#eden midtown academy
greenthena · 5 months
Fanfic Friday: Welcome to Eden Midtown Academy
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A new Human AU? With Crowley and Aziraphale as teachers in a high school humanities department? Friends to lovers? A conflict of interests that calls into question the Greater Good?
Who wants a little snuggly and fluffy Aziracrow action? (You. It's you.) As always, I am a sap and I promise a happy ending.
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homedevises · 6 years
The Latest Trend In Eden On Earth | eden on earth
A Distinction Between Eden And The New Earth: A Problem For Young … – eden on earth | eden on earth
Never belittle the ability and aptitude of a woman. 11 Fearless Women Playwrights will acquire their plays adroitness the date in the Strawberry One-Act Anniversary with BOLD new account that are unapologetic and anticipation provoking! Beginning with JESSICA MARIE FISHER’S Welcome To Narnia, to JO RODRIGUEZ’S Why We’re Here, NATASHA COBB’S Doin’ Acceptable and CAROLYN MOSES’ Adam’s Eve; these women playwrights accouterment aggregate from animal abuse, identity, empowerment, careers, ancestors and block Jibouti forces.
WELCOME TO NARNIA By Jessica Marie Fisher explores the affair of animal identify. Almost cipher “KNOWS” absolutely what their female is – best bodies acquire to acquisition the answers through balloon and error. “Narnia” is the adventure of the blowzy and gross “figuring it out,” and all that comes with it. Lauren and Liam cross love, sex, family, character and the adhesive in-betweens of anomalous adolescence. In SERIES A Wed, 3/13 at 6pm and Thurs, 3/14 at 8:30pm
Jessica Marie Fisher accelerating from NYU Tisch Academy of the Arts Ball BFA affairs in January 2019, area she advised autograph and administering for two years at Playwrights Horizons Theatre Studio, and Agreeable Theatre achievement for a year and a bisected at The New Studio on Broadway. She is additionally the almsman of a National Scholastic Art and Autograph Honorable Mention Award for her abbreviate adventure The Questioning of Susan Applegate. She is best absorbed in autograph about family, abuse, brainy health, and the LGBT community. She has advised playwriting beneath Alexis Kozak, Andrew Farmer, Sarah Gancher, Kara Corthron, and Rogelio Martinez.
WHY WE’RE HERE By Jo Rodriguez is a able ball with anxiety and drama. Jim Payne gets assimilate a alternation and expects the usual: a atom to himself, quiet, in the darkness. But that doesn’t aftermost continued aback he is abutting by a abstruse man and a woman who knows added than she should. Trapped amid the beatitude of benightedness and the abhorrence of inadequacy, Jim charge brighten the accuracy of who he is… and whether he can alive with that. SERIES D Sat, 3/16 at 3:30pm and Sun, 3/17 at 1pm.
Jo Rodriguez is a columnist and amateur based in Los Angeles, CA. Her plays accommodate Movements, Artery Light, and What We All Apperceive Too Well in which she’s had the joy of developing and bearing them at Samuel French’s Summer Abbreviate Series and AMDA’s abounding branch opportunities. Additionally, she has acceptable an Honorable Mention in the Art & Autograph Scholastic Awards for her ball Listen. As an amateur she is in her third division at The Wallis Studio Ensemble area they address and actualize devised works for amusing change, and acquire gone on to places such as The CrisisArt Anniversary in Italy and The San Diego International Fringe Festival.
In DOIN’ GOOD by Natasha Cobb two ancestors bethink over their boyhood as one faces a blight diagnosis. Adverse the accuracy abandoned is generally impossible. SERIES E Sun, 3/17 at 6pm and Mon, 3/18 at 8:30pm.
Natasha Cobb is a playwright, author, and blogger. In Summer 2017 she was nominated for Best Columnist for the It’s Not Stamped On Your Forehead acceptance at the Midtown International Theatre Festival. In the Summer 2018 It’s Not Stamped On Your Forehead went up in the Strawberry One Act Anniversary area she was nominated for Best Director. She appear a account of her time in aerial school, Project Chic to Paulie, in 2017 and maintains a claimed blog, http://bit.ly/2TRBuSz.
In ADAM’S EVE by Carolyn Moses about above Eden, Adam and Eve scrounge for banquet from the cruel earth, aback an American Soldier shows up and offers a tent, aliment and hot baptize for advice on Jibouti forces. SERIES F Sun, 3/17 at 8:30pm and Mon, 3/18 at 6pm.
Carolyn Moses, a built-in New Yorker, has had her assignment produced in that burghal and beyond. Produced plays include: A Nasty Tempered Man, Cannibals, Caribbean Couples, and The Actuality of Judas. Fully staged readings acquire been apparent in New York City, Upstate, Continued Island, New Jersey, Cambridge and elsewhere.
For a abounding account of plays in the anniversary go to www.therianttheatre.com. Tickets are $25 Online and $27 at the Box Office: 646-623-3488. All performances are at Theatre 54 @ Shetler Studios and Theatre, 244 West 54th Street, 12th Floor, NYC.
The Riant Theatre, the Audelco Award-winning nonprofit accouterment a adorning adorning ambiance for playwrights and theatre creators of assorted cultural backgrounds — proudly presents THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL. A anniversary of cultural diversity, THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL will be presented at Theatre 54 @ Shetler Studios (244 West 54th Street, amid Broadway and 8th Avenue, NYC) Wednesday, March 13th through Sunday, March 24th, 2019. This winter’s anniversary marks the 32nd Division of The Riant Theatre’s acclaimed abbreviate ball competition, and additionally will affection the premieres of eight feature ball plays. Reflecting the assortment accounting into the mission of its presenter, THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL has produced over 1,500 ball plays aback it began in 1995 (in contempo years, the anniversary has generally been presented biannually due to appeal from artisan submissions and audiences alike).
Tickets for all performances during THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL are priced as follows: General acceptance – $25 advance/$27 at the box office. Tickets are on auction now through www.therianttheatre.com or by calling 646-623-3488. Anniversary Pass abatement bales are additionally accessible aloft request.
THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL will additionally abide its attitude of staging both apple and New York premieres of abbreviate affected works presented as allotment of The Strawberry One-Act Competition. Nicknamed “the ‘American Idol’ for playwrights” by the New York Daily News, THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL appearance a playoff-style antagonism of plays accustomed through submissions from above the country. Admirers associates vote for their admired ball amid those presented anniversary black to actuate which plays beforehand to the FINALS, which are advised by a board of industry experts. In accession to the befalling for finalists to be alleged for advertisement in book in the festival’s album The Best Plays From The Strawberry One-Act Festival, awards are presented for Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress and Best Costumes in accession to Best Play, which comes with a $1,500 award-winning and a development accord for a feature ball produced by the Riant Theatre.
The Strawberry One-Act Competition:
Round 1
Protecting Eden on Earth: Ecotourism is Big Business in Costa Rica … – eden on earth | eden on earth
Every ball in The Strawberry One-Act Anniversary will be performed two times in Round 1 of the competition. Round 1 begins Wed, March 13th and runs through Mon, March 18th. Afterwards the votes are tallied the ball with the atomic votes will be abandoned from the competition. The actual plays will beforehand to the Semi-Finals, area they will accomplish with altered plays for 1 performance. The Semi-Finals are on Wed, March 20th and Thurs, March 21st at 6pm & 8:30pm. Afterwards the votes are tallied the ball with the atomic votes will be abandoned from the competition. The actual plays will beforehand to the Finals.
The Finals will be performed on Saturday, March 23rd at Noon. The Industry Board will see all Finals performances. This season’s board will accommodate a Casting Director, a Literary Agent, a Theatre Producer and a Broadway Amateur (TBA).
Nominations for all awards will be appear at the Festival’s conclusion.
Awards Ceremony
The Awards Ceremony is appointed to be captivated on Sunday, March 24th at 5:30pm at Theatre 54 @ Shetler Studios, 244 W. 54th St, 12th Fl, NYC.
Strawberry Anniversary amateur alumni accommodate Academy Award-nominees Jesse Eisenberg (The Amusing Network) and Chazz Palminteri (Bullets Over Broadway, A Bronx Tale), Golden Globe Award-winner Ving Rhames (“Don King: Only in America,” Bringing Out the Dead, Mission Impossible), Ato Essandoh (Jason Bourne, HBO’s “Vinyl,” “Elementary”), and Adventitious Kelly (American Sniper, NBC’s “Aquarius”).
“Independently created and presented theatre, already a basic allotment of this city’s cultural landscape, is acutely acceptable added attenuate in the accepted bread-and-butter and political environment. I am honored, through The Riant Theatre’s Strawberry One-Act Festival, to abide accouterment an befalling for playwrights, actors, singers, admiral and designers the befalling to actualize basic new work,” says Van Dirk Fisher, Artistic Director.
The Riant Theatre (formerly The Black Experimental Theatre) was founded by Van Dirk Fisher in 1979 as a not-for-profit alignment with the mission of accouterment a adorning ambiance to advance new plays and outstanding artists – decidedly for the African-American Playwrights adverse bound admission to assets for developing and presenting their work. Through the years, the aggregation has continued its mission of furthering the compassionate amid the contest by adulatory assortment through theatre. By 1991, the theatre aggregation broadcast to a attic in Tribeca and was renamed The Riant (which agency ‘merriment and laughter’ in French). Aback 1995, The Riant Theatre has been bearing and presenting THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL (now generally presented alert a year — in February/March and July/August). Its accepted programs additionally accommodate The Core Project, an advancing accelerated branch for writers, admiral and actors to advance new plays and present them in date readings; New Ball Reading Series, in which plays are apprehend afore an arrive admirers and followed by a catechism and acknowledgment affair with the columnist and artists; and the Agreeable Theatre Workshop, for students, in which they apprentice Broadway, actuality and classical appearance songs beneath the advice of theatre professionals and assignment on scenes and choreography that will advance to a performance. The Riant Theatre additionally has a able Youth Mentoring Program, which provides internships for teenagers and academy acceptance absorbed in the arts. This altered alignment has developed to become a abode area artists – singers, writers, actors, directors, musicians, and beheld artists – can appear calm to coact on new works and allotment ideas. For his accomplishments with The Riant Theatre, Van Dirk Fisher accustomed the 2009 AUDELCO Special Achievement Award. Appointment www.therianttheatre.com.
THE STRAWBERRY ONE-ACT FESTIVAL – Abbreviate Plays To Be Presented in Competition
Series A: Wed, March 13th at 6pm & Thurs, March 14th at 8:30pm
-VISITORS by Anthony MarinelliAn adorable adolescent brace meets through a dating app alleged Visitors that provides 24-hour admission to all participants. In a apple area watching has become added important than doing, has narcissism assuredly become the new normal?
-WELCOME TO NARNIA by Jessica Marie FisherIs the advancing out adventure for bodies who are annoyed of unnecessarily affecting and unrealistic advancing out stories. Almost cipher “KNOWS” absolutely what their female is – best bodies acquire to acquisition the answers through balloon and error. “Narnia” is the adventure of the blowzy and gross “figuring it out,” and all that comes with it. Lauren and Liam cross love, sex, family, character and the adhesive in-betweens of anomalous adolescence.
-A BEAUTIFUL MOURNING by Stephen J. RyanFeaturing: David Risely, Lynda Browing, Katie Schrader and Fred GriecoHarold is at his mother Abigail’s funeral. She is actuality active at Brooklyn Cemetery amid abreast a alive circle and animated train. While adage goodbye, he discovers that some endings are aloof beginnings, as he hears her from above the grave.
Eden Is For Real – Blog | Let The Lion Roar Movie – eden on earth | eden on earth
-LEAVES by Victor Vauban Jr.Muriel and her two sisters had dreams of acceptable the new agreeable awareness aloof like, “The Supremes” – but fate intervene. Muriel fell in adulation and affiliated her academy sweetheart, Curtis, putting an end to the babe group’s dreams. Over thirty-years afterwards the two sisters still resent the abortive dissolution of the accumulation blaming it on their so-called- acceptable for annihilation brother-in-law.
Series B: Wed, March 13th at 8:30pm & Thurs, March 14th at 6pm
-FREEDOM, REVOLT AND LOVE by Jake KevrickWhy are they hiding? What acquire they done? Who are you people? You apperceive what’s coming. They didn’t get abroad this time. Haunting the Mountains of Virginia lives a alarming adulation adventure that could blaze a bullet. Freedom, Revolt and Adulation is a anapestic adventure through the lives of renegades active on the bend of glory. Active for the adulation of one addition in a action for survival. What is the aftermost affair you’d appetite to bethink if you knew you’d never deathwatch up?
-TOADY HOAD by Damien RoosAmid rumors that his brother has committed a abhorrent crime, a hard-luck carpenter anon finds the man ambuscade in his home. His brother will not affirm nor abjure the accusations: the added he talks the added it becomes bright he is the culprit. Aback apprenticed for answers by a bounded sheriff, Munk Hoad charge adjudge whether their accustomed band is able abundant that he’d abetment an angry man in abstract punishment.
-SWIM BEFORE YOU DROWN by Ciara KayFeaturing: Hunter Mruz, Michaella DeladiaSwim Afore You Drown is a affecting ball about contempo academy graduate, Harper, arresting with the consequence of activity afterwards college. Her and her best friend, Sam, can’t angle active in their small, “beige” hometown in the Midwest and both dream of escaping, alike if that agency accident anniversary other. With aggregate in her activity alteration and on the border of accident the one being she loves, Harper charge accord with how to acquire who she is in a apple that fails to account her and a Korean ancestors that board her alike more.
-ZOEY & OWEN by William “Bill” Beasley and Christen Omantra CallahanDirected by Christen Omantra CallahanFeaturing: Marie Wall, Errol Greaves & C. Niambi SteeleTwo co-workers from absolutely altered backgrounds accidently ascertain adventurous animosity for anniversary other.
Series C: Sat, March 16th at 1pm & Sun, March 17th at 3:30pm
-MID LIFE CONVERSATIONS by Maria FilipponeWhen a woman discovers that her bedmate has begin his passion, she aback feels that she has absent her purpose.
-SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE by Michael David JohnsonDirected by Fulton HodgesFeaturing: Joana Micius and Chris RaglinMarriage is a two-way street, but sometimes the artery hits a detour.
-THE FOOD WE ARE ABOUT TO EAT by Alan BrooksThe Aliment We Are About To Eat is about the accoutrements we lug about all our lives, and backpack into our relationships; all the boxes and accoutrements we barrow with us out of the overstuffed closets of our boyhood and dump into the attics and basements of every accord we get into as adults – consistently afraid aback our accomplice opens a box and asks why we still acquire that.
-O HAPPY DAGGER by Claire TyersA one-woman adjustment of William Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet. Through a storyteller, a dagger, and a burst of adulteration – we accommodated adolescence we anticipation we knew, apprentice about a adulation we anticipation we studied, and blemish the apparent of what could possibly accomplish this artful so happy!
Series D: Sat, March 16th at 3:30pm & Sun, March 17th at 1pm
-GOD’S YOUNGER SON by Joe LearyCan an alcoholic doubter and a schizophrenic who believes he’s the son of God coexist as attached in a bound psychiatric area afterwards active anniversary added crazy?Producers: Cheery Leary Productions
-A TWO-HUNDRED DOLLAR RHINOCEROS by Richard LobelThe ball centers about two characters afar by age, chase and socioeconomic cachet who are eventually brought calm through ceaseless meddling. One is a grizzled, weary abandoned man and the added is a young, abstracted academy student.
-WHY WE’RE HERE by Jo RodriguezJim Payne gets assimilate a alternation and expects the usual: a atom to himself, quiet, in the darkness. But that doesn’t aftermost continued aback he is abutting by a abstruse man and a woman who knows added than she should. Trapped amid the beatitude of benightedness and the abhorrence of inadequacy, Jim charge brighten the accuracy of who he is… and whether he can alive with that.
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-MORE THAN STRANGERS by Joseph LizardiAn American housewife finds it difficult to affected her husband’s adultery and embarks on a European vacation of her own. While in Spain, she meets an earlier man, adult and actual compassionate who helps her to accord with the situation. Will she get her canal aback and will she abatement in love?
Series E: Sat, March 17th at 6pm & Mon, March 18st at 8:30pm
-A VISIT IN THE AFTERNOON by Fred DennehyMara, a boyish girl, cautiously agrees to appointment her bad-tempered grandfather, who her mother tells her wants to accord her article afore he dies. What she receives from him is absolutely unexpected.
-FIRST DATE FOR SOULMATES by Parker Cross, Jr.Two bodies on a aboriginal date acquisition out they’re akin added altogether than they could acquire anytime imagined.
-DOIN’ GOOD by Natasha CobbTwo ancestors bethink over their boyhood as one faces a blight diagnosis. Adverse the accuracy abandoned is generally impossible.
-TWO LINES by Lola HughesOld lovers accumulate with altered intentions. The analysis after-effects are two curve and she wants an abortion, but he wants to accumulate it. Will the two curve become a absoluteness or will they disappear?
Series F: Sat, March 17th at 8:30pm & Mon, March 18st at 6pm
-ADAM’S EVE by Carolyn MosesSomewhere above Eden, Adam and Eve scrounge for banquet from the ungiving earth, aback an American Soldier shows up and offers a tent, aliment and hot baptize for advice on Jibouti forces.
-ARTISTIC REFLECTIONS by Nicholas BompartPablo Picasso has abstract discussions with characters that are depicted in his abominable and illustrious painting “Guernica”. The characters in the painting abide in what is larboard of The Town of Guernica, Spain afterwards it was bombarded by Nazi and Spanish Nationalist armament in 1937.
-REAWAKENING by Anthony FuscoA gay brace try to deliver what’s larboard amid them afterwards a adverse incident. Can they affected their infidelities from the accomplished to accord this accord a additional chance?
-LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL by William HollandA jailbait gets abundant and her admirer and mother thinks that she should acquire an abortion. Her grandfathering offers her addition solution.
The Semi-Finals: (Plays TBD)#1 Wed, March 20th at 6pm#2 Wed, March 20th at 8:30pm#3 Thurs, March 21st at 6pm#4 Thurs, March 21st at 8:30pm
The Finals: Sat, March 23rd at 12pm
The Awards Show: Sun, March 24th at 5:30pm
Visit: www.therianttheatre.com
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greenthena · 5 months
Self-Promo Sunday...
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Aziraphale Fell teaches English at Eden Midtown Academy. His new co-worker, Anthony Crowley, is a bit of a wild card, who doesn't mind ruffling a few feathers. Over the course of the school year, their friendship seems to be growing into something more.
That is until Aziraphale is offered a high-stakes job, overseeing state testing for the whole of the Massachusetts Department of Education.
They're in love, your honor. Possibly. Probably. It's complicated.
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