#edit: omg i did not expect more than 10 hits on anything in this series šŸ˜³ thanks guys šŸ§”šŸ§”šŸ§”
smimon Ā· 6 months
Anyone fancy a cozy short AU story with platonic jesseguard? Good, because I just wrote one
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steve0discusses Ā· 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 11 pt 1: Mokuba Gets Kidnapped (Again)
I miiiight have to split this one in two?
A lot happens this episode, and when I cap things itā€™s mostly to help summarize whatā€™s going on so these posts wonā€™t be so freakin long but visually--a LOT happens this episode. So...thereā€™s a few caps.
Anyways, Iā€™m still trying to not think too much about what it is that Tristan has turned into. Considering that apparently you can exist here without a body it makes you wonder if their own minds are here at all or if weā€™re just following some shadow selves but again, itā€™s--thatā€™s way too deep for Yugioh.
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Been joking about the team getting turned into Heartless for a whole season and it actually happened. Sort of. Being turned into a monkey isnā€™t exactly the same as being turned into Darkness but if Yugi, Bakura, and Marik are any indication, being turned into Darkness on this show just means your hair gets kinda big and sometimes you almost (and often do) kill people.
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Tristanā€™s CGI body is now running around and Iā€™m not sure how that works.
Like if Tristanā€™s ACTUAL body is being stored somewhere, then the CGI body should have vanished, right? Like, his CGI body got incinerated by lava? Anyway, apparently, his body is absolutely fine, and now itā€™s being controlled by Nezbitt.
Iā€™m glad he found the Kaibas at their familiar territory. Yes, thatā€™s right, they all met up again, reunited after 10 episodes at their favorite place in the whole world. Guess where? Guess where they are?
Itā€™s like meeting at the Cinnabon at the mall. They just all know where to go.
(read more under the cut)
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And then Kaiba just kind of acts like heā€™s been expecting this for years. I mean...thereā€™s reasons to expect that.
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TBH if Tristan nabbed Kaiba in the shoulder with that broomstick, Would Kaiba even be able to feel it with all that padding? Heā€™s got like football gear for shoulder pads up there.
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We get no explanation of how Blue Eyes Wife made it to the VR zone. Probably willed itself out of pure love or whatever. But, donā€™t worry, Seto will have to choose cards from a pool just like everyone else at the end of this episode so uh...thatā€™s about all weā€™ll see from her. Unless she was also in the pool, but I kinda doubt Noah gave Seto a Blue Eyes.
Just so weird that in the same episode sheā€™s clearly here, but in 10 minutes from now, sheā€™s not.
Anyways, everyone else finally shows up and they don't seem to be confused as to how Tristan is just fine when they just saw him die like...just now. They just left the place Tristan was dead and incinerated by 600000 degrees of lava and they were like ā€œOh good! We found him immediately! Hallelujah!ā€ as if this isnā€™t very weird.
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And...in a past life, Kaiba was the head of the House of York or...something? Like he was in the War of Roses or something? I forget exactly what yā€™all were saying Kaiba was up to in a past life in some video game spinoff when he and Yugi were European 500 years ago. Their family bloodline really got around.
ALSO, thing I just realized now Iā€™ve actually read the wikipedia, Kaiba is supposed to have been Christian Rosenkruez in this game, which is amazing. Because, if you thought the Kaiba timeline was effed up before, just you wait, because Christian Rosenkruez was a freakin nut. Weā€™re talking Indiana Jones type of nut. Iā€™m pretty sure the game never brings this up, but Christian Rosenkruez is famous because so many people thought that he was the reincarnation of Lazarus.
Sorry, Iā€™m like...kinda cracking up as Iā€™m typing this. For those who donā€™t know your Christian/Middle Ages art, Lazarus is this guy, seen on the right. Heā€™s always wrapped up like a mummy and with this expression like ā€œwoah, Jo, Iā€™m alive!? Nice!ā€ as at least one guy in the foreground plugs their nose because he smells like so freakin bad.
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Yeah. So now, canonically, a past self of Seto Kaiba swore that he was once Lazurus. Who is...a real freakin nice guy, actually. Which--and this is my favorite part--this means that Lazarus--a real guy from the Bible--was also soul married to a Blue Eyes White Dragon. Hot damn.
I mean, this is a mess, but aesthetically though--Lazarus was a dead guy right? Like a revived mystical dead guy? Wrapped up like a mummy? In a crypt? If you donā€™t know too much about Christianity, it kinda fits right in with our whole vibe.
And if art twitter is anything to go by, the original fanart was bible stuff anyway, so anime and Bible stuff are absolutely and always interchangeable.
(Sorry, I was about to derail on another art rant hoo boy, a rant within a rant. You know, I hide a LOT of art discourse in these posts. Spicy times. Thanks for bearing with me, Iā€™ve been holding that one in for a WHILE.)
But this is mostly amazing because, completely unintentionally, that means Seto Kaibaā€™s bloodline met freakin Jesus, yā€™all.
In fact, lets go over it, so Kaibaā€™s bloodline was Egyptian wizards who killed Pharaoh Yami (who ends up being Yugiā€™s bloodline), kinda forgot they were royalty or magical, went up to Jerusalem for a spell, hung out with Jesus and got helllla Christian, then ended up in Germany, fought Yugi who was British royalty for a hot minute, buried Rosenkrueuz in a very weird and mystical spooky sarcophagus, and then both families forgot they were super special royalty and somehow ended up in Japan where Kaiba got orphaned with no knowledge of any of this and got adopted by a crazy Gozaboro Kaiba who is now trying to kill them all with a VR game.
Anyway, if a past version of himself was in the War of Roses, dueling with actual swords should come naturally to him. Or at least would have come naturally if Tristan wasnā€™t so good with brooms.
(Broā€™s Spicy Headcanon: Tristans wooden stick was originally a sword but they edited it out in development. Sure Wtv.)
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And surprisingly, Joey got to do a hit in this version of Yugioh--like actually kicked a guy. On screen. And it was Tristan. Wow. Really thought that would get edited out, and Iā€™m glad they left it in because lol this whole sequence is a mess.
Anyway, Tea gets hella mad at Joey because they donā€™t want him to kill Tristan although this body was in fact incinerated at the bottom of a lava pool not ten minutes ago, and so she decides to go after Tristan herself? Because she figures that Tristanā€™s body will not attack her? Maybe because Tristanā€™s body would be too afraid to attack Tea.
And this is Tea, so she is used to people going ghost, getting cray, and then passing out ten minutes later and being like ā€œOi, love! I seem to have made quite a fuss, again, innut!ā€
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Please look at the bottom of this cap and admire that Joey kicked Tristan so hard, that his body bent a metal door completely the other way around.
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Thatā€™s right, the motorcycle license is back, and now it gets to serve a purpose!
Guys, when they revealed that Tristan could drive a motorcycle I did not think that later this ability would be yet another insane way to abduct Mokuba.
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Lol what?
Moki just...hanging off the side there. Like...heā€™s not even strapped in. What is it with the kidnappers in this show having just no idea how to properly hold Mokuba? At least this time he isnā€™t being suspended from a helicopter but itā€™s still kind of of a lot?
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And there goes Kaiba.
They reunite again for like...2 minutes after like 10 episodes and then bam, Kaiba is signing out immediately.
Unfortunately, there goes the only two people here that know how to drive motorcycles, so the rest of our team is just kinda stuck back here with Tristan in a monkey suit.
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Because of perspective issues, Serenity appears to be like 2 feet taller than Yugi Muto, dang.
So I think I mentioned before that one of the reasons I was like ā€œYeah lets watch this showā€ is because someone tweeted that Yugioh had motorcycle dueling, and so when this happened I was like OMG theyā€™re actually going to do it somehow, right now on this Sonic Adventure Highway. Finally! A motorcycle duel! I thought that was only in the spinoff Iā€™m not going to watch!
I mean look at him go.
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JK no motorcycle dueling in this series. My poor hopes. Dashed.
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And he runs right into Kaibaā€™s coat from last season who is wearing just the thickest old timey Southern accent. Ah, I miss when his coat color was nearly his font color and it all made sense.
Bro pointed out that the best part of this scene is how small the motorcycle was compared to how big this fire is now. Like...they should just be able to walk around the fire at this point, right? Like itā€™s a highway with multiple lanes? What was even in this motorcycle? Nitro?
Anyway, this post will be very long if I donā€™t chop it in half, so get ready for next time, when we find out what this guy and his accentā€™s whole deal is. How many references will he make to grits and warm summer evenings? A lot, right? Like a lot?
Anyways, if you just got here, this is a link to read the recaps from Ep 1 S1
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the-madame21 Ā· 7 years
About Me As A Writer
Tagged by @foxyena~ <3
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? Iā€™m literally madamemalfoy21 everywhere. I loved Draco and Lucius and I just wanted to be a mistress to one or both lol. 21 is one of my favorite numbers and it just sounded mature so I stuck it at the end.Ā 
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
An Omegaā€™s Heat has the most hits/kudos (nearly 26k hits and 1.5k kudos) but A Place to Call Home has the most subscriptions/bookmarks. Makes sense since oneā€™s a oneshot and the otherā€™s an ongoing story lol.Ā 
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Also the same as here and everywhere else. My little book with flowers. I literally just googled book and I think this is a stock photo of some sort so I just snagged it cuz it looked cute.Ā 
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
YES! Omg theyā€™re like my everything. @sound-of-inspiration is a HUGE one sheā€™s the best, @seamorered has been super busy but like always so supportive and their comments always hit all the right parts, @trashytacosan is a given she literally pushed me through Cigs and Soda uhhh MisakiHan is fabulous I always look forward to their reviews and lots lots more, I have like 30 people who consistently comment on A Place to Call Home and I LOVE them all but I have no idea what anyoneā€™s tumblr is so if I didnā€™t mention you Iā€™m so so sorry DX
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Snape Brings in the New Year With a Bang by Ms-Figg. Itā€™s old, itā€™s on fanfiction.net, I donā€™t even ship this pairing, but goddamn it was absolutely brilliant.Ā 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
Iā€™m subscribed to like 2 and I have none bookmarked lmfao.Ā 
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Uhhhh I donā€™t really have a set AU?
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
227 subscriptions and 3002 bookmarks
9. Is there something youā€™d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Ok straight up. I have been wanting to write a Laito x Cordelia smutshot for like the LONGEST but I donā€™t want to deal with the whole having to explain fiction vs reality to people. I donā€™t support their relationship at all, to be honest I fucking hate Laito, but I think the amount of inner struggle/turmoil that would go on in that particular exchange would be particularly fascinating to explore. The focus wouldnā€™t be so much on the sex but more on Laitoā€™s thoughts during the sex.Ā 
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Iā€™d love to be able to do action scenes better. I really suck at writing those.Ā 
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Uhhh usually popular ships. I throw in a rarepair every so often but itā€™s usually small and a side thing. I do have my favorite rarepairs though.Ā 
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
Apparently 55 lmfao.Ā 
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Uhhhh??? A lot.Ā 
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
Pretty much just keep them in my head. If theyā€™re good enough theyā€™ll stick.Ā 
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes! @soul--surgeon and I were co-writing a HP/DL crossover fic ^o^Ā 
16. How did you discover AO3?
Uhhhh well I was on fanfiction.net and everyone was saying that for Haikyuu I HAD to get on the AO3 train so I did.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Not really.Ā 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Literally what does this mean
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Like personally there, pushing me to write? No. I just started writing cuz I wanted to. Although what inspired me to start writing was a series of really bad dramione fics with horrible pacing.Ā 
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
READ. Like I know itā€™s the one thing everyone says but seriously, you have to read. You have to get out of your own head. If youā€™re like me you think everything you do is perfect. Itā€™s so important to see how other people are wording things, how other people express themselves, because oftentimes thereā€™s someone out there doing it better than you. Learn from that, but make sure that you mold it into something thatā€™s your own, and not stolen. Donā€™t steal ppl.Ā 
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Honestly not gonna lie I just kinda wing the shit out of everything. I have very loose and general plot lines planned out, but thereā€™s always being reworked along the way. That said though some stuff is most definitely planned in advance. I know my endgoal. How I get there is up for debate lol. With longer fics though like my Masks series and Place to Call Home Iā€™ve pretty much got those figured out. I only expect minor tweaks to those.Ā 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Ok so Iā€™ve never gotten a comment where itā€™s likeĀ ā€œI hate this and you suckā€ but I have gotten really dumb fucking comments that make me question if they just donā€™t know how to read or if I donā€™t know how to write. Those bother me the most.Ā 
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
A Place to Call Home for the most part. I have other wips but I just havenā€™t given them attention since school has been busy.Ā 
Iā€™m also working on my very first original work! Itā€™s going to be called The Witch of the Kingā€™s Court and itā€™s gonna be up on my patreon by the end of December ^o^
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Sometiems yes and sometimes no. I do go through dry spells on occassion. But when itā€™s yes it actually becomes a bit of a problem lol.Ā 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
27. Do you think youā€™ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Uhhhh yeah. Definitely.Ā 
28. What is your favorite story that youā€™ve written?
Ahhh this is hard. Itā€™s between A Place to Call Home and Her Undertaker, Beautiful
29. What is your least favorite story that youā€™ve written?
Hmmmm thatā€™s kinda hard. Me and Tetsu I guess, since I really didnā€™t know anything about Kuroo when I wrote it.Ā 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I would reallllllyyyyy like to be published. But weā€™ll see. I wonā€™t get my hopes up.Ā 
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
The writing part of it.Ā 
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
The writing part of it. No actually--editing. I fucking hate editing. (Why donā€™t you just get someone to beta? NO. I hate that shit.)
33. Why do you write?
Itā€™s truly the thing I love most. It makes me happy, and it helps me relax/deal with the stress of school.Ā 
Tagging: @sound-of-inspiration @itsalwaysmiyukikazuya @bentnotbroken1fanfiction and anyone else who wants to!! No pressure ^o^
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