prettycolors · 1 year
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mikster12 · 1 year
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How we feeling?! 2 more days?!!
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kitconnor · 11 months
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recently, a lot of people have been losing their gifs to reposters, whether that be a whole set stolen or just one gif taken for a textpost. which leads to a lot of us turning towards watermarks to not lose our work. it's not everyone's first choice, particularly because of aesthetics, but it's the best way to keep what you own.
of course, it might seem silly to do a whole "tutorial" on watermarks, but there's a lot of different ways to watermark in a subtle way that still protects your work. i've also seen a lot of people incredibly hesitant to move to watermarks because they believe it marrs their work, which may be true, but there are definitely ways around that. anyway, let's begin !
the most common watermark for people is usually 'thisismyurl.tumblr.com', 'thisismyurl | tumblr', 'thisismyurl' - at least, this is assumed for most people as the best way to watermark.
but if you're like me and constantly want to change your url, you know that there's a good chance a watermark on a gif 3 months ago could be completely different to one now. this is why people are turning to tracking tags.
tracked tags change less frequently, if at all. it's smaller, which makes it more subtle. if you want to go the extra mile like me, you can create a blog under your tracked tag (eg. i track tuserlucie) which means you can reblog anything with your watermark to the blog, showing that it is yours.
placement is key though ! here's 3 different ways you can place it.
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NOTE: opacity has not been altered on any of these. depending on how it looks with your gif, opacity looks best at 10-30%.
Font settings: Momcake, thin, 10pt, #ededed.
each of these placements have different advantages.
the first placement (top left) is the one i personally use. it's centered right on the middle but not too high up.
the second placement (top right) is probably the most popular. corners mean people can kind of tuck the watermark away where it doesn't seem obvious. the fourth (bottom right) effectively does the same.
the third placement (bottom left) is 100% the most effective. it sits in a point exactly where it's noticeable, making it less desirable for reposters. on the right opacity too, you hardly notice it.
this is an idea that i've seen used mostly by nik @cal-kestis , but is a great and creative way to do it !
an icon or sigil makes your gif totally unique to you. and it's something cute on there which is different to having to put text on there.
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(i've put it in orange for the purpose of seeing it)
but you can see here, it doesn't need to be anything special. i've just used an oval shape plus the initials of my url and that's it !
but a sigil can be anything. it doesn't need to have text; it could just be an image. it could just be your icon. either way, it's a cute little alternative to using text.
here's the different options that i preference in action.
SIGIL - bottom right corner
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URL - bottom middle
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TRACKED TAG - face/body
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here's some resources to use if you want to start watermarking !
Momcake (this one was used throughout all the text watermarks !) Cocogoose Lemon milk Bebas Quicksand PSD
you can access a psd of editable watermarks here.
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fivepointpalettes · 8 months
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Orange Blossom
#ededed | #e4dccb | #f76f15 | #efab00 | #5f7f29
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butimabadliar · 1 month
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(El fondo cuadriculado no es parte de la tablilla, solo la presentación)
Tablilla 26: State of Grace - Apertura y Post
Descarga: Apertura - Post
Los colores están en el style con variables, ambas tablillas, tanto post como apertura llevan la misma estructura, si se cambia el color de una, se cambia de todas las que lo usen allí mismo. La único forma de que esto no suceda es cambiando la segunda class en esta parte:
<div class="State var">
De este modo (pongo la palabra helado como ejemplo, pero ponen la que gustan):
<div class="State helado">
Y para que el css nuevo solo afecte a esta agregar o cambiar el css de este modo:
.State.helado{--blanco: #fafafa;--smoke: #ededed;--ccc: #d9d9d9;--accentoa: #44a6d6;--accentob: #2e535e;--444: #444;--border: 1px solid #dadada;--gradi: var(--accentoa), var(--accentob);--letrab: "Oswald", sans-serif;--letra: "Roboto", sans-serif;}
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kirby-souljourney-au · 5 months
Get Athena’d, losers.
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Here she is, the full ref sheet for my silly little MetaGala fankid!
I had a really hard time trying to figure out her outfits for some reason, but it came out good in the end.
All her info and hex codes are under the cut!
Full name: Athena Iriam
Aliases: Athy, ‘Miss Dream’
Species: Dream-Heart-Matter Asrtral
Planet of Origination: Popstar
Age: 15
Height: 5’6”
Gender: Biologically both sexes; identifies as female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Sexuality: Lesbian
S/O: None
Family: Ione Argon (father), Galacta Iriam (parent), Auberon Ivi (step-father), Ophanim (step-mother), Artemis Ivi (half-sister), Kirby Argon (step-brother), Cipher Argon (adopted sister), Inifya Argon (niece)
Programmer and musician.
Biological daughter of Ione and Galacta.
Plays electric guitar in her band, The Absolutes, alongside her friends, and is undergoing training regarding her magic.
The youngest of the family, and by far the smartest with technology. She hopes to one day design and build the best Starship in the Galaxy, as well as just generally incredible space-travel tech.
A sweetheart with a bit of a temper. She doesn’t have many friends, but she is very close with her family, and the other members of her band. She has surprisingly strong Dream Magic, considering the fact that her connection to Dream Matter is very mild (and Ione’s actually really weak for an Astral, so his daughter’s magic being like 200x stronger than his is very jarring), and is training with her friend’s father Elfilin and her aunt Satia in using it better.
She prefers staying at home, but she doesn’t mind going outside to visit friends every once in a while, and finds enjoyment in the concept of space travel.
Her weapon of choice is, for the most part, her wits alone, but she does use actual weaponry when necessary; usually she summons throwing knives with her magic.
Hex codes
#1C1841 — Tail fur
#202261 — Fur base
#FECD8B — Earrings
#FFDFBE — Face marking
#F4D0D0 — Inner ears
#E3E4FF — Fur fade / Neck fluff
#FFFFFF — Claws / Wing talons
#C7C7C7 — Horns
#9F5252 — Iris
#FFECEC — Eye whites
Regular fit:
#181818 — Socks
#212121 — Shirt
#140C2C — Leg warmers
#D3C3FF — Skirt
Alt fit:
#101010 — Socks / Shorts
#171718 — Shirt
#1C1A22 — Jacket 1
#F0DED2 — Jacket 2
#EDEDED — Belt
#9F9F9F — Belt buckle
#11002E — Tail-tip base
#00162E — Fade (using Nebula brush)
#007BFF — Tail-tip glitter (using Glimmer brush, blend mode Overlay)
#121316 — Covert feathers 1
#13131A — Webbing (front)
#1F1F37 — Flight feathers (back)
#333340 — Covert feathers 2
#767683 — Flight feathers (front)
#C8DBFF — Webbing glitter (curved 4-point stars / “GK-Style” 4-point stars / Glimmer brush, blend mode Linear Light, layer opacity 13%)
YAY I’M DONE!! Finally I can play more Planet Robobot—
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krakbonnet · 1 year
I know the other poll is still going but also... fuck it
Honourable mentions:
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songcolors · 10 months
Carnivore by Bear Attack! pls
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Carnivore - Bear Attack!
A3DCFF | EDEDED | A3DCFF | 2222C2 | 8331B4
Note: ive definitely felt like this song in my life before
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I've been missing out on OFMD tumblr
what is the ship name
it can't be sted or edede, so what is it
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mikster12 · 1 year
In celebration of season 2 news, get my pin for 10% off with the code ✨SEASON2✨ now through Sunday!
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agrownupgeekgirl · 1 year
Evening Nerds... super bad dip in mood tonight. I'm out of ededibles and have taken my meds, nap didn't work.
So gonna put on a movie and color I think.
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Ededed and Long Brady, eh?
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fivepointpalettes · 1 year
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Turning Fictional
#49637e | #ededed | #633cb1 | #e584b9 | #ebdf57
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sunnycluster · 2 years
He ededed all the antd
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What do you mean Gentlebeard and Blackbonnet? IT COULD HAVE BEEN EDEDE!!!!
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