that bromide decreased testosterone in these inmates and made them impotent.
47.  It's miles unfortunate that bromide is still an ingredient in lots of products along with some famous smooth drinks.
48. You must avoid all such ingredients if you want to boost your t-ranges. One of the high-quality options is organic meals this is totally freed from such chemicals.
49. Try a natural testosterone supplement
50. Natural testosterone dietary supplements are fantastically powerful for elevating testosterone with out aspect consequences. Such dietary supplements are an effective mix of components like Tribulus Terrestris, tongat ali, l-arginine and many others.
51. Such testabolan cyp dietary supplements can assist enhance your libido or intercourse drive. They also can assist you to gain more difficult and more potent erections. They assist you to advantage lean muscle, lessen fats, improve bones, increase mood etc.
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richardshaver1955 · 7 years
What to do after the 28 Day Reset
Hey Guys!
For those of you who started the 28 Day Reset with me on Jan 2nd, CONGRATS! We made it! I know it wasn’t easy. There were days when we all had temptations…but then…we got over the hump and well, look at us now.
28 days without gluten, dairy, alcohol, processed food, and added sugar. To be honest, I feel so good I kinda don’t want it to end. (Don’t you secretly feel this way too?)
I have NO ACNE right now and I feel sooooo confident with my skin that I don’t wear any concealer or foundation most days! I feel so much leaner all around, especially in my belly area. PLUS I have tons of energy. I love this feeling!
But…what now?
Today I’m gonna talk about how to transition back into “life after Reset” and how not to lose all of the hard work you just did!
I believe it’s a balance between what you want most, and what you want right now. If you can learn the difference between those two, set some boundaries for yourself, and remember all you learned about food, omissions, bloat, energy, sleep and fat loss, you’ll be able to keep your eyes on the prize, and not the fries.
TIP #1: Decide which foods, if any, you want to slowly incorporate back into your life.
If you’re dying without Greek yogurt, nothing says you can’t add it back in (provided you’re not affected by dairy), and still be eating clean. No, you won’t technically be on the Reset anymore, but you don’t have to comply 100% to remain a fat-burning machine!
Follow the reset guidelines to food re-entry. Start with one food item and chart how you feel after adding it back in for one meal, then two meals, then throughout a day. Take a few days to do this before adding in another food item. This helps you discover any sensitivities.
If you’re in the clear, but you still want to stay, “mostly Reset,” decide which food(s) you’ll allow back in so that you’re specific. If you say: Greek yogurt and string cheese are the two dairy items I’ll add back in, and Ezekiel bread is a gluten I’ll allow, and chocolate rice cakes are a food with some sugar I’ll add in, you can live day-to-day within your own set guidelines.
You can eventually add more to your list, and even add in a few “occasional” foods like dark chocolate. But if you aren’t specific, life will seem like a Willy Wonka-house just waiting to be eaten.
TIP #2: Decide which percentage of your day, or week, you want to keep Reset.
If you want to stay 90% on plan, you’ll have to figure out which food item you’ll add back in, and how often. If you want to be closer to 50% – decide what that looks like for you.
Many people find they are just fine without dairy, for example, but can’t live without a little pasta from time to time. If gluten isn’t an issue for you, you can still build in a healthy pasta dish once per week, especially if having that meal keeps you from devouring a loaf of bread every Friday night.
50% for others of you might mean a few smaller indulgences, like 1/2 an ounce of dark chocolate every night and a low-carb tortilla at lunch so that you can have wraps instead of salads. If the rest of your day is Reset-friendly, there’s nothing wrong with creating a percentage and sticking to that goal from here on out.
The good news is, if you find yourself gaining weight, or feeling a little bloated, you can update, or improve, that percentage to give you the sweet spot, which is: clean eating + a bit of indulgence = the life you want. Remember how great you looked and felt while on the Reset! Less bloating, feeling lighter, clearer skin, flatter tummy, no stomach distress….those results happened in just 28 days! So ask yourself, is it worth it to go back to how you were? Or can you find a happy medium?
TIP #3: Ponder the question: “what do I want most?” and act accordingly.
Occasionally, what we want now is a bucket of French fries. But the majority of the time, what we want most is a happy, healthy body.
We battle with, “what we want now,” because it conflicts with what we want most. Our choices don’t always honor what we supremely want. Allow yourself a few, “right now,” decisions if in that moment it’s worth it, and truly what you want; agree to let the other wants go. So, if you’re out to dinner and everyone is raving about the gelato, and you really want to take part, do it. But if you’re at home wondering if you should eat peanut butter out of the jar for dinner, or make scrambled eggs with spinach, choose the latter, because chances are, you’re just hungry. And if you can hold out for 5 minutes and get something in your stomach, the 400+ calories-worth of peanut butter won’t seem worth it.
TIP #4: Learn how to order at restaurants.
Most places nowadays accommodate just about everything. If your firm desire is to eat out healthfully, then pick a place with a relatively clean menu, or with options!
You can always get a piece of protein grilled or sauteéd. Even fast-food restaurants offer grilled chicken salads or wraps. If you’re at a nice restaurant, ask for a grilled piece of fish or chicken with vegetables or a salad. Flavor things with mustard, salsa, hot sauce or vinegar. Pass on the bread and chips. They are empty calories.
Have tunnel vision for the healthy meal you wish to eat. Don’t cave in when you walk in and see nachos. Know that the healthy food you’re ordering will be special and different because you’re not cooking it for a change!
TIP #5: Decide if it’s a YOLO meal, and do it all the way without regret!
Sometimes, you’ll go to a restaurant or event where you just plain don’t want to eat clean, and that’s okay too! YOLO meals are part of life. They bring joy, celebration and experience to your life. But nothing sucks the joy out of a good YOLO meal like…regret.
One “bad” meal won’t make you fat, just like one healthy meal won’t make you skinny.
Life is about balance. If you’re doing better on most days than not, chances are, you’ll be just fine.  We only run into trouble when we bargain away our goals and turn one YOLO meal into 12, while allowing sneaky treats in throughout the day. Constantly check your percentage goals to keep you on track.
TIP #6: Log it!
If you need accountability, log your meals and all foods consumed into an app, or the Blogilates Meal Prep Planner. Just get it down where you can SEE it every day. Ink doesn’t lie, so if you need a “check yo-self before you wreck yo-self” moment, write down every bite you eat for one week and find where you need or want to fine-tune.
TIP #7: Stay away from the bad-stuff though, ok?
There are some foods that just aren’t good for you, and even though I believe in moderation, I think some foods are better off just left alone because they either set up a domino effect of poor choices, or, they really are just BAD.
Soda, in my opinion, is just straight up baaddd! Even diet soda guys – sorry! The chemicals and fake sugars they use serve no purpose, other than to make you crave more. I feel the same way about all sugary drinks, high-fructose corn syrup and GMO snack foods.
Do your best to draw the line somewhere. For you, it might mean all whole foods and everything organic. Others of you might allow in some non-organic produce but will say no to refined sugar. Some of you will struggle to give up your daily diet soda. But the key here is to find the line you will not cross, maybe take a few steps past it towards the cleaner side, and stick to it.
TIP #8: Know that food is life, but it doesn’t have to control your life!
Yes, we need it to survive. But we do not need to let it control every choice we make. If you’re constantly declining invitations to go out with friends based on food, you really need to ask yourself if it’s an issue keeping you from leading your best life, and if you’re unhappy as a result.
If you feel good about staying home Friday nights to cook healthy because you want to be up bright an early for your POP Pilates class, then stay home in your fuzzy slippers and OWN that decision. The trouble lies in how we feel about what we are doing.
If it feels good, and you’re making the choices you sincerely want to make. It’s very different than feeling trapped, scared, isolated or controlled.
If fear of making food choices, ordering, social engagements and eating in general, cause you to suffer emotionally, or physically, you may need to talk about your feelings with someone to ensure you have a healthy relationship with food. It’s very easy to allow guilt to creep in after triumphantly finishing a program such as the Reset. But we were not made to live in guilt, so identify your feelings and how they dictate your behavior, for better or for worse.
TIP #9: Eat before you go.
I know this sounds cliché, but sometimes you just have to go places with a satisfied tummy, especially if your friends pick a restaurant where everything is fried or covered in cheese. If you truly don’t want to eat what’s on the menu, eat before you go so that you don’t make a bad choice out of necessity.
Failing to plan is planning to fail. The kicker here is: don’t decline the invitation just because you don’t eat chicken wings. You can still go and have a great time! Maybe there’s a hummus appetizer you can try. Or maybe, you’ll just have fun with meaningful conversations. Regardless, don’t make the night about the food, make it about the company!
TIP #10: Stay active in the POPster community!
When you started the Reset, you joined one of the best communities on the planet. POPsters are here for the long haul! Continue trading your questions, best recipes, successes and failures with a group that lifts you up. Share your Reset-friendly finds with other POPsters, talk about your favorite lunches that fuel you until dinner, discuss meal prep and hold each other accountable. You have all the tools, PDFs, emails and grocery lists, so save them onto your computer, or print them out and put them in a folder to refer to any time you need a pick-me-up.
I am so proud of you all! I have no doubt you can, and will, continue on the Reset-friendly journey of your choosing if you believe it is possible!
Let me know how you guys did! Be sure to upload your before and after from the #28dayreset so I can see! Just tweet me or post on IG!
PS: Anyone who is reading this who hasn’t tried the 28 Day Reset Challenge – download my free PDF here.
from Blogilates http://ift.tt/2jGljIc
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m going to be answering questions about Maximum Aerobic Function, or MAF. If this is your first time hearing the term, MAF refers to a method of endurance training that maximizes the function of your fat-burning aerobic system. I’ve come down hard on conventional or popular modes of endurance training in the past for being too stressful and reliant on sugar. MAF training is the opposite: low stress and reliance on body fat.
Let’s dive right in to the questions:
What is MAF training?
MAF trains your aerobic fat-burning system to be more efficient and produce greater output at the same “intensity.” It means slowing the hell down to go faster. It means the slower you go, the more fat you’re burning and the better your mitochondria are getting at utilizing fat for energy. It means training up to but not over your maximum aerobic heart rate.
MAF was coined by Phil Maffetone, who came up with an ingenious way to calculate your max aerobic heart rate: subtracting your age from 180. 180 minus your age gives you the heart rate at which you’re burning the maximum amount of fat and minimum amount of sugar.
Say you’re 30 years old. 180 minus 30 is 150. To burn the most fat possible, you maintain a heart rate equal to or lower than 150 BPM. Now, and here’s the trick: It doesn’t sound like much. It doesn’t feel like much. It probably feels way too easy. But bear with me. It works. This is where the magic happens, where you accumulate easy volume, where the “base” is built, where you begin building more fat-burning mitochondria.
The hard truth is that if jogging spikes your heart rate past your aerobic max, you’re not very good at burning fat during exercise. Even if you don’t “mind” pushing that heart rate up. Even if you “feel fine” jogging at 153 bpm. 180 minus age is where you have to be to improve fat burning. That might look like jogging, or walking, or walking uphill, or running pretty briskly, depending on where you’re starting. It’s all relative to your aerobic fitness.
It takes patience to stay at the aerobic zone, but over time, if you’re consistent, you’ll notice that you can handle a higher and higher workload at that same “easy” MAF heart rate. You’ll be going faster while still burning mostly fat—and it’ll still feel easy.
What are the benefits of cardio using MAF training?
In some parts, I’m known as the anti-cardio guy. I coined the phrase “chronic cardio,” and the entire reason I got into this Primal business is that decades of elite endurance training—marathons and triathlons—wrecked my body and drove me to develop and pursue a different, more sustainable path to health and fitness.
But I’m not anti-cardio. In fact, moving frequently at a slow pace in all its incarnations forms the foundation of my Primal Blueprint Fitness philosophy. And MAF is just about the best way to do it.
When you build your aerobic base, you don’t just get better at running (or cycling, or rowing, or swimming, or whatever it is that you’re doing). There are more benefits that aren’t as overtly noticeable:
You get better at utilizing the fat you eat and the fat you store, paying huge dividends in other areas of your life.
You get steadier energy levels throughout the day. There’s always that big bolus of energy hanging around, ready to be consumed and converted into ATP. And you’re very good at burning it.
You have a lower propensity to snack. It’s easier to stick to a healthy way of eating and refrain from snacking when you can cruise along eating your own adipose tissue in between meals.
You have more mitochondria, and the mitochondria you have are better at burning fat.1 This is what everything comes down to. Mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent energy overload lie at the root of many degenerative diseases. The better your mitochondria work, the more energy you can handle, and the less likely you are to suffer the negative ramifications of chronic energy overload.
This seems to confer benefits to longevity. Although we can’t establish causation, moderate exercise—jogging up to 20 miles a week at an 11 minute mile pace—offered the most protection against early mortality in one study. Running more than 20 miles a week, or running at a 7 minute mile pace, offered fewer mortality benefits.2
Plus, having that large aerobic base helps with any physical pursuit, and not just endurance sports. A large aerobic base helps in CrossFit. A large aerobic base helps in football or martial arts or rock climbing. Whenever you can burn more fat, save more glycogen, and still get the same amount of performance, you’re winning.
When you’re aiming for MAF, how much cardio is too much?
As long as you stay in the MAF zone, it’s very hard to overdo cardio. You’re deriving your energy primarily (90/95%) from fat, a virtually inexhaustible energy source, and very little from carbohydrate. You have thousands of calories at your disposal. Your relative intensity is lower than the person who’s out there burning sugar, so your joints aren’t falling apart and your muscles aren’t getting as fatigued. You’re accumulating less stress overall.
When you start hitting intensities that elevate your heart rate beyond the 180 minus age MAF zone, your tally begins. The stress and joint damage begins to accumulate. You become more reliant on sugar compared to fat. You can still train like this, but your margin for error is a lot smaller.
If I had to put a number to it, I’d say that you shouldn’t burn more than 4000 calories a week from cardio.
How should you eat while doing maximum aerobic function?
MAF is most effective when paired with carbohydrate restriction. It doesn’t have to be keto reset levels, although that’s a great option. Standard Primal low-carb, staying under 150 grams per day, is good enough.
When you combine MAF training with carb restriction, everything is enhanced. You build more mitochondria after a single carb-restricted MAF training session than after the same session without the carb restriction. 3
Going low-carb while MAF training also continues the work when you’re at rest. If you burn primarily fat when endurance training but go home to a high-carb diet, you’re squandering a lot of progress.
What if I’m too slow?
One of the most common questions I receive comes from people worried they’re too slow. “I feel like I am going too slow. I can run a 7:00 minute mile no problem at race pace and a higher heart rate, but if I stay at 180 minus age, I can’t get my speed past 10 minute miles.”
You can keep doing the higher HR runs, but you’re not building a base and you may be setting yourself up for damage down the line. That means you are good at burning glucose/glycogen and have a good tolerance for discomfort, but it also means that in this current configuration, you suck at burning fat. The whole point of MAF training is to train at the highest heart rate you can handle (and highest speed) while still getting 90-95% of your energy from fat. Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Track things over months, not workouts. It may take a long time to improve, but improve you will. Pro tip: if you are a well-trained runner or cyclist, you could probably add 5 to that 180-age number and be OK.
Isn’t my MAF pace way too easy?
It seems way too easy, and that’s the whole point. It’s also where people get tripped up.
You think you can handle a bit more, so you push the HR up. I mean, running at an easy pace couldn’t possibly make you faster.
Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Just be sure you are always able to carry on a conversation and not get winded as the “guard-rail.”
Folks, that’s MAF training. If you want more details and a specific plan of attack, check out my book Primal Endurance.
If you have any more questions, ask down below! Thanks for reading, everyone.
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The post Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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jesseneufeld · 4 years
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m going to be answering questions about Maximum Aerobic Function, or MAF. If this is your first time hearing the term, MAF refers to a method of endurance training that maximizes the function of your fat-burning aerobic system. I’ve come down hard on conventional or popular modes of endurance training in the past for being too stressful and reliant on sugar. MAF training is the opposite: low stress and reliance on body fat.
Let’s dive right in to the questions:
What is MAF training?
MAF trains your aerobic fat-burning system to be more efficient and produce greater output at the same “intensity.” It means slowing the hell down to go faster. It means the slower you go, the more fat you’re burning and the better your mitochondria are getting at utilizing fat for energy. It means training up to but not over your maximum aerobic heart rate.
MAF was coined by Phil Maffetone, who came up with an ingenious way to calculate your max aerobic heart rate: subtracting your age from 180. 180 minus your age gives you the heart rate at which you’re burning the maximum amount of fat and minimum amount of sugar.
Say you’re 30 years old. 180 minus 30 is 150. To burn the most fat possible, you maintain a heart rate equal to or lower than 150 BPM. Now, and here’s the trick: It doesn’t sound like much. It doesn’t feel like much. It probably feels way too easy. But bear with me. It works. This is where the magic happens, where you accumulate easy volume, where the “base” is built, where you begin building more fat-burning mitochondria.
The hard truth is that if jogging spikes your heart rate past your aerobic max, you’re not very good at burning fat during exercise. Even if you don’t “mind” pushing that heart rate up. Even if you “feel fine” jogging at 153 bpm. 180 minus age is where you have to be to improve fat burning. That might look like jogging, or walking, or walking uphill, or running pretty briskly, depending on where you’re starting. It’s all relative to your aerobic fitness.
It takes patience to stay at the aerobic zone, but over time, if you’re consistent, you’ll notice that you can handle a higher and higher workload at that same “easy” MAF heart rate. You’ll be going faster while still burning mostly fat—and it’ll still feel easy.
What are the benefits of cardio using MAF training?
In some parts, I’m known as the anti-cardio guy. I coined the phrase “chronic cardio,” and the entire reason I got into this Primal business is that decades of elite endurance training—marathons and triathlons—wrecked my body and drove me to develop and pursue a different, more sustainable path to health and fitness.
But I’m not anti-cardio. In fact, moving frequently at a slow pace in all its incarnations forms the foundation of my Primal Blueprint Fitness philosophy. And MAF is just about the best way to do it.
When you build your aerobic base, you don’t just get better at running (or cycling, or rowing, or swimming, or whatever it is that you’re doing). There are more benefits that aren’t as overtly noticeable:
You get better at utilizing the fat you eat and the fat you store, paying huge dividends in other areas of your life.
You get steadier energy levels throughout the day. There’s always that big bolus of energy hanging around, ready to be consumed and converted into ATP. And you’re very good at burning it.
You have a lower propensity to snack. It’s easier to stick to a healthy way of eating and refrain from snacking when you can cruise along eating your own adipose tissue in between meals.
You have more mitochondria, and the mitochondria you have are better at burning fat.1 This is what everything comes down to. Mitochondrial dysfunction and subsequent energy overload lie at the root of many degenerative diseases. The better your mitochondria work, the more energy you can handle, and the less likely you are to suffer the negative ramifications of chronic energy overload.
This seems to confer benefits to longevity. Although we can’t establish causation, moderate exercise—jogging up to 20 miles a week at an 11 minute mile pace—offered the most protection against early mortality in one study. Running more than 20 miles a week, or running at a 7 minute mile pace, offered fewer mortality benefits.2
Plus, having that large aerobic base helps with any physical pursuit, and not just endurance sports. A large aerobic base helps in CrossFit. A large aerobic base helps in football or martial arts or rock climbing. Whenever you can burn more fat, save more glycogen, and still get the same amount of performance, you’re winning.
When you’re aiming for MAF, how much cardio is too much?
As long as you stay in the MAF zone, it’s very hard to overdo cardio. You’re deriving your energy primarily (90/95%) from fat, a virtually inexhaustible energy source, and very little from carbohydrate. You have thousands of calories at your disposal. Your relative intensity is lower than the person who’s out there burning sugar, so your joints aren’t falling apart and your muscles aren’t getting as fatigued. You’re accumulating less stress overall.
When you start hitting intensities that elevate your heart rate beyond the 180 minus age MAF zone, your tally begins. The stress and joint damage begins to accumulate. You become more reliant on sugar compared to fat. You can still train like this, but your margin for error is a lot smaller.
If I had to put a number to it, I’d say that you shouldn’t burn more than 4000 calories a week from cardio.
How should you eat while doing maximum aerobic function?
MAF is most effective when paired with carbohydrate restriction. It doesn’t have to be keto reset levels, although that’s a great option. Standard Primal low-carb, staying under 150 grams per day, is good enough.
When you combine MAF training with carb restriction, everything is enhanced. You build more mitochondria after a single carb-restricted MAF training session than after the same session without the carb restriction. 3
Going low-carb while MAF training also continues the work when you’re at rest. If you burn primarily fat when endurance training but go home to a high-carb diet, you’re squandering a lot of progress.
What if I’m too slow?
One of the most common questions I receive comes from people worried they’re too slow. “I feel like I am going too slow. I can run a 7:00 minute mile no problem at race pace and a higher heart rate, but if I stay at 180 minus age, I can’t get my speed past 10 minute miles.”
You can keep doing the higher HR runs, but you’re not building a base and you may be setting yourself up for damage down the line. That means you are good at burning glucose/glycogen and have a good tolerance for discomfort, but it also means that in this current configuration, you suck at burning fat. The whole point of MAF training is to train at the highest heart rate you can handle (and highest speed) while still getting 90-95% of your energy from fat. Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Track things over months, not workouts. It may take a long time to improve, but improve you will. Pro tip: if you are a well-trained runner or cyclist, you could probably add 5 to that 180-age number and be OK.
Isn’t my MAF pace way too easy?
It seems way too easy, and that’s the whole point. It’s also where people get tripped up.
You think you can handle a bit more, so you push the HR up. I mean, running at an easy pace couldn’t possibly make you faster.
Over time, you’ll find that as you get better fat adapted, your mile pace will come down at that same MAF heart rate. That’s the indicator that you are becoming more efficient with your burning of fat over glucose.
Just be sure you are always able to carry on a conversation and not get winded as the “guard-rail.”
Folks, that’s MAF training. If you want more details and a specific plan of attack, check out my book Primal Endurance.
If you have any more questions, ask down below! Thanks for reading, everyone.
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The post Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Maximum Aerobic Function (MAF) Training published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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