#edited in my new 2019 sig
inkycorvid · 1 year
I keep forgetting to like, put my animations up on here?? So here's this.
Youtube description copy and pasted below for easy access however,
While in the originally video this was directly before the story breakdown, I'll put this note here at the top instead.
Nothing here is romantic. This was in a period of time where the iterators were seen more commonly as siblings, and this was the headcanon that was used in the RP.
Sig and Moon are Pebbles older brother and sister. Pebbles is the second youngest in the local group in this AU.
Flight, Prince and Pebble's relationships are strictly platonic.
Found family was sort of the main theme of this AU and I ask that you please respect that when engaging with this post.
Rot world as an AU was created by @fivepebble (Mata).
Alright so for context. (Process+Art direction)
This video is based on an old rain world RP I was in back in 2019.
I started working on this in November of 2019 and kept working on it up until March 2020.
I decided to sit down and edit what I hadn't yet added in. (Which ultimately wasn't much.
Though I did need to re-edit the warehouse scene due to a glitch) and cut the video off at the final frame I'd actually completed.
As mentioned in the video, I had help from another artist by the name of Kraehe.
I had a lot of trouble sketching out my ideas and the perspective of some of the shots.
so Kraehe would help by providing sketches and redlines for the majority of the scenes here.
With how inexperienced I was at the time I don’t know how far this would’ve gotten If I hadn’t had the help.
The total frame count for this video was 172. (Partially due to me writing out lyrics instead of using the in program text tool)
The only animation I’ve made since that’s come as close is my part for the Pliocene MAP. In terms of art direction.
Light yellow represented any sort of significant scar. Be it emotional or physical. Yes this includes things like NSH's symbol and Princes eyes.
(I couldn't fit this in the youtube description. The context for this in RP was NSH originally had a third eye, but an ancient tore it out and tore his puppet out of his structure. It's a point of trauma and bitterness for him. Moons eyes being yellow were symbolic of her memory loss, and Prince's eyes and visor being yellow were symbolic of her ptsd.)
Story breakdown
Some foreshadowing shots of both the rot and the lizard that would later take Pebble’s arm.
- Global communications come back online.
-The pearl that Pebbles would write with instructions to himself post-disconnect. (As disconnecting from his structure caused him to lose all of his memories.)
-Pebbles with his new arm. Sort of just a general scene of self reflection.
-Moon pre-rescue with a random slugcat. Most likely survivor but It doesn’t really matter to the plot since the entire rp was post-survivor.
-Pebble’s arm post-disconnect. An Overseer sending this picture to the global communication was an in rp scene.
-Arch of Prince and Post-disconnect Pebbles. They're in a shelter together waiting out the rain. Pebbles is having a bad time
-Symbolic imagery of two of the ancients involved in the creation of the local group. "Mother" (As she was called in rp) was also involved in Arch of Prince's creation and is deceased by the time of the RPs plot. "Father" or Reserves as he was called, was not.
-After meeting up with Father, getting Moon out of Shoreline and Saving Pebbles from dying of Rot for a little while longer. The gang goes to investigate what might've happened to NSH. Who had a system failure due to in RP events.
At the time of this, a new character had joined the RP and was being generally menacing in the global chats. When the gang arrives they find aforementioned character, Wings in Flight, attempting to revive NSH.
-Father and Prince work together to fix NSH.
-Father offers to create a new arm for Pebbles as well. Pebbles agrees.
-Flashback to just after Pebble's disconnected from his structure and attempted to climb down the wall. He's been attacked by a white lizard who takes off his arm.
-General rot symbolism :tm: of Pebbles method of disconnection. Which involved using the rot to alter his puppet. (I forget the exact details
-Rot symbolism 2 but Pebbles actually did get rot tendrils after a scavenger stabbed him in the back earlier in rp.
-Family Reunion Between Pebbles and Big Sister Moon and Big brother Sig. (The lore in the RP was that all of the local group were siblings, and Pebbles was the second youngest.) Flight chillin.
Probably internally being sad bc all his local group/siblings are gone. (In hindsight Neither Krae nor I thought to like, look at how BIG a king vulture would be compared to an iterator puppet. Even a taller one like Flight.)
-Time skip. Encounter with a parasitic device that just ended up getting called buddy. New character in RP. Took control of Flights Puppet and caused him to attack the others. Pebbles defends his family. Realizes that something is going on and is yoinked by a vulture that the gang uses to escape after Flight manages to let go of him.
-Flight watches. Scene changes to a warehouse that Buddy wanted to go to for some reason (I do not remember why.) Scavenger slaughter occurred here.
-See in video text -Buddy is killed by Pebbles using an explosive spear. Flight got decapitated in the fight.
The gang does questionably ethical things to revive him. ect ect.
This doesn't cover the entirety of the RP, there were some other things that happened but this was sort of the big, main plot of it when we were most active in writing it.
A little silly, a little weird. But it's still special to me. Both the base game and this AU had some major impacts on my life and happy to finally share this after leaving it to just sit on my PC for three years.
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aboatist · 6 years
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oof! it’s been a good long while since i posted anything.
anyway this is kind of a vent piece? it’s more to do with the feeling that your art is never good enough and that you’re always just scrapping things because they never seem right, and eventually just getting frustrated and giving up. i’ve been feeling a lot of that recently, but i managed to break through my art block a little while ago!
if you like this art, consider reblogging it rather than just liking, or consider donating to my kofi
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lo-lynx · 5 years
The reluctant (masculine) hero in GoT and Harry Potter
(Spoiler warning for episode 8x04 of Game of Thrones)
In the latest episode of Game of Thrones Varys and Tyrion talks about who would be the best ruler of The Seven Kingdoms; the queen who has spent years trying to get the throne, or the potential king who doesn’t want it. (NOTE: I AM NOT TAKING A STAND ON WHO WOULD BE THE BETTER RULER) Varys then says: “Have you considered the best ruler might be someone who doesn’t want to rule?” (Game of Thrones 2019: 57:34 min) This plays right into the classic trope of the reluctant hero, the character who doesn’t want to lead but is forced into the situation and turns out to be the hero. Another example of this is Harry Potter, who never wants to be the chosen one, but ends up leading the fight against evil nonetheless. In the seventh Harry Potter book the issue of power and how it can corrupt is very present, and in their final dreamlike discussion Harry and his mentor Dumbledore discusses just that. Dumbledore says:
It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well. (Rowling 2007: 575)
I couldn’t help but to think of that quote after watching that latest Game of Thrones episode and ruminating on how alike Jon Snow and Harry Potter’s journey of reluctant leadership are. Jon Snow declines leadership several times in both the books and the show, in this latest episode of the show they emphases several time how he doesn’t want the throne. The books obviously haven’t gotten that far, but there as well this trope is evident when Jon initially doesn’t want to be the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch (Martin 2000/2011: 519). This recurring theme in stories of the hero not wanting to lead is interesting and is most likely there to make us more sympathetic towards them. But as @arhythmetric on twitter wrote (and shout out to her for being the inspiration of this text), not everyone has the opportunity to be a leader in the first place:
I understand the appeal of the “reluctant monarch” but I continue to hate it because it almost always cuts against those to whom power doesn’t just fall into their laps. Look at who gets to be the reluctant monarch every time: straight, able-bodied white men.
The myth of the reluctant leader cuts against women, POC, LGBTQ, disabled people, those who DON’T already have power. And when they try to take some of it, they get painted as power hungry for wanting something denied to them. Because we have to fight for it in a way those who just get it don’t.  (arhythmetric 2019)
There are a million ways one could analyse the reluctant hero, why some leaders are seen as legitimate and some not, but one thing that struck me as interesting is the way the importance of them to be masculine.
As many have written before, the traditional hero in Western stories are male, and masculine (Goodwill 2009: 15). But what does masculine mean? RW Connell (2008: 109) writes that there are different types of masculinities in society, that are all a result of the gender relations that exists. She sees gender as a way to organise social praxis, that is, how everyday life is organised based on the reproductive arena (i.e. bodily functions such as attraction and child bearing) (Connell 2008: 138). Moreover, by describing the different kinds of masculinity that exists she makes it clear that there are hierarchical relations between them as well (Connell 2008: 114). She describes different types of masculinity, but here I want to focus on hegemonial masculinity. Hegemonial masculinity is the type of masculinity that is on the top of the gender hierarchy. It is the ideal version of masculinity and the one that best preserves men’s power over women. It’s important to note that this might not be what we often think of as the most masculine, it doesn’t have to be a body builder for instance. In Sweden (where I live) I’d probably describe it as a white middle class man, who works out (but not too much), is a responsible dad, is handy and likes being outdoors, but is also “with the times” and tech-savvy… You get it, the ideal. The point is that hegemonial masculinity is different in different contexts. One important part of it however is that it often excludes certain types of men, for instance LGBTQ men are often seen as “too feminine” (Connell 2008: 116). Another example is that men of colour for instance might represent a marginalised masculinity, something framed as the opposite of the (white) hegemonic masculinity (Connell 2008: 117).
How does this all connect to the reluctant hero? Well, I would consider most heroes to be examples of hegemonic masculinity. In many ways, that is what makes others rally around them as leaders, even if they don’t want to be those leaders. If we use Harry Potter and Jon Snow as examples they very much fit many of the requirements to be ideal masculine heroes. Firstly, they’re both white, straight (as far as we know…), able-bodied and men. Like Varys said in this last Game of Thrones episode “Yes because he’s a man. Cocks are important I’m afraid.” (Game of Thrones 2019: 1:01:08 min) (Note: I obviously don’t think genitals determine one’s gender, but the world does, including in Westeros) But while they’re both fighters they aren’t merciless, both of them try to spare people from death when they can, often to their own detriment. (Martin 2011/2012: 829 & 1064; Rowling 2007: 64) This shows that they aren’t just super-masculine killing machines. The fact that they don’t want to be leaders also show that they are somewhat humble, another good trait. But the fact that they can afford to not be ambitious, and still becomes leaders is in my opinion dependant on the fact that they fit the image of hegemonic masculinity so well.
Wahl, Holgersson, Höök and Linghag (2011) discusses how gender impacts hierarchies in organisations, and what kind of leader someone can be. They write about three aspects that impacts one’s ability to rise in the hierarchy; ability/opportunity, power, and the composition of the group (Wahl et al. 2011: 77). The first aspect is about what kind of ability one perceives themselves to have to advance. Someone with limited resources/opportunities will limit their own ambition, but someone who starts off with many opportunities will have a higher self-esteem and make use of the opportunities they have. When it comes to power, someone with a small amount of power becomes more authoritative and has to use force to get their will through (Wahl et al 2011: 79). But someone with more power can afford to be more relaxed and thus is generally more liked. Finally, the group’s composition matters because if you are in a minority (for instance being a woman in a male-dominated workplace) you become more visible (Wahl et al 2011: 80). This can be negative because you then become a representative of that whole minority and might have to suffer from stereotypes that exists. You might also feel more pressured to perform well, feeling that you are a representative of for instance all women. A final consequence might be that the majority group might feel threatened by you infringing on what has previously solely been their territory.
Does any of this sound familiar? Those last points in particular, in my opinion, very much describe how Daenerys and Jon have been described in this last season of Game of Thrones. Authoritative and disliked, or less bothered by formalities and more liked by the people. Daenerys is a stranger, not only as someone having lived in another country, but also as a woman trying to rule. She becomes hyper visible in this way, and as Varys says, perhaps people would be less forgiving if she was a man. Jon on the other hand doesn’t want to rule, but people keep trying to force it on him. He can keep turning down leadership, but people will still accept him as a leader. If Daenerys didn’t actively try to seek power no one would give it to her. This is in the end why so many reluctant heroes are white straight able-bodied men, they can be reluctant and still be given power. I’m not saying that someone that isn’t a white man is automatically a better ruler. But I am saying that it’s much easier for such a person to gain power. If a woman, POC, LGBTQ+ person, and/or disabled person doesn’t actively seek it no one will give it to us. But a good hero doesn’t seek power.
arhythmetric (2019). I understand the appeal of the "reluctant monarch"(…) [twitter post], 6th of May. https://twitter.com/arhythmetric/status/1125377350596812801 [2019-05-06]
Connell, R.W. (2008) Maskuliniteter. (2nd edition). Göteborg: Bokförlaget Daidalos AB [this is the Swedish translation of Connell’s book Masculinities]
Game of Thrones (2019). The Last of the Starks. [TV-show] HBO, 5th of May.
Martin, G.R.R. (2000/2011). A Storm of Swords 2: Blood and Gold. London: HarperVoyager.
Martin, G. R. R. (2011/2012). A Dance with Dragons. London: HarperVoyager.
Rowling, J.K. (2007). Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Wahl, A., Holgersson, C., Höök, P. & Linghag, S. (2011). Det ordnar sig: teorier om organisation och kön. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
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foxseries65 · 3 years
ACER Composite Debug Mode Driver Download For Windows
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I fixed the ACER ADB issue with the help of that link, thanks! Had to roll back drivers when debugging was on and off. When it was on, it installed the ACER, but I also saw 'other devices' in device manager and installed the USB Drivers from google, then proceeded to roll back the ACER one and it gave me the android one instead. USB-IF device class drivers. Windows provides in-box device class drivers for many USB-IF approved device classes, audio, mass storage, and so on. USB generic function driver–WinUSB. Windows provides Winusb.sys that can be loaded as a function driver for a custom device and a function of a composite device. USB generic parent driver for.
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The WDK is used to develop, test, and deploy Windows drivers.
Join the Windows Insider Program to get WDK Insider Preview builds. For installation instructions for the Windows Insider Preview builds, see Installing preview versions of the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
Runtime requirements
You can run the Windows 10, version 2004 WDK on Windows 7 and later, and use it to develop drivers for these operating systems:
Client OSServer OSWindows 10Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2016Windows 8.1Windows Server 2012 R2Windows 8Windows Server 2012Windows 7Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
WDK for Windows 10, version 2004
Step 1: Install Visual Studio 2019
The WDK requires Visual Studio. For more information about system requirements for Visual Studio, see Visual Studio 2019 System Requirements.
The following editions of Visual Studio 2019 support driver development for this release:
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When you install Visual Studio 2019, select the Desktop development with C++ workload. The Windows 10 Software Development Kit (SDK) is automatically included, and is displayed in the right-hand Summary pane. Note that the version of the SDK that is compatible with the WDK for Windows 10, version 2004 may not be the default SDK. To select the correct SDK:
In Visual Studio Installer, on the Individual components tab, search for Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.0), select this version and continue with install. Note that Visual Studio will automatically install Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.1) on your machine.
If you already have Visual Studio 2019 installed, you can install the Windows 10 SDK (10.0.19041.1) by using the Modify button in Visual Studio install.
WDK has Spectre mitigation enabled by default but requires spectre mitigated libraries to be installed with Visual Studio for each architecture you are developing for. Additionally, developing drivers for ARM/ARM64 require the build tools for these architectures to also be installed with Visual Studio. To locate these items you will need to know the latest version of MSVC installed on your system.
Acer Composite Debug Mode Driver Download For Windows 7
To find the latest version of MSVC installed on your system, in Visual Studio Installer go to workload page, on the right pane under installation details, expand Desktop development with C++ and locate the MSVC v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools (V14.xx) - note where xx should be the highest version available.
With this information (v14.xx), go to Individual components and search for v14.xx. This will return the tool sets for all architectures, including Spectre mitigated libs. Select the driver architecture you are developing for.
For example, searching for v14.25 returns the following:
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Step 1.5 Install Refreshed Windows SDK 10.0.19041.16385 for Windows 10, version 2004
This SDK is strongly recommended and will eventually be made available thru Visual Studio
Acer Composite Debug Mode Driver Download For Windows 7
Step 2: Install Refreshed WDK for Windows 10, version 2004
Acer Composite Debug Mode Driver Download For Windows 10 Free
The WDK Visual Studio extension is included in the default WDK installation.
If you can't find driver project templates in Visual Studio, the WDK Visual Studio extension didn't install properly. To resolve this, run the WDK.vsix file from this location: C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10VsixVS2019WDK.vsix.
Enterprise WDK (EWDK) for Windows 10, version 2004
The EWDK is a standalone, self-contained command-line environment for building drivers. It includes the Visual Studio Build Tools, the SDK, and the WDK. The latest public version of the EWDK contains Visual Studio 2019 Build Tools 16.7.0 and MSVC toolset v14.23. To get started, mount the ISO and run LaunchBuildEnv.
Remote NDIS (RNDIS) eliminates the need for hardware vendors to write an NDIS miniport device driver for a network device attached to the USB bus. Remote NDIS accomplishes this by defining a bus-independent message set and a description of how this message set operates over the USB bus. 4G MIFI USB Ethernet/RNDIS - Driver Download. Vendor: Android. Product: 4G MIFI USB Ethernet/RNDIS. Hardware Class: Net. Search For More Drivers.: Go! Windows 10 32-Bit Driver. RNDIS Windows Driver Installation Guide 6. Press the “Browse” button and navigate to the driver you downloaded. Select the USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget and press Next to load the driver. After the driver update is complete, cycle power on the scanner with the USB cable connected. Usb rndis driver. How to Install the RNDIS Driver for Ethernet Connectivity over USB Revised 2016-02-25 6.Select Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer. In the next Window, highlight the USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget driver and click Next. To connect AirLink ALEOS-enabled devices to your PC running Windows, you need to install one of the following drivers: Raven X Series.Note:. Windows 8 Drivers for USB Ethernet Drivers are supported natively with the latest firmware ALEOS Firmware update.
The EWDK also requires the .NET Framework version 4.7.2. For more information about other requirements for the .NET Framework, see .NET Framework system requirements.
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EWDK with Visual Studio Build Tools
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You can use the Visual Studio interface with the build tools provided in the EWDK.
Mount the EWDK ISO.
Run LaunchBuildEnv.cmd.
In the environment created in step 2, type SetupVSEnv, and then press Enter.
Launch devenv.exe from the same environment, using the full file path.Example: 'C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio2019%Community|Professional|Enterprise%Common7IDEdevenv.exe'
Note that the Visual Studio major version should match with the version in the EWDK. For example, Visual Studio 2019 works with the EWDK that contain VS16.X build tools.
Driver samples for Windows 10
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To download the driver samples, do one of the following:
Go to the driver samples page on GitHub, click Clone or download, and then click Download ZIP.
Download the GitHub Extension for Visual Studio, and then connect to the GitHub repositories.
Browse the driver samples on the Microsoft Samples portal.
Related downloads
Universal Serial Bus (USB) provides an expandable, hot-pluggable Plug and Play serial interface that ensures a standard, low-cost connection for peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice, joysticks, printers, scanners, storage devices, modems, and video conferencing cameras. Migration to USB is recommended for all peripheral devices that use legacy ports such as PS/2, serial, and parallel ports.
The USB-IF is a Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that maintains the Official USB Specification, test specifications and tools.
Windows operating systems include native support for USB host controllers, hubs, and devices and systems that comply with the official USB specification. Windows also provides programming interfaces that you can use to develop device drivers and applications that communicate with a USB device.
USB in WindowsWindows 10: What's new for USB
Overview of new features and improvements in USB in Windows 10.
Frequently asked questions from driver developers about the USB stack and features that are supported in USB.
Agere systems hda modem driver windows 10. x64-bit driver. x64-bit driver.
Microsoft OS Descriptors for USB Devices
Windows defines MS OS descriptors that allows better enumeration when connected to system running Windows operating system
Microsoft-provided USB driversUSB device-side drivers in Windows
A set of drivers for handling common function logic for USB devices.
USB host-side drivers in Windows
Microsoft provides a core stack of drivers that interoperate with devices that are connected to EHCI and xHCI controllers.
USB-IF device class drivers
Windows provides in-box device class drivers for many USB-IF approved device classes, audio, mass storage, and so on.
USB generic function driver–WinUSB
Windows provides Winusb.sys that can be loaded as a function driver for a custom device and a function of a composite device.
USB generic parent driver for composite devices–Usbccgp
Parent driver for USB devices with multiple functions. Usbccgp creates physical device objects (PDOs) for each of those functions. Those individual PDOs are managed by their respective USB function drivers, which could be the Winusb.sys driver or a USB device class driver.
WDF extension for developing USB drivers
USB connector manager class extension (UcmCx) reference
USB host controller (UCX) reference
USB function class extension (UFX) reference
Testing USB devices with Windows
Get information about the tools that you can use to test your USB hardware or software, capture traces of operations and other system events, and observe how the USB driver stack responds to a request sent by a client driver or an application.
Read an overview of tests in the Hardware Certification Kit that enable hardware vendors and device manufacturers to prepare their USB devices and host controllers for Windows Hardware Certification submission.
Other Resources for USB
Official USB Specification
Provides complete technical details for the USB protocol.
Microsoft Windows USB Core Team Blog
Check out posts written by the Microsoft USB Team. The blog focuses on the Windows USB driver stack that works with various USB Host controllers and USB hubs found in Windows PC. A useful resource for USB client driver developers and USB hardware designers understand the driver stack implementation, resolve common issues, and explain how to use tools for gathering traces and log files.
OSR Online Lists - ntdev
Discussion list managed by OSR Online for kernel-mode driver developers.
Windows Dev-Center for Hardware Development
Miscellaneous resources based on frequently asked questions from developers who are new to developing USB devices and drivers that work with Windows operating systems.
USB-related videos
UWP apps for USB devicesUnderstanding USB 3.0 in Windows 8Building great USB 3.0 devicesUSB Debugging Innovations in Windows 8 (Part I, II, & III)
USB hardware for learning
MUTT devices
MUTT and SuperMUTT devices and the accompanying software package are integrated into the HCK suite of USB tests. They provide automated testing that can be used during the development cycle of USB controllers, devices and systems, especially stress testing.
OSR USB FX2 Learning Kit
If you are new to USB driver development. The kit is the most suitable to study USB samples included in this documentation set. You can get the learning kit from OSR Online Store.
Write a USB client driver (KMDF, UMDF)
Introduces you to USB driver development. Provides information about choosing the most appropriate model for providing a USB driver for your device. This section also includes tutorials about writing your first user-mode and kernel-mode USB drivers by using the USB templates included with Microsoft Visual Studio.
Write a USB host controller driver
If you are developing an xHCI host controller that is not compliant with the specification or developing a custom non-xHCI hardware (such as a virtual host controller), you can write a host controller driver that communicates with UCX. For example, consider a wireless dock that supports USB devices. The PC communicates with USB devices through the wireless dock by using USB over TCP as a transport.
USB host controller (UCX) reference
Write a function controller driver for a USB device
You can develop a controller driver that handles all USB data transfers and commands sent by the host to the device. This driver communicates with the Microsoft-provided USB function controller extension (UFX).
USB function class extension (UFX) reference
Write a USB Type-C connector driver
Windows 10 introduces support for the new USB connector: USB Type-C. You can write a driver for the connector that communicates with the Microsoft-provided class extension module: UcmCx to handle scenarios related to Type-C connectors such as, which ports support Type-C, which ports support power delivery.
USB connector manager class extension (UcmCx) reference Alienware m11x r2 drivers.
Write a USB dual-role controller driver
USB Dual Role controllers are now supported in Windows 10. Windows includes in-box client drivers for ChipIdea and Synopsys controllers. For other controllers, Microsoft provides a set of programming interfaces that allow the dual-role class extension (UrsCx) and its client driver to communicate with each other to handle the role-switching capability of a dual-role controller.
For more information about this feature, see:
USB dual-role controller driver programming reference
Write a USB driver for emulated devices
Windows 10 introduces support for emulated devices. Now you can develop an emulated Universal Serial Bus (USB) host controller driver and a connected virtual USB device. Both components are combined into a single KMDF driver that communicates with the Microsoft-provided USB device emulation class extension (UdeCx).
Emulated USB host controller driver programming reference
Write a UWP app
Provides step-by-step instructions about implementing USB features in a UWP app. To write such an app for a USB device you need Visual Studio and Microsoft Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) .
Write a Windows desktop app
Describes how an application can call WinUSB Functions to communicate with a USB device.
WinUSB functions
Common programming scenarios
List of common tasks that a driver or an app performs in order to communicate with a USB device. Get quick info about the programming interfaces you need for each task.
USB samples
Development tools
Download kits and tools for Windows
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eloquent-tantrums · 3 years
Our Talk with Nora Loreto
The first official campaign event for #Refund2020 was a talk with Nora Loreto (writer, journalist, and host of Sandy and Nora’s podcast). Nora has a background in student activism, and has since been advising and encouraging others to get involved across Canada. We were very excited that she agreed to speak with our panel and engage with the audience that attended.
While I don’t have a transcript of the event, I will carefully characterize her responses.
We started with the question:
Why does Concordia admin owe us free/reimbursed tuition?
While our panelists spoke on the services we paid for and did not receive, Nora pressed us a step further, encouraging us not to focus on education as a commodity (because then the capitalists win), but to demand education as a right. This (somewhat profound) insight prompted a bigger discussion than we initially planned. While we still believe Concordia students are owed a refund for the 2020, and now Winter 2021 semesters, we need to consider our place in this movement—fundamentally, what do we want to win for students to come?
I thought back to a book I read last year, Escaping Paternalism by Rizzo and Whitman (2019). In the second chapter, they speak of behavioural economics under neoliberalism. They present a few key considerations that impact whether or not members of a given community will change their mind: framing effects, endowment effects, and status quo bias. You can view these in a snapshot from Google Books: https://books.google.ca/books/publisher/content?id=w4DCDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA47&img=1&zoom=3&hl=en&sig=ACfU3U3mq8_-lBm3K5EpeS-4LqLC2TIkvw&w=1280 (Rizzo and Whitman, 2019, ch. 2).
After speaking with Nora, I’ve been looking at framing and status quo bias. Has my own bias gotten in the way of achieving more? Has our framing centred on the status quo by viewing education as the commodified experience it’s sold to us as? Always considering, always learning.
The second question that our panelists took on was:
How would a refund/free tuition work?
And the answer among members of our campaign was that we hold the administration accountable, but ask them to stand with us as needed to approach the provincial government.
Nora put it more bluntly: that we need to demand it from the province. That we need to build coalition with universities across Québec and get it done (admitting this would be difficult under the CAQ).
The more I think about it, the more I see two goals: one, to demand better of our administration, and two: to continue the fight for free tuition in a way that won’t grow stagnant at our campus, but have reach across the province. This gives me a lot of hope and excitement about where this movement for economic justice can go.
One great question from the audience concerned union organizing methods that could be adopted by the student movement. Nora shared plenty of tips, many of which can be found in her work, “From demonized to organized : building the new union movement (2013).” This crucial advice, naturally, had me revisit some of the class readings we had: namely, Shragge and McAlevey.
In chapter 5 of Activism and Social Change, Shragge provides the following critique of Lotz’ ideas on community development:
“Although there is a rhetoric of change, in contrast to the social or community action approach, this change is usually focused inward on the community itself rather than outward on the wider social, economic, and political structures. Further, the process of working towards these changes is through consensus-building across interests rather than organizing to promote specific interests of the poor or oppressed groups. The emphasis is on meeting needs and finding pragmatic ways to do so that do not challenge those with power. There is little discussion about inequality, interest, power, or the ways that development can challenge these factors that play such a large role in shaping the social issues and problems. (Shragge 2013, p. 101-102).”
I think, whether we aim to fall to one side of this or the other, asking these questions regularly as we build any movement for change is crucial. And we can hardly speak of organizing for bigger changes without looking to Jane McAlevey, who writes of a union-organizing campaign that took place between 1998 and 2001:
“We thought in terms of ‘workplace/nonworkplace’ issues, rejecting ‘community/labor,’ the latter implying that workers are not members of the community and that community members do not spend most of their time at work. Everything about this model is focused on creating synergy between workplace and nonworkplace struggles, and recognizing the labor movement’s need to be at the table inside and outside the shop.
“We organized the ‘whole member’ by integrating the members’ concerns. Plenty of economic forces outside the shop conspire to negate even direct wage and benefit gains made by the contract. (McAlevey, 2003, p. 31).”
This reminds me, personally, that the paradigm through which we base or organizing matters. We are students, but we are also largely residents of Québec. And international students, who may not be residents of Québec, are still members of our student (and typically local) community. And in order to achieve change for our communities, we must be in community. The reason this is so often difficult is because we are simultaneously entities in a system designed to overwhelm disband us.
“This (Thatcher- Reagan neoliberal) revolution aimed at releasing markets and morals to govern and discipline individuals while maximizing freedom, and it did so by demonizing the social and the democratic version of political life,” notes Wendy Brown in her 2019 book, In the Ruins of Neoliberalism (p. 22). She later adds, “By the end of the 1970s, exploiting a crisis of profitability and stagflation, neoliberal programs were rolled out by Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, again centering on deregulating capital, breaking organized labor, privatizing public goods and services, reducing progressive taxation, and shrinking the social state…The above account, hewing to a neo-Marxist approach, formulates neoliberalism as an opportunistic attack by capitalists and their political lackeys on Keynesian welfare states, social democracies, and state socialism (p. 29).
This attack is ongoing, and we’ll only be able to stand against it with the power of empathetic, strategic collective organizing. We're extremely grateful to Nora Loreto's assistance in pointing this out, and are focusing even more on building the right coalition as we move forward into the next phase of the campaign.
Rizzo, Mario J., and Glen Whitman. 2019. Escaping Paternalism: Rationality, Behavioral Economics, and Public Policy. Cambridge University Press.
Loreto, Nora. From Demonized to Organized : Building the New Union Movement. Our Schools, Our Selves Book Series, 7th. Ottawa Ontario: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 201
Shragge, Eric. Activism and Social Change : Lessons for Community Organizing, Second Edition, University of Toronto Press, 2013. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/concordia-ebooks/detail.action?docID=4931319.
McAlevey, Jane. 2003. ‘It Takes a Community’. New Labor Forum (Routledge) 12 (1): 22–32. https://doi.org/10.1080/10957960307158.
Wendy Brown. 2019. In the Ruins of Neoliberalism : The Rise of Antidemocratic Politics in the West. The Wellek Library Lectures. New York: Columbia University Press. https://lib-ezproxy.concordia.ca/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=nlebk&AN=2088020&site=ehost-live&scope=site.
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gorgeousyou · 4 years
New York Is Always Home Vintage Retro T Shirt
Watching the women’s march from the set in budapest I wish I could be there but my thoughts and full support are with those marching today do not give this administration a New York Is Always Home Vintage Retro T Shirt chance to do the terrible things it wants to do lgbt and environmental information has already been removed from the white house website fight for equality fight for women to have control over their bodies thank you to all of those who are taking action ps donald trump you’re a bad dancer. The party is just getting started from hollywood dick clark’s new year’s rockin’ eve is starting so make sure you come hang out with us 8 7c on abc rockineve hello2018. Il milan è sempre stato per me un affare di cuore e passione la mia storia quella di mio padre e quella dei miei figli lo dimostrano e nessuno potrà cancellare questo nostro legame con I colori rossoneri proprio questo forte legame mi impone di essere attento preciso e professionale nell accettare l incarico che mi è stato offerto certo sarebbe molto più facile seguire l emozione della proposta e dire di si senza pensare alle possibili conseguenze e partire a testa bassa in questa nuova avventura invece no non posso devo rispettare I valori che mi hanno accompagnato durante tutta la mia vita devo rispettare I tanti tifosi che si sono negli anni identificati in me per passione volontà e serietà devo rispettare il milan e me stesso vorrei chiarire alcuni concetti ai tifosi milanisti e a parte della stampa che ha raccolto e raccontato delle notizie che spostano la sostanza della questione sull aspetto economico dimenticando l importanza che io e la mia famiglia abbiamo dato al senso di appartenenza al milan la retribuzione è sempre stata una conseguenza dell accordo mai la causa queste notizie tra l altro sono state suggerite da fonti anonime attraverso canali e persone che conosco da 30 anni che mirano a screditare la mia persona per giustificare il mancato accordo non sono stato certo io a rompere il nostro patto di riservatezza non ho avanzato richieste economiche ho ribadito fin dal primo incontro che la definizione del ruolo fosse la chiave basilare di una possibile collaborazione come potrei quantificare una proposta quando non sono stabilite con chiarezza le responsabilità ho fatto presente che avrei dato tutto me stesso per un progetto serio che mi avesse visto in un ruolo importante che non avrei mai accettato per essere utilizzato come la semplice bandiera lo ribadisco il milan per me è una scelta di cuore non ho mai chiesto un ruolo alla galliani ovvero di amministratore delegato con pieni poteri so quali sono le mie virtù ma conosco ancora meglio I miei limiti l area di mia competenza deve essere quella sportiva mi è stato proposto il ruolo di direttore tecnico prima di me è stato ingaggiato un direttore sportivo di fiducia dell amministratore delegato quindi secondo l organigramma societario che mi è stato presentato avrei dovuto condividere qualsiasi progetto acquisto o cessione di calciatore con il mio parigrado ds a mia precisa domanda su cosa sarebbe successo in caso di disaccordo mi è stato detto dal sig fassone che avrebbe deciso lui detto questo non credo ci fossero le premesse per un team vincente io ho fatto parte di squadre che hanno fatto la storia del calcio e so che per arrivare a quei risultati ci deve essere una grandissima sinergia tra tutte le componenti societarie investimenti importanti e ruoli ben definiti le ultime stagioni del milan con il doppio amministratore delegato e ruoli sovrapposti dovrebbero essere d insegnamento naturalmente mi sarei dovuto prendere agli occhi dei tifosi della stampa e della proprietà tutta la responsabilità della parte sportiva con la possibilità di essere escluso da ogni potere esecutivo non ho mai chiesto di avere un contatto diretto con la proprietà per bypassare l amministratore delegato ho espresso la volontà di sentire dal sig david han li direttore esecutivo della sino europe sports che ho incontrato solo per pochi minuti cosa si aspettassero da me avrei voluto ascoltare dalla sua voce quali obiettivi si fossero prefissati e quali investimenti avessero intenzione di fare credo che questa sia una richiesta seria che ogni professionista abbia diritto di formulare al proprio datore di lavoro specialmente quando si ha alle spalle un passato come il mio con il club fatto di appartenenza e di credibilità spero con queste poche righe di avere chiarito la mia posizione rimane l amarezza di questi giorni per un sogno che è svanito e rimangono le polemiche strumentali che non mi hanno certo fatto piacere io difendo il diritto delle persone a capo di società importanti come il milan di poter scegliere I propri collaboratori in base ai criteri a loro più idonei anch io farei la stessa cosa nella loro posizione ma ribadisco anche che I miei valori e la mia indipendenza di pensiero saranno per me sempre più importanti di qualsiasi impiego paolo maldini
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Entry 8 - Overall reflections on the internship and your studies from starting your degree
I’m not quite ready to submit this entry, though the due date says I must.  Knowing I still have a few hours left on the internship program and the showcase still to come, I would've loved to have written this entry once that was completed. Nonetheless, there has been so much achieved, so many learnings, so many ups and downs, times I’ve felt like quitting and times I’ve felt like I could take on the world. 
I’ll start with the internship, the dangling carrot at the end of two and a half years of study. I think I’d share similar views to the rest of the cohort in that, the internship was great opportunity to test our skills and knowledge learnt at school and put them into professional practice. Its also been a great learning curve, be placed into a new environment and hitting the ground running is never easy, however, that's the beauty of overcoming challenges and growing professionally and personally.
As Klimova (2019) states, self reflection is a great way for students to look back on what they have achieved, what they have learnt, what has been challenging, how they have overcome these challenges and how they have positively developed and grown from day one of study. This has been just as important during the internship phase too. Beginning with two internships was a scary thought. I think I wanted to finish the degree on such as high that I thought by throwing myself into one and a half internships, that would provide me with more satisfaction at the end. 
The Amy Gillett Foundation (AGF) was the full internship, 228 hours and two full days a week. When reading the job description, I really jumped at the thought of being able to be apart of positively impacting the community. This is what provides me more fulfillment than anything else and with AGF sharing similar values, I knew this was the right internship for me. Although working remotely was going to be a challenge, the power of technology still allowed a great sense of engagement and eagerness to do the best I possibly could. From creating and running a virtual trivia night to contacting local councils all across Australia, the AGF internship was extremely diverse. It was a shame the pinnacle event being the Gran Fondo (a charity bike ride along the Great Ocean Road) could not be run due to the coronavirus, however, I was still able to learn about event planning and be involved in a momentous moment when the Victorian Government passed legislation that a minimum one metre must be given to cyclists when passing in a vehicle. 
GolfBarons was quite a different experience. I didn't really feel the same connection as I did with AGF and that was largely due to lockdown restrictions in Victoria. Working for a company for a sport I love was an easy decision for me to be a part of. The interview process went really well and I knew this would be a great fit for me. Unfortunately the tasks given to me were not quite too my liking being social media based, however, it was still a learning experience and it did allow for me to test my creative side. From a social media audit to creating an October social media calendar, I was able to utilise the skills learnt in the applied learning program along with advice from Phil who was my supervisor. The major downfall with GolfBarons was not being able to film their show on location. That was what I was looking forward to most, seeing how all the production elements work and maybe, just maybe getting to fly the drone. Though this did not occur, the networking made and the skill acquired are something I’ll carry forever. Unfortunately the internship came to hasented ending due to an overwhelming amount of commitments, nonetheless, I’ve learnt more about time management than I would have anyway else. 
Keeping this under 400 words is not easy. In summary though, looking back on the past 6 semesters, I feel a lot of pride and satisfaction. I learnt so much about myself, I’ve acquired knowledge I would never have dreamt of and gained skills that will carry me a lifetime. The highlights have definitely been the applied learning program. Working with the Caulfield Grammarians for three semesters was fantastic. We were able to apply our social media, marketing and sponsorship skills to a real world environment and see them make a positive difference. We were also blessed to have countless guest speakers shed light on their careers which provided great insight into the paths they took which aren't to dissimilar to ours. Many of our subjects and assessments really provided a real life aspect which has myself and classmates the skills to transition well into industry. Whether it be writing, marketing, sponsorship, professional skill development, exposure to media editing softwares and researching, it has truly been a plethora of quality learning aided by fantastic lecturers. 
As stated by Behrman & Stacey (1997), university studies have so many benefits other the jobs and economic factors. The acquirement of knowledge can never be underestimated and how it is used can create great change. Whether is be socially, professionally or even personally, education is an extremely powerful tool. One thing is for sure, I’m certainly not the same person and I when I started. I certainly didn't ace this degree but still remain very pleased in all that has been achieved, including the relationships made and knowledge gained. I felt this speech from Michelle Obama was fitting after looking back on three incredibly challenging but fulfilling years.
Klimova, B 2014, ‘Self-reflection in the Course Evaluation’, Procedia, social and behavioral sciences, pp.119–123, 25 August 2015, viewed 19 November 2020.https://reader.elsevier.com/reader/sd/pii/S1877042814034466?token=39595676D5C85EFAF4EEDA6A2E175F4CCB27C2E284B650C11C4C8BAB70816ADA3A5ABD45A48957A08281EA12A95168A0
Behrman, J, Stacey, N 1997, ‘The social benefits of education’. University of Michigan Press, viewed 19 November 2020. https://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=B43bmVZDkTwC&oi=fnd&pg=PP11&dq=benefits+of+university+education&ots=-ConFEGwH-&sig=wwtB5LPWKL3bdEN7aOrpTP_aTO4#v=onepage&q=benefits%20of%20university%20education&f=false
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teesunflowerus · 5 years
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The Trouble with Wagner - 12 ページ - Google ブック検索結果
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Michael P. Steinberg - 2018 - ‎Music
These sources generate the standard description of division by zero as an undefined operation, that is, one that doesn't ... in Monte Carlo) and Nietzsche's diagnosis not only of its recumbent Christianity but its fraudulent Christianity caused the ...https://books.google.co.jp/books?id=ELB4DwAAQBAJ&pg=PA12&lpg=PA12&dq=Christianity%E3%80%80%E3%80%80Division+by+zero&source=bl&ots=E6egrFi3z0&sig=ACfU3U0rw0Hv95yBV3Q2v4dcsC7QW8zfkw&hl=ja&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwioiOCcpoHjAhVlyIsBHQTFDFwQ6AEwEnoECAgQAQ#v=onepage&q=Christianity%E3%80%80%E3%80%80Division%20by%20zero&f=false
人工知能はゼロ除算ができるでしょうか:5年  ゼロ除算の発見と重要性をした:再生核研究所  2014年2月2日
人工知能はゼロ除算ができるでしょうか:5年  ゼロ除算の発見と重要性をした:再生核研究所  2014年2月2日
再生核研究所声明490(2019.6.21)令和革新の大義、 趣旨 ー 初等数学
次は2019.6.17日 に書かれたブログの一部である:
公表の下記の文章を見ると おかしな人の文章に見える。 内容が凄いからである。しかし、文体を 文章を読むと可笑しい感じではない。しかし、内容は。 述べられていることは真実か 否か。大げさに 書かれていないか。 小さなことを 大きく述べていないか。 などなど当然考えられる。
しかしながら、繰り返し 数年にわたって、その思いは 確認され、信念は 深まるばかりである。 内容は、ほとんど当たり前なのであるが、それが、ユークリッド以来、アリストテレス以来の 空間の認識を変え、全く新しい世界が出てきた。 沢山の明確な例を得ている。 超古典の数学の補完、修正である。 ゼロで割れて、新しい世界が現れてきた。夢のような事件である。 2019.6.17.6:14
現代初等数学に 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然である。 2019.5.17.3:30 1/0, 0/0, \tan(\pi/2)  が分からないとは、何と恥ずかしいことか。 令和時代に 日本発の 文化として、世界史に貢献したい。 令和とは 偶然、ゼロ除算の概念から、全ての和を考えるとゼロになるという、ゼロの雄大で深い意味を表わす。2000年を越える数学の歴史には 未だ数学の前史時代を思わせるような基本的な欠陥がある。 改元を機会に、令和時代にゼロ除算算法を取り入れた新数学を発展させて、令和時代の世界文化遺産 になるように 日本国は先導し、努力して、今こそ世界の数理科学に貢献しよう。 再生核研究所 令和 元年 5.1. 付記:  再生核研究所声明481(2019.4.4.) 改元に当たって、日本からの贈り物、ゼロ除算算法 ー 新数学
そこで、上記を裏付けるために 改められるべき数学の大勢を一般向きに述べて、いわば、令和革新の内容を 述べて、令和革新の大義を明らかにしたい。
まずゼロで割っていはいけない、分母がゼロの場合を 極限などの概念を避けて考えてはならないの 2000年を越える 数学十戎の第一 を改め、ゼロで割ることを考える、新世界を拓く。 分母がゼロである場合、またゼロで割ることを 今後は広く考える。 これはゼロ除算の意味を正確に捉え、ゼロ除算算法として定式化することによって 何時でも可能になり、 従来考えてこなかった新世界が現れてくる。その意味で、1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan(\pi/2)= \log 0=0 であり、無限遠点はゼロで表され、直角座標系で y軸の勾配はゼロである、基本関数 y=1/x  の原点での値は ゼロであるなど、驚嘆すべき新しい結果を導く。ユークリッド空間のモデル、リーマン球面のモデルの 超古典的なモデルはアリストテレス、ユークリッドの世界観、数学観さえ変更が要求される。 微分の概念や積分の概念さえ補完されて修正されなければならない。曲率や特異点の概念さえ変更が 要求される。 -- 解析関数は 孤立特異点その所で 固有の意味を有するという 新世界が現れてきた。これらのことは 四則演算の除算の欠けていたゼロ除算を可能にしたのであるから、初等数学全般の革新を意味するのは 当然である。
これらの改革には 10年くらいの歳月を必要として、多くの人材の参画が必要であり、これらの基本数学の変革は 将来 日本発の世界文化遺産になるべきものであることは、絶対である数学の必然として 既に歴然であると考える。
これらの数学の素人向きの解説は 55カ月に亘って次で与えられている:
数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学
数学的な解説論文は 次で公表されている:
viXra:1904.0408 submitted on 2019-04-22 00:32:30,
What Was Division by Zero?; Division by Zero Calculus and New World
                                   以 上
祝改元 令 和
改元、令和時代 を祝する。令和とは 偶然、ゼロ除算の概念から、全ての和を考えるとゼロになるという、ゼロの雄大で深い意味を表わす。2000年を越える数学の歴史には 未だ数学の前史時代を思わせるような基本的な欠陥がある。
改元を機会に、令和時代にゼロ除算算法を取り入れた新数学を発展させて、令和時代の世界文化遺産 になるように 日本国は先導し、努力して、今こそ世界の数理科学に貢献しよう。
令和 元年 5.1.
再生核研究所声明481(2019.4.4.) 改元に当たって、日本からの贈り物、ゼロ除算算法 ー 新数学
( 流石に 素晴らしい日本の文化。感銘しました。力が湧いてきました。凄い考えも浮かんできました。令和。
新元号 令和は、漢字、発音、形、由来、素晴らしいと感じました。 そこで、力が 湧いてきました。 ゼロ除算算法は 特異点の世界に立ち入った 全く新しい世界、数学ですので、 改元を機会に 日本発(初)の 数学の基礎の確立に貢献したい。 日本数学会、日本国の力をかけて 世界に貢献すべく努力したい。
時ときに、初春しよしゆんの令月れいげつにして、気き淑よく風かぜ和やはらぎ、梅うめは鏡前きやうぜんの粉こを披ひらき、蘭らんは珮後はいごの香かうを薫かをらす。 )
そこで、万葉の美しい心情を篤く受け止めて ややもすると日本の文化、精神の弱点とみられる数理科学の基礎に 日本国が今後永く世界に貢献できる新数学として ゼロ除算算法の大きな展望を 新時代を迎えるに当たって述べたい。日本発(初)の基礎数学、新しい世界観を 世界の文化に貢献すべく世界に展開しようではないか。
そもそもゼロ除算算法とは、ゼロで割る問題 (ゼロ除算) から由来するが、ゼロ除算は 古くはアリストテレス以来 不可能であることの象徴と考えられ、物理学上でもアインシュタインの最大の懸案の問題であったとされる。特異点での問題はブラックホールの問題と絡ませて、現在でも広く議論されている。しかるにその本質はゼロ除算算法の概念で捉えられ、原理は解析関数の孤立特異点での 新しい世界の発見 として説明される。従来、特異点においては、特異点の近くでの研究を行い、特異点そこでは考えて来なかった。すなわち、特異点そのものでの研究を可能にしたものであるから、全く新規な世界、数学である。不可能であると2000年を越えて考えられてきたところ、可能になったのであるから、その大きな意義と影響は既に歴然である。その影響は数学の全般に及ぶばかりか、我々の世界観に甚大なる影響を与え、世界史の大きな展開期を迎えるだろう。現代初等数学は、本質的な欠陥を有し、数学の基本的な再構成が求められ、新しい未知の雄大な世界の解明が求められている。
再生核研究所声明 479(2019.3.12)  遅れをとったゼロ除算 - 活かされな い敗戦経験とイギリスの畏れるべき戦略
再生核研究所声明 480(2019.3.26)  日本の数学の後進性
                               以 上
7歳の少女が、当たり前である(100/0=0、0/0=0)と言っているゼロ除算を 多くの大学教授が、信じられない結果と言っているのは、まことに奇妙な事件と言えるのではないでしょうか。 1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0 division by zero(a⁄0 )ゼロ除算 1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0. 小学校以上で、最も知られている基本的な数学の結果は何でしょうか・・・ ゼロ除算(1/0=0、0/0=0、z/0=0)かピタゴラスの定理(a2 + b2 = c2 )ではないでしょうか。 https://www.pinterest.com/pin/234468724326618408/ 1+0=1 1-0=1 1×0=0  では、1/0・・・・・・・・・幾つでしょうか。 0???  本当に大丈夫ですか・・・・・0×0=1で矛盾になりませんか・・・・ 数学で「A÷0」(ゼロで割る)がダメな理由を教えてください。 http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/.../ques.../q1411588849 #知恵袋_ 割り算を掛け算の逆だと定義した人は、誰でしょう??? Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity. https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/ multiplication・・・・・増える 掛け算(×) 1より小さい数を掛けたら小さくなる。 大きくなるとは限らない。 0×0=0・・・・・・・・・だから0で割れないと考えた。 唯根拠もなしに、出鱈目に言っている人は世に多い。 加(+)・減(-)・乗(×)・除(÷) 除法(じょほう、英: division)とは、乗法の逆演算・・・・間違いの元 乗(×)は、加(+) 除(÷)は、減(-) http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/.../q14.../a37209195... http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/.../%E5%A0%AA%E3%82%89%E3%81%AA... 何とゼロ除算は、可能になるだろうと April 12, 2011 に 公に 予想されていたことを 発見した。 多くの数学で できないが、できるようになってきた経緯から述べられたものである。 0を引いても引いたことにならないから: 君に0円の月給を永遠に払いますから心配しないでください: 変化がない:引いたことにはならない:
今受け取ったメールです。 何十年もゼロ除算の研究をされてきた人が、積極的に我々の理論の正当性を認めてきた。
Re: 1/0=0/0=0 example JAMES ANDERSON [email protected] apr, 2 at 15:03 All,
Saitoh’s claim is wider than 1/0 = 0. It is x/0 = 0 for all real x. Real numbers are a field. The axioms of fields define the multiplicative inverse for every number except zero. Saitoh generalises this inverse to give 0^(-1) = 0. The axioms give the freedom to do this. The really important thing is that the result is zero - a number for which the field axioms hold. So Saitoh’s generalised system is still a field. This makes it attractive for algebraic reasons but, in my view, it is unattractive when dealing with calculus.
There is no milage in declaring Saitoh wrong. The only objections one can make are to usefulness. That is why Saitoh publishes so many notes on the usefulness of his system. I do the same with my system, but my method is to establish usefulness by extending many areas of mathematics and establishing new mathematical results.
That said, there is value in examining the logical basis of the various proposed number systems. We might find errors in them and we certainly can find areas of overlap and difference. These areas inform the choice of number system for different applications. This analysis helps determine where each number system will be useful.
James Anderson Sent from my iPhone
The deduction that z/0 = 0, for any z, is based in Saitoh's geometric intuition and it is currently applied in proof assistant technology, which are useful in industry and in the military.
Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?
Dear the leading person:
How will be the below information?
The biggest scandal:
The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:
Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed out (2017.10.14.08:55)
A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:
mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).
It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing. Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics. https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~lp15/Grants/Alexandria/
José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero
Added an answer
In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/
Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/
and copying the following code
theory DivByZeroSatoih imports Complex_Main
theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex by simp
2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)
Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.
Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.
Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus
∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh
Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて
You're God ! Yeah that's right...
You're creating the Universe and you're doing ok...
But Holy fudge ! You just made a division by zero and created a blackhole !! Ok, don't panic and shut your fudging mouth !
Use the arrow keys to move the blackhole
In each phase, you have to make the object of the right dimension fall into the blackhole
There are 2 endings.
Credits :
BlackHole picture : myself
Other pictures has been taken from internet
background picture : Reptile Theme of Mortal Kombat
NB : it's a big zip because of the wav file
More information
Install instructions Download it. Unzip it. Run the exe file. Play it. Enjoy it.
A poem about division from Hacker's Delight Last updated 5 weeks ago
I was re-reading Hacker's Delight and on page 202 I found a poem about division that I had forgotten about.
I think that I shall never envision An op unlovely as division. An op whose answer must be guessed And then, through multiply, assessed; An op for which we dearly pay, In cycles wasted every day. Division code is often hairy; Long division's downright scary. The proofs can overtax your brain, The ceiling and floor may drive you insane. Good code to divide takes a Knuthian hero, But even God can't divide by zero! Henry S. Warren, author of Hacker's Delight. 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
0 notes
michaelfallcon · 5 years
2019 Los Angeles Coffee Masters Champ Carlos De La Torre: The Sprudge Interview
Add another trophy to the shelf for Mexico’s Carlos de la Torre! The Mexico City coffee polymath has already taken home some serious hardware, having won national titles at Cup Tasters (2012), the Brewers Cup (2015, 2016), and the Barista Championship (2018, 2019). And he has just added Coffee Masters Champion to his CV in his first-ever appearance in the competition. If this isn’t a coffee EGOT, I’m not sure such a thing exists.
Yet, even with his impressive résumé, keeping the US Coffee Masters title in a producing country (matching the efforts of 2018 New York Coffee Masters Champion Remy Molina of Costa Rica) would be no easy task. Standing in de la Torre’s way were no less than three national champions, multiple finalists, and two Coffee Masters Runners-Up. But even as a rookie, de la Torre was able to call upon his vast competition experience to rise to the occasion, even mowing down two of those national champions along the way.
To learn more, Sprudge caught up with Carlos de la Torre after his big win to find out what the fast-paced weekend was like and what’s next in store for him.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. 
Hey Carlos! Congratulations on your Coffee Masters victory! By way of introduction, can you tell us a little bit about what you professionally in the coffee world?
I’m the green buyer and head roaster at Cafe con Jiribilla and I’m in charge of Quality Control and Training at Café Avellaneda, both in Mexico City. I have an oncoming Cold Brew project and I run the coffee program for the new bar Cafe Ocampo. I’m also the current Mexican Barista Champion and I’ve been involved constantly in barista competitions as a competitor and coach for other baristas, and randomly I give some workshops and lectures on coffee.
As an experienced coffee competition veteran, what was it like competing in your first Coffee Masters?
It was an amazing experience. Even before I knew I won the competition I was saying to my wife, “I guess I’m not winning, but it was a lot of fun, I’m going to try again next year.” But now I guess there’s no Coffee Masters for me in the future at least as a competitor.
How did it compare to other coffee competitions?
It has long performance times with the big stress of competing one-on-one, so it demands a lot of energy and focus. I was so tired after it all that I didn’t even go out to celebrate, just a quick takeaway dinner before going straight to bed. But the most notable difference is not just the variety of abilities that the competitors need to display, but the fact of having the competitors perform against each other under the same circumstances, which removes a lot of advantages some competitors may have; it’s all up to the skills and knowledge inherent to the competitors.
Do you feel like your extensive competition experience (and success) gave you a leg up in Coffee Masters?
Yes, for sure. I was already a national champion in Cup Tasters, Brewers Cup, and Barista, which relates directly with the cupping, order, sig drink, espresso blend, and brewing disciplines at Coffee Masters, so it was sort of familiar to me and I guess that helped me a lot. On the other, I have almost no experience at cupping various origins or presenting latte art.
There were a handful of other national champions at Coffee Masters this year. Was it intimidating going up against such accomplished competitors?
For sure it was intimidating. Since Round One I was asking myself, “what the hell am I doing here?” I heard a lot of great things from Cole Torode about the competition when we hung out in China at the Fushan Cup last summer, and that inspired me to compete but I never expected to face him in the Semi-Finals. I was just scared as hell since he is not just the third-best barista in the world but one of the professionals I admire the most. Then Shin [Fukuyama] at the Finals, man!! He is a latte art god (fourth in the world) from a prestigious company and he trained so hard. Obviously I was so intimidated by every competitor and I respect them A LOT, but they were very friendly and supportive with me because it was my first time and they had more experience in Coffee Masters, so it made for a good friendship.
What was your favorite discipline in Coffee Masters?
I guess it was the cupping, I’ve always loved the rush of combining speed and precision in a competition.
What was the most challenging discipline?
I guess the origin because I have so few experiences cupping non-Mexican coffees.
Can you tell us a little bit more about your signature beverage?
It was a cocktail with “overnight espresso,” made with tamarind, lemon, Sotol (a Mexican distilled spirit), and gin. So refreshing, complex, spicy, and harmonious that I couldn’t resist to drink one with the judges so I crafted one for me too.
It’s actually a cocktail I created a while ago, thinking about giving “second chances” to the espresso that some times you don’t use when serving single shot drinks using a double spout portafilter, or just the coffee you forgot to drink at home and is “overnighted.” We used to have a lot of those espressos at the coffee shop and we would throw them into the sink, so this cocktail is crafted with stuff you can find at any party or in some fridges very easily; it’s almost a cocktail built from scratch turning a wasted espresso into an amazing drink.
Originally about recycling “overnight coffee,” for Coffee Masters we turned it into a concept drink using some Mexican ingredients representing the L.A. Mexican and Latin culture and also the second chances we look for when migrating to the US. Actually, that was part of bringing the ingredients across the border by car haha; we really wanted to build the experience of the drink and believe the story ourselves. For me, it was a very meaningful drink because it connected my passion, my origin, and my family (my wife is from Chihuahua, and that’s where Sotol comes from).
And more importantly, where did you get that wonderful pink silk robe in the video and will it a regular part of future competitions for you?
Hahaha! It’s my wife’s robe, I got it as a gift for her when I went away from home for two weeks to help out at Coffee in Good Spirits at the International Coffee Week last year. I don’t know if it’s taking part in competitions hahaha but surely in more funny coffee videos I’ll be borrowing it from her.
How does this win compare to your national competition victories?
It’s unbelievable, the warmth of an international audience giving you recognition as a well-structured professional in a field in which you have invested a third of your life in some way gives you a big satisfaction, but not quite as satisfying as having the opportunity to give a bit of exposure to Mexico and Latin America, not just as producing countries but also as consuming ones.
Any big plans on what you will do with the $5,000 cash prize?
Yeah!! I’m going to use it for the birth expenses of my son and the remaining cash I’ll use it for my road to WBC in Melbourne, maybe equipment, tools, or some training expenses.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank?
The other half of my success in coffee, Yaris Barrientos who supported me all the way, giving me advice, tasting, helping with stuff I may not be able to handle alone, even when she is currently having some difficult time expecting our first son. No one can read me better than her, she’s a wonderful woman and an amazing coach struggling with the fact that she cannot actually drink a lot of coffee or any alcohol. But she has that super-sensitive nose that her pregnancy gave to her as a very helpful side effect hahaha.
I also want to thank Cris Mancilla (Mexican Latte Art Champion) and Ale Lugo (two-time Latte Art finalist and Brewers Cup Runner-Up) who helped me improve my pouring. And last but not least, Sam Ronzon, my friend and coffee producer who supported us a lot during the competition days, showing that the relation between baristas and producers is not just about coffee; it’s not meant to be just a business relation but a great friendship supporting each other, not just as professionals but as human beings in regular everyday circumstances… and also, Sam smuggled my ingredients across the border.
Thanks, Carlos!
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
Photos courtesy of Los Angeles Coffee Festival/Coffee Masters
The post 2019 Los Angeles Coffee Masters Champ Carlos De La Torre: The Sprudge Interview appeared first on Sprudge.
2019 Los Angeles Coffee Masters Champ Carlos De La Torre: The Sprudge Interview published first on https://medium.com/@LinLinCoffee
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shebreathesslowly · 5 years
2019 Los Angeles Coffee Masters Champ Carlos De La Torre: The Sprudge Interview
Add another trophy to the shelf for Mexico’s Carlos de la Torre! The Mexico City coffee polymath has already taken home some serious hardware, having won national titles at Cup Tasters (2012), the Brewers Cup (2015, 2016), and the Barista Championship (2018, 2019). And he has just added Coffee Masters Champion to his CV in his first-ever appearance in the competition. If this isn’t a coffee EGOT, I’m not sure such a thing exists.
Yet, even with his impressive résumé, keeping the US Coffee Masters title in a producing country (matching the efforts of 2018 New York Coffee Masters Champion Remy Molina of Costa Rica) would be no easy task. Standing in de la Torre’s way were no less than three national champions, multiple finalists, and two Coffee Masters Runners-Up. But even as a rookie, de la Torre was able to call upon his vast competition experience to rise to the occasion, even mowing down two of those national champions along the way.
To learn more, Sprudge caught up with Carlos de la Torre after his big win to find out what the fast-paced weekend was like and what’s next in store for him.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. 
Hey Carlos! Congratulations on your Coffee Masters victory! By way of introduction, can you tell us a little bit about what you professionally in the coffee world?
I’m the green buyer and head roaster at Cafe con Jiribilla and I’m in charge of Quality Control and Training at Café Avellaneda, both in Mexico City. I have an oncoming Cold Brew project and I run the coffee program for the new bar Cafe Ocampo. I’m also the current Mexican Barista Champion and I’ve been involved constantly in barista competitions as a competitor and coach for other baristas, and randomly I give some workshops and lectures on coffee.
As an experienced coffee competition veteran, what was it like competing in your first Coffee Masters?
It was an amazing experience. Even before I knew I won the competition I was saying to my wife, “I guess I’m not winning, but it was a lot of fun, I’m going to try again next year.” But now I guess there’s no Coffee Masters for me in the future at least as a competitor.
How did it compare to other coffee competitions?
It has long performance times with the big stress of competing one-on-one, so it demands a lot of energy and focus. I was so tired after it all that I didn’t even go out to celebrate, just a quick takeaway dinner before going straight to bed. But the most notable difference is not just the variety of abilities that the competitors need to display, but the fact of having the competitors perform against each other under the same circumstances, which removes a lot of advantages some competitors may have; it’s all up to the skills and knowledge inherent to the competitors.
Do you feel like your extensive competition experience (and success) gave you a leg up in Coffee Masters?
Yes, for sure. I was already a national champion in Cup Tasters, Brewers Cup, and Barista, which relates directly with the cupping, order, sig drink, espresso blend, and brewing disciplines at Coffee Masters, so it was sort of familiar to me and I guess that helped me a lot. On the other, I have almost no experience at cupping various origins or presenting latte art.
There were a handful of other national champions at Coffee Masters this year. Was it intimidating going up against such accomplished competitors?
For sure it was intimidating. Since Round One I was asking myself, “what the hell am I doing here?” I heard a lot of great things from Cole Torode about the competition when we hung out in China at the Fushan Cup last summer, and that inspired me to compete but I never expected to face him in the Semi-Finals. I was just scared as hell since he is not just the third-best barista in the world but one of the professionals I admire the most. Then Shin [Fukuyama] at the Finals, man!! He is a latte art god (fourth in the world) from a prestigious company and he trained so hard. Obviously I was so intimidated by every competitor and I respect them A LOT, but they were very friendly and supportive with me because it was my first time and they had more experience in Coffee Masters, so it made for a good friendship.
What was your favorite discipline in Coffee Masters?
I guess it was the cupping, I’ve always loved the rush of combining speed and precision in a competition.
What was the most challenging discipline?
I guess the origin because I have so few experiences cupping non-Mexican coffees.
Can you tell us a little bit more about your signature beverage?
It was a cocktail with “overnight espresso,” made with tamarind, lemon, Sotol (a Mexican distilled spirit), and gin. So refreshing, complex, spicy, and harmonious that I couldn’t resist to drink one with the judges so I crafted one for me too.
It’s actually a cocktail I created a while ago, thinking about giving “second chances” to the espresso that some times you don’t use when serving single shot drinks using a double spout portafilter, or just the coffee you forgot to drink at home and is “overnighted.” We used to have a lot of those espressos at the coffee shop and we would throw them into the sink, so this cocktail is crafted with stuff you can find at any party or in some fridges very easily; it’s almost a cocktail built from scratch turning a wasted espresso into an amazing drink.
Originally about recycling “overnight coffee,” for Coffee Masters we turned it into a concept drink using some Mexican ingredients representing the L.A. Mexican and Latin culture and also the second chances we look for when migrating to the US. Actually, that was part of bringing the ingredients across the border by car haha; we really wanted to build the experience of the drink and believe the story ourselves. For me, it was a very meaningful drink because it connected my passion, my origin, and my family (my wife is from Chihuahua, and that’s where Sotol comes from).
And more importantly, where did you get that wonderful pink silk robe in the video and will it a regular part of future competitions for you?
Hahaha! It’s my wife’s robe, I got it as a gift for her when I went away from home for two weeks to help out at Coffee in Good Spirits at the International Coffee Week last year. I don’t know if it’s taking part in competitions hahaha but surely in more funny coffee videos I’ll be borrowing it from her.
How does this win compare to your national competition victories?
It’s unbelievable, the warmth of an international audience giving you recognition as a well-structured professional in a field in which you have invested a third of your life in some way gives you a big satisfaction, but not quite as satisfying as having the opportunity to give a bit of exposure to Mexico and Latin America, not just as producing countries but also as consuming ones.
Any big plans on what you will do with the $5,000 cash prize?
Yeah!! I’m going to use it for the birth expenses of my son and the remaining cash I’ll use it for my road to WBC in Melbourne, maybe equipment, tools, or some training expenses.
Is there anyone you’d like to thank?
The other half of my success in coffee, Yaris Barrientos who supported me all the way, giving me advice, tasting, helping with stuff I may not be able to handle alone, even when she is currently having some difficult time expecting our first son. No one can read me better than her, she’s a wonderful woman and an amazing coach struggling with the fact that she cannot actually drink a lot of coffee or any alcohol. But she has that super-sensitive nose that her pregnancy gave to her as a very helpful side effect hahaha.
I also want to thank Cris Mancilla (Mexican Latte Art Champion) and Ale Lugo (two-time Latte Art finalist and Brewers Cup Runner-Up) who helped me improve my pouring. And last but not least, Sam Ronzon, my friend and coffee producer who supported us a lot during the competition days, showing that the relation between baristas and producers is not just about coffee; it’s not meant to be just a business relation but a great friendship supporting each other, not just as professionals but as human beings in regular everyday circumstances… and also, Sam smuggled my ingredients across the border.
Thanks, Carlos!
Zac Cadwalader is the managing editor at Sprudge Media Network and a staff writer based in Dallas. Read more Zac Cadwalader on Sprudge.
Photos courtesy of Los Angeles Coffee Festival/Coffee Masters
The post 2019 Los Angeles Coffee Masters Champ Carlos De La Torre: The Sprudge Interview appeared first on Sprudge.
from Sprudge https://ift.tt/37otCyX
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mollydpowellus · 5 years
Some interesting April Fools' Day 2019 Technology Jokes
This year April Fools' Day wasn't as fun as the last one, even though it was on Monday. Many tech companies that make effort didn't make one this year. In fact Microsoft went even further and banned any public facing April Fools' pranks. Anyway, here are some of the jokes that I found interesting. Parallel Wireless 7G Vision This one was important for me as it features me (Yay!) and also enhanced my video editing skills. Grateful to CW (Cambridge Wireless) for being part of it too.
Parallel Wireless would today like to announces our 7G Vision (#7GVision) - https://t.co/Ffj63NX5F3 - Cambridge Wireless (@cambwireless) will form new Special Interest Group (SIG) to support the 7G Vision with @zahidtg joining the team too. pic.twitter.com/puz3cOoOGn
— Parallel Wireless (@Parallel_tw) April 1, 2019
Video is slightly long but funny hopefully
In short, the focus for the next few years will be do design a 7G logo that can explain the vision and connect with people. Did I mention 7GPPPPP?
"#7G Public Private Political Polling Partnership (7GPPPPP) with many different companies and organizations has also been formed to work on this vision." Well played @Parallel_tw @cambwireless! ;)#AprilFools https://t.co/Lhxqk2Eifq
— Emanuel Kolta (@EmanuelKolta) April 1, 2019
Google Sssnakes on a map
Google temporarily added a version of the classic game Snakes into its Google Maps app for April Fools’ Day this year. The company says that the game is rolling out now to iOS and Android users globally today, and that it’ll remain on the app for the rest of the week. It also launched a standalone site to play the game if you don’t have the app. Jabra Ear bud(dy)
World’s first shared headphone - engineered for shared music moments. The website says: The headphones come with an ultra-light headband that extends seamlessly to accommodate the perfect fit for every pair of buddies, so you’ll never have to enjoy another music moment alone. The Jabra Earbud(dy)™ comes with a unique Buddy mode that promises a shared music experience that is tailored to suit each person’s preferences. Fans of voice command will be thrilled to know that with just one touch, the Jabra Earbud(dy)™ can connect to dual voice assistant. T-Mobile Phone BoothE T-Mobile USA and their CEO John Legere never disappoints. They always come up with something interesting. Here is a video of the prank
From MacRumours: T-Mobile is again fighting one of the so-called pain points of the wireless industry with the launch of the Phone BoothE, a completely sound-proof and high-tech phone booth that lets T-Mobile customers escape from noisy areas to make their phone calls. Inside the Phone BoothE you can charge your devices, connect to a smart screen called "Magenta Pages" to mirror your smartphone display, and adjust the lighting to take great selfies. In regards to the name, T-Mobile is taking a shot at AT&T's misleading 5GE label: "The Phone BoothE is an evolution towards the new world of mobility. Like many in the tech and wireless industry today, we decided that by adding an "E" to the name, you would know it's a real technology evolution."  Although this is an April Fools' Day joke, T-Mobile has actually built the Phone BoothE and deployed them in select locations around New York City, Seattle, and Washington, DC, where anyone will be able to use them. The company on Monday also revealed the T-Mobile Phone BoothE Mobile EditionE, which is more in line with a straightforward April Fools' Day hoax, as it's "literally a magenta cardboard box with a hole in it."  While the actual site disappeared after April 1, the archived version can be seen here. X-Ray vision Nokia 9 PureView
UPDATE: Getting ready for go-live! pic.twitter.com/ijsAXz8QhG
— Juho Sarvikas (@sarvikas) April 1, 2019
The Nokia 9 PureView has plenty of cameras on its back, but did you know that the black sensor isn’t a 3D ToF camera but rather an X-Ray sensor? Can be unlocked with the new Nokia X-Ray app in Play Store "Digi-U" from Ericsson Digital
We announce a new innovation from our @EricssonDigital team - a Digi-ize yourself app called: "Digi-U". This app is available for download to your smart phone and within 10 minutes you will have transformed yourself into a mini-me hologram. For more: #HappyAprilFoolsDay :-) pic.twitter.com/iCDiU1lHhj
— Ericsson Digital (@EricssonDigital) April 1, 2019
Parallel Wireless Adds AMPS (1G) Capabilities to Their Unified ALL G Architecture
From the press release: Worlds First Fully Virtualized AMPS (vAMPS) to enable Modernization and Cost Savings Parallel Wireless vAMPS is compatible with: Total Access Communications Systems (TACS) in the U.K.; Nordic Mobile Telephone (NMT) System in Scandinavia; C450 in Germany; and NTT System in Japan, among others, and will allow global operators to modernize their 1G infrastructure. The 1G vAMPS solution is also software upgradable to vD-AMPS, for operators who wish to follow that path.
Truphone foldable SIM (F-SIM) for Foldable Smartphones
From Truphone website:
F-SIM – the foldable SIM – designed especially for the new foldable smartphones and tablets demonstrated at this February’s MWC Barcelona, including Huawei’s Mate X and Samsung’s Galaxy Fold. Widely tipped as the next generation in SIM technology, the foldable SIM works on minute hinges that allow it to fold smaller than any previous SIM form factor. Made specifically for foldable phones and other devices, Truphone’s latest innovation fulfils on its broader brand promise to engineer better connections between things, people and business—anywhere in the world. The F-SIM comes in ‘steel grey’ and, for only £5 more, ‘hot pink’. Pricing structures vary depending on data, storage, roaming charges and device model. Google Screen Cleaner in the Files app
Mother of All USB-C Hubs for Apple Macbook - HyperDrive Ultimate Ultimate Hub
The Mother of All USB-C Hubs for Apple Macbook - HyperDrive Ultimate Hub with built-in battery, speaker, 3.5" floppy disk drive, parallel, serial, PS/2, AT ports & 40 other ports from @Hyper - https://t.co/KpbZflRDcY #AprilFoolsDay #AprilFools2019 #AprilFools pic.twitter.com/xLIGXLcr8G
— 3G4G (@3g4gUK) April 2, 2019
Other funny April Fools jokes:
Captain Marvel Universal Pager
Polite Car Horn from Honda Canada
Duolingo Push
Shutterstock Announces Plans to Build World’s Largest Brick-and-Mortar Library
Parody Apple Ad: "The Sound Gardener"
Audible for Fish
Logitech Hamsters
Nissin/HyperX Limited Edition Cup Noodle Headphones
Roku Press Paws Remote for Pets
OnePlus Warp Car - Los Angeles to Las Vegas on a single 20 minute charge
Google Tulip: Decoding the language of flowers
Introducing Waymo Pet - a self-driving service for pets
Nvidia R.O.N.: The world's first AI powered virtual gaming assistant.
One of the funniest jokes is Qualcomm's HandSolo that was released back in 1998. You may enjoy watching here.
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from My Updates http://blog.3g4g.co.uk/2019/04/some-interesting-april-fools-day-2019.html
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weekinethereum · 6 years
December 1, 2018
News and Links
Layer 1 - Eth PoW
Lane’s notes on the Ethereum 1.0 improvements call -- the nomenclature Eth1.x is deprecated
Péter Szilágyi: chain pruning for long term 1.0 viability
ewasm proposal for Eth 1.0
A rough proposal for storage management fees. Discussion at FEM and two at Ethresearch: one and two
Layer 1 - Eth2
What’s New in Eth2
Eth2 implementers call. in lieu of notes, agenda
Prysmatic’s biweekly update - explanations of both new cross-shard approach and STARK-friendly hash functions, refactoring to single state, BLS implementation and much more
Lighthouse fortnightly update: Alex Stokes joins, spec updates, etc
Encumberments: instant cross-shard payments over slow cross-shard
VB: A minimal state execution proposal
A Tale of Two Ethers explainer.
Notes from Eth 2.0 Q&A in Prague
An ELI5 on how Eth2 landed on 32 ETH to be a validator
Layer 2
Latest state channel call. Penultimate state channels call
Raiden v0.18
Plasma Prime PoC client
A sketch for a STARK-based accumulator. Or Vitalik’s ELI5 on Reddit
OmiseGo Plasma update
Stuff for developers
PubSub pattern using Solidity 0.5.0
Use Whisper in Embark tutorial
Quick Formality update from Victor Maia. [Formality is kin to Haskell.]
Compound releases documentation for devs to earn interest on eth/tokens
Comparing GUN, OrbitDB and Scuttlebutt
AragonOS 4: refining our framework for production
Import Ethereum state to use on local chain
Elixir implementation of Ethereum’s RLP encoding
Ahken: Eth aware automatic IPFS pinning PoC
Writing a Truebit task in Rust
Octopus security analysis tool for wasm, EVM and some centralized chains
Native Meta Transactions: signed message recovery integrated in contracts
Remix 0.7.5 released with solidity 0.5 support, plus some cool plugins
Chart over time of Eth locked up in DeFi (note: Maker off by default)
MyCrypto is doing an Advent-style calendar of security tips with prizes
How to easily import your Medium articles into Kauri
Interview with Shawn Wilkinson on Storj’s current approach to decentralized storage
Joe Lubin’s tweetstorm overview of the Ethereum ecosystem
Two great client releases. Update now
Geth v1.8.19 trie read cache for 15% faster full-sync speed and 30% faster in-sync processing and Swarm v0.3.7. Also, Swarm’s Kubernetes setup is now open source
Parity Ethereum v2.2.2 beta - lower the uncle rate allowing higher gas limit. warp sync reuses local info to reduce required data to sync. and 2.1.7 stable
Parity CTO Fredrik Harrysson interviews Geth lead dev Péter Szilágyi for Zero Knowledge
Live on mainnet
Gnosis Safe is on mainnet - Android app (download link. iOS coming soon). Big step forward in UX and multi-sig availability, though obviously you should wait for it to be battle tested before committing large sums. (RuntimeVerification’s formal verification is in process)
Mintable: easily mint and manage your ERC721 nfty tokens
Ethertify: certification platform for IP rights and document signing
Aztec: working zero knowledge proof for confidential transactions on mainnet. Send Maker’s Dai to a contract, then withdraw to another address. The addresses are public, but the amounts are not. Roadmap includes: anonymous voting for governence mechanics, anonymous identity schemes and zero knowledge exchange
Amazon announces QLDB (one party owns the chain/database) and Managed Blockchain (multiple nodes) for Ethereum and Fabric
At same event, Kaleido announced consortium plans
Trends in enterprise blockchain
Excel to blockchain with web3j
Governance and Standards
Polkadot: never fork again
Giveth’s Unicorn DAC non-hierarchical governance experiment
ERC1630: hashed time-lock standard
Application layer
Ocean Protocol’s v0.2 Trilobite testnet release - data access control, secure compute via fitchain
Capbridge and ConsenSys working on a Singaporean security token exchange
Management and performance fees in a Melon fund
A look under the hood of Mysterium’s decentralized VPN
Streamr open sources their front end, Solidity code and event watcher
upbloc: curated periodic publishing platform, live on Ropsten
FedEx to work with XYO to build out proof of location
More on Etherisc, Aon and Oxfam’s crop insurance for Sri Lankan rice farmers
Interviews, Podcasts, Videos, Talks
Justin Drake on Epicenter
Luke Mulks AMA on Brave Ads and he tells us about all the ways we’re being tracked
Pokt Network’s Michael O’Rourke & Luis C. de Leon on Hashing It Out
Hudson Jameson on the inaugural edition of Eric Conner’s podcast
Tokens / Business / Regulation
Sina Habibian: tokenizing real estate
Harbor’s security token platform launched with 20m equity in South Carolina student housing
A CFTC primer on “smart contracts”
Chris Burniske reports that SEC Chair Clayton confirmed that ETH and BTC are not securities, but refused to comment about Ripple.
SEC announced settlements with Floyd Mayweather and DJ Khaled for touting shady sales and not disclosing it
US Treasury sanctions 2 Bitcoin addresses associated with ransomware in Iran
NEAR Protocol open sources its client; uses Typescript for its smart contracts. IDE live. (headsup: I’m an investor)
Zilliqa’s v3 testnet is live in advance of targeted Jan 31 mainnet launch. (As said before, I own some)
Trail of Bits: 10 Rules for Hardware Wallets
Buterin/Weyl: Central planning as overfitting
Jerome de Tychey’s recap and lessons learned of last year’s EthCC has me pumped for 2019.
Holocracy founder on crypto network organization
University of Basel gives Vitalik Buterin an honorary doctorate
Scuttlebutt’s Dominic Tarr statement on a hack that happened because he transferred control of a widely-used module to an attacker who inserted code to steal crypto. Always check your dependencies.
The hack above highlighted lack of incentive for open source maintainers, which is part of what Gitcoin highlights in their roadmap for financial open source sustainability. A different approach: the ZeppelinOS ecosystem of secure code
Dates of Note
Upcoming dates of note:
Dec 7-9 - ETHSingapore hackathon (ETHGlobal)
Dec 9 - Neufund equity token offering(closes after a week)
Jan 10 - Mobi Grand Challenge hackathon ends
Jan 29-30 - AraCon (Berlin)
Feb 7-8 - Melonport’s M1 conf (Zug)
Feb 15-17 - ETHDenver hackathon (ETHGlobal)
Feb 23-25 - EthAustin hackathon (EthUniversal)
Mar 5-7 - EthCC (Paris)
Mar 27 - Infura end of legacy key support (Jan 23 begins Project ID prioritization)
If you appreciate this newsletter, thank ConsenSys
This newsletter is made possible by ConsenSys, which is perpetually hiring if you’re interested.
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I own Week In Ethereum. Editorial control has always been 100% me.  If you're unhappy with editorial decisions or anything that I have written in this issue, feel free to tweet at me.
Housekeeping and shilling
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I set a goal to grow the subscriber base of this newsletter to 10000 by the end of the year. It’s at 7960 now. I need more people to double subscribe with Stoop so I can hit my vanity metric.
Link:  http://www.weekinethereum.com/post/180709823708/december-1-2018
Most of what I link to I tweet first: @evan_van_ness
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Entry 1 Preparedness prior to commencing the internship and assimilation into the organisational culture
To say I was a little nervous prior to my first day with either of my intern partners would be a gross understatement. It wasn’t so much fear, but more apprehension and excitement to some extent. The interview process was all our partners could remember us by but I guess that gave me confidence and reassurance that they chose me and have faith in what I can contribute to their workplace. I felt as prepared as I could be.
Anjum (2020) states that internships are the ideal place for students to implement their skills learnt through study, into the professional workplace under supervision. This idea certainly fits my profile, however, I questioned whether my studies were enough to have me prepared. Hay et al (2012) puts forward the notion that study and work expectations are two completely different landscapes. As much as I thought student life had its challenges, Hay et al (2020) questioned my workplace readiness. How was I going to manage multiple tasks where others relied on me? How flexible and supportive will my supervisors be? Will I be treated just like any another payed staff member? And will it be sink or swim? I had all these questions running through my head which was not ideal leading up to my first day. Thankfully, Loretto (2019) reminded me that, all these questions I was asking of myself would be answered in time. The internship will provide me with the ability to develop both my personal and professional skills. It will teach me varying degrees of flexibility. It will teach me to understand my place and expectations within the organisation and whether I’ll sink or swim. I hope it’s the latter.
When it came to organisational culture, I was excited about assimilating quickly whilst learning new beliefs and values. Working within the turf industry for six years now, my awareness and understanding of different workplace cultures was limited and further exposure was needed. Based on my interview, teamwork was highly valued at both GolfBarons and Amy Gillett Foundation. This was an area of strength for mine, however, I wanted to understand more about their motivations. Watkins (2013) suggests that specific goals and motivations can help shape organisational culture. Once I understand these factors I feel my expectations and the expectations of me will become clearer.
Organisational culture doesn’t only reflect the values of a workplace but also symbols and meaning (Alvesson 2013). Before even knowing a single staff member or reading a mission statement, the Amy Gillett Foundation has two symbols that reflect their culture. One being the colour pink which resembles love and harmony, as well as their slogan “Stronger Together” which projects unity and the power of people. This became important to me as it allowed me to generate a deeper connection towards the organisation. Knowing what the organisation represents will allow me to relate and motivate myself. I know its not going to be easy. It’s a challenge I’m hoping I’ll embrace but also know that mistakes will be made along the journey, however, I’m going to need to be ok with that in order to learn, progress and adapt.
Alvesson, M 2013, ‘Understanding Organisational Culture’, Sage Journals, second edition, viewed 28 September 2020.   https://books.google.com.au/books?hl=en&lr=&id=BDsV8eHp0_MC&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=organizational+culture&ots=761haovMBD&sig=0j8n5sc_esXWwFPx2NH3iU8J90I&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=organizational%20culture&f=false
Watkins, M 2013, ‘What Is Organizational Culture? And Why Should We Care?’, Harvard Business Review, 15 May 2013, viewed 28 September 2020. https://hbr.org/2013/05/what-is-organizational-culture
Lorreto, P 2019, ‘Internship Expectations’, thebalancecareers.com, 27 September 2019, viewed 28 September 2020. https://www.thebalancecareers.com/internship-expectations-1986797
Hay, K, Franklin, L, Hardyment, A 2012, ‘From student to employee: A conversation about transition and readiness for practice in a statutory social work organisation’, Social Work 2012, New Zealand Government, 21 June 2012, viewed 28 September 2020. https://thehub.swa.govt.nz/assets/documents/42869_swn50june12.4-11_0.pdf
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teesunflowerus · 5 years
I’m not short i’m just more down to earth than most people shirt
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Pro life seems to be vastly about religion. Many of I’m not short i’m just more down to earth than most people shirt. So the “life begins at conception” idea is irrelevant to us.Why on earth would we ever be expected to share such mediaeval ideas. …and by the way…men….this is not your argument so keep out of it. Last time I asked my husband, he still had no uterus… So it’s simple guys…don’t ejaculate inside women…then you’ll have no problem! I hear of very few gay men who preach pro life to women!
I’m not short i’m just more down to earth than most people shirt, Sweater, Ladie Tee, Vneck, Bellaflowy, Kids Shirt, Unisex and Tank Top, T-shirt
Buy it Now: https://teesunflower.com/trend/im-not-short-im-just-more-down-to-earth-than-most-people-shirt/
Home page: https://teesunflower.com/
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teesunflowerus · 5 years
I see your true colors & that’s why i love you sign language shirt
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Marion Robinson who told you all these glorious facts??? Where did you get all this info? I’m a biologist and they teach the classes about this differently than what you say, What is your fount of I see your true colors & that’s why i love you sign language shirt?? Oh the Bible you say? Oh. Ok then get your religion off my body! You DO NOT get to decide when life starts, get yourself off your high moral ground and join the rest of us down here living in nasty dirty reality. Ever had an unwanted pregnancy? Answer me honestly. Because if not, sit down and let he people with experience educate you.
I see your true colors & that’s why i love you sign language shirt, Sweater, Ladie Tee, Vneck, Bellaflowy, Kids Shirt, Unisex and Tank Top, T-shirt
Buy it Now: https://teesunflower.com/trend/i-see-your-true-colors-thats-why-i-love-you-sign-language-shirt/
Home page: https://teesunflower.com/
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