#edward moray mooch ace
boonalina · 7 months
My UTYellow character tier list:
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(Starlo was originally on top but I realized that I only started liking him because of that one animatic that made him look hot. So it was a very shallow liking of him, especially since I didn't really care for him all that much before seeing the hot fanart of him. So I swapped his place with Martlet.) {Also, just realized that Clover wasn't on this tier list, I'd put them in Top Tier}
Link to the Tier list (hopefully it works)
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anistarrae · 9 months
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obsessed with this poster on the newsboard
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lunavichi · 9 months
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deal 'em out!
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rheakira · 6 months
Everyday I'm so sad knowing not many people share my headcanon that Starlo and Ed are exes.
Tempted to be the person to make this a thing.
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faceimploded · 5 months
If the Feisty Five had a group chat
Sometimes I like to think the Feisty Five have phones, and they create a sort of chatroom to be in, and then the group chat name is literally just
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The group chat name was eventually updated after a few attempts.
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half-blood-goods · 9 months
My live Undertale Yellow Reactions - Dunes Edition Part II. - Ft Wild East
*Moray appears* Characters with hair covering their eyes my beloved
*Edward appears* Oh Lord he's lorge
How many of you are there?!
*North Star appears* Wouldn't be an Undertale game without a Tumblr Sexyman-ahh character
We literally went ._.
In love with literally all of these character designs
He's really giving slight Papyrus vibes
*referring to Ceroba and the bartender* Oh Furries would have a field day with this game
"These cramped living conditions are bringing back unpleasant memories" Excuse me????
Where did you get a hat?
My good sir, you have a majestic moustache
"I was just gonna ask you to sell a gun to this child" This might be my favorite fucking line in the entire game so far
Literally obsessed with all of these guys
Moss Mentioned
Oh this.... this isn't gonna end well is it?
She literally went :3
Yeah, it was honestly about time for the emotional trauma stuff
Oh I'm so gonna get ruined by this guy
It took me an embarrassingly long time to survive this guy. I probably died more than on an average Undertale run as a whole.
Ceroba my savior
Oh he looks like a nerd
SWEEET, we got fast travel
*Back in Snowdin* DAAAAALV
Things are gonna start getting serious huh?
Oh... back to the Amalgamates huh?
"I'm so proud" Thanks man, appreciate it
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stuffyflowers · 3 months
wait I need to conduct important academic research
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utytimeline · 7 months
Looking up the names of some UTY characters.
Decibat is obvious. Decibels are a measure of volume, Decibat is a bat that hates too much volume.
Dalv is "Vlad" spelled backwards, and he kinda looks like a Dracula.
I've covered Martlet before. It's a bird that never lands, and Marty keeps telling us to keep moving.
El Bailador:
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Yeah, that checks out. Didn't know it was a real Spanish word.
Starlo may be a Pokemon reference? I don't know much about Pokemon, but I found this:
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UTY devs did the same thing, named the star-shaped character after his shape.
Angie, Gilbert, Moray- they're all fish, and they're all named after fish.
Ace has a card attack, Mooch is a pickpocket. I have no idea why Ed is the only one with a normal-sounding name, but "Edward" means guard and he is the biggest and strongest of all of them.
As for the Ketsukane family... I have no idea. I'm finding several words similar to "Chujin" in various Oriental languages (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean). I found this on a Mortal Kombat GameFAQ's page, and it seems the most likely:
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Chujin was brilliant, but always overlooked. His only award was "You Tried..." He's also a boss monster. So... maybe because he's always been in the middle, but wants to be on top?
Took a bit of looking to find this for "Ketsukane." Judgment bell, hmm...
(I feel it's also worth noting that when I try to google "ketsukane", google keeps suggesting I change it to "kitsune." And... well, iykyk.)
So far, all I get for "Ceroba" is links to other people asking what "Ceroba" means. Yay. Someone suggested Cerberus, the dog with multiple faces who guards the gateway to Hades (hell). That could fit Ceroba- she's connected to multiple deaths, and not to bad-mouth her when she went thru so much, but she did reveal multiple "faces."
And Kanako:
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thatsafuckeduptale · 9 months
This is a fic based off of @pancake-shmamcake's bad end pacifist AU, please note the fic is not proof read, beta read, or even written that well considering it was written at 1am while I was super tired.
The fic has been done since the 20th and I've been hoping that I would get the inspiration/drive to rewrite it or proof read it but unfortunately that has yet to happen <:( So please do not critique my writing as I am already aware of all of the problems it has.
This fic has character death and body horror in it! It also contains some spoilers for the Pacifist ending for undertale yellow. Link to the AU post here and a link to the Amalgam's design is here.
Ceroba couldn’t breathe. The air surrounding her was suffocating and heavy with regret. Her SOUL burned within her chest, screaming at her that she’s made a mistake. A mistake that would haunt her for the rest of her life. How could this go so wrong? How could she have known that this would have been the end result? The fox monster wanted to scream. She wanted to scream and curse and swear at the world for being so cruel; but she couldn’t. She was stock still as she watched the shambling child shaped mass regain its balance on shaking legs. She watched as the mask that bore her daughter's resemblance slip and fall from its face, revealing a gaping hole.
Ceroba wanted to cry out her frustrations… but she was scared. Not scared of the security bots nor the royal scientist she had knocked out, but scared of the being she had inadvertently created. A fusion of her fallen down daughter… and the human she slaughtered mercilessly to obtain her goal. Ceroba watched as the amalgam bent down, searching the ground for the mask it had dropped. The fox waited with baited breath as it clumsily moved, shambling slowly towards where the mask lay. When the amalgam had finally located the mask it held it gently, before placing it back upon the gaping hole. Ceroba felt her magic run cold as the fusion of her daughter and the human looked at her. The cold, unfeeling eyes of the mockery of her sins stared through her. Instead of reacting to her, though, it instead focused on the torn and burnt cowboy hat lying a few feet in front of her. It reacted in excitement, a gurgling noise erupting from behind the mask as it limped towards the hat. The amalgam excitedly picked up the hat, far faster than it had lifted its own face, and gently put it upon its head. The face of Kanako remained unmoving. Unchanging as it adjusted the hat to its liking.
Then it looked back at her; and Ceroba wishes she could reset and go back. The expression on the mask was one she knew… the one she saw on her daughter before she fell down. Agony. Ceroba desperately cursed whatever higher being was out there. Whatever higher being was punishing her. This was beyond cruel. This was beyond penance. Had she not paid for her crimes already? Could she not have a happy ending? Her thoughts were ripped from her when she heard her name being yelled. The amalgam standing across from her perked at the voice, recognition dawning on it immediately. No. No no no no no no no. Ceroba wanted to stand up, to ward off her best friend from seeing what she had done. Yet the shock from what had happened chained her down. Kneeling on the cold tile of the Royal scientist’s secret lab.
“Ceroba! You can’t-“ The sheriff’s voice died in his throat as he entered, not even making it a few feet before he froze. Ceroba couldn’t stand to turn and face him. Even if she could, she knew the expression on his face would kill her inside. More footsteps followed from behind him and a cacophony of voices frantically tried to convince her to drop her plans. As soon as the others entered the room though, all their cries had died. Ceroba could hear Martlet and Moray gasp, Edward had choked on his own voice, she could even hear Mooch’s claws catch on the sleeve of Ace’s coat. Ceroba wished her body would cooperate. She wished she could stand up. Explain this horrible tragedy away. Instead, someone else spoke up.
“Un…cle… st…arl…o…” Ceroba could feel the bile rising in her throat. The voice from the amalgam was an echoing fusion of the human’s voice and her daughters. Overlapping and twisting into a horrible chorus she would give anything to forget. Ceroba flinched when she heard the thud behind her. Someone had passed out.
“No…” Starlo’s voice was strained. The fox monster didn’t need to look behind her to know how he looked. The expression of horror and realization. “Ceroba… you…” please don’t. I’m sorry. She willed her voice to work. She willed her body to speak.
Instead, the world decided it wasn’t done with her yet. Sharp bullets sliced through her as she was knocked back by a force of wind. The shock was enough to shake her from her stupor, and she stared wide eyed at her attacker. Martlet stood above her, snarling as best a bird with a beak could. “What did you do.” It wasn’t a question, not an optional one.
“I’m sorry.” Ceroba choked out the words she knew would do nothing. Closing her eyes as the royal guard member flicked her wing, sending a cascade of feather shaped bullets into her body.
“Sorry? You’re SORRY?!” Martlet’s voice was rising, anger and grief lacing every word. “You KILLED Clover! You hurt your own daughter! That wasn’t enough for you!? You had to do it again?!” Ceroba choked on her sobs. Her body aching and stinging from the cuts the feathers had left. She blinked back her tears as she gazed upon the royal guardsman. Angry tears filled the bluebird's eyes as she glowered back. Before the bird could attack again massive arms picked the bird monster up.
“Hey! You need to calm down!”
“How could I calm down! You see what she’s done? She deserves this! She-“
“You’re scaring the kids!”
Both Ceroba and Martlet froze. Their heads swinging back to the amalgam, who was in the tight embrace of the sheriff.
He held them tightly, mumbling apologies and sobbing between every word as he comforted them. The amalgam gurgled as it pat and rubbed his back, a feeble attempt at comfort. Ceroba couldn’t hear what he was saying from where she laid on the floor, but she knew it was probably apologies for how she had acted; and apologies for what she had done.
Her attention turned to the other three in the feisty five. Her heart sank when she realized it was Moray who had collapsed earlier. Their head laid on Mooch’s lap and tail as Ace attempted to heal them with green magic.
…this was all wrong. It shouldn’t have gone this way. It was supposed to go how Chujin predicted. Kanako was supposed to be healed and break the barrier.
A loud sob dragged Ceroba back to the tragedy before her. Martlet and Edward had joined Starlo with the amalgamate. The bird hugged them tightly as Starlo and Edward hung back. Martlet sobbed out apology after apology to the twisted fusion, to which it replied by patting her head and gurgling. To her surprise, it was Edward who approached her.
She stared up at him, as he stared down at her. “…you know what’s going to happen… right?” His voice was quiet. Ceroba glanced away, anxiety bubbling in her gut. “The king’s going to find out about this… and you’ll be punished.” She knew that no matter what she’d be punished by the Crown. Why bother reminding her of what she already knew? “… and Kanako and Clover are going to be experimented on.” That got her attention.
“No-!” She tried to sit up, but cried out in pain and collapsed back on the floor. Everything hurt. Her body, her SOUL, her mind. She hadn’t even considered that! Success or not, the king would probably want Kanako studied regardless! Ceroba gasped for air desperately as she clawed at the tiles furiously. She couldn’t- wouldn’t let them rip her daughter away from her again! Edward’s gaze held pity in it. Pity that made her want to rip it from his expression and beat him with it. Ceroba wouldn’t lose her daughter again! No-!
“Ceroba… it’s time to give it up.” Her body froze as Starlo’s voice cut through the air like ice. He had never spoken to her like that before. “I think you’ve done enough damage.” Ceroba desperately looked at him, but he avoided her gaze. His hat hid his expression as he knelt next to the amalgam, next to Martlet still holding onto them for dear life. “I… I know you just wanted to help Kanako… but gosh darn it, Ceroba!” His voice broke as he held back a sob. “You really messed up this time… I tried so hard to help… to make you happy, but… but I can’t help you now.” Starlo’s body shook. “I… you…” Ceroba watched with guilt as he lifted his hat to furiously wipe at his eyes with his sleeve. The amalgam noticing and reaching out to him in an attempt to comfort and console him.
“You ruined two lives trying to fulfill Chujin’s legacy… you couldn’t just let his legacy be helping others with a smile on his face… you had to-!” Martlet’s wings flew up to her hair as she stood and swung her body to face Ceroba. “You had to corrupt it! You had to turn his legacy into this!?” Edward quickly rushed to Martlet’s side to stop her from attacking the fox again. He wrapped her into a tight hug, pinning her wings to her side to prevent another hail of bullets.
Ceroba could feel her adrenaline fading. The stress was finally catching up to her. The anguished cries from Starlo as he held the amalgamate and the rage filled screams from Martlet becoming white noise in her head. All she could see once she closed her eyes… was the blood stained body of Clover, and the soulless expression of her daughter’s mask. 
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toughandfearless-ed · 8 months
quoting directly from Mooch...'Sticking out your Ace to the Sheriff,you're so Moray,You're so Mooch Tax,I wanna be your Edward."
*Mooch, what does this even MEAN?
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (6/8)
Hehe. Guys in my head go brrrrrr
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S/I Used: Christopher
Main tag:
• #tense and tired (inserting: christopher)
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• #save your ki (christopher x zetto tomerpg)
• #warm glow (christopher x starlo uty)
• #shot of energy (christopher x martlet uty)
• #staying in (christopher x zebruh codakk)
• #chilling out (christopher x garcello fnf)
• #feeling electric (christopher x annie fnf)
• #caring for (christopher x sunny day jack)
• #no rest (christopher x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #burnt eyes (christopher x taichiro arima gnw)
• #my silence (christopher x ln'eta sfl)
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• #night light (christopher x macaque lmk)
• #world turning (christopher & xefros tritoh)
• #understanding (christopher & hex fnf)
• #quiet together (christopher & whitty fnf)
• #homelike (christopher & tavros nitram)
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• #hora de dormir (christopher + el bailador uty)
• #room to rest (christopher + ceroba uty)
• #peace of night (christopher + dalv uty)
• #stay to unwind (christopher + angel dust hh)
• #bow and lie (christopher + moray uty)
• #on a shoulder (christopher + edward uty)
• #cat napping (christopher + mooch uty)
• #melody to harmony (christopher + ace uty)
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As one can tell by his tags, he is tired, overworked, underpaid, and plays the cello. Something's wrong with him. Obviously.
Safe travels!
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (5/8)
No introduction needed, but I will say this guy is kinda similar to Lowsho. In that, it's kinda his less edgy raver brother or something. Look, I don't have much of an idea of what their dynamic would actually be like, but I think it'd be fun.
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S/I Used: Maddox
Main tag:
• #raver boy (inserting: maddox)
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• #thinkin bout him (maddox x zetto tomerpg)
• #country bass (maddox x starlo uty)
• #chirping synth (maddox x martlet uty)
• #mixing samples (maddox x zebruh codakk)
• #chillhop (maddox x garcello fnf)
• #blue phonk (maddox x annie fnf)
• #radiating funk (maddox x sunny day jack)
• #drum n bass (maddox x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #technicore (maddox x taichiro arima gnw)
• #heaven says yes (maddox x ln'eta sfl)
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• #minor key kick (maddox x macaque lmk)
• #beatbox remix (maddox & xefros tritoh)
• #real kinda techno (maddox & hex fnf)
• #drop the bass (maddox & whitty fnf)
• #keep the castanets (maddox & tavros nitram)
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• #tocadiscos (maddox + el bailador uty)
• #shamisynth (maddox + ceroba uty)
• #volume to the min (maddox + dalv uty)
• #watch my drink (maddox + angel dust hh)
• #versatile keys (maddox + moray uty)
• #devastating drumline (maddox + edward uty)
• #sax o phonk (maddox + mooch uty)
• #synthchestra (maddox + ace uty)
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Tried to incorporate more DJ theming to his tags since that's kinda his whole deal, but I'm not sure I did it quite right. It's fine, I'm pretty sure.
Safe travels!
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (4/8)
I have too many guys to make these for, and more are to come. Do I regret it? Absolutely not. It's pretty fun, actually.
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S/I Used: Jeremy
Main tag:
• #from dixon to dallas (inserting: jeremy)
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• #bushel and a peck (jeremy x zetto tomerpg)
• #cornbread on sunday (jeremy x starlo uty)
• #hucklebirdy (jeremy x martlet uty)
• #horned darling (jeremy x zebruh codakk)
• #breathing in (jeremy x garcello fnf)
• #getting the cyan vapors (jeremy x annie fnf)
• #june lovebugs (jeremy x sunny day jack)
• #two dollar pistol (jeremy x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #sword to shoot (jeremy x taichiro arima gnw)
• #god is she (jeremy x ln'eta sfl)
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• #summer evenings (jeremy x macaque lmk)
• #joyride (jeremy & xefros tritoh)
• #summer computer (jeremy & hex fnf)
• #not a spark (jeremy & whitty fnf)
• #kind bull (jeremy & tavros nitram)
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• #sin fronteras (jeremy + el bailador uty)
• #blooming resilience (jeremy + ceroba uty)
• #summer nights (jeremy + dalv uty)
• #north to south (jeremy + angel dust hh)
• #holloway beat (jeremy + moray uty)
• #beat to the melody (jeremy + edward uty)
• #slammer sound (jeremy + mooch uty)
• #not so lonesome (jeremy + ace uty)
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There you go, another guy tagged. It took me a while to actually come up with fun tags, given how I had to do a little research, but it was really fun! I have to recommend it.
Safe travels!
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (3/8)
If you didn't know the drill before, you definitely know it now. Lo and behold, new guy.
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S/I Used: Lowsho
Main tag:
• #young metalhead (inserting: lowsho)
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• #metalcore (lowsho x zetto tomerpg)
• #glam rock (lowsho x starlo uty)
• #head bop (lowsho x martlet uty)
• #nucleus rock (lowsho x zebruh codakk)
• #chill rock (lowsho x garcello fnf)
• #rock pops (lowsho x annie fnf)
• #symphonic metal (lowsho x sunny day jack)
• #thrash love (lowsho x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #hellsinger metal (lowsho x taichiro arima gnw)
• #screaming sun (lowsho x ln'eta sfl)
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• #deafening black (lowsho x macaque lmk)
• #power metal (lowsho & xefros tritoh)
• #music machine (lowsho & hex fnf)
• #underground rock (lowsho & whitty fnf)
• #acoustics (lowsho & tavros nitram)
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• #de antro en antro (lowsho + el bailador uty)
• #j rock (lowsho + ceroba uty)
• #sound of silence (lowsho + dalv uty)
• #sceneario (lowsho + angel dust hh)
• #keyboard synth (lowsho + moray uty)
• #drumming (lowsho + edward uty)
• #harmonimic (lowsho + mooch uty)
• #crooked bass (lowsho + ace uty)
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Mean scene tags done and done. This guy is loud in ways you can't imagine enough to fear.
Safe travels!
0 notes
orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (2/8)
You probably know the drill by now, so we'll cut to the chase. Welcome a new guy!
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S/I Used: Elliott
Main tag:
• #hyperpopped (inserting: elliott)
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• #gummy shark (elliott x zetto tomerpg)
• #sweet starlight (elliott x starlo uty)
• #blue raspberries (elliott x martlet uty)
• #blueberry jam (elliott x zebruh codakk)
• #candy cigars (elliott x garcello fnf)
• #cyan soda (elliott x annie fnf)
• #candy hearts (elliott x sunny day jack)
• #powdered sugar (elliott x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #sugarcrash (elliott x taichiro arima gnw)
• #fizzy octopus (elliott x ln'eta sfl)
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• #shady and sweet (elliott x macaque lmk)
• #cranberry candy (elliott & xefros tritoh)
• #orange gummies (elliott & hex fnf)
• #warheaded (elliott & whitty fnf)
• #chocolate box (elliott & tavros nitram)
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• #piñata (elliott + el bailador uty)
• #sakuramochi (elliott + ceroba uty)
• #candied grapes (elliott + dalv uty)
• #overcharged pink (elliott + angel dust hh)
• #sugar sword (elliott + moray uty)
• #fancy jawbreaker (elliott + edward uty)
• #nab a nibble (elliott + mooch uty)
• #candy dealing (elliott + ace uty)
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These are... A lot. And there's even more to come, because I hate myself but love these little fictional people from my brain and from my shows.
Safe travels!
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orbs-manydarlings · 5 months
Self Insert Tags (1/8)
These next few posts will be used to better fit the tags used depending on the character depicted in... Whatever. And there's a lot of these, so get ready.
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S/I Used: Orb
Main tag:
• #pondering shine (inserting: orb)
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• #artificial futuristic (orb x zetto tomerpg)
• #clear night sky (orb x starlo uty)
• #bright blues and clueless (orb x martlet uty)
• #head over horns (orb x zebruh codakk)
• #smoke and mirrors (orb x garcello fnf)
• #voltage hue (orb x annie fnf)
• #sweet summer (orb x sunny day jack)
• #beauty in the brawn (orb x cinnamon toast bapc)
• #screen connection (orb x taichiro arima)
• #overseers (orb x ln'eta sfl)
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• #twinkling night (orb x macaque lmk)
• #foresightings (orb & xefros tritoh)
• #fabricky orange (orb & hex fnf)
• #inorganic kindness (orb & whitty fnf)
• #best of warmth (orb & tavros nitram)
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• #ventanal (orb + el bailador uty)
• #garden of glass (orb + ceroba uty)
• #sparkles in the water (orb + dalv uty)
• #hopeful funk (orb + angel dust hh)
• #crystal blade (orb + moray uty)
• #gentle grip (orb + edward uty)
• #calculated sneaking (orb + mooch uty)
• #not too transparent (orb + ace uty)
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First post done! Will be working on the rest soon.
Safe travels!
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