#educate the m6
mermaidchan05 · 7 months
Vesuvia Weekly: "We're going to Disney World!"
(Insert "When You Wish Upon a Star" audio here)
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I guess this one kinda looks like the "explaining our world to the M6" prompt if you squint?
Yeah I don't know how to explain the real world to people in the real world, so... imagine a scenario where the M6 has somehow been transported to our world, and then introduced to movies. And upon being introduced to Disney movies specifically, clearly the next step is a trip to Disney World. Here's some headcanon bullets for how I think a trip with the four main LI's I write for and their loves would go!
Julian (and Damian)
Julian is living.
Seriously this is one of the best days of his life.
He knows theater magic, and he just stepped onto the world's biggest interactive stage.
It's extra magical with Damian there.
Thanks to Damian (who is a gamer at heart), Julian now knows as much about computers as he possibly can, so “this ride goes this way because of a computer command” makes perfect sense to him and it is wonderful. 
He was very nervous about going on the Haunted Mansion at first, and if he had just gone unprepared he would have hated it. But he had Damian by his side, and Damian has all the behind-the-scenes information. He’s talking Julian through every single trick and story concept, and it is fascinating. 
Julian is entranced by the Pepper’s Ghost effect now and he’s going to try it out the second he gets home. 
Get this man on Pirates of the Caribbean, stat!
Julian sees Flynn Rider in the parade and starts rambling about whether or not he could pull off a part like that. 
(oh no now everyone is going to be introduced to the idea of cosplay...) 
Asra (and Meleia)
Best day of their life Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Asra practically needs one of those child leash backpacks he is looking at everything.
There is so much to see and so much to do and everything is beautiful and fascinating and you walk down the street and end up in an entirely different world...
It's practically as fun as exploring the Magical Realms. And here he has sights and activities and food that he's never even dreamed of.
But the best part for him is just reveling in Meleia’s joy.
Meleia loves Disney. She loves Disney World. And she adores sharing all of her favorite rides and shows and restaurants with Asra. 
And Asra loves seeing her so happy. The two of them are basically wrapped up in an endless feedback loop of childlike wonder and whimsy and it’s incredible. 
While they see the benefit of skipping the lines, Asra can also thoroughly enjoy just interacting with all the fun queues. Catch them almost stalling the line to spot every single one of Tinkerbell’s hiding spots and play with his own shadow in the Peter Pan’s Flight queue.  
(Since it's his favorite Disney movie according to the og devs) Asra absolutely goes on a hunt for every single possible piece of Emperor’s New Groove merchandise he can find. Comes out with a surprising amount of it despite no one else actually seeing anything. Where did this come from, Asra? 
Collects those little plushies with magnets that can sit on your shoulder. Has a new Shoulder Buddy for every day of the trip.
Nadia (featuring a brief appearence by Portia and Chimalus)
Nadia is the Ultimate Planner
She loves puzzles, she knows all about how to organize people, and the gang just dropped the world’s biggest organization puzzle right in front of her. 
She is on it. 
There’s a long list of things that everyone wants to see? And they have a limited time to do it all? No problem.
She did the research. She found the best possible times to get everything done. And now she has a color-coded schedule, complete with contingency plans. 
She could have just done one of those fancy VIP tour things, but this is much more fun. 
She knows exactly how to Navigate the parks despite never being there before.
Disney World has a gift shop practically around every corner. This is the perfect place to spoil all of her friends.
She will find a way to secretly buy things for everyone. Sometimes even while they are all exploring the same store.
Gets the perfect fancy dining reservations.
Absolutely sets aside time for people to break off into smaller groups.
Since she knows that Chimalus doesn't do loud noises, and Portia desperately wants to see the fireworks, Nadia would absolutely book one of those fancy Dinner and Fireworks experiences where you can admire the show from a safer distance while also enjoying delicious food.
She makes several mental notes for the next Masquerade. New goal: Outdo Disney. If anyone can pull it off, it's Nadia.
Portia (featuring a brief mention of Chimalus)
One might think Portia would be the second person you’d want to give a child leash-backpack to, but no.
She’s not going anywhere without "dragging" as many people alongside her as she can.  
In a beautiful world where the original Fastpass system is still in place (because it was scientifically proven to be the Best One) Portia is the one running to the kiosks to get The Perfect Fastpass.  
This girl has never been on a trip like this, but she has still somehow mastered the art of the Disney World Mom Bag.
Ponchos for the rain? In there. Bandaids? Covered. Snacks and water bottles? Oh, absolutely. 
She even brought ear protection for Chimalus, so nothing could stop them from enjoying every experience.
Absolutely cries over the fireworks.  
She has also discovered the joy of a camera. She will find time to take the best possible pictures of everyone, and no one knows how she pulls it off.
For Portia, this isn’t just a place where all those fun new movies she’s just learned about comes to life, it’s the place where some of her favorite childhood stories are actually real. And she loves it.  
Has about a million ideas for writing her own books when she gets home. Chimalus highly encourages this and can't wait to read what she comes up with.
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vesuviaweekly · 7 months
Vesuvia Weekly: Prompt for February 21 - March 6
You voted, and here it is!
MC explaining our world to the M6
With that, the "cooking class" prompt is officially closed!
The tags are the usual #vesuvia weekly and for this specific prompt, #educate the M6. The masterlist for all works submitted for this prompt will be under the poll for next week :D
"We're going to Disney World!" by @mermaidchan05
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The Arcana HCs: What M6 get from their parents
~ for the Vesuvia Weekly prompt, "I see where you got it from"! ~
For someone who's never claimed to be a sailor, he sure spends a lot of time at sea and dreaming about future boats
It's much less surprising when he starts talking about the few hazy memories he has of being the oldest son of merchant parents. His early childhood was spent playing above and below decks
Which explains his specific brand of wanderlust pretty well. Instead of it being a boredom with the mundane or a fear of commitment, it's this deep sense of himself as a global citizen
He's happiest in marketplaces and finding his family among odd groups of people from all over the world, what can he say??
Not to mention his "if I can't find what I need here, maybe I just need to try somewhere else" mentality when it comes to problem solving. Need more education? Time to visit a new country!
It would make sense for his natural aptitude with learning new languages, forming quick connections, and creating collaborations to have come from fairly successful merchant parents as well
Whether that's also where he got his godawful cooking skills from, or whether that's just a "him" thing, remains up for debate
You learned it pretty quickly after meeting them - you know exactly where that constant, almost insatiable curiosity comes from
That, and the tendency to have a new thought, forget the current conversation, and trail off into disjointed mumbles as said thought gets rapidly unpacked and explored from several angles
If Salim is who Asra gets his brain from, Aisha is where he got his spirit. That stubborn hope and determined dedication to care for who he loves? He got that from the women who looked the Devil dead in the eye and told him to leave her child alone or else
You can also see a lot of the way Asra relates to you in the way their parents relate to each other. It's that easy, intuitive comfort of shedding pretenses from the get go and embracing uniqueness
Why bother trying to show off what you're good at, when you could try something new together instead? Sure they could give you a tour of their gate - or Salim could give his experimental magic a test run now that you're around to help out!
Not to mention how all three of them seem to know healing magic
And they all love a good cup of tea
She could spend hours telling you exactly how unlike her sisters and parents she is, but let's be real. Satrinava genes are strong and you could pick one out of a crowd any day
The intelligence levels she couldn't hide if she tried? Check
The absolute perfection of her fashion choices? Check
The habit she can't turn off of looking not just at you but through you with a kind of perceptive, piercing gaze that has no intention of telling you what she's figuring out about you? Also check
(Seriously, every member of her family does it nonstop and at this point you're wondering if you should just give up all your secrets)
The tendency to approach any problem or conflict by openly stating her own opinion/perspective first? Check
The down-to-earth openmindedness that you have to actually talk to her to discover? Check. Nazali seems to be the one exception, but you're pretty sure that's after years of traveling around
The immediate need to take responsibility for whatever's going on, or more accurately, going wrong? Check
Somehow always smells nice? Check
There was a lot about Muriel that you thought was "just Muriel" until you made that trip South together and saw all the subtle ways he became more grounded in himself
Nobody's concerned about taking up too much space in vast tundra. No wonder he always seemed to feel cramped
It also seemed a bit counterintuitive for such a minimalist furnace of a man to own a veritable pile of furs until you walked into Khamgalai's hut. He might not remember it, but he probably spent his first few years wrapped and dressed in them
Not to mention his tendency to fill his space with earthy, herbal smells to the point of carrying pouches of it with him. There were dried foraged plants all over the rafters there
What eventually came to be one of his strongest ties, though, was his craftsmanship. How someone who disliked frivolous things did so much detail was beyond you, until you saw those tapestries
And, of course, the remnants of years of nomadic movement in his need to spend hours at a time outside every day, keeping a steady pace through the forest to assure himself that all is well
This didn't spring out at you from her the way it did from her brother, but Portia has a capacity for dramatics that she does a deviously excellent job of downplaying
Sure, she seems considerably better adjusted and grounded than he does, and sure, her tendency to compensate for the unique needs of her loved ones shows up in being hypercompetent
But you're certain at this point that at least one of her parents was a hell of an actor/dramatist. You've watched how easily she can put on whatever face she needs to accomplish what she wants
Not to mention the love of stories and art of storytelling. You know you're at a Devorak gathering when both you and half the other people in the area are totally drawn in to a fond memory retelling
You can also see the makings of traveling merchants in her job as Vesuvia's ambassador. It's almost scary how easily she makes herself at home spending months at sea, going place to place
And both scary and awe-inspiring when she finds herself locked in negotiations. Whether with a marketplace stall owner, or a stubborn noble with an import she wants, she's indomitable
Honestly, beyond their physical similarities, it's pretty hard at first to see all the ways in which Lucio takes after his mother
They're both such strong products of their environment. Morga is stern, stonefaced, and (to put it bluntly) stingy, but she takes accountability beyond her means and always faces hard choices
Lucio is the opposite. Loud, expressive, flamboyant, unconcerned with discipline or rules, terrified of hard choices or accountability, and (when he's not under duress) generous to a fault
The first place you saw it? Their dismissiveness, unfortunately
As soon as it's not something they understand or relate to, they both lose interest in talking about it and tend to be quick to brush it aside, often without pausing to consider other's feelings first
Not to mention how quickly both of them jump to using aggression to express themselves. You can tell it's got a whole lot more to do with how intensely they feel things than any bad intentions
But the trait you learn they share most is what you take the longest to notice: quiet, unassuming protection as a subconscious love language. They'll always keep watch when you're vulnerable
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Too late, too tired, too pointlessly caffeinated given the time it is here but nonetheless I have a dumbsmut idea and im gonna write it bc my blog my rules
SO HERE IS A PERSONAL 100% ACCURATE RANK OF [♤!!!dongs ahead!!!♤]
HOW good the M6 are at chugging juicy whole eggplant salads
Worst to best ofc
Nadia- she overthinks it. Surely spent lot of time educating herself from big books about vegetables, yet goes for too complex, too unnecessary recipes. 3/10 sorry queen
Muriel - Not too experienced, yet has a good big mouth for big spoonfuls of crunchy fresh carrots, great endurance also. 5/10
Lucio - takes it as a personal challenge to open wide his big hangar for this tasty healty snack. Not his favorite (I mean, who likes to snack on raw veggies? A lot of ppl apparently tbh god bless them), but really needs to be told he's a good big boy at finishinf his plate. 6.5/10. Good boy.
Portia - well, we all know that she has a garden she plants, care and -her favourite- harvest herself, and everyone knows that the more care it's put into getting something, the more it is appreciated when consumed. Lovely face too. 7.5/10
Asra - Clearly a vegetarian, they spends most of their time enjoying hard veggies. So very gluttonous. Has great care of presentation too, they always prepare the table, room, light, complimentary clothes and incense, everything. Dining at Asra's a fine experience, 8/10
Julian - you should really research what cabin boys used to do on pirate ships. Involves leecheless barrels. 10/10, greates slut of them all, we love him.
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sxftkxssxs · 1 year
Hi I've been reading your headcanons lately and they are great! I was wondering if we get an arcana m6 with a deaf-mute MC who uses sign language?
Of course! I'm not the most educated on sign language but if there's anything wrong mentioned in here just let me know and I'll fix it!! :)
Deaf/Mute MC who uses Sign Language
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You were the reason he learned sign language
If you’re deaf, He wanted to make things easier for you to communicate with others and vise versa
If you’re mute, he’ll act as a translator for people who can’t understand sign language
Faust can try all she wants to, her tail can only make so much sense (it's cute that she tries)
Asra likely teaches Muriel some sign language as well, for when he comes to the shop or needs to understand what you’re saying
Loves to trace words and symbols on your skin!! He definitely does it while you hold hands.
He loosely knows some sign language.
He's had to treat patients who can't communicate with their voice or hear him before.
You might have to teach him more formal words or phrases, but you two would definitely be able to communicate right away.
He definitely knows every curse word possible in sign language. It was the first thing he learned
He'll try to translate what anyone around you is saying, and often adds word you definitely know that person wouldn’t say to make you laugh
She’ll learn very quickly once she learns you might need her to communicate more that way
(Side note: she moves her hands in the most elegant way, it's crazy.)
If a courtier were to make a hurtful statement about you communicating this way, Nadia would have them removed immediately 
She'll help translate anything Nobles or the Courtiers say, especially once you're an important role in the palace.
he doesn’t talk much either way, and before he learned sign he would’ve just vaguely gestured what he meant
Asra force teaches him eventually, for when Muriel checks on the shop
he uses much more blunt signs, and probably very simple ones most of the time
Once you two get closer he spends time learning sign <33
Muriel traces words on the back of your hand when he’s nervous
She’s very understanding! Though you might have to teach her how to communicate with sign language,
She learns very quickly! and she’s so into it <33
teach her curse words. she’ll definitely enjoy learning those
signs to herself a lot!! either to learn or say something she probably shouldn’t out loud
Once you teach her some sign language she might ask her brother to hold conversations with her to help her be more fluent
If we’re talking before he ever liked you, yeah, he’s not learning all of that.
He’s the count! You should figure out a way to communicate with him instead of the other way around.
Once he starts to enjoy your company (and you.) He’ll come around.
He tries to surprise you with it, but he ends up spoiling it.
You’ll have to teach him quite a bit, and it will take a while, but he’ll get it!
He’s very aggressive with his hands, you can tell very easily when he’s angry or excited
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Is 6.5% enough?
Today, there was a leak in the Times that said the independent body who make recommendations on teacher pay has recommended a pay rise of 6.5% for teachers in England for September. Obviously, we don’t know all the details, and funding is a key issue, but is 6.5% enough to save education?
Anecdata, but I recently met up with some friends from my teacher training course. We’re close to hitting the 5 year mark- by which point 1/3 of teachers apparently quit. Except I’m going to be the only one out of five of us teaching in England in September, an attrition rate of 80%. And I don’t think that attrition rate is so unusual, any more.
Right now, on one of the main websites which schools use to advertise vacancies, there are over 12,000 teaching/education jobs being advertised in England. It’s very roughly one vacancy for every two schools. These vacancies won’t be evenly distributed between all schools, so there will be schools in September with huge staff shortages. It’s not an exaggeration to say education is in crisis.
If we got 6.5% (and if it were funded, ensuring all teachers could receive the pay rise), would it make any difference? It’s lower than inflation, after all, and many of the things that we regularly need to buy have gone up by more than inflation in the past year.
As a brief explanation, most teachers in England are paid according to one pay scale. People get a bit more in Inner/outer London and the surrounding areas, but otherwise there’s one set of pay for the whole country. All teachers progress from the starting point M1, to M6, usually at the rate of one pay point a year. The 6.5% would be added on to all of these paypoints.
6.5% would bring M1 (the starting pay point for most qualified teachers) very close to the original Tory promise of a £30,000 starting salary for teachers. At the top of the main pay scale- M6 (which is the point at the pay scale where this would have most impact) it would increase salaries by over £2000 to £41, 332. This would be noticeable in pay packets, enough to reduce people’s financial stresses- which can enable them to cope better with a stressful working environment.
I know some of you will say £40k is a lot, but bear in mind we are talking about a postgraduate qualified professional with at least 6 years of experience. For someone with a chemistry, physics or maths degree, that could be their starting salary in industry. It’s about equivalent to the average salary of a pharmacist. In a capitalist system, pay has to be competitive.  
After M6, to increase your pay, you either need to get onto the “upper pay scale” or take on an extra responsibility payment known as a TLR. Getting on to the upper pay scale used to be relatively automatic, but now it’s much harder. It can certainly take people two or three years to progress from M6 to upper pay scale, and you’re expected to take on “whole school responsibilities” which can amount to a lot of extra work, with not that much of an increase in pay. Increasingly, in England, teacher pay is capped at M6, although there are a lot of older teachers who are on the upper pay scale, and sometimes, they find themselves getting pushed out because they are too expensive. If you move schools, there’s no guarantee of getting a UPS pay point at the new school.
TLRs are even worse in many ways. This is the way that people like heads of department and heads of year are paid. It’s a figure set by your school, within a national range, and there’s no consistency between schools. A Head of Science in one school may get £5000, whilst another only gets £3000. It’s worth noting that it’s also much harder to get a TLR in primary. Because TLRs are often the only way to increase your pay, a lot of people rush to take them on, sometimes in the second or third year of teaching. This often leads to burnout, because people take on massive responsibilities before they are ready, and the consequences can be damaging to everyone around them as well.
I do think 6.5% might be just enough to keep some people who are looking elsewhere from leaving. But the main reason people leave is often work related stress, often euphemistically called “workload”, which is largely being driven by the collapse in other services such as social services, the NHS and social care. “Workload” is also often made worse by being in a short staffed department, so it becomes a vicious cycle. I’ll write more about workload in another post.
However, the point is, the profession is on the brink of collapse. I really do believe that. I think the only way to save education would be to tempt a lot of the recent leavers back in. And 6.5% won’t be enough to do that. I don’t think 10% would be enough to do that. Without tackling the systemic problems within teaching, and without a pay system that really rewards classroom teachers doing the key, every day job that makes education functional, pay increases that don’t even match inflation aren’t enough.
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ptbf2002 · 1 year
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Minions Rate Baby Shows
Original Meme Template: https://www.deviantart.com/funnytime77/art/Minions-don-t-want-what-anymore-677029158
Despicable Me Belongs To Sergio Pablos, Cinco Paul, Ken Daurio, Illumination, Universal Pictures, Universal City Studios LLC Comcast Corporation, NBCUniversal Film and Entertainment, And NBCUniversal Media, LLC
Wild Kratts Belongs To Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt, Kratt Brothers Company, 9 Story Entertainment Inc. 9 Story Media Group Inc. Knowledge Network, Knowledge Network Corporation, Télé-Québec, TVOKids, TVOParents, TVOntario, PBS Kids, PBS Kids Go! And Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Fishtronaut Belongs To Célia Catunda, Kiko Mistrorigo, TV PinGuim, Tooncan Productions, Knowledge Network, Knowledge Network Corporation, Yoopa, Groupe TVA Inc. Breakthrough Entertainment, Millimages Distribution, Discovery Kids, Discovery Latin America, Discovery Networks International, Discovery, Inc. And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Magiki Belongs To Eryk Casemiro, Cyril Deydier, Pegbar Animation, Animasia Studio, Rainbow S.P.A. Paramount Media Networks, Inc. Paramount Global, DeAgostini Publishing Italy S.P.A. DeAgostini Editore S.P.A. DeAKids, DeA Junior, DeAgostini S.P.A. DeAPlaneta Kids And Family, DeAPlaneta Entertainment, Télé Images Productions, Zodiak Kids Studios France, Banijay, Ketchup TV, KidsMe S.R.L. Gulli, TiJi, Metropole Télévision S.A. Groupe M6, Frisbee, Switchover Media, Discovery Italia S.R.L. Discovery Networks Italia, Discovery Networks EMEA, Discovery Networks International, Discovery, Inc. And Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc.
Bluey Belongs To Joe Brumm, Ludo Studio, Screen Australia, Screen Queensland Studios, BBC Studios, ABC Kids (Australia), ABC Television (Australian TV network), Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), CBeebies, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Disney+, Disney Junior, Disney–ABC Domestic Television, Disney Branded Television, Disney General Entertainment Content, Disney Media and Entertainment Distribution, Disney Entertainment, And The Walt Disney Company
Arthur Belongs To Marc Brown, Animation Services Hong Kong, Hero4Hire Creative, CINAR Productions Inc. CINAR Films Inc. CINAR Corporation, Cookie Jar Entertainment Inc. DHX Cookie Jar Inc. WildBrain Ltd. 9 Story Media Group Inc. Oasis Animation inc. WGBH-TV Channel 2, WGBH Educational Foundation, PBS Kids, PBS Distribution, And Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Barney & Friends Belongs To Sheryl Leach, Kathy Parker, Dennis DeShazer, Lyons Partnership, L.P. Connecticut Public Television, Connecticut Public Broadcasting, Inc. Lyrick Studios, HIT Entertainment Limited, Mattel Television, Mattel, Inc. WNET-TV Channel 13 New York, The WNET Group, PBS Kids, PBS Distribution, And Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
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privatedrugrehab · 2 years
Private Drug Rehab
Private Drug Rehab is a leading drug treatment center in the United Kingdom. They provide private rehabilitation and detox care, as well as outpatient treatment services. Whether your addiction is to heroin, cocaine, benzos or alcohol, their clinical team provides the most effective and clinically proven treatment. They have an on-site pharmacy for any drugs you may need during your stay.
Why Private Drug Rehab is the best choice
1. No hidden fees
The average length of treatment at Private Drug Rehab is 28 days. Their cost per day per person is £1,000, plus a £50 registration fee. In addition to the cost of your stay, you will also pay for the drugs you use (if applicable). This will be taken directly from your bank account. We only charge what the NHS would have paid for your treatment, which is approximately £1,200 per week
2. No committal clauses
The other major private drug rehabs in the UK use committal clauses to ensure that you don’t leave before the end of your treatment. These clauses are legally binding and you have to pay for the days you have missed if you leave even one day before your treatment ends. This isn’t fair or right, especially when an addict is getting clean and sober.
3. A credible recovery plan
Private Drug Rehab treatment involves medication and individual therapy sessions, group therapy, educational workshops, family interventions and relapse prevention – all in a secure environment where you will be free from any unnecessary distractions. We will also provide a recovery plan specific to your needs once you complete their treatment program.
4. A top-notch medical team and a great location
Private Drug Rehab is located in a picturesque rural setting, just outside the M6 motorway, and near Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and Chester. Their private detox facility is located in the grounds of their main building and most of their individual therapy rooms are located on another floor. This provides drug addicts with a peaceful environment where they can focus on getting clean, while also providing their medical staff with ease of access to all of their clients.
5. A highly qualified and proven team
Their team has a history of working in the drug rehabilitation industry. Many of their admissions and providers have over twenty years of experience. Most have worked with addicts for longer than ten years and have built a reputation from personal experience as well as through their skills in treatment, rehabilitation and recovery.
6. Reliable clinical support
Private Drug Rehab also provides on-site clinical support to help you achieve your goals for drug rehabilitation in your own time, away from hospital or clinic walls. Their dedicated clinical support manager provides weekly supervision visits to their clients for 1 hour each day.
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northeastjobs · 5 days
1 X Nursery Classroom Teacher -Northwood Primary School (Lingfield Education Trust)
Enter Organisation Name are seeking to recruit a 1 X Nursery Classroom Teacher Contract Type: Fixed Term | Working Pattern: Please see advert text | Salary: MPR (M1-M6 - £18,000 - £24,800 Actual Salary) | Advert End Date: 04/10/2024 12:00 |  http://dlvr.it/TDQQ3b
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Common Causes of a Clogged Toilet and How to Prevent Them
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A clogged toilet can be a frustrating and inconvenient plumbing issue, often leading to messy and unpleasant situations. Understanding the common causes of toilet blockages and implementing preventive measures can help you avoid such problems and maintain a smoothly running toilet. In this article, we will explore the most frequent causes of a clogged toilet and offer tips on how to prevent them.
Common Causes of a Clogged Toilet
Excessive Toilet Paper Excessive use of toilet paper is one of the leading causes of toilet clogs. Using too much toilet paper at once can overwhelm the toilet's drainage system and result in a blockage.
Foreign Objects Accidental flushing of foreign objects, such as toys, sanitary products, or paper towels, is another common cause of toilet clogs. These items do not break down easily in water and can obstruct the drain.
Flushing Non-Flushable Items Flushing non-flushable items, like dental floss, wet wipes, cotton balls, or cigarette butts, can lead to toilet clogs. These materials can accumulate and create blockages in the pipes.
Mineral Buildup Over time, mineral buildup, primarily caused by hard water, can accumulate in the toilet's trap and drain, restricting water flow and leading to clogs.
Tree Roots For outdoor toilets or toilets located in basements with outdoor access, tree roots may infiltrate the sewer line, leading to blockages in the toilet and other plumbing fixtures.
Improper Flushing Technique Using an improper flushing technique, such as a weak or partial flush, can leave waste and toilet paper behind, increasing the risk of clogs.
Preventive Measures to Avoid Toilet Clogs
Use Toilet Paper Wisely Use toilet paper in moderation. Avoid excessive use by flushing smaller amounts at a time. If you need to use a significant amount of toilet paper, consider flushing multiple times.
Avoid Flushing Foreign Objects Educate household members about what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet. Place a trash can in the bathroom for disposing of non-flushable items like dental floss, cotton balls, and sanitary products.
Install a Waste Basket Place a waste basket near the toilet to encourage proper disposal of non-flushable items. Make sure it's easily accessible and visible to users.
Choose Low-Flow Toilets Consider installing low-flow or dual-flush toilets that use less water per flush. These toilets are more efficient and can reduce the risk of clogs.
Regular Maintenance Periodically inspect the toilet for any signs of mineral buildup or damage. If you have hard water, consider using water softeners to reduce mineral accumulation in the plumbing.
Proper Flushing Technique Teach household members the importance of using the correct flushing technique. Ensure that the flush is strong enough to remove waste effectively.
Regular Plumbing Inspections Schedule regular plumbing inspections and maintenance to detect and address potential issues before they lead to clogs.
Tree Root Prevention If you have an outdoor toilet, consider installing root barriers or seeking professional assistance to prevent tree roots from infiltrating the sewer line.
Toilet clogs are common plumbing problems that can be inconvenient and messy. By being mindful of what goes down the toilet, educating household members, and implementing preventive measures, you can reduce the risk of clogs and ensure that your toilet functions smoothly. Regular maintenance and inspections can further help you identify and address potential issues before they become major problems.
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pastedpast · 11 months
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'A Lake District Farm Shop' on Channel 4 is the best thing I've watched on TV in ages. I don't usually watch much telly at all, but this weekend I've been binge-watching both series, eleven episodes in total. On paper it doesn't sound exciting: a programme following the lives and careers of people connected with a motorway services shop on the M6. But what I love about it is the passion that all those creative, talented people have for their crafts and products, and the educational aspect whereby we can follow the manufacturing processes, and perhaps learn about their history, too. There's marmalade-making, weaving, baking, cheeses, ceramics, paper and wool, rosehip cordials, honey-infused gelato, coffee beans and so much more, in a setting surrounded by nature and Cumbria's stunning landscape. The service station, with its posh gift shop, delicatessen and restaurant, has 10 million visitors a year and I am going to make sure I'm one of them as soon as I can make my way up there!
Also watched programmes about the Azores, nine volcanic, Portuguese islands found in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, and the Aleutian Islands in the Northern Pacific Ocean. Wikipedia says there are 59 of them, (and that they are also volcanic), though I'm sure the narrator said there were 110.
Also, a short but info-packed micro-documentary about the Isle of Man.
POSTSCRIPT: I've since discovered that the service station has a sister shop in Gloucester which also has its own series on telly: 'A Cotswold Farm Shop'. It features many of the characters from the Lake District shop, so it's like hooking up with old friends. I'm in clover!
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Hello! First time asking. English ia not my first language, but i'll try. Could you write about the reaction of the m6, especially Muriel, to finding a kid with the same traumas as them, and them adopting them with MC? I especially am curiouse about Muriel with a kid that was taken frim their parents to be sold around.
Thats It, thank you very much, your work os incredible!
The Arcana Mini-HCs: M6 find a child with the same trauma as them
Julian: takes in a gangly teenager he found sleeping in a Temple District library because he was left orphaned and didn't want to be a burden on resources that younger kids could use. empathizes with him SO MUCH and insists on not only taking him in but helping him find his calling and education. he's currently Julian's apprentice in the clinic and has already started calling Mazelinka "Grandma"
Asra: found a kid under the docks who refused to leave because they were waiting for their parents to come back - months after they had disappeared. he helped them leave a letter behind with the address for the shop and asked them to stay with him, since (as he put it) you had too much work on your hands and could use an assistant. they're best friends with Faust and already know multiple pranking spells
Nadia: bumped into a poorly-disguised runaway noblewoman while she was making a poorly-disguised visit to the South End. she knew she couldn't offer to adopt a thirteen-year-old right off the bat, so she invited her to the Palace for a job interview instead and used the opportunity to figure out the situation. now Nadia is her "mentor" (read: guardian) and she has six aunts very eager to spoil her rotten
Muriel: came across a merchant's cart broken down in the woods and found a toddler stowed away in the back. after hearing that he was an orphan from a warzone, Muriel picked him up and carried him home without a second thought. Now he spends his time running and playing in the woods with Inanna and occasionally visiting Auntie Countess and Funcle Asra for school lessons and shopping trips
Portia: started chatting with a little girl selling flowers in the market place, only to find out that she and her orphaned brother had lived together on the streets before he got old enough to travel on his own. she brought her back to have dinner at the cottage, and then to have a sleepover with Pepi, and then to have breakfast. she's officially your daughter now, and Julian still keeps an eye out for her older brother
Lucio: got teamed up with a young mercenary who was clearly lying about his age on one of your jobs. he found out later that he had run away from home after falling in with a bad crowd and losing his parents as a result. he ended up inviting him to travel with the two of you, first as a mentor, then as a father figure, and finally as his legal guardian. he likes pranking the dogs and watching you two bicker
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Once while looking up ADHD I found out coffee can make you tired.
'Some people with ADHD get tired when they drink caffeine. In those with ADHD, caffeine may have the opposite impact, as it is a deterrent to brain hyperactivity. In these cases, the individual may experience a slow-down of thoughts and urges, which can seem like exhaustion.'
Looking back at Portia's route she gave Mc coffee to wake them up and in Nadia's in a paid scene someone gives Nadia and Mc coffee. I've been wondering how do you think the M6 would react to finding out coffee makes Mc tired? Like they give Mc some coffee to wake them up only for Mc to be even more tired than before they drank it.
This is an interesting question! Basically, I read it as "what if MC showed some signs of ADHD, like a weird reaction to coffee?". Well, my answer is... they wouldn’t have any reaction besides a "oh, that's funny!", but allow me to elaborate.
I have several personality traits and minor conditions that got misdiagnosed as adhd, so I had to study a bit the matter to understand what was going on (still, mind that I am not a professional).
ADHD is a very "modern world" problem. Mind that I'm not saying that it is a "previously non existing condition caused by or invented by the modern western society", but that is a condition that has always existed but is seen as a problem only in the world we live in because of how our society is deeply flawed and, on a deeper level, unfit for human beings.
In Vesuvia (as I picture it), much like in several past cultures and societies, kids aren't required to learn passively by sitting way too many hours. Students don't have to hyper specialize in their subject of choosing, but it is much more appreciated a wide variety of interests. In our world, until the late 19th century, literate people often studied many different things: like, most scientists were philosophers as well. Earlier in time, figures like Leonardo Da Vinci were much more common than the "super expert specialised in only one field", and there wasn't much of a formal one size fits all education system that makes life very hard expecially for non-neurotipycal students. Da Vinci himself spent YEARS on pointless and useless projects, didn't finish many of his artworks, had many weird theories about stuff, wrote right to left... in a modern world, fixated on time and productivity and specialisation, his life would be a mess. But in renaissance Italy? He was seen as a great wise man of science and arts.
I think people in Vesuvia aren't as fixated on precision, specialisation, productivity and time managing as we're required to be in our neurotic society, therefore ADHD's traits wouldn’t be a problem at all. Even the more "internal" issue (RSD, overstimulation, emotional managing...) wouldn’t be a problem there, since Vesuvia's culture seems very open about emotions talk, welcoming of differences, and way less ego-fixated.
Imho, Asra, Lucio and maybe Portia would be great candidates for an ADHD diagnosis today... but in Vesuvia? Their behaviour is functional and appreciated even, because the whole cultures is way less messed up and obsessed on stuff that puts a huge pressure on people with ADHD (and, honestly, everybody).
So, this is way I think that the perspective of MC having ADHD wouldn’t be even noticed, and getting "tired" after coffe would be seen as something curious, and maybe a "Oh yeah, some people reacts in that way" from our dear doctor :)
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aghotel · 1 year
Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre: Get closer to space
The Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre, the newest UNESCO World Heritage site in the UK, stands as a symbol of British excellence in science and engineering. Over the past 75 years, this Centre has consistently been at the forefront of groundbreaking discoveries and world-leading research. One of its most renowned features is the Lovell Telescope, a global icon in the field of astronomy. With a staggering diameter of 76.2 meters (250 ft), it was the largest steerable dish radio telescope in the world when it was constructed in 1957 and continues to be one of the largest and most powerful radio telescopes to this day. The Lovell Telescope, housed at the Jodrell Bank Observatory, has played a pivotal role in space tracking and the study of the radio universe.
Jodrell Bank’s scientific journey began 75 years ago on a damp and icy Friday afternoon, December 14, 1945. The first scientific experiment took place from an army radar trailer, marking the starting point of the Centre’s unique contributions to scientific advancements. Notably, it was at Jodrell Bank that the historic moment of the Eagle lander, carrying Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, touching down on the Moon’s surface in 1969 was captured. As a national centre for excellence in public engagement, the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre takes pride in delivering an important educational program that serves diverse
Lovell Telescope: Facts and Figures Mass of telescope – 3200 tonnes Mass of bowl – 1500 tonnes Diameter of bowl – 76.2 meters Collecting area – 4560 square meters Focal length – 22.9 metres
When you visit, you and your family can enjoy a variety of engaging activities. Learn about Jodrell Bank’s captivating history through an informative telescope talk, witness an Orrery demonstration, explore the Jodrell Bank Arboretum, and immerse yourself in space photography exhibitions. Conclude your visit with a stop at the Jodrell Bank gift shop and The Planet Cafe, ensuring a memorable experience for all. With an annual influx of 150,000 visitors, the Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre continues to inspire and fascinate individuals from all walks of life. Source: https://www.jodrellbank.net/
Pinewood Hotel is just a 20-minute drive away from Jodrell Bank Discovery Centre. Situated on Wilmslow Road in Handforth, the hotel is just a 5-minute drive from Manchester Airport and half a mile from Handforth train station with close connectivity to the M6, M56 and M60. All our bedrooms are designed to offer peace and tranquillity, whether it is an airport stopover or a city break. Learn more: www.aghotels.co.uk/pinewood-hotel
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ttwoguysandaride · 1 year
Toyota Grand Highlander
Toyota Grand Highlander ✅ Subscribe to Our Channel for More Cars, Tips & Resources: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwoGuysandaRide/ ✅ Stay Connected 👉 Twitter: https://twitter.com/GuysRide 👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twoguysandaride/ 👉 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@twoguysandaride ============================= ✅ SEE more videos here: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe7NFa8fDc4lREKpUokPIhbiV-M6-nz3O ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 🚘 EarthRoamer Factory Tour: https://youtu.be/KVb1hCZ6k-8 🚘 Axopar Brabus Shadow 900 XC: https://youtu.be/gsrD1OtgSX8 🚘 BackBone Built Custom Bikes: https://youtu.be/fseDrXfUXeg 🚘 2KTM 890 Adventure: https://youtu.be/vtpMEz5I0i4 ================================= Special Thanks to: ================================= ✅ About Two Guys and a Ride: Two Guys and a Ride’s channel is dedicated to all things automotive. We love driving and reviewing vehicles and sharing what each one has to offer. We give you the facts where others just state their opinions. We also tell the stories of some very cool and interesting classic cars and along the way, we’ll even show you the latest and greatest Boats, Watercraft, Snow Sleds, Side by Sides and Motorcycles. Let’s go for a ride! ================================= #twoguysandaride #carsoftheday #CarReview #CarReviews #ClassicCar #ClassicCars #ClassicBoat #HowTo #TechHowTo #CarTech #Racing #PontoonBoat #Ford #Chevy #Honda #Toyota #Porsche #Honda #Toyota #Chevrolet #Buick #KIA #Hyundai #GMC #Volvo #Mercedes #Polestar #Ferrari #CarReview #CarReviewChannel #NewCars #Pontoon #FishingBoat #4Wheeler #OffRoad #Dirt #Snow #Sand #Water #Technology #Tech #Bentley #Jaguar #LandRover #Audi #BMW **All Specs are preliminary data from MFG available at time of filming this video. Subject to change** Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. This Channel contains OUR Copyrighted Material and is not Available for any use outside of our Channel. All Rights Reserved © Two Guys and a Ride https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-HHcKBymv8
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ptbf2002 · 1 year
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Peter Parker's Reaction Ladybug And Cat Noir Movie
Original Template: https://www.deviantart.com/yoshihorse/art/What-Makes-Peter-Parker-Gag-850107264
Spider-Man (1994 TV series) Belongs To Avi Arad, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, TMS Entertainment Co., Ltd. SEGA Sammy Holdings Inc. MARVEL Films Animation, MARVEL Entertainment, LLC, New World Entertainment, Saban Entertainment, Inc. FOX Kids Network, FOX Family Worldwide Inc. FOX Broadcasting Company, FOX Entertainment, And FOX Corporation
Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie Belongs To Jeremy Zag, Bettina Lopez, Mendoza, ZAG Inc. Method Animation, ON Animation Studios, ON Kids & Family, Mediawan Animation, Mediawan, The Awakening Production, Cross Creek Pictures, LLC, Société Nouvelle de Distribution, M6, W9, 6ter, Groupe M6, Metropole Télévision S.A. StudioCanal S.A.S. And Netflix, Inc.
Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug & Cat Noir Belongs To Thomas Astruc, Jeremy ZAG, ZAG Heroez, ZAGtoon, Method Animation, ON Animation Studios, ON Kids & Family, Mediawan Animation, Toei Animation Co., Ltd. SAMG Entertainment Co., Ltd. AB International Distribution, PGS Entertainment, Mediawan, DeAgostini Editore S.P.A. DeAgostini S.P.A. DQ Entertainment, DQ Entertainment International Films Limited, Assemblage Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. SK Broadband, Inc. The Walt Disney Company France, TF1, ABC ME, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, EBS 1TV, Korea Educational Broadcasting System (EBS), Disney Channel, Disney Branded Television, Disney General Entertainment Content, The Walt Disney Company, Family Channel (Canadian TV channel), WildBrain Ltd. Gloob, Canais Globo, Globosat, And Organizações Globo Participações S.A.
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