tunabesimpin · 1 year
Omg omg omg omg hi. HELLO HELLO, I BECAME A RECENT FAN OF YOUR BLOG. I really like your art style(especially the lipstick one) LOLOL and your ocs are really adorbs. TUNA & FLOYD = forever. And congrats on your milestonnnesssss!!! You deserve it 💪
I've been shying about the idea of sending you a art request (The sea-side party one) , cause like what if I mess up on it and stuff BUT I've finally gathered enough courage to send you it. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Please don't force yourself to do this particular request if you're not feeling like it btw!
Soooooo................... MY SECRET IS THAT I STILL DONT KNOW HOW TO SWIM :( I'm too scared of the deep waters 😬 so I'd probably just be sitting on my butt while drinking my coca cola! I would be wearing an extra large white T-shirt with blue swimming trunks and some sunglasses 😎 cause I look like a total boss with them on! My favorite color is Periwinkleeeee!!
I would be drinking my coca cola then suddenly, I would probably be flapping in the air trying to pull away from Floyd's strong grasp, HE WAS GOING TO THROW ME INTO THE OCEAN??!!
"Wait a damn second! Floyd LEECH, im bein serious! Don't betray me like this!!"
"Fugu-chan can't just sit around doin' nothing at a party as fun as this! >;D"
And then Jade would come up from the ocean and promise to catch me, obviously I wouldn't trust his cunning dumb ahh!
"Floyd is correct, please loosen up and have fun, Prefect-san."
"In that case, I promise I will catch you. Oh, and wouldn't you want your sunglasses back? They happened to fall while you were flailing around. :)"
"....... SOMEONE HELP A PERSON OUT! ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ"
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Hehe... I'm so bad at drawing that I just used picrew to give you a more accurate picture of my oc...
Her name is Jessica, nicknamed Fugu-Chan by Floyd! Shes a very energetic individual... (No worries about the ooc-ness, I would still love the effort and your generosity for doing this request.. JUST LIKE CROWLEY BUT BETTER!!)
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--- Despite all of Jessicas plans of staying on the shore and pleas to the leech twins, she somehow still ended up being dragged into the ocean.
"Ahaha~! Don't worry Jade is in there somewhere~" Floyd proudly remarked as he carried Jessica over his shoulder. The water was no longer shallow enough to see the bottom, no less see any sign of Jade nearby. Jessica clenched onto Floyd's back as she yelled "No way! No way! He's not even close! Just bring me back to shore!!!" Floyd rolled his eyes, letting Jessica's words roll through one ear and out the other. He finally stopped in his tracks and pulled Jessica forward enough to be face to face.
Floyd gave a pout and frowned "You really want to go back to the shore?" Despite Floyd's puppy-like face, Jessica was firm "YES." A sinister smile got rid of any sort of faux innocence the eel had tried to show "Too bad~" Without warning, Floyd chucked Jessica into the air towards the sea. She screeched with all her might as she braced herself for the water.
"My my, have you no trust in me at all?" Barely a toe in the water, Jessica peaked an eye open to see Jade somehow managed to catch her. Jade shed crocodile tears "I must say it's heartbreaking you belived we would abandon you here." Jessica blinked, still processing all that happened. At the sound of Floyd's maniacal laughter she finally came back to reality "You two!!! I'm going to barbeque you i swear! Don't you dare drop me!" ---
>V< Thank you for the kind words aaa you're submission was wonderful I appreciate your understanding sm!!! The way you wrote too was so fun to read I just had to play off of it too!!! >O< <3 Thank you for participating in the event I hope you enjoy!!! ^^
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h3apm3ch4n151m · 1 year
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@strawberrymilk-sunshine @sorryidontknowwhatimdoing @edajcheel @reniichu @queen-shiba @killersweetie
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tunabesimpin · 1 year
🐟 Tunas Sea-Side, Side Quest 🐟 [ Masterlist ]
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Thank you to everyone who participated! This was such a fun event to work on and I'm so thankful for everyone who joined in with their own works! Below is a compilation of everyone's submissions and works (if applicable) under their respective name! I highly encourage you to check them out! (you can also use search this tag to see all the lovely posts! #Tunasseasidesq )
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ashipiko | RSVP | ellovett | RSVP | Entry | bunnwich | RSVP | Entry | comingyoulugubriousness | RSVP | Entry | ceruleancattail | RSVP | yuus-sentient-teddy | RSVP | Entry | bre3dtoasty | Entry | nem0-nee | RSVP | Entry | the-trinket-witch | RSVP | Entry | dgttwisted | RSVP | Entry | remythejelly | RSVP | Entry | oreoskys | Entry | meerpea | RSVP | Entry | starry-night-rose | RSVP | robo-milky | RSVP | Entry | siren-serenity | RSVP | thesirenwashere | RSVP | moonlight-phobia | RSVP | souslesetoilesavectoi | RSVP | Entry | oseathepebble | RSVP | floople-doople | RSVP | Entry | fumikomiyasaki | RSVP | sonicsponge03 | RSVP | the-dumber-scaramouche | RSVP | merotwst | RSVP | edajcheel | RSVP | y-cherries | RSVP | m-twst-ocs | RSVP | pinkskybelle | RSVP | blueveildreaming | RSVP | the-v-lociraptor | RSVP | vaporvipermedia | RSVP | missputotyra | RSVP |
If you sent an ask or posted an entry under two different names, i combined them to one! If you want the name changed to the other user feel free to comment! If you also find that something is missing or not the correct link please feel free to dm me so i can fix it! ^v^
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Unfortunately I will have to abstain from creating a final drawing with everyone's OC in it, as that's about 33-58 characters to fit on one canvas! O^O and i am much too weak to try and do that! LOLOL Instead i offer thanks for such a fun time and warm receptance to this whole event! it was amazing to see everyone's submissions!
Until next time! I hope everyone has a fun summer!
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