#edit: credit changed 2-12-2024
live-emotion · 4 months
Live Emotion Management Letter
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The official twitter account has released a letter from the Live Emotion management team. Thank you management team!
To help spread their message further, I have translated and edited a graphic for an English version of this letter. Please keep in mind I'm not a translator, so there may be some inaccuracies, and we don't know the official translation of some terms (Eg. Emotional Piece/Peace).
You may share these images if: - The credit remains in the image. - You also credit me as the original poster somewhere in text, or direct here to see the original post when you share them. - You do not claim or imply that these are any kind of official English translation by the management team!
Full translation text in alt text and below read more.
[Image 1 ID]
Nice to meet you, everyone, This is the management team of “Uta no Prince-sama LIVE EMOTION”. As the release date approaches, we have issued a management letter. Today, we would like to tell you about the app prior to its release.
"Uta no Prince-sama LIVE EMOTION" is an app that focuses on adding color to the daily lives of idols and everyone. “I want to enjoy the music.” “I want to enjoy it as a fan.” “I want to go back to basics and have fun.” etc. We create products that can be enjoyed by a variety of play styles.
In preparation for release, we are also brushing up the content shown in the game introduction videos that we posted recently. This time, I would like to share with you some information that could not be covered in the game introduction videos alone.
LIVE (RHYTHM GAME): There are four levels of difficulty, and the number of lanes and notes will change depending on the difficulty level. You can also customise the speed of notes, turn off live MV, swap to still background display, change screen brightness, etc.
HOME/TALK: Up to 4 idols can be invited to the home screen, and you can look around the left and right sides of the room with a swipe. Pressing and holding an idol on the home screen will transition to a talk screen.
[Image 2 ID]
STORY: There are two types of stories: one from a composer's perspective, and one from other perspectives. Private stories will be developed from the former perspective, while main stories, emotional pieces, and event stories will be in the latter perspective.
EMOTIONAL PIECE: Emotional Pieces can be obtained from piece gacha and events. You can level them up using items obtained in the rhythm games. By training them, you will unlock stories, costumes, voices, etc. The unlocked voices can then be enjoyed through home and talk screens.
MINIPRI: You can allocate up to 3 MiniPri per room. In addition to interiors that are permanently available, we also plan to develop interior series that can be exchanged for a limited time only.
The entire management team is working hard to create an app that is not only enjoyable to existing Uta no Prince-sama fans, but also aims to attract even more people to the joy of Uta no Prince-sama.
Thank you for your continued support of “Uta no Prince-sama LIVE EMOTION”.
May 12, 2024.
Additional text added by me at the bottom of each image reads: "This is NOT an official English language release. Unofficial English graphic by @Live-Emotion (tumblr). Original Japanese can be found @utapri_LE (Twitter)."
[End of image ID]
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littlemissclandestine · 8 months
Why I think Russell Adler is going to make a comeback in COD 2024
WARNING⚠️: Contains spoilers for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2
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Disclaimer: This is all just speculation on my behalf of course. I've just tried piecing stuff together for fun because Russ is one of my fave BO characters even though he's a bitch but i need more Adler content stat. <33
Let's get into it peeps. HEAR ME OUT.
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Buckle up. Gonna be one hell of a ride folks 🤪
We'll start off with some random/background info.
Russ was born on February 12th 1937 so that would make him 53/54 in the Gulf War era. This actually isn't that old because if you think about it, Woods was about to turn 51 in 1981 during the Cold War campaign. What's a few more years?
We last saw Adler in action post-campaign in Warzone 1.0 cinematics but we've been kept in the dark about Adler's whereabouts post-1984 (after being brainwashed and killing Stitch LOL).
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This meanie in a beanie wasn't forgotten about, oh no. He appears in the new cinematic intros on startup for both MWII (2022) and MWIII (2023). See below:
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He was also featured twice in the 20 year anniversary video for Call of Duty whereas COD Ghosts didn't even get an appearance (ouch): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL_w5HmxsPI
I personally believe Adler was a great addition to the Black Ops roster and is essentially the new Black Ops 'cover boy' now. Would be such a shame and a missed opportunity not to include a character like him in the upcoming COD. One who is morally grey, does whatever he deems necessary to get the job done - a bit like Cpt. Price in MW. Got the COD fans riled up about him brainwashing and pulling the trigger on Bell too - he's already got the spotlight in both a good and bad way.
Now, let's explore my main reasoning as to why I think Mr Shades 2.0 is most likely coming back in late 2024...
🎖️First up: Gulf War mission list 🔫
Here are some of the campaign missions that will be featured in Black Ops Gulf War. Obviously, this is subject to change, however, going off what we have, look closely...
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Credit: @MWIIINTEL on Twitter/X
Safehouse guys...SAFEHOUSE. Takes you right back to Cold War, doesn't it? Ugh the potential.
🕵️ Next up: The campaign for COD 2024 will dive into the CIA's role/the Black Ops timeline 🕘
I took the following snippet from this official article.
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From this, we know there will be a huge focus on the CIA and who's a CIA clandestine special officer? Mhm, you guessed it - Russell Adler.
Now, according to the events of BO2, it's evident which characters have the possibility of returning out of our original BO trio - Jason Hudson, Frank Woods and Alex Mason.
💫 Alex is presumed dead after Frank shot him so he's out the picture in '90/91 until 2025 when they canonically meet again.
🪵 Woods would be in his 60s during this time too so I'll let you decide whether that's too old for him to be in GW.
Edit: Woods got SPAS-12'd in the kneecaps on Dec 20th 1989 by Raul Menendez so uh...yeah
🧊 Hudson died on Dec 20th 1989 at the hands of Raul Menendez.
Feel free to check out this website (Call of Duty Wiki) for an outline of the events after CW to remind yourself. Here's a link to the Black Ops timeline from there.
➡️ Gulf War being a direct sequel to Cold War and what that could mean 💉
That brings me onto the rest of the safehouse crew. Since GW is a direct sequel to CW, it would make sense for some characters to carry over if possible:
We, as the player/Bell, get to choose whether Park or Lazar die (or both lovebirds) in 'End of the Line'. It's highly unlikely they'll return unless the devs make one decision canon maybe.
There could be a chance we see Sims again given his bond with Adler (Da Nang etc.), his age (late 40s in GW) and his status (alive).
That leaves the man himself, Russ. Everything from his age to the fact he's CIA and was the deuteragonist in COD 2020's campaign just makes sense for him to have at least a lil cameo or even a larger role, don't you think?
📱Finally: Hints from official posts 🔎
This post from Call of duty's official Instagram account kind of sealed the deal for me.
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Oh lookie - they dropped syringe-lover's famous line in a zombies post. Why would COD just drop it so casually like that without a reason and years after CW came out? They could've said absolutely anything else but no, this was purposeful.
And that's all for this episode guys and gals!
Thank you for reading!! 🫂
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Do what you will with all this information but I have concluded in my silly little brain that scarface is coming back.
How he's only in one game is beyond me. Won't get a character like him ever again. Seems like a cliché war dude at first glance but dig a little deeper into the details of the CW campaign, peel back the layers and get into his psychology and WOWZERS.
Am I delusional? Most definitely.
But the possibility he might be returning...that little bit of hope is enough for me and i won't shut up about it.
This will age horribly if he isn't in GW. Forgive me for feeding your delusions too in that case. Please?
What are your thoughts? Feel free to share them! 😊
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fantasyfantasygames · 7 months
Amazons, Warrior Women Games, 2006
As one would expect, you play Amazons in this game - women from out of Greek myth.* You're warriors, hunters, scouts, sailors, and sages. There's only one supernatural power involved (which I'll get into later), so no witches or demigods or anything.
Your characters are defined by a fairly standard set of attributes and skills - Strength, Agility, Wisdom, Spear, Archery, Stealth, etc. All of them are done with a pyramidal cost scheme. As a result, it's easy to build a group where your characters overlap too much. It costs the same number of points to buy a 10-point skill (rolling 1d10x10) as it does to buy two skills at 8 and 6 (1d10x8 and 1d10x6), and the 8 and 6 are generally high enough to hit the typical target numbers. I think what I'm trying to say is that the game could really use a better approach to handling character archetypes, both for flavor purposes and for niche protection.
As mentioned, the game uses multiplication, which you'll either be fine with or will really bother you. Since it's dice-times-stat instead of dice-times-dice, the probability distribution is fairly flat, and you don't have weird statistics stuff going on. You do get margin-of-success effects from rolling higher, but you don't actually have to do two-digit subtraction. Instead, you get one "rank" of success for every point by which the tens place in your result is higher than the tens in your opponent's result. You roll a 25 and they have a 48? They have a rank-2 success. Same if you roll a 28 and they have a 40. Ranks get you damage, but also duration and effectiveness for other types of roll. It's a little weird at low values - a 12 and an 18 get you a tie even though one is 50% higher than the other - but it works well for higher values.
The particularly cool part of the game is that you play in two time periods simultaneously: ancient Greece and modern-day Athens. Your characters went "through" the Oracle at Delphi (is that how that works??) and are experiencing parallel events. When they run into a businessman in the modern day, they meet a merchant in ancient Greece. A Spartan warrior might become a rich but violent criminal. They see both things happening at once, and the GM is encouraged to mix the two in their descriptions. Philosophers arguing in the shadow of concrete and steel. Ocean liners passing by sailing vessels. It's an interesting conceit, and it gives you some cool ways to solve problems in one time by approaching them i the other.
Typical antagonists are "cruel people in positions of power" - slavers, price-gouging traders, sadistic princes, petty senators, etc. Several examples are statted up, along with their entourages. There isn't much discussion of what the backlash is going to be from your characters going after those people and their well-trained bodyguards. Like a lot of this game, the surface level is presented and any implications are left to the GM and their table.
As we leave this review, it may be interesting to know that Warrior Women Games was two cis men in their twenties. The game is written with respect, but without personal experience. There's no major misogyny here, no particular fetishization or anti-feminist rhetoric involved. There's also no real punch to the fact that you're actually playing women. On the one hand - awesome! The game treats your women characters just like it would treat men characters. Straight-up equality. On the other hand, there's a missed opportunity to dig into how your ancient women experience the modern world. There's no discussion of what has changed and what has not since the (admittedly fictional*) time of the Amazons. I think a game written by someone able to delve into that experience more might be more compelling. But I'll at least give it credit for not having fallen into a number of traps that plague other men-written-women-centric games. You're not going to cringe reading this.
*Edit to add, March 2024: Maybe the Amazons are not as fictional as I thought! https://www.theguardian.com/science/2024/mar/24/truth-behind-the-myths-amazon-warrior-women-of-greek-legend-may-really-have-existed
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hedonists · 4 months
CJ OST first listen reaction under the cut. Spoilers ahead.
Too long; didn't read version: I love what they've done with this. I have so much respect for them as artists. To get this much for a deluxe album is insane.
(I didn't include every track because, for example, we obviously know Artificial Suicide live fucking slaps, I don’t need to tell you this)
1. C:\Projects\CJOST\BEATDEATH- the urge to overanalyze the ever living shit out of this is strong
2. V.A.N (feat. Poppy) - she is glory she is beauty she is everything
3. The Drain (feat. HEALTH, Swarm) - 10/10, duh
4. Terms & Conditions (feat. Bob Vylan) - first reaction: ????????, then: this kinda vibes
5. Hedonist [Recharged] (feat. WARGASM) - she's a bad bitch, she takes no one's shit.
6. Even - she's a 10/10, I love her; vulnerable vibes, 3 am rainy vibes, baby talk to me what's on your mind, do you need kisses, hugs, a shoulder to cry on? talk to me
7. Loading Screen - we love instrumentals in this house
8. Anything > Human (feat. Erra) - hands down best (new) track on this album together with Even, 100/10, fucking SLAPS; lyrics hurt my soul though, chorus instantly got stuck in my head, these men need several HUGS!!! (I seriously could scream about the lyrics all day because LORE)
9. Digital Footprint - instrumental. Slaps.
10. Nervous System (feat. iRis.EXE) - LORE. these guys want to shake their booties to some beats, love the tone of her voice, I can see why shes on this
11. C:\Projects\CJOST\FINDPEACE - one more chopped up interlude Noah and I'll hop on a plane and hunt this band down, WHAT IS HE SAYING?!
12. Artificial Suicide [Unzipped] (feat. Thousand Below) - I felt that vibrating in my core. That’s all.
13. The Grey [Unzipped] (feat. Thousand Below) - this is what my generation would have called a "nightcore edit". Honestly? Not so bad. It’s intriguing. They were definitely having fun with these unzipped versions
14. The Death of Peace of Mind [We Are Fury Patch] - felt that vibrating in my core part 2; fic trailer enemies to lovers music, loop loop loop
16. Bad Decisions [Lofi] (feat. Dahlia) - sad chill vibes. if you wanna be sapphic and sad with me, let's be sapphic and sad together. love her
17. Just Pretend [Credits] (feat. Let's Eat Grandma, Chief) - oh I absolutely adore her voice, I genuinely love this version
18. C:\Projects\Cjost\Clearmind - dude idk what you're saying except "we're sorry" and "good morning"??
21. The Grey [Live 2024] - vocal Queen, masterpiece, impressive, stunning, earth-shattering, never done before, cannot be topped etc. etc.
22. What Do You Want From Me? [Live 2024] - this is probably what changed Noah's brain chemistry and made him decide that he's a club whore now. Can’t blame him, this goes hard
23. Nowhere To Go [Live 2024] - Folio's song 10/10
24. V.A.N [Live 2024] (feat. Poppy) - BARK
25. The Death of Peace of Mind [Live 2024] - this is what heaven must sound like
26. Just Pretend [Live 2024] - angelic vocals, what else is there to be said? Oh, also it’s 9 minutes long. Why? Find out. Might have maybe perhaps mayhaps cried just a little? Maybe. Definitely. It’s late. I love them. I love Bad Omens. The urge to hop on a plane and hunt them down to give them kisses and hugs is painful.
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mi4011mariaperera · 4 months
Final Animation (The actual final animation)
After so many days of sitting in one place and drawing line art, coloring, exporting frames from Krita to photoshop and editing on both cap cut and premiere pro... I finally present to you, "A tribute to Ayane Nakamura".
To be honest, completing this animation feels like a big burden lifted off of my shoulders. I was so fixated on making this look as perfect as possible (specially scene 3). Even though there are some changes I wish I had time to make, I'm happy with the final animation.
Getting the opportunity to create an idea and having to go through the entire process of bringing it to life has taught me that animation isn't as simple as it looks.
I've watched so many short animation films on YouTube with unique art styles. And the thing is, I would just watch them and enjoy the aesthetics of the film and the moral of the story. I never knew or understood how much of time, effort and dedication goes into making such animations. Kudos to animators around the world!
But that's more than enough of my ranting. May I present to you...." A Tribute to Ayane Nakamura" by Maria Perera. I hope you enjoy watching this short film!
Animation scene time stamp
(00:00 - 00:02) Scene 1 - A couple walks pass Nakamura while she sits on the park bench sketching.
(For the purpose of adding background animation, I decided to add in frames from scene 2 to the background of scene 1 so that the transition to scene 2 doesn't look odd. If Nakamura were to remain stationary in scene 1, it would be odd to see her randomly start drawing in scene 2.)
(00:02 - 00:04) Scene 2 - Close up of Nakamura sketching while seated on the park bench
(00:04 - 00:07) Scene 3 - close up focus on Nakamura's upper body while she sketches and sniffles her nose.
(00:07 - 00:08) Scene 4 - Zoom in onto Nakamura's confused/ dizzy expression.
(00:08 - 00:09) Scene 5 - 1st person Pov (Nakamura) looking up at the sky from her sketch pad.
(00:09 - 00:11) Scene 6 - Nakamura blocks the sunlight falling onto her face using her left hand.
(00:11 - 00:14) scene 7 - Blink transition
(After Nakamura covers the sunlight using her left hand, she shuts her eyes. Once she opens them, she finds herself in a pool of water. This is a mental space created in her mind)
(00:15 - 00:16) Scene 8 - A 3rd person Pov of Nakamura sinking in/drowning/drifting deep into the pool.
(00:16 - 00:18) Scene 9 - 1st person Pov of Nakamura reaching her hand out to the surface as she continues to sink deeper.
(00:18 - 00:21) Scene 10 - 3rd person Pov of Boruto's hand entering the pool of water and grabbing onto Nakamura's hand.
(00:22 - 00:24) Scene 11 - 3rd person Pov of Nakamura opening her eyes. This is a close up shot focusing on her eyes as Boruto's glowing figure appears.
(00:24 - 00:27) Scene 12 - 1st person Pov of Boruto's character. In this scene there's a slow zoom in onto his character.
(00:27 - 00:30) Scene 13 - Close up and zoom in onto Boruto's 'forehead protector' where the attention is focused on the glowing symbol.
(00:30 - 00:37) Credit scene
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callmeblake · 24 days
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Photo credit: Mitchell Wojcik, Summer 2024
Frank Iero announces Stomachaches 10th anniversary edition with bonus disc
Andrew Sacher - August 21, 2024
Frank Iero of My Chemical Romance, L.S. Dunes, and more has announced a 10th anniversary deluxe edition of his 2014 debut solo album, Stomachaches, which was released under his frnkiero and the cellabration moniker. The new edition is titled XNauseousX, and it arrives next week, Aug. 30, via BMG (preorder).
In addition to the original album, the deluxe edition features a second 12-song disc with covers of Green Day‘s “Extraordinary Girl,” the Ronettes‘ “Be My Baby,” and Johnny Cash‘s “Walk The Line,” plus four songs from a live session at BBC Maida Vale Studios, new songs, and more. Along with the announcement comes “This Song Is A Curse…,” which Iero originally contributed as a bonus track to the 2012 Frankenweenie Unleashed soundtrack.
Read more: 15 greatest supergroups across rock, punk, and metal
Iero says:
It’s pretty wild having to sit down and think about putting together a 10-year anniversary edition of a record that you originally had zero intentions of releasing. First off, I can’t believe it’s been 10 years, damn time really does fly by. And second, I’m still shocked anyone cares… but I suppose if my original plan was to make a time capsule for my kids to discover, funnily enough, it all kind of worked out. I’ve had a fun time digging through old hard drives, finding recordings, photos, and videos of that time and place. I suppose, in a lot of ways, I’m still that person, but in many cases, I am not. I truly believe that everything we have gone through and experienced gets us to the place where we currently reside, and I honestly wouldn’t change one second of it. ‘XNauseousX’ compiles everything put to tape from the Stomachaches era. From the first song I released as a solo artist, “This Song Is A Curse…,” as well as the first 7 inch release, ‘For Jamia.’ All the way through home-recorded and mixed B-sides and the Cellabration’s entire BBC Maida Vale session. You even get my homemade interpretation of Green Day’s Extraordinary Girl, which was panned by almost all of the internet but remains one of my favorite things I ever made. (Thank you James and Kerrang! for asking me to do this one. I still think the internet was wrong and I was right.) For better or worse this is a time capsule, now fully complete and unearthed. I hope it finds you well, and makes you smile more than it makes you frown.
Stream “This Song Is A Curse…” and check out the new artwork and full tracklist for the bonus disc below.
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XNauseousX tracklist 1. This Song Is A Curse… 2. Be My Baby (Ronettes Cover) 3. Walk The Line (Johnny Cash Cover) 4. B.F.F. (original version) 5. 2.5mg Just Ain’t Enough For Me 6. Give Me Liberty, But Give Me Depth 7. Getting Into Heaven Can Be Hell 8. .tragician. (Live at BBC Maida Vale Studios) 9. .smoke rings. (Live at BBC Maida Vale Studios) 10. Joyriding (Live at BBC Maida Vale Studios) 11. She’s the Prettiest Girl at the Party, and She Can Prove It with a Solid Right Hook (Live at BBC Maida Vale Studios) 12. Extraordinary Girl (Green Day Cover)
Filed under: 
frank iero
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thepodcasthoard · 8 months
How to Start a Podcast (and Make Money) The Ultimate Guide to Starting a Podcast on the Side in 2024 - Ryan Robinson
Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8 l Part 9 l Part 10 l Part 11 l Part 12 l Part 13 l Part 14 l Part 15 l Part 16 l Part 17 l Part 18 l Part 19 l Part 20 l Part 21
The twenty-second article Sydney gave me is by a blogger.
1. Choose a topic
Passion and the ability to talk about it not only extensively but long term is key here.
You should also pick a niche within that topic, to better focus your podcast. A more focused podcast makes it easier to promote.
Also keep in mind what you can bring to the table- what can you do differently than other podcasts with the same topic/in the same niche?
Keep in mind your audience. This links to your topic and niche. Who do you want to listen to your podcast?
What is your overall goal for the podcast? Are you creating this for fun with friends, or to educate, or to entertain?
2. Naming
The name of a podcast does some heavy lifting. Try to get it right, or at least close to it, for your podcast in the beginning. You can always change it later, but don't go for a placeholder name.
Make sure the name isn't taken.
Keep the name relatively short so it isn't cut off in the directory.
Don't keyword stuff- it could lead to it being marked as spam.
3. Equipment
Microphone: condenser vs dynamic and USB vs XLR are listed here
Boom arm/stand to keep the microphone still
Shock mount to avoid noise if you bump the stand/boom arm
Pop filter to avoid harsh sounds like 'p's and 'b's.
USB cord, even if you chose an XLR microphone
Mixer, if you chose an XLR microphone
4. Software
A way to record and edit your podcast is essential. Some options with links are mentioned, so you should head over and take a look so that the blogger can get the credit for the click throughs.
5. Copyright and trademarking
This is legal stuff, and while neither I or the blogger are lawyers, you should probably at least think about that.
6. Format
Host and panel
Scripted non fiction (journalism)
Scripted fiction (AKA an audio drama)
They each have examples listed below the format, so you can go check them out and see what you like and don't like.
7. Record your first episode
This article recommends not worrying about your no-doubt high expectations, using an outline, and making sure everything you need is within easy reach.
8. Edit
This is a variable process that will differ show to show, so it's best to just try it out and experiment.
9. Schedule
The article recommends recording and editing a few episodes to keep ahead. This way, when you do pick a schedule, you have a bit of a buffer.
10. Hosting site
The article mentions quite a few, so you can choose which one is best for you and your show.
11. Artwork and description
This article puts artwork very nicely: "Their first impression won’t be what they hear: it’ll be what they see." Meaning, the art will be the first thing the potential listener will judge, before they even consider listening.
The description is similar- the potential listener will read that before listening, to see if it sounds like something they'll enjoy. So make it informative and still intriguing. This is the place for keywords, but keep them natural in sentences.
12. Get listeners
The first thing to do is make sure the content is something people will listen to- think about why people should listen, and what they want to hear.
You can also be a guest on podcasts within your topic and niche. Make sure your audience would mesh with theirs, and ask nicely! It doesn't hurt to ask- the worst thing they can say is 'no.'
Trailer swap/shoutout trades- this is simpler than being a guest. If you're nervous about being a guest, offer to send them a short trailer about your show and you'll play their show's short trailer. Or ask if they'd be willing to mention your podcast by name as long as you do the same.
Social media- share episodes, sneak peeks, you name it. Use your existing social media if you want, but also grab handles specifically for your show.
13. Monetize
If you're planning to run this long-term, it's a good idea to get some money back doing it. It makes it more worth your while. Sponsorships, ads, affiliating yourself, and consulting are listed in this article.
As an aside from me, if you've read the previous recaps I've done, you also know that selling merchandise and subscriptions are also options.
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dorleco · 1 month
Things to Know about EV charging stations
August 21, 2024
by dorleco
with no comment
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EV charging stations are a crucial part of the infrastructure supporting the widespread use of EVs. The following are some essential details regarding electric vehicle charging stations:
1. EV charging stations types:
Level 1 (110V): Basic family outlets; sluggish charging.
Level 2 (240V): Often used for charging in homes and public spaces; moderate speed.
DC Fast Charging: Quick charging over greater distances (480V or more); typically seen near highways.
2. Charging Speeds:
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The charging speed varies depending on the charger and how compatible the car is.
Level 1: Generally increases variability by two to five miles per hour.
Level 2: Increase range by roughly 10 to 60 miles per hour.
DC Fast Charging: This can provide up to 80% in 30 minutes or less.
3. Connectors for Charging:
Common connectors are CHAdeMO (used in DC rapid charging), CCS (Combined Charging System), and J1772, which are for Levels 1 and 2.
The Tesla Supercharger community is exclusive to Tesla automobiles.
4. Networks of Charging Stations:
There are numerous networks of EV charging stations, such as EVgo, Charge Point, Tesla Supercharger, and others.
In certain stations, governments operate, while private firms control others.
5. Apps for Finding EV charging stations:
Users can find charging stations, verify their availability, and plan journeys entirely based on the infrastructure for charging with the help of apps and websites.
6. Cost and Availability:
There may be a cost associated with charging stations, either through a subscription or a pay-as-you-go option.
Certain stations obtain entrance through the use of credit card purchases, smartphone apps, or RFID playing cards.
7. Charging at Home:
Considering the convenience of overnight charging, a lot of EV owners choose to use Level 2 chargers for at-home charging.
8. Charging at the Office and in Public:
Parking lots, retail establishments, and public spaces are all equipped with public charging stations.
Some workplaces provide charging stations to promote the use of electric vehicles among their staff.
9. Standards for EV charging stations:
There may also be unique requirements for voltage levels and charging connectors in different countries and regions.
The goal of standardization initiatives like ISO 15118 is to provide a common language that is favored for charging infrastructure.
10. Government Grants:
Governments frequently provide incentives to promote the installation and use of charging stations for electric vehicles.
These incentives may also take the form of grants, tax credits, or other financial aid.
11. Effect on the Environment:
The power source utilized for charging electric vehicles also affects how they affect the environment.
12. Upcoming Changes:
ongoing research and development objectives to raise the standard user experience, infrastructure density, and charging speed.
The period of wireless charging is being investigated as a potential progression of destiny.
The benefits of installing EV charging stations
EV charging station installations have several advantages that encourage the uptake and sustainability of EV mobility. The following are some major advantages of setting up EV charging stations:
1. Market Extension and Acceptance:
More people adopting electric-powered motors is encouraged by the provision of charging infrastructure, which boosts the EV market as a whole.
2. Enhanced Confidence in EV Range:
The availability of charging stations reduces “variety anxiety” for electric vehicle (EV) users, making longer trips and commutes more practical.
3. Assistance for Companies and Fleets:
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Companies that employ people with EVs or have fleets of electric cars benefit from reduced fuel expenses, on-site charging, and sustainability marketing.
4. Bringing in Clients and Renters:
By offering EV charging stations, establishments, stores, and asset developers can draw in environmentally conscious customers and renters.
5. Government Grants:
Governments in many areas offer subsidies or incentives to businesses and organizations that install EV charging stations, giving them financial support.
6. CSR, or corporate social responsibility:
Installing EV charging stations improves a company’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) profile and is in line with corporate sustainability aims. It also shows environmental responsibility.
7. Contentment and Attraction of Employees:
Businesses that provide EV charging stations at the workplace boost employee satisfaction, draw in environmentally sensitive talent, and follow contemporary workplace trends.
8. Extended Stay Duration for Shopkeepers:
Shops that have charging stations on their premises can witness an increase in customer waiting time while their cars charge, which could result in more sales.
9. Public relations and community outreach:
Companies that install public charging stations contribute to the development of EV infrastructure, which benefits the public perception and family members of the network.
Difficulties encountered when installing EV charging stations
While the electrical automobile was being set up installing electric car charging stations is a crucial step in supporting environmentally friendly transportation, there are several obstacles that stakeholders frequently encounter along the way. These difficult circumstances can vary mostly depending on components made up of rules, technology, and infrastructure. The following are some typical difficulties encountered when installing EV charging stations:
1. Regulatory Obstacles:
It can be difficult to navigate the many and constantly changing rules at the local, state, and federal levels, especially when it comes to zoning, building codes, and permits.
2. Infrastructure and Grid Capacity:
It can be expensive to evaluate and upgrade the current electrical infrastructure to handle the additional load from EV charging stations, and it might be necessary to work with software vendors.
3. Choosing a Location:
Finding suitable locations that meet zoning regulations and have enough demand, visibility, and accessibility can be difficult.
4. Exorbitant starting expenses:
For businesses and owners of the property, the high expenses associated with purchasing and installing devices for charging stations, in addition to significant improvements to infrastructure, maybe a deterrent.
5. Tenant-Landlord Contracts:
Particularly in multi-tenant buildings, negotiating agreements between landlords and tenants can be challenging and involve sharing costs and usage.
6. Compatibility and Standards for Technology:
ensuring that the infrastructure of charging stations conforms to changing industry standards and supports various connector types utilized by unique electric vehicle models.
7. Low Level of Public Knowledge
Underutilization may occur from a lack of awareness and comprehension among the general population regarding the advantages and accessibility of EV charging stations.
8. Parking restrictions and accessibility:
addressing problems with parking availability, particularly in urban settings, and ensuring that charging stations are easily accessible to all users, including those with impairments.
9. Delays in Permitting:
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Delays in obtaining necessary permits and approvals from the local government might cause the setup process and expansion of conventional project deadlines to slow down.
10. Funding Competition:
Groups or municipalities may also be unable to invest in EV infrastructure due to a lack of subsidies or funds for the installation of charging stations.
Ultimately, EV charging stations are an essential component of the global shift towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable modes of transportation. Their benefits, which include less environmental impact, improved electricity efficiency, cost savings, and improved infrastructure, highlight how crucial they are to determining the future of mobility. Nevertheless, there are challenging circumstances associated with the installation of charging stations.
For charging infrastructure to be implemented successfully, it is important to handle legislative difficulties, grid capacity limitations, and area-associated demanding scenarios. To overcome these obstacles and establish environments that will support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles, stakeholders — including companies, governments, and communities — must work together.
Even if the challenging circumstances are significant, they are currently manageable. Constant improvements in public awareness, encouraging policies from the government, and technological breakthroughs are all contributing to the growing infrastructure of electric vehicle charging stations. Furthermore, the dedication of companies to innovation and corporate social responsibility also hastens the development of greener and more sustainable transportation solutions.
We must see these obstacles as chances for growth and progress as we move forward. Sustained research, funding, and cooperation will not only improve the functionality and accessibility of EV charging stations but will also stimulate economic growth, job creation, and innovation. The journey towards a more environmentally friendly and sustainable future depends on the successful adoption of electric vehicle charging stations in our communities, on our roads, and in our daily lives. Overcoming obstacles and seizing the opportunities they present us to create a transportation environment that is cleaner and more sustainable.
“Explore the innovative Charging Booster VCU products and advanced EV Software Services.” @www.Dorleco.com
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Via YouTube:
What’s Going On with Lee Brown —
Guest: Chloe Wareham Gordon
Thank you so much for having me on, Lee!
And many thanks to those who powered through all 1 hour+ of my ramblings 😅
Here is a link to the latest draft of my report (still much to update; this is mostly from May 2024): https://docs.google.com/document/d/16Ad8lU1lRASdfRk2mZ2X3XvSgG4G3B7ntNT1itMEJE4/edit
In the first paragraph of the Introduction in the aforementioned report, there is a link to the W&C Contract with the City of Peekskill.
Here are some screenshots of the defensive and threatening messages from Chereese Jervis-Hill (who, ironically, is in charge of processing community feedback as the DEI subcontractor; caught these before she blocked me): https://photos.app.goo.gl/wna9bSkmevKNtttQ7
The best way to sum up my key concerns is as follows:
1) where is the money designated for inorganic ads—up to $20k (in April 2024), as it appears none have been purchased? Has the agency already been given this money, or is it to be withheld until such ads are scheduled?
2) where is the oversight? Who approved of having a close friend of the two major
subcontractors on the Project Advisory Board?
3) who agreed to that Severability Clause? Why are there no requisites for quarterly reviews (as the contract only includes a 6-month project review, versus every 3-months)? Also, why can’t we, the public, access that 6-month review?
4) there was only one open community forum led by the DEI officer back in March at BeanRunner to listen to citizen concerns. Why not hold multiple or offer digital forums to enable those who couldn’t make it to that one to be heard?
5) I suspect the sub-contractors and contractor are all still involved with the project and I have yet to hear of any change in operations. Why? It’s clear that residents are—at best—dissatisfied with their work and—at worst—made physically ill by the knowledge that they’re getting paid premium prices for objectively low-quality and/or absent work.
6) would the City be willing to issue a statement confirming that a contract renewal will not be considered without a thorough (and public) review?
7) what’s happening with the Wayfinding side of the DRI marketing strategy?
8)what policies will be instituted in the future to ensure that this mess never occurs again? For instance, creating a volunteer marketing oversight committee, hiring a marketing/comms quality control person to provide supervision, a new process of properly vetting all contractors and subcontractors to ensure they’re qualified for their roles, etc…?
9) I still can’t get over the irony of me facing the most retaliation from the person tasked with being a sympathetic community liaison… what is your plan for addressing such whistleblower retaliation and outright dismissal of citizenry concerns?
10) have the Connors been tracking their hours worked? Can we receive a report that outlines exactly what their top-dollar “agency,” “directing,” and “producing fees”—coming out to $20k in the month of April alone—are going towards?
11) there have been “stakeholder” meetings per the contract. Who are these “stakeholders” and how were they selected?
12) again, the irony of this project being DEI-focused, what will be done to ensure that contractors/subcontractors are selected based on merit, and now shoe-ins because of BCW/Chamber/political connections?
13) what is the accounts’ collaboration and attribution policies? Would the city be willing to go backwards and edit the photo captions sourced from the accounts I manage and reposted as seemingly original posts (sans credit) to say, “#repost from…” or “original post by…” “photo by…”? And what is the policy re: Chereese seemingly using the city’s main IG account to collaborate with her personal business account and the Farmer’s Market accounts?
14) what is the penalty, if any, for not meeting project deliverables and handing over tasks to other names and unnamed contract players?
15) I didn’t get a chance to mention the newsletter here, but the newsletter is anodyne and basic. There is also little effort to funnel people to sign up for it. (I didn’t even know the city had one until the Matts mentioned it to me in the context of trying to point out at least W&C et al. are doing something).
16) there’s supposed to be a new tourism website and more frequent event and city website updates… There’s nothing as of yet. What’s the city’s plan to address that deficit? The local businesses need a general digital bulletin board badly.
17) why, in the few posts shared to the city pages, was there a ribbon-cutting that would have been more fit for the BID/Chamber pages? What is posted where? What are the rules?
18) what is the plan for better integration with the Hispanic community and businesses?
19) what is the content calendar plan? How can we ensure content is posted promptly and timely?
20) why did the contractors nix the open call for spokespeople and dancers? Once again, a contract built around inclusivity has proven itself exclusive.
21) who is running the city’s DRI grant instagram page?
22) will you publish the organic and inorganic website traffic and social media analytics from the contract duration to today?
23) will the public be able to weigh in re: city logo and slogan? Why not source a design from a local artist and the slogan from a local marketer?
24) what is the community engagement strategy for comments? I’m concerned Chereese is in charge of responding to folks on social media, which would explain why the “Friendly Town” is responding to residents in a defensive and unfriendly manner. (Eg one resident being like, “late event notice,” and the city’s account responding along the patronizing lines of, “we already posted it; pay attention.”)
Please email the Matts directly with any thoughts, feedback and concerns.
Thanks to all!
Let’s not let them get away with this, and, in worst case, renew the contract with a “private sponsor,” or shadow communications director
😮 Emails: [email protected]
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spoilertv · 4 months
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doomedandstoned · 11 months
~Season 9, Episode 11~
We're back with great, big episode eleven, wherein Billy Goate (Editor, Doomed & Stoned), John Gist (Vegas Rock Revolution), and Bucky Brown (The Ripple Effect) discuss the September edition of the monthly Doom Charts rankings. We also talk about changes at Bandcamp that have some bands and fans concerned, and then a preview the 2024 line-up for Planet Desert Rock Weekend!
By the underground, for the underground: The Doomed & Stoned Show is streaming on Apple Podcasts, Audible, Google Podcasts, Soundcloud, Spotify, and many more. Check out our page on Patreon with perks for supporting the show. You can show the bands love by clicking their highlighted names, below!
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INTRO (00:00) 1. Rocky's Pride and Joy (#15) - "Crawl" (00:31)
HOST SEGMENT I (04:42) 2. Graveyard (#17) - "Twice" (25:10) 3. Spider Kitten (#19) - "Safe To Drown" (27:50) 4. Rrrags (#29) - "Heart of the Hive" (30:54)
HOST SEGMENT II (37:14) 5. Spiral Shades (#11) - "Witchy Eyes" (49:25) 6. Shadow of Jupiter (#20) - "Daisy Cutter" (53:12) 7. Cloud Catcher (#25) - "I Am The Storm" (58:44)
HOST SEGMENT III (1:04:26) 8. Formation Ritual (#10) - "Sun Chariot" (1:22:10) 9. Omega Sun (#9) - "The One" (1:28:22) 10. Mondo Drag (#8) - "Burning Daylight (Pt. 2)" (1:33:42)
HOST SEGMENT IV (1:38:21) 11. I Am Low (#7) - "Pigs" (1:51:08) 12. Slomatics (#6) - "I, Neanderthal" (1:54:09) 13. Lord Velvet (#5) - "Lament of Io" (1:58:08)
HOST SEGMENT V (2:04:00) 14. Humulus (#4) - "Black Water" (2:53:50) 15. Fire Down Below (#3) - "The Last Cowboy" (3:00:24) 16. Dead Feathers (#2) - "Full Circle" (3:05:02) 17. Domkraft (#1) - "Black Moon Rising" (3:12:04)
OUTRO - Bonus Tracks (3:16:45) 18. Kal-El (#35) - "Universe" (3:17:53) 19. Superlynx (#22) - "Cycle" (3:25:09) 20. Stone of Duna (#14) - "Deathbright" (3:29:37) 21. Frankie and the Witch Fingers (#21) - "Doom Boom" (3:35:28)
Theme Song: Dylan Tucker
Incidental Music: Hellvetika
Thumbnail: Domkraft
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dmvalerts · 6 years
Bowie E-News
Bowie: Bowie E-News Bowie News Flash Update - as of May 17, 2018 Celebrate Bowie Heritage Day - May 20For more than forty years, the City has celebrated its rich history on a Sunday in May. This year, Bowie Heritage Day, will take place at the Belair Stable Museum and the Belair Mansion on May 20. Learn all about why the Belair Stud is known as the cradle of Thoroughbred horse racing, why Belair Mansion is sometimes called the house of Governors, why Bowie takes special pride in the Preakness each year, and much more at Heritage Day 2018. Enjoy free pony rides, face painting and more at the Belair Stable. Tour Belair Mansion or visit the Railroad Museum in Old Town Bowie for a special train display. Hours are 12 to 4 p.m. and admission is free at all Bowie museums. Farmers’ Market Opens This Sunday - May 20One sure sign that summer is on the way is the opening of the Bowie Farmers’ Market. This Sunday, local farmers and other food vendors will be back for the 2018 season to offer their fresh produce, meats, flowers, baked goods, homemade relishes and jams, and other treats. The market operates in the Bowie High School parking lot each Sunday through the end of October. Hours are 8 a.m. to noon. Budget Adoption Meeting - May 21At its regular meeting on Monday, May 21, City Council is expected to adopt the Proposed Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2018 and the Capital Improvements Program for FY 2019 - FY 2024. After careful deliberation and much discussion, Council has decided to reduce spending and defer some projects, so that the real property tax rate can remain at 40 cents per $100 of assessed value. This will mark the ninth consecutive year without an increase in the City tax rate. The public is invited to attend this meeting, which will begin in the Council Chambers at City Hall at 8 p.m.Community Meeting on Rezoning of Jesuit Property - May 22Whitemarsh Elm LC will host a community meeting on May 22 to share information about a rezoning application for property on Annapolis Road, locally known as the Jesuit property. The matter is currently pending before the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission.The applicant is proposing to build 400 - 500 homes on three parcels of land near Sacred Heart Church. The parcels, which are outside the municipal boundaries of Bowie, are currently zoned R-E (Residential Estate) and R-A (Residential Agriculture). Whitemarsh Elm LC is seeking to have the zoning changed to R-S (Residential Suburban) to accommodate the envisioned development. The meeting, which will include a short presentation and question and answer session, will take place on Tuesday, May 22, at 7 p.m. in the Multi-Purpose Room at the Kenhill Center. Celebrate Bowie Day on NBC4 – May 22NBC 4 will be celebrating Bowie on Tuesday, May 22nd. They’ll be broadcasting live from Bowie Town Center in the 6 a.m. hour and the 11 a.m. Featured segments include local restaurants, the “Dynamic Superiors” a Motown band that will be performing at Bowiefest, why Bowie is a great place to live or own a business, Bowie Green Team, and lots more! Come on out and show your Bowie pride and perhaps you’ll end up on television!Melford Stakeholders Meeting - May 24A Stakeholders Meeting will be held on Thursday, May 24 at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Bowie City Hall regarding a Detailed Site Plan for Infrastructure for future townhouses at Melford. This Detailed Site Plan is for specific infrastructure improvements, such as locations of water and sanitary sewer lines, stormwater pipes, inlets and manholes, fire hydrants, street and parking area layouts, and bio-retention areas. A Preliminary Subdivision Plan for townhouses at Melford was approved by the County in 2017. This plan is a more detailed and refined version of that earlier plan. At this point, there are no architectural building or lighting plans to review; those will be submitted and reviewed at a future time and at future public meetings.Memorial Parade - May 26Bowie’s hometown parade is Saturday, May 26. It begins at 11 a.m. at the Bowie High School Annex, located at 3021 Belair Drive. This annual event is a great opportunity to enjoy some talented performances, connect with your neighbors, and honor the hard work and many sacrifices of those who serve or have served our country in the Armed Forces. Participants will march along Belair Drive to Sussex Lane, then to Stonybrook Drive, and end at Sage Lane. The reviewing stand, along with concession stands and restrooms, will be located in Acorn Hill Park on Stonybrook Drive. For more information, visit http://bit.ly/1TIxEsT or call 301-809-3078.Sunday Sunset Concert Series Begins - May 27The Sunday Sunset Concert Series kicks off on Sunday, May 27 with the smooth jazz sounds of the US Navy Band Commodores at the Robert V. Setera Amphitheater in Allen Pond Park. Concerts are held every Sunday from 7 to 8 p.m. through September 2. They are canceled in case of inclement weather. For more information or to see the list of performers, visit http://bit.ly/1RxW8xj or call 301-809-3078 or email [email protected]. Memorial Day Holiday - Monday, May 28Monday, May 28 is a City holiday. City offices are closed. There is no refuse or recycling collection on this day. Collection will resume on the next regularly scheduled day.Senior Center Information and Referral Fair - May 30 - June 1Each spring, the Senior Center hosts a free fair to bring special entertainment and information to the community. The theme of this year’s Information and Referral Fair is “Making Today Matter.” It kicks off on Wednesday, May 30, at 10 a.m. with a fashion show. Patrons and guest models from our community and surrounding Prince George’s County will be featured. On Thursday, May 31, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be a series of “hands-on” workshops. Topics include budgets, pharmacy needs, preventive care home visits, spring cleaning and getting rid of clutter, transportation, housing, and much more. On Friday, June 1, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. there will be a Senior Information and Referral Vendor Fair. A variety of professionals will have displays and answer questions on a variety of subjects and services of interest to seniors and those who love them. Contact Gloria Gaddy, Senior Information & Referral Specialist, at 301-809-2377.Race Track Road Pedestrian Improvements Meeting - May 30Prince George’s County wants to improve pedestrian walkways and access to Race Track Road between Clearfield Drive and Marquette Lane. Officials from the County Department of Public Works and Transportation will host a public information session on Wednesday, May 30 at Yorktown Elementary School, between the hours of 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. to discuss their plans. Proposed improvements include new signals, new crosswalks, construction of a hiker-biker sidewalk, and relocation of the Yorktown Elementary School driveway entrance. Maps and displays will provide information and residents can pose questions of DPW& T staff members .Learn more details in a flyer prepared by DPW &T. It can be found at http://bit.ly/2Lb30WY. Bowie Police Invite You to Join Them for Special Olympics RunThe Bowie Police Department is hosting a Law Enforcement Torch Run on June 5. This 3K Fun Run will be held on Tuesday, June 5, beginning at 10:30 a.m. Join officers and City employees as they run from Bowie Plaza to the Bowie Marketplace (Chick-Fil-A). Registration is now open. Sign up today and support the athletes of Special Olympics Maryland. Register online at http://bit.ly/2I8WktY. Interested participants can also join our team by registering in person at the Bowie Police Station at 15901 Excalibur Road or by contacting the Police Department. Register on the day of the event, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Cash, check (made payable to "Special Olympics", and credit card (day of only) accepted. For more information or to register, please call 240-544-5797. Registration is $15 and will include a Torch Run t-shirt. Lunch and transportation back to start point will be provided by the Police Department. If you would like to edit your subscriptions or the way you receive these messages, please LOGIN to your account to manage your information or call 301-809-3032 for assistance.
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rickhorrow · 5 years
15+5+5 To Watch 51319
Ahead of the PGA Championship, the PGA of America is making a landmark investment of $2.5 million over the next five years in PGA reach to incubate and grow the PGA WORKS platform. PGA WORKS is a strategic initiative designed to diversify the golf industry’s workforce. The platform began with the PGA WORKS Fellowship and has grown to include scholarships, career exploration events, and the PGA WORKS Collegiate Championship, held at PGA Golf Club in Port St. Lucie, Florida, May 9-12. These key programs inspire and engage talent from diverse backgrounds to pursue employment positions across the golf industry. “We recognize that in order to fulfill the PGA of America’s mission of serving our PGA Members and growing participation in the sport of golf, we must expand the dimensions of diversity represented in the industry’s workforce,” said PGA of America Chief People Officer Sandy Cross. “It is critical for people to see others from similar backgrounds and experiences working in the sport.” Golf is an $84 billion industry, and PGA WORKS programming generates significant awareness of careers throughout the game, while helping to diversify the workforce so that it mirrors America.
Thanks to Tiger Woods, Brooks Koepka...and John Daly, fitness and longevity take center stage at this week's PGA Championship. As the PGA of America prepares to host its annual Major this week, PGA Tour veteran and former PGA Championship winner John Daly is also making headlines in New York. For the first time since pro Casey Martin, Daly has received approval to use a golf cart during the tournament, citing arthritis in his knees that prevents him from navigating the hilly Bethpage Black course. While Daly is an old school product of the Tour – he reached his peak before hitting the gym was a regular part of the pro golf regimen – “today’s crop of PGA Tour pros, led by the likes of Tiger Woods and Brooks Koepka, are finely-tuned athletes, seeking out fitness and recovery techniques that will keep them healthy on the course much longer,” said Jeff Conroy, CEO of regenerative medicine leader Embody, which has developed an innovative collagen based microfiber implant designed for use in Achilles’ and rotator cuff repairs – a common affliction in golf. Between rotator cuff and Achilles injuries, Embody’s orthopedic solutions address a combined market exceeding 750,000 surgical cases in the U.S. annually. 
Indianapolis Motor Speedway President Doug Boles predicted “a 3-5% uptick in attendance over last year" for Saturday's sixth edition of the Indianapolis Grand Prix, according to the Indianapolis Star. Boles "would not reveal exact numbers," but the newspaper estimated there were "around 35,000 fans in attendance for last year's race." Boles said this year's attendance may be "even bigger." He said that credit for the "anticipated increase belongs at least in part to fans and drivers' growing acceptance of the Grand Prix as the official kickoff of May." Boles added that the race could have a new entitlement sponsor "hopefully soon," but there is "nothing imminent on the horizon." Angie's List held the entitlement sponsor “mantle for the first three iterations of the race but was forced to bail” after 2016 when facing financial woes. While “having an entitlement sponsor is ideal, it's not critical to the race's long-term health.” Boles said that the Indianapolis Grand Prix, even "without Angie's List or another sponsor, is a profitable race based on ticket sales alone.” The race was also profitable for winner Simon Pagenaud, who overcame the competition and the rain for win number 12 for him and number 205 for Team Penske in its 51-year IndyCar run. 
This year’s Stanley Cup parity is the "world Commissioner Gary Bettman envisioned" when the league instituted a salary cap in 2005," according to the Associated Press. While all four division winners have been eliminated, Bettman "prefers to call it 'competitive balance,' and it's the thing he trumpets the most about the state of the league." There is "not a lot of national buzz" when teams from Raleigh and Columbus meet in the Eastern Conference Finals, and absent a potential Bruins-Sharks Stanley Cup Final, there are "some combinations that don't exactly sizzle for those who aren't avid fans." NBC Sports reported the “highest first-round ratings in the network's history." If more big markets go out, that picture "could change and interest could wane, but Bettman believes it all evens out over time.” There are many other positive factors besides ratings. In Raleigh, according to insider sources, thanks to their playoff run, the Hurricanes have already sold $3.6 million in new ticket business for next season. 
NBA League Pass nets huge subscriber surge due to overseas talent. According to Hashtag Sports, Denver Nuggets’ center Nikola Jokić was instrumental to that huge increase in subscribers in his native country throughout the 2018-19 season, evident by a 400% spike in subscriptions to the over-the-top service in Serbia. Similarly, Slovenian star Luka Dončić, who plays for the Dallas Mavericks, also spearheaded a 186% rise in League Pass subscribers in his native country. The surge in overseas viewership could also be the result of changes to the NBA’s global digital offering, which now includes an option on its International League Pass that allows fans to buy any ten-minute period in a game for .99 cents. While the Denver Nuggets were eliminated by the Portland Trailblazers on Sunday, the 2019 NBA Playoffs are showcasing more international talent than ever. When the playoffs began, 60 players from 29 countries were represented. Now, international players such as the Bucks’ Giannis Antetokounmpo and Nikola Mirotic and the 76ers Ben Simmons and Kyrie Irving continue to draw eyeballs from abroad – and the NBA is better off for it.
ISM Connect will expand its Allegiant Airline Network with the addition of two new Minor League Baseball teams, the Salt Lake Bees and Boise Hawks, in June and by 20 more stadiums in 2020, nearly doubling the size of the existing network. ISM launched its network across 25 ballparks on the MiLB's Opening Night, officially introducing the world's first and only integrated, in-venue smart network of fan engagement technology. ISM Connect has already delivered targeted marketing and custom branded content to an engaged audience of nearly five million MiLB fans. Already, over 15 local and three national brands, including Allegiant, Applegate, and BAM, have joined the network. Across the 25 active ballparks, ISM published 400 pieces of content on Opening Night, including local and national content and advertising. Additionally, several original series went live. "Logo Love" dives into the unique world of MiLB logos and team names, while "Better Up” traces the youth baseball training evolution. Within weeks, fan engagement with the Ballpark Insider social community quickly swelled to nearly 3,000 followers.
The Minnesota Twins have seen one of the largest attendance drops in baseball. In an effort to reverse that trend, they've come up with a bold new strategy to get fans back to the ballpark: $5 tickets. The Twins launched a modest $5 ticket flash sale at the beginning of last week, then expanded the offer after the initial discounted seats quickly sold out. According to the Minneapolis Star Tribune, “after 20,000 upper-level outfield seats were grabbed between 6 p.m. Tuesday and 2 p.m. Wednesday, an additional 12,000 standing room ‘ballpark access’ tickets were purchased” by 4 p.m. Thursday. The "ballpark access" tickets provide fans with “entry into Target Field but does not include a seat.” The no-seat strategy, which originated with the Dallas Cowboys at AT&T Stadium and morphed into the Golden State Warriors’ $100 monthly Party Passes at Oracle Arena, has now infiltrated baseball via the Mets, Cardinals, and Twins. This modest revenue generator helps fill the balance sheet blanks caused by low attendance, a problem plaguing much of baseball so far this season. Look for other MLB clubs to adopt the practice as the season progresses.
The first phase of a $450 million renovation on the Mercedes-Benz Superdome in New Orleans has begun, the first major work since the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. The Superdome’s first construction phase, according to the Times-Picayune, will include removing 80,000 square feet of interior ramps and installing more elevators and escalators. Initial costs are estimated at $100 million. All four phases are expected to be completed before Super Bowl LVIII in 2024, which the Superdome will host. The New Orleans Saints have agreed to fund a third of the project costs, reportedly $150 million. The Louisiana Stadium and Exposition District (LSED) will contribute $210 million through a bond issuance, pending approval this summer. Kyle France, LSED chairman, said further funds to meet the required $450 million total are still being negotiated with the state, but he hopes any request for taxpayer’s money will be minimal. With these major renovations, New Orleans officials hope to keep the Superdome an attractive option for hosting major sports events. As well as Super Bowl LVIII, the venue is set to host the College Football Playoff National Championship in 2020, and the NCAA Final Four in 2022. 
Trump looks to allow service-academy athletes to go pro. President Trump said last week that he "wants to allow top athletes from service academies to defer their military duty so they can play professional sports." Trump, while honoring the Army football team with the Commander-in-Chief's Trophy, told NBC News and other media outlets, "I’m going to look at doing a waiver for service academy athletes who can get into the major leagues like the NFL, hockey, baseball." Trump added that the move would "boost recruiting for the service academy's sports teams.” USA Today noted that the Department of Defense previously "allowed athletes to defer their active-duty service requirement in order to pursue pro sports,” a policy that was implemented by the Obama administration in 2016. However, that policy was "rescinded the following year by then-Defense Secretary Jim Mattis -- just four months into Trump's presidency.” This policy is a win-win for the athletes and military alike, and should be maintained regardless of who is in the White House.
A Phoenix-area poet buys out the upper deck for WNBA Mercury opener. Poet Christopher Owens, also known as Truth B. Told, recently "purchased the entire 7,000-seat upper level at Talking Stick Resort Arena" for the WNBA Phoenix Mercury's season opener on May 31, according to the Arizona Republic. Now, Owens is "selling the tickets at a discount for $2-$5 though his company Culture Phx with a goal of having a sold-out arena for a nationally televised game." The Mercury have "been among the WNBA attendance leaders since their inception but only once have they completely sold out a home game," the inaugural regular season finale in 1997. Owens said he has "never understood the disparity, but the tide seems to be turning." Owens is "seeking sponsors to buy 50-ticket packages, at a bargain of $100, so 50 girls’ basketball teams and their families can attend." He also is "selling single tickets for $5 and a 3-ticket package for $10." Owens will donate 15% of “whatever he makes to School of HipHop PHX.”
An increase in media exposure could be having a seismic impact on the business of female athletics. In the last few months, multiple big name brands have pumped significant dollars into women's sports. AT&T signed a multiyear partnership with the WNBA, becoming the first non-apparel company to have its logo featured on the front of all 12 team jerseys. Barclays made the "largest single investment in British women's sports," signing a three-year, $11 million sponsorship deal that will see the top league rebranded as the Barclays FA Women's Super League. And ahead of the Women’s World Cup, Budweiser announced its first-ever sponsorship of women's soccer, inking a deal with the English national team. Brands have historically ignored women's pro sports, as have televised news and highlight shows — two realities that go hand-in-hand. As WNBPA Director Pam Wheeler points out, this is the first time in women's pro sport history that sponsorship deals are being made as the result of "economic decisions, as opposed to emotional connections." It seems brands are finally realizing that there is serious value here. Now it's up to the leagues to ensure that this influx of sponsorship cash trickles down to the players.
MLB laid out promotional plans for the London Series 2019, with eyes to highlight the growth of baseball and softball in the United Kingdom as the Red Sox face the Yankees on June 29 and 30. Activities planned during this year’s London Series include a baseball cultural festival, known as “London Yards,” that will include music, baseball virtual reality interactives, Boston and New York cuisine, and, a live screening of the game. Additionally, PLAY BALL Park will serve as the hub for all youth-focused baseball and softball activity, and include a temporary baseball/softball diamond, pitching tunnels, batting cages, and baseball virtual reality portals. MLB and Little League International have also invited four Little League U13 baseball teams based in London to compete in a small, friendly tournament at PLAY BALL Park. By holding games “that count” in Japan and now in London, MLB has joined America’s other pro sports leagues in exporting a real product, not just a soft serve  exhibition, with the goal of attracting a real fan base.
The newest revolution taking place in high school and college sports – AI-automated production – is powered and pioneered by Pixellot. The impact to date has been tremendous and its projected growth is even bigger. In high school sports, in partnership with the NFHS Network, since 2017, Pixellot has installed over 1,500 systems across the country, producing over 100,000 live games, reaching over 25,000 live hours per month. The company is projected to install 20,000 systems over the next seven years, with a goal of broadcasting more than 1 million live high school events per year. In college sports, a new partnership with SIDEARM Sports will lead to producing 50,000+ live college events per year. How does it work? Schools within the NFHS Network or SIDEARM Sports pay an up-front fee to install a Pixellot solution. End-users then pay a one-time subscription fee to gain access to the live games and highlights. And adopting schools gain an additional marketing platform, as well as a new revenue stream for their sports programs.
Is the NFL “quietly collaborating” with the XFL? According to JohnWallStreet, the Alliance of American Football’s inability to secure a formal partnership with the NFL (beyond its relationship with the NFL Network) was a major factor in the decision financier Tom Dundon made to shutter the league after just eight weeks. The NFL’s seeming lack of interest may have a lot to do with the discussions they’re holding with a different upstart football league. JohnWallStreet shared that Vince McMahon’s XFL is “quietly collaborating with the NFL on a variety of rules and technology initiatives.” While news of a collaboration is merely speculative at this point, as the newsletter pointed out. “There’s no reason to expect the NFL to swallow up the startup league before McMahon burns through his $500 million war chest and any allocation of players between the two leagues remains ‘years away.’ But it’s becoming more and more apparent that the XFL is closer to becoming the NFL’s minor league than the AAF ever was going to be.
While most collegiate athletic departments are financial drains on their universities, the University of Nebraska’s athletic department is one of “about two dozen public D-1” schools that operate without assistance. While it’s commonplace for “institutional funding, state appropriations or student activity fees” to prop up those operating at a loss, at Nebraska, not only is the athletic department self-sufficient, it contributes to the school’s academic mission by funding scholarships for non-student-athletes. According to multiple sources, roughly 20% of the 20,000 students enrolled on NU’s Lincoln campus received Husker scholarship money within the last 12 months. In addition to funding $5 million dollars’ worth of academic scholarships, Nebraska athletics gave $5 million to the University’s chancellor to help cover university operational expenses (including support for the student rec center and additional academic support). Nebraska’s athletic department is unique in that it’s one of just a few schools to have consistently generated a net surplus over the last 20 years – the department reported $6.6 million in operating profit in 2018.
Top Five Tech
RugbyPass becomes a digital partner to Major League Rugby. The global rugby channel becomes an Official Digital Partner to MLR for the remainder of the 2019 season, with delayed streaming rights to full replays of selected games across the competition. Each match will be made available worldwide on RugbyPass TV, shortly after the end of each game. RugbyPass features highlights, player interviews, and other short clips, and delivers its content to dozens of social media pages and channels, reaching up to 30 million rugby fans every month. According to rugbypass.com, the channel’s subscription fee is just $1 a month which provides access to RugbyPass Originals, including The Rugby Pod; Beyond 80: Knocked; Insiders; The Short Ball; Late Tackle; Seven for Seven; The Pride; Kiwis Abroad; and more from the world of rugby vloggers, documentaries, and archival footage. The deal is two-fold to both add an American fan base while also drawing those from outside North America into the vibrant competition on U.S. soil.
KIT KAT has partnered with Overwatch team Los Angeles Valiant. According to Esports Insider, KIT KAT is the official candy sponsor of the team as well as the entitlement partner for KIT KAT Rivalry Weekend. The weekend esports tournament takes place August 24-25 at LA Live and will feature branded activations and events alongside competitive Overwatch League matches. The August event will feature an event called the KIT KAT Fan Fest. Outside the competitive arena, attendees of all ages will have the opportunity to interact with various activations and activities. Inside the arena, die-hard fans of the teams playing during the weekend will receive exclusive seating in the KIT KAT Team Lounges separated by team affiliation. While KIT KAT has made the odd esports related appearance, this is its first real entry into esports and represents how sponsors from all markets are plunging headfirst into the esports craze.
The XFL signs a massive TV rights deal with Fox and Disney. Vince McMahon’s dream of creating an alternative to NFL football is one step closer to becoming a reality as his football league has pinned down a deal to give weekly berths on both ABC and Fox to the XFL’s inaugural season in addition to supplementary games on the companies’ cable networks, including ESPN, ESPN2, FS1, and FS2. According to Variety, the XFL intends to air back-to-back games on Saturday afternoons at 2 p.m. along with two additional weekly games on Sunday afternoons with teams to be fielded in Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, New York, St. Louis, Seattle, Tampa Bay, and Washington D.C. After a near two decade hiatus from the sports scene, McMahon will bring back the XFL with the league attempting to be the second spring football league in recent years after the Alliance of American Football folded after just one season in 2019. With knowledge of past XFL shortcomings, McMahon and the executive staff have taken their time to strategize and properly lay down the foundation for a successful football league.
Bleacher Report is channeling Instagram Stories for app downloads. According to Digiday, Bleacher Report has updated its mobile app so that people can share content from the app directly to Instagram Stories. Reversely, when people view an Instagram Story featuring content shared from Bleacher Report’s app, they will be able to tap the post either to install Bleacher Report’s app through their phone or open their already downloaded app. The app accounts for a large percentage of Bleacher Report’s audience and revenue and according to Comscore, 4.8 million people in the U.S. used Bleacher Report’s mobile app in March 2019, which is roughly a quarter of ESPN’s total app usage for the same time period. Bleacher Report is hoping that this new push onto Instagram will help others feel the need to download the app to get the latest breaking sports-news coverage. Instagram also tends to cater to a young audience, which should guarantee Bleacher Report a longer-lasting fan base than that of its competitor ESPN.
NASCAR plans to boost its attendance and ratings through sports betting. NASCAR has signed an exclusive data partnership with Genius Sports that will lead to an in-race betting product and help battle sagging attendance and television ratings. According to Bloomberg, Genius will use up-to-the-second data points like car speed and track position to build a betting product that the London-based company can sell to global sports books. The data points will allow Genius to provide traditional wagers such as winners as well as prop bets such as how many lead changes there will be or whether a Chevy will end up in Victory Lane. NASCAR’s 33 races last season averaged a record-low 3.34 million viewers, a 25% drop from the 4.47 million average two years ago while Tennessee’s Bristol Motor Speedway, one of NASCAR’s most-prestigious tracks, drew an estimated 38,000 fans for a 150,000-seat venue that once had a wait list. NASCAR is rethinking their marketing for their waning and aging fan base. If done properly, they could find themselves back in prime time thanks to legalized sports gambling.
Power of Sports Five
A new organization is helping other social change groups with their sustainability. According to sportanddev.org, Social Enterprise Assist (SEA) is designed to support sports for social change organizations in regard to financial sustainability and increased impact. It provides an online toolkit as well as workshops, remote mentoring, and onsite consulting. The new sustainability program came together thanks to a Kick4Life co-creation with a team of streefootballworld Network Members, who have a successful track record in social enterprise development, including Football United, Tiempo de Juego, Sport 4 Life and Street Soccer USA. SEA is the push in the back for charities to help sustain change and to allow for income-generating social enterprises. Currently, SEA is supporting a number of organizations in Africa, including the Mathare Youth Sports Association (MYSA) in Kenya and Play Soccer Ghana, as well as exploring opportunities to expand delivery across the globe. The new network functions as a system of checks and balances while working to improve what is already going well with global charities – a helping hand for charities looking to better their goals.
Soon-to-retire Arsenal goalkeeper will release a charity single with Queen drummer Roger Taylor. According to BBC.com, Petr Cech is an avid drummer but is also a savvy businessman-philanthropist. His soon-to-be-released single “That's Football” will feature Queen drummer Roger Taylor and the song raise money for the Willow Foundation. The charity was set up in 1999 by former Arsenal stopper Bob Wilson, whose daughter Anna died the previous year at 31 years old from malignant schwannoma, a type of nerve cancer. The charity works with “seriously ill” young adults aged 16 to 40 to fulfill uplifting and unforgettable “Special Days,” which can either be a return to normalcy or a chance to fulfill a lifelong dream. To date, the charity has completed its mission over 15,000 times. Whether or not Cech can make a music career post soccer, at least his first single will be raising funds to help those off of the pitch who are less fortunate.
Barbasol Championship Announces its charitable arm, Caddie 127, and its 2019 Charity Partners. Amidst the hustle and bustle at Churchill Downs last week, there came a quieter announcement when Barbasol Championship tournament director Bryan Pettigrew announced the formation of the PGA Tour’s charitable arm, Caddie 127. According to LEX18, Caddie 127 will support philanthropic organizations that benefit and empower women and children and has named All God’s Children, Kentucky Children’s Hospital, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Refuge for Women, and the Woodhill Community Center as their 2019 charitable partners. The Kentucky-based event will take place July 18-21 at the Kenne Trace Golf Club and will feature hundreds of elite PGA golfers who will help give back to the local Kentucky charity scene.
The Washington Capitals raised more than $2.5 million for charity this past season. According to NHL.com, some of the many highlights include KaBOOM! Design Day which had Capitals forward Tom Wilson visit Bright Beginnings, a learning center for children and families experiencing homelessness. Just a couple of months later, the Capitals’ charitable arm, MSE Foundation, partnered with KaBOOM! to fund a new playground at Bright Beginnings. The team helped Hunter Shrauger’s Make-a-Wish dream come true as he walked the red carpet with Alexander Ovechkin in October while the team’s casino night raised over $400,000 for MSE Foundation. Ovechkin scored another goal as he skated with and taught more than 80 players from American Special Hockey Association. Beyond these highlights, the team stepped up to fight cancer, inspire young women to play hockey, aid the military, and more. MSE Foundation was hyper-involved all year with nearly 40 different charitable endeavors; this proves how athletes, staff, and owners all play a role in the philanthropic process within sports.
Patrick Mahomes spreads his arms for charity thanks to partnerships with Omaze and Madden 20. The charity utilizes video games to raise money for Mahomes’ foundation, 15 and the Mahomies, through a once-in-a-lifetime experience to play Madden 20 with Mahomes before the game is released. According to Forbes, proceeds from the campaign will go towards serving a variety of underprivileged kids, or adolescents fighting chronic illnesses or major injuries. The best part is that almost anyone can afford to make a difference, as a $10 entry fee is all of the cost for this personalized experience with the Chiefs’ MVP quarterback. After now being featured on the cover of Madden 20, the young football sensation provides fans an opportunity to meet him in a casual setting and game with potentially one of the best quarterbacks the NFL has seen. Meanwhile, Mahomes was also just announced as an ambassador for the new NFL London Academy.  
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ninety9percent · 5 years
Comments on Joe Biden’s Ad soliciting donations
Joe Biden sponsored this ad on FB. There were interesting comments. Sharing some. Not surprisingly only “Vote Blue No Matter Who” people support him. Comments are being presented as is - no editing. First his ad:
As a top Democrat, you’ve been selected by the Biden for President campaign to share your top priorities with Joe! We need your answers by midnight tonight, so don’t delay. Click below to begin the survey:
MaryBeth Sjostrom Pasmore 
✅Opposes Medicare For All ✅Opposes legalizing marijuana ✅Supports the death penalty ✅Wrote the 1994 crime bill ✅Voted for DOMA ✅Voted for NAFTA ✅Voted for Iraq War ✅Voted for PATRIOT Act. Takes money from health insurance, corporations. ... no, I won't vote Joe.
Jenny Miles 
Sorry Joe, you are exactly the opposite of what's needed. Too many reasons: 1. “The younger generation now tells me how tough things are—give me a break... No, no, I have no empathy for it, give me a break.” 2. “Trump is not a bad man” 3. Biden praises former Republican Senator who was forced to resign after 19 sexual harassment complaints. 4. Referred to immoral moneylenders as Shylocks - insulting and offending Jews 5. Supported attacks on Anita Hill (who had accused Clarence Thomas of “ inappropriate sexual behavior“) and refused to call witnesses who could testify in support of her claim. 6. Wrote 1994 Crime Bill heralding “the era of mass incarceration“ 7. Wrote 1995 Omnibus Counter Terrorism Bill “ allowing the Government to use evidence from secret sources in deportation proceedings “ (despite claiming to oppose that section he introduced the bill), and included 1st Amendment violating “anti freedom of association” provisions (became Patriot Act) 8. Opposed marriage equality; “ No. Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage” (has since changed) 9. Voted in 1999 to repeal Glass Steagall - leading to (as expected) the financial crisis 10. In 2001 voted for Patriot Act, emphasizing that it was essentially a copy of his 1995 Omnibus Counter Terrorism Act 11. In 2002 Voted for “illegal” Iraq War 12. In 2005 Voted to end bankruptcy protection for students [ Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) ] 13. In 2018 Presented George Bush with Liberty Medal “presented to individuals for their commitments to veterans “ 14. “I am not Bernie Sanders. I don't think 500 billionaires are the reason we're in trouble. The folks at the top aren't bad guys”. 15. Supported Civil Asset forfeiture, even without an arrest or conviction 16. Pushed for “Cabinet Level Drug Czar” to punish “drug crime” 17. “The punishment should fit the crime. But I think [marijuana] legalization is a mistake. I still believe [marijuana] is a gateway drug.” 18. Opposed spending money on drug research (including medical) on any Schedule 1 drug 19. Supported and introduced mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses that saw “the average federal drug sentence for African Americans was 11% higher than for whites. Four years later, the average federal drug sentence for African Americans was 49% higher”. 20. Despite the strong anti drug stance, his daughter was arrested for drugs (and a decade later caught on video allegedly snorting cocaine), but there is no evidence of a conviction or asset seizure. 21. Again, despite the above, when his son tested positive for cocaine, there was no conviction and no asset seizure. 22. Supported Militarization of the Police - that had no effect on reducing crime, but is correlated with higher rates of police discrimination against minorities (blacks) 23. Unable to “think of any reason not to run for President” 24. MBNA Credit Card Company in his home state was his biggest donor between 1989 amnd 2000. Biden voted against a measure requiring credit card companies to warn consumers of the consequences of making only minimum payments (and others). MBNA hired Biden’s son, Hunter, as a lobbyist straight out of law school, and later hired him as a consultant from 2001 to 2005 — the same years Biden was helping to pass the bill 25. Ukraine’s biggest private gas producer (whilst under investigation for corruption) hired his son to serve on its board while Biden was acting as the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine policy. 26. A mid-sized construction firm Hill International won a $1.5 billion contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq had Biden’s brother, James, as its executive vice president, despite lacking any experience in residential construction prior to joining the firm. 27. One of the Senate’s top twenty-five earners of outside income — and, along with twenty-two others on that list (of top earners), voted against a bill to limit such earnings. 28. In 1979, after receiving donations from Coca-Cola, Biden cosponsored and voted for legislation that let the soft-drink industry get around antitrust laws. 29. The same year, he voted against a measure before the Judiciary Committee to expand consumers’ rights to sue over price-fixing — one of only two Democrats to do so. 30. Has a very close “revolving door” relationship with lobbyists 31. Vehement opponent of school busing implemented to tackle racial segregation 32. Opposed a deficit reduction military spending freeze, and supported an increase in the retirement age 33. “I have the most progressive record of anybody running" 34. Has NOT signed pledge not to accept money from fossil fuels industry 35. “rejection of the whole movement of black pride.” 36. After being accused by seven women of “inappropriate touching” , hugs kids, and makes jokes about it. 37. Offered Ukraine $1Bn to sack their prosecutor 38. Supports a number of anti abortion measures 39. Proud of his support for the death penalty for a wide range of offenses 40. No statement on pledge rejecting corporate money 41. No statement on GND (Green new Deal) 42. No statement on fossil fuel money pledge 43. No statement on support for universal healthcare 44. No statement on "free" college education 45. No statement on abolishing Electoral College 46. No statement on supporting whistelblowers exposing government criminality 47. No published tax returns for 10 years 48. No declared statement opposing Israel genocides in gaza 
- via Dennis Freeland
Lindsay Shugerman 
Don't run. Please don't run. We don't need another corporate paid shill. Medicare for ALL, no fracking, free public college, livable wages (for real), end to Citizens United and lobbyists buying power. Renewable energy, not oil. In other words, NOTHING you support.
Matthew Pace
There is only one priority. Get the Orange Menace evicted from squatting in the WH; stabilize the government and pass it off to peaceful elections in 2024. The insanity in the WH has to end.
Josh Ruppert - Matthew Biden is just as bought why don't you research before running your mouth. Biden is put as a candidate because the DNC wants to loose. If Bernie wins their slush money goes bye bye.
Hugh Stearns  - This anti-intellectual trope is brought to you by the DNC. How, before the primary, does it make any sense to interject anyone but Trump? Of course, we want anyone but Trump. This is an attempt to suggest that we must suffer another centrist candidate or risk losing to Trump. This is the same argument that was used against the more progressive candidate last time. If we want to beat Trump and future Trumps we better think critically about the elitist element of the Democratic Party and question their authority.
Allen Heinzer 
My top priority is for Biden to withdraw and support Bernie
Allen Heinzer - Biden is a republican lite there is no establishment democrats they all just democrats in name only Fdr was a democrat Look up his record If democrats would run on that they’d never lose
Allen Heinzer - Ask yourself if he is a democrat why didn’t him and Obama give us universal healthcare when they had super majority in all 3 branches
Nancy Hollister Kozlenko -  Allen Heinzer I hope you support who ever represents the Democratic Party and not go off in a huff if your guy or gal doesn’t win. That’s how Trump got in!
Lin Bower - Martha Korte Get real,Bernie is a back stabber.He was such a good friend to Hillary until she beat him .Then he wasn’t.A person like that is not Presidential material.
D Kim Sayre-Arnold  - Gary Bailey And Bernie WAS THE SPLITTER IN 2016!!! HE NEEDS TO STICK TO HIS OWN PARTY, and please, stay out of mine.!
Pamela Jarvis - Allen, that about sums it up. Biden announced his run at $2,000 a plate fund raiser with corporate CEO's. I am voting Bernie. I may be old but I am hanging with the young progressive's choice..feel the Bern
Tammy Fox Sorry 
my top priority is getting Bernie Elected.
Charlotte Arnold - Bernie cost us the last election. Republicans have a lot of crap on Bernie they are going to release if he wins the primary. Bernie will not win.
Lezli Magnani - Charlotte Arnold Bernie did not cause that loss!! The DNC shoving Hillary down people’s throats caused that loss. Again, the clearest candidate that can beat Trump is being ignored by the corporate democratic party. Joe will not be shoved down our throats either. Please just follow the money-look where Joe is getting his money from-always follow the money
Rebecca Sake - D Kim Sayre-Arnold once you take your corporate owned Republicans out of our Democratic Party then you’ll see Bernie is in the right place. And Bernie didn’t split anything, your candidate was too weak to win. #BernieWouldHaveWon
Rebecca Sake - Me too, #HealthCareForAll will only be attainable with #Bernie2020 Biden is backed by big pharma & Comcast. He's not a man of the people and he's out to make his corporate donors happy.
Rebecca Sake - Kim Crane they weren’t her votes to begin with. And every chance she had to earn those votes were blown by her own decisions, remember she said she didn’t need the progressive dems. You can think he took away millions of votes all you want, doesn’t make it true. The truth is, she never earned the votes she needed to win. End of story. Stop blaming everyone but the one who lost the easiest victory ever.
Rebecca Sake - Kim Crane actually it was Hillary supporters who, in larger numbers refused to vote for Obama. In 2016, Hillary failed to even try to court progressive votes. Most of us had very specific reasons to not vote for her, and her cheating her way into the nomination made it very easy to vote third party. A very small percent voted Trump but the majority voted third party. Btw you earn votes, they aren’t given because of the fear of the other candidate. It might also surprise you to know Hillary helped trump in the early primaries because she felt he’d be the easiest to beat. You guys forget that a lot while you’re trying to shame people for not voting for the most owned candidate in history. Your lack of insight and foresight is more to blame for a trump presidency than our educated choice of voting.
Anita Concilio 
Health care Joe - and parity for women in the workplace and as citizens of the world. Child care, education, and for goodness sake, job training for the families in the midwest who have lost manufacturing and farming. Oh, and also, immigration reform, like amnesty maybe? Middle class needs some significant help. And campaign financing reform, oh, the list is so long. But I have faith that a Biden administration would focus on the things that will make America respected again.
Nicole F Sharpe 
Joe, your time has come and gone by. You've made too many "bi-partisan" compromises that have hurt too many people, especially women, in your need to be liked. We can't trust you to do the right things in office because we know you'll cave to political expediency at the people's expense. You may get the DNC nod but you won't be elected, and we need a candidate that can be elected. Please bow out of the race now and put your support where it will do some good instead of sapping the strength of more viable candidates
Ashley Smuts Pizzuti 
Joe - what are you going to do about your history with student loans? I know you love those lenders. We know your history. But you are very out of touch with a problem you helped create.
Mary Nikas 
We have predators on our streets that society has in fact, in part because of its neglect, created," said Biden, then a fourth-term senator from Delaware so committed to the bill that he has referred to it over the years as "the Biden bill." "They are beyond the pale many of those people, beyond the pale," Biden continued. "And it's a sad commentary on society. We have no choice but to take them out of society." In the speech, Biden described a "cadre of young people, tens of thousands of them, born out of wedlock, without parents, without supervision, without any structure, without any conscience developing because they literally ... because they literally have not been socialized, they literally have not had an opportunity." He said, "we should focus on them now" because "if we don't, they will, or a portion of them, will become the predators 15 years from now." Biden added that he didn't care "why someone is a malefactor in society" and that criminals needed to be "away from my mother, your husband, our families."” https://www.google.com/.../biden-1993-speech.../index.html
Laurence Bridge 
Medicare & the cost of long term care is the most important concern for those of us who having worked and saved all our working life,can end up in a facility that was once called the workhouse.Untrained staff, disgusting food,left to lie in our own waste ,to the tune of thousands of dollars from our life time savings,for these disgraceful places called LONG TERM CARE, perhaps our politicians should be forced to take a long look at the Chinese system,who treat the elderly with dignity in the twilight of their lives.
Cathy Sullivan
i'm going with .. go away Joe Biden .. we can't afford to lose to trumpy again. Make sure Hillary leaves with you
Deborah Birdsong
#NoJoe No more corporate democrats who run their campaigns using special interest monies!  #OverturnCitizensUnited#Bernie2020
Mary Nikas 
“Biden, by contrast, has been a bag man for big corporations for his entire career. Delaware is like the Luxembourg of U.S. states — a tiny tax haven and flag of convenience for corporations who own the local political system outright, and Biden is no exception. His economic policy career has been one disgrace after the next — sponsoring or voting for multiple rounds of financial deregulation, trade deals that savaged the American manufacturing base, and bankruptcy "reform" that made it much harder to discharge consumer debt (and nearly impossible to get rid of student debt). It's no surprise at all that on the same day he launched his campaign, Biden held a fundraiser including several corporate lobbyists and Republican donors at the home of a Comcast executive.”
Jeffery Ansani
Perfect example of his stupidity. Did he send this to all the "disaffected" white working class males who voted for trump in 2016 whose votes he needs to capture to beat trump? He's so arrogant he thinks his mere presence in the race is enough. And secondly, if I'm a Right Wing Fuckhead I use this to Demonstrate that he doesn't give a FUCK about ALL Americans' concerns. Like taking candy from a baby dinosaur. It's a transparent attempt to bolster small donor roles, nothing more. Seriously! All he has to do is look at the polls. We overwhelmingly FAVOR a Green New Deal, money OUT of politics, Medicaid for ALL, sensible gun laws, reasonable and humane immigration reform, free college, and just about every other Progressive proposals. WAKE THE FUCK UP DEMOCRATS! And when you do, smarten up too. These people have failed you for thirty years while Bernie has been FIGHTING for you. He's the only choice. For Robert Paul PaulKarla Jen Lynn Jannon and any others who may be thinking Joe is a good option. He's not. Look at the polls. Not the candidate polls but the issues ones. You'll see very clearly, he's out of touch. Don't argue with me, he's not the one.
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newestbalance · 6 years
Angela Merkel Is Next to Visit Trump, Skipping the Bonhomie
But after 12 years in office and a difficult election last year, and with a successor waiting in the wings, Ms. Merkel now appears to be receding in influence. It is a vacuum into which the young Mr. Macron has eagerly stepped.
“Merkel is going to Washington and it looks like the U.S. just doesn’t care,” said Jeremy Shapiro, a former State Department official who worked on European affairs under former President Barack Obama.
Seasoned diplomats on both sides of the Atlantic insist that American-German relations remain critically important. Germany remains the richest, most populous country in Europe. It is still the Continent’s powerhouse and an important American economic partner. German companies employ roughly 700,000 people in the United States.
Mr. Macron may be the one who has captured the imagination of fellow Europeans, but even he needs Berlin to push through any meaningful change in the functioning of the European Union.
“Never underestimate Merkel,” said Joseph Braml, a trans-Atlantic expert at the German Council on Foreign Relations.
In Berlin, German officials played down the symbolism of this week’s twin visits — though not without a hint of frustration: “Let him enjoy the nice photos — she is going there to work,” said Peter Beyer, the government’s coordinator of trans-Atlantic relations.
Ms. Merkel and Mr. Macron had consulted each other closely before traveling across the Atlantic, Mr. Beyer said. They want the same things from Mr. Trump: A permanent exemption from United States steel and aluminum tariffs and the survival of the Iran nuclear deal (neither of which officials here expected them to obtain).
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Shipping containers at the port in Hamburg. Germany’s chronic trade surplus with the United States is a particular bugbear for Mr. Trump. Credit Morris MacMatzen/Getty Images
On May 1, a temporary exemption from the tariffs for European Union countries expires. Two weeks later, the Iran deal could expire, too.
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“In Washington, they don’t represent French and German interests,” Mr. Beyer said of Mr. Macron and Ms. Merkel. “They represent European interests.”
But when it comes to foreign policy, France and Germany diverge sharply and in a way that analysts say has influenced their relationships with Mr. Trump.
Unlike France, Germany did not take part in the recent airstrikes against Syria. And unlike France, Germany is far from spending 2 percent of its G.D.P. on its ailing military, mocked even at home for its fleet of defective submarines and grounded transport planes.
“German foreign policy seems overwhelmed by the tensions at home, in Europe and beyond,” Constanze Stelzenmüller of the think tank the Brookings Institution wrote in the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Mr. Macron, she said, “has so far been the most adept in Europe at reacting to the Trump phenomenon.”
Few leaders seem less personally in sync with Mr. Trump than Ms. Merkel.
Estranged by widely diverging temperaments and leadership styles, the two leaders have also clashed on substance — from climate change and military spending to Germany’s chronic, yawning trade surplus with the United States, a particular bugbear of the president.
“The Germans are bad, very bad,” Mr. Trump said during a meeting with European Union trade negotiators last May.
“We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military,” an angry Mr. Trump tweeted the same month. “Very bad for U.S. This will change.”
Continue reading the main story
For her part, Mr. Merkel had greeted Mr. Trump immediately after his election with a stern reminder about the need to protect and preserve democratic values.
“Germany and America are bound by common values — democracy, freedom, as well as respect for the rule of law and the dignity of each and every person, regardless of their origin, skin color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or political views,” she said. “It is based on these values that I wish to offer close cooperation, both with me personally and between our countries’ governments.”
But 18 months later, German-American relations, analysts and officials reckon, are at rock bottom.
“It didn’t seem possible for them to get any worse than they were after the Iraq invasion in 2003,” said Christian Tuschhoff of the Free University in Berlin, “but they are.”
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German armed forces during military exercises near Münster last year. Mr. Trump and Ms. Merkel’s views on military spending are wide apart. Credit Alexander Koerner/Getty Images
Even inside Ms. Merkel’s own conservative party, many worry that the chancellor needs to change her strategy in order to be heard in Washington.
“Trump will only listen to Germany if we put tangible proposals on the table and go beyond the proclamation of our common values,” said Jacob Schrot, founder of the Young Trans-Atlantic Initiative and a foreign policy adviser in Parliament.
Increasing military spending to put Germany on track for its commitment to spend 2 percent of G.D.P. on the military by 2024 would be one thing, he said. Rallying the European Union behind Mr. Trump’s criticism of China for unfair trade practices would be another. And offering to put pressure on Moscow over Syria a third.
But United States officials say the only thing that would really get Mr. Trump’s attention is if Germany started buying American military equipment.
It would kill two birds with one stone, Mr. Braml of the German Council on Foreign Relations said: “It would get us a little closer to their 2 percent spending target and it would lower the trade deficit.”
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And, he added, “At least the planes would fly.”
Earlier this week, the German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, laid out a 450 million euro — about $550 million — procurement plan for military equipment, from rocket launchers to helicopters.
“This is about the sustainability of our military and the reliability of Germany vis-à-vis our close partners,” she told the Sunday edition of the tabloid newspaper Bild.
The timing seems deliberate, said Mr. Tuschhoff of the Free University.
“Trump has explicitly linked the issue of tariffs with that of Europe’s military spending and contributions to NATO,” he said. “I expect that Ms. Merkel will use this list in her discussion on Friday.”
Few analysts expect any immediate breakthroughs or big announcements in the joint news conference scheduled after Friday’s working lunch. And some questioned whether in the end personal chemistry mattered much at all.
The warmth between Mr. Macron and Mr. Trump may make for fun headlines and slightly better atmospherics in meetings, but it will not change the logic of the “America First” doctrine, Mr. Braml said.
“Trump lives in a zero-sum world — there are no friends, just interests,” Mr. Braml said, pointing to the seemingly warm relationship Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan had formed with Mr. Trump early on: “And now he is paying tariffs.”
Mr. Shapiro, the former State Department official, agreed. “No one has ever gotten anything from these relationships,” he said.
“When it comes down to it, Trump has no view of Europe at all,” Mr. Shapiro said. “For him Europe is a place with golf courses.”
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The post Angela Merkel Is Next to Visit Trump, Skipping the Bonhomie appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2r52AIG via Everyday News
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Angela Merkel Is Next to Visit Trump, Skipping the Bonhomie
But after 12 years in office and a difficult election last year, and with a successor waiting in the wings, Ms. Merkel now appears to be receding in influence. It is a vacuum into which the young Mr. Macron has eagerly stepped.
“Merkel is going to Washington and it looks like the U.S. just doesn’t care,” said Jeremy Shapiro, a former State Department official who worked on European affairs under former President Barack Obama.
Seasoned diplomats on both sides of the Atlantic insist that American-German relations remain critically important. Germany remains the richest, most populous country in Europe. It is still the Continent’s powerhouse and an important American economic partner. German companies employ roughly 700,000 people in the United States.
Mr. Macron may be the one who has captured the imagination of fellow Europeans, but even he needs Berlin to push through any meaningful change in the functioning of the European Union.
“Never underestimate Merkel,” said Joseph Braml, a trans-Atlantic expert at the German Council on Foreign Relations.
In Berlin, German officials played down the symbolism of this week’s twin visits — though not without a hint of frustration: “Let him enjoy the nice photos — she is going there to work,” said Peter Beyer, the government’s coordinator of trans-Atlantic relations.
Ms. Merkel and Mr. Macron had consulted each other closely before traveling across the Atlantic, Mr. Beyer said. They want the same things from Mr. Trump: A permanent exemption from United States steel and aluminum tariffs and the survival of the Iran nuclear deal (neither of which officials here expected them to obtain).
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Shipping containers at the port in Hamburg. Germany’s chronic trade surplus with the United States is a particular bugbear for Mr. Trump. Credit Morris MacMatzen/Getty Images
On May 1, a temporary exemption from the tariffs for European Union countries expires. Two weeks later, the Iran deal could expire, too.
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“In Washington, they don’t represent French and German interests,” Mr. Beyer said of Mr. Macron and Ms. Merkel. “They represent European interests.”
But when it comes to foreign policy, France and Germany diverge sharply and in a way that analysts say has influenced their relationships with Mr. Trump.
Unlike France, Germany did not take part in the recent airstrikes against Syria. And unlike France, Germany is far from spending 2 percent of its G.D.P. on its ailing military, mocked even at home for its fleet of defective submarines and grounded transport planes.
“German foreign policy seems overwhelmed by the tensions at home, in Europe and beyond,” Constanze Stelzenmüller of the think tank the Brookings Institution wrote in the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung.
Mr. Macron, she said, “has so far been the most adept in Europe at reacting to the Trump phenomenon.”
Few leaders seem less personally in sync with Mr. Trump than Ms. Merkel.
Estranged by widely diverging temperaments and leadership styles, the two leaders have also clashed on substance — from climate change and military spending to Germany’s chronic, yawning trade surplus with the United States, a particular bugbear of the president.
“The Germans are bad, very bad,” Mr. Trump said during a meeting with European Union trade negotiators last May.
“We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military,” an angry Mr. Trump tweeted the same month. “Very bad for U.S. This will change.”
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For her part, Mr. Merkel had greeted Mr. Trump immediately after his election with a stern reminder about the need to protect and preserve democratic values.
“Germany and America are bound by common values — democracy, freedom, as well as respect for the rule of law and the dignity of each and every person, regardless of their origin, skin color, creed, gender, sexual orientation, or political views,” she said. “It is based on these values that I wish to offer close cooperation, both with me personally and between our countries’ governments.”
But 18 months later, German-American relations, analysts and officials reckon, are at rock bottom.
“It didn’t seem possible for them to get any worse than they were after the Iraq invasion in 2003,” said Christian Tuschhoff of the Free University in Berlin, “but they are.”
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German armed forces during military exercises near Münster last year. Mr. Trump and Ms. Merkel’s views on military spending are wide apart. Credit Alexander Koerner/Getty Images
Even inside Ms. Merkel’s own conservative party, many worry that the chancellor needs to change her strategy in order to be heard in Washington.
“Trump will only listen to Germany if we put tangible proposals on the table and go beyond the proclamation of our common values,” said Jacob Schrot, founder of the Young Trans-Atlantic Initiative and a foreign policy adviser in Parliament.
Increasing military spending to put Germany on track for its commitment to spend 2 percent of G.D.P. on the military by 2024 would be one thing, he said. Rallying the European Union behind Mr. Trump’s criticism of China for unfair trade practices would be another. And offering to put pressure on Moscow over Syria a third.
But United States officials say the only thing that would really get Mr. Trump’s attention is if Germany started buying American military equipment.
It would kill two birds with one stone, Mr. Braml of the German Council on Foreign Relations said: “It would get us a little closer to their 2 percent spending target and it would lower the trade deficit.”
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And, he added, “At least the planes would fly.”
Earlier this week, the German defense minister, Ursula von der Leyen, laid out a 450 million euro — about $550 million — procurement plan for military equipment, from rocket launchers to helicopters.
“This is about the sustainability of our military and the reliability of Germany vis-à-vis our close partners,” she told the Sunday edition of the tabloid newspaper Bild.
The timing seems deliberate, said Mr. Tuschhoff of the Free University.
“Trump has explicitly linked the issue of tariffs with that of Europe’s military spending and contributions to NATO,” he said. “I expect that Ms. Merkel will use this list in her discussion on Friday.”
Few analysts expect any immediate breakthroughs or big announcements in the joint news conference scheduled after Friday’s working lunch. And some questioned whether in the end personal chemistry mattered much at all.
The warmth between Mr. Macron and Mr. Trump may make for fun headlines and slightly better atmospherics in meetings, but it will not change the logic of the “America First” doctrine, Mr. Braml said.
“Trump lives in a zero-sum world — there are no friends, just interests,” Mr. Braml said, pointing to the seemingly warm relationship Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan had formed with Mr. Trump early on: “And now he is paying tariffs.”
Mr. Shapiro, the former State Department official, agreed. “No one has ever gotten anything from these relationships,” he said.
“When it comes down to it, Trump has no view of Europe at all,” Mr. Shapiro said. “For him Europe is a place with golf courses.”
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The post Angela Merkel Is Next to Visit Trump, Skipping the Bonhomie appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2r52AIG via Online News
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