#edd is helping him to the correct bathroom guys
artificialalienn · 2 years
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Trans man tord is so real to me
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themeanbeanwrites · 7 years
Spooky kisses tordmatt (sfw)
Since @the-milk-was-expired was so thirsty for this fic I decided to post it here also I would've posted it sooner but tumblr was being a bitch
Matt was in the bathroom applying red lipstick for his Marilyn Monroe costume, Edd was showing off his cat costume to Tom (who was dressed as a skeleton). Tord was still in his room putting on his costume, which was of course tuxedo mask. Tord soon had his costume on and headed toward the living room, which was getting set up for a Halloween party...well not really a party just four losers eating food and playing games ment for 12 year old slumber parties...anyway Tord couldn't help see Matt angrily reapplying his lipstick as he walked past the bathroom. Tord just stood there admiring Matt in that iconic white dress, his bare legs sticking out. Tord just stared well until Matt noticed, "uh can I help you Tord?" Matt asked a tint of pink on his cheeks. Tord blinked blankly snapping back into reality. "Oh uh I just really like you're costume! Uh who are you supposed to be?" Tord asked obviously already knowing the answer. "Oh I'm that famous american actor...uh Marilyn Monhoe!" Matt exclaimed "You mean Monroe?" Tord corrected. "Uh yeah! Anyway what do you think about my costume?" Matt asked turning completely toward Tord, his dress twirling slightly. Tord could feel the blood rush to his face, "Y-yeah you look great, but doesn't she have blond hair?" Matt gasped "you expect me to hide this beautiful natural ginger hair! Never!" "I was just- "Hey guys are you ready yet the party is about to start!" Edd yelled across the house. "Yeah we're coming!" Matt yelled back walking to the living room, Tord followed. "Sorry I took so long makeup was a nightmare" Matt chuckled. "What are we going to be doing tonight anyway?" Tord asked. "Oh I figured we'd play some games then watch a movie!" Edd explained. "What kind of games?" Matt asked. "Since Tom let me borrow his smirnoff bottle I'd figure we'd play spin the bottle!" "Ew edd that's gross...and gay" Tom groaned. "Yeah and I what if I got tom!?! There's no way I'm kissing that thing" Tord rudely remarked pointing to Tom. Edd scoffed "fine we won't play it but we can still play seven minutes in heaven!" "Isn't that worse?!" Tom asked slight worry in his tone. "No all you have to do is stay in a closet for seven minutes....it's up to you what you do in there" Edd wiggled his eyebrows as he said that last part. After a pause of silence everyone sat down in a circle, Matt across from Tord, and Tom across from Edd, with Matt sitting next to Edd and Tom and Tord sitting next to eachother. "Alright who should spin?" Tord spoke breaking the silence. "You should!" Edd answered quickly "Why me?!?" "Cause you asked" Tord sighed and grabbed the bottle placing it in the middle of the circle and spinning it. The brunette could feel heart pounding as he nervously watched the bottle spin rapidly around and around, till slowly slowing down then finallg stopping on.... ....Matt Tord could feel his face heat up under his mask. "OK IN THE CLOSET" Edd yelled opening the coats closet. "W-wait!- Tord managed to stutter before Tom shoved him and Matt the closet and slamming the door. Tord was now basically touching touching noses, so close they could feel each other's breathing. After what seemed like an entirety of slience Matt finally spoke "T-tord can I kiss you?" Tord could feel his entire face heat up, he nodded unable to speak. Matt reached and took Tord's mask off revealing Tord's red face and wide grey eyes. Matt dropped the mask and grabbed Tord's face gently pressing his lips against Tord's. Tord kissed back feeling lipstick stain his lips.
The ginger pulled back only to plant kisses all over the Norwegian's face. "M-matt stop you're getting lipstick everywhere" Tord weakly spoke, Matt didn't acknowledge him though he just kept giving small kisses making the smaller male groan and squeak in embarrassment. Soon seven minutes have past, of course Matt and Tord wouldn't know because they were too busy smooching. Edd unknowingly opened the door, "alright guys time to- woah" Edd blushed. Matt and Tord stared back both clearly embarrassed. "If we left them in there any longer they'd be fucking" Tom chuckled. After Edd and Tom made fun of Matt and Tord for a good solid ten minutes they went on with the night, ignoring all the lipstick stains on Tord's face.
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