clanoffelidae · 2 years
People: I listen to everything!
Me: okay cool! -puts on one of the most popular and mainstream metal bands to play it safe like Rammstein or Korn-
People: not that tho :/
Me: alright that’s cool -puts on psytrance-
People: not that either :/
Me: just say you want me to put on the top 100 billboard if that’s what you want please
I’m not saying ‘oH My MuSiC TaSTe iS So WeiRD’, LOADS of people love metal and I’m one of them!!! I’ve happily indoctrinated two of my friends into Powerwolf, lots of people like metal! I also love a lot of edm and like surrealism so they may overlap depending on my mood, loads of people love that kind of stuff!!!
But like, if you don’t actually want to listen to ‘anything’ say so!!! People have different tastes and that’s fine!!! I myself generally answer with ‘I’m quite fond of metal (though I prefer if the vocalist is singing; nothing against growling and screaming and I quite like it as an add on for extra flavor, but I’m partial towards more audible melodies is all!), edm, and a lot of orchestral/choral music; but I’m open to trying anything! I tend towards specific genres but I’ve found specific country songs I liked, rap, more classic pop, latin music; so I’m not closed off to anything by genre alone and am willing to give anything a try!’
Because that’s the truth. If you don’t want to try a certain genre SAY so!!! Most people will respect it!!! I myself am open to trying most anything and if I don’t like the particular song I can just tune it out or put my headphones in! You can put on what you want instead of saying you like ‘everything’ because you don’t want to sound picky and then getting uncomfortable when you don’t actually like what I pick but didn’t want to say it. It saves a lot of stress for everyone, especially when things like headphones exist nowadays so we DON’T have to listen to the same thing!!!
People have different tastes and no one will think less of you for not liking a specific type of music. Those who do are stuck up snobs and shouldn’t have their opinions on music valued anyway. Just be honest and everyone will have a much more enjoyable experience, please.
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