#eden emerson
decimore · 1 year
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ladybugsimblr · 4 months
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Richards/Johnson/Ware circa August 2019
The extended Richards family was recently visited by MCCC so I decided to check in on the new couples (and play matchmaker with some old ones).
First up, Gavin's side of the family:
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Brett Richards (cousin) & Tia Richards (who remembers her??)
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Laila Delgato (cousin) & Pierce Delgato
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Emerson Johnson (cousin) & Greta Johnson
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Zoe Richards-Johnson (auntie) & Chris Johnson. Gavin had to play cupid for this one. Zoe and Chris divorced awhile ago due to infidelity. Gavin noticed there was still a spark between them despite the past mistakes and encouraged them to talk. They recently started dating again and things are looking really good. Fun fact: Zoe was the matchmaker for Gavin & Brooklyn.
Brooklyn's side of the family:
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Solomon Ware (cousin) & Rainier Ware
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Eden Ware (auntie) & Don Lothario & Marcus Flex. Not a poly relationship, just non exclusive ones after failed marriages and divorces. She has been seeing Don longer, but is feeling Marcus a lot more. Don't know if she'll include anyone else in her roster but we shall see where this all goes.
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hellishchrissy · 10 days
listen listen listen
gareth emerson and eden bingham
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stay with me now
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decimatlas · 1 year
thinking about those final moments where eden knew brock had made up his mind, that he was staying behind with hange… that she was going to have to go on without him.
josie lunges at him, tears in her eyes, asking him what the hell he’s doing. and brock tells josie, take care of eden, okay? she needs it more than she lets on. he bids farewell to the others with an upbeat, see you around, kids.
and then he’s left to face her. face eden. she has tears in her eyes, too. but she has something else on her expression now. understanding. she knows why he’s staying behind. loyalty. an oath. a promise. if it was levi in hange’s place, eden knows she would be doing the same. but hell, if this doesn’t hurt.
‘i hate you, you know.’ her voice trembles. her voice gives her away. but brock knows her, with or without the unsteadiness in her voice, he knows his sister. so he gives her that familiar, knowing smile. he says, no you don’t.
and she cracks. she throws herself at him, throws her arms around him with such force that it nearly takes the wind out of him. she buries her face in his chest.
‘thank you,’ for everything. for watching out for me. for believing in me. for standing by josie. for standing by me. ‘for being my brother.’
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auspex · 10 months
🪨for both Mark and Wendy
and 🎭 for... hm lets go with everyone
🪨 Someone gifts your OC a shiny rock. What do they do with it? Mark: Would use sense the unseen. If magic rock, ofc keep and investigate. If not, depends on who gave it to him. By default he would keep it though. Just in case...
Wendy: Would figure out what it was made of and make the decision on whether it is useful to keep from there! if it is just pretty she would not keep it.
🎭 What is the one thing your OC regrets most? Would they undo it, considering how their life turned out?
-Mark: Murdering that one innocent homeless man. Yes, he would change that.
-Porphyria: Not realizing Maribel was trapped in the Horror Dimension with the demon Filonious. Yes, she would change that too.
-Eden: Investigating the stuff that she did that got him noticed by her sire. Yeah, she'd probably want to change that and stay human (for now...)
-Emerson: That is a secret 2 u :)
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braeveries · 1 year
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our girls.
jo & eden belong to @decimatlas <3
(my art. please do not use or repost.)
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scorbleeo · 1 year
Book Chat: Foolish Puckboy
Puckboys (Book 4) by Eden Finley and Saxon James
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Source: Google Images
After my divorce, I’m ready to have fun, date around, and not get into anything serious. Then I meet Gabe Crosby, superhero firefighter and a disgrace to the Crosby name. He doesn’t even like hockey!
Yet, there’s a draw to him I can’t deny—something I haven’t felt since my teens. But that’s the problem. I have no idea what dating is like, let alone how to do it with another man. He makes me flakey and nervous, and I’ve never been that guy.
Gabe turns me inside out and upside down in the best possible ways. I only recently became single, but if I continue to chase after him, I might not stay that way for long.
When I meet Aleksander Emerson during an emergency call-out, there are three things that catch my attention: his sexy tattoos, his kind eyes, and his drunken offer to have my babies.
He’s new to Seattle and recently divorced, so I take him under my wing–and under my sheets. I’m showing him what the world of hookups is like, only those hookups turn into sleepovers and dates and public displays of jealousy.
Aleks is in his casual era, and I’m working my way toward settling down and starting a family. What the two of us have is fun, but not a good idea permanently.
Too bad Aleks has already set my life on fire.
Source: Goodreads (2023)
This Was A Really Fun Read
Compared to the other books in the Puckboys series, Foolish Puckboy is the most different one. Every other Puckboy couple consist of two people related to ice hockey while this consists of one ice hockey player and one fireman. I don't know about you but having something so different in the middle of a series is like a breath of fresh air, perhaps why I had such a good time with this book.
Seriously though, Foolish Puckboy started out with a bang, it was absolutely hilarious. The writing was beyond entertaining, I laughed so much. And if not for that introduction, I probably would not have liked Gabe and Sanden that fast as well. However, the pacing for this book was a little slower than the others. This is not a complain but because of the slower pacing, it made the book lack something. I did not realise what it was lacking until I neared the end. You have to know first, I am someone who hates redundant drama that does not add anything to the story's plot, character development or world building. Unfortunately, with the plot Foolish Puckboy has, this could have gotten away with a bigger drama or more dramas.
Let me explain why I would have let it slide if the authors included a bigger or more dramas with Aleks and Gabe's relationship. These two have pretty solid communication but they usually only start communicating about their problems after a small stumble which by no means meant miscommunication. With how their communication was written, Foolish Puckboy really could have been forgiven for at least one huge drama. And because Aleks and Gabe are who they are, a third-act breakup will never happen, technically speaking, that third-act separation scene already happened way before they became a thing.
That being said, I still really liked this book even though the lack of drama kind of made this book a little mundane, because I freaking love Aleks and Gabe. I already liked Aleks back in Shameless Puckboy and Gabe, well. I like firemen.
Rating: ★★★★☆
More on the Puckboys series here: Shameless Puckboy (#3)
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riighteouspath · 1 year
@decimatlas for eden !
he is a creature of habit. he obeys, he fights, he protects. ( after all, it’s what he’s made for. ) though, the longer he spends on earth, the more he is realizing : there is more to life. something he still doesn’t quite understand, but still, he cannot help but long to recognize it. focus is brought from his own head as her voice meets his ears. ( there are too many things here he has yet to comprehend. ) eyebrows furrow softly, as blue eyes find hers. a small frown tugs at the corner of his lips. “i -- i’m sorry, is that a reference to something ?”
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yllowpages · 1 year
❝ That’s what I like in a woman. At least three felony charges. ❞
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His back is settled against the flimsy headboard of the motel bed, though he doesn't notice how he's slowly slipping down on the comforter and becoming more and more slumped. ( What he doesn't know won't hurt him ... unless it's neck pain the next morning. ) His coat has been left wrinkled on the floor next to his boots that he kicked off earlier. He's definitely in ' relax mode ' ( as much as he can be ) after a long day of ... nothing — but Sam elected to stay out and keep researching ( since he's such an overachiever ) .
Dean lifts a bottle of beer to his lips and raises his brows at Eden's comment. They both have their eyes settled on the room's television ; after a good twenty minutes of surfing whatever random channels this weird little town manages to get. And it might cut out for a couple of seconds every ten minutes or so, but they were able to settle on ' Thelma & Louise ' . ( Inpromptu movie night while people are apparently having their noses bitten off and lungs ripped out by god knows what ... Happy Thursday. )
He nods slightly to agree, not even blinking when the static comes through and, yet again, the signal stalls and the picture jerks until it comes back in. ❝ Well, that and — ❞ He gestures toward the T.V., the beer sloshing in the bottle when he waves his hand, ❝ — Geena Davis. ❞ Dean actually glances over to her, like they're sharing a knowing glance. He quirks his brows again with a childish smirk and then looks back to the T.V. ❝ Whew. The things I would give ... ❞
@decimatlas / eden emerson.
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percentstardust · 2 years
here’s all my jewish muses cause i don’t feel like posting all of them separately in separate head canons:
barry al.len
ania solo
zed necrodop.olous
yelena belo.va
eden hughes
jessie emerson
rey skywalker
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decimore · 1 year
Maybe, if you're with a group of friends who'll never be together again, all your lights will shine at the same time and you'll know, and then you can hold each other and whisper, "This was so good. Oh my God, this was so good."
- Iain Thomas, The Light That Shines When Things End
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edenxoconnell · 3 months
☎️ + Emerson
Send ☎️ And I Will Tell You:
What My Muse Has For Your Muse's Contact Info:
Emerson Cassidy 🐛📚
What Their Ringtone Is:
Eternal sunshine by Ariana grande
The Last Text They Sent Your Muse:
Eden: excited for the fair? 🥰
What Image My Muse Has For Your Muse In Their Phone:
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htsdfferent · 9 months
@decimatlas for eden !
he has no idea how he got tangled -- no pun intended -- into this task. he’d been on his best behavior all night, keeping his older brother comments tucked into the corner of his cheek. he hadn’t rolled his eyes at her, or any of her affectionate moments with brock. yet, chelsea still shoved the ball of string lights into his hands and walked away. “this party blows.” the words are mumbled, mostly for himself. but, of course, eden is sitting next to him, unwrapping the fragile ornaments from their safe packing. his eyes spot the slight arch in her brow before his mouth is moving again. “look, i’m not being a grinch, just -- i mean, come on, untangling lights isn’t exactly a favorite pastime of mine.” shoulder slump further into brock ( and chelsea’s now, too. considering the move. ) couch. “don’t tell her [ . . . ] or, do. i don’t care. it’s not like there’s a worse task she could give me.”
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decimatlas · 1 year
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thinking so deeply about my girl.
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sburbanlegends · 2 years
@decimatlas , rosita to eden.
“yoo-hoo! eden!” rosita is skipping as he approaches eden. he doesn’t seem scared of her at all. in fact, he approaches her like most would approach josie.
“you look absolutely great today!” he says with a grin. “anyway! now that the important thing is out of the way… brooke told me you are a great fighter. i’d love to hit the training grounds with you.”
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braeveries · 1 year
[ distance ] across a large space, sender blows receiver a kiss / from eden to din. i hate her.
Din chuckles quietly beneath the helmet, crossing his legs as he leans back in the chair, lifting his hand and beckoning Eden over with just a flick of his fingers. He shoots one quick scan across the room, careful of the other eyes on her.
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