#easy upsize
Raid your stash & upsize that tight lace top + create a skirt from a poncho then style them up 2 groovy gothic ways! 🦇
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deargirlie · 3 months
shopping today, fucking pray for me because i seriously need to find at least two pairs of pants. hopefully at least one pair of shoes :(
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queeranarchism · 1 year
hi! loved your post about not giving up on learning new things as an adult. do you have any resources you could share about making your own clothes? thanks 💞
Hmmm.. I don't really have specific links and I've only been doing this for like.. a month? I made three pieces of clothing so far that I actually wear in public. But my starting pointers would be:
You need a sowing pattern and you need to follow the instructions. You can not just trace your favorite t-shirt and expect it to look good. (which is what I did when I started). New patterns can be expensive but if you have a printer, you can find free sowing patterns online. If not, thrift stores and online markets will have cheap old patterns and pattern-magazines. One magazine often has over a dozens of patterns.
Youtube is amazing for tutorials.
For me, half the trouble of learning how to sow was learning how to handle a sowing machine, getting the right tension on the threads so it doesn't break or get stuck, etc. I'm still getting the hang of all the things that can go wrong when handling a sowing machine. Again: Youtube is great.
If you don't have a sowing machine: ask older relatives before spending money on a new one. A lot of people have an old machine lying around and those old heavy machines are really good. And bonus: you might get a free class in how to use that damn machine.
In my experience, slightly thicker fabrics and unpredictable patterns help camouflage beginners mistakes. Loose baggy clothing is also easier because the fit doesn't have to be perfect. My first project that I actually wear in public is tartan dungarees (yay, punk). Do consider: cheap modern sowing machines aren't always capable of handling thick fabrics.
You can make your own clothes for many reasons but honestly: don't expect to save a lot of money. Nice fabrics are quite expensive and then there's all the tools. Of course you can recycle your old curtains, get fabrics from thrift stores, etc. But in my experience the cheapest of disposable fashion is so ridiculously cheap that most home made clothing can not compete.
If you wanna save money, reduce your impact on the environment and/or start easy: try fixing and resizing clothes you already own! @wastelesscrafts has a lot of tutorials, like this post full of ideas about how to upsize your clothes: https://www.tumblr.com/wastelesscrafts/700971177595830272/upsizing-clothes-there-are-a-million-upcycling/
That's my starting points for now, maybe more experienced people can leave more advice in the comments?
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neonfretra · 8 days
making hockey edits as a total newbie
having completed my first poetry edit its both easier and harder than i thought! which is pretty exciting considering the fact i have a poem in the back pocket that reminded me of the sharks. its WAY longer and i probably dont REALLY want to actualize it. but. fun process! talking about my process below the cut :)
the inspiration was wanting to make a pickles edit and his number is 44 (and there are SO many sharks players that couldnt take 44 because of him. i mean it so seriously i hope they retire his number solely to inconvenience everyone for the rest of this franchises lifespan)
i dont think hes super widely known because:
the sharks are bad
marc edouard vlasic is bad
so i doubt the narrative of the edit makes much sense LOL
long story short, he used to be REALLY good. never got acknowledged for it in the broader scope. fell off with age . makes him super unpopular because hes signed 8x7m (shout out to past gm doug wilson) and hes bad. hes played with the sharks for the second most amount of games (second to patrick marleau who is like. THE shark of all time. hes so shark they call him mr shark. so if you grade on a curve...?) .
i love our shriveled husk!
the first image (the title card) came way before everything else actually, sort of my proof of concept and proof that i could actually make anything its very young pickles! that image is like. 7 years old
collecting images
all images (not including text overlays) were pulled directly from getty images
i got around the watermark kind of stupidly! most of the time, you can get around it by just pulling it from newsites that did pay for the rights to the image (reverse image search is a pal) or by checking social medias for reposts by the photographer or team (harder for me because i dont use any social media, use instagram only when necessary because it CRUNCHES)
i used mspaint.
it shows.
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(brian babineau)
yeah it was by literally pasting the thumbnail (upsized by about 334% i believe?) on top of the image which is why its such a mess of pixels . the nice thing about the human eye is that it kind of smooths over the image if you dont look too closely . other times the texture of the image is so crunchy already that it doesnt actually make a difference.
(i DID edit the right image i just. cant see it?????)
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(left: kavin mistry, rightt: noah graham)
for simpler shapes i did try to use an airbrush to fix it but its not super noticeable so.
the important thing was not using photos where theres a watermark over the main focus because im not making it look good enough to pass .
are there easier ways? oh god yeah. for sure. am i using them? well if you scroll back up
human centipeding images together
hardest part was the photos that mashed images together:
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(man just check the original post for credits)
these were NIGHTMARES (now text free!) i have all the things i edited as separate layers if anyone ever wants quinn hughes disembodied hand or two pickles
making image two
the concept of this one was the second, but i had the final image ready to go second and finished it last. i finished this one second after fighting for my life to compile the images for it
the ideas straightforward enough: pickles on ice with the puck, other prominent defensemen going through the motions of a shot edited in. this is when pickles is like. capital g Good
compiling the pictures were easy enough? the hardest one was actually finding one of pickles HAHAHAHA
fun fact is that i chose a bunch of right shooters by coincidence. actually a miracle that i didnt notice until comparing pickles to them in editing. which i did extremely haphazardly (seriously i was guessing when resizing them
i did all this in an art program that didnt have the ability to select the subject so i hand erased the background. i keep mentioning it but if i had to work around erik karlssons hair i get to complain about it.
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first time using the soft eraser if that means anything. the green background was to help me tell what i had and hadnt erased yet
this one took me the longest by far and had me questioning the decisions that lead up to this point the most.
making image three
PAINFUL. there are five different peoples hands on this thing and i spent most of it trying to choose hands that were interesting poses+decorations and in different places. didnt bother removing the watermark on any of the hands because why do i want to make more work for myself. erik karlssons second hand did not make the cut (watermarked)
the nice thing IS that there is a sort of photoshoot they have with consistent angles and lighting. i proceeded to spend way too much time aligning five different photos on top of this to make sure the hands are in the right place and about the right size.
an interesting bit of the editing is that the colors on the trophy photo were actually an afterthought! because it looks kind of nothing.
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it looks nice next to the second image because of the cymk coloring but the problem was that the first three images had colorful elements to them and the fourth is just text on the image
adding text
image 3 uses my favorite quote about pickles believe it or not ^_^
If you are new to hockey or are newer to the San Jose Sharks fanbase, you will see the withered shell Vlasic is of his former self and think that any conversation about immortalization in Toronto is beyond the bounds of possibility.
insane someone wrote this about another person. quite chuffed that you can read that phrase in the final image!
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image four babe im so sorry you are so underbaked. the article on THAT one is literally just about the 1000th game celebration. but also its hella ironic
“I’m still the same guy I was when I came in, just 14 years older,” Vlasic said. “Plays the same way, does the same things, plays against the same players. Just 14 years older.”
whole lotta people want this man GONE because hes flopping so hard. everyone and they momma taking bets on when hes getting bought out. its BAD LMAO i hope they sign him another 8 years
in reflection
edits are way easier than i thought they were to make with zero knowledge of the medium! i had no idea what i was doing but i made something i feel extremely proud of, take a shot at it sometime ^_^
something i kind of struggled with was making something that felt interesting and unique but unified as a whole piece? i dont approach things with a visual "theming" in mind and i more or less tripped up on the colors LOL
give it a shot! a spin, even! oickles.
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batvvvvv · 9 months
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next up is this guy!!! i went through...several cords trying to get my tablet to connect while i worked on this but here he is nonetheless! info below the cut once again
edward's parents wanted a daughter who was polite, patient, and well-behaved; someone to carry on their (so-called) respectable lineage. instead, they got a rude, loud-mouthed, and shockingly brilliant little girl who made it very clear he wouldn't be controlled.
it was clear from the start that school was... not for him. he was loud and inattentive, a smartass with no filter. a born problem child! but he wasn't trying to be troublesome; he just didn't understand. people, he would later learn, were just like puzzles. but this was one he couldn't solve yet.
in 6th grade he told his mom he was a boy; she told him he was being ridiculous and thought that'd be the end of it. eddie nashton, having named himself that day, felt otherwise. so he cut his hair and quit trying to please people. they thought he was obnoxious? good! they're all just jealous!
school was hell, between bullies and his own, rapidly declining mental health, but he bore it with a grin and eventually got out with a 4.0 gpa and a fuck-you to everyone. he changed his name to Edward Nygma, and vanished.
life on his own was... not easy, but eventually he scraped enough money together for his own place. then, his time was spent devouring every bit of news about the wave of heists that was hitting gotham, before supercrime was in fashion.
ed becomes obsessed with these crimes, how they were executed and, more importantly, how they failed. the criminals ALWAYS got caught! if they did it like this, they could've gotten away with it! then he thinks: hey, if i did it like this, i could get away with it! so, to prove how dumb these criminals are and because he's broke edward plans a heist.
it goes perfectly, until he's walking out the door. he knows he's done everything right but his head screams that he's going to be caught, unless he leaves something behind on purpose. so he scrawls a riddle on the floor and books it!!
they don't catch him. he'd left a CLUE, and those idiots still failed! with his ego in the stratosphere, he tries again! and again, and again, each time leaving a clue behind. the riddler hits the newspapers and, while he finds the name a bit silly, it's a kind of attention he didn't know he'd been dying for.
he upsizes. his crimes get more elaborate, until he's living in an apartment 2x the size, and everyone has heard the riddler's name. then he slips up, and the cops show up during his next exploit. he panics, takes a hostage, and sets off on a grandiose speech about how they're all BUGS, insignificant compared to the enigma. this buys him time to flee!
he tries to lay low, and finds he can't stop himself. he goes mad with the tedium of regular life, fearing he'll lose his mind if he doesn't do something.
so the riddler returns full-force, evolved into much more than a petty robber, and much more than anyone ever expected of him.
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tsarisfanfiction · 6 months
Call On Me
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Teen Genre: Hurt/Comfort/Family Characters: Yan, Apollo, Jerry A simple shopping trip into the city goes wrong. TOApril day 7 - Fathers Who'd Kill. This prompt was easy, and of course it's Apollo! I love protective!Apollo and this prompt was begging for it, so here we go...
This wasn't supposed to happen.
It wasn't like they were on a quest or anything.  True, all demigods were in some degree of danger from monster attacks outside the protective borders of camp, but once they were at least somewhat trained, it was a moderately low risk, and one that most demigods didn't really consider.
Or maybe Yan had just got too complacent, given the only times they'd left camp before had been as part of a larger group, or even an army, that first time, when their dad was mortal and Nero was threatening to end New York while Python was slithering around Delphi.  That had been horrible - traumatising, even - but it had been once, and Yan was stronger, now.  More experienced.  More confident.
It should have just been a quick trip into New York, for an American value of quick.  Jerry had been grumbling about the two hour drive the entire time, and how big America was.  He'd never really got used to the massive upsize in scale compared to England (and nor had Yan, really.  They'd never left London during their year there, and it had felt pretty similar in scale to Hong Kong.  America was an entirely different beast for both of them).  They'd been at camp for years now, lived through not just their father's mortality but also the overthrowing of Zeus, and whatever reshuffle was going on up in Olympus.  Apollo had never really given them a straight answer on that, just that it would take time.  Given how long the gods had lived for so far, Yan suspected it was the sort of take time that would last beyond a mortal lifespan, but as it didn't seem to be affecting the mortal world much, if at all, they could mostly put it out of their mind.
Everyone knew that quests went wrong - it was practically a rite of passage, to have a quest that went drastically sideways at some point or other.  Yan had never gone on a quest themselves, and was content to keep it that way, but they'd heard stories from others who had.  What wasn't supposed to go wrong were short shopping trips, but here they were.
Jerry wasn't moving.  His blood was splattered across the pavement, and stained Yan's shoes, and there was nothing Yan could do about it.  They weren't the strongest healer, couldn't deal with things like this, and they didn't have the chance to, either.
They weren't a close combat fighter, either.  True, they had a knife for emergencies, but their strength lay in their bow and the moment they had to make the switch was the moment they were going to fall, just like Jerry.
Gods, they didn't know if Jerry was even still alive.  The hellhound had barrelled into their younger brother at speed, and what made it even worse was the fact that Jerry had deliberately put himself in its way, because it had been charging towards them.  Jerry wasn't an archer, not really - he could shoot a bit – but he did better with the sword.  That was a rarity for Apollo kids, but Jerry always equated it to swinging a cricket bat, even though Yan was certain cricket bats were not wielded that way under any match circumstances.  It meant he tended to put himself on the front line, especially as he was one of the biggest Apollo kids now, certainly bigger than Yan despite being a year younger.
It worked in Capture the Flag.
It didn't work against a hellhound.
Yan had felled the first one before it reached them, before it could do more than just maul Jerry, but now there were more, a whole pack of them, and Yan didn't have enough arrows to take them all down.  Didn't have the time, either, with the speed the hunting pack were advancing.  Their knife would do nothing here, and even if they could make the opportunity to grab Jerry's sword, they didn't have the skill to use it.
They only had one thing they could do, one chance at survival, and they hoped it would work but they didn't have proof.  They knew it hadn't always worked in the past, definitely hadn't worked while Zeus was in charge, but he wasn't in charge anymore and Yan didn't want to die.  Didn't want Jerry to die.
"APOLLO!" they shrieked, letting their fear and desperation loose as they fired off another arrow.  It lodged itself firmly inside a hellhound eye, but didn't go deep enough to hit the brain.  It yelped but kept running, teeth bared and tongue lolling out disturbingly.  "DAD, HELP!"
The sun exploded.
Yan had high tolerance for bright lights, higher than anyone outside of their siblings, but this had even them wincing against it, instinct driving them to throw their arms up across their eyes as they screwed them shut.  It should have made them feel vulnerable, blinded and at the mercy of the ever-approaching pack of hellhounds, but it didn’t.  It made them feel safe.
They fell to their knees, eyes still shut but bow discarded in favour for reaching blindly for where Jerry lay, gripping their brother’s wrist tightly.  There was a faint pulse beneath their fingertips, a promise of life beneath the façade of blood and death that had flashed before their eyes as Jerry fell, and amongst the sound of tortured screaming that could only come from the throats of hellhounds, Yan relaxed.
The light beyond their eyelids slowly faded away, and the hand that rested on their shoulder was warmth incarnate.  Comfortable, reassuring.  Yan let themselves bask in it for a moment, taking deep, grounding breaths, before they opened their eyes again.
In front of them, Jerry was glowing faintly.  There was still a hand on their shoulder, but there was another hand on Jerry’s bloodied chest, one that was clean as it rejected the searching stain of blood, rejected the injuries beneath it.
The lightest shift on their shoulder had them slumping sideways, into the comforting warmth, and they dragged their eyes away from Jerry to look up at their father.
Apollo’s brow was furrowed in concentration as he looked at his son, but Yan didn’t detect any panic.  They hadn’t been set aside as a lower triage, and that meant that Jerry was going to be okay, because Apollo didn’t let any of them feel like there was a favourite, but he would prioritise based on the situation, and Yan would demand nothing less of him, right now.
Equal priority meant that Apollo wasn’t scared.
And if Apollo wasn’t scared, then Jerry was going to be fine.
They let their eyes drift again.  There were no hellhounds to be seen, corpses or otherwise – not that there would be, because they’d all be scattered dust – but there were scorch marks on the pavement that hadn’t been there before.
The silence reigned for a few minutes, before Apollo pulled his hand back from Jerry.  His clothes were still bloodied and torn, but his skin was unblemished and clean, and his chest was rising and falling normally.
“He’ll wake up shortly,” their dad finally said, and his hand rubbed up and down Yan’s arm for a moment, not letting them go.  Yan knew he wouldn’t let go until they pulled away, but for the moment they were content to stay where they were.  Apollo visited them more in person since Zeus’ destruction, but it still wasn’t often.  Most visits were still dream-visits, and while dream-hugs were still comfortable, in-person-hugs were just that much better.  “He’ll be okay.”
“I know,” Yan said simply.  “You’re here.”
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ghouletteanon · 1 year
Mushy May: Day 7 - Compliments
It's already been a week. Wow. Prompt list can be found here, curated by the marvelous @forlorn-crows .
Relationship: Cirrus/Cumulus, referenced Cirrus/Cumulus/Sunshine
Summary: Cumulus is feeling insecure about her body but has the support of her mate.
Word count: 848
Rating: light M
Content warnings: Body insecurities
Spring had turned into summer and weather permitted wearing fewer layers, the inhabitants of the ministry no longer lived in oversized sweaters and winter robes, and everyone had shed layers of unnecessary clothing. Cumulus herself had taken to crop tops and high waisted skinny jeans, thinking she looked cute. Cirrus looked absolutely stunning in her perfectly applied make-up and flowing dresses, blouses and trousers, Sunshine was adorable in her colorful shirts and ever-changing wardrobe as she was still trying to find her style.
Cumulus had overheard the siblings compliment the other ghoulettes, talking in hushed tones about how attractive they found the ghoulettes when they thought Cumulus couldn’t hear. It was not that the siblings had said anything bad about her, but it was more that they had not said anything about her. Not even a “nice tits”.
Cumulus takes in her reflection in the full body mirror in the corner of the room the three ghoulettes share. She thinks she looks cute, but doubts start creeping in. They had tried on the new tour clothes last night, and Cumulus had become increasingly annoyed when her clothes needed to be modified. Again. The shorts she sleeps in hug her thighs, making her ass look amazing. Or so she thought. The shorts look loose and casual on Sunny whenever she borrows them. Her t-shirt is soft and well-worn, but the sleeves are still tight in a way she knows they aren't on Cirrus. Perhaps she should change her style and wear shirts that show more cleavage again. She always got compliments when she did it.
Cumulus is too distracted by her thoughts to notice Cirrus sneaking up on her from behind. Her soft paws did not make a sound, steps even more muffled by the fluffy carpet. Cirrus sneaks an arm around Cumulus’ waist, kissing the side of her face before their eyes meet through the mirror. She rests her head on Cumulus’ shoulder, moving Cumulus’ long hair aside so she can see her properly. “What’s going on, ‘Lu?”
“Do I look nicer when my tits are out?” Cumulus asks, balling up the hem of her shirt in her hands. “Cropped and loose t-shirts have been easier to handle in the nursery, but…”
“You always look nice,” Cirrus insists playfully, but gets serious when Cumulus sighs and rolls her eyes in annoyance. “I love your tits, love the way they feel when I hold them and how they spill out from your shirt when you’re feeling cheeky. But your comfort is more important. When you cover them it’s all the nicer when I get to undress you.”
“It just isn’t practical with the kits climbing all over me,” Cumulus mutters when Cirrus starts kissing her neck and her thumb lazily pets her side.
“But that’s not all, is it?” Cirrus pauses with her lips still on her mate’s skin, looking Cumulus right in her eyes through the mirror. “Something is bothering you.”
“Finding a fitting pair of jeans in a style that I want has been impossible. And the new tour shirts are too tight around the arms if I don’t upsize and then they look like a tent on me and don’t show off my boobs and waist like I want. And the trousers look good on the boys, but they just hide my curves. I want to feel good on stage but…”
“Oh,” Cirrus considers her words, leaving Cumulus waiting nervously on what her mate is going to say. It’s like waiting for judgment, even if Cumulus knows her mate loves her unconditionally. “The seamstress will make the changes so we can perform. But you know clothes are overrated.”
“Easy for you to say,” the bitter words escape Cumulus’ lips before she can help herself and the floodgates are open. She tries to hide the way her eyes are tearing up with her hands, but she suddenly can’t stop. “You and Sunny can find clothes wherever you want. I only have two pairs of trousers I like, and they will inevitably get holes in the thighs and then I need to fix them and they never look as good…”
Cirrus turns Cumulus around so they’re facing each other properly. She takes Cumulus’ face in her hands, wiping away tears from her cheeks with her thumbs. “Cumulus, darling, look at me. It’s not your fault that humans are stupid about bodies. You’re gorgeous no matter what you wear, and I will mend your jeans myself if that’s what it takes.”
“I’m sorry, this is so silly,” Cumulus hiccups as she tries to control her breathing. She’s an air ghoulette who sings her heart out on stage on the regular. She should be better at controlling her voice, but she’s always found it difficult when she’s overcome with emotions. “I’m supposed to enjoy this body, but it’s been difficult lately.”
“Want me to remind you how much I enjoy your body, hmm?” Cirrus asks, giving Cumulus time to decline but she continues when Cumulus nods. “Let me show you how beautiful I find you and how wrong humans are.”
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f1shbonez · 1 year
"Shhh. Breathe. We both know I'm going to hurt you anyway, so there's really no point in freaking out about it." (Roleswap!Ekko to Powder)
Light shields. 
That’s what the crew were calling them. In reality, the shimmer empire’s newest toy seemed like more of a glorified (and radically upsized) bug zapper. Avoiding the first one had been nothing more than a fluke. The heat and the crackle of energy between both pillars had almost forced their formation to ground. The message was pretty clear: die or land (and then die). It was kinda flattering how fast Silco was moving to protect his shipments. The new presents only added to the rush that came with each job. What new toy was going to be left out for them in any given location? Were they just gonna signal their most valuable cargo holds by stationing super obvious security around them? 
Fried circuit boards seemed to do the trick, but the cat and mouse game wasn’t over. If the Light Shields were a callout for the Firelights, it only felt fair to send a message back. If word got back to Silco that his precious new tech was getting trashed in the field, maybe the walls of light would stop appearing. With two fried Light Shields in the last week, it was hard not to feel emboldened when it came to dealing with the rest. 
A tapestry of graffiti brought an explosion of colour opposite the latest untouched warehouse. Crude drawings of stick men, fire and explosions framed the large pink words:
A couple of blocks away another wall received the same treatment.
The first word was underlined multiple times. 
The added risk wasn’t necessary, but it would be satisfying for Silco’s goons to witness their invention go boom in front of their noses. Besides, it wasn’t like any of them could keep up with the hoverboards. Maybe the sight of their little trump card going up in flames would make them realise the threat they were dealing with. Maybe the warehouse burning to the ground would scare them. Maybe they’d just look stupid for showing up to a job they had no chance of salvaging, with the added insult of an invitation and some time to plan. Hah! 
Scar and the others had already peeled off to the store room. All that was left to do was screw with the giant bug zapper, flip off the onlookers and dart away. Easy. 
The thrum of the energy overshadowed the drone of the hoverboard and the rush of wind in her ears as Powder swooped in, slowing to a cruise. It wouldn’t take long to make a quick little power surge. …It also wouldn’t take long to find something to throw through the hissing maw of light. What would it do? The danger brought with it a horrible temptation. Jinx paused, looking around out of idle curiosity. What noise would it make when something went through? Would it vaporise something, or would a fried husk emerge on the other side? 
Before any of the potentialities could play out in her mind, a sudden impact clattered around Powder’s ankles, wrenching all semblance of balance away as the rope tightened. The ground appeared far too quickly. Dazed from the impact and the fresh sting of raw skin, Powder stilled, before the rush of adrenaline translated what was happening. A clumsy attempt to stand came before her limbs could remember the rope. Broken parts of hoverboard crunched beneath bloodied palms as blood began to trickle from a split lip on the other side of the mask. 
Panic sapped at reason as the hurt and shock began to set in. 
Somewhere in the back of her mind, a familiar voice sounded, steady and certain. 
Get up Pow-Pow. You can do it. 
Shaky hands found the bola around her ankles, fighting with the rope with urgency bordering on panic. The owner of the projectile didn’t seem to be sparing any time in closing in on his catch.
"Shhh. Breathe. We both know I'm going to hurt you anyway, so there's really no point in freaking out about it."
Powder felt her attention snap up, unwilling to divert all of her focus from the growing threat in front of her. It was too tight. There was no way the rope was coming off before this guy was close enough to make contact. As quickly as the struggle began, Powder abandoned the bola, plunging a hand into her pocket for a smoke bomb, a stun grenade- anything-  that could be launched up to buy a few seconds.
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Watch how quick and easy it truly is to make those tight wrap style garments bigger with my simple tutorial!
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gluttonygirls · 1 year
unintentional weight gain.
For whoever~
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It's so, so easy to lose track of what you weight when you're surrounded by such massive women. 700 calorie meals start to feel light, upsizing your wardrobe once a week starts to feel normal, and it all adds up.
Setting a hand on her stomach as she looked herself over in the mirror, Sophie had to come to terms with something.
She couldn't read the scale over the curve of her belly anymore.
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yuribracket · 2 years
How'd you edit the photos on for your bracket? I'm trying ibis paint but it's incredibly hard trying to get them to be the same size
I use clip studio paint and have for a long while, so I’m not sure how other programs might handle these features! But if you mean the actual images on the bracket rather than the individual vs. images, my process was:
Find official art, preferably large and high quality, of the couple together and paste it into csp
Use the select rectangle tool, holding shift to keep the length and width even, to make a square focused on the image’s subject, and then use the crop tool to crop it to that square
save these square images at full size
To add the images to the bracket, resize the square image to the desired size (mine have been I think 100 px -> 200 px -> 250 px -> 300 px -> 400 px as they’ve advanced in the rounds)
copy/paste the image at that size onto the bracket image, but do not save the original image file at this smaller size. this way, you can just resize the same image each time, so you won’t lose quality by having to upsize a downsized image later
Use the move tool to put them where you want them on the bracket. I’ve never actually figured out how to work snapping on csp so I’ve just made them approximately even by eye, but if ibispaint has good snap that would probably be helpful here
Save the bracket as a .csp file with layer info intact so it’s easy to edit later
when they are eliminated, I change the colour mode on the layer with a couple’s image on it to grayscale. obviously not necessary, but that’s how I like to do it
I have been using image editing software for over 10 years now so since I’m not sure what your skill level is I’m not sure how useful or understandable these instructions will be. I’m also not at my computer (cat on my lap incident) so I can’t provide explanatory screenshots right now. but let me know if you need any further advice and I’d be happy to offer it, and if anyone reading this is familiar with ibispaint, I’m sure your input would be helpful for anon as well!
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arcxnumvitae · 2 years
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The warm, weak rays of dawning sunlight peeked into the interior of the apartment as Zhifeng stumbled in, swinging the somewhat crooked, wooden door shut behind him. Another full night spent entertaining, but at least that meant more savings for him. A little longer, some more booked schedules, and he would be able to afford to move out of this apartment and into a better one. 
It wasn’t a terrible apartment by any means with its window that allowed in sunlight and clean disposition. And compared to the places he had had to lay his head before during his youth, it was actually livable. But the walls were still thin and a draft still blew through in a bone-chilling gust during the winter, and he had been eyeing a spate of apartments closer to the more affluent area of Shanghai. It would certainly be bigger than his current place if nothing else, and upsizing was always the goal. Maybe there in his beautiful new apartment his landlord wouldn’t leer at him as he came and went about his business, fabric flowing and makeup expertly applied. And whether it was with disgust or desire even Zhifeng couldn’t tell, which probably meant that it was some unfortunate mixture of both. 
Smooth hands shimmied fabric down his body to puddle in a silken heap on the floor, revealing to the dragon’s discerning gaze fingerprint-shaped splotches that marked forming bruises around his waist and thighs, a revelation that he took notice of with a sharp burst of annoyance. That oaf! Had he realized that man had been gripping at him so tightly, he would have charged extra! His clients knew what his lines were but that didn’t keep them from feeling entitled to grip and paw at him however much they could get away with before they were stopped. And those were among the less troublesome of clients.
Zhifeng could pinpoint the moment too the man he had spent the night with had left those marks, during a game of pai gow. As he sat draped over the client’s lap, another had let their eyes linger on his form a tad longer than was proprietary (a stare that he made sure to take note of, new clients could be found everywhere if one cared to stay vigilant). His client had clearly taken note too, the man’s lip lingered at Zhifeng’s neck, and the way his fingers had possessively dug into his skin had had the dragon’s seductive smile nearly faltering from the sharp burst of pain, at risk of the client’s displeasure should he let the pleased look vanish from his expression. 
It was unfortunate to see that the man’s ridiculous bout had left a mark, but thankfully they would have formed and healed by the next night. And thankfully they would be easy to keep hidden, he had learned the hard way that clients tended to hate when bruises were visible along their companion’s skin. But his next bit of work would be easy, a lunch. A housewife with a too-hardworking husband, none who had always been pleasant and respectful during their previous engagements. Truthfully, Zhifeng thought she more wanted a friend than a daring and seductive companion, and that suited him just fine when compared to the rude and entitled brutes he usually had to deal with. 
With it being scheduled during the lunch-hour, it only left him with a few scant hours of sleep before he needed to wake again. A fact that became painfully real the moment his body finally hit his bed, makeup and hairstyle still in place, but he had known what he was signing up for when he agreed to it. 
After all, how else would that apartment be his?
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adam16bit · 2 years
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Ripping Game Boy Camera images is time-consuming!
So the top picture was taken from a Game Boy Camera Wi-Fi Printer I got off Etsy a few years ago. The file it created is upsized to 800x720 and clocks in at 35kb - big picture, small file.
The bottom picture with the A10 was saved using the Analogue Pocket's "Memories" feature. It's 160x144 pixels and 215kb.
The downer is that it is much, much easier to grab photos using Analogue's interface - you can push two buttons to do a screen grab to the SD card. Easy. The Wi-Fi printer requires me to get a PCB dongle, plug it in to USB power, plug it in to the Game Boy using a link cable, and "print" each photo - instead of paper, it prints to a .png file on the wi-fi dongle, which you need to access via Mac/PC/Phone, and then go in and download the one(s) you want from it. It's convoluted, but provides much better overall results for social media purposes. The 1:1 pixel of the Analogue Pocket would probably be better if, for example, I was doing a book of these things.
I dump all my Game Boy Camera pictures worth sharing to my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adam16bit/
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Check out how I made an 80's shirt dress fit me better using the belt it came with + stick around to the end for my brand new show and tell series too! ♻️
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harcourts · 7 months
How Real Estate Agents Help You Win Your Dream Home?
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Buying a home is one of life's biggest milestones. It's not just about finding a place to live; it's about finding your sanctuary, your haven, your dream home. However, navigating the complex world of real estate can be overwhelming, especially if you're doing it alone.
This is where Top-rated real estate agents in Christchurch step in, armed with expertise, experience, and a genuine desire to help you find that perfect place to call your own.
Guiding You Through the Maze
The journey to finding your dream home can feel like navigating a maze blindfolded. From browsing listings to negotiating offers, there are countless twists and turns along the way. Real estate agents serve as your seasoned guides, helping you navigate through the complexities of the housing market with ease.
Whether it's deciphering legal jargon in contracts or understanding market trends, real estate agents are your trusted advisors every step of the way. Their expertise not only saves you time but also ensures that you make informed decisions throughout the home-buying process.
Access to Exclusive Listings
In today's competitive real estate market, timing is everything. That charming bungalow or sleek condo you've been eyeing may not stay on the market for long. Real estate agents have access to exclusive listings, giving you a competitive edge in finding your dream home before it hits the mainstream market.
By tapping into their network of industry contacts and staying updated on the latest listings, real estate agents Christchurch can show you properties that align with your preferences and budget, increasing your chances of finding the perfect match.
Negotiating Like a Pro
Negotiation is an art, especially when it comes to real estate transactions. From price negotiations to contingencies, there are numerous factors to consider when making an offer on a property. This is where real estate agents truly shine.
With their expert negotiation skills and intimate knowledge of market values, real estate agents advocate for your best interests, ensuring that you get the best possible deal on your dream home. Whether it's negotiating repairs or securing a competitive price, having a skilled negotiator in your corner can make all the difference.
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Streamlining the Process
The home-buying process involves a myriad of paperwork, inspections, and deadlines. Without proper guidance, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and lost in the shuffle. Real estate agents act as your personal concierge, streamlining the process from start to finish.
From coordinating showings to scheduling inspections, real estate agents take care of the logistical details so you can focus on finding the perfect home. Their attention to detail and proactive approach ensures that no stone is left unturned, making the entire experience as smooth and stress-free as possible.
Providing Expert Advice
When it comes to real estate, knowledge is power. Real estate agents possess a wealth of knowledge about local neighbourhoods, market trends, and property values. Whether you're a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, their insights can prove invaluable in making informed decisions.
From recommending reputable lenders to offering advice on home staging, real estate agents go above and beyond to help you achieve your homeownership goals. Their personalised approach and dedication to client satisfaction set them apart as trusted advisors in the world of real estate.
Building Lasting Relationships
Perhaps the most rewarding aspect of working with a real estate agent is the opportunity to build a lasting relationship based on trust and mutual respect. Beyond the transactional aspect of buying or selling a home, real estate agents are invested in your long-term happiness and success.
Whether you're relocating to a new city or upsizing to accommodate a growing family, Reliable property management services in Christchurch are there to support you every step of the way. Their commitment to excellence and unwavering dedication ensure that you not only find your dream home but also embark on a journey that leads to a brighter future.
Final Notes
Real estate agents play a crucial role in helping you win your dream home. From guiding you through the maze of the housing market to negotiating on your behalf, their expertise and unwavering support make the home-buying process an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
So, why go it alone when you can have a trusted ally by your side? Let a real estate agent help you turn your homeownership dreams into reality.
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top10estateagentsuk · 8 months
Where to Buy a House in London
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6 Absolutely Affordable Neighborhoods to buy a house in London
Buying a house in present-day London is no easy task, but with this definitive guide to securing the best properties in the most affordable area- we promise to break down and simplify the house hunting process for you, once and for all!
The real estate market has been on the rise and the numbers soar higher and higher with the passing time. However, if you’ve made up your mind about securing yourself the perfect abode, we have a comprehensive guide to the best neighborhoods in London that allow you a chance at owning a humble abode of your own without pinching the pocket too hard! According to the latest UK House Price Index (HPI), the places we are about to disclose just might be your one true shot at being a proud homeowner!
Bexley- With the latest budget on average house prices wavering somewhere around approx.£342,993, Bexley, a south-eastern borough in London is considered to be one of the top picks for affordable neighborhoods. The borough is surrounded by Greenwich on the west and Bromley to the south and a Crossrail service from Abbey Wood station is expected once the line starts plying. However, the housing price has experienced a 4.3% hike in this area according to the new 2019 statistics, so we suggest heading over to Bexley immediately if you don’t want to miss out on a steal deal.
Greenwich- Neighboring with Bexley is the borough on the banks of river Thames which too has been listed as one of the top preferred locations to buy properties. A borough overlooking the bespoke Greenwich park with the Royal Observatory and more, houses here would typically have an average cost of £372,803. Named after the World Heritage Site of Greenwich, this borough packs in quite some interesting attractions which makes Greenwich an appealing choice for a forever home.
Barking and Dagenham- Also located on the Eastern parts of London is the Barking and Dagenham borough continues to be one of the cheapest parts of London where you can make your dream come true with the average housing cost priced at approx. £300,517. The Barking and Dagenham continues to provide homeowners great value for money deals with the location having outstanding transport links connecting your neighborhood to Central London.
Croydon- Real estate experts have been really excited about properties in Croydon, especially since the price dropped a little since last year making Croydon one of the most favorable places to own a house of your own. If you’re wondering what the pocket pinch is, the average home would be something around £359,336 but with the ever-improving facilities, this metropolitan town south of London is regarded as quite a deal. What’s more? Croydon, being considered one of the largest commercial districts apart from Central London, has an extensive shopping and night-time economy waiting for you.
Sutton- Yet another southern wonder in London, Sutton is a large town with the schools in and around it boasting the best results in any of the boroughs in Greater London. If you’re a growing family looking to buy a bigger place, Sutton is the place to consider the average housing costs being somewhere around £368,520. Along with an attractive family growing opportunity, Sutton is also perfect for families who want their children to be a part of Sutton’s best educational institutions.
Hounslow- Another great option for growing families looking for upsizing is Hounslow in West London, a borough that has a diverse range of housing and property options duly waiting for you to explore. With the average housing cost being around £404,615 approx. The area stretches from Chiswick, East to Bedfont, West and has been undergoing proactive development in the recent years.
Apart from these, you can also find great deals on properties in Hillingdon, Havering, Enfield, Newham, and more.
With bigger home comes bigger responsibility and that is exactly why you should consider these pointers before indulging in the neighborhood of your choice.
Convenience is crucial and we don’t just mean grocery stores and chemists in and around the area, but also the convenience of living in a particular borough or community. Before finalizing a place, we suggest you take more than one visits, preferably, at different parts of the day (or maybe even night) to get a more elaborate idea of the neighborhood you’ll be settling in.
Background checks are necessary too. Do a background check on the house, the soil it stands on, the real estate agent willingly trying to sell the house to you, and more. Homework regarding the price ranges too would be an added advantage.
Pre-check your home before moving in. We know how exciting it is to finally have the keys to your dream home in your hands, but maybe, a little pre-check before the whole settlement won’t hurt. From termite checks to leaking pipes and whatnot, a careful breeze through of the property would be a good idea.
Compare before settling in. Lastly, it is always a good habit to compare not just the budget but the convenience, distance from school or workplace, and more and hence, don’t just settle for the property of your choice. Keep your mind flexible and your budget tightly knotted and look for variations and alternative options before finalizing.
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