#easy white chocolate wouldnt want you to melt
yuutaguro · 4 months
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i have a sudden interest in tennis
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lastdead · 3 months
easy white chocolate... wouldnt want you to melt
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jinglebellrockstars · 4 months
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mmm easy there white chocolate....we wouldnt want you to melt....
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hello you medium rare steak eating lefty eyebag 😅 I don't know what about Thanksgiving meals make me sleepy, but I slept way too early.
Yes, everything turned out okay haha I should've made my own gravy cause the gravy packet that came with the turkey breast was disgusting. Did you have any desserts?
I like the eggs over medium with the steak. So I can dip the steak in the yolk. I thought I was weird for not liking steak sauce on my steak, I just never like that taste of A1 sauce.
You gonna send me a care package with chocolate? Hahaha just kidding. I like milk chocolate the most. I don't think I've had white chocolate before though. How about you? What's your favorite candy? Do you like candy or chocolates more?
I love that show. I got sad when it was over. Which one are you though, Claire, Jay or Mitch? Or all three combined? My favorite character would be Gloria and Phil. Hahaha the partners of your favorites! My least favorite..would be Manny.
I put my little tree up with no ornaments because of the cats..that will be my only decoration oh and a stocking! Maybe I will get a wreath to hang on the door so at least it'll look a little festive.
I'm going to change the questions up a bit. You ready?
Would you rather go back in time or go to the future?
Hello! Good morning! Hahhaha i have a new n longer nickname! Yaay! 😆
It's okay, i figured u fell asleep.. actually yesterday i saw an article about why u r sleepy after thanksgiving meal. I didnt read it because i was sleepy 🤣
Oh noo.. not the gravy! Im sorry.. that sucks.. maybe u can make some today for ur leftover.. i love gravy. It's one of my favorite.hahha. no we didnt have desert. We had some oreos though.haha.
Oh yeah, steak and egg is so good.. fun fact, when i eat over easy eggs, i like to cut everything around carefully n try not to break the yolk n keep it a perfect circle. Then i carefully scoop it with my spoon n then just slurp all the yolk. But it i have it with rice, i like to break it n mix it with rice. Haha. I know i sound weird. 😅 i hope my daughter doest follow my weirdness. 😆
But eating the steak with the yolk sound really good though. I might try it someday.. what do u think about cheese on steak? I saw bunch of videos of it, i personally think that i just dont get it why people would ruin a perfectly cut n cooked steak n put hot melted cheese on it.. i meant i dont hate cheese. I like cheese but to put hot melted cheese on to a good steak is a bit much.😆
N yeah i said big NO to any steak sauce especiallt A1. Not just it ruin the steak flavor but also the sauce is too sour or tangy to me. I love put sauteed mushroom on my steak 🤤 mushroom is my third favorite to eat, after tofu.. u like tofu?
Ah i see. I think some milk chocolate are yummy. But my favorite is dark chocolate. The darker the better because i like tye semi sweet taste with a little bitterness. I dont like anything too sweet. Thats why i dont like white chocolate. I curse it 😅🤣 my sister love white chocolate n i just can never understand but to each of their own,u know. I like up to 70-80% cocoa dark chocolate. I love it when it's paired or have liquor in it or some orange in it. I like chocolate more than candy 😁
Yeah me too, i was sad too n almost cried on the last episode. I kinda see mix of three prichettes in me but i think i am mostly similar to Claire. I admit I sometimes tense, or try to doneverything perfectly, sometimes im too serious n want everything to work how it supposed to or how i plan it even sometimes i can be spontaneous. I am like Claire n Mitchel when it's about parenting. My husband is like Phil. So yeah, i think i can see my life from Claire with kids when my daughter reach that age 🤣 u can see who is the fun parent. 🤣
I know u say u probably wouldnt want to have kids someday (if im not wrong) but do u see ur self will be like phil n gloria if u have kids? My least favorite favorite is Dylan. Gosh im not happy when i see Hailey end up with him. Do u have any favorite episode?
Aaw yeah i understand,, i used to have a roommate who has 2 cats, so when i put up christmas tree, it was pretty hard n whn i have the tree, mostly she kept her cats in the room until the tree is down. 😅 i love real christmas tree. I love the smell of it. I also love put up a real pine tree wreath.
Hmm i think i would rather to go to the future so i can see which mistake that i would make n probably try to fix it. 😁 what about u?
Next question?
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topfics · 7 years
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Fall Dates with Tyjo and Jishwa
Tyler and you would go immediately go get all the blankets you could scrounge up and make a fort.
But this fort wouldnt’ be just a normal fort, no… it would be a fort that included the TV so you could binge watch Netflix or watch movies together. And because Tyler is such a loving person, he would include all of your favorite snacks like: popcorn, skittles, pretzel bites, nachos, a giant soda, crunch bars, and so much more.
The two of you would then watch all the scary movies you could find, and you, being the smart person you are, held the popcorn and spilled everywhere when something jumped out at you. That would lead to Tyler laughing his ass off beCAUSE HE WOULD DO THE FUCKING SAME THING!!!!
After the movie marathon, you guys decided to make fall inspired cookies late at night. You got on Pinterest and found some really cute Halloween shaped sugar cookies. You loved to bake so you thought this would be easy.
Baking with Tyler was fun, but it was MESSY AS HELL.
Tyler would turn on the KitchenAid too fast. That made the flour go everywhere. It was almost like it was glitter getting everywhere. But WORSE. He would start laughing even more while you tried to clean it up, then grabbing the frosting you prepared and wiped it on your face.
So, being the cute and cheesy thing it was, you started fighting back, You threw flour at him and put frosting all over his face. He begins to chase you around the kitchen, trying to give you a hug. Unfortunately, he slips on some flour and falls, causing you to laugh. You try to help him up but he ultimately drags you on the ground with him, wiping his messy face, then placing the flour and frosting combo on your face.
You glare at him and give him a kiss, transferring some of it back onto him.
Soon after, you wanted to make a fresh apple pie for his family. So he decides to take you to pick your own apples! You both had baskets, and you went through the apple trees and picked out the best ones. Tyler purposely tried to go for the tall ones to see how high he could jump. You took videos of him trying to reach one that you saw and wanted, but he ultimately failed.
Luckily for you, a nice, tall family came to your rescue and grabbed that beautiful red apple for you. Tyler was a bit embarrassed, but you thought it was cute that he wanted to impress not only himself, but you as well.
“I wanted to get you that apple…” Tyler sighed.
“It’s okay, Ty. You tried.” you slightly laugh. “That’s all that matters.”
After the apple picking, the two of you run to the store to get some caramel to make caramel apples. You wanted to “boo” the neighbors with them.
“Boo”ing the neighbors was a tradition in your neighborhood. Someone would start it off by making a flyer that says something like, “You’ve been booed!” and the gist of it was to give that ghost to another neighbor with another treat. It was a fun way to get the Halloween spirit going. Plus, you get free food??? What was wrong with that???
So Tyler helps you melt the caramel and puts the sticks in the apples. You start on the decorations. You decided you wanted to make some Jack Skellington themed ones, as well as the apple from Snow White. Then you made some regular old caramel apples, and placed them on a cookie sheet to dry and harden more. Afterwards, you put them all in a cute little baggie, and printed out the flyer.
You decided to let Tyler ding-dong ditch the neighbor, because you believed him to be a better and faster runner.
But… you were abso-fucking-lutely wrong.
You watched through the window as he placed the apples on the doorstep, ringing the bell and running. But as he was running to hide, he tripped. He was army crawling to get behind the bushes.
You shook your head and chuckled as he got to the bushes unnoticed. He gives you a thumbs up and you shake your head.
After the neighbors grab the apples and head back in, Tyler comes back home. The first thing he says to you is:
“Nailed it.”
“No, Ty. You didn’t. What did you even trip on?”
He begins to blush and looks away.
“I would say I tripped on a rock…. But…”
“But what…?”
“That’s a lie. I tripped on my own foot.”
Okay so after that disaster, you and Tyler would go to a Halloween party.
He didn’t really want to dress up, so you came up with the brilliant idea of him dressing as Josh, and you would dress as him.
So, you grabbed his signature black paint and put it all over your neck and hands, borrowing his red beanie and outfit from the stressed out video. Tyler called Josh and borrowed his red eye makeup and got a spraycan to “dye” his hair. You took pictures together and posted on social media.
Comments were flooding in, and you couldn’t be more proud of this idea. You even sent a video to Josh of Tyler saying, “Hi, my name is Josh dun and… I love Tyler.”
Josh responded with, “This is accurate.”
You got to the party with Tyler, and everyone commented on how genius it was. You simply told them that Tyler was too lazy to dress up as anything else so this was the best thing you could come up with. And it worked.
Whilst there, they had pumpkins you could carve and decorate. So, Tyler decides to go a non-traditional route, and made the “|-/” symbol for the fans. You decided to carve Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas seeing as it was your favorite movie.
You took them home and placed them in front of your door.
After the party, you made hot apple cider and cozied up to Tyler, deciding to finally watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. The night ended with the two of you cuddled on the couch, entangled with blankets.
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As soon as the leaves started changing color and falling, you know this fucker is going to want to play in the leaves.
You would help him rake the leaves and pile them up, putting them in garbage bags. Josh dumped the bags of leaves on the trampoline, moving it over to where he could jump off the balcony.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” you ask.
“Of course babe! It’ll be so fun! Just you wait and see.”
He flashes you that damn smile of his and you succumb to his dangerous ways.
He gets onto the balcony and looks to you, giving you a big thumbs up.
“Are you snapping this?” he asks.
“Just tell me when, Josh.”
You start recording, and he does a backflip into the pile of leaves on the trampoline.
He begins to jump around and roll in the leaves, then sprawls out.
“Come on! You need to get down here!”
You smile and nod, getting on the balcony. You look down and instantly regret it.
He holds his arms out to you and nods, encouraging you to jump.
You jump and scream, and land into a familiar pair of arms. You look up and smile, your heart beating a million miles a minute. He grins, knowing you are just as much of an adrenaline junkie as he is.
“THAT WAS SO FUN!” you yell.
The two of you begin bouncing around the trampoline, having butt wars to just cuddling in the pile of leaves. Josh eventually makes the decision that he wants to sleep out here. He goes into the house and grabs plenty of blankets, and a small tent that he sets up later.
He grabs some flashlights and some snacks, putting them in after the tent is on the trampoline. He swaddles the two of you in blankets, holding you close to his larger and more muscular frame. You take in his scent and kiss him, the two of you falling asleep afterwards.
Alright motherfuckers time for some pumpkin carving.
Josh takes you to a pumpkin patch, wanting to pick out his own pumpkin to carve.
“I’m going to choose the biggest one here.” he states happily.
You chuckle and nod, deciding to choose a smaller pumpkin yourself. After Josh finds one that he is content with on size, you bring it home and wait until evening to carve it.
In the meantime, you two go on a scenic hike, the nice, cool breeze making it the perfect weather to go hiking. You sit at the top of the hike on a bench overlooking the city. The sun is setting and the two of you sit in silence, not needing words to enjoy each other’s companies.
After it begins to get darker and cooler, you head back home and begin carving your pumpkins. You decide to take it a more traditional route and make a simple jak-o-lantern, while Josh makes a pumpkin dedicated to some of his favorite bands and artists.
You set it outside on the porch and decide to go to a haunted house with some friends.
You immediately get scared as you’re walking to the entrance, Josh laughing hysterically in front of you.
“Babe it isn’t that scary!”
You glare and hit his arm, then held onto it for dear life.
“Maybe not to you!” you whine.
“I promise I will protect you. I will lead you through this rough time.”
You glare once more and reluctantly nod, clinging onto him for dear life.
As the two of you enter, you instantly close your eyes.You may have blocked one sense out, but you couldn’t block out the noise. That’s what got you the most. Even with Josh, you screamed until your throat hurt from screaming too much. Josh tried to cover you as best he could, but the workers knew that you were afraid. They used it to their advantage to get some good scares out of you.
Eventually, you made your way out of the haunted house, kneeling over, trying to catch your breath.
“I hate you for making me go through that.”
“(Y/N), I told you, the more you scream the more they’re going to go after you.”
“I can’t help it! You know I scare easily.” you take in a deep breath and grab his hand, leading him to the car.
As soon as you got home, you changed into pajamas and Josh made you your favorite hot cocoa. He adds whipped cream on top with a wafer cookie stick, and puts caramel and chocolate syrup. He hands you the warm mug as he turns Netflix on, putting Stranger Things on screen.
He rubs your arm to comfort you as you drink the warm liquid. It fills your stomach and you instantly feel relieved.
“Are you okay?” he asks quietly.
You simply nod your head and put the mug down, placing your head on his shoulder. You eventually fall asleep. He turns the TV off and carries you to your shared room, placing you under the covers and cuddling up to you.
The next day you head to your favorite amusement park. It was in the spooky season so you expected that there would be people trying to scare you, but at least there were more people so it was less likely that they would come to you.
You took Josh’s hand and dragged him to all of your favorite rides first, the both of you laughing and screaming as the rides twisted and turned, looped and looped.
Josh goes to a concession stand and buys a funnel cake, topped with strawberries and whipped cream, with a chocolate sauce drizzle. You lick your lips and dig in, sighing happily as you taste all the different flavors of the funnel cake.
Josh takes a picture of you and posts it on his snap story, captioning it: “My person.”
You look at him suspiciously, grabbing his phone to make sure it was a good photo.
He smiles and takes it back before you can see.
“It looks good, I promise.” he takes your hand and takes one more photo, posting it to his Instagram.
“I love them more than I love my drums. And that says a lot.”
You check your phone when it lights up with a notification saying that you were tagged in a photo.
You look and smile, swallowing your bite of funnel cake.
“I love you too, Josh Dun. Now help me finish this funnel cake!”
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barelylivinblog · 6 years
Tips From a Virgin Traveler to Other Virgin Travelers
I recently went on my first vacation with my boyfriend and his family, and I decided to be productive about it and use the information I learned from being a virgin traveler to help those who are also going to be future first time travelers. 
My first piece of advice is to take something other than your phone to occupy yourself for your plane ride. I was a first time flyer, and figured that I could just mess around on my phone for three hours. What I didn’t plan for is that when you’re 34,000 feet in the air there’s no cellphone service.
Another thing I figured out from flying for the first time is that I hate flying. I’m sure for the average person it’s not as bad as my mind makes it out to be, but being a first timer has to be scary for anyone. I’m here to tell you that it’s okay to be nervous. Just make sure you take something to pass the time and not make the mistake I made where I was stuck listening to soft music and playing solitaire for three and a half hours as we flew from Pittsburgh, PA to Denver, CO.
Secondly, prepare to be in a car. For some reason I was under the impression that after we got off the plane everything would be relatively near by. However, we drove quite a bit to get to our destinations. I was little uneasy at first because our car rides were quiet, but once you learn to appreciate and take in the scenery around you it becomes settling. Even for a fidgety person like myself, the car rides became a lot easier when I learned to sit back and stare out the window.
Thirdly, be reasonable about the amount of snacks you purchase for said car rides and hotels. I accidentally overloaded on snacks early on in fear that I wasn’t going to get the chance to get snacks later. However, I learned that unlike movies about the desert, there will eventually always be a gas station. Hotels usually have gas stations reasonably close by as well, so don’t fear that you’ll go hungry and end up over packed with snacks you won’t be able to finish.
This is also a good time to try new snacks. I found myself in an M&M craze after our hotel offered a bag of peanut ones for free with our room. I ended up purchasing four bags that trip, and I used to not like M&Ms at all. They were convenient for traveling because unlike a regular chocolate bar I didn’t have to worry about them melting. 
In addition to that, don’t get too overwhelmed by the up pricing of restaurants. You don’t have to eat at a bunch of fancy restaurants to have a good time either, so don’t feel the “but we’re on vacation!” pressure. 
Fourth, don’t depend on your sunscreen to last you as long as it says. I think it’s safe to say that it’s better to be prepared for the weather at the expense of having a few more items in your luggage than being shit out of luck. I ended up taking a large bottle of 50 SPF sunscreen with me for most occasions, and the only time I burnt was on my scalp other than the day I decided I wouldn’t need sunscreen when we went white water rafting. I left my sun screen in the car under the impression that we’d be in the water and shaded, but I ended up baking my leg and watched my boyfriend’s friend burn up his knees even though he was consistent on re-applying. So please, take your sunscreen and anything else you might need no matter where you go, because if we hadn’t ended up sharing sunscreen I would have most likely “lobstered”. 
Fifth, never underestimate the amazing qualities of a mini van. Choose your rental car based on comfort and not on looks. I learned this lesson after having judgments about the idea of us roaming around in this silver van for a week, but it ended up being the best idea EVER because it was so roomy and cozy. 
Sixth, learn to take lots and lots of pictures. I was self conscious at first because I didn’t want to look like the stereotypical tourist running around and snapping pictures with my phone everywhere we went. But it’s an easy keep sake to have those photos, and I know you’ll regret not taking enough because you can never take enough to fully display the amazing time you’re having.  My trip crew was well off on taking pictures, so I lucked out with some really great ones to fill my social media pages and have the memories of every thing we did. 
Seventh, and what I believe to be one of the most important things, is to adapt. Not to the environment, but with the people around you. Being on vacation means you’re going to be awfully close to some people for what might seem like a long time. We all have our flaws and our pet peeves, and the stress of traveling might wear us thin sometimes. It’s important to take a deep breathe and have patience. Adapting to each other’s differences will make things run smoother and only bring your trip crew closer. 
Eighth, be nice to the employees you meet along the way. I don’t think we ever ran into any employees at any locations that were in a bad mood. So don’t give them one in return. I did see some other guests being particular with employees, and I think it’s easy to think that they’re just the person making your food or taking your towels, but those people have lives and feelings too. Some of them are most likely not getting paid enough to deal with both their job and your attitude. 
Ninth, Free is Free. Take advantage of it without causing a hassle. You will not believe the amount of makeup remover wipes I swiped from hotel rooms during our trip. It’s not an uncommon thing to most people to take the complimentary toiletries, but I would suggest only taking the things you think you’ll use. I may have taken a shampoo and conditioner bottle from Walt Disney World’s hotel four years ago, and may still haven’t touched them because I have no use for Disney’s hair products. It’s one thing to make use of those items, but don’t let them take up room in your suitcase and house. There’s also that possibility that it could explode during the flight because here’s another side tip: The airport people have no care for your precious luggage. 
Tenth, dress not for looks but for function, or try and do both. I figured out that it’s more important to dress comfortable than cute. Depending on what you’re doing, it might be perfectly fine to strut around in your best outfits. However, don’t try wearing uncomfortable shoes if you’re going to be walking all day. You might be saying in your head how cute those shoes are and you’ll want to dress up for vacation, but it’s not worth it and no one will think less of you for wearing comfortable shoes. I’d like to say I did pretty well with sticking to practicality, but I ended up really liking the outfits I had picked for my trip. It’s much easier to pack when your outfits aren’t complex. For example, packing cute t-shirts and shorts that can go a combinations of ways ended up being a lot less stressful because I didn’t have to worry about not liking something due to the options I had given myself. 
I could keep going on in an endless loop of tips and things I’ve learned from going on my first vacation, but I believe the most important thing is that as a first time traveler you learn your own set of guidelines and knowledge about traveling. I think if you worry too much about what to expect, when the time comes it’ll fly right by you. Take your time to relax, because in the end everything will be fine. You’re on vacation! I also found it important to take a few moments by yourself and take everything in and count your blessings. Vacationing is a privilege not everyone get’s to experience, so take a moment to thank those around you and be thankful in general. 
Exploring is a great activity, and reaching outside your comfort zone is a good practice in moderation. I don’t want to say that I’m a changed person after taking my first trip, but I feel more at ease about the world around me. I met a lot of very nice people and saw a lot of really nice places. Adventure is out there my friends, and I challenge you to go out into it. Do something new, something interesting to you, something that will make you feel things. 
So, finally, my last tip is simple. Go do things.
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