#ec kaunas 2024
jennibeultimate · 8 months
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Love this! ❤️
Congratulations to you! 🥳
Each of them with an amazing story!
Matteo with a possible career-ending injury fighting for a good skate at the last event before surgery and delivering and earning a medal!
Aleksandr with the skates of his life, finally being able to skate two good skates and finally getting the reward for his talent!
Adam under so much pressure and visibly nervous slayed the comp despite not being completely perfect and shocked everyone with his "extraordinary tricks" as ISU called them! He looks so relieved!
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jennibeultimate · 8 months
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Adam pls 🤣🤣🤣 He's so funny!
(From Adam's Instastory)
ISU even posted an own video on the backflip in their Insta so maybe ppl need to actually chill...here
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jennibeultimate · 8 months
Personal recap European Championship 2024 - Men SP
I didn't post much recaps this season but today I had some things to say about the Men SP at Euros. And I had a massively productive and stressful day ane watching skating is my treat!
Overall there were some good skates but the last group was disappointing besides Lukas 🫶...I should have listened to my wifi when it decided to crash during Deniss' skate. 😅 (I rebooted the wifi and watched the rest)
Favorites continue to struggle...first the Italian Pairs Conti/Macci and also Adam Siao Him Fa had to fight. Unlike Conti/Macci he could make up for his mistakes with a massive BV. I think the pressure is realIy high, so for this he fought very well. 🫶 I really like Adam but his PCS are too high in comparison to others like Deniss. The first part of the program is also just skating from one jump to the other, if you look away from the vibe the first part is not more complex program wise than Ilia's for example.
Lukas Britschgi is such a fun guy! He is such a joy to watch! ❤️ The little costume change is fun too! Fun music, fun skater, clean program that's why I watch skating! 👏👏👏👏👏👏😁😁😁😁😁😁
Aleksandr Selevko was soooooo good! Amazing! Probably my personal highlight of the night! The spin position on the heel is so unusual and so cool. The whole program was so unique and amazing! 👏👏👏👏 I always loved his skating but so often he was unstable so I am so happy for him 🫶
Team Italy 🇮🇹 without Grassl I like 😁
Nikolaj Memola is such a beautiful skater and it's even more amazing with his gigantic height! Shame about the 4Lz fall but otherwise so beautiful.
Gabriele Frangipani is a bit underrated. He's full of charisma and his jumping ain't bad. When I saw him live he was always one of the memorable skaters. No matter if he had a good or bad skate he always performed so well.
Matteo Rizzo has a severe hip injury so he probably should not even be skating but he fought. Also that he patted Kevin's back despite it being his own take to skate shows a kind heart. ❤️ Get well soon Matteo! 🫶
Daniel Weiss the German commentator calls Deniss Vasiljews "Picasso on ice" and I think that's a good discription. 🫶 Deniss drop the quad for the SP challenge! It just doesn't make any sense in the SP. If he has to try it than try it in the free skate. And the other jumps are also not super great so why not stick to what you're good at. I think he got away quite good with the scores. But how beautiful and emotionally Deniss skates it can't hide the fact that there is no upward trend for Deniss in the last few years. And I am tired of the "I am on the right way" and "it's a good process" comments. Something clearly doesn't match. I dunno if the emotional attachement to Stephane helps or if it rather makes him stay with something that clearly doesn't bring him forward. Same goes for Kevin and his coaches btw. I know it's always easy to judge from the outside and I know he is far from being at the start of his career, but sometimes a change does wonders.
Some additional remarks about some skaters:
- Nikita Starostin - I have some beef with the German federation. This fed is incompetent as hell btw it just gets little talked about outside of Germany. He was really bad at Nats (I was there in person) and Kai Jagoda was 100 times better and contrary to Nikita he doesn't have an underrotation problem. His 3As are kinda stable. Nikita has a tiny bit more BV and if he's good he gets higher scores than Kai bc his overall quality is better, but I feel like as Nikita didn't have a stellar season and Kai delivered well at Nats and is fairly consistent they should have given Kai the chance. And I mean Nikita really didn't positively stand out today...it was ok but nothing Kai could not have done too.
- poor Mihhail Selevko 😭😭😭 Aleksandr was so good and he had such a bad day. Best and worst skates from the siblings!
- I really love Disney and especially Lion King but Vladimir Litvintsev does everything wrong what you can do wrong...horrible music cuts... horrible costume and no connection to the program....
- Nika Egadze has everything I don't like in a skater. ETERI AS A COACH! Stiffness in the knees, no deep edges, no connection to music and a weird costume. I mean what's that little white snippet that's added to the costume? I have nothing personally against Nika but he's really one of the few skaters whose skating I really don't like at all.
- Kevin Aymoz - what is there to say? 💔 I am truly heartbroken for him and everyone who celebrates the downfall of such a brilliant skater can go to hell. It's one thing if you don't like his personal choices but no one deserves to be celebrated for such a failure. There is no need to stomp on someone who is already on the floor. Did he look on the verve of giving up? Yes. Is this a good look? Not at all. Should he have come to Euros? I think yes if he felt stable and practices were ok. If he felt not ready then this was bound to happen from the start. I do understand the French Fed choice though. If he is on he could win a medal on European level his SkAm scores are among the highest of all international skaters. I think he has a real mental problem atm. And I don't think he should go to Worlds. A disaster skate can happen to anyone and I could even try to say FrenchNats was just bc it was so short after the disaster but sadly this is not just accidental at this point, it's a pattern. He has to break the pattern, maybe he should do small comps first where results aren't so important and get back the feeling for competing. I really wish him well! My heart goes out to Kevin! There will be better days! ❤️
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jennibeultimate · 8 months
"Naja Begeisterung sieht anders aus junge Dame!"
Daniel Weiss (German ARD commentator) about the lack of enthusiasm for Adam Hagara!
This was so funny 🤣 very German way to express you're displeased.
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jennibeultimate · 8 months
So happy Loena won! Finally! 🥳
With the margin from the SP and her rightfully high PCS this was not even close!
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jennibeultimate · 8 months
On Adam's backflip...
Some ppl are not happy with Adam's backflip but calling him "arrogant" or "disrespectful"??? Really??? It's ok if you don't like it, to each their own opinion, but these wild interpretations of his character are really questionable...
Yes he wasn't perfect but he surely did enough already to win and everyone including all other skaters knew that. He had fun, he won with 20 points margin and if all he was throwing HIS points away, which is not affecting any other skaters. If all he is being disrespectful to the judges, bc he is violating the rules and he got the rightful deductions for. And just imagine under what pressure he was under to defend his title. I think it's fine if he wanted to have some fun.
I wouldn't be surprised though if ISU would suddenly increase the deductions for the backflip to like -10 points or something to discourage skaters from doing it again but then also the ISU literally wrote Adam won with "extraordinary tricks" so maybe a bit of attention by breaking the rules is actually what this sport needs 🤷
I wish ppl in the fs fandom would have this energy for really problematic behavior but apparently Adam doing a backflip is the keyproblem of this sport 🙃
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jennibeultimate · 8 months
Personal recap at European Championship - Pairs FS
I guess this is one of the best attended Pairs events all season or even of most European championships! Also Kaunas really impresses with the quality of filming and the flag thing is quite cool.
Can't say the result is what I wanted...
The favorites struggled, first Conti/Macii in the SP and now Mini and Nikita.... wasn't their Europeans but both are great teams and imo overall better than those that placed above them. Anyway congrats to the other two Italian teams! 🥳🇮🇹
CATS WON! 😸😻I am really happy for Matteo Guarise, a European medal on his 10th European championship! This team with Lucrezia Beccari works really well and I like the fun they have with the program - hate the music cuts though. I also like that with their age gap they don't portray a loving couple on ice but go for something different.
I am just glad Luka Berulava/Anastasia Metelkina didn't win honestly...I will never forgive him how he treated his former partner Karina Safina and dumped her so horribly when she was struggling. A silver on the first try as a new team is still admittedly a very good result. I really didn't like the program. I am all in for quirky but this was just weird. I also love Queen music usually but not on them...
Ghilardi/Ambrosini were great! 👏👏👏Finally a really good program for them! Europeans seems to be their competition. A medal last season, a medal this season! I also like the dark Bram Stoker theme, they sell it so well!
I am really sad about Minerva Hase/Nikita Volodin 😭😭😭 Their chemistry is spellbinding. And in such a short time they developed so well. Today they were too many mistakes but as they struggled with illness and couldn't train this much, it's still a good achievement honestly. Also pressure was certainly high coming in as GPF champions. This season is just a start to their career and I am really sure there is more greatness to follow! ❤️ How about winning Worlds??? (I may be a bit biased as Mini is from my hometown and her mother and grandparents greeted me at German Nats bc they remembered me from Nebelhorn Trophy 😅, but aside from my bias they just deserve the world)
Hocke/Kunkel also did the best they can in the current condition. 🫶 Robert Kunkel should probably not be skating at all with his severe back injury that also will not really heal if you carry a partner daily around. But I applaud him for not giving up. Annika shines bright like the sun, but she seems to have some mental problem with the 3S. She does them well in practice and well in warm-up and then doubles them in competition or falls. I swear if not for those jumps they would be top contenders for every international medal, but she really has to get her mental state together.
The Hungarian team Pavlova/Sviatchenko are technically superb. They lack a lot of connection to music but I think for the way they are they did well. I do think they were scored quite strictly compared to others but I think the final placement is right. Loved her reaction at the end of the program!
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