#eddie munson just needed a goth girlfriend
stranger things
eddie munson x reader
rated e
spotify playlist
for @punk-in-docs​​
fem/witchy/goth!reader, magic, slow burn (for me), friends to lovers, no y/n only pet names, series-typical horror, period-typical sexism and homophobia, historical inaccuracies and anachronisms, drug dealing and use, smoking, alcohol use, masturbation, mutual masturbation, fantasizing, one-bed trope, making out, fingering, dirty talk, consensual pursuit and capture, oral sex, handjobs, condoms, piv sex, reader’s father is a dirtbag, mild spanking, magical violation, mental torture, body horror, aftercare, nightmares, strict parenting, panic attack, past child abuse and abandonment, semi-public sex, tags will be updated as needed
Eddie would have to wait until his lunch break to see this new, hot, weird chick. He wondered which flavor of weird she was. Art weird? Theater weird? Band weird?
Weird weird?
He shrugged. He liked weird.
In other words, you’re the new girl in town, and Eddie is intrigued.
note: More music description in this chapter (with some 🍆 thrown in at the end)! Whee! 😜
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They paused their conversation as Gareth hurtled down the stairs to Jeff’s basement. At the top, Jeff’s mother closed the door after him. He whipped a folded sheet of copy paper from his back pocket and popped it open.
“Guys, check out this shit,” he said, and slapped the paper on the coffee table next to the open bag of potato chips.
Eddie leaned in from his gargoyled position in the corner armchair while Jeff and Dougie bent to read the paper from the couch.
BATTLE OF THE BANDS headed the flyer. An angled Flying V guitar silhouette underlined it.
Dougie said, “We’ve done that before.”
“Before I joined,” said Gareth.
“In Gary,” Jeff said as he reclined. “That was an expensive weekend, and—” He threw a hand up. “We lost.”
Eddie continued reading. The competition was set for mid-April in Indianapolis. Rock and metal bands preferred. At least two band members had to be eighteen or older. That was no issue, since he was nineteen and Jeff turned eighteen next month. Grand prize was $3000 cash and professional studio time to record a demo.
Just reading about the grand prize made him want to leap out of the armchair and do laps around the basement. They could give the judges horror, blood, obsession, and sex. God, so much sex now. The original songs he was writing were full of that dark, heady cadence.
He tuned into the conversation to hear Gareth proclaim his drum prowess. He was good, that was true. He was better than their previous drummer, Rich, who’d ditched them for Purdue. Rich had kept a steady beat, but had no pizzazz.
Despite wanting to, he couldn’t blame everything on Rich.
They’d had no stage presence in Gary, nothing to call their own. They’d worn other bands’ t-shirts and dirty sneakers. The only original song they’d had was a complete ripoff of Dio’s “Evil Eyes.”
Looking back, it was no surprise they’d lost.
“Dude,” Jeff said. “We need to practice more if we’re doing this.”
Eddie said, “And I need to finish some songs.”
Dougie groaned around a potato chip. “Those songs about your girlfriend?”
Jeff rummaged in the potato-chip bag as Eddie asked:
“What’s wrong with that?”
“We all agree your girl is hot,” said Gareth. “But come on, your new stuff sounds nothing like us.”
“And what, pray tell, do we sound like?” he asked.
“Like...” Gareth waved his arms around. “Like metal, man!”
He squinted at Gareth.
“That’s what I’m writing.”
“No, you’re writing something else. It’s all... moody.”
“It’s still dark,” Jeff said.
Dougie added, “But it’s not thrashing.”
Eddie sighed and said, “Not every song we put out should go like a bat out of hell.”
“But they shouldn’t all be about witches in the night,” Gareth said.
“Fine, but ‘Ride the Night’ can’t change.”
“I like that one,” said Jeff.
Gareth said, “‘Sabbath Smoke’ needs major rewrites.”
Eddie glowered around the room. He liked where that one was going. It was dark in a different way than “Ride the Night.” It was still about you, but not so overtly sexual. He hadn’t thought the rest of the band noticed his latest attempts centered around you.
“Alright, fine, ‘Sabbath Smoke’ can be about...” He shook his head as he thought. “A sacrifice to the devil, instead, with, like, all the hot blood and ropes of guts you want.”
“What about ‘Black Market, Midnight Track’?” Dougie asked.
Eddie stood and shoved his fingers into his hair.
“Jesus fuck—” His rings caught in his hair. Of course. “I don’t know. It’s a story.” He snarled as he freed them one by one. “I can get rid of the magic part, okay?”
He knew better than to comb through his hair while wearing his rings. Just like he should’ve known the band wouldn’t like the spooky — okay, maybe goth-inspired — turn he’d taken. Corroded Coffin had always been on the thrash side of heavy metal. Their original stuff had to stay in that vein if he wanted to keep the band together.
In that case, he should take the mixtape you’d made him out of rotation. There were songs about dark stuff on it, of course. The riffs were heavy and deep. Sure, most of it wasn’t “heavy metal,” but it was good shit. However, it was too much of an influence.
Maybe you were too much of an influence.
He’d been neglecting band practice since before Halloween. The four of them had only been meeting twice a month to play, excluding gigs at The Hideout, and once a month to write. He knew the guys practiced on their own. They talked on the phone about ideas, but that wasn’t the same as a jam session.
“Hey, dude,” Gareth said to him. “It’s not like we hate what you’ve written.”
“Something is better than nothing,” said Jeff, inadvertently reminding Eddie of the summer.
Summer had been a dry spell. Shit, it had been a fucking desert. The Sahara.
They’d played cover after cover during gigs. Eddie had burned through his stash, hoping to flow enough that original melodies and lyrics would come, but no dice. It felt like a dead end, like maybe covers were all he was good at. When school started in August, he stared at his future with this leaden feeling in his chest.
“No, it’s cool,” he said with a shake of his head. “You’re right. Let’s do some reworking.”
“I like that devil’s sacrifice idea for ‘Sabbath Smoke,’” Dougie said, since he did enjoy horror.
Jeff nodded and said, “Let’s work on that one now.”
“Sure, absolutely,” Eddie said as he popped open the guitar case for his acoustic.
He didn’t want to follow his father’s footsteps by knocking up his first serious girlfriend right out of the service and scrambling to find decent work. Only to settle as a mechanic in, what Eddie realized way later, was a chop shop. As the years went on, he understood his mother. Ditching everything and everyone had its appeal.
That would make him just as bad as them, though. He wouldn’t respect himself if he did that kind of thing to Wayne, you, the band, or even Hellfire. He wanted to do right by his family and friends — and, most importantly, you.
Eddie brought out the composition book they worked in, flicked to the “Sabbath Smoke” page, and set it on the coffee table. Dougie rubbed his greasy fingertips on his jeans while scooting to the edge of the couch. Jeff found a pen on the side-table as Gareth sat on the floor opposite him.
Maybe the guys were right about you transforming his composing. Maybe he was thinking too much with his dick. He didn’t think love would stifle creativity. Wasn’t love supposed to inspire the artist?
With a mental snort, he thought of course he’d be the exception. That would be his luck, wouldn’t it?
Shit, he really did love you, didn’t he?
The new lyrics and melodies and chords and all the effort was for you.
He laid his guitar next to Jeff on the couch, saying he had to take a leak. Once in the upstairs bathroom, he leaned his rear on the vanity and stared at the ceiling. He needed the guys at his side. He wanted to lead Corroded Coffin out of Hawkins, confident they would triumph. It didn’t matter if they started small in Indianapolis or Chicago. They could build a following, open for a bigger band, find a manager, work the local concert circuit, get a contract with a record label, and move to Los Angeles or New York.
He could do it. They could do it, but only if they could write an album worth of songs.
This battle of the bands in April would throw them right into the fray. He smirked at the unintended pun. Still, the timing was perfect. He would prove himself to you, and to himself, and to Wayne, that every sacrifice had been worth it.
He couldn’t do any of that if he was distracted. He wouldn’t be good enough. He’d be like his old man. Without that small win, he wouldn’t be able to provide for you. Or keep up with you. He’d lose you.
He didn’t want to lose you.
The lower half of his vision went watery with a deluge of tears. He blinked the tears away and wiped at his lower lashes. Allowing himself to be shaken by that idea would help no one. There was a solution. He cracked his neck and took a deep breath. He had to keep his eye on the prize: $3000 and free studio time.
You’d understand when he explained it.
He used the facilities and rinsed his hands before heading downstairs. Jeff’s mother stopped him in the kitchen to insist he take cans of pop to the guys. With a wink, he thanked her for the fuel. She shooed him away, looking pleasantly exasperated.
As he descended the basement stairs, he said, “Gentlemen, I have procured refreshments!”
Your breath fogged in the chilly night air. Your thighs were nearly numb. Ignoring the weather, you’d chosen to wear a short skirt and fishnets. You’d heard the saying ‘a hoe never gets cold,’ but that also applied to goths. And you had every intention of being eye-candy tonight.
You dodged mounds of half-frozen slush in The Hideout’s parking lot. It had snowed earlier in the week. Not enough to close school, but enough to make the drive a hair-raising event. Eddie said he’d almost plowed into a few mailboxes, which meant he’d knocked over a couple of trashcans instead.
The Hideout was warm and dingy. Behind the sticky bar, the muted TV played a basketball game. Its light flickered through neglected liquor bottles. A few patrons entertained themselves at the billiard table. The jukebox played some country song.
Just like your previous visit, the bartender didn’t ask for ID when you ordered a vodka tonic. You tipped him well before claiming a barstool that faced the stage. You crossed your legs, letting the skirt ride up the outside of your top thigh.
Five minutes before showtime, Eddie parted the split in the stage curtain, guitar slung around his torso. His gaze found yours as he stepped onto the stage. Then he noticed what you wore — and stopped midway around the drum-set. He looked like he’d been slapped in the face. Jeff almost ran into him. Complaints came from behind the curtain. Jeff followed Eddie’s attention and gave you an appreciative once-over.
You smirked, taking a sip of your drink via the mini straw.
Eddie’s face flushed as he put a hand on his chest. You winked just as he was prodded into moving. He stumbled around a cymbal’s tripod legs. You noticed then he wore boots instead of his usual Reeboks. His jeans hugged his thighs and hips. He’d rolled the sleeves of his black t-shirt to show off his tattoos.
The other band members had dressed similarly: Jeff wore a simple Fender t-shirt, Dougie had a navy button-up tucked into black jeans, and Gareth wore a tight undershirt under a sleeveless plaid shirt. They looked good, like a professional band instead of a barrel of fanboys.
They joked with each other as they went through a quick sound-check.
With Eddie turned away from the bar, you could admire the lean lines of him and his round ass. In the morning after you’d gotten some magic back, you’d grabbed that ass as he’d pounded you into the mattress. He’d growled profanities and oaths into your neck with his hands hooked under your shoulders. You’d moved with him, grinding your pelvis against his.
You’d bitten his shoulder to keep from moaning too loud when you came. He’d only encouraged you by pushing into the pain and gasping, “That’s it, baby, that’s it, oh fuck.”
Your cheeks and neck grew hot. The bar was suddenly stuffy. You wiggled out of your leather jacket and pressed cool fingers against your neck. Maybe a quick jaunt around the parking lot would help. Or maybe Eddie not wearing such goddamn tight clothes.
You took another sip of your drink, then popped a thin ice cube in your mouth to take the edge off the heat.
Leaning around Eddie’s side, Gareth gave you a roguish smile. You grinned back. When Eddie glanced over his shoulder, you showed him the ice cube on your tongue. He faced you and waggled his eyebrows, making you snicker.
The jukebox music cut off before the stage lights brightened. Eddie greeted the meager crowd and introduced his bandmates. You set down your drink to clap. A few people slapped the bar in lieu of applause.
The band started their set with Metallica’s “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” Gareth used cymbals and the bass drum’s reverb to mimic the bell that starts the song. It was a cool technique and a difficult transition when the other three began the driving beat. Eddie and Jeff stuck their tongues out to each other before head-banging. Dougie added a few flourishes as Eddie approached the mic. You rocked with the rhythm and mouthed the lyrics.
When the song came to a thunderous end, you hooted and clapped. Eddie smiled at you, face already glowing with sweat. He looked so carefree, like nothing could bring him down.
The band played a few more covers until Eddie introduced an original song, “Sabbath Smoke.” You couldn’t believe what you heard. He hadn’t spoken about an original song in weeks. Naturally, you hadn’t wanted to pester him. It wasn’t your place to say what he wrote or what Corroded Coffin played.
The song had a dangerous edge to it. The lyrics Eddie purred were from a demon’s point of view. Jeff and Dougie howled after the chorus, piercing and ravenous. Goosebumps shivered down your arms, yet you couldn’t look away. The center of the song — the heartbeat of the sacrifice — sped with each repeat of the chorus. The song lashed on until the heartbeat abruptly stopped; the sacrifice slaughtered.
The bar was quiet for a moment.
You erupted from your barstool with a cheer. The rest of the patrons applauded or whooped. Eddie thanked everyone before announcing they’d continue in a minute. You rushed to the stage. He stepped around the mic stand and bent. You caught his dewy face and kissed him, unconcerned about smudging your makeup. His eyes went wide, then closed.
After breaking the kiss, you thumbed the lipstick off his lips. They were still stained and puffy. You pushed away the damp curtain of his bangs and smiled.
“Holy shit.”
“You like it?”
“Love it.”
He grinned, catching his lower lip between his teeth and averting his gaze.
“We got one more tonight,” he said and met your eyes.
“Another original?”
He nodded.
You kissed him again. Your lipstick fainter this time, but you still wiped it off for him.
“I can’t wait,” you said as you moved back.
He straightened, appearing on the smug side of pleased. The rest of the band murmured amongst themselves while hydrating. Eddie drank from the lone beer left on the stool behind Gareth.
You perched on your barstool, sipped at your drink, and then discretely neatened your lipstick. It wasn’t as polished as when you first stepped inside, but it didn’t matter. None of the other patrons noticed you.
Especially not when Corroded Coffin returned to their places on stage.
Eddie asked if everyone was ready for more and received a few ‘woo’s and applause in reply.
The band played some covers; one or two you’d heard previously. They were still good, but you awaited the second original song. Your stomach fluttered and your grip trembled, like you were the one who had to play.
You were debating on ordering another drink when the current song ended.
Eddie looked at you as he said, “Last one of the night, folks. We hope you like it.”
You smiled and gripped the sides of the barstool.
Gareth counted down and began playing a deep, primal rhythm you recognized. After a few bars, Eddie added a sultry metallic shred. Dougie added to the rhythm, making it a dark thrum. Jeff complemented Gareth’s rhythm while Eddie built to a grinding reverb. They went through a cycle of that until Eddie put his mouth to the mic to sing about drowning in magic, about fire licking down your spine, about riding the night.
His voice oscillated between crooning and growling, just like you imagined. He used his breath in the chorus, just like he’d panted into your ear. Your stomach swooped and cunt clenched. You wanted to run your hands all over him, cup his erection, and stare into his eyes as they went hazy. You wanted to lick the sweat off his neck and drag your teeth over his jaw and kiss his full lips.
The bar patrons disappeared. The clack of billiard balls and murmuring voices muted. It was you and him; a private pleasure turned public. There was something thrilling and honest about that. Anyone who heard the song would know you and him.
When the song ended, you inhaled a lungful of smoky air. Eddie stared at you — and you at him — as the other patrons applauded. Jeff signed off when Eddie said nothing. The stage lights dimmed. The jukebox kicked on. Someone behind you laughed, hacked, and resumed laughing.
Dougie and Jeff unplugged their guitars while Gareth stood to fold his low stool. Jeff bopped Eddie on the elbow to knock him from his daze and mumbled something close to his ear. Eddie nodded and unplugged his guitar.
With eye-contact broken, you slipped into your jacket and stood. You approached the stage, hands in your jacket pockets. Eddie wound the audio cable around his palm.
“What was the title of that one?”
“‘Ride the Night,’” said Eddie with hardly an upward glance.
“Makes sense.”
Dougie wound his own cable and said, “He wouldn’t compromise on that one at all.”
“Well, it’s his song from start to finish,” Jeff said, shrugging.
Eddie’s cheeks reddened when you focused on him.
“It’s my favorite,” you said.
“Mine too,” Gareth interjected.
Dougie snorted with a roll of his eyes. “No shock there.”
Jeff leveled them a look before turning to you.
“Thanks for coming out.”
“We missed you the last time,” Eddie said.
You smiled as something in your chest fluttered.
“I’m sure there’ll come a time when you won’t be able to pick me out in the crowd.”
Eddie ceased neatening his cable and looked at you.
Warmth creeped up your chest to your face.
Eddie passed his loop of cable to Dougie, who sputtered.
“C’mon,” Eddie said to you, wiped his hand on his jeans, and held it out. “I want to show you something.”
“Um, okay?”
You took his hand and put a foot on the stage, keeping one hand on the hem of your skirt. He pulled you up the short distance to lead you behind the curtain. Backstage was red-lit and littered with open guitar cases and containers for Gareth’s drum-set. Eddie switched off the audio mixer, secured his guitar in its case, and took your hand again.
From the slit in the curtain, Gareth asked, “Is it safe to come back here?”
He held a snare drum, his eyes shut.
Eddie snorted and threw you a grin. “No, Gare-bear, it’s a bit dangerous in here.”
You said, “Especially with your eyes closed.”
Gareth opened one eye to glare.
“Oh, screw you both.”
Eddie sing-songed, “You wi-ish,” though he stepped closer to you.
Gareth grumbled to himself as he unlatched the drum from its tripod stand. Eddie directed you to the coat-pegs by the backdoor and put on his jacket with vest. In the meantime, Jeff and Dougie entered with coils of cable and their guitars. Eddie told them he’d be back soon and tugged you through the backdoor before they could protest.
The chilly air hit your exposed skin and slithered up your skirt to ice your rear. You folded your jacket around your middle, holding it closed with your free arm.
“Jesus, it’s cold,” he said and shook the sweat-soaked hair away from his face.
The door clunked shut.
Only the green-tinted light above the backdoor lit the gravel service road beside the bar.
“Your hair’s going to freeze.”
“Nah, too salty.”
He dug around in his inner-jacket pocket one-handed.
“What did you want to show me?”
He huffed, released your hand, and patted his jacket down. You crossed your arms as you stepped around to watch.
“Cigs are gone.” He glanced at his van parked a few yards away. “They’re probably in the van.” He patted his jacket along with his jeans pockets — though, how anything could hide in them you’d never know — and breathed a curse. “Keys are inside.”
“Is that what you wanted to show me? Cigarettes?” you asked with a laugh.
He met your gaze, eyes dark and full lips parted.
Your smile faded as you examined his beautiful, flushed face. Forget whatever he wanted to show you and hanging with the rest of the band and getting home before curfew. Eddie Munson had written you a song. All you wanted to do was kiss him.
“Fuck it,” he said before taking your hand again.
He walked you away from The Hideout’s backdoor and his van. The toe of your boot knocked some rocks loose from the compacted snow as you jogged to catch up. He remained quiet and marched around the corner. You had no choice but to follow him behind the building, your eyes adjusting to the unlit space.
You clutched his hand in both of yours.
He swung you around and stalked you against the cold concrete wall. You fisted the lapel of his vest to pull him close. He pressed his front to yours, hands on your hips.
“Is this what you wanted to show me?” you asked, holding his warm cheek.
“Not exactly.”
He swooped in to kiss you, devouring and needy. Your waxy lipstick smeared between you. His hands trailed down to grip your ass. You pushed your fingers into his thick hair and slanted his head to kiss him harder.
He pulled away far enough to say, “Do you know how good you look tonight?”
You wiped your lipstick off with the sleeve of your jacket. He mirrored you.
“Why don’t you show me.”
You yanked him forward to kiss once more. He groaned and ground his hips against yours. Taking the opportunity, you licked into his mouth to tease his tongue. He tasted like beer, but you didn’t mind.
In reply, he pulled at your ass and sucked on your bottom lip. You mewled, feeling the ridge of his erection. You reached between your bodies to cup his fever-hot groin. His balls were high and tight in your palm, and you gently massaged them.
Eddie tilted his head up with a soft sound as he rocked into your touch. You kissed his jaw, tasted the salt on his neck, and stroked him through the denim. His erection pulsed in your hand. You bet his boxers were wet with precome—
And you wanted to see that.
You dragged his t-shirt from his waistband to snaked your hands over his firm sides. His warm skin was flawless. You had to stop yourself from stooping to worship him all the way down.
Instead, you said, “You’re gorgeous.”
“Look who's talking.”
You hummed a laugh and unbuttoned his jeans.
“Oh shit,” he said.
“Can I?”
“Baby, whatever you want.”
You unzipped his jeans and spread the fly. He shuffled the fabric down his hips enough to expose the thin thatch of his pubic hair.
Softly, you said, “Show me.”
He bit his bottom lip as he dragged his flushed cock from his boxers. It filled out further and bobbed in the air. Your mouth watered at the sight. He really was gorgeous like this.
A thick bead of precome rolled down his frenulum. You caught it with your thumb before wrapping a hand around the heft of his cock and spreading the slick precome over the tip.
Eddie cursed again, watching your hand. “I...” He swallowed and braced his hands on either side of you. “I need you.”
“What do you need?”
His hips jutted forward.
You met his eyes.
“God, I need to be inside you.”
“Yeah? Wanna come in me?”
With a groan, his head flopped forward and cock jerked.
You continued, “Haven’t felt that in so long.”
He kissed you hard. You felt his desperation, his longing. It reflected your own. He wasn’t in your bed enough. You wanted him there every day, every night.
You swept your hands around his waist. He pinned you to the wall with his body. His cock dug into your belly. The contrast of cold wall at your back and hot body at your front had you writhing. You grabbed his round ass as one of your thighs reflexively hitched onto his hip.
His palm followed your raised leg under your skirt. His lips slackened before he broke the kiss.
“You’re not wearing underwear.”
He plunged his other hand between your legs, making you gasp. His chilled, callused fingers rasped over the fishnet covering your pussy and pushed against it. The texture and tease set your nerves alight. You rolled your hips into his warming touch and leaned your head on the wall.
He trailed kisses over your neck, using his teeth, and nosed under your jacket collar.
“So wet, baby,” he said against your skin. “But I can’t get to you.”
He hooked fingers into the fishnet and gave it a forceful tug. Your hips were jerked forward as the fabric tore with a sharp crackle. You gasped louder this time and slapped a hand over your mouth.
The thought of anyone seeing you both like this — your skirt rucked up and his dick out — thrilled yet unnerved you. You had to keep quiet, lest a bar patron or the other members of Corroded Coffin find you.
However, it felt like a monumental task when he circled your clit just right. You hauled him up by the hair for a kiss. He groaned and tilted his head. His puffy lips slid along yours until it was all madness and heat.
You raised yourself on tip-toe to cant your hips. Knuckles brushed your slit. Then the sleek tip of his cock slid between your folds. The heat and silky skin of his cock had your cunt pulsing in a prelude to orgasm. You rocked with him, breathed with him. It made you weak, made you want everything you couldn’t have just yet.
His tip glanced off your hole. You stiffened. He paused to look deep into your eyes.
“I’ll pull out before.”
“No, I—” You shook your head. You didn’t trust yourself to let him. “Condom.”
“I don’t...”
You’d slipped a condom packet into a jacket pocket before leaving the house. Just in case. It was your last one. You searched the pocket now, praying the condom hadn’t fallen out earlier. Your fingers brushed its plastic packet.
You grinned, held it up between two fingers, and said, “I do.”
“Thank Christ.”
He kissed you hard — once, twice. You held onto his vest and groaned. You were so close to getting him deep inside you. You needed it now, needed him, needed that fullness.
You clutched at his nape and said, “Fuck me.”
His expression went tight as he grit his teeth. He took the condom packet, made space between your bodies, and fumbled the condom on. You nodded and adjusted your leg on his hip. His cock slipped into your wet folds again, brushing your clit.
You tilted your pelvis while balancing with a hand on the wall. Together, you found the perfect angle and his cock pushed right inside. His knuckles bumped your mound as you panted. The stretch of him was nearly too much. The flared crown of his cock ground against nerves you could never reach.
“So fuckin’ tight.”
It was him, you wanted to argue, all him, but you couldn’t form a sentence. You could only hang on and take it. His cock pushed the air from your lungs as he slid to the hilt.
You swallowed a moan at the intensity.
He shushed you and kissed your cheek.
“Feel so good,” you whispered.
Eddie held you still with one hand cradling your ass with the other holding the underside of your hooked leg. You rested your forehead on his shoulder and tried to catch your breath. Your dripping cunt fluttered. He shivered and gulped in air and kissed the rim of your ear.
His voice was strained as he said, “Can’t wait.”
“Then don’t.”
His grip tightened as he started with small lurches of his hips. His cock rocked deep inside. You rubbed your lips on his neck, tasted the new sweat on his skin. Then he began to move faster, deeper, plunging hard with every thrust.
You clung to him with shaking limbs as his cock hit you just right. His chest was tight to yours. You threw yourself into it and moved counter to him. He groaned a broken encouragement. You made each of his thrusts bigger, ratcheting you closer and closer to climax.
“Oh fuck, you’re gonna make me come.” He stilled and crushed you to the wall. “Shit, shit, shit.”
You clawed at his shoulders as your cunt clenched. His cock throbbed, but not enough. You covered your mouth to stifle a groan, because you were already on the edge of orgasm.
You stretched to catch his kiss-swollen lips. He met you halfway to give biting kisses and push his tongue against yours. His shoulders tensed as both hands held your ass. With no warning, he hoisted you off the ground. You squeaked, hung on, and wrapped your other leg around his waist.
“Jesus fuck...”
“Yeah, c’mon, fuck me.”
He dug his boots into the hard-packed gravel and slammed up into you. That was what you needed from him. You bit the meat at the base of your thumb, muffling your cries that punctuated every thrust of his strong hips.
He took you mercilessly, completely focused on getting as deep as he could. His breath stuttered in your ear. He forced you to the wall and controlled your body. He hammered his cock inside you until you couldn’t take it anymore. You twisted in his bruising hold a second before your body locked. Then everything came crashing through you — enough that you couldn’t see or hear.
You could only feel.
Each fierce surge of orgasm washed away your strength. You stared into the dark, trying to breathe. But you couldn’t. The pleasure kept going as Eddie fucked you through it.
He gasped the beginning of your name, suddenly, his cock throbbing and filling the condom. You wished you could feel him flooding you with each pump of his hips instead. He’d make a mess of you both.
You hugged him with arms and legs as he stilled. He panted and mouthed at the hinge of your jaw.
After a moment, he lowered one of your legs and eased you down to stand. It was enough movement to displace his softening cock. You whined at losing the feel of him inside you.
“I know, sweetheart. Me too.”
He kissed over your jaw to your lips. He brushed his lips against yours, easy and wanton. You let him support your weight as you lowered your other leg. He swept his hands around your waist until he wrapped you in his arms.
You hummed against his lips and grinned, breaking the kiss. He rested his forehead on yours. You hadn’t expected any of that — the songs, the heated looks, the sex — when you’d arrived tonight.
“Wow,” you said.
As you were starting to learn, surprises with Eddie could be really, really fun.
He straightened your skirt, then patted your ass.
“I forgot what I was going to show you.”
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ch4p3lofbl00d · 10 months
I love you~Eddie Munson
Mentions of self harm ⚠️ don't read if you're uncomfortable
Y/N Pov:
Today is one of those days, where I don't wanna do anything other than lay in bed and cry. Luckily, I didn't have anything to do today, since it was the weekend. My boyfriend, Eddie, went out to get some food for the both of us. I lived with him and his Uncle Wayne because my parents kicked me out when I started dating the "freak" of the town.
They have never loved me, not even close to that. They never wanted a child and when I was born, they did everything in their power to ignore me. When I was 12, I started getting depressed and started hurting myself.
Of course, the people who should have cared didn't, so I continued to put a cut or two in my flesh. But when I met Eddie, I stopped; he actually cared for me, but recently, I started back. It was getting too much again and I needed a release.
Of course, Eddie didn't know about any of this, but he has started to catch on. I didn't realize that I was crying, until I felt hot tears run down my face, then it became a sobbing session.
My sobs were so loud that I didn't hear the front door open and close, until I heard a voice say "sweetheart, what's wrong? Talk to me" Eddie's voice made me break down even more. I sat in his bed, sobbing into my hands as I felt his warm arms wrap around me.
After a few minutes, I finally settled down a little bit, just enough to talk. I heard Eddie's soft, concerned voice say again "sweetheart, what's wrong? You know that you can tell me anything"
I sighed, and said "I feel like a disappointment to you Eds. I don't feel pretty or good enough for you. I have scars everywhere from self harm. My parents hate me, I hate me. I look horrible. How could you date someone like me, when there's so many other people who look beautiful. How could you choose me, when I'm like this..."
I felt Eddie kiss my head and say "sweetie, you're more than enough for me and you're gorgeous and your scars are beautiful. I love every part of you. You're the most gorgeous thing that I have ever laid eyes on and I'm with you because you're the nicest, prettiest, sweetest girl ever to be exist. You're my metal head goth girlfriend and I wouldn't change that fie the world"
His speech brought tears to my eyes again; I buried my head in his chest as I cried. I felt his soft hand rub circles on my back as I slowly calmed down. "I love you so much, Eddie"
I looked up at him and felt his soft, warm lips tocuhed mine "I love you so much more, princess. More than you will ever know. Come with me. I gotta show you something"
I was confused about what Eddie have in mind before I followed him info the bathroom. I felt him sightly lift up my shirt and I felt his cold rings in my stomach. I tried to pull my shirt back down, but Eddie refused and whispered "you're beautiful. How did I get so lucky to have you?"
I quietly giggled, and said "I think that's the other way around, Eds" I heard him chuckle and I saw him smile in the mirror, which brought a smile to my face "hey, there's the smile I love" I giggled and Eddie picked me up and carried us to our bed and on the way, he grabbed the food from the counter and for the rest of the night, we cuddled and watched horror movies.
Thank you for reading! :3
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drivergemini · 2 years
i got a goth gf (and she’s hotter than hell) :: e.m.
summary: eddie munson is head over heels for the new girl. how could he not be when she was even more metal than him?
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, swears, goth kid bullying, non supernatural au
word count: 736
eddie munson was a man of many many words. he would ramble on and on about how much he loved dungeons and dragons and how much he hated hawkins. he would never shut up.
that is until a figure strutted through the hawkins high school cafeteria. dressed in a skirt that was pulled up a little too high and a leather jacket over her black tank top. and her boots. jesus christ those black leather boots. they were higher than her kneecaps with an at least 5 inch heel. 
hellfire had never seen this man so quiet. his mouth just hung open in absolute awe as his eyes followed her heavily teased black hair.
“hellooooooo,” dustin snapped his fingers in front of eddie’s face. “earth to dipshit. hellooooooo?” eddie snapped out of his trance and looked at the younger boy. “eddie you look like a creep starring at that girl.”
“girl? what girl?” mike said turning his head looking for the source of eddie’s silence. he sees the girl sporting heavily black eyeliner and turns around with wide eyes. “wow eddie you sure know how to pick ‘em.”
he snapped his head towards the freshman boy. “shut up wheeler. what do you know about girls. that right there is an angel from heaven.”
“more like a demon from hell,” mike muttered under his breath. 
over the course of a week, she became eddie’s new fixation. he would scramble to lunch to spill the new information he found everyday.
“her name is y/n and she’s a transfer from connecticut.”
“she’s was in an all girl punk band called overgrown graveyard.”
“her parents own starcourt industries.”
this caught the lunch table’s attention. eddie raised an eyebrow and leaned back on his chair. each boy just looked at him with blank expressions. 
dustin was the first to speak. “no way in hell you’re going to get a girl like that. no matter how much it looks like KISS threw up on her.”
“oh yeah? watch me henderson.”
it took another week for eddie to be able to find a perfect opportunity to talk to y/n. but when it came, it was perfect. 
he honestly thought he was hallucinating. he roamed through the halls of hawkins high before his hellfire meeting started. he could hear a familiar notes coming out of an electric guitar. he listened hard and followed the sound like a bloodhound. 
when he reached the band room, he could hear it much clearer. he peeked in through the classroom door window and saw y/n sitting on an amp playing twisted sister. he could hear her soft humming of ‘we’re not gonna take it’ between every riff break. 
this was his moment. this was his time. he knocked softy on the wooden door. her head shot up with a confused expression on her face. eddie saw this as a sign to open the door. “twisted sister right?” he scratched the back of his head.
“eddie munson right?” y/n shoots blankly back. he could see very clearly that she has two nose rings on each side and an eyebrow piercing on her left.
“uh yeah. you’re y/n. how did you- do you know who i am?” this was not how he imagined this going. 
“eddie munson. 20 year old senior. hellfire clubs founder. and hawkins high school’s outcast freak.” she paused for a moment. “oh and a certified stalker.”
eddie’s breathe caught in his throat. shit he was busted.
her straight face turned into a wide grin. she bursted with laughter at the sight of his eyes go wide. “i was joking! loosen up a little buddy.” 
he let out a huge sigh. “so you know i’ve been watching you?” hearing those words come out of his mouth made him realize that maybe he was a bit of a creep. 
“yes and if you were a slightly better stalker, you’d know i’ve been asking about you too.” her face was so calm and collected, eddie’s was hot and flushed. he felt like a warm tomato. 
he looked at the watch on his wrist. “oh shoot i have to go to my hellfire meeting. do you want to maybe- i don’t know- hang out tonight?” 
“sure let me give you my address. come over anytime.” y/n pulled out a notebook and ripped out a page. she scribbled down her address and eddie gentely grabbed it from her hands. as he ran towards the drama room, he looked down at the paper. after her address was a tiny little scribble of a heart.
he has never wanted to leave a meeting more than he did that day. he sprinted to his van, double checking to see if he still had the piece of paper in his pocket. 
as he approached your front door, he started to pause. maybe he should’ve bought you flowers or maybe took you out to dinner. too late now he was already involuntarily knocking. he waited about 30 seconds before the front door swung open. “hi i’m looking for y/n?” the girl in front of him furrowed her eyebrows. eddie studdied her face for a few seconds. “oh shit y/n.” 
“i don’t know whether to be offended or not,” she laughed a little and gestured him inside. “you caught me as i was cleaning my face so i don’t blame you.” he noticed the smudged out left over mascara under her eyes and the lack of face piercings. “wait here in the living room and i’ll be right back.”
eddie looked around her living room in amazement. it was themed all white and had a crystal chandelier overhead illuminating the room. 
“how long have you been starring at the ceiling for?” eddie turns his head and sees y/n standing at the bottom of the stairs. her face completely bare but her piercings back in. all eddie could focus on was her aerosmith shirt. 
“your house is massive.” y/n plopped herself down on the couch and motioned eddie to sit with her. he tried his best to not sit too close to her.
“so i heard you’re also in a band?” eddie’s ears perked up slightly. “i was too back in connecticut. i played electric guitar.”
“so do i! my band is called corroded coffin. you should come to one of our shows sometime.” eddie could feel his body untense, this was nice. “i heard you play a little earlier, you’re pretty amazing.”
she shot up and made a motion indicating him to wait. she got up and picked up a beautiful, all black electric guitar from the corner. she plugged it into an amp and turned it on. “could you play for me? it’s only fair because you heard me play earlier.”
eddie’s eyes grow wide, which is something that he did often now. “i- i mean i guess why not?” he grabbed the guitar that he was handed. a little smaller than he was used to but not an issue. as he started playing he felt the beautiful vibration of the strings under his fingers. he looked up and abruptly stopped. y/n sat starring at him with her mouth hung open. 
“why did you stop?” she questioned with a confused look on her face.
“you’re just so...” was he going for is? this was really now or never. he was leaning towards never. “beautiful.” oh wow i guess he chose now. y/n could feel her face start to get warm. 
“i think you’re beautiful eddie munson.” y/n let out a laugh to relieve the tension.
“let me take you on a date. a real date. i know this great 24 hour diner, we can go now if you’d be down.” he was feeling very bold tonight.
their night ended up in a diner sharing the same side of the booth. sharing a milkshake. and maybe sharing a couple of kisses but that’s for them to tell.
eddie was the first at lunch the next day. he waited for the rest of the group to trickle in as he sat with his feet propped up. 
“you look like you have something to say?” lucas questioned looking around at his peers. the rest of the boys nodded their heads in agreement.
“well gentlemen.” eddie stood up and raised his hands in the air before slamming them down. “i got a goth girlfriend. and she’s hotter than hell.”
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luvamps · 2 years
Friday i’m in Love
eddie munson x goth!witch!reader
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also this gif of him reminds me of the cure’s greatest hits album cover
a/n: ermmmm couldn’t get this idea out of my head and i admit it’s completely self indulgent bcuz i love eddie and i am both a witch and a goth n i haven’t seen this anywhere and YEA had to do it
warnings: none, but this isn’t a serious fic meaning my punctuation is terrible , nothing is edited and is really just a bunch of word vomit from my brain lol
also i just wanna say that usually when i write for reader inserts they’re almost always for poc readers but while writing this i had caribbean and latinx readers in mind. nothing is specified so it’s pretty open but just wanted to put that out there!
words: 1509 kinda went overboard for a hc but i luv him so shut up
newhosies enjoy <3
okay so you’re a kinda new student at hawkins high
you have friends not super close but they’re a group of goth kids that you gravitated towards n they had zero problem taking you in
and although you’re all goths,,, somehow the new kid ,, you ,, have now been labeled the witch of hawkins
why ?
well .
walking down the hallways of hawkins trying to find your class proved easy enough of a gateway for two jocks to make their way towards you
long black flowy skirt , lived in black long sleeve blouse with rips here n there ,, down played with worn dirty converse
easy target i suppose
“hey, y/n right ?”
looking up from the schedule to the unknown jock smiling a little too smug for just a regular greeting
anyways they’re trying to be subtly insulting but everything they throw at you that’s supposed to be an insult is kinda flattering
“death himself” “wednesday addams” “satan's girlfriend”
and “witch”
n to be honest ,, you giggle cuz they’re not wrong
your family comes from a long line of practitioners and it’s something you take great pride in
you don’t necessarily flaunt it,, but your little group knows
“hey y/n ! read my cards i needa know how this dates gonna go,” “you think you can hex my dad ? maybe cut a few years offa him?”
they took your practice serious, but since this was a pretty new concept to them outside of horror movies and fictitious books they never fully understood it
anyways one day while being harassed by these same couple of jocks whose names you’d learned for a little joke you’d been waiting to pull
mr eddie “the freak” munson happens to be passing by
and you knew him,, well of him + his reputation ,, had a few classes with him too
but honestly you never cared
you stayed in your circle and never ventured further than that
and eddie knew you
he knew you kinda had the same wrap as him
it was hard to not hear about this new “witch of hawkins”
and he never understood the nickname bcuz like ??? there were other goths what made you so scary
until that day
so he’s passing by while the jocks have you cornered
and eddie kinda slows down once he picks up pieces of the conversation
at first it’s just them picking at your make up, jewelry and clothes
and then he sees you digging around in your pocket for something
his attention is fully grabbed when he sees you pull out a small worn voodoo doll that looks vaguely like .. the man standing in front of you
then you finally speak up
“did you know, all I need is your last name, this doll and one strand of hair for me to fully curse your bloodline?”
and then your harassers straighten up a bit and scoff
“yea, sure, as if i’d believe that bullshit”
and then you speak again “well carver you’re in luck cause i’ve been looking for another test dummy”
and then what really does it for munson
is when you start speaking a different language, slow and deep
this is what scares off the two boys in front of you and they start to scurry away
not without a “what the fuck! you are a witch!”
you roll your eyes and scoff then mutter to yourself
“dumbasses wouldn’t know the difference between voodoo and witchcraft if it was taught to them as an actual class”
and you start to head in the direction of the class you’re way too late for
when you’re stopped again
with a sharp sigh you consider ditching this class altogether to have a smoke instead of showing up with only 20 minutes left
you turn around and come face to face with “the freak” himself
smiling widely with stars in his eyes
“Can I help you ?”
and the first thing that comes out his mouth is
“i think you might’ve put a spell on me too sweetheart”
from then on the rest is history
eddie’s nickname for you might be sweetheart but you can attest that the name fits him 100x more than it fit you
he’s so sweet to you
he’s loving and funny and caring and and and and
super flirty
“my girlfriend would be so jealous of how hot you are”
“eddie i am your girlfriend”
“god don’t i know it”
never said he was a good flirt
eddie might be a metalhead and you a goth but he thinks it’s a match made in hell
you’ve given him a couple of recommendations from bauhaus to the cure to depeche mode
and while eddie loves his loud thrash metal, he finds himself drawn to the dark , eerie yet enchanting sounds of your favorite bands.
he’s also given you band recs ! but you won’t let him know that his recommendations are bands you’ve already known and loved.
metallica, megadeth and black sabbath as well as other metal bands were household favorites for your family but the way eddie lights up when talking about their new songs or how that riff is totally something he could nail
you can’t bring yourself to tell him
he doesn’t completely understand your practice as a witch but he’d never disrespect it
“babe so, like, can you talk to ghosts and stuff then?”
you’re always trying to read his cards
you just wanna make sure he’s fully equipped with knowing how to deal with upcoming situations !
oh and eddie loves your makeup
sometimes you go full trad makeup
but sometimes you’re lazy and you just go black eyeliner and some black lipstick
regardless of the look for the day eddie can’t stop admiring you
your outfits are so much cooler than he’ll ever be and they just make you look so much prettier
you guys now become a “cult couple”
you frequent hellfire every now and then and it makes you giggle to watch how animated he is as DM
the kids all know you and were admittedly a little intimidated of you at first
yea eddie’s known as a cult leader but he wears ripped jeans and a denim jacket
you’re always drenched in black fabric exaggerated makeup and have a certain aura to you
“eddie she looks like she talks to crows in a graveyard!” dustin had voiced his opinion when eddie had mentioned her coming to sit in one day
“is she actually a witch ??? because if i accidentally upset her and get hexed i’m blaming you,”
safe to say once they got used to you they liked having you around
your cynical personality made watching you and eddie converse quite entertaining.
empty threats to hex people were also quite fun and something eddie took advantage of
“dude i’m so getting y/n to curse you,”
also !!! your friends think he’s the funniest
at first they’re like “no way you’re going out with munson”
but one day you have him sit with you and he has the whole table laughing
they love having him around so you guys switch off on friend groups
making each other mixtapes !!!!
he puts bands you actually don’t know on it and you’re super shocked like wow wtf this is so good i didn’t know these people existed
and your mixtape to him is like goth love songs bcuz you’re in love and cheesy and ewwww
he thinks you’re the most romantic person alive even though you have trouble voicing your emotions
you’re definitely a gift giver/ acts of service type of lover
so when he listens to the mixtape you’ve made him he really listens to the lyrics in each song and he’s just heart eyes and butterflies
so in love with you dude idk
gets you a black cat as a birthday gift but it’s really just a stray kitten he found that reminded him of you
obviously you love it because you’ve always wanted a familiar but cats are weirdly pricey
you guys brainstorm names together and finally decide on something that fits all of you
get it
no ? just me ?
anyways it’s a play on the reputation you both have at school,, eddie thought of it and it made you laugh so you had to keep it
you call the kitty luci for short after finding out she’s a girl
you and eddie are both constantly at your house or his trailer,, your house when he wants to see luci and watch movies on a giant (but not really) TV with you
his trailer when you want *alone time* away from your parents
wherever you’re at though neither of you care as long as you’re wrapped up with each other with some weed and snacks
you guys are super in love im jealous
he says he loves you first btw
you say it a couple days after and everything is just so warm and love filled idk how to explain it
newhosies yea super in love rock couple who scare kids in public with just their presence mwah love it.
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ridestomars · 2 years
I know that Eddie is a super senior in high school but I feel like there needs to be more concepts with a reader that’s outside of high school, man’s is like 19-21, I don’t believe he doesn’t have a life out of it, especially when he’s itching to get out of it.
Like Eddie would definitely be bragging about being able to get with people in college or something, and I can’t believe I saw nothing about an attractive record store employee!reader?
Also like an alt!reader, they could be punk or goth and bicker about the differences and get annoyed when people say it’s the same
💭. no because eddie x alt!reader is something that can be so personal to me. thank you for this, anon. — sorry if it was too rushed! but i’m absolutely gonna make more concepts about this <3
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oh, man, when eddie found you working at his favorite record shop, it was like something out of a cartoon: he was all heart-eyes, sweaty hands and stutter towards you. being recently employed, you didn’t know who the hell he was, but that didn’t stop you from looking for him in your afternoon shifts, always on the lookout for the cute metalhead. i believe you two bonded because of your love of music — maybe you don’t like many of the same bands or genres, but that really doesn’t matter when there’s passion. so you’d always recommend him some of your favorite bands and he’d tell you which metal groups are worth listening. eddie would like a lot of the stuff you suggested, so it was only a matter of time for him to start wearing x-ray spex, bauhaus and the cult shirts. and he would always tell you what he thought about the records you sold to him (with special discount, of course!).
once you start dating, it’s all over for the boys in the hellfire club… only because eddie simply cannot stop talking about you. “it’s always my girlfriend this, my girlfriend that. dude, just shut up!”, that’s what he always hears from them but he honestly couldn’t care less about it. i mean, you know that dustin and mike scene where they’re discussing who has the best girlfriend? eddie is totally involved in that. in fact, the boys can say “oh but my girl has powers” and “yeah? mine is a certified genius!” and he will interrupt them by saying: “so what? my girlfriend can drive”.
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eddie masterlist | main masterlist | navigation 𖤐 hey! wanna talk? leave me a message after the beep ─ currently accepting requests for concepts & moodboards for eddie munson and steve harrington.
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goddessofmischief · 3 years
✧ @goddessofmischief’s masterlist ✧
A/N: I will be adding to this masterlist as I continue to compile my work! This will be the one-stop destination for all of my fics.
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Meeting Eddie Munson Would Include...
Eddie Munson with a Goth Girlfriend Would Include...
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Driver’s Ed // During the events of ‘Stranger Things 2,’ you help Steve.
Maybe // Steve doesn’t think he’s good enough for you.
Prom Queen // Steve’s jealous at prom.
Ask Me Anything // You and Steve think you know everything about each other.
Grown-Ups // Steve worries about you leaving for college.
Homecoming // You come home to Hawkins, and home to Steve.
Video Store // Steve helps you pick out a movie.
Steve Harrington Dating a Short Reader Would Include...
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Always Something There to Remind Me
Good Morning
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Richie Tozier Dating an Arachnophobic Reader Would Include…
Richie Tozier Dating Someone with ADHD Would Include…
Richie Tozier Dating A Claustrophic Reader Would Include...
Richie Tozier Dating a Reader With Anxiety Would Include...
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- Ghostbuster (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three)
- Trick or Treat
- Proposal
- Nonbinary
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Across the Stars (Sith!Kit)
Chapter One
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Second Chance
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- Always (Part One)
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And I Didn’t Like the Ending - Din Djarin x Reader (Series)
Jedi Scum
I Love You
Just Tired
Excuse Me?
Because I Love You
And I Didn’t Like the Ending, Part 1
And I Didn’t Like the Ending, Part 2
Brown Eyes
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Off My Shoulders
Partners, Part 2
Hold On
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- In Case We Don’t Live Forever
Summary: The TVA brings in their most unlikely variant yet - a supermodel.
Chapter One
- Blue Monday
Summary: Loki and TVA!Agent Reader team up on an epic quest, one where Loki believes Reader is actually his long-lost love.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
I Put a Spell On You… Loki is convinced Wanda has put a love spell on him.
Memory … Loki helps Witch!Reader uncover a memory.
Lovely … Loki and Witch!Reader brew a potion.
Put a Finger Down … Loki tries a TikTok challenge.
Your Song … Loki does karaoke.
Wine Tasting … Loki takes you to Asgard.
Wake Me Up … Loki has nightmares.
Ice Cream … Loki never eats ice cream in front of you. You figure out why.
Home Renovation … Loki and Reader decorate Avengers Tower.
Spa Day … Loki misses being pampered.
Ms. Who … Loki meets Doctor Who and the Doctor’s companion.
Champagne Problems … Mobius tells Loki about you.
Cosmic Mistakes … Loki and Reader escape the TVA.
Hurt and Comfort .. Reader, an assistant at the T.V.A., comforts Loki.
Shoelaces … Reader teaches Loki how to tie his shoelaces.
Remind Me .. Loki remembers Reader.
Love Triangle … Loki and Sylvie fight over you.
And Every Person Seems More Beautiful … Loki remembers singing to you.
Fireworks … Loki comforts you.
Spending Halloween With Loki and Sylvie Would Include…
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the American President - President Loki x Reader (Series)
Summary: Loki’s tried and failed to become president before, but this year he needs to win. So, he brings in an unlikely campaign manager - a Widow.
Chapter One: the Best Laid Plans
Chapter Two: We Didn’t Start the Fire
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You Know (+ Loki)
If the World Was Ending
Choose Me
Big Spoon
Sword Shopping
Secret Dating
Sweater Weather
Late Nights
Sleep Talking
Being Roommates with Loki and Sylvie Would Include…
Earth Things with Loki and Sylvie Would Include…
Loki and Sylvie Teaching You Magic Would Include…
Sylvie and Loki Reacting to You Feeling Insecure Would Include…
Sylvie Learning to Trust You Would Include…
Sylvie Falling In Love With You Would Include…
Telling Sylvie You Love Her Would Include…
Dating Loki and Sylvie Would Include…
Dating Sylvie Laufeydottir Would Include…
Sylvie Dating Short!Reader Would Include…
Loki Being Jealous of You And Sylvie Would Include…
Sleeping Next to Sylvie Would Include…
Reuniting with Sylvie Would Include…
Sylvie Protecting You Would Include…
Living with Sylvie Would Include…
Sylvie Helping You Repair Something Would Include…
Being Sylvie’s Younger Sibling Would Include…
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Tickles Wanda tickles you.
Hoodie You steal Wanda’s hoodie.
I Don’t Want To Be Your Friend Wanda confesses her feelings for you.
Meet the Parents You take Wanda home for dinner with your parents.
Modern Art You and Wanda paint the walls of your house.
My Superhero Girlfriend Wanda fights for you during the battle against Thanos.
Witches of Westview During ‘WandaVision’, you and Wanda have a disastrous barbecue.
Catch Your Death  During ‘WandaVision’, Wanda cheers you up when you get sick.
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Insult to Injury
Hey Hon
Fair Weather
My Best Girl
My Best Girl, Part 2
Rescue Me
Kiss Me Goodbye
Who’s Guarding Hades?
Who’s Guarding Hades? Part 2
Winter in Westview
Dating Agatha Harkness Would Include
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All and Then Most of You - Peter Maximoff x Reader (Series)
Origin Story // Reader joins the X-Men and meets Alex Summers.
Detention // Peter causes Reader to get detention.
Detention, Part 2 // Peter admits his feelings to Reader.
Noah, Part 1
Noah, Part 2
Noah, Part 3
Noah, Part 4
Noah, Part 5
Noah, Part 6
Sorry // Reader admits to Professor X who Noah’s father is.
There Was Only One Bed
Popsicle // Peter gets excited about the ice cream truck.
Terrible Flirt
I Win // You and Peter spar.
Whenever You’re Ready // Peter comes out as bisexual.
Home // During ‘WandaVision’, you see Pietro again.
Home, Part 2
Home, Part 3
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Didn’t See That Coming // You and Pietro train.
Tee Shirt // You and Pietro wake up together.
the Maximoffs // During ‘WandaVision’, you and Pietro find yourselves living an idyllic sitcom life.
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Jumping (Platonic)
Secrets (Sister! Reader)
Together (Stark! Reader)
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Stay // Natasha surprises you.
Shoe Shopping // A shopping trip with Nat leads to a confrontation.
Makeovers // Nat gives you a makeover.
Lamplight // Nat buys a lava lamp.
Vegan // You get ice cream for Nat.
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Old Habits - Bucky Barnes x Reader (x Zemo) (Series)
Summary: During the events of ‘the Falcon and Winter Soldier,’ you and Bucky reconnect.
Part One
Part Two
Team Up Part 2
On the Run
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Captain Carter
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Afternoons in the Common Room
He Loves You
Back to Black
Sirius Black Dating a Shy Hufflepuff Reader Would Include…
Being Sirius Black’s Wife/Girlfriend Would Include…
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Adrian Chase x Reporter!Reader
Coat Closet
Adrian Chase x Antihero!Reader
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Task Force X… Amanda Waller recruits you to join Task Force X.
Uniform … Harley Quinn helps you design your uniform.
Style … Rick likes your new uniform.
the First Night … Cold in the jungle, you warm up to Rick.
Jealous … Rick is jealous of your best friend.
River… You almost drown. Rick saves you.
Sacrifice … You refuse to leave your mission without Rick.
Drunk … You and Rick get drunk together.
Princess … You and Harley are taken captive on Corto Maltese.
Betrayal … Peacemaker threatens your life.
Betrayal, Part 2 ... You find closure in the aftermath.
Dating Rick Flag Would Include…
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Fun House
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You and Me
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I Love You
the Artist
Love Letter
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Dating Tim Kono Would Include…
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Weddings and Funerals // You and Billie meet at Deacon’s wedding.
the Girl Next Door
Put Your Records On // You and Billie bake in the morning.
the Louvre
Happiest Season // You come out to Billie’s family.
Stay-In Days
Janey // You and Billie finally have a child.
Bloodsuckers - a Vampire AU // Billie, a Vampire Hunter, finds you, a Vampire.
Being Friends with Argyle & Jonathan Byers Would Include...
Just Passing Through
Quidditch // Harry Potter AU
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