risukaiwaa · 4 years
eclogaa liked your post “woowie starter call?”
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 “Sorry. I’m broke too.” being a broke student is not something he’s proud of, he rather have a lot of money but not everyone can be born with tons of magic. “So I can’t pay for much.”  finding someone who didn’t wear a mask is odd. to say the least. 
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silentaint-a · 4 years
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❝ oh. i don’t go to school here. ❞ she can understand the confusion. she was roaming the halls of his school after all, and had it not been for her traditional outfit, she would’ve completely blended in.  ❝ do you know someone named shigeo kageyama? it’s my mission to find him. ❞
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nephiled · 4 years
                             send me tm if you think i’m quality / always acc / @eclogaa​
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🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 🥺 i wuv you bones!
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taiyodoroki · 4 years
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@eclogaa​ said: “Don’t you know to look before you cross a street?!” from simon sksksksk
you should’ve let him get hit || accepting!
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Apollo shouts in alarm as he’s pulled back by his collar, breath stuttering as a car zooms past him, honking. Letting out a startled - and very relieved - laugh (which came out more like a wheeze), Apollo feels his knees give out. He sinks to the ground, placing his hands on the sidewalk under him. That... was too close.
He looks up at the prosecutor who just saved his life from a dumb and untimely death. “I-I do-” he pants, voice cracking slightly, “- I do, but- I guess, uh, I f-forgot to...?” It’s a bit embarrassing to admit (an understatement), but he was too occupied with his thoughts to even realize he was crossing the street. His body was on autopilot until that little scare life just gave him. He stands up again, though his legs still feel like jelly.
“Thanks for the save, Prosecutor Blackquill.” He flushes in shame, eyes turned downwards to study the pavement. “And sorry for the trouble. That’s- I’m normally not that dumb...”
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theperfectpsychic · 4 years
reigen d1?? possessed boy ? owo
drawing meme || still accepting!
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"What's the matter, kid?"
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nephils-archive · 4 years
ship bias for lucina? uwu
                                           ship bias meme / acc / @eclogaa
okay so here we go.
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lucianne ( with @cursedcrest )
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taiyodoroki · 4 years
@kurainburdened​ replied to your post:
@cheerycheesecake replied to your post:
you did great aaaaaaaa, don’t feel bad about the arms, they’re fine
@eclogaa​ replied to your post:
no u
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kleinemeine-m · 4 years
#// Hey I've been hoarding this promo in my drafts and now I would like to post it and say that this blog is amazing #// You get Lang and Plum!! I love them both!! THERE'S SO MUCH THOUGHT PUT INTO EACH REPLY!! ALSO ART!! ❤❤❤
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vulpesse-arc · 4 years
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♡・゚: * WHAT DOES YOUR SOUL SOUND LIKE ?    ┊   selectively accepting.  ↳   @eclogaa​  has entered the fox den:   [slams desk] FAI'S SOUL
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How could she ever begin to describe some as complex and paradoxically beautiful as him  ?  Uncharacteristic is the silence that reigns ‘pon sweetened tongue, heavy and laden with a type of hesitation that would be more appropriate for the fluttering heart of a child than of that of a BEAST  ;  she feels hesitant, mayhap even timid, for it’s not in her nature to speak the truth. 
    ❝  A WATERFALL. Any creature of the wild and any traveler will tell you that the sound of water is the most soothing and most welcomed one, for water represents life and salvation, a constant state of change, a stream that cannot be stopped if only by violent and unnatural means. Approaching Fai is like searching for the sound of water, for that far away echo that promises repose and salvation and nourishment, a natural and wild hearth in which one can momentarily forget their concerns. But the closer you come, the louder the noise becomes... Until it’s deafening, overwhelming, too much to bear.  ❞
A pause, the ghost of a sad grimace crossing pale features.   ❝  It’s a beautiful waterfall... With countless skeletons in its depth, hidden by floating flowers and gentle waves. It’s difficult to grow accustomed to the sound of his soul, to the heaviness and aggravation of it, but once you do... IT BECOMES A SAFE HAVEN, a place that you wish you would never leave.  ❞
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theperfectpsychic · 4 years
safe UWU
send ‘safe’ to learn about a moment where your muse made my muse feel safe. || Accepting! Also full credit if anyone else sees this, I did get help from Bones to write a part
At his age the idea of a safe haven was MAYBE his mom doing something out of character by contacting him just to check in, miraculously lining it up with when he needed to have that comfort. It never happened but that's how he pictured it would be, if it ever existed. An ideation that teased him at every message she sent; every pitfall he took.
Going on dangerous jobs felt safe, of course. Yeah, it was linked to Mob's presence since the kid could zap any spirit away, but it wasn't really the same. That protection had to be a given. He was USING the esper even if it long since became friendlier and...yeah, he expected as much. That feeling of safety.
"Damn it," he DIDN'T cuss out loud around Mob. It was hushed. Reigen was tucked into the other room and out of every miracle in the world, he was hoping for the one where his mom would call his phone. Or, he figured he could settle with Serizawa walking in and stuttering through something awkward: anything that made him get out of his head.
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It was a former client with too much of the creep factor, that was all. Just someone that hated him so much and that wasn't new. But all the 'curses' specially delivered to his HOME. That was too far. That last letter put a physical presence on his back. Right where its author specified the curse would be.
Before he could take back that distant thought amongst the blood rushing in his ears, his own waterfall of panic, the door opened and he was afraid of the only comfort the world decided to grant him. Reigen whipped his whole body to face his guardian angel with some kind of rejection scripted into his brain but it wasn't Serizawa, he'd gotten his student!
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"Mob," he could only address the other at first. "Didn't I tell you to go home for the day?" Why did he even wrack his brain for that attempt—Mob reminded him that his REAL words were just that they hadn't gotten any more customers yet, they'd always stay open anyways in these situations; well, Reigen had MEANT to say that they'd be closing early for once because of the heat!
Reigen is obviously distressed at the moment and hey, ALTERNATIVELY, having that pointed out casually and indirectly just gets more distressed flailing and excuses out of him! He wanted to argue more but he's hardly processing this back and forth of their's because he's panicked—utterly afraid for once and ironically it's only when his student succeeds in coaxing out the root of his fear that he thinks that Mob can't help him.
"Let me look." But the youth cuts to the point and 'was there a way to fake a curse, like faking sickness or something?'
Nope. It goes like he expected. He could tell. There wasn't anything, Reigen was freaking out over nothing, a true fraud to let himself believe when the esper could see right away that there wasn't a curse sitting on the cheap fabric of the equally worn out man. No, Reigen knew it too, it was logical! That there was never a chance he would have gotten cursed for real by that person.
"Shishou. It's a strong curse."
... "Ah, you can't see it?" Mob nodded at Reigen's question, as calm as still water. It couldn't be this easy. Reigen knew, but he wasn't ready to think too hard about what lied beneath the surface: 'still' water being an ignorant and therefore rather suiting comparison.
(Reigen's constant lying hadn't rubbed off on Mob. Rather, it was hardly a lie if both parties innately knew the truth, while being aware that the other knew as well).
It's a regret the second Reigen asks it:
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"Well, what do you think I should do about it, student?" Because there's NO WAY Mob can answer, it's just Reigen being weak and unable to hide–
"Ummmm..That.. Wouldn't it help if you..uh.." That stumped the child. The determination he held, a will to keep trying until he succeeded, is what backed him into a corner.
Reigen wanted to laugh in relief that, as predicted, Mob was clueless in whatever invaluable sounding advice he scrambled to concoct in his honest little mind. Inspiring someone wasn't always about giving them the answer. Reigen should be familiar with that, so it was curious that it only came back at the sight of Mob working without that formula. He wanted to throw Mob a bone but his generosity was a thought too late.
"You should treat the symptoms. Um..Shishou likes to talk, so if that helps, you should talk. Then, remove the curse yourself."
If it was anyone else, that would have been an insult. As it was it felt nearly comforting. And on top of that, this wasn't the first time he found himself being supported by his student. However, "I like to talk a lot? Gee, thanks."
"You're welcome."
To be fair...Reigen did kinda mean it. "I WILL talk about it, but it's not really a 'simple' matter." Mob nodded once, slowly, in understanding. Reigen hadn't been sure where to begin, but he was never sure on matters of being honest and straight to the point. Or, whether the topic was too serious to relay to a middleschooler: which was just him underestimating Mob's maturity again, a bad habit.
Really, what he needed rather than a miracle was...this. Spirits and Such was already his sanctuary, and having someone to talk him through all his antics was a comfort. He hoped he wasn't selfish. He hoped he could return the feeling of being safe that warmed all the way through his chest.
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🎀 uwu
What does the mun have for a music taste? Do you like it?
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“some of the songs Yes. But in terms of her taste its really.... strange. She likes any music that reminds her of characters really or certain scenes she is writing. So- she also listens to video games soundtrack often. But she is also the same person who listen to the Yu-gi-oh gx theme song for over three hours on discord. on loop. Her taste in music and tolerance for the same song is interesting.” 
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⚌ ? :)
Munday Meme
⚌ Who inspires you?
~Like on tumblr or in general? Lol oh man, I don’t know if I can pick one person or anything right now. But honestly, anyone that stands up for the most vulnerable and underprivileged. Anyone that puts human values and life over selfish greed. I know this is super vague answer so I’m sorry I can’t just name one person but I honestly cannot think of one person.
On tumblr, I’d say it’s a variety of people rather than just one person or blog. It can honestly be a post here or a thread there. It would probably be more accurate to say that all of you inspire me ^^ ~
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ragemuses-moved · 4 years
✿ + ✽ !!! i love your unique characters & how well you play them, and i love the dynamics you've come up with and the plots ive seen you run !!!! :)
Positivity meme
✿: Your characterization
❋: Your use of side characters
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heartsunholy · 4 years
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@eclogaa​ said: asleep 4 harv and leah >:3c
sleepy thoughts // accepting
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She supposed, normally, most people wouldn’t be pleased if someone fell asleep while being shown their friend’s favorite movie. But it wasn’t just any friend. It was Harvey Lane. A man Leah had gotten to know a little better through their scheme to keep Kel at bay - including learning more and more how deep Harvey’s exhaustion truly ran. Dinner had turned to a relaxing night of staring at his small TV set, showing Harvey a movie she always enjoyed - and he had fallen asleep over the opposite arm of the couch.
And she looked at him fondly, pleased to see the wrinkles smooth over his perpetually furrowed brow. To see him look...relaxed. It’s what he deserves, far more than indulging Leah in her activity of choice. It’s a risky maneuver but Leah Rani Walsh has never truly been afraid of risk. And so, with the deft fingers of an artist, she slowly moves to pull the glasses from his face and set them on the side table.
She pads silently towards the stairs back down to the clinic but can’t resist one last glance, to make sure he hadn’t stirred. He hadn’t, and another fond smile graces her mouth.
“Good night, Harvey,” she whispers. “Sleep well.”
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