#eddie munson burb
Join the heist
Author: Storybelle
Rating/Warning: General
Chapter Count: 1/1
This is by far the weirdest crew that Chrissy has ever encountered.
It was supposed to be an easy job. Break into the office building and steal a bunch of papers. It shouldn’t even require much of a crew…and yet somehow their client managed to hire five of the strangest people that she’s ever seen.
And as the world’s best thief, she’s seen a few.
Tags: Alternate Universe- no vecna, leverage au, criminals, slow-burb, mutual pining, we need more of this, more please, PLEASE, Chrissy POV, one-shot, for now...., status: Completed
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storiesbyrhi · 2 months
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Eddie Munson x Reader 1,606 words
Warnings: recreational drug use.
Synopsis: A short meet-cute featuring crossed paths, Argyle's weed, probable soulmates, and Fangoria magazine.
Author’s Note: Set in 1990. No Upside Down AU.
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He is the last to get on the train. Patiently waiting his turn. Smiling politely at the other commuters. You watch him step off the platform into the carriage. He opts to stand against one of the poles, letting others take the vacant seats. He surveys his surroundings. It is at this moment his eyes lock with yours.
Instead of pretending like you’d only just glanced at him or nodding a casual acknowledgment, you look away too quickly. You feel yourself flush.
As the train finally pulls into your stop, you’ve used all your willpower not to look back his way. All that willpower amounts to little; as you stand, preparing to leave, you feel him staring. His gaze pulls yours back to him.
He flashes a brilliant smile, then ducks out the opening doors before you can clock his blushing cheeks.
You’re not a romantic by nature. Yes, you are prone to fits of fancy and the occasional delusional daydream, but you don’t find yourself frequently lusting after pretty people on the train. Beauty is viewed with a matter-of-factness rather than a force of attraction itself.
Some people are funny.
Some people are clever.
Some people are hot.
Some people are whatever.
And it isn’t as if this makes you less shallow or more holy than anyone else. It kind of just makes you a little more detached. Yes, you’ve dated. But there were never big, big feelings. No traumatic breakups. It had all been textbook mediocre.
It is all this knowledge of yourself that comes to the forefront of your mind as you lament the loss of the man in the crowd.
You track his fluffy hair through the station, but he is gone by the time you get to the city street. The sun is setting, a twilight glow making all the shadows seem worthy of an art gallery.
The man is gone. His dark eyes. Kind smile. His stupid t-shirt. What was it? The Burbs. That’s it. The Tom Hanks movie from last year.
Why are you still thinking about him?
The guy. Not Tom Hanks.
You walk slowly, in the city way too early for the party your friend from college, Robin, is hosting. Time to kill.
In a 7-Eleven you stand at the drinks refrigerator with too much consideration. Too much effort. Dr Pepper will always win over Coke. Flipping through magazines in the rack pulls you through a couple more minutes.
It occurs to you that the old record store a few blocks from Robin’s is open late. They have better magazines.
The neon sign sparkles against the darkening skyline as you turn onto the store’s street. Lured like a moth to a flame, you’re inside and pulling Fangoria from the stand before taking a second to look around.
There are a few customers browsing, one with a punk magazine ordered especially from the UK in his lap as he reads from the floor. You wonder if it might make more sense for the owners to open a library.
A music library would be cool, you think, as you look over at the counter.
You can identify them both.
The guy behind the counter has dead straight longer hair and one of the best speaking voices you’ve ever heard. Argyle works days mostly, since he delivers pizzas by night. He must be covering a shift for someone. Or maybe the night guy is late.
Opposite Argyle, leaning on the counter with a familiarity that tells you he has been here plenty of times before, is the man from the train. Though he isn’t facing you, the Dio patch and hair are a giveaway.
What are the fucking odds?
Fangoria back in the rack, you creep through the aisles, trying not to draw attention to yourself. When you get close to the counter, you listen to their conversation. They’re funny.
Argyle’s brand of humor is easy and irreverent. It’s how he ends up befriending everyone, including you and Robin. And, as it were, the man from the train. Train guy’s banter is far more purposeful, performative. He’s dramatic, or maybe it seems like that in contrast to laid back Argyle.
They’re talking about music but suddenly switch to films. Bill & Ted. Even more suddenly, they break out into impersonations.
It’s too late to catch your laugh. Far too late to pretend it was a coughing fit. The man turns around. He beams as he recognizes you. It’s almost enough to keep you there. Almost.
“Hey-” Argyle goes to greet you.
“Sorry. Hi. I’ve gotta go,” you say.
“See you at Robin’s later?”
“Yeah. Yep. Bye!” and you’re out the door before Argyle can think to introduce you.
This feeling is so foreign to you. You feel all gooey and icky, like maybe your skin is going to start to fizz and slick off your body. Stupid, pretty train boy, you think.
It’s still too early for Robin’s, so you detour to a bar and order a drink in a vain attempt to settle yourself.
Stupid, pretty train boy.
Four hours later.
“I jus’… Can it come closer? It’s too… too far away?”
Robin looks at you. If you look back, you would see the face of a woman equal parts amused and bored. But you physically cannot look away from the television. And the television seems to be getting further and further away.
“Quick… Robin… It’s going!” you whine. The television set is as small as your palm. You hold your hand up to compare it. “So, so small…”
“You, my friend, are so profoundly high. Argyle gave you that new shit?”
“Says try with pineapple,”
“I-What? Pineapple?”
“Says try before you deny,”
“Alright. I’m calling it. You need some time out.”
Suddenly, you are floating through Robin’s place. A conversation about whether you are okay by yourself floats along with you. Yes, you would be okay. You like rolling around in bed, high as a kite. The party is winding down anyway. You’d not be alone for long.
Alone, you play three games of I-Spy. The loser and the winner. You starfish out on the bed and make imaginary snow angels. Time passes. Maybe. You’re not sure. Then, you see the room explode into view. The light has been switched on and you yelp, diving for cover under a pillow.
Voices. The weight of someone being dropped into bed next to you.
Robin calling your name. So far away. “You alive in there?” she asks.
“Ah-huh,” you confirm.
Then, quiet. You emerge from under the pillow like a field mouse from its burrow. They had left you in darkness but for him, a bedside lamp has been left on. He doesn’t know Robin’s bedroom like you.
He is lying on his back staring up at the ceiling. In profile, he is just as pretty. You want to drive a little Matchbox car down his forehead and use his nose as a jump. Evel Knievel style. The thought makes you giggle, which makes him turn his head. He looks at you, blinking twice.
“I wondered where you went,” he admits. He rolls onto his side, tucking his hands under his head like a pillow. “Hi,”
“Bit weird seeing you again,”
“Bit weird,” you parrot.
He smiles. “Why’d you get sent to the naughty room?”
Your answer, or lack thereof, answers the question.
“Argyle not warn you properly about the Californian stuff?”
You shake your head.
He laughs, so you laugh. He wriggles a little closer.
“Hi,” he whispers, sticking out a pinky finger. You watch as he hooks it around yours.
When did you move to mirror his body? When did he arrive at the party? Was he here for you? No. Silly. So silly. That would be silly.
“You’re getting small… Like the television,” you tell him.
“Oh… I don’t want to get small… If I come closer, will I get big again?” He doesn’t wait for an answer. This close you can see his pale freckles. The tired purple under his eyes. The almost-wrinkles that are born of laughter. Long eyelashes.
“Long eyelashes?” he asks.
You snort, giggle, lost and happy.
“I need you to know I did not follow you here,”
“I’m friends with Argyle,”
“Okey dokey,” you nod.
He holds in laughter, so you do too.
“I didn’t follow you either,”
“To Vinyl City? But you were eavesdropping.” It isn’t an angry accusation. It’s not really a question either. Still, you nod. “I’d be okay with it if you were following me. For the record,” he states, rather emphatically. 
He watches you watch him. He makes you feel as if you are getting higher and sobering up at the same time.
“I’m Eddie,”
“Are you?”
“Yeah. Last I checked,”
“What’d you check?”
“Ah… Birth certificate?”
“Says Eddie?”
“Well… Edward.”
You giggle. Eddie’s heart flutters so hard it feels like nausea.
“Hi… Eddie,”
“Hi. Do you have a name?” He already knows it. He just wants to hear you say it.
You nod.
Eddie laughs. “Tell me your name?”
You do. Because he asked.
“So… Three times… Coincidence?”
“No,” you shake your head. You don’t know what three times he’s talking about. “That’s two. Two’s a coincidence,”
“What’s three then?”
You can’t remember. You shrug, which makes Eddie laugh, which makes you laugh. A repeated cycle.
“I think it means something,” he asserts.
“So do I,”
“Do you? Or are you just a little bit high?”
“Can it be both?”
Eddie makes a show of thinking. “It can. I’ll allow it.” He grins. “So, it means something?”
“It means something,” you agree.
End Note: I've been struggling to write post-Burning Yarrow. So, this was just a little something to try to get back on the horse. Soulmate meet-cutes are my bread and fucking butter.
I have some very vague ideas for a part two of this, but idk if it will amount to much. Lemme know your thoughts and feelings.
Eddie Taglist: solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @sweetpeapod @thorfemmes  @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob  @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @mel-the-fangirl @eddies-hid3out @siren-lungs @aheadfullofsteverogers @hiscrimsonangel @dashingdeb16 @cultish-corner
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ebaylee422 · 1 year
Labored Love
Eddie x Reader
Draft Valentine Blurb, Fluff
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Author’s Note: A cute little valentine’s day burb that needs to see the light of day since I’ve lost interest but I headcannon hard that Eddie’s Mama is Latinx because how did this poor trailer living man get such nice hair even when wet if it weren’t for his heritage. Enjoy the fluff of our beloved Munson Men
Word Count: 1.2 K
“Happy Valentine's Day, M’lady.” He opened the door to the trailer lined with rose petals from the door to his bedroom. 
“Oh Eddie this is so precious!” I jump to hug him, a flash from the hallway interrupts. Turning to see Wayne ready for work, holding a polaroid camera up to his line of sight.
“Welcome to the Love Shack, now big kiss you love birds!” I have to move Eddie’s hair behind his ear to kiss him. Another flash happens and he doesn’t let go until I pat his shoulder needing air,
“Thanks for staying,” he walks over to Wayne taking the polaroids from the counter and looking through them.
“Hi, Y/N.”
“Hi Uncle Wayne, Happy Valentine's Day.” I say kissing his cheek, giving him a huge hug before reaching into my bag, ”Now I know you don’t like presents but this is food so it doesn’t quite count. It’s just to show how grateful I am to be a part of your family.”
“Please, Wayne! I insist, open it.” I begged, bouncing with excitement giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes like Eddie said.
“Eddie, why didn’t you talk her out of this?” He turns to the boy leaning on the counter,
“Believe me I tried, she even got me to aid her in this torment! She’s very persuasive.” Shaking his head Wayne opens the box of homemade empanada’s, his brow furrowed in confusion looking at Eddie with a giant grin. He adjusts his stance turning to me again,
“Did you make these?” He asks with glossy eyes, all I could do is nod in response. 
“I know you don’t like sweets, but they’re actually quite savory like Eddie promised. The filling is Pork and Apples-” He sets the box on the end table near me, picking me up in his arms into a bone crushing hug. Closing my eyes, I hugged him just as tightly back.
Even if Wayne wasn’t Eddie's biological father, he always wanted to be and he became him. In every other imaginable way, they took care of and loved each other as father and son. Even welcoming me as his own too, despite my flaws and struggles. The love I felt for Wayne, the closest thing I’ll have for a father for a long time coming. It is indescribable and natural, a tear escaped my closed eyes as hard as I tried to push the emptiness down of losing that person. Dad and Jim, they weren’t coming back but god did Wayne love me just as fiercely as they would. He shook out a laugh and crushed ‘thank you’ into my shoulder, setting me back down. Pulling away, he wiped a hand down the length of his face and squeezed my bicep. Stepping towards his nephew, giving him the same embrace only unable to pick up his boy now. 
“I love you, Son.” He told Eddie, loud enough for me to hear through the swell of emotion in the room. Eddie buried his face into Wayne’s shoulder, dipping his head in agreement.
“I love you too, Dad.” Their arms loosened around each other, Wayne pushed Eddie's hair out of his face. Holding his face tightly, pinching his nose to stop the onset of more tears he turned back around.
“If these are half as good as your mother’s, which I couldn’t imagine a world they aren’t. And you don’t marry that woman-” He started, pointing a finger at me standing in the entryway. Eddie held his up in surrender, eyebrow hidden under his overgrown bangs and tongue poking out of his closed lips. 
“Then and only then will you be sleeping outside in that van of yours, while we eat these all to ourselves.” He clapped Eddie on the back turning to his box of goodies, with a joval smile plastered to his face. Taking out three, passing them amongst us.
“Now this was my third attempt, I’m still struggling with the dough to filling ratio and not burning them-” Neither of them were listening as they bit into the empanada’s, each respectively had a unique shape of their own but the thought clearly made it all worth the while. When both of them shared respective groans and nods of approval,
“This batch is delicious!” Eddie said through the remaining mouth full of his, sighing in relief I took out another large tupperware of them from the tote.
“Good because Steve, Robin and the kids are sick of eating them.” Eddie squealed in excitement, kissing my cheek.
“I love you.” He looked like his heart were about to explode any minute,
“Shit!” Wayne said, looking at his watch, grabbing the rest of his definite lunch for the first time in a long time for his shift ahead of him. Walking around where Eddie and I blocked in the small space, patting him on the back and kissing me on the cheek as he went for his work boots at the door. “Thank you children, but if I stay any longer than I insisted tonight for photos my team will string me up. Or worse, think I was enjoying myself for once in ten years. Be good! No noise complaints, please!” He ran out the door of the trailer, starting up his truck making his tires skid on the gravel pathway out of the park.
“Too much?” I giggled watching from the side window, empanada still in hand.
“Nah, he’s old with a heart of gold. He’ll never forget it. Now me on the other hand?” His hand on my waist twisted me to be face to face with him, lips still swollen from the car from this angle I could make out every fine line and beauty mark on his face. The small scar above his eye from falling as a child. The closed batched ear piercing in his left ear when he was going through a faze. They way his lashes kissed the faint dark circles under his eyes, eyes of molten chocolate swirls to sweet for this world.
“You?” I choked, drunk on him already.
“Yes, you nearly got me in trouble little miss!” He squished my sides in his hands, making me gasp with faux distress.
“Oh no...” I shook my head pouting to hide my laugh,
“Yep, what are we gonna do about that?” His nose crunched adorably, hugging me to his waist.
“Guess you’ll just have to marry me Munson, that way you’ll never have to sleep  in that Van while you uncle and I enjoy my cooking.” I cupped his face in my hand, soft and smelling of the aftershave he used before dinner.
“I will marry you one day,” His lips cascaded over mine in a barely there gesture, a promise, “Marry you so hard.” He smiled against my lips before dipping further to close the distance.
“Good thing you a man of your word.” I rubbed our noses together unable to contain my smile.
“Yes Wayne taught me well.”
“Indeed he did, but maybe you can indulge in some of the naughty thing I taught you?” My hands smoothed down his shirt on his chest, quickly before he swept my feet from under me in a feat of passion and strength.
“Yea Ma’am! 86′ is definitely my year baby!” He yelled as he dragged me to his room,
“Eddie! No noise complaints!” I laughed clapping his shoulders on the way to the rest of our lives.
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uglypastels · 2 years
Hello 😊
How about Eddie having a huge crush on the reader but he’s unsure if she feels the same. when one day he comes in early to set up for hellfire and he finds her reading the players handbook like taking notes and stuff trying to learn more about D&D so she can surprise him and play the game he loves. Things get fluffy and it leads to a big confession and kiss 😭 I hope you have a wonderful day!!
ok but this. i love this. i swear you guys come up with the best damn ideas for fics <33 and i just hope i can deliver. (also shit, i completely forgot about the kiss etc. but if people want a pt.2 to this, i am more than happy to oblige, just hmu)
no explicit warnings. swearing.
Eddie Munson requests open // support your local writers and reblog+comment
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Chapter 1: Join the Dark Side
Eddie made his way through the hallway. The chain on his jeans clinked with each step– steps, which in turn echoed through the empty corridor. It was an hour before Hellfire would start, so obviously, none of the other members had arrived at the school yet, and everyone else was most likely across campus, on the bleachers watching whatever sports game was happening that evening. So no one would be in this part of the school. 
That’s what Eddie thought, at least. 
He opened the heavy doors to the drama room. It had become an unofficial meet-up spot for Hellfire, primarily because of all the props that the Drama club had left behind from earlier productions. His favourite, of course, had become the large throne he liked to sit in whilst in the game.
Most days, whenever he could, Eddie would be sure to come at least an hour earlier just to finalise the specifics of the upcoming session. Of course, he had planned the entirety of the campaign months in advance, as he liked to put details in to bring back in the later sessions, but he was a perfectionist. He would spend the upcoming hour setting up his place at the table with all the books and files he had made for the forthcoming story. He would reread his notes, perhaps add in something he had thought of at the moment or cut something out he had doubts about. So, easy to say, he needed that extra hour before game time. 
But when he walked into the drama room, he noticed something was off, as the lights in the room were on. Not the usual dimmed ones the club uses, but the bright overhead lighting gave the entire room a yellow and artificial glow. 
He noticed you. Sitting on the ground against the wall, a large book in your lap, absolutely absorbed in it. To the extent that you didn’t see or even notice him walking up to you. Only when he said “Hi” did you scream and jump up. 
‘Woah, sorry,’ he chuckled, ‘didn’t mean to scare you.’ 
‘No, it’s fine,’ you coughed, closing your book quickly, trying to stuff it into your bag. But Eddie had already seen the title, and his interest peaked. 
‘Is that… the Basic Set?’ He pointed at the Dungeons and Dragons rulebook you were holding, the giant dragon on the cover not really allowing you to deny it. 
‘Uhm, yeah, I was just… I don’t know.’ You pushed it into your backpack, zipping it up quickly. ‘I should go anyway; the game is gonna start soon, so…’ you trailed off, not having anything else to add. You just got up, threw the backpack over your shoulder and walked past Eddie, leaving him dazed and confused. Only when you were almost at the door did he speak up. 
‘You´re y/n, right?’ 
‘yeah,’ you answered. You didn’t need to ask him back. If the Hellfire Club shirt and the untamed hair hadn’t been enough of a giveaway, maybe the smell of weed would have been. Though no one would admit it, everyone at Hawkins High knew Eddie Munson. One way or another. Maybe just in the passing of conversation, but that guy was infamous around your school. You had never talked to him, properly, before that moment, for various reasons, mostly because of what you had heard about him from your friends. It was better to not hang around the likes of him and his other freak friends. 
So, when he walked up closer to you, you could feel your heart pounding faster and faster. You told yourself, there was nothing to be scared of. He was just a guy… a very attractive one, at that. You couldn’t lie to yourself. Something about him appealed to you; even if every cell in your body told you it was wrong, you were attracted to him. And maybe that was the reason your curiosity with this game of his had started. 
It started, to be exact, during a certain lunch period. You were walking towards your locker to put away your books from the earlier classes and retrieve your lunch to eat outside. Eddie had been standing only a few feet away when you reached the spot. He was talking to someone, both of them wearing identical Hellfire shirts. As you unlocked your locker, you couldn’t help but listen to what they were talking about. Now, you couldn’t remember what the conversation was about anymore, but they had mentioned stuff that sounded just like a fantasy book or movie. Something that, unknown to your friends, you had seen and read a lot of. It was such an easy way to escape from the hell living in Hawkins. 
Hearing them talk about it for the extended time needed to get your lunch out of your locker was enough for you to get hooked. You weren’t sure what exactly, but you were intrigued by the idea. A quick search in the yearbook for their little “Hellfire Club” told you enough. It was a Dungeons and Dragons club.
A few weeks later, when you finally made an excuse for your friend not to hang out, you went to the library and to your surprise, found an entire dust-covered shelf filled with manuals and rulebooks. You had no real intention of playing, but just wanted to know what the whole thing was about. 
That led you to the Drama club classroom an hour before the big game, catching some alone time to read a few more pages of the book. You hadn’t even realised you had trespassed into the unofficial Hellfire lair. 
Eddie had crossed the room now. He had his arms crossed, tapping his fingers on his bicep. 
‘Would you– are you interested in playing?’ 
‘No,’ you said, probably too quickly. Not intending to insult him, you corrected yourself, ‘I just… was just reading into it. Don’t really know how to play.’ 
‘I can teach you,’ he smiled. ‘It’s not that hard, especially if you’ve got the background information already,’ he cocked his head in the direction of your backpack. 
‘No, I don’t want to bother you–’
‘I didn’t mean now, if that’s what you were going for. I’ve got a campaign to run.’ He said, and you noticed his backpack left on one of the larger tables in the room. 
‘You’re running for class president?’ you asked, to which he started laughing. Then you remembered: a campaign was the game, the story they played. ‘Wow, ok, that was dumb of me,’ you laughed at yourself. 
‘It’s almost finished though,’ Eddie continued once his laughter died. ‘Maybe another session or two, depending on how much the rest decides to wise up. Then we’ll be starting a new one, and it might be easier for you to get started… if you’d like.’ He spoke slowly, cautiously, as if the wrong word would scare you off like a hunter stepping on a twig and scaring off his prey. And perhaps, you would have run of. The door wasn’t a foot away from you. At any given time, you could have told him to piss off and you could have walked away. Who did he think you were? Trying to get you to join his cult. 
Well, you were the person to do exactly that. You had already read enough to see that nothing the media was saying was true. It was a harmless, pretty fun-looking, game, that clearly had a very strong community around it. 
But it didn’t matter what you wanted. If your friends would ever find out that you were spending your evenings with Eddie “the Freak” Munson and his squad of cult members, playing some game where you would kill monsters with dice… you would never see the light of day again. 
‘I don’t even have a character sheet,’ you tried to use that as an excuse, but Eddie wasn’t buying it. Instead, the corners of his lips tightened in a smirk. 
‘The fact you even know what a character sheet is, sweetheart, tells me more than enough.’ He was findings this very amusing. There you were, one of the most preppy students in all of Hawkins High, holding tight on to your backpack strap hiding what most of the people you knew would almost consider illegal contraband. He could practically see the gears in your head turning, fighting the urge to join him on the dark side… not that you would even know what it meant… although, you had already surprised him aplenty in the few minutes you spent together. He wasn’t against one more revelation. 
‘How about my house, over the weekend? I got nowhere else to be.’ 
‘I-’ you didn’t know what to say. 
‘Scared your boyfriend will be upset if we hang out?’ He looked up at you from behind his eyelashes, reading your face for a reaction. 
‘I don’t have a boyfriend.’ You were earnest in your response, maybe too earnest. But Eddie didn’t seem phased. Nothing of his following reaction sounded as if you had just past some kind of test or trick he tried to put up. He just nodded, maybe shrugged a little. 
‘So, what do you think?’ He held his hand out for you to shake. You stared at it, probably for too long, inspecting the rings on his fingers. 
‘I really got to go.’ And with that, you pulled the door open and ran off. It was true, you had agreed with your friends to meet at the game, and you were most likely running late, but your sudden exit had more to do with the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach, a tightness that was rising all the way up to your chest... your throat. You didn’t know what to do, so– you ran. 
You were almost at the exit leading to the fields, too, two corridors away, when you finally stopped running and an immense feeling of guilt spilt over you. What you had done was ridiculous, and extremely rude. Eddie had been so nice to you, so welcoming, and you just shut him down and ran away as if he was some psycho trying to lure you into a dark basement. 
Eddie sat down at the table, trying to replay everything that just had happened in the room. Little made sense of it, but then again, when did things in his life ever make sense? 
He pulled his campaign folder out of his bag. A thick and black dossier, with the Hellfire symbol, scratched onto it with a marker. Inside, a collection of scraps of paper with millions of his ideas scribbled into them. A system that would only make sense for the craziest of minds: his own. 
He flipped through the pages when the door of the room opened again. He met your eyes and saw how out of breath you looked but how you tried to keep your composure. But most importantly, he saw your smile, your excitement. 
‘You should probably give me your address,’ you said, still one foot at the threshold, ‘you know, if you want to meet up.’ 
(masterlist linked in bio)
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storiesbybean · 2 years
This fix is very long so here’s a lil burb from what I have finished.
Feel the music blurb
Eddie Munson x deaf!F!Reader
“Yeah, you drunks, listen to your queen.” The words didn’t hit your left side ear but clearly they’d hit all your friends cause they just stared at him. Like a spell was over them, all at once they stopped acting like idiots and got in the car very normal.
You turned to see who’d gotten them to behave and had to smile. The mess of sweat pressed curls stuck to his neck and forehead, his hands held his amp in one and his case in the other. He didn’t have to help you out but much to your relief he had.
“Thank you, they’re a little out of it.” You walk just a smidge closer to see his face better. “Your show was really good, you guys are better than this place realizes.”
A flaming flush went over the pale of his cheeks. Eddie smiled real big and shifted in his sneakers. “You really liked it?”
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camaro-and-smokes · 2 years
Let's All Get Together - Is She for Real? Part 11
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Warnings for this chapter: Neil being an ass Contains: Angst, mentions of past trauma, boys kissing, feels, domestic fluff, fluff, babies Characters: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, mentions of Nancy Wheeler & Eddie Munson, ofcs, Steve's parents
Links to all chapters on tumblr on Part 1 >>
Read on AO3 >>
Billy was checking his hair and outfit in front of the full length mirror in Steve's mom's walk-in closet before the guests to their get together were about to arrive. Steve came looking for Billy, and when he saw him, he stopped to appreciate the sight: Billy was wearing his ripped black jeans with a studded belt, and Steve liked these particular jeans because they hugged all the right places. Billy's shirt with black and white magazine cut print left nothing to imagination either with it having three top buttons open. "I really wanted to wear the silk shirt. But it's a bitch to get cleaned if Emma burbs on it," Billy said scrunching his nose when he saw Steve in the mirror. "Babe, you look stunning," Steve said and hugged Billy from behind. He bit Billy in the neck playfully. "Do you think we have time for a quickie?" he whispered. When Steve's hand started to stray under the rim of Billy's jeans, Billy grabbed it and laughed biting his tongue, knowing well it did things to Steve. "No, we don't, pretty boy." "How's Em?" Steve asked, not letting go of Billy but nodding at the direction of the baby monitor on the dressing table. "Not a peep. I have to go and wake her up so that she can eat before people start to show up. Maybe she then stays awake for a while.” "No, I'll go. You take your time with that fine ass of yours," Steve said giving a kiss on Billy's cheek and a smack on his ass, and left to get his girl.
Steve was in the living room finishing Emma's feeding when first of the guests started to arrive. The usual suspects arrived first: Nancy with her husband and Christina, now a toddler, Eddie with very pregnant Chrissy, and Dustin with his girlfriend. Billy beat Steve in hugging and welcoming everyone as he just walked down the stairs when they came in. Steve couldn't be happier to see the wide smile Billy had on his face when their friends congratulated him for the fatherhood.
"So, here is your precious," Eddie said as he and Chrissy came to greet Steve and Emma. Eddie tilted his head to look at Emma who was resting on Steve's shoulder. "Wow. Those are the bluest eyes, you weren't kidding. Does she keep you two awake?" "Not so far, no. But we've had her home for only two nights so far. Plenty of sleepless nights ahead I'm sure. So, when is your due time? Not long now I assume?" "Still a month to go," Chrissy said, "But with twins it's probably any day now." Eddie shook his head. "I'm horrified already now." Steve laughed. "Trust me, I know what you mean." Eddie glanced back at the hall where Billy was greeting Christina. "So, does he know or have you managed to keep everything under wraps?" Steve shook his head. "No, he has no idea." "It's probably a good thing that you have Emma as a bumper," Eddie smiled. "Yeah," Steve laughed, "I might get - no, I would most definitely - get my ass kicked otherwise for setting everything up."
Billy was still in the hall when Max walked in. "Well I'll be damned. What the hell are you doing here, brat? Or should I say Aunt brat? Shouldn't you be on the other side of the country?" he asked grinning. When Max didn't smile or say anything, Billy's expression turned sour. ”Motherfucker,” he said under his breath, and started towards the door. Steve had just come to the hall to greet people and seeing Max, Billy's reaction told him everything he needed to know. ”Billy! Billy, stop! Don't do anything rash. Nothing you'll regret! Fuck!” Steve shouted after him, scaring Emma who started to cry. ”Mom, take her,” Steve said and gave Emma to her nana, and ran after Billy, who was already out of the door. ”What's going on?” Steve's mom shouted after Steve. ”Neil.”
When Steve reached Billy he was halfway the driveway. Neil was standing in the end of it with a smug smile on his face. Steve grabbed Billy's arm to stop him, but Billy turned and twisted Steve's arm so that he had no option but to release his grip. ”This is between me and him!” he growled to Steve. ”Stay the fuck away!” Billy turned, and walked to the perimeter of the lot where Neil's restraining order against Steve's mom was still effective, and stopped right in front of him. ”What the fuck are you doing here?” Billy snarled. ”I'm here to see my granddaughter.” ”You have no granddaughter," Billy said dryly. ”You listen. I have the right to...” Neil started with the tone that so many times preceded a beating session in the past.
Billy had imagined this moment many times, and savoured on the violence he would inflict on Neil. He let out a bitter laugh. ”It's so funny, your being here, thinking that you have any rights to anything.” He squinted and leaned forward. “I haven't had a father since you first hit me. I haven't had a mother since she had the epiphany of leaving you and leaving me behind, with you. So, my daughter doesn't have grandparents from my side,” he sneered. He clenched his teeth, and pointed a finger at Neil, keeping it well away from touching the man even when they were standing just a feet apart. ”If you ever try to come close to her, try to see her at kindergarten or school, as long as I live...Now, pay attention and do it well, Neil: If you ever even try to get close to her, I will, and mark my words, I will kill you.”
Steve had walked cautiously behind Billy, and saw that Neil was seething. But he knew that Neil wouldn't do anything while he with Eddie and Dustin, who had by now ran to his side to see the situation through and help if needed, were present. ”I have nothing to say to you. We're done,” Billy spat. ”I can make a case out of it,” Neil taunted Billy. Steve reached his hand out and put it gently on Billy's upper arm, never taking his eyes off Neil. ”Billy, let it go,” he said. ”He has no rights over her, or you." He pulled Billy gently towards him, and Billy took few steps backward, but clearly not quite ready to leave yet. ”Yeah, have your boyfriend save you. Again,” Neil sneered. Steve felt Billy tensing up under his grip, fast, and taking the two steps back in front of Neil. ”Billy, no!" Steve yelped. Billy was stronger than Steve, he had always been, and Steve knew he couldn't hold him back if he decided to go after Neil. Eddie and Dustin didn't waste a moment and both of them grabbed one of Billy's arms to help Steve keep him from doing anything he would regret. ”Billy, let's go to Emma. Ok?” Steve said calmly. Mention of Emma got through Billy's rage. He took one last glare at Neil, and backed up. He shook Eddie and Dustin off of him, and stormed through the crowd, that had gathered by the open door.
A good half an hour later Steve knocked on the door of his and Billy's room, and opened it. "Babe?" he whispered. Billy was laying on the bed leaning to a few pillows, holding sleeping Emma on his chest. "Yeah?" Steve crawled on the bed, and snuggled under Billy's arm to marvel at their daughter. "You managed to get her to sleep." Billy looked at Emma and smiled. "It never seizes to amaze me how she drops like a rock when she hears my heartbeat." "She feels safe with you, firecracker. As she should with her dad." "She calms me down too. With her everything is so clear. Just me, you, and her, and the rest of the world can fuck off." They were silent for a while. "Max says that she tried to leave without him noticing..." Steve started. "It doesn't matter why he was there. It wasn't Max's fault, I know that, and that's enough." After a moment Billy continued: "I had imagined that moment so many times. It always ended up in violence." "You were close to following through with it. I could feel it." "Yeah," Billy sighed. "It was a good thing that you guys were there," he said and kissed Steve's temple. "But I still messed up Emma's party." "No you didn't, Neil did. And besides, everyone knows your history with him, they understand you needed a moment." Steve stroked Emma's hair gently. "But if you're up for it, they're all waiting for us down there. Let's go show off our little girl."
Billy held Emma leaning against his shoulder as he and Steve walked back to the hall hand in hand. Halfway at the stairs Billy stopped to look at the crowd waiting in the living room. The rest of the Party with their girl- and boyfriends had arrived, Robin and Vicky, Joyce and Hopper, Billy's best mates from his work, and even some of his and Steve's friends from San Francisco were among the guests. "What the fuck are you all doing here?" he let out, confused. He looked at Steve. "Didn't we agree that this would be a small get together, and that friends from home get their own party when we're back?" "Yes we did, babe, but this is a special occasion." Billy looked at him frowning. "Come," Steve said tucking Billy's hand gently, and they walked down the rest of the stairs. "Mom, hold Emma for a while, ok?"
"What is this?" Billy asked as he gave Emma to her nana. He looked around and saw everyone having a smile that told him that they all knew something he didn't. "Steve? What have you done?" he said mortified, his upset with Neil all forgotten, as he understood that he was in the centre of everyone's attention. "This is something I've been thinking for a long while," Steve said and took a small black box from his jacket pocket. Billy looked at the box, at Steve, then the crowd. When the realization hit him his mouth dropped open and he shook his head in disbelief. ”No. Steve, no. You didn't. You know we can't. It won't be..." Billy didn't get to finish what he was trying to say before the box was already open on Steve's palm. Billy squeezed his eyes shut, as if it would make the box and its contents disappear. ”Steve, you stupid, stupid man,” he said shaking his head. When he opened his eyes, he let out a laugh, smiled the widest smile, and looked at Steve, then at the box. It held a wide, shiny ring with three curves. ”I know we can't marry. But it doesn't mean that I can't make a vow. And I want to make one,” Steve said smiling. "Kinda fitting that you would make a number of it in front of all of our friends.” “Well, a few couldn't make it because we had to set it up on such a short notice, thanks to Emma. But you know that it wouldn't mean much if I wasn't willing to say what I feel in front of all of the people we consider as friends and family, would it?” “All of you were in on this?" Billy asked looking at the crowd, and getting smiling nods from everyone. ”I will never forgive you," he said shaking his head, smiling. "Ok, fine. Let's hear it.”
Steve swallowed. His palms were sweating, and his heartbeat was thundering in his ears. Even though he wanted to say everything he had to say in front of their friends, the number of people in the audience did make him more than a bit nervous. He took Billy's hand in his, and looked at him in the eyes, and all of a sudden it was just them two.
"I, Steven Harrington, want to spend the rest of my life with you, William Hargrove. From our first date back at the old mill I knew that I had found the one I wanted to be with the rest of my life. Boy, was I clueless about what a firecracker you were," he said and let out a deep breath for show, making Billy chuckle and the crowd laugh. "But I wouldn't trade a day with you for the world. Babe, you are all I want and all I need. Well, maybe I need Emma quite a bit too now, but as she's yours, I get one with the price of two."
Everyone started laughing, and Steve realised that he had messed his words.
"Well, to be honest it sometimes feels like I did pay a bit overprice for just one..." The correction earned him a playful hit in the arm from Billy and made him laugh. "Ouch! Well, of course I meant that I got two with the price of one, as she comes as a package with you. We've gone through some turmoils to get where we are today, but we've always found our way through to the other side. You've had my back when I needed it, and I never needed to doubt that. You are the love of my life, the father of our little girl, the sun of my days, and the moon and the stars of my nights. While we're not allowed to be wed, which is a crime by the way because I'd marry you a thousand times for you were made to be married by me, babe, I quote one of your favourite songs when I say that I don't need to sign on a dotted line to tell me your mine. And while the song says that there's no need for diamonds either, I want to seal my vow to you with this small token of my love.”
“Small?” Billy managed to say even though he was overwhelmed by emotions, not being able to hold back the tears that forced their way through. “That ain't no silver nor just gold, babe. I can tell.” “You deserve only the best from me, babe," Steve said and took the ring from the box. “Which one?” he asked Billy, not wanting to assume he wanted the ring in the left hand ring finger. “Right one,” Billy said and offered Steve his hand. Steve put the ring on Billy's finger. It fit perfectly. ”How did you know the right size?” Billy whispered examining the ring closer, admiring it on his finger. ”I have my methods,” Steve whipered back. He hugged Billy, and they kissed making the crowd cheer and applause. “Ok, nothing to see here anymore,” blushing Billy said smiling after they broke the kiss. “Where's Emma? She's the one you should be here for.”
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