#edit: MAMMALS the only MAMMALS lmao
blujayonthewing · 1 year
me: okay time to go to bed and think about tomorrow's session and mel reuniting with her parents while I fall asleep :) [spends half an hour on wikipedia learning about teeth]
5 notes · View notes
Edit to the edit: Now with art from the wonderful @geetimesthree! Thank you so much for this! Please check out the rest of their art as well, it’s amazing!
Edit: copy and pasting from Google Docs fucks up the format so some lines were missing. Please excuse my shitty replacements lol.
This is a Birdrick fic I’ve been sitting on for a while because it got out of my control and I couldn’t figure out what direction I wanted to go with it. It’s set in the early Flesh Curtains days and draws a lot of inspiration from Becky Chambers’ Wayfarers series (which I would 100% recommend). It was originally intended to be a series of moments where Rick and Birdperson realise just how alien the other really is to them (with undertones of Birdrick) but it kind of mutated into something more. However, I’ve been so stuck with what do with it that I haven’t really touched it, so I’ve decided to post what I’ve got so far. There are inklings of a plot/potential future stuff developing but I can’t promise that anything more will come of it so this may end up being a oneshot. Anyway, let’s get on with it!
Summary: Birdperson looks close enough to human that Rick sometimes forgets he’s not only a member of another species, but one from an entirely different evolutionary timeline. Other times, however, the difference is undeniable. ~6.8k words
Warnings: ableism (both internalised and from others, including mentions of forced institutionalisation, mainly towards the end), both Rick and BP having derogatory inner thoughts, eating insects (why is this something that’s been a warning for multiple fics of mine lmao)
Birdperson looks close enough to human that Rick sometimes forgets he’s not only a member of another species, but one from an entirely different evolutionary timeline. Other times, however, the difference is undeniable.
One such time is when he offers to make Birdperson a coffee one morning shortly after the Flesh Curtains move in together.
“H-how do you take it? Milk, sugar?” he asks.
Birdperson looks at Rick in puzzlement. “Milk?” 
“Uh, yeah, you know. It comes from mammary glands?”
“Is that not what mammals feed to their young?”
Rick blinks. “Well, I mean, yeah, originally, but most people have it in their coffee or cereal or, or whatever, even adults.”
Birdperson considers this for a minute. “Might I ask how you acquired human milk so far away from Earth?”
“What? No, this isn’t human milk. I-I don’t have breastmilk in my coffee!”
“So it’s artificial?” Birdperson asks with an air of relief.
“No, it’s real! It’s from shloopy-shlops.”
Birdperson looks vaguely sickened. “You consume the milk of other species?”
“Uh, yeah. You didn’t think it was from a human, did you?”
“Are you not disturbed by this? It must be a big change from what you’re used to on Earth.”
“Nah, this stuff is pretty similar to cows’ milk.”
“Yeah, they’re-they’re a big herbivorous mammal we have on Earth. We use ‘em for their meat and milk.”
“Even on Earth you eat the mammary fluids of other animals?” Birdperson’s expression of disgust deepens.
“Uh, yeah?”
Birdperson takes a moment to steady himself. “Forgive me. I do not mean to judge your species, but this concept is sickening to me.”
Rick grins. “Now you know how I feel about eating bugs.”
Birdperson smiles, very subtly, but Rick catches it. 
“So, no milk?” Rick asks.
For the first time since meeting Birdperson, Rick hears him actually laugh aloud. It’s more of a sharp exhale than anything else, but it sparks a giddy feeling in his chest all the same.
“No, I think I will go without it for now.”
Rick sits at home, alone and bored. An hour or so earlier, Squanchy had retired to his room with explicit instructions not to disturb him for the next few hours and Birdperson had left to buy groceries. Birdperson had invited Rick along, but Rick had waved the offer off, not interested in braving the sensory overload of the markets on that particular day. However, he has since started to regret this choice, as Birdperson has been gone for some time, and Rick’s not making the mistake of interrupting Squanchy during his ‘me time’ again. As much as he hates to admit it, Rick struggles with being alone.
He gets up and paces restlessly over to the window. He tells himself he’s not going to sit and wait like a dog, but he can’t stop himself from looking outside anyway. 
Pathetic. he scolds himself. You couldn’t bear to be alone, that’s why you moved in here. You want to tell yourself you’re still out hunting, but really you just can’t cope on your own, can you? I hope they get sick of you and leave, and then you’ll have to get back to actually looking for your daughter’s killer. Have you forgotten about that, you piece of shit? 
His train of thought grinds to a halt as he catches sight of Birdperson approaching the apartment building, paper bags in his arms. Rick jumps at the opportunity to escape his thoughts and rushes out of the apartment and down the stairs.
He opens the front door to see Birdperson fumbling for his keys. The other man looks up in surprise.
“Hey, Pers.” Rick grins, leaning against the doorframe. “I saw you coming, thought you-you might want some help.” he holds his hands out and Birdperson passes him a bag. It’s heavier than he made it look and Rick struggles with it for a second. Birdperson raises an eyebrow - or rather, his equivalent of an eyebrow.
“Can you manage?” he asks.
“Yeah!” Rick insists, trying not to let on how heavy the bag actually is. His brain doesn’t help matters, distracting him with thoughts of how strong Birdperson must be and ideas of what else he could use that strength for.
“If you insist.” Birdperson replies in a tone that shows he’s not convinced. “Thank you.”
The two make their way back up to the apartment, Rick finding himself talking far too much about any inane topic he can think of. Thankfully, Birdperson doesn’t seem to mind.
“By the way, whatever you do, don’t go in Squanchy’s room until you’re sure it’s fine. Trust me.” Rick advises him. Birdperson nods seriously in response, knowing all too well what Rick means.
They tumble into the apartment and Rick dumps the bag on the kitchen table, spilling its contents everywhere. He spots a packet of cookies and tears it open, cramming one into his mouth. Among the groceries, he notices a container of bright-coloured red and orange fruit labelled with an unfamiliar script.
“Hey, Pers, what’re these?” he asks through a mouthful of food.
“It is a fruit from my homeworld. Cubba-sah.”
Rick attempts to repeat the word back to Birdperson, who nods at him and takes one.
“Would you like one? They’re sweet.” he offers.
“Lemme just check real quick.” 
Rick fishes around in a drawer and pulls out a device of his own making to check if the fruit is suitable for human consumption. While more widespread species enjoy the safety of relatively common knowledge when it comes to what alien foods they can and can’t eat, humans are not so lucky. After all, very few of them have ever made it off Earth, and fewer still have met aliens, much less tried their foods. As such, Rick has to take his own measures to work out what is and isn’t safe for him.
He scans the fruit and the screen lights up green with the message ‘No known toxins’. Shrugging, he takes a fruit and pops it into his mouth.
A second later, Rick is aware of nothing except burning. A stinging sensation starts in his tongue and rises throughout his face, setting his skin ablaze as it goes. The pain is vaguely familiar to his unconscious mind and he grabs at the fridge, chugging down milk in hopes of relieving the sensation. 
“Hot.” he gasps. His eyes and nose are streaming, blurring his vision. Through the tears, he can make out Birdperson’s form moving towards him.
“Rick, are you alright? Do you require assistance?” he asks urgently.
Rick shakes his head and takes another swig of the milk, wiping at his eyes.
“No, it’s fine, it’s just… Jesus, why didn’t you tell me it was spicy?”
Birdperson blinks. “I was not aware that you would perceive it as such. Are you entirely sure that you are not having an adverse reaction?”
Rick nods. “Yeah, because this makes it better.” he replies, raising the milk carton. “Fuck, it’s like eating my abuela’s cooking.”
Birdperson suddenly starts. “Ah.”
“I… have just remembered something.” he seems uncharacteristically downtrodden. “On my home planet, there is a species of rodent we call sqoo rah lub. They are pests that invade supplies of grain and the like. To deter them, we use an extract of this fruit. It contains a compound that they find unpleasant, but that is harmless and undetectable to us. I believe the term for it in common is ‘capsaicin’.”
Rick chuckles. “Ah, that would explain it. So these,” he gestures to the fruit, “are basically peppers?”
“I am unfamiliar with this term.”
“Hang on.” Rick rummages through the cupboards until he finds a seasoning that’s roughly the alien equivalent of chilli powder. “Try this.”
He sprinkles some on Birdperson’s outstretched fingers. Birdperson raises them to his mouth and flicks out his tongue to lick the powder from them. Rick has to fight to keep his thoughts from wandering off into less appropriate areas. Birdperson smacks his lips.
“It is… very dry.”
“But not spicy? Or hot?”
“No, just a slightly sweet-tasting powder. You mean, to you, this causes pain?”
“Ah, pain’s a strong word. It’s kind of just like… a burn.”
Birdperson still does not look convinced.
“I have seen you use this on your own food before. Why do you own and consume something that causes a burning sensation for you?”
Rick shrugs. “It’s nice. Gives it a kick. A-and hey, like I said, I grew up on Abuela’s cooking, this is nothing in comparison.”
“I am afraid I still do not understand.”
“Oh man, if we ever visit Earth you totally have to try a ghost pepper.”
When Squanchy emerges from his solo session, Rick hounds him to try one of the cubba-sah. Squanchy sniffs it and instantly recoils with an expression that reminds Rick of a domestic cat.
“No way am I squanchin’ that! It smells like that stuff you put on your food!” he exclaims to Rick, backing away.
“I wonder if it is only mammals that experience this as spicy, or whether it is only my people who do not.” Birdperson ponders.
“See, you eating this I can understand because you don’t feel the burn, but him,” Squanchy points at Rick, “I just don’t get! How can you enjoy that pain?”
Rick grins. “It’s not painful, it’s just a nice kick.”
They continue to squabble playfully and, for the first time in a long time, Rick allows himself to relax into the happiness, rather than waiting for it to be snatched away.
Living in what can only be described - in rather generous terms - as ‘a shithole’, Rick has long since become accustomed to pests. Slugs, some sort of small rodent, and, most recently, ants have all invaded their apartment and subsequently faded into just another part of the background noise. Therefore, it doesn’t come as a surprise to him to walk into the kitchen one morning to a colony of the insects on the floor.
What does catch him off guard, however, is the sight of Birdperson lying amongst them, wings spread out and lowered so that they’re touching the floor. Rick’s half-asleep brain takes a few moments to clock his bandmate at all, but once it does, it goes into overdrive, thinking his friend has passed out or worse. Before Rick can spiral too far, however, Birdperson tilts his head up to look at Rick.
“Good morning, Rick Sanchez.” he greets, using Rick’s full name in a way that never fails to make Rick melt a little inside.
“Uh… BP? What’re you doing?” Rick asks, his voice still rough with sleep.
“I am getting rid of parasites.” Birdperson responds simply, matter-of-fact as ever.
“It is a natural remedy used on my home planet. A compound produced by these ants helps to kill harmful microorganisms that reside in my feathers.”
“So this is… normal, in your culture?”
“In a sense, yes. Usually, I would use what my people call ‘kubba rub-oo’ - loosely translated, it would mean…” he trails off as he mentally translates the words “...‘feather-cleanse’ - but I have been unable to find anything suitable on this planet. The natural method is slightly old-fashioned, but effective.”
Rick stares blankly for a few seconds before accepting this information. “Cool. You want coffee?”
Rick brews coffee for the two of them, serving Birdperson’s with no milk - god knows they’d already been through that fiasco - and two sugars, just as he likes it. Birdperson remains on the floor as they drink their coffee in companionable silence. 
Rick averts his eyes and decides not to comment when he sees Birdperson begin to pick ants from his feathers and pop them into his mouth. In a best case scenario, this could be an effective pest-control solution, but he’d rather not think about it too much. He sets the half-empty coffee mug on the table, unable to stomach the rest.
Birdperson doesn’t see Rick for the next few days, but assumes that the scientist has simply got himself wrapped up in a project. Since the Flesh Curtains are still struggling to book gigs, Rick’s absence doesn’t have a negative impact on the band, and it’s not unusual for Rick to disappear for days at a time, so Birdperson decides not to worry unless the other man doesn’t return soon. 
That evening, Birdperson walks into his room to find a bottle of unidentified deep red liquid and a note on his bedside table. The handwriting is familiar to him from lyric writing sessions and blueprints scattered haphazardly around the apartment. He picks up the note and begins to read.
I looked some stuff up and the main ingredient of kubba rub-oo is formic acid, with some stabilisers and then scents added in. That’s what this is. I know you like grenaberry so that’s what the scent is. Hope it works.
Birdperson sets down the note and smiles. He picks up the bottle and sees a spray lid, then tilts it to confirm the liquid’s water-like viscosity. Both of these match his expectations, and he trusts his friend’s abilities, so he extends a wing and cautiously gives it a single spritz. The smell is sweet, but with a distinct and familiar sour undercurrent. Satisfied, Birdperson sprays the rest of his wing, then the other, followed by his head-feathers. The liquid feels cool and pleasant on his feathers, and he lets it soak in for a few minutes before padding to the shower to rinse it off.
The steam amplifies the scents and Birdperson’s breath catches for a second as he’s hit with a pang of homesickness. At first, he’s confused at his own emotions - after all, the reason he left his home world in the first place was that he always felt like an outcast there - but quickly finds the feeling replaced with gratitude at Rick’s gesture. His friend has taken the time to listen to him, learn about his culture, and try to recreate part of it as a present for him.
Birdperson spends the rest of the shower bobbing between bittersweet memories and a newfound depth of affection for his bandmate. He flutters his wings to let the water flow through his feathers and wash away the oil. 
Once he switches the water off, he stands with his wings outstretched for a few minutes, letting them dry. While he might use a towel for the rest of his body, feathers are always better to air dry.
As he exits the shower, he catches a glimpse of his outline in the steamed-up mirror and freezes. Something isn’t quite right about his appearance, and he can’t work out what until he shifts his weight slightly and sees a flash of dark pink at the edge of the mirror. Turning to look at his wings in disbelief, he realises Rick’s attempt at kubba rub-oo has dyed them. He wipes the condensation from the mirror to inspect his reflection more closely and finds that his head-feathers have also been discoloured. Being darker, the grenaberry hasn’t quite managed to turn them the same deep pink as his wings, but the colour difference is definitely noticeable. He even thinks his skin might be slightly pinker than usual.
Birdperson wraps a towel around his waist and exits the bathroom in pursuit of the living room, where he can hear Squanchy laughing as Rick protests.
“Oh, man, Rick, didn’t anyone ever tell you ‘don’t squanch too much or it’ll turn your palms red’?” Squanchy guffaws. “What were you even doing?”
“Sh-shut up! It was an experiment!”
As Birdperson rounds the corner, both Rick and Squanchy’s gazes turn to him simultaneously. The three stare at each other in silence for a moment before Squanchy cracks up. He chokes out what Birdperson assumes to be some sort of joke at his expense, but his laughter is so strong it renders his speech unintelligible.
Birdperson looks at Rick, expecting him to also be cackling, only to find the man staring at him intently, his cheeks pink in a way Birdperson doesn’t think has anything to do with the kubba rub-oo. 
“Rick Sanchez?” he asks, and this seems to snap Rick out of his reverie.
“O-oh, hey, Pers.” Rick chuckles guiltily. “I see you found my… present.”
Birdperson nods. “Indeed.”
Rick raises his hands up as if in surrender, showing their red staining. “Sorry. I, uh, I guess I didn’t realise grenaberry would stain.”
“Rick Sanchez, you went out of your way to learn about and recreate something from my homeworld on my behalf. This was extremely kind of you.” he ignores Rick pretending to vomit at this and places a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
Rick freezes and looks away, his cheeks once again pink. “I-it was nothing. I couldn’t let you roll around on the floor with the ants, could I? A-anyway, I fucked it up.”
“I am very grateful.”
Rick mumbles something inaudible in response, still not making eye contact.
The three sit in each other’s company for a while, Squanchy chiming in regularly with yet another joke until eventually all of them are laughing about it.
After a while, Birdperson realises he should probably get dressed and excuses himself to his room. As he walks away, he hears Squanchy make a final comment to Rick that he doesn’t understand.
“Dude, you’ve got it bad.”
As it turns out, the staining on Birdperson’s wings lasts for quite a while. So long, in fact, that the Flesh Curtains have somehow managed to get themselves a gig before it starts to show any sign of fading.
“Man, Pers, at this rate you’re gonna be like that on the stage.” Rick teases him a few days before the show, lightly hitting Birdperson’s arm with the back of his hand. Birdperson has noticed a marked increase in Rick’s physical affection towards him lately.
“Don’t worry, I hear some people find it really hot!” Squanchy bursts out and Rick scowls at him. Birdperson is mildly confused by the interaction but brushes it off as Squanchy teasing him.
“Perhaps we should match.” Birdperson suggests, only half-joking.
“What, you think I should dye my hair?” Rick asks.
“I think it would suit you.”
Birdperson reaches out and fingers a lock of Rick’s hair, attempting to return the physical affection. Rick’s face turns red, as he’s seen it do before. Although blushing is a behaviour that’s present in his own species, he doesn’t want to assume that it means the same thing in humans, or indeed that it’s the same phenomenon at all. However, he can tell that Rick is embarrassed by it, so he enjoys trying to fluster him. Birdperson wouldn’t want to genuinely upset Rick, but he takes pleasure in teasing his friends, just as they do to each other. This sort of behaviour is not present in his culture, at least not as a means of expressing affection, but Birdperson finds that he likes it. Even though his homesickness seems to be returning more and more often these days, he finds himself continuously discovering new things that make him decide leaving was worth it. 
Rick agrees to dye his hair surprisingly readily, although no amount of cajoling can convince Squanchy to colour even a small part of his fur, insisting that it’s the key to attracting partners. He pops an unidentified pill and situates himself on the sofa in front of some sort of porn while Rick and Birdperson retire to the bathroom.
Since his initial attempt at kubba rub-oo, Rick has made another sample, this time using a flower he claims to be remarkably similar to the vanilla orchid of Earth for scent instead. Although Birdperson has begun using this one, he has kept hold of the original as well, and he brings it out now in lieu of hair dye.
“Rick Sanchez, before we begin, are you certain that this is not harmful to your species?”
“Yeah, BP, it’s fine, trust me.”
Rick pulls his shirt off over his head and Birdperson finds himself regarding his friend’s bare chest with interest. He’s used to the hair on Rick’s head, since it’s similar to his own feathers, and used to the fur covering the whole of Squanchy’s body, but he always forgets that humans have hair on other parts of their bodies as well. Similarly, he finds nipples extremely intriguing - while he appears to have them, they’re actually little more than markings on his chest, some sort of evolutionary leftover, giving him an illusion of humanity. The idea of these markings being something more - something with a function, something that’s an erogenous zone - excites him in a way he’s not sure he wants to admit to, even to himself.
Rick leans his head forward over the sink and Birdperson sprays the liquid into his hair, admiring the way the deep red drops of liquid stand out against light blue strands.
“How long d’you think I should leave this in for?” Rick asks, his voice slightly reverberating as he speaks into the sink.
“I only left it for a few minutes. I am not sure if that will be sufficient for you or not.”
The floor of the shower is still stained red, and Birdperson wonders if they should’ve done this in there instead of giving the landlord something else to charge them for when they move out, but the sink is easier, and it’s too late to change their plans now.
After a few minutes, the two decide they’ve waited long enough and Birdperson switches on the tap, cupping his hands and pouring the water over Rick’s head to help him rinse the oil from his hair.
“Shampoo.” he hears Rick mumble from underneath his mass of wet hair, and passes the bottle into Rick’s outstretched hand. Mammals, he’s found, can generally all use the same sort of product to clean their hair, although when he tried it on a small area of his own feathers, it didn’t wash out properly, leaving clumps. 
Rick lathers his head and Birdperson waits for him to finish before helping him wash it out. They repeat the process until the water running from Rick’s hair is clear.
Rick straightens up and flicks his hair back out of his face, before shaking his head and getting water everywhere, including on Birdperson. He grins at Birdperson cheekily, and Birdperson can’t help but find it charming. He passes Rick the towel quickly, hoping that the human won’t see his smile. He’s found that, although most species seem to struggle to read his emotions, Rick is unnervingly good at it, which Birdperson finds relieving and irritating in equal measure.
Rick roughly towels his hair dry, then flicks it out of his eyes so he can look at it in the mirror. It’s turned out more purple than pink, with some darker reddish streaks in places, but Rick grins anyway and Birdperson feels warmth rise in his stomach.
“I was right.” Birdperson murmurs.
“About what?” Rick asks.
“It does suit you.”
Rick’s face reddens once again and he fumbles with the towel, bringing it back up to his face in order to dry his hair. Birdperson frowns.
“Forgive me, Rick Sanchez, have I made you uncomfortable? I did not intend to.”
Rick freezes with the towel in front of his face for a few seconds before slowly lowering it.
“No, Pers, i-it’s fine. D-don’t worry about it.” Rick doesn’t seem to be telling the truth, but Birdperson doesn’t want to pry and risk making things worse. He stretches a wing out and holds it next to Rick’s head to compare the shades.
“We match now.” he says simply, and Rick grins at him. Birdperson feels his body relax as most of the tension rushes out, although a lingering worry remains. He never fit in on his home planet, didn’t understand social norms or have any friends there. While befriending aliens gives him a fair amount of leeway when it comes to social mishaps, he still feels the familiar fear of rejection sitting uncomfortably in the pit of his stomach. Rick and Squanchy are the closest friends he’s ever had, and while Squanchy is fairly straightforward and easygoing, he’s all too aware of Rick’s mercurial nature, as well as the suffering that comes with being his enemy.
Besides, Birdperson feels an unusual attachment to Rick, in a way that’s markedly different to his friendship with Squanchy. Part of him knows exactly what it is, but he’s not quite ready to put a name to the feeling. His culture regards naming as a form of cage and, while he might agree with Rick’s perspective on that particular idea for the most part, he’s all too aware of the tendency labelling things has to make them far too real. Names are powerful things, and giving one to this feeling will tie him down in a way that he’s not prepared to commit to yet.
On the morning of the gig, Birdperson walks into the kitchen and is hit by an overwhelming chemical smell. His first thought is that there’s some sort of gas leak, either in their building or nearby. When he sees Rick sitting calmly at the table, he tries to still his panicked thoughts. Rick turns around to face him with a grin.
“Hey Pers! What do you think?” Rick stretches out a hand for Birdperson to inspect. His claws - nails, Birdperson corrects himself - are black and shiny, and he can see a bottle containing a liquid of similar appearance on the table.
“What is this?” Birdperson asks.
“Nail polish. You-you never heard of it?”
“My species does not have nails.” 
Rick rolls his eyes in mock exasperation. “You don’t paint your claws? Or-or talons, or whatever?”
Birdperson shakes his head. “No. What is the purpose?”
“It’s like makeup. Or like dyeing your hair.” he gestures to his hair and Birdperson’s wings.
“A form of self-expression?”
“Yeah, pretty much.”
Birdperson sits at the table and picks up the bottle, inspecting it.
“You wanna do the other hand?” Rick holds out his left hand, and Birdperson sees that the nails there are still plain.
“I… do not know how.”
“It’s easy! Just grab the brush and smear some on.” Rick pulls the cap off to reveal a brush, then hands it to Birdperson and stretches his hand out again. Hesitantly, Birdperson takes Rick’s hand in his own. He’s not sure if this is acceptable and glances up at Rick’s face to check. The other man is blushing faintly, but looks expectant. Birdperson adjusts his grip so that he’s only holding one of Rick’s fingers and begins daubing nail polish onto the nail. He’s not sure how much is required, so he puts on one coat and then looks over at Rick’s other hand to see if the two are close enough.
“Is… this acceptable?” he asks.
“Yeah! It’s great!”
Birdperson feels reassured and paints the remaining nails, starting to relax into the simple domesticity of the moment and the exciting yet grounding feeling of touch. Once he’s done, he pulls back uncertainly.
“What now?” he asks.
“Now, we wait for it to dry.”
Birdperson gets up and washes his hands, just to be safe. After all, this is an unfamiliar substance, and he doesn’t want to take any unnecessary risks. Once they’re dry, he opens the fridge and pulls out a tub of grenaberries, holding them up to Rick and finding himself rewarded with a laugh.
As he sits down and begins eating, Rick leans back his head and opens his mouth. Birdperson stares for a second and then smirks.
“Are you a youngling?” he teases.
“Come on, Pers, I can’t eat when my nails are still wet. Feed me!”
“My people feed our young by regurgitating partially-digested food into their mouths. Is that what you wish for me to do?”
Rick kicks him playfully under the table. Birdperson takes a berry and holds it out just in front of Rick’s mouth in jest. Rick responds by leaning forwards and wrapping his lips around Birdperson’s fingers to eat the berry, pulling back with a shit-eating grin on his face as he chews. For once, Birdperson is the one who’s flustered. Now he understands how he must make Rick feel with his teasing.
“You are a cub rah bah, Rick Sanchez.” he admonishes. He’s fairly sure Rick doesn’t know what that means, but the other man cackles anyway, making Birdperson’s heart flutter in his chest.
Once again, Rick holds his mouth open expectantly and Birdperson feeds him another berry, then eats one himself. They continue in this manner for a while, until Birdperson is sure that the substance on Rick’s nails must have dried by now, but he finds himself putting another berry into Rick’s mouth regardless. 
The gig goes reasonably well - for them, anyway - and they’re in high spirits as they walk backstage. Squanchy almost immediately makes off in search of a woman he claims to have been ‘giving him the look’ for the duration of the show, leaving Rick and Birdperson alone together.
Rick begins his typical excited post-gig breakdown, listing their successes and complimenting Birdperson’s performance while his hands bounce in front of his chest and his fingers dance. Birdperson suspects that this might not be a behaviour that’s typical for humans based on the way he’s seen Rick react when he catches himself doing it, with the kind of shame that only comes from having an intrinsic part of yourself suppressed. Birdperson, always an outcast on his home planet, understands this feeling intensely, and so tries not to draw attention to Rick’s behaviour, even though he finds it adorable.  
“A-and, you know, we looked great while we were doing it!” Rick concludes in that half-joking, half-cocky way of his, indicating their dyed hair and feathers.
High on post-performance euphoria, Birdperson is filled with an uncharacteristic boldness and steps forward into Rick’s personal space, gently taking a lock of hair between his fingers.
“Yes, you did.”
Rick’s face turns redder than Birdperson has ever seen. Birdperson revels in the feeling of soft hair and their closeness to each other. He can see Rick staring at his lips and, without even meaning to, finds himself leaning in.
Apparently Rick feels the same way because the next minute they’re kissing, Rick’s lips surprisingly soft against his. Birdperson can taste the bitterness of the beer Rick had drunk before the show, smell the lingering hint of grenaberry on his hair.
When they pull back, both of them are breathing heavily. Birdperson is overwhelmed by a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Judging by Rick’s face, he appears to be experiencing a similar set of emotions.
“Rick.” Birdperson begins, but before he can put his thoughts into words, he’s interrupted by the sudden appearance of a stranger. 
They both jolt backwards from each other, caught in the act. Fortunately, the stranger doesn’t seem to notice. Xe’s a member of the predominant species on this planet, a scaly six-legged reptile, with a hard grey shell-like structure on xyr back, coming up to just below Birdperson’s waist.
“Hey, I’m Taub, best agent this side of Messier 31. I’ve got clients touring across all six major systems in this quadrant, and I think you guys showed some real promise tonight. If you sign with me, I’ll get you gigs all across the galaxy. So, how about it? You boys looking for an agent?”
Rick and Birdperson glance at each other conspiratorially, their kiss forgotten.
With Taub, the Flesh Curtains finally have a steady set of gigs for the first time in their existence. More than that, they have an actual tour. Taub has just sent across the list of locations and all three band members are sitting around the table, poring over it with interest.
“Oh, man, just listen to some of these places. Alpha-Betrium, Venzenulon-9, not to mention all of our home planets!” Rick exclaims. 
“You know, I wasn’t too sure about Taub at first, but xe’s really out-squanched xyrself with this.” Squanchy comments.
“And that’s not all! Check it out, boys!” Rick tears open a package to reveal black fabric. “T-shirts, motherfuckers!”
“Ooh yeah, gimme!” Squanchy reaches for it excitedly, checking out the illustration of the three of them on the front, then the list of tour locations on the back. 
While their drummer is preoccupied, Rick turns to Birdperson.
“Whaddya think, Pers. P-pretty cool, right?” he asks, and Birdperson can detect a hint of nervousness in his smile. Things have been slightly awkward between the two of them since their kiss, but they’ve been busy with the band now that things are moving forward, meaning that neither of them have brought it up. Birdperson wants to, but he keeps worrying that he’s reading too much into things or misinterpreting yet another cultural difference.
“Extremely cool.” he replies, placing his hand on Rick’s in what he hopes is a reassuring way. The other man blushes and pulls his hand back, and Birdperson is more confused than ever. He opens his mouth to apologise but Rick catches his eye and gives a subtle shake of his head.
“Don’t.” he mouths, his eyes flicking to Squanchy, who’s still distracted by the shirt, rubbing it against his face with an orgasmic expression. Birdperson doesn’t understand the situation, but the instructions are clear enough, so he drops it, not wanting to make things worse.
Rick paces up and down the floor of their rented tour ship, trying and failing to avoid thinking about a number of things. 
Firstly, things have been awkward between him and Birdperson ever since they kissed backstage, and while he knows he’s not helping matters, he can’t bring himself to say anything to Birdperson and risk having his heart broken or making things even more awkward, especially not while they’re on their way to their first gig of the tour, on his own home planet no less.
That brings him to the second issue. He hasn’t been back to Earth since before he met Birdperson and Squanchy, and he can’t deny the anxiety that sparks in the pit of his stomach at the thought of returning, despite knowing that their performance won’t bring them anywhere near his house. Rick’s hands alternately flap and curl into fists at his sides in response, and right there is his third issue.
He’s known his entire life that he’s not like most other people, and not just in the sense that he’s smarter than them. More specifically, he’s not like other humans, a fact that neither his parents nor his classmates had ever let him forget growing up. In response, he had used his incredible intellect and pattern-recognition skills to learn how to fit in around others. It had worked so well that he had adopted the mask almost full-time, only dropping it around a very select few people, all of whom are now dead. 
However, since most aliens have never met a human, let alone have any idea of how they’re supposed to behave, he’s fallen out of the habit of hiding his oddities lately. He’s had enough interspecies culture shock just with the other members of the Flesh Curtains, let alone aliens who are gobsmacked by behaviours such as blinking and laughing, that he’s long since decided to just do whatever the fuck he wants. However, it turns out that, like a too-tight shoe, once you take the mask off, it’s very hard to put back on. Although he’s not planning on spending too much time around other humans, he’s still nervous at the thought of being very openly weird in front of them. 
“Rick?” a voice from behind him breaks his spiral of anxiety and he snaps his hands guiltily to his sides as he turns to face Birdperson. Birdperson only recently seems to have realised he doesn’t need to use Rick’s full name every time, and Rick finds it almost unbearably intimate.
“Are you alright?” Birdperson asks.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine!” Rick knows instantly that Birdperson doesn’t believe him. While with anyone else he would double down on the lie, something about this man in particular manages to break through his defences. “Pers? C-can I… tell you something?”
“Of course.”
“I, um… I’m not like other humans. There’s, there’s something… wrong with me. I don’t know what it is, but I could get by, especially once I left Earth and nobody knew if I was acting normal for a human or not, but you’re about to meet other humans for the first time and…” Rick trails off, not sure if he’s trying to hold back from admitting too much or building himself up to say it. Either way, the truth slips out. “I’m worried about what you’ll think of me once you realise how weird I am.”
Rick keeps his eyes fixed on the ground, fighting tears he wasn’t expecting. This is something he’s never told another person except Diane, and he wasn’t prepared for the emotions it’s stirring up.
“Rick.” Birdperson places a hand on his shoulder. “On my planet, I am also, as you might say, a weirdo. Until I met Squanchy, I had never had a friend. He told me there is a word for it in common, ‘autistic’.”
At first, Rick had found himself feeling relieved and connected to Birdperson, but hearing that final word makes something in him snap.
“I’m not fucking autistic.” he hears himself growl, his heart pounding in fear as he thinks of a cousin he had been told his whole life had died as a baby until one fateful argument with his dad had revealed that she had been sent away to an asylum for ‘the severely disturbed’, the place his dad had told Rick he should’ve been sent to. Rick feels a hot, sick rage bubbling up his throat, his body trembling with adrenaline.
“Rick.” Birdperson’s calm and concerned voice snaps him back to reality. 
“I’m not autistic.” Rick repeats, his voice shaking.
“Forgive me. I do not know what this means on Earth. I had not heard of this word until I left my planet. I merely wished to reassure you that I will not think you weird, no matter how different you are to other humans.”
A sob forces its way from Rick’s mouth, and he can’t believe he’s crying in front of Birdperson, but he can’t help himself. He feels Birdperson wrap his arms around him and clings to him tightly, sobbing against the other man’s bare chest. 
“It is OK, Rick. I am here. I will not leave.” Birdperson reassures him.
Rick fights to calm himself and steady his breathing. Eventually, he manages to stop crying, quickly wiping tears and snot from his face. He can’t bring himself to look at Birdperson.
“Come.” Birdperson instructs, gently but firmly, guiding Rick with an arm around his shoulders. Rick allows himself to be led to a bed, wrapping the blankets around his entire body like a cocoon. 
“Rick… I am sorry that I have upset you. It was not my intention.”
Rick sniffles and shakes his head. “I-it’s not your fault, Pers.” he mumbles. “It just… that word brought up some bad memories for me, that’s all.”
He feels Birdperson rest a hand on his arm and continues. “On Earth, people like me - like us - if people find out that’s what we are, they… they get sent away.”
“Sent away… from Earth?”
“No, just to another place on Earth. A… a bad place. If I hadn’t been smart, that’s where they would’ve sent me, too.”
“Are you in danger of this if we return to Earth?” Birdperson asks in concern.
Rick shakes his head. “No, it’s fine. They wouldn’t do that to me now. They couldn’t, even if they tried. But it happened to… to my cousin. I didn’t find out until I was older. My dad told me about it. He said it’s what should’ve happened to me.” 
Rick feels Birdperson squeeze his arm.
“My father was not supportive of me being different, either. I always felt as if I had to prove myself to him, but he was never happy with me, no matter what I did. I knew I was a source of shame to him.”
Rick lets out a humourless laugh and leans to rest his head against Birdperson’s shoulder. “Sounds like we both had shitty dads.”
Birdperson wraps both an arm and a wing around Rick and rests his chin on Rick’s head. Even through his distress, Rick feels a rush of warmth in his abdomen at the gesture. 
“Do not worry, Rick. Even if anybody tried to harm you, I would not let them.”
Rick’s never felt so protected, and that’s the moment when he knows that his feelings for Birdperson are far beyond just a simple crush. He swears to himself that he won’t lose Birdperson, even if it means they’ll never be more than friends. Now, more so than ever, he resolves not to bring up the kiss in fear that it might jeopardise their relationship.
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Recommendations for good nature documentaries? I've seen Life, Planet Earth, the Blue Planet's and Green Planet, and some single short documentaries on YouTube. I particularly like desert life, reptiles and amphibians, but also savannas, big mammals, birds, rainforests, aquatic life, mountains and caves (not sure which I haven't mentioned yet at this point lmao). I'd also love more like Green Planet, but nothing could really beat that series as far as plant life goes. Anything goes really, but I do like variety, rather than something that focuses on a singular plant or animal only. Shorter videos worth recommending are fine too.
Edit: apparently there's a Planet Earth II as well, so I'm watching that. Recommendations still welcome though.
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jollysunflora · 2 years
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I posted 1,377 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 120 characters
#it's a very good video btw i recommend it if you have time and aren't too sensitive hearing about disasters and the like
My Top Posts in 2022:
started playing spiritfarer: farewell edition today
so we all agree the spirits are in their would be daemon forms in life, right? like atul would've had a frog daemon, gwen a deer, etc?
3 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
am I the only one who was reminded of the silver millennium this episode?
6 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
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I made this post a few years ago but only got 8 notes so reposting. The Overwatch characters classpected by yours truly.
Mercy/Angela Ziegler: Sylph of Hope Reaper/Gabriel Reyes: Prince of Doom Torbjorn Lindholm: Mage of Time Symmetra/Satya Vaswani: Witch of Void (yes, despite her using hard light in her work-it's a specific personality thing) Doomfist/Akande Ogundimu: Lord of Doom Hanzo Shimada: Knight of Heart Ana Amari: Bard of Blood (I don't believe in gender exclusive classes) Zarya/Aleksandra Zaryanova: Heir of Life Roadhog/Mako Rutlege: Prince of Life Brigitte Lindholm: Knight of Hope Bastion: Bard of Life Winston: Seer of Hope Moira O'Deorain: Mage of Mind D.va/Hana Song: Maid of Space Reinhardt Wilhelm: Knight of Blood Soldier: 76/John Francis "Jack" Morrison: Knight of Rage Sombra/Olivia Colomar: Thief of Light Lucio Correia dos Santos: Rogue of Blood Mei-Ling Zhou: Witch of Breath Elizabeth Cledonia "Calamity" Ashe: Witch of Void Orisa: Knight of Life Pharah/Fareeha Amari: Knight of Breath Zenyatta: Sylph of Mind Jesse McCree/Cole Cassidy: Rogue of Breath Widowmaker/Amelie Lacroix nee Guilard: Thief of Life Tracer/Lena Oxton: Heir of Time Junkrat/Jamison Fawkes: Bard of Rage Genji Shimada: Mage of Void Hammond: Mage of Mind Jean-Baptiste Augustin: Mage of Light Echo: Muse of Mind Junker Queen/Odessa "Dez" Stone: Thief of Life Kiriko Kamori: Heir of Breath Ramattra: Bard of Void Sigma/Siebren de Kuiper: Page of Space Sojourn/Vivian Chase: Maid of Blood Bonus: Efi Oladele: Sylph of Life
8 notes - Posted December 7, 2022
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What does Dana Terrace have against giraffes lmao
23 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
161 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
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verdigrisprowl · 6 years
Sept 3 Dancitron Movie Night - Gotham 16-18
Prowl has to ask Soundwave to adjust what things he warns him for in the show.
He offered to help Soundwave figure out how to convert different units of payment his club might receive, Whirl accused Prowl of flirting, and Prowl had a minor crisis.
Prowl found out his alternate gave Soundwave Sentinel’s ugly mug. As in a drinking glass, not his face. Soundwave offered to give it to Prowl, and he turned it down—but sent a picture of it to Bonecrusher. As well as of a piece of MLP fanart Megatron painted. Bonecrusher almost died laughing.
Today NoodlesAtNight 7:27 pm *There's nothing much different than the usual, today - which is to say, Dancitron is back in full repair at last. And Soundwave's dancing a little until others arrive.* NoodlesAtNight 7:35 pm *All right, now he's risking cutting it too close. He'll make his way back toward the couch, abruptly stop, and drop into his seat with the usual grace.* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:38 pm *drops in with no grace, what even is grace, we just don't know* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:39 pm *here comes the dragon! she's out of the bells and mask, and she's got a cartful of her typical goodies today. looks like the scaring holiday is over.* Hello, Soundwave! Kelpy 7:39 pm [sidles in] Oh wow. Tis place is nice when it's not, you know. SCProwl 7:39 pm *arrives, takes usual seat* NoodlesAtNight 7:39 pm [[Greetings, Swoop, Dragon, Swerve. When it's not hanging half out of its own walls, you mean?]] NoodlesAtNight 7:40 pm [[Ah. You do not have your costume, dragon. On to the next festival, then?]] Kelpy 7:40 pm I did, yeah. Ha. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:40 pm When it comes, yes. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:41 pm But not for a while yet. Hatching is a busy time. I think we all need time to recover. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:41 pm Bird? :V NoodlesAtNight 7:42 pm [[Ahh. The tired moments when all you want to do is dive into a small hole and ignore all of existence. He understands.]] [[...It never occurred to him to ask how your bar survived - or didn't - the sparkeater cure. Is it...?]] //Ain't no Bird right now. She got a package to pick up.// Kelpy 7:43 pm OH! Yeah it uh. Got a bit trashed, but overall it was fine. Just had to replace some bottles of engex and one barrel exploded. NoodlesAtNight 7:44 pm *Somewhat alarmed. He blips and everything, sitting up.* [[Exploded? In fire, or apart?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:44 pm BOMB package?? :V SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:44 pm *the dragon gives him an alarmed look too- she's had accidents with energon, but never a whole barrel!* Kelpy 7:44 pm Apart! Just expoded apart. NoodlesAtNight 7:45 pm *Soundwave rests back against his seat. Thank Primus. A whole barrelful would've been - well!* [[Have you been able to replace it?]] Kelpy 7:46 pm Yeah, Rodimus and Drift wrote it off as an Unavoidable Consequence Of Sparkeaters and compensated me the cost so we replaced it. Today NoodlesAtNight 7:47 pm [[Ah, good.]] *He's been mildly concerned about the damage done to the ship since then.* [[ And no, not a bomb package. A food package.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:47 pm *is endlessly disappointed by the lack of Bird but has a good time imagining her picking up a package that is BLATANTLY a wrapped up bomb* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:48 pm ...Why does she have a snack on a leash? NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm ((starting in 10-15)) chronosmith 7:48 pm *trots on in, FIRST STOP? THE BAR. Once again, for the first time in a long time, Whirl comes bearing a gift: it's some kind of tin, with a hinged lid and four stubby legs. Very fancy. Almost certainly stolen* MedicalMurdersaurus 7:48 pm *throws himself across the nearest sofa, laying on whoever is unfortunate enough to be there* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:48 pm WHIRL! Hello! *fuzzy epaulette time* NoodlesAtNight 7:48 pm [[...The singer? He sees no leash.]] chronosmith 7:48 pm *the tin is placed, with much grandiosity, on the bar. And then he has an epaulette, EVEN MORE FANCY* chronosmith 7:49 pm Hey there, dragon. And, oh mister bartender, I bring you more exotic delicacies from beyond the stars. NoodlesAtNight 7:49 pm [[Other than the temptations he claims she serves.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:49 pm The singer had some sort of naked mammal thing on a leash at the beginning? NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm [[Ah. He missed it. Greetings, Whirl.]] chronosmith 7:50 pm *bobs his head at Soundwave* Hey, mech. NoodlesAtNight 7:50 pm *Ravage peeps over the edge of the bar. He was trying to stay hidden tonight, but... well, he's interested.* Kelpy 7:50 pm She has a lot of belts. SCProwl 7:50 pm Maybe it was a pet. NoodlesAtNight 7:51 pm //Maybe she's really, REALLY scared of the short pants fallin' off.// Kelpy 7:51 pm Maybe. chronosmith 7:51 pm *inside the tin is a variety of mechafish caviar, which only further confirms that Whirl stole this from some kind of ritzy gathering* Been a while since I paid towards my tab. Kelpy 7:51 pm [there's a reflexive check that Ravage is whole when he sees him before he can actually catch himself] Kelpy 7:52 pm I feel like most of these humans don't dress the way everyone else does. NoodlesAtNight 7:52 pm *Ravage uses the claws at the tip of his feeler tail to open the tin and oh-so-gently sniffs at the contents. His optics widen almost immediately.* =Where...?= chronosmith 7:52 pm ((ohh i heard this song on the radio once, it's good)) MedicalMurdersaurus 7:52 pm ((I love the choreography and pastels of the video)) NoodlesAtNight 7:53 pm *Ravage certainly LOOKS whole. It's a tallish bar, and he's able to see over it.* chronosmith 7:53 pm I did a little bit of station-hopping for some parts, and there was this thing--preeetty sure it was a museum ribbon-cutting ceremony? or something? Well. As you know, I love museums, so very, very much. *Whirl is actually canonically banned from museums basically everywhere* NoodlesAtNight 7:53 pm ((same re: choreo/pastels)) chronosmith 7:53 pm And I ducked in, thought this smelled nice and weird, and thought 'hey, why not?' MedicalMurdersaurus 7:53 pm *was metaphorically conceived in a museum* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:54 pm *grins from atop Whirl's shoulder* Did you liberate it for the good of Ravage, Whirl? MedicalMurdersaurus 7:54 pm *sprawls across the back of a couch* chronosmith 7:54 pm Of course. I bring Ravage stuff all the time. Least I can do for my favorite bartender. ...no offense, Swerve. MedicalMurdersaurus 7:54 pm Us do FIGHT movie this time??? Kelpy 7:55 pm [amused. He finally remembers this is not his Ravage though. No need to worry about injuries] NoodlesAtNight 7:55 pm *Ravage considers the tin, looks at the bar, and pulls himself up more to glance at Soundwave, tail flicking. Can he? And Soundwave nods.* =Serve yourself. Four weeks.= *Ravage flicks the tin closed again, picks it up in his mouth SO GENTLY - odd, for such ferocious fangs - and hustles off to run it upstairs.* [[There is a little fighting, Swoop, but it is not a movie.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:56 pm No movie... Us watch WRESTLING! : > Today chronosmith 7:56 pm Nice. *by now he knows how to mix a Gaugebuster, and he will industrially get to work. Sorry, dragon, this stuff's fumes alone are probably like shoving a ghost pepper up one's nose* ((i'm that guy)) NoodlesAtNight 7:56 pm [[Primus, no. No wrestling.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 7:56 pm Boxing NoodlesAtNight 7:57 pm *Rumble sits up at the sight of the skateboard and points.* //WHAT WAS THAT 'N WHERE DO I GET ONE.// chronosmith 7:57 pm ((shame on all the radio edits that cut this part out)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:57 pm *the dragon churrs for a moment* Nasal rebreather. I can smell, but it won't be as bad. *the perks of having a dolphin-like respiratory system- she can eat AND have an internal rebreather* Kelpy 7:57 pm //i think i've heard it like. twice lmao NoodlesAtNight 7:58 pm ((but it's so good 😧 )) chronosmith 7:58 pm ((IT IS)) NoodlesAtNight 7:58 pm //Puh. You don't smell bad. Least, no worse'n most organics.// NoodlesAtNight 7:58 pm //...Swear that's supposed t'be a compliment.// chronosmith 7:59 pm *pauses to rotate his head around and huff some air over the dragon. Enjoy the impromptu breeze* NoodlesAtNight 7:59 pm ((FIVE MINUTES GRAB YER SNACKS AND YER HATS)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 7:59 pm ... *the dragon cackles* Compliment accepted, then! *!!! breeze! gets real poofy to get that nice windswept look.* chronosmith 8:00 pm *plucks up his drink, and gestures with his free claw* I've conducted extensive research, and I gotta concur with my beau over there. You don't smell too bad. *and now, it's couch time* NoodlesAtNight 8:00 pm *Soundwave grumbles internally. He likes this song. He likes the video. But that one human made him always connect the sound of it to the thought of Jazz. Why.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:00 pm *scrambles over to be with Whirl* chronosmith 8:01 pm *do you want to be arranged upside-down again?* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:01 pm *always* chronosmith 8:01 pm *Once Whirl is settled, he will do so* Kelpy 8:01 pm I feel like that is absolutely not how jails work. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:02 pm *SQUEALS* NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm [[Not ones run by Prowl, at least.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:02 pm I am a very clean organic, if I do say so myself. *this catlike tongue ain't for show!* Kelpy 8:02 pm [cackles] NoodlesAtNight 8:02 pm *Rumble sort of flattens in a weird position to avoid gangly pterolimbs* *He'll sit back up in a sec* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:03 pm *has a lot of very wiggly limbs, but isn't flailing with that much force so anyone who gets clonked in the face is probably fine, Rumble* NoodlesAtNight 8:03 pm ((last song)) Kelpy 8:03 pm //is that snoop dog NoodlesAtNight 8:04 pm ((yep)) Kelpy 8:04 pm //tegrbdfg i'm lasughing god i forgot what chat it was in but one of my chats suggested an au where swerve was voiced by snoop NoodlesAtNight 8:04 pm ((oh my god)) chronosmith 8:04 pm *there's a lot more Whirl taking up the couch, he will probably by the clonked* ((skdl BEAUTIFUL)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:05 pm You Whirl tell Me Swoop a FIGHTING story! NoodlesAtNight 8:05 pm //He got the best ones.// MedicalMurdersaurus 8:06 pm Awesome : > //WAIT NO IT WASN'T SWERVE it was tarn. tarn voiced by snoop dog gfhbthgn Kelpy 8:06 pm //nicki minaj was for swerve chronosmith 8:06 pm *preens* Of course I do. Also-- *turns and bobs his helm. Official greeting for you at last, Rumble* Hmm... let me think of a good one. NoodlesAtNight 8:07 pm [[He must ask, dragon: why do organics consider themselves clean after they have licked themselves, but think other things are filthy when licked by someone or something?]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:07 pm Me Swoop like fight story : > verdigrisprowl 8:07 pm *appears; sits* chronosmith 8:07 pm Yeah, I just got a lot of battles to choose from... hmm. Well, I'm not going to tell the story over the show, so I'll check back in with you afterwards. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:08 pm : < NoodlesAtNight 8:08 pm *Prowl has appeared right on the line. Soundwave bobs his helm in greeting and offers an affection ping hello.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:08 pm That's actually an interesting question. For my species, our tongues are designed to clean our fur, and the slight touch of formic acid doesn't hurt. But our tongues aren't as sanitary as, ah, an autoclave. There's still germs, and such. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm Also, to be fair, if I were to wash my fur with water, I would run the risk of mildew. verdigrisprowl 8:09 pm *affection ping* NoodlesAtNight 8:09 pm [[The rotting substance?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:09 pm It's mold, yes. NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm *One moment. His attention is thoroughly on the-- ooh.* verdigrisprowl 8:10 pm ((she's very chill about discovering two scruffy children in her apartment)) Kelpy 8:10 pm OH. I never did catch up on what I missed while I was away the last two weeks, woops. NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm ((i think she's lost all fucks to give)) verdigrisprowl 8:10 pm *oh--pings visuals to his alternate* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm *perks RIGHT up* Kelpy 8:10 pm //she really is MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm Me Swoop like acrobat Them fun : > Kind of flying NoodlesAtNight 8:10 pm [[....FASCINATING. He did not know humans could do that.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:10 pm trick stuff! verdigrisprowl 8:10 pm *... and briefly pings visuals to soundwave, too, so he can watch Prowl's HUD analysis of the acrobats.* SCProwl 8:11 pm *accepts with a thank you ping* NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm *OOOOOOH. He'll just - there's a series of tiny clicks while his fans keep trying to start and getting killed off.* SCProwl 8:11 pm *just in time for the fight oh yeah* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:11 pm ... *blinks* I hope he didn't ruin his date. NoodlesAtNight 8:11 pm [[You will gather much of it from watching, Swerve, but if you have questions that need answering, he will assist you.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:12 pm //Uh-oh.// chronosmith 8:12 pm *snickers* NoodlesAtNight 8:12 pm //...Well, THAT ain't gonna be good for business.// SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:12 pm *snickers* Aw, hatchling loyalty. chronosmith 8:12 pm You know, he gave that big spiel weeks ago, about finding what drives people, right? What they live for? He should be careful about making HIS so obvious. Kelpy 8:12 pm Thanks! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:12 pm I know, right. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:13 pm It's like shining a spotlight on a gaping, infected wound. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:13 pm *looks at Whirl upside down* What spIEL? chronosmith 8:13 pm You asking what a spiel IS, or what the spiel was? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:13 pm Yah NoodlesAtNight 8:13 pm [[There's a snake human?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:13 pm I want to see the snake human. verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm ((i'm not sure what a "snake dancer" is but as long as it isn't a snake charmer it sounds Amazing)) chronosmith 8:14 pm ((balroom dancing with a reticulated python in a bowtie)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:14 pm ((dances with snakes, if the Renfest is anything to go by)) Kelpy 8:14 pm //omg MedicalMurdersaurus 8:14 pm ((adorable)) NoodlesAtNight 8:14 pm ((basically dancing in skimpy clothes with a python all up on you)) verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm ((omfg)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:14 pm ((the local renfest has a gal with a pair of ball pythons)) verdigrisprowl 8:14 pm ((... why are the snakes in a cage with bars wider than the snakes)) NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm [[Hm. Her son looks fully human.]] chronosmith 8:15 pm ((i have one (1) python, and he is a dear, but I can't dance.)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:15 pm ((sunny's an albino and shane is a normal)) Is Sheba an aunt? NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm *...."Sure as eggs." He has to remember that phrase.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:15 pm *snickers* chronosmith 8:15 pm big beb)) NoodlesAtNight 8:15 pm [[...She's going to get away.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:15 pm *the dragon coos in delighted fascination* Look at that! verdigrisprowl 8:15 pm ... What kind of party would involve placing... "knickers"? in handbags? Kelpy 8:16 pm "let her out" he says when there's probably nothing keeping her in. They know snakes are escape artists right>? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:16 pm A great big wriggler. chronosmith 8:16 pm ((also I got the type of snake correct yaaay)) verdigrisprowl 8:16 pm Knickers are underwear, right? NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm [[Perhaps it is a party fav-- oh.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:16 pm Oh no. verdigrisprowl 8:16 pm Unusual party favor. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:16 pm KAHA! Dead! SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:16 pm Hm, she has scales. NoodlesAtNight 8:16 pm [[It could be an interface par-- well, there she is.]] verdigrisprowl 8:16 pm The ringleader knew about it. Kelpy 8:16 pm That's the fakest crying I've ever seen NoodlesAtNight 8:17 pm *Soundwave glances at him.* [[How did you know he knew?]] chronosmith 8:17 pm ((god i love u mooney)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:17 pm No surprise. Organic bodies reek. SCProwl 8:17 pm ((she's the best <3 verdigrisprowl 8:17 pm Because he was so obstructive to the investigation. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:17 pm He should have been shocked by the odor. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:17 pm Her, uhhh.... Her Lady is King? Queen. NoodlesAtNight 8:17 pm *Slow nod. Makes sense. ... Also:* [[This is - familiar.]] //The Fish lady? She ain't Queen. Wanted to be.// NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm //Now she's just Queen of th' room.// MedicalMurdersaurus 8:18 pm Them listen So chronosmith 8:18 pm She sure knows how to take charge. *toasts the screen, and takes abig draught* Kelpy 8:18 pm Standing on people. chronosmith 8:18 pm I just like her more and more. NoodlesAtNight 8:18 pm [[Yes. Yes, she does.]] [[Though Swerve makes a point.]] chronosmith 8:18 pm Yeah--that just makes her even MORE badass. Kelpy 8:19 pm ...Aren't they graysons where he gets Robin? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:19 pm *is bored by all this not-Bird talking and looks over at Whirl* verdigrisprowl 8:19 pm ... They could have taken their costumes off first. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:19 pm They could have, but this is funny. NoodlesAtNight 8:20 pm //Yeah! The Graysons are, uh... well, I guess they ain't got him yet.// Kelpy 8:20 pm Huh. Yeah I guess not. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:20 pm Also, child, I doubt hatchling loyalty is a very great way to assist an investigation. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:20 pm *tries to stick a finger in the rotor on Whirl's arm* Kelpy 8:21 pm Wait so they hate each other, but run a circus together. chronosmith 8:21 pm *without looking, Whirl just raises his arm out of reach slowly, deliberately* Sonar, mech. You'll have to do better than that. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:22 pm *snickers and keeps reaching until his arm is stretched all the way out* NoodlesAtNight 8:22 pm *Soundwave folds his hands and rests his chin on them.* verdigrisprowl 8:22 pm They're employed together, at least. chronosmith 8:22 pm *watching closely* Kelpy 8:22 pm So, I take it that the Don caught Mooney in her plans in the two weeks I was gone? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:23 pm ((sorry, catto pressed the power button)) NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm [[Oh, yes. Yes, he did. He found out about her mole, killed the mole, and chased her out.]] Kelpy 8:23 pm Oh man. Shame. NoodlesAtNight 8:23 pm [[She was captured and kidnapped on her boat away from the city.]] Kelpy 8:23 pm Heck. chronosmith 8:24 pm I can appreciate that. Getting yourself killed so someone else can't use you. Kelpy 8:24 pm Oh. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:24 pm *grabs for Whirl's side in a flash, giggling all the way* NoodlesAtNight 8:24 pm //Brave human. Probably better'n what was waitin'.// chronosmith 8:24 pm Yeah. chronosmith 8:25 pm And it's better t--*lifts his arm, swiveling to look down at Swoop* Hey, Quit it. No touching. NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[Coward.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:25 pm *grins from audio to audio* NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[But that's to be expected.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm Of course. He knows they'd kill him. chronosmith 8:25 pm And yeah. better for your last act to be a big frag-you to the people that got em captured. NoodlesAtNight 8:25 pm [[And he would deserve it.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:25 pm He would. verdigrisprowl 8:26 pm They wouldn't kill him unless she was killed. And he knows full well she'd be killed. Kelpy 8:26 pm Rip that guy. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:26 pm *reaches to touch the nearest bit of Whirl with the very tippy tip of a claw* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:26 pm Riddling human! verdigrisprowl 8:26 pm Probable crime of passion. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:26 pm Aw, poor riddling human. He got interrupted. NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm [[...The killing of the cell keep - oh, no. These two. Yes, he imagines so.]] chronosmith 8:27 pm *sighs. Offers the gaugebuster to Rumble* Would you mind holding this? NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm [[It is a common thread in human media.]] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:27 pm : > NoodlesAtNight 8:27 pm //Sure, mech.// *Takes hold of it.* Kelpy 8:27 pm I'm assuming new girlfriend. verdigrisprowl 8:27 pm Good policy—not guessing. chronosmith 8:27 pm *now that he has both claws free, he turns, clamps one aroung Swoop's middle claw-machine-style, lifts him bodily, stands, and begins to carry him across the room* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:28 pm *SHRIEKS with laughter and looks at the room upside down* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:28 pm This man is a clown. NoodlesAtNight 8:28 pm @P: [[He hopes you have never hoped that he would mix you a dinner. He is... not accomplished at that type of thing.]] *Pause.* [[But if at some point you wish to go somewhere to have one, he would be open to that. You are, of course, not obligated to agree.]] verdigrisprowl 8:29 pm "Iron sisters." Probably a statue. SCProwl 8:29 pm Buildings perhaps? chronosmith 8:29 pm *with great aplomb, places Swoop atop a table. Pauses, and the adjusts him so his head is dangling off and he can keep watching upside-down* *and then turns to trot back to the couch* NoodlesAtNight 8:29 pm *Soundwave isn't going to interrupt Whirl and Swoop unless someone starts screaming in pain. In the meantime, if he rolls his eyes any harder behind his mask they'll dislodge and get stuck.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:29 pm *kicks his legs with lots of enthusiasm but no real aim* NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm *What a fraud that psychic is. As bad as the one in the 99 Brooklyns records.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:30 pm *is all grins* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:30 pm I hope that he finds his way back to the clowns alright. NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm *Soundwave huffs.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:30 pm *throws his arms over his head and pushes off the table with his wings just enough to get him tipping off the edge into a handstand and then flipping back upright* NoodlesAtNight 8:30 pm [[If he can't, perhaps he can use the snake.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:30 pm *the dragon loses it laughing* verdigrisprowl 8:30 pm @S «I won't ask you to mix me dinner if you don't ask me to mix you one. ... I think we'd make a poor dinner date, anyway. You with your mask on and me without a fuel tank.» chronosmith 8:31 pm Heart and Soul, eh? What a CHALLENGING piece. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:31 pm *sorry Whirl, don't mind the dragon claws. that was a really funny joke* Kelpy 8:31 pm ... Didn't she ditch him to get laid with her other ex? Is she trying to win him back NoodlesAtNight 8:31 pm @P: [[There are always fuel line injectors. Or transport containers. But he sees your point.]] chronosmith 8:31 pm *he will barely be able to feel it, you and your claws are fine* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:32 pm *cartwheels back over to the sofa* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:32 pm *the dragon finally stops laughing. at least, cackling loudly.* chronosmith 8:32 pm *peers owlishly at Swoop* Knock it off. verdigrisprowl 8:33 pm @S «... Do you /want/ to go on a date? In public?» MedicalMurdersaurus 8:33 pm *grins* What NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm //She ditched him on account of she couldn't take bein' scared of his work. Other lady ditched her cause she went all drugs-filled again. Misses him now.// chronosmith 8:33 pm Thanks, Rumble. *he will take that drink back--and tilts his head, optic slitting slyly* Sure you don't want a sip? SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:33 pm ...she actually convinced him to do this. Kelpy 8:33 pm But he's already moved on from the looks of it. NoodlesAtNight 8:33 pm @P: [[Not unless and/or until you are eventually comfortable with the idea. Simply covering his alternative bases.]] NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm //Wha, me?// Kelpy 8:34 pm There's gonna b e a clue NoodlesAtNight 8:34 pm [[Yes, he's very much moved on.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:34 pm Oh. Oh, my. chronosmith 8:35 pm Yep. ...I know you know what this tastes like. Kelpy 8:35 pm Oof. verdigrisprowl 8:35 pm @S «Hm. Noted.» chronosmith 8:35 pm You're the one who showed me the brew, after all. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:35 pm *climbs up to perch on the back of the couch* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:35 pm *groans* Get to solving the murder- huh? She? Huh? NoodlesAtNight 8:35 pm *It's an idea he's curious about, not much more. It can wait, or be a thing that never happens.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:36 pm *was that almost an apology? are they discussing their feelings in a mature way?* NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm //Oh, nah. Don't wanna get fendered tonight. Thanks, though.// chronosmith 8:36 pm ((she's so cute im dying)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:36 pm ((she issssssss)) NoodlesAtNight 8:36 pm *Why on Cybertron would Whirl think he'd want a sip of THAT?* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:36 pm ((Lee 4 ever)) chronosmith 8:37 pm *salutes* I'll get fendered enough for the both of us. SCProwl 8:37 pm ((Lee's so great MedicalMurdersaurus 8:37 pm *is playing gargoyle on the back of the sofa* NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm //Heh. Gonna take a lot. I ain't a lightweight.// Kelpy 8:37 pm We should test that sometime. NoodlesAtNight 8:37 pm [[...He expects there are not many relics like the Star Saber in the human world.]] chronosmith 8:37 pm *tilts head* You know, I don't think we've ever just gone drinking. We should. Kelpy 8:37 pm Which of us can get drunk last verdigrisprowl 8:37 pm ... It's not "hypocritical" to want someone in your life who accepts the dangerous things you, do but doesn't forcibly shove themself into your job and try to get involved in the danger. NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm [[Especially after what happened with his last mate in that vein.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm Oooh, that was a facial twitch. NoodlesAtNight 8:38 pm //I dunno I'd take the bet, but I'd enjoy joinin' it.// SCProwl 8:38 pm Ah. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:38 pm Like he bit into an unfermented seaskitter. chronosmith 8:38 pm And Swerve--HELL yeah. Kelpy 8:38 pm Would be real fun Kelpy 8:39 pm Oh. Ohhhh. SCProwl 8:39 pm *sits forward to see how this plays out* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:40 pm So, then. Why- oh. Oh, one of these. NoodlesAtNight 8:40 pm [[...His voice changed.]] Kelpy 8:40 pm He's crazy. chronosmith 8:40 pm Yeah. Props to the actor, honestly. verdigrisprowl 8:40 pm ((i was meaning to ask earlier but now i'm more certain)) verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm ((was this originally supposed to be the joker's origin story)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:41 pm Humans have their myths, dragons have ours, but why do some always go the same way? ((yes)) NoodlesAtNight 8:41 pm ((yes/no)) verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm ((because he does a good joker face)) Kelpy 8:41 pm //is he the joker thbyfhgn NoodlesAtNight 8:41 pm ((this is not the end of jerome's story. jerome is a piece of the joker. jerome is not the joker.)) verdigrisprowl 8:41 pm ((he's kind of jack nicholson)) chronosmith 8:41 pm ((he does. and i'm with whirl I'm honestly impressed)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:41 pm ((he's a pale redhead with a thing about jokes)) ((I'm convinced, tbh)) Kelpy 8:42 pm //oh my god chronosmith 8:42 pm Okay so. Sometime, me, Swerve, and you--*nods to Rumble* Drink-a-thon? MedicalMurdersaurus 8:42 pm *doesn't know what we're laughing at but laughs anyway* Kelpy 8:42 pm YEah. verdigrisprowl 8:42 pm She shouldn't have been in that room. No matter how curious or excited she was. It's inappropriate. chronosmith 8:42 pm ((PFFT. THAT WAS A GOOD ASS LINE)) NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm //Pit yeah. Long's I got time to work without a hangover, heh.// verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm ((IT WAS)) chronosmith 8:43 pm ((thank you gotham)) NoodlesAtNight 8:43 pm [[Is she not considered part of the police? She works with them.]] //Oh. Oh, frag. That's gotta hurt.// verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm She's a civilian employee. She's not an officer. Kelpy 8:43 pm Woop chronosmith 8:43 pm Eh. No sympathy. verdigrisprowl 8:43 pm Not everyone who works inside a police department is police. Kelpy 8:43 pm Did she... really expect him to sit around waiting for her to come back? chronosmith 8:43 pm SHE left HIm. And it wans't like she was broken up or anything. SCProwl 8:44 pm He's not wrong. verdigrisprowl 8:44 pm *... is this the scene he was warned ab-- yes it is.* NoodlesAtNight 8:44 pm [[Of course he doesn't. The music alone - it's the wrong environment for that.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:44 pm ...What's with him? Oh. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:45 pm That's what's wrong with him. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:45 pm ((penguin freckles <3 )) NoodlesAtNight 8:45 pm ((THE FRECKLESSS)) chronosmith 8:45 pm ((i never noticed how freckly--PFFT)) ((YEAH. I never noticed how freckley he was)) verdigrisprowl 8:45 pm ((he's incredibly freckly)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:45 pm ... Urk. Kelpy 8:45 pm //i feel like he didn't have that many before but vhbthb my memory's terrible lmao verdigrisprowl 8:45 pm *that was hard.* verdigrisprowl 8:46 pm *to watch.* SCProwl 8:46 pm ((apparently the freckles are a side effect of the makeup involved to blend the fake nose with the rest of his face verdigrisprowl 8:46 pm ((omg the doodles)) NoodlesAtNight 8:46 pm *Soundwave will casually readjust to sit with one arm in grabbing range near Prowl's leg, and one arm resting on his lap. Something Prowl can take if he wants it, or ignore if he doesn't.* chronosmith 8:46 pm Pfft. I like this kid's chutzpah. NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm ((on his own lap. he didn't put his arm on prowl's lap)) chronosmith 8:47 pm ((an exotic new pet--Soundwave's Arm!)) MedicalMurdersaurus 8:47 pm hood-spa verdigrisprowl 8:47 pm ((all those business people in the room like "oh wow this six-year-old is calling us out")) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:47 pm A happy ending? SCProwl 8:47 pm ((noooo, you have to name your son Dick, it's still honoring Jim SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:47 pm ((does harvey think that women don't have razors)) NoodlesAtNight 8:47 pm [[The Bruce youngling is already very good at using his age to surprise his enemies. How promising.]] verdigrisprowl 8:47 pm *... sllllllowly snakes hand around soundwave's arm* chronosmith 8:48 pm Yeah! Letting them underestimate him. Kelpy 8:48 pm Don't be fooled. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:48 pm ((I love his little composition notebook)) ((like he goin to class) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:48 pm He might have learned from the cat human. NoodlesAtNight 8:48 pm //Oooh. A threat.// Kelpy 8:49 pm I assume his parents raised him to inherit the business, so these people shouldn't be surprised he knows how stuff works. NoodlesAtNight 8:49 pm *Soundwave oh so slowly squeezes against the hand once it's settled. He hopes Prowl is all right, beyond the need for that touch.* verdigrisprowl 8:49 pm Hm. Has the manager decided he's willing to sacrifice his agent? SCProwl 8:49 pm ((it's such a subtle nod to the fact that he's still a child in many respects SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:50 pm It seems so. NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm [[She's very unlike the last 'boss'. It pays to know a potential enemy.]] chronosmith 8:50 pm ((I LOVE HEERRRR)) Heheh. Kelpy 8:50 pm Some wild hair. NoodlesAtNight 8:50 pm [[If he loses an agent, so be it. He could lose a business if not.]] [[...That is what he imagines the reasoning is, at least. It is what he has seen many, many times.]] Kelpy 8:51 pm .... I'd like some hair SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:51 pm Is this a robbery or a clown show. Is the circus still in town? NoodlesAtNight 8:51 pm [[And that,]] *pointing with his free hand* [[is a mistake. Easier tracking. Higher memorability.]] Kelpy 8:51 pm Idiot. He's grandstading, they're gonna get caught. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:52 pm KAHAHAHA chronosmith 8:52 pm What a LOUSY shot. MedicalMurdersaurus 8:52 pm Him miss verdigrisprowl 8:52 pm It's very possible that the prisoners are worth more than their guards to the boss. NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm //I ain't seen a shot that bad since them movies about wars in the stars.// SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:52 pm What does he- oh. Kelpy 8:52 pm ...I'm that bad a shot. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:52 pm That. That would do it. NoodlesAtNight 8:52 pm [[...That's clever, though.]] chronosmith 8:52 pm Pfft. You're not wrong, Rumble. verdigrisprowl 8:52 pm Heh verdigrisprowl 8:53 pm Clever. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:53 pm Like giving isopods to the hatchlings. NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm *This episode just reminds him of that post about bank robbers and DJs. He huffs softly.* MedicalMurdersaurus 8:53 pm *sliiiiiiiiiides onto the sofa* verdigrisprowl 8:53 pm ... But if I ever see that trick pulled in Iacon, all of you are on the suspect list. chronosmith 8:53 pm *nods to Prowl* And yeah. That's the thing with folks like that--once they get around to thinking people as, y'know, things? Possessions? Lots of times the next step is thinking of people as interchangeable. SCProwl 8:53 pm All of us? NoodlesAtNight 8:53 pm //On my honor, I ain't dumb enough to - uh, I mean. I won't. Promise.// SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:54 pm *blinks* *blinks again* chronosmith 8:54 pm Which, of course, they're not--a trained guard is plenty useful. But looks like Mooney understands that. NoodlesAtNight 8:54 pm [[Even you. It'd be only fair. You could use this as inspiration to hide your first foray into the world of crime.]] *Only half serious.* SCProwl 8:54 pm First? Kelpy 8:54 pm I'm not a criminal at all. Promise. NoodlesAtNight 8:55 pm [[Seven hundredth and third.]] chronosmith 8:55 pm No worries, Prowl, I make a point to spend the least amount of time in Starscream's Clown Town as possible. SCProwl 8:55 pm *huffs* NoodlesAtNight 8:55 pm *Rumble CACKLES at the name for Iacon* verdigrisprowl 8:55 pm I said all of you. NoodlesAtNight 8:55 pm [[...And what about YOU?]] *Turns head to peer around shoulder at V Prowl.* chronosmith 8:56 pm Yeah. *joins in the Prowl Peering* You've got the perfect cover. And the perfect poker face. ...well. ALMOST perfect. Second place. Kelpy 8:56 pm Who has the first? verdigrisprowl 8:56 pm *peers back at Soundwave. trying to decide whether he wants to be offended.* ... Well. That would be my /second/ foray into crime, wouldn't it? chronosmith 8:56 pm Me, of course. ...MAYBE Soundwave. But he doesn't have a face, so it doesn't count. Kelpy 8:56 pm Don't you--never mind. NoodlesAtNight 8:56 pm *Soundwave's still huffing. He doesn't really think Prowl would do that. Either of them.* chronosmith 8:57 pm If you're about to ask 'don't you NOT have a face' then, obviously, duh. I do. Idiot. *gestures grandly to his helm* Kelpy 8:57 pm [snorts[] MedicalMurdersaurus 8:57 pm *sloooooooooooowwwllly rolls around the sofa* Kelpy 8:58 pm She wasn't kidding about spare parts. NoodlesAtNight 8:58 pm @VP: [[Second? What, pray tell, was the first?]] *SNAPS TO ATTENTION* chronosmith 8:58 pm Not a bit. verdigrisprowl 8:58 pm @S «... I spent a year in jail for blowing up a space bridge, remember?» MedicalMurdersaurus 8:59 pm *tries to slooooooooowwwwllly touch the tip of his claw to the tip of Whirl's ped* Kelpy 8:59 pm ...I thought that said Megs SpecsTheSpectralDragon 8:59 pm Oh, a baby with a shotgun. Terrible idea. NoodlesAtNight 9:00 pm @VP: [[Ah! That. He was thinking along the lines of what is currently on the show.]] *A small shrug.* [[Bank robbing doesn't suit you, anyway. Much better keeping clean.]] *Pause.* [[Though he /does/ like red.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:00 pm No more shotgun baby. NoodlesAtNight 9:01 pm *Soundwave's plating ripples oh so slightly. Again.* chronosmith 9:01 pm *VERY SUDDENLY twists around to thrust his face into Swoop's face, unleashing a sharp hiss through his vents* What. Did. I tell you. ((THERE HE IIISSSS)) NoodlesAtNight 9:01 pm [[SWOOP. Desist at once or be thrown out.]] SCProwl 9:01 pm ((IT'S YOUR BOY, RATCHET! chronosmith 9:01 pm ((HERBERT WEST HIMSELF)) verdigrisprowl 9:01 pm @S «... I don't need to rob banks to wear red.» verdigrisprowl 9:02 pm *is this the other part he was warned about?* NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm *No, not yet. That's not for a bit.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:02 pm *puffs out his armor and sneers as a pure reflex reaction to someone getting up in his face* NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm *This isn't the doctor. Only the manager.* Kelpy 9:02 pm I get the feeling that her idea of terms is to be allowed to live in luxury while he kills everyone else in the basement. NoodlesAtNight 9:02 pm @VP: [[He counts himself lucky on that point. You wear red quite well.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:02 pm She might do that. She might not. chronosmith 9:02 pm *turns away, taking a draught of his drink irritably* SCProwl 9:02 pm *starting to tense up* Kelpy 9:03 pm //is there anything i should be warned about with the doctor lmao SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:03 pm It might serve her needs better to have an army rather than a luxury. chronosmith 9:03 pm I would guess her terms are getting revenge. NoodlesAtNight 9:03 pm ((i'll side im you on here)) verdigrisprowl 9:03 pm *squeezes Soundwave's arm* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:03 pm *staaaares at Whirl while he moves his feet underneath him, gearing up to spring* NoodlesAtNight 9:04 pm *Squeezes it back.* chronosmith 9:05 pm *he's not looking at you, but he's watching you. ...sorta. You know how* PFFT. He's got priorities. MedicalMurdersaurus 9:05 pm *LAUNCHES himself at Whirl* NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm *Rumble throws himself at Swoop.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:06 pm !!! Kelpy 9:06 pm [yelps and ducks off the couch] chronosmith 9:06 pm *twists and joins in, grabbing swoop* You're damn lucky I can't bridge unless I'm flyin'. NoodlesAtNight 9:06 pm *And Soundwave's up off the couch.* chronosmith 9:06 pm *YOU GOT THE CLAMPS, SWOOP. CLAMPED* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:06 pm ((speaking japanese)) verdigrisprowl 9:07 pm *whoop there goes the arm he was holding* NoodlesAtNight 9:07 pm *Not by much. His arm is very long.* [[HE can bridge without flying.]] @W: [[Count to three and drop Swoop. There will be one beneath him.]] NoodlesAtNight 9:08 pm *Rumble hops off.* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:08 pm *misses all this conversation while trying to wrestle Rumble and be upside down and convince Whirl to wrestle* *it's a hard knock life* Kelpy 9:08 pm That guy's creepy. [wriggles away from the couch for whatever's about to happen] chronosmith 9:09 pm *counts, lifts Swoop a little, and then drops, on three* NoodlesAtNight 9:09 pm *FWOOSH and Swoop is out of here* MedicalMurdersaurus 9:09 pm *squeals all the way down back to the Ark* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:09 pm *the dragon pats Whirl, very gently, on the shoulder* verdigrisprowl 9:09 pm This is a terrible way to train. chronosmith 9:09 pm ((i just imagined the scene from the lion king but with swoop)) MedicalMurdersaurus 9:09 pm ((excellent)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:10 pm I see broken bones in the future. chronosmith 9:10 pm Not necessarily. NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm *Soundwave settles back in his seat and rearranges himself into nearly the exact position he was a moment ago. Back to arm proper instead of wrist holding.* @VP: [[His apologies.]] chronosmith 9:10 pm *likewise plops back down, and settles. Nudges Rumble in silent thank-you* NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm //He ain't wrong about what's effective. Jus' sayin'.// chronosmith 9:10 pm ...*and then decides, well. He deserves a REAL one* Thanks, Rumble. NoodlesAtNight 9:10 pm [[What is terrible about it? This style of training?]] Kelpy 9:10 pm [settles back into his seat] I mean... Bad way to train, but not a bad lesson. verdigrisprowl 9:11 pm *he's wasn't going to stretch out to grab a wrist anyway.* @S «It's fine. Business called.» SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:11 pm It's ruthless. This docent doesn't seem to like ruthless. NoodlesAtNight 9:12 pm *Rumble glances up at Whirl, surprised. He sort of looks down at the ground, and then up again, one hand behind his head.* //...Yeah, sure. I mean - 'course. Said I got your back.// *Oh, that was awkward. But he tried.* verdigrisprowl 9:13 pm *... he obeys every order he's given but he looks so natural and effortless doing it. it's—so hard to watch.* Kelpy 9:13 pm She really is weirdly comfortable with two street kids. NoodlesAtNight 9:13 pm //Maybe. Ain't like she got no one else, I guess.// NoodlesAtNight 9:14 pm //Desperate company.// chronosmith 9:14 pm *Completely. But it's still appreciated. Neither of them can claim to be Lotharios* That you did. And you deliver. SCProwl 9:14 pm ((this scene always made me laugh because it's so obvious Selina's actress is wearing makeup SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:14 pm She's a poofy hatchling. All fluffed up. ...Should you teach that to hatchlings? chronosmith 9:15 pm Pfft. No, not THAT powerful, lady. Kelpy 9:15 pm ... chronosmith 9:15 pm Looks are nothing next to a good GUN. Kelpy 9:15 pm Ouch NoodlesAtNight 9:15 pm *Soundwave is surprised that Prowl hasn't blipped out, honestly. He's... glad the warnings seem to be helping. And that he better understands how to offer them.* NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm [[Either he is not as able to identify humans as he thinks he is or those are NOT as alike as the Harvey human insists.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:16 pm They might be similar in the activities they got up to. Not in appearance. verdigrisprowl 9:16 pm *he IS squeezing tighter.* NoodlesAtNight 9:16 pm ((if you have a problem with eye horror this is a time you will want to listen only)) Kelpy 9:16 pm [covers his face quietly] SCProwl 9:17 pm *abruptly ends the visual feed* verdigrisprowl 9:18 pm ((DANG fish)) chronosmith 9:18 pm *LAUGHS* Holy SHIT Kelpy 9:18 pm [peeks quietly] NoodlesAtNight 9:18 pm *Perhaps, but he hasn't gone screaming out of the room, so to speak. Soundwave will squeeze back every time he gets his arm squished. Every time.* SCProwl 9:18 pm *shudders* chronosmith 9:18 pm THAT is how you DO it. Damn. What a power move. Gotta love how determined she is to deny her enemies EVERYTHING. Gotta. It's great. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:19 pm If you can't win them, break them. NoodlesAtNight 9:19 pm *If a thought could be breathless:* [[Such defiance.]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:19 pm *pff* verdigrisprowl 9:19 pm @S «On future nights, could I get a schedule for whenever that human is going to show up.» chronosmith 9:19 pm ((look at bruce's two new dads)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:19 pm ((a family can be two gay dads and batman)) chronosmith 9:20 pm *nods* Yeah. That's the level of frag-you we should all aspire to, honestly. Kelpy 9:21 pm Is this friendshiping going to sour NoodlesAtNight 9:21 pm @P: [[The Butch human?]] *Oh. Oh no. Was he not as thorough as he thought?* [[Yes, of course. Are you - of course you - that is a stupid question. Let him try again: Do you require anything else of him for your personal wellbeing at this moment, or later?]] SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:21 pm Being a docent is difficult. That's why you need training for it. verdigrisprowl 9:21 pm @S «Your arm will suffice for now.» verdigrisprowl 9:22 pm @S «... Thank you for... Thank you.» NoodlesAtNight 9:22 pm @P: [[You are welcome.]] verdigrisprowl 9:23 pm *tiny arm squeeze. this one's affectionate.* NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm [[Yes. He has not been one himself, but he saw the work required to maintain the protoforms, recently. It is - he understands why they wanted him to know more before he helped more directly.]] Kelpy 9:25 pm This is a really unethical way of sourcing drinks. verdigrisprowl 9:25 pm *and THIS arm squeeze is because The Butch is back.* NoodlesAtNight 9:25 pm *Soundwave rapidly starts questioning Ravage so he can pass along relevant information. He needs to know when Butch is - oh, damn it, already.* Kelpy 9:27 pm Ouch NoodlesAtNight 9:27 pm [[TRAITOR.]] Kelpy 9:27 pm Oh, SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:28 pm Revert-skin. NoodlesAtNight 9:28 pm *He knows exactly what this is.* chronosmith 9:28 pm Damn. Rough on the kid. Gotta see that happen twice, eh? NoodlesAtNight 9:28 pm ((okay, i can't remember exactly, but there are - two? - two, i think, club scenes at penguin's place next ep. i don't remember butch having anything to do in them but do consider prowl now notified of them just in case?)) verdigrisprowl 9:29 pm ((i will consider him notified)) NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm ((o7)) //Butler guy's good people. Hope he don't kick off.// NoodlesAtNight 9:29 pm [[What kind of damned idiot--]] chronosmith 9:30 pm He shouldn't, since he's supposed to be around when the kid's grown, but--*shrugs* NoodlesAtNight 9:30 pm //Hey, Swerve - if ya think THAT'S an unethical way of sourcin' drinks, don't let nobody tell ya 'bout the purple badge Blurrs.// NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *Rumble snickers.* Kelpy 9:31 pm [holds face in hands] I *know*. I've heard things. About Purple badges in general. NoodlesAtNight 9:31 pm *HE KNEW IT.* *He was suspicious from the moment the human showed up - the timing - but that stabbing---* Kelpy 9:31 pm Oh my god. Reggie. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:31 pm REVERSE SKIN. NoodlesAtNight 9:32 pm //Hey. Hey, ain't that the - uh. Wellsigh lady?// Kelpy 9:33 pm Um verdigrisprowl 9:33 pm Why the hell did they leave the mask there? That's important evidence. NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm //She said she was middle managin'. This corruptin' stuff is real deep, ain't it?// NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm //Ain't nothin' like the senate, but...// NoodlesAtNight 9:33 pm [[Incompetence.]] verdigrisprowl 9:33 pm *huff. "slight puncture. leaked a bit."* Kelpy 9:33 pm Really Alfred chronosmith 9:33 pm *snickers* Kelpy 9:34 pm You're going to protect that traitor? chronosmith 9:34 pm The only reason I can see him sparing the guy is if he wants to kill him himself. Kelpy 9:34 pm Not a real good one verdigrisprowl 9:34 pm Loyalty above justice or common sense. ((ALFRED NO)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:34 pm DON'T DO THAT. They're in there for a reason! NoodlesAtNight 9:35 pm ((thank u, bruce)) Kelpy 9:35 pm I'm surprised no nurses came running did that once in Ratchet's medbay and had six nurses in three seconds. verdigrisprowl 9:35 pm ((how the hell have her fake nails stayed so immaculate)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:35 pm ((satanism)) verdigrisprowl 9:36 pm *is this the part Prowl was warned about* NoodlesAtNight 9:36 pm *No, no. Not yet.* *Soundwave's spines flick in and out. Something keeps... a word. A sound.* chronosmith 9:37 pm I don't buy it. She's playing the long game. verdigrisprowl 9:37 pm ((GDI YOU TOO FISH?)) SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:37 pm DON'T. DO. THAT. chronosmith 9:37 pm Someone THAT full of rage isn't just going to be satisfied with being someone's right hand. verdigrisprowl 9:37 pm ((LEAVE THOSE WIRES WHERE THEY BELONG)) NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm //'Course they ain't.// NoodlesAtNight 9:38 pm [[...President of the what?]] SCProwl 9:38 pm Union. NoodlesAtNight 9:39 pm [[He thought presidents were a government office. A - the highest politicians.]] verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm Anything can have a president. Kelpy 9:39 pm Arrogant. verdigrisprowl 9:39 pm It's just the highest politician within that group. A country is just one group. Unions are groups too. Kelpy 9:40 pm Maybe he'd have better luck cleaning the system if he started at the time. chronosmith 9:40 pm "Know when you're beaten." Pfft. Not likely. verdigrisprowl 9:40 pm ... Bollocks, no. NoodlesAtNight 9:40 pm [[Then he is not just placing this corrupt human back in the department, but raising him to the highest of the - an organization that is not equal to his own position.]] *Shakes his head.* [[He does this specifically to spite the Gordon hu--]] Kelpy 9:40 pm Was his evidence fake? SCProwl 9:40 pm No. NoodlesAtNight 9:40 pm *How could the Harvey human--?* NoodlesAtNight 9:41 pm *...Shifts a little.* verdigrisprowl 9:42 pm *shifts with to maintain arm grip.* SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:42 pm ...Riddling human. No. Kelpy 9:42 pm I gotta wonder, is this a problem country wide? Could he not inform people higher in the government of what's going on??? NoodlesAtNight 9:43 pm *He was glad to vacate the position before, but - now he is more... Mm. Now he is glad that he did. Before he could - before it ever entered his head to try to fix the department Loeb's way.* Kelpy 9:43 pm Also Riddler no please. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:43 pm He's going to be high on that like a hatchling after an overripe seaskitter. chronosmith 9:43 pm That's presupposing anyone in a position of power gives a damn about anyone but themselves. verdigrisprowl 9:43 pm He SHOULD be able to inform higher people, yes. The FBI often investigates cases like this. chronosmith 9:44 pm And my vast experience had led me to believe otherwise. NoodlesAtNight 9:44 pm [[Do they not do a good job of investigating? Surely someone as clever as this human would know they could?]] verdigrisprowl 9:44 pm Your vast experience is Cybertronian. I'm referring to Earth. chronosmith 9:44 pm I can tell you right now, you know what you do? If someone puts a gun to your head, then gives you one, to shoot someone for blackmail material? What you do is, try and shoot the guy with the gun to your head. Kelpy 9:45 pm I guess those internal affairs are that bad. chronosmith 9:45 pm Sure, you'll probably die, but MAYBE you'll get to shoot the guy in the face, which has gotta be satisfying. Mostly Cybertronian, some alien. *waves a dismissive claw* Got no reason to believe humans are much different. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:46 pm ((sorry, I'm tired, gotta turn in early)) Kelpy 9:46 pm Their assumption that Leob only keeps one copy of his blackmail. NoodlesAtNight 9:46 pm ((aaaa goodnight)) verdigrisprowl 9:46 pm The thing about the FBI is that it's divorced from normal law enforcement and isn't tied to one location. SpecsTheSpectralDragon 9:46 pm ((thanks lots!)) ((my brain is just shutting down slowly)) chronosmith 9:46 pm rest well!)) Kelpy 9:46 pm //nini you NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm *This will be the scene he warned about.* *Not right away. But very soon.* verdigrisprowl 9:47 pm If they sent in a half dozen people that live two states over from Gotham, they're not caught up in local politics and have no reason to join in the... NoodlesAtNight 9:47 pm *And now it approaches.* Kelpy 9:47 pm If I had blackmail, I'd keep six or seven copies of everything. Why do they assume the human only has one? verdigrisprowl 9:47 pm *oh. oh, he sees where this speech is going* *pre-emptively squeezes arm* NoodlesAtNight 9:48 pm *Squeeze.* chronosmith 9:48 pm ((COOOOMBS)) ((farewell)) ((OR NOT)) That looks... incredibly goofy. Kelpy 9:48 pm //did they give her his eye i looked away again lamo NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm *...You know what. Tiny squeeze of his own.* SCProwl 9:49 pm ((tv special effects not the best NoodlesAtNight 9:49 pm ((noooope. he stitched the office manager's head onto a body made up of spare parts from multiple people.)) chronosmith 9:49 pm ((oh yes. I understand. Whirl is gonna poke it. ...and this is also mildly horrifying so defense mechanism)) Kelpy 9:49 pm //rip verdigrisprowl 9:49 pm *long, silent sigh* NoodlesAtNight 9:50 pm *A sigh? Then Prowl is still here? ...He hopes staying for that was wise. He has no idea.* Kelpy 9:50 pm That kid. Tells way too many people his secrets. verdigrisprowl 9:50 pm *he's not sure yet either.* verdigrisprowl 9:51 pm *something in the back of his mind is rumbling* *oh, it's a bunch of people sitting around doing accounting. that looks fun.* NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[...He's laughing. Leave.]] chronosmith 9:52 pm Pfft. Assassin accountants. I like it. NoodlesAtNight 9:52 pm [[The money must be protected.]] verdigrisprowl 9:52 pm We saw a movie like that. chronosmith 9:52 pm Oh yeah? What was it called? Kelpy 9:53 pm Did they really think this would work verdigrisprowl 9:53 pm "The Accountant." NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[Ah, yes! We did. Quite thrilling.]] chronosmith 9:53 pm ...makes sense. NoodlesAtNight 9:53 pm [[...There must be more to accounting than he knew of.]] *Rumble points and laughs.* chronosmith 9:54 pm *snickers* Kelpy 9:54 pm Oh. verdigrisprowl 9:54 pm For what it's worth, less than half of the accountants I know are stone cold killers. Kelpy 9:54 pm *why* do any of them assume there's one????? NoodlesAtNight 9:54 pm *Soundwave turns to stare.* [[.........Less than /half./]] Kelpy 9:54 pm Like. Only one. chronosmith 9:54 pm Really? I'd have expected more. verdigrisprowl 9:55 pm Less than half, yes. NoodlesAtNight 9:55 pm [[...He was expecting something closer to - to--]] *Stitches a clip very quickly.* [][][]Only a few.[][][] chronosmith 9:56 pm Well, we're still pretty fresh out of the war, mech. verdigrisprowl 9:56 pm "Few" is relative. NoodlesAtNight 9:56 pm [[Yes. And he would not have expected most accountants he ever met to survive it.]] [[It is - impressive. If alarming.]] *He does so like Penguin's style on this kind of thing.* verdigrisprowl 9:56 pm How many accountants did you meet? chronosmith 9:56 pm Though with all the NAILs infesting Cybertron right now, I mean... yeah I can see how almost half of the accountants would be non-combatants. NoodlesAtNight 9:57 pm [[Megatron took control of the pits after a while. He met quite a few.]] Kelpy 9:57 pm She's a l;iar chronosmith 9:57 pm I still say she's biding her time. NoodlesAtNight 9:57 pm *And Swerve is not far wrong about the single blackmail copy. Soundwave certainly doesn't keep information in only one place.* chronosmith 9:57 pm Gotta wait for the perfect moment to take the guy out. There's still a lot she doesn't know. Kelpy 9:58 pm Man, I keep my supplier files in like, six different places with more than one copy, and that's certainly not as valuable. NoodlesAtNight 9:58 pm [[Wise of you.]] [[And he notes that her promise may remain the same, but she is not staying with them.]] *LOUD. HUFFING.* Kelpy 9:58 pm Yes. chronosmith 9:58 pm ((THERE IT IS)) SCProwl 9:58 pm *laughs* chronosmith 9:58 pm *SNORTS* chronosmith 9:59 pm You should get Buzzsaw to make a sign saying that and put it on your desk, Soundwave. NoodlesAtNight 9:59 pm *He tries not to move too much so he doesn't take his arm away from Prowl, but he's leaning. It's making him sort of twist into one side while he shakes.* Kelpy 9:59 pm Is he laughing or making angry motions? verdigrisprowl 10:00 pm *missed whatever joke everyone is laughing at, but enjoys Soundwave's shaking.* chronosmith 10:00 pm I say this as a satisfied customer. Buzzsaw does good work. NoodlesAtNight 10:00 pm [[Y - yes, he - should do it. That. The saying.]] chronosmith 10:01 pm *salutes Soundwave wryly* ...OH. I remembered. *nudges Rumble* Skateboard. Kelpy 10:01 pm [snickers] NoodlesAtNight 10:01 pm *Reverently:* //Skateboard...// *And now Soundwave is just a mess. KEYS.* chronosmith 10:01 pm That's the thing that person was cruising on earlier. I KNEW I'd seen it. Kelpy 10:01 pm They weren't fooled at all were they verdigrisprowl 10:02 pm *supporting soundwave. there there. you'll live.* chronosmith 10:02 pm Y'know, f you want one, you could ask Hiro. The human kid, used to pal around on the Lost Light? He can build just about anything. Kelpy 10:02 pm You know, I don't think his super secret blackmail hoard is files at all. chronosmith 10:02 pm Probably put rockets on it. NoodlesAtNight 10:02 pm *He's got to try to straighten up and focus. He wants to know what the secret - KEYS - what the secret is.* NoodlesAtNight 10:03 pm [[Oh. Does she - is she the guard? Another one?]] Kelpy 10:03 pm Oh boy. [flinches for Ed] verdigrisprowl 10:03 pm *continues supporting. definitely isn't hugging him.* chronosmith 10:04 pm Well, that's what you get for being a weird CREEP. NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm *No, definitely not. Of course. And he appreciates the support. He's coming back to himself now. This was more serious.* chronosmith 10:04 pm I mean even I'M better at flirting than this guy. NoodlesAtNight 10:04 pm *....He thought -- ah, no. Of course not.* chronosmith 10:04 pm ((omfg tHIS. I KNEW I RECOGNIZED HER)) (9SHE WAS ON THE NANNY)) chronosmith 10:05 pm ((SHE WAS THE OLDER DAUGHTER)) Kelpy 10:05 pm IS she just not allowed out of the room NoodlesAtNight 10:06 pm //Regular Buzzsaw, ain't she.// chronosmith 10:06 pm *snickers* SCProwl 10:06 pm Loeb didn't kill his wife. verdigrisprowl 10:06 pm ... All those years she's been locked up... Kelpy 10:06 pm Oh. Kelpy 10:07 pm So, she did it and he keeps her there to protecther. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm *Can't quite identify what Prowl's sentence was going to be. Wonders.* SCProwl 10:07 pm To protect himself. NoodlesAtNight 10:07 pm //Primus.// chronosmith 10:08 pm Harvey, again, with his priorities straight. Kelpy 10:08 pm [snorts] chronosmith 10:08 pm *also snorts* verdigrisprowl 10:08 pm Well. When the only asylum in town is trash... chronosmith 10:09 pm Yeah, honestly, she's better off in the attic. verdigrisprowl 10:09 pm Although it's 9% adequate compared to 5% adequate. NoodlesAtNight 10:09 pm [[At least there someone cared about her, he supposes.]] chronosmith 10:10 pm I dunno. I mean, I figure those nice old people give her home-cooked meals, she can entertain herself, she's in a familiar place... *shrugs* Kelpy 10:10 pm He's trying so hard to clean the system that he's becoming the system. NoodlesAtNight 10:10 pm *Though he doesn't see why Loeb couldn't have just run away as soon as they were cleared. Take her somewhere else. A quiet place.* chronosmith 10:10 pm People are caring for her instead of, you know, looking for excuses to do horrible things to her. verdigrisprowl 10:11 pm "Fight fire with fire." chronosmith 10:11 pm *snickers* Yep. chronosmith 10:12 pm *tilts his head* NoodlesAtNight 10:12 pm [[...That's no reason not to do good things.]] verdigrisprowl 10:12 pm I don't think he's making the right decision. But I've no doubt that, from where he's standing, it's probably the best one he can see. No, it's not a reason not to do good things. It's a reason to not do the bad things. NoodlesAtNight 10:13 pm [[...And he is not experienced enough to know how to manage a Penguin. Gordon isn't.]] //Pfuh. Til death do 'em part.// chronosmith 10:14 pm HAHAHA verdigrisprowl 10:14 pm *LAUGHS* Kelpy 10:14 pm Oh my god verdigrisprowl 10:14 pm *covers his mouth* chronosmith 10:14 pm That's the coolest thing he's done in the show yet. NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm *Rumble HOWLS.* verdigrisprowl 10:14 pm *doubles over* NoodlesAtNight 10:14 pm *Ah! Now it is Soundwave's turn to be support.* Kelpy 10:15 pm Island? NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm [[COLD island.]] chronosmith 10:15 pm I... can't wait to see how she takes him out. Kelpy 10:15 pm Heck. chronosmith 10:15 pm Cos I still have faith that she's gonna. Kelpy 10:15 pm Yes. NoodlesAtNight 10:15 pm *Gently nudges Prowl's knee. You'll live too. Heh.* verdigrisprowl 10:16 pm *okay. he's recovering. he's gonna live.* NoodlesAtNight 10:16 pm ((QUICK NOTE: the next two movie nights will only have 2 episodes apiece because a) four is too long for one night and b) the next four are not easy to handle for many people)) ((and then we will be done with gotham and return to movies for a long while)) SCProwl 10:16 pm Hopefully she does it sooner rather than later. *presses palm to visor* chronosmith 10:17 pm ((o7 )) NoodlesAtNight 10:17 pm ((time mark: 10:35)) Kelpy 10:17 pm //O7 chronosmith 10:17 pm ((gotham has been enjoyable!)) verdigrisprowl 10:17 pm ((it has)) NoodlesAtNight 10:17 pm ((i do encourage anyone who decides they like it by the end of s1 to keep watching. it gets much, much better.)) chronosmith 10:17 pm ((jada up here stealing the show)) NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm ((i apologize for doing this song twice but it's been trapped in my head since this morning)) Kelpy 10:18 pm //lmao verdigrisprowl 10:18 pm ((it's thematically appropriate, it's in a police station)) NoodlesAtNight 10:18 pm ((also fair)) chronosmith 10:18 pm *streetches* SCProwl 10:18 pm ((Fish is the best chronosmith 10:19 pm ((she really is)) SCProwl 10:19 pm ((She's the only Gotham pop I own NoodlesAtNight 10:19 pm *Soundwave stretches.* [[He wants to know if the Loeb fleshling will strike back. Mechs with that kind of stranglehold on others do not like to be caught off guard like that. He should know.]] ((i would own penguin but he's so hard to find/expensive!)) Kelpy 10:20 pm //rip SCProwl 10:20 pm ((One day I'll get Bruce too because I need my precious bat son verdigrisprowl 10:20 pm *finally lets go of Soundwave's arm.* I'm sure he will if he finds an opportunity. chronosmith 10:23 pm With all this music, Soundwave., someone might think you're trying to coax all of us to dance. verdigrisprowl 10:23 pm Here? In a dance club? Preposterous. NoodlesAtNight 10:23 pm [[Such danger. He cannot wait to find out how it flows...]] *Soundwave glances at Whirl.* [[Someone would not be wrong.]] *Huffs at Prowl.* chronosmith 10:23 pm I know, Prowl. That's why it's so shocking. *drapes a claw dramatically over his cockpit* verdigrisprowl 10:24 pm Fortunately, I'm immune. NoodlesAtNight 10:24 pm [[Not /too/ hard, of course. He prefers most mechs pay for the right to do so.]] chronosmith 10:25 pm Tragically, I'm incapable of dancing. But even if I was, hypothetically speaking, I'd be immune to this sort of music. NoodlesAtNight 10:25 pm *Soundwave is not immune. There are music visualizations going bananas on his visor.* [[Then he'll have to test you next week with a different sort, won't he.]] verdigrisprowl 10:25 pm ... How DO you accept payment? Just whatever currency the visitors happen to have? Is there a set exchange rate between goods and currencies, or do you decide on a case by case basis? chronosmith 10:26 pm ((O BOI)) NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm [[Case by case, mostly. Buzzsaw has an optic for such things, and we keep a list of what is in demand across the settlements.]] Kelpy 10:27 pm //oh. now i understand the ref in that one all time low musicv video gfhbh NoodlesAtNight 10:27 pm [[We prefer items, but he has started to make minor use of currency in other timelines.]] verdigrisprowl 10:27 pm ... Would you LIKE a set exchange rate? NoodlesAtNight 10:28 pm [[He would /like/ one, but he has yet to determine how to make that possible - all the timelines...]] chronosmith 10:28 pm Well, you can buy drinks with exotic dishes, so that's something. verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm *pointed look* chronosmith 10:28 pm Yeah... with the multiverse being a whole thing, y'know, barter makes the most sense. verdigrisprowl 10:28 pm You'd need the help of someone who's very good at math, I'd expect. NoodlesAtNight 10:29 pm =Is very good!= *Ravage shouts from upstairs. He took a tiny clawful earlier.* chronosmith 10:29 pm PFFT. @R: Yeah? I'll keep an eye for more. Crash another swanky event. NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm [[He would, but none of the accountants he still has contact with have successfully w...orked...]] [[........./Ah./]] Kelpy 10:30 pm [amused snuffle] NoodlesAtNight 10:30 pm *And the music visualizations stutter briefly before settling back down just as the lights brighten a tad.* verdigrisprowl 10:31 pm *did you get it, Soundwave? Prowl was starting to worry he was being too subtle.* SCProwl 10:31 pm *that was subtle?* NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm @W: =...Let me know, eh? We take twice as much.= verdigrisprowl 10:31 pm *he didn't THINK so, but...* chronosmith 10:31 pm *it really wasn't. Nerd love, it's a hell of a think, ain't it?* NoodlesAtNight 10:31 pm *Oh, he got it.* chronosmith 10:31 pm @R: AbsoLUTEly, mech. It'll only be more fun with you there, true story. Kelpy 10:32 pm MAth's getting involved so I think that's my cue to head off before things get awkward. Night everyone. chronosmith 10:32 pm *SNORTS* verdigrisprowl 10:32 pm ... What's awkward about math? NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm *Rumble claps a hand over his mouth and tries not to laugh at Swerve's comment.* verdigrisprowl 10:32 pm Your bar is taking multiversal visitors, you could use a set exchange rate too. NoodlesAtNight 10:32 pm //See ya later. Got that drinkin' contest, 'n all.// *Muffled through his fingers.* chronosmith 10:32 pm I think Swerve's referring to you flirting with Soundwave, Prowl. SCProwl 10:32 pm I suppose if you're not good at it, things might be awkward if a conversation about it is started. Kelpy 10:33 pm That's true and Whirl is also correct. I'll yell at Whirl and Rumble about drinking contests later. Night! [waves and snickers] chronosmith 10:33 pm *waves* Don't forget, mech! verdigrisprowl 10:33 pm *opens mouth* ... *shuts mouth.* ... *opens mouth* I wasn't— NoodlesAtNight 10:33 pm [[He sees nothing awkward about anything. It is a valid offer, and one he happens to appreciate.]] Kelpy 10:33 pm [laughs all the way to the door] NoodlesAtNight 10:34 pm *And appreciates that the other Prowl also did not decide to make light of it. One tiny point in her favor.* chronosmith 10:34 pm If that's the case, then congrats, Prowl, you've mastered the art of unintentional flirting. verdigrisprowl 10:34 pm ... How do I turn it off? chronosmith 10:35 pm *gravely* I'm afraid you can't. You're probably irresistible to nerds everywhere. Your gift... your curse. verdigrisprowl 10:35 pm That's... not work appropriate. SCProwl 10:35 pm Sometimes math is just math. chronosmith 10:35 pm When I do math, it's just math. When THESE two get talking--*gestures to Prowl and Soundwave* It's not just math. verdigrisprowl 10:35 pm *is he flirting with people without noticing. that's awful. that's terrible. how does he stop.* chronosmith 10:36 pm ...*tilts his head, and looks to them with an honest, round optic* Not that I'm knocking you guys. *Soundwave and even Prowl have actually... been pretty damn decent. There's a tiny shred of decency in there, somewhere deep deep down* NoodlesAtNight 10:36 pm [[He should hope not. It is very unwise to irritate one's host. Or their seat company.]] verdigrisprowl 10:37 pm That's not the issue here. I was making a platonic offer. chronosmith 10:37 pm Course not. verdigrisprowl 10:37 pm *he's unintentionally flirting with people.........* chronosmith 10:37 pm *that was to Soundwave, not to Prowl* verdigrisprowl 10:37 pm *how often does it happen. how many people has he made uncomfortable. what's he doing wrong.* NoodlesAtNight 10:37 pm [[He perceived it as intended as a platonic offer. His own interest is his business.]] chronosmith 10:38 pm *Whirl has unintentionally undermined prowl in the worst possible way* *and he can't even enjoy it anymore* verdigrisprowl 10:38 pm *is staring somewhere vaguely at the floor. he is dumbstruck. the horror.* chronosmith 10:38 pm *tips his head back, draining his drink* @R: For the record? You can talk nerd to me anytime you like, mech. Won't poke fun. Promise. NoodlesAtNight 10:39 pm ((....is that ravage r or rumble r)) chronosmith 10:39 pm ((WHOP. That's a Rumble r)) verdigrisprowl 10:39 pm *no no, whirl undermined prowl in the worst way possible last year* chronosmith 10:39 pm *true. ...undermining Prowl is apparently his specialty* NoodlesAtNight 10:39 pm @W: //Better not. Happen to know yer just as nerdy as them two 'n me.// *Smirk for no apparent reason.* verdigrisprowl 10:40 pm *he's developed a knack for it* NoodlesAtNight 10:40 pm *Soundwave turns his hand over. If Prowl needs it while he deals with Whirl's commentary? He's not sure what's going on here.* chronosmith 10:40 pm *scoffs slightly, into his drink* @R: Me? NERDY? Excuse you, I'm an ARTIST, thank you very much. *will spare him an amused, sidelong look, also for no apparent reason* NoodlesAtNight 10:41 pm @W: //That makes ya like Buzzsaw. Double nerdin'.// verdigrisprowl 10:41 pm ... how often do I flirt without noticing it. NoodlesAtNight 10:41 pm *Rumble tries to sort of wink his visor. It looks like he got pinched in the side instead.* chronosmith 10:42 pm @R: Oh, shit. ...you might be right. Well. I guess I surrender to my fate. *it probably does look objectively goofy as hell but Whirl honestly loves it. Look at that. Rumble, you're smooth as hell. ...Whirl "winks" back and it looks even goofier. Because he has only one eye* NoodlesAtNight 10:42 pm [[...He doesn't recall seeing you doing so.]] NoodlesAtNight 10:43 pm [[That is your alternate's job, not yours.]] chronosmith 10:43 pm Honestly, mech? No idea. You might be specialized to unintentionally flirt specifically with your main squeeze, there. SCProwl 10:43 pm *sputters* Th-that was a joke. chronosmith 10:43 pm But I'm the opposite of an expert on that kind of thing, so... don't. Listen to me, I guess. verdigrisprowl 10:43 pm ... As long as the problem remains localized... chronosmith 10:44 pm *sidelong glance at the other Prowl. Uh oh. We must be vigilant, lest we fall under the spell* SCProwl 10:44 pm I thought I made that clear when we spoke about it, Soundwave. chronosmith 10:44 pm *dryly* I think Soundwave's willing to contain the damage, personally. I mean, he's got a lot of hands, so who better to contain... anything, really. NoodlesAtNight 10:45 pm @W: //If we wanna survive the night, probably we wanna run before the Boss gets crankier. I'm jus' sayin'.// verdigrisprowl 10:45 pm ((I don't care what the lyrics are. this is a lesbian song.)) chronosmith 10:45 pm (shakira it should be eminently easy to forget him, rihanna's RIGHT THERE)) SCProwl 10:45 pm ((yup NoodlesAtNight 10:46 pm [[And you did make it clear. That is why he referenced it.]] chronosmith 10:46 pm ((i'm gllad we all had the same thought)) verdigrisprowl 10:46 pm ((they are singing about trying to forget each other. they're failing at it because they're clearly still sleeping together.)) SCProwl 10:46 pm *huffs* chronosmith 10:47 pm *seems genuinely a bit surprised; he hadn't realized he genuinely irritated Soundwave. Oh, well. It's bound to happen*@R: Right. I was just gonna head home. You got any ideas? ...and, y'knwo. You can always come over, if you want. verdigrisprowl 10:47 pm Wait—made what clear? *he wasn't paying attention to the conversation, he was having an internal crisis* NoodlesAtNight 10:48 pm *Rumble isn't sure whether the Boss is genuinely irritated, but he knows what the Boss is talking about, and nobody wants to be around for that. That way is trouble.* @W: //Lemme help ya fix the joint up? Ain't nothin' I don't do all the time here.// chronosmith 10:50 pm @R: Sure! I could use a construction expert, honestly. *stands up* All right, losers. Time for me to bounce. See y'all next week. verdigrisprowl 10:50 pm Evening, Whirl. NoodlesAtNight 10:50 pm [[Good. He's had enough speculation on what he does with his many limbs for one night.]] chronosmith 10:50 pm Oh god, I didn't mean it LIKE THAT, jeez. chronosmith 10:51 pm *grabs his helm* Nope. Nope. Not talking about this anymore. Must save... myself. From the mental images. SCProwl 10:51 pm The <3 symbol I sent you and Soundwave. *waves a servo through the air* verdigrisprowl 10:51 pm What about it? ((did she say <3 out loud)) SCProwl 10:52 pm ((yes verdigrisprowl 10:52 pm ((amazing)) NoodlesAtNight 10:52 pm *Good. Suffer, Whirl. Suffer for confusing Prowl.* [[His side of it was a joke at his expense, apparently. He did not ask about yours, though.]] chronosmith 10:52 pm *in all fairness he didn't mean any harm, he's just inherently harmful sometimes; Whirl shifts into alt-mode and pings a quick request for permission to bridge he and Rumble out of here* NoodlesAtNight 10:53 pm *Chimera intercepts that request and gives them a bridge. Flee to safety!* chronosmith 10:53 pm *safety awaits! The chopper will bob cordially to Rumble; after you sir* NoodlesAtNight 10:53 pm ((soundwave is mostly irritated because it seems to have upset prowl, tbh; he puts up with worse from WJ all the time)) verdigrisprowl 10:53 pm ((prowl will make a full recovery)) NoodlesAtNight 10:53 pm *Rumble hop-runs through as quick as he can. Construction awaits!* SCProwl 10:54 pm I hadn't intended it be taken as flirting. It was an attempt at friendly teasing. chronosmith 10:54 pm ((oh no, soundwave's irritation is totally understandable! Whirl screwing things up without meaning to is just How It Be sometimes.)) *zoop. And Whirl, too, is gone* verdigrisprowl 10:54 pm ((Prowl's Social Insecurities Strike Again)) verdigrisprowl 10:55 pm ... Oh. So it wasn't a... ah. chronosmith 10:55 pm ((and as we have seen, Prowl's Insecurities + Whirl's Abrasiveness often has bad results. Interesting? yep. Bad? also yep) NoodlesAtNight 10:55 pm *Soundwave shakes his helm at the spot where the bridge was once it disappears.* [[Terrible.]] *Vent.* [[And yet, a splendid match for Rumble.]] *Looks to the Commissioner. So, teasing, then?* SCProwl 10:56 pm Not intentionally and most definitely not at Soundwave. NoodlesAtNight 10:56 pm *He's almost disappointed. The Captain seemed kind of interested, actually.* verdigrisprowl 10:56 pm Noted. NoodlesAtNight 10:56 pm [[...Not intentionally?]] [[One moment. That is not a not entirely.]] SCProwl 10:57 pm It's not. verdigrisprowl 10:57 pm I understand a "not intentionally" as "entirely not." I entirely didn't mean to intentionally flirt earlier. And yet here we are. SCProwl 10:57 pm Precisely. NoodlesAtNight 10:58 pm *Soundwave folds his arms. There is dodging happening here.* SCProwl 10:58 pm *sitting perfectly still actually* NoodlesAtNight 10:59 pm *But he won't push the matter. Right now.* [[...He supposes so. He apologizes for having accidentally given them material to latch on to.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:00 pm [[That is, he supposes your alternate did not mean to. He knows you did not.]] *Because Prowl said he didn't, and Soundwave has faith in him telling the truth.* verdigrisprowl 11:00 pm Well. I'm glad that was cleared up. NoodlesAtNight 11:01 pm [[.......Still. An ex-Decepticon being given an ancient glass that belonged to Sentinel Prime could wonder.]] verdigrisprowl 11:02 pm ... Who gave you what? SCProwl 11:02 pm *huffs* I was wondering how long it would take you. verdigrisprowl 11:02 pm *?? ? ???* NoodlesAtNight 11:02 pm *Soundwave stretches a feeler out and points at the weird ugly thing in a special position atop the cabinet of glasses.* [[That.]] verdigrisprowl 11:03 pm *looks at* ... And you haven't broken it yet? NoodlesAtNight 11:03 pm [[Oh, no. Mechs pay a great deal to drink out of it. They enjoy knowing that he would have a spark attack seeing low-caste mechs and manual laborers enjoying a drink from it.]] verdigrisprowl 11:03 pm Oh. Makes sense. NoodlesAtNight 11:04 pm [[He did think about it, though.]] SCProwl 11:04 pm I wouldn't have blamed you. NoodlesAtNight 11:07 pm *.........Has an odd idea. Maybe shouldn't do that. One of them might get angry with him for misleading his customers if he did.* verdigrisprowl 11:08 pm *well, he could ask* NoodlesAtNight 11:08 pm *....But it's tempting.* NoodlesAtNight 11:10 pm @P: [[...You speak often of your time with that Prime. He can give it to you if you would like to own it. Buzzsaw is capable of constructing a replica for continued use in the club...]] *He's risking the coply lecture.* verdigrisprowl 11:11 pm @S «And then, instead of enjoying knowing you're helping your low-caste customers stick it to an oppressive regime, you can enjoy knowing that you're defrauding low-caste customers by selling them false dreams of sticking it to an oppressive regime.» NoodlesAtNight 11:12 pm *Soundwave straightens up in horror. He hadn't thought that far into it.* verdigrisprowl 11:12 pm *Prowl thought he might not have.* SCProwl 11:13 pm *quietly enjoys the song while this conversation happens without her knowledge* verdigrisprowl 11:13 pm ((this is another lesbian song)) NoodlesAtNight 11:14 pm @P: [[You are right. He withdraws his offer. ... But if you would ever like to use it, he will not ask you to pay for the privilege. Consider it a thank you for preventing him from taking an action he would have loathed himself for later.]] *Pause.* [[...And for understanding him well enough to alert him to that.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:15 pm *And he knows that this is an avatar. He damn well meant sending it to Prowl's apartment to be used there.* *They're only open one and a half days a week, after all.* verdigrisprowl 11:15 pm @S «I don't think I'll want to use it. Sentinel would have had a spark attack. But I appreciate the gesture.» NoodlesAtNight 11:16 pm *Soft huff.* @P: [[As ever, your devotion and respect is admirable, even if he disagrees with the choice of target.]] *Small nod.* [[...It really is hideous,]] *He notes out loud at last.* [[Money cannot buy taste, it seems.]] verdigrisprowl 11:17 pm @S «He's dead. I can afford to respect him; it will never do any harm.» verdigrisprowl 11:18 pm *looks at it again.* ... I'm not qualified to judge. I don't understand art. *mutters* But /I/ don't like it. NoodlesAtNight 11:19 pm [[All you need to know is that Buzzsaw pretended to faint in horror on sight.]] *A light tremble.* [[But that is certainly a point against it.]] verdigrisprowl 11:19 pm Hm. *... takes a picture and sends it to Bonecrusher.* SCProwl 11:21 pm *hums* I had to bite my tongue to keep from telling him how much I disliked it, but he-- it was a gift and he wanted me to keep it and use it however I wanted. I think being here is a much better use than being packed away until something finally breaks it. NoodlesAtNight 11:22 pm ((i do not have an actual picture but tbh i figure if you could turn this mug into a transparent drinking glass that would be about the horribleness of it: http://incrediblethings.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/ugly-mugs-2-558x595.jpg )) verdigrisprowl 11:22 pm ((thanks i hate it)) SCProwl 11:22 pm ((augh, no omg verdigrisprowl 11:23 pm ((imagine putting your mouth on that)) NoodlesAtNight 11:23 pm *Soundwave points at his timeline's Prowl.* [[............/You foisted it off on him./ It wasn't a gift at all. You were trying to torture him.]] SCProwl 11:23 pm ((it's just gaudy and extravagant and clearly a show of Sentinel's very extreme wealth and stature, among other things verdigrisprowl 11:24 pm ((so that mug, but encrusted in natural rubies)) NoodlesAtNight 11:24 pm ((oh my GOD)) ((soundwave gets it back missing a ruby one night and he's like "all right. nobody leaves the club until the ruby comes back. if you want one that badly i'll get you one.")) verdigrisprowl 11:25 pm *Bonecrusher sends back a five-minute rant about how much he hates that goddamn monstrosity, complete with references to... either art critics or art eras, Prowl's never heard of any of them so he doesn't know.* SCProwl 11:25 pm I can think of better ways to torture you than a single glass. verdigrisprowl 11:26 pm *forwards Bonecrusher's critical appraisal to Soundwave* NoodlesAtNight 11:26 pm [[Don't you dare give him a second one.]] SCProwl 11:26 pm I only had the one. NoodlesAtNight 11:26 pm *Soundwave doubles over again at the Bonecrusher rant. Oh, he's forwarding this. He's forwarding this RIGHT NOW, straight to the resident artist.* NoodlesAtNight 11:28 pm *He heard half of these things in a slightly different order straight out of Buzzsaw's mouth a few weeks ago.* NoodlesAtNight 11:31 pm [[Well. We have had enough to say about that glass, he thinks.]] SCProwl 11:32 pm One more thing. I never have to look at it again. verdigrisprowl 11:32 pm I think so, yes. *dryly* I'll try not to turn in its direction while I'm giving you a video feed. SCProwl 11:34 pm Thank you. You're very considerate. NoodlesAtNight 11:34 pm *...Oh. Has this discussion - he knows Prowl knows he dislikes the mech; he never thought - hmm.*
[[...If you would like one of Megatron's horrid paintings of colorful Earth equines to perch on a shelf and mock, he can arrange that.]] [[Your version may have been a writer, but ours stopped at oratory abilities.]] verdigrisprowl 11:34 pm ... Your version did WHAT. NoodlesAtNight 11:37 pm [[Hand to Primus. It was one of the first forms of Earth media we could acquire when attempting to learn about the world we were trapped on and how to use it. Megatron thought the creatures were deeply amusing. He has never understood why. But he did catch sight of the attempts to reproduce them, once.]] SCProwl 11:37 pm That's true? verdigrisprowl 11:38 pm ... I—absolutely, do not want one of those paintings. Ever. I would, however, like a picture of one to send to Bonecrusher. NoodlesAtNight 11:39 pm [[It is absolutely true. Laserbeak thought it was an attempt to mock them, but he was never fully convinced, himself. One moment; she should still have that in her databanks.]] SCProwl 11:41 pm Unbelievable. NoodlesAtNight 11:41 pm *Soundwave motions with a hand, causing the current images on the video screens to change and shrink themselves. He preps a space for it to appear, and -- ah. There it is. A glimpse of half a painting between Megatron's arm and his side, exactly as horrid and bizarre as Soundwave claimed.* SCProwl 11:41 pm The one time Smokescreen isn't lying. NoodlesAtNight 11:42 pm [[That mech found corners of the Nemesis we forgot existed. There are some things he tells the truth about.]] verdigrisprowl 11:42 pm *... forwards the atrocious view to his alternate.* *and then to Bonecrusher.* SCProwl 11:43 pm Yes, but most rumors about Megatron's habits and hobbies were... incorrect. I hope. NoodlesAtNight 11:43 pm [[And now, neither of you may ever tell him he does not know how to give a fine gift.]]
[[Yes. You do hope.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:44 pm [[But he tires of visual horrors now. There are better things he would like to spend time on - actual exchange rates, for example.]] verdigrisprowl 11:44 pm You have a strange definition of "fine gift." NoodlesAtNight 11:45 pm [[He gave you an unprecedented opportunity to think poorly of his former leader. He thinks that is fine indeed.]] SCProwl 11:45 pm Ha. verdigrisprowl 11:45 pm Rest assured, I already thought poorly of him. SCProwl 11:45 pm It doesn't take much. NoodlesAtNight 11:46 pm [[Well. Either way.]] *Soundwave swipes the screen clear and rises.* SCProwl 11:47 pm I should be getting back to Praxus. verdigrisprowl 11:48 pm Evening, alternate. NoodlesAtNight 11:51 pm [[Goodnight, Prowl.]] verdigrisprowl 11:53 pm *... leans on* NoodlesAtNight 11:53 pm *Leans against.* verdigrisprowl 11:54 pm *... ah. a TEN minute rant from Bonecrusher. A disproportionate amount of it is either hysterical laughter or incoherent shouting.* *forwards.* NoodlesAtNight 11:55 pm *Feels somewhat better about having offered it. If nothing else, he has brought joy to the life of someone else around Prowl. ... Of course he probably also brought them awful, awful rage, but when didn't a Constructicon have that.* verdigrisprowl 11:55 pm *Bonecrusher enjoys awful, awful rage.* NoodlesAtNight 11:57 pm [[He corrects himself. No one can say that /you/ do not give fine gifts. Or other good and enjoyable things, such as your company. Which he would like to have upstairs in the lounge at your convenience, if you are available.]] verdigrisprowl 11:58 pm My evening is free. NoodlesAtNight 11:58 pm [[Then come with him. He has mostly accurate ledgers you may be interested in seeing.]] NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm *Stretches a feeler back for Prowl to take hold of and starts on toward the stairs. Currency him up.* verdigrisprowl 11:59 pm *with genuine horror* "Mostly"?? NoodlesAtNight 11:59 pm [[The twins do have turns at writing things in there, you know.]] Today verdigrisprowl 12:00 am ... That sounds like a terrible mistake. *Takes the feeler. He'll come see this travesty for himself.* NoodlesAtNight 12:00 am [[It is. It is.]] *And they're off.*
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@wings-united because you’ve blocked me and I can’t reply to your messages. which is hilarious.
Oh i reallllllllllllllyyyyy am loving this. Are you actually reading um, anything im saying? Lets start with celocanths becuase you apparently didn't do any fucking research. Celocanths. dont. have. more. than. four. limbs.  Neither do any other devonian fish. I said it really slow so you'd understand. The "limbs" you are referring to is called a "limb-like appendage," heres some photos so you can grasp this concept.
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See how that worked? The other fins do not even vaugly fuction as limbs, cause theyre not.  
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Limb_(anatomy) "Limbs are jointed." "one of the projecting paired appendages (such as wings) of an animal body used especially for movement and grasping but sometimes modified into sensory organs." You dont look at fish, see their fins and go "HEY the've got more than four limbs!!!!" Come on. Ok, so now that that god awful excuse of a "rebuttal" is out of the way. My earlier statement still stands (hint because its a law of evolution) How did we evolve another fully functional limb. N other species on earth at the complexity above like, an amoeba, has EVER EVOLVED A NEW LIMB. Tell me, Kah.  So why do you think avians would grow new limbs? ell me exactly how the limb developed. "Evolution doesn't get to make whole new mechanisms out of whole cloth. Note that both bats and birds had to sacrifice their hands to make wings. Evolution didn't just tack on wings. Their arms and hands gradually changed into wings. They re-used the basic existing structures and pectoral muscles. It's a hack. Evolution is always a hack." "The only mammal to successfully gain true flight are bats, and they have been diverged from the rest of the mammalian tree for 100 million years. We just have not been evolving for long enough, and more importantly we have been evolving to fill a completely different evolutionary niche than the one filled by flying animals. It is basically impossible for evolution to change trajectories so drastically on such short notice." Why would the avian ancestors  "need" wings? What sort of circumstances could occur that would drive us to need wings that are not already resolved by us having exceptional creativity and cooperation between our kind? Evolution just doesn't work the way you're looking at it - "it would be nice if we had wings, so let's evolve some".  Even if wings were needed for the survival of the species, extinction is a MUCH more likely outcome.  (hy didn't the dinosaurs ALL just become tiny, so they could survive?  It doesn't work that way.  The ones that HAD become tiny - the ones that eventually became birds - DID survive.  That's how evolution works - you don't evolve what you need, you survive IF you've evolved what you need.)
Avian ancestors did not go from "lump on back" to "wings." Cause for that to happen you need a reason to have the lumps form in the first place, and then STAY there. What purpous would having extra stuff on your back to carry around have? How would that be an evolutionary advantage? "Regeneration is literally the growth, or regrowth of limbs, and it acts on stem cells. Wing growing is a form of regeneration, but it is creating new limbs. How did the gene for those limbs evolve, thats what I'm asking.  I know what regeneration is and it only works if theres a genetic code for those limbs to appear.
"You’re right, evolution edits what’s already there. Like cells, which create and grow things" No organism has ever had evolution start randomly mutating some cells on its back to grow a new limb, or anything even close to that. "My friend. We are not birds, therefore it would be impossible for us to get a pointed face, specialized heart" HOLy shit lmao. You really don't have a grasp on evolution. Theres no. reason??? avians wouldn't  have gotten a more pointed and streamined face shape. I'm not saying avians would just fucking. grow a beak? Im saying they would have become you know, shaped like they were ment to fly?
“To think that Homo Avians (IS, not could be, IS) a thing that would  be possible is simply stupid.” I’m,, holy shit.   You’re essentially telling me that avians aren’t possible and that  i don’t exist. "
Oh my god. I'm just stating the fucking facts my dude. Taxonomy is a real thing, and one rule is that organisms with a different amount of LIMBS do not get grouped in the same genus. Sorry? Again, get it through your thick skull. Just cause I say the classification of "Homo Avian"  wouln't make sense, doesn't mean I think growing wings is imposible. How many times am I going to have to write that before you fucking understand?
Hominids are in the superclass Tetrapoda contains the "FOUR-limbed vertebrates known as tetrapods"
https://biology.stackexchange.com/questions/21772/why-dont-mammals-have-more-than-4-limbs https://www.quora.com/Why-arent-there-any-species-of-mammal-with-six-legs https://www.quora.com/Why-dont-any-mammals-have-more-than-4-limbs-Why-didnt-they-evolve-to-have-multiple-legs-or-arms-like-insects http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/vertebrates/tetrapods/tetraintro.html
"Adding a limb, on the other hand (no pun intended), is pretty expensive. You're not just adding a single extra part, but a whole network of additional blood vessels, bone structures, tissues, and what-have-you. These all need additional nutrients and a good set of genes to ensure they work together properly. On top of this, you also need the limb to not be a disadvantage. It needs to be in a useful place anatomically and immediately offer an advantage as soon as the extra limb mutation comes into play. These mutations can occur, but it's vastly more likely that they're a disadvantage. Take frogs, for example. It's not altogether uncommon for frogs to develop extra legs. What usually happens, though, is you end up with a frog that's clumsier and slower and packing more meat. Predators tend to like that sort of thing, so the mutated frogs don't live long enough to produce offspring so that the extra limb(s) could eventually become useful."
= OH boy. Have I been WAITING to roast Project Icarus. 1. "The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s) and members" "Project Icarus is THE ONLY GROUP THAT CANG GROW WINGS, and anyone else who doesn't have the special"gene" i just made up IS TRASH AND HOPELESS"  
2. "The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality" Do I..... even have to say it? "US vs. "The stupid dreamers." Did you see how fast your group turned against us? Immeditly going from "friends" to "I HATE YOU RETARD NONE OF YOU HAVE POTENTIAL AND CANT GROW WINGS" etc...etc...etc... I could go on.
3. “Wouldn’t it be exciting to really know the secrets of being an avian?” HOLY SHIT. THATS LITERALLY HOW PROJECT ICARUS WORKS. "We, PI, are the ONLY group who knows the SUPER SPECIAL METHOD and the real SCIENCE of growing wings. All the other group are fucking stupid." My group is exhibiting NONE of those behaviors you’ve just “quoted”.
4. "I’m 100% positive that if someone joined your group and decided that Sahde’s was more logical, you’d threaten them, hackle them, be utmost bitches. " Ooh my god... the IRONY. You mean, hackle them and be utmost bitches like.... when sahde removed me as an admin when I didn't agree with her? When she told me to leave and make my own group cause I wans't going along with your cultlike beliefs? Actually, in my group I'm encouraging you know, actually free thought? As in "we all have differing opinions on how wings are grown, and thats ok." So yeah, good try bud but we aren't going to be like PI was.
5. "You’re making everyone in the group feel guilty and terrible." WHERE LMAO. Me? Me as in IM the one going around calling my members retards and stupid cult members like a child? oh right, thats you :/. Oh and crow, whom you persuaded to go into my group, lie, and then leave after calling us all "a cult full of dreamers." yeah. ok. and then the blocking of course. i've been blocked by almost everyone, expecially you becuase you didn't want to hear what I was saying anymore. I understand blocking oliver, and I do not condone their behavior and I definitely have asked them to stop sending you and the others edgy messages. I have not sent any one of my members to go yell at anyone from PI cause I have some common decency. You can talk to them if they hurt your feewings.
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As if you and Ro are some holy angelic saints who are never mean uwuwuwuwuwu. if you're felling guilt, maybe theres a reason.
6. "invites random people to attempt to grow wings who will never grow them" You mean like.......................................................... you? sahde? ro? whom have never grown wings yet and not even proven their own ""theory?""" yeah......... thats smart. remember when sahde lied abut having wings?that was fun. remember? not cult-like at all.
We don’t let in random ppl, we haven't let anyone in. All my group is made up of ex-pi members who were tired of the bullshit. I gave them the option to leave and didn't force any of them to stay.
7. "The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader" GOD this is really funny. sahde can explain this one to you, shes already gone on a rant about it before.
8. " Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished." ajhsbasjdhgjaskdashkjahfjhfldsjfh
tdlr. i could do this all day. i know you’re never going to admit “hey maybe im wrong, my theory doesn’t make sense in terms of evolution” because you think you’re so smart and are again, full of yourself.
Please. Actually acknowledge the science instead of spouting bullshit.
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belongtohufflepuff · 7 years
Tag thingy
“I was tagged by @archeamajuar thanks babe ♥
rules: answer all the questions, add one of your own and tag as many people as there are questions  (lol soz but i cant tag over 50 ppl)
1. coke or pepsi? Coke i guess tho i cant drink either
2. disney or dreamworks? disney!!
3. coffee or tea?  umm both but if i had to pick one then tea
4. books or movies? both!
5. windows or mac? windows, i dont understand macs :D
6. dc or marvel? marvel
7. xbox or playstation? ive used each like once so idk :D
8. dragon age or mass effect? DA, i have still yet to play mass effect 
9. night owl or early riser? night owl all the way
10. cards or chess? cards, i aint got neither the patience nor the logic for chess
11. chocolate or vanilla? im p indifferent about this, but i guess chocolate
12. vans or converse? converse
13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash or Adaar? what the Heck are those
14. fluff or angst? fluff, m8 im such a sucker for fluff
15. beach or forest? forest
16. dogs or cats? cats!! dogs r alright, but cats omg ♥
17. clear skies or rain? rain for the #aesthetics but clear skies is better for mah mood
18. cooking or eating out? cooking, cause i cant eat much out :/
19. spicy food or mild food? mild
20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? this is halloween this is halloween
21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? cold all the way man
22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be?
Teleportation (or something to help me get over long distances) im leaving my gilfriend’s answer here bcs long distance sucks balls so yeah
23. animation or live action? both
24. paragon or renegade? what
25. baths or showers? showers
26. team cap or team ironman? cap
27. fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy
28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so, what are they? “Everything is temporary” “To a great mind nothing is little” “It’s better to say you failed than not tried at all”
29. youtube or netflix? youtube
30. harry potter or percy jackson? harry potter
31. when do you feel accomplished? when i do something i really didnt want to or when i come home after a day i just wanted to cancel 
32. star wars or star trek? star trek
33. paperback or hardback books? doesnt matter really
34. horror or rom-com? rom com
35. tv shows or movies? both
36. favourite animal? gee there are many - cats, owls, elephants, bats, axolotls, rays, mooses
37. favourite genre of music? musicals lmao also i guess indie pop?
38. least favourite book? idk i usually stop reading if i dont like the book
39. favourite season? autumn
40. song that’s currently stuck in your head? rude cover by madilyn bailey
41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear? depends, sometimes tshirt and underpants, sometimes good ol’ pjs
42. how many existential crises do you have on an average day? like two on a good day
43. if you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be? bye bye bye or some ish like that :D
44. favourite theme song to a TV show? i guess House MD opening
45. harry potter movies or books? books
46. you can make your OTP become canon but you’ll forget that tumblr exists. will you do it? hmmmm...probs not cause hilson and hannigram are both kinda semi-canon
47. do you play an instrument and if so, what is it? guitar and piano
48. what is the worst way to die? burning to death. or like anything that takes a long time i guess
49. if you could be entirely invisible for a day, what would you do?
i honestly dont know?? edit: my gf offered to take me along on her journey to stalk an actor thats a fave of ours so i would do that :D
50. If you could have personally witnessed anything in history what would it be? ssddghjkf this is hard - like see obc or olc of some musical? 
51. If you could understand animals but you could never understand humans again, would you? nah
52. What is your most favourite album currently? i still love + by ed sheeran also musical ones like fun home, in the heights, shrek the musical etc.
53. What is your favourite TV show character? James Wilson my son
54. What is something you were obsessed with as a child? animals, especially mammals, i used to reread animal encyclopedias all the time
i tag (if u want to ofc!!) @theonlyluna @mariuspontbambi @queersette @elderring @rosylees @acelaurens @judasisgayriot @buildarocketboys aand @elektra-natchos
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