#edwin delarosa
trentetree · 4 years
happy new year
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imeugene · 7 years
I think this is the best split section in BMX so far. Something about the contrast between the two riders really makes each of them stand out even more. I mean it even starts out with Tom and Ed riding the same spot but putting their different input to it. Nothing is worse when two riders have a split section and they’re virtually identical unless it’s those twins from Arizona. Same clothing, same style. It all merges into single section where you realize people aren’t so unique after all. But this section is well it’s anything but that.
It’s a section of contrast. One dude a seasoned legend, the other an up coming one. Tech Lord. Hesh Lord. Black dude from NYC who became a tastemaker for BMX, white dude from Philly who more or less wore the same thing and did the same thing his whole career. Even the song switches from the rapper Papoose to the sample, a soul song by the Spinners. It’s a section of contrast where each conflicting element only heightens the strength of the other.
But total contrast would be weird. Like you can put Hucker with Blackman and it wouldn’t work. There has to be some type of element and overarching theme to tie them together and in this case it’s East Coast street riding. It’s just that each rider is a different branch of the same tree. I want to say Navaz started the section with Tom and Ed riding the same long gone LA ledge spot purposefully to tie them in together from the get go. But even before then where Ed and Tom are sparring with one another it’s like Yin and Yang. Almost literally. To opposing forces and ideals conflicting with one another in a violent way. It’s almost all poetic but I like it. Whether it was something Navaz thought oh that’s interesting and put it in or purposeful who knows but it works. 
Like back to Hucker and Blackman comparison. If Hucker is in California somewhere riding trails and Blackman in NYC. It would feel like two section forced to be with one another. Road Fools made use of this kind of underlying sense. You get a wide range of riders and put them in the same spot and see what they can do. It’s what gives it soul which is something Road Fools had more of than just Props Issues. Cause you know Blackman and Ed in this split section literally together. It’d be less of a split section and more of a section with different riders if there wasn’t that a tying aspect. 
Even though the contrasting elements is what makes this section memorable, it’s the moments they share that make it memorable. Barcelona, being a big one. When the different elements come into one. That’s when the section gets real fun. Like I said in the beginning it starts with them at the same place but then it slowly drifts off but the union of the two riders solidifying them into a single unit for this section is when they share spots again. When they session the red benches in Barcelona back to back. The long hubba also in Barcelona also back to back. Even when Tom does an ice and Edwin comes back with a different ice. All those clips were placed next to each other for a reason most definitely.
Stuff like that is what gives a video form a certain rhythm. Which is something more harder to elaborate on but even someone like Stanley Kubrick said video form should be more akin to music than to literature. It goes back to the whole rhythm and pacing. It’s not something that is necessarily given much thought in BMX but something intuitively understood by a lot of the best editors. Like putting the best clips in the end and in the beginning is the most blatant example I can think of. There is a certain flow that has to be upheld and it shouldn’t be disrupted. There is a good level of back and forth between Tom clips and Ed’s clips that give it a nice flow instead of it just literally going from Tom to Ed and Ed to Tom. The reason I think that’s extra important for a split section like this is to let them both have time to individually shine for us digest each of their style individually.
 In the beginning the rhythm is back and forth literally. Tom goes the Ed goes. The tricks are given the same level of length in time. Oner for oner and they’re given equal importance. No one rider really stands. The edit gives the same treatment to both riders This starts when you get the b-roll clip of Tom near the beginning eyeing up the flat handrail with the stairs on both ends and ends when Ed takes the lead with the line at the pool in NYC somewhere. Then Ed doubles up on the line with another line. This ends with Tom coming in after and doing what he does which isn’t lines but going big. This continues for a few clips until it gets to the benches. But with the benches Ed’s clip comes first but then Tom comes afterwards but Ed finishes it up. Transitioning back to Ed. Then Ed does what Tom does earlier and fill the clips with his style for a bit. This ends when Ed does the rail hop and the songs transitions back to Papoose. There is a back to back with Tom and Ed like in the beginning til the skinny hubba in Barcelona happens and they both put their 2cents on it. I know that was a lot but the point is that each clip has a reason for why it is in the timeline. It’s most definitely purposeful. There are smooth subtle transitions between riders where it makes everything more fluid and rhythmic. It’s not simply putting the 2nd best clips in the beginning, the worst in the middle with the lines and the best in the last. 
The whole point I think I wanted to make with this is that, to me this section is even that much better cause Navaz gave it that type of treatment. There is a reason the filmer/editors we remember the best are remembered. It’s not simply filming and editing nicely cause theres plenty of people who use gimbals and skateboards and can do all that. It’s the people who give it that extra thought and push the progression of this whole aspect of BMX that end up creating the best work. Like Bob’s filming is the Animals videos aren’t clean but there is a subtle underlying way that he put it all together that Bob mastered that makes it what it is. Like in Cuts, every single has designated placement. Jersey riders with Jersey riders, NYC with NYC, and Philly with Philly. Watch it for the line up and it’s absolutely true. There are plenty of people who can put together something but theres very few people who can put together something and make it much more than just bike riding. This section is just that. Sure a lot of people will look at this section or Cuts and never dissect it to that level but good work isn’t explicitly stated, it’s subtly and subconsciously just understood. I think the most common comment I’ve gotten writing here is that I state something they people understood but just couldn’t put into words. The only reason I can, is cause I’d say I have a bit more art learning background including critique than most riders. This is the work of a master.
I wanna see Navaz work on something that excited him and pushes him. Animal House was good, I was worried he’s gonna cop out and do the drone intro / amazing but not soul pressing editing he did with his last few edits cause c’mon that’s so formulaic and not what’s he’s truly capable. He did make Cult - Talk is Cheap though which I include in my top 5 full lengths. 
Edwin Delarosa & Tom White
You Made Your Choice by Papoose
Fit - Fitlife (2006)
Edited by Navaz
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northern-angel · 5 years
Cooke Household round 1
Julien Cooke
Aspiration: Popularity/Knowledge
LTW: Become Celebrity Chef
Job: Fast Food Shift manager (Culinary Level 3)
OTH: Cuisine
ACR Preference: Bisexual
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We start with Julien cooking himself some breakfast.
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Then, presumably after he ate the food he cooked, he moves on the daily crossword puzzle in the paper.
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And then does some skill-related reading.
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After all that I was thoroughly bored so I sent him out to the Veronaville Market, hoping something interesting might happen. Apparently he doesn’t like the flowers I used to decorate around the beautiful pond I built. Screw you Julien!
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Now if George McCarthy thinking “who is this dapper gentleman?” or is he thinking “Dude it’s the 21st century, not the 19th!”
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Julien is very happy with his aesthetic though, so who cares what forever teen over there thinks.
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Maybe someone will come play with him?
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These two are immediate Double Bolters, even if Nina is a bit of a sore loser.
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Is Edwin Sharpe doing the kitten startle reflex or is he mocking the Human Statue NPC’s artistry?
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Nina heads off to grab a bite, and I notice Florence Delarosa is walking by. I had somewaht hoped these two might be a match, but alas zero chemistry (I had also thought Julien might make a good match for Kent Capp, but again no lightning bolts)
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Still despite their lack of sexual sparkage, the two hit it off and Florence thinks about kissing.
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Silly Dormie and Host NPC, I do not care enough about you for you to get to marrying into a Playable family. But I will flail if Julien’s only good matches are the Sims equivalent of Red Shirts.
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Oh great, just what the lot needed.
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Should I be worried about Julien? Or is if perfectly normal to discuss trains with an empty seat...
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Nothing sinister happening behind you at all there Julien.
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Nina comes over to discuss their respective meals, whilst Romeo wonders if anyone would notice him eating those leftovers. The answer is yes, Hermia will totally notice and judge you and tell her sister.
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I feel that Nina might be making a bit of a low blow here, I mean hate the Unsavoury Charlatan because he’s a conman and thief, not because you find him repellant sexually.
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That waitress is totally pissed off that they are conversing in the worst possible place.
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Back at home Julien has a nap in his new recliner (I really wish Sims could nap on their beds like they can in Sims 3)
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And then off to work.
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Whilst at work this chance card comes up. I mean who chooses the first option? It’s a burger place, people will be pissed off if there are no burgers.
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Fortunately this choice goes well for me, but I know I’ve had a bad outcome choosing that way before.
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Not only did he get a skill point and a bonus, but also a promotion to Host.
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I think he’s talking to Florence there, but it could be Nina or someone else. I don’t know ok.
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Off to work in his snazzy new uniform the next day.
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And this time it’s a hobby chance card.
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It’s a good thing I’d already had this one whilst playing the Pleasants.
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Julien invites Florence over after work.
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He really likes her milkshake, he’s just concerned he might be lactose intolerant.
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For a supposedly skilled chef, Julien doesn’t actually have that many cooking skill points.
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They end the night deciding that they make great friends but nothing else.
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This must be the next day after work, and I assume he’s chatting to someone on that doorstep of a laptop.
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And then I sent him out to the makeover of the Old Silo Farm. The next few pictures are just me showing off how pretty this lot is. I apologise!
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Oh look here’s Julien cooking some burgers. That’s the sort of thing you’re all actually reading for right?
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Julien likes the look of Lola, so I send him over to meet her. I think Ana Patel recognises Julien from work.
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Another scenery pic, but have you ever seen such pretty toilets in your life?
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Julien and Lola hit it off very quickly, possibly because Lola is under the false impression that Julien has money.
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Thinks start to take a more romantic turn, and this is the point that I remember that Lola is already dating Ajay Loner. Oops.
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Everyone loves being tickled in the Sims world, what kind of freakish world is that?
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And now some kickey bag in the pouring rain.
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Lola subtly feels Julien out over the size of his bank balance, and a lightning bolt nicely lights the scene. I need to go put more lights on this lot.
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Some cute flirting going on here.
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And now Julien is crushing on this beautiful green-skinned goddess.
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Dancing in the rain.
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And Julien goes in for his first kiss.
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I had never noticed how pointy Julien’s ears where before this, and now I have this whole headcanon about how he’s adopted and he came to live in Veronaville to ask the Fae Royal Couple to help him track down his Fae parent.
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This first kiss is so much better than the one Lola and Ajay had.
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Awwww!!!! Also is there no view on this lot that isn’t pretty?
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Another kiss, this time overlooking the pond.
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Even the rain puddles don’t ruin the romantic atmosphere. Mental note, must send more Veronaville folk on dates to this lot.
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Is it her alien genes that make her so strong or does she just hit the gym a lot?
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I am incredibly proud of this picture, I just wish it wasn’t quite so dark.
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At least in the dark it’s a little harder to see that lovely bright blue accessory mesh fail that is orbiting Lola.
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The date ends as a Dream Date. I believe Ajay only managed a Great Date. How do I decide which paramour she stays with? Just lock the first engagement want? Or could they work out as a Thruple? Maybe Ajay isn’t entirely straight...
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I have no idea what is going on with their body language here, they almost look like they are about to do a celebratory chest bump or something.
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Back at home Lola pops by to leave a bouquet. That is quite the round trip to Strangetown just to leave flowers.
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And that’s it for Julien. Hope you’ve enjoyed my silliness.
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
Sim ages at the start of my Uberhood
I'm using a 2 days = 1 year age mod to play this new Uberhood I'm panning (and actually already started to play when I need pause from the Somersets) and with a really difficult algorithm I have calculated each Sim's age with the default aging system and translated it into their age with the mod, all with the help of SimPE (I have quite a lot of free time currently xD). So to keep track of everyone's start age, here's my masterpost, it's simply for my own convenience. I plan to make every name a link that leads you to the chronological tag (that didn't work, there seems to be a link-limit?).
If you didn't notice: there is now a Masterpost with all families (might contain mild spoilers): click!
87: Luis Aspir 84: Carlos Contender 63: Olive Specter, Patrizio Monty 59: Dora Ottomas 58: Mortimer Goth 57: Herb Oldie 56: Consort Capp 55: Coral Oldie, Betty Goldstein, PT9 Smith, Isabella Monty 54: Denise Jacquet, Herbert Goodie, Faith Goodie, Catherine Viejo 49: Daniel Pleasant 47: Mary-Sue Pleasant 44: Jason Cleveland 43: Marissa Cleveland, Edward Contrary 42: Benjamin Baldwin, Albany Capp 41: Vivian Cho, Stephen Tinker, Morty Roth 39: Isabel Baldwin, Wanda Tinker, Opal Contrary, Marcel Jocque, Sophia Jocque, Stella Roth 36: Gilbert Jacquet, Darren Dreamer, Buzz Grunt 35: Leod McGreggor 34: Checo Ramirez 33: Florence Delarosa, Antonio Monty 32: Lisa Ramirez, Pascal Curious 31: Timothy Riley, Loki Beaker, Lola Curious, Cornwall Capp 30: Elizabeth Aspir, Issac Bell, Hannah Bell, John Burb, Jason Greenman, Goneril Capp, Peter Ottomas 29: Armand DeBateau, Jessica Peterson, Victor Aspir, Brandi Broke, Rose Greenman, Samantha Ottomas 28: Circe Beaker, Vidcund Curious, Ajay Loner, Erin Beaker, Bianca Monty 27: Sanjay Ramaswami, Priya Ramaswami 26: Ramir Patel, Jennifer Burb, Gabe O'Mackey, Alexandra O'Mackey 25: Gabriel Green, Ana Patel, Cassandra Goth, Patricia Wan, Kristen Loste, Regan Capp 24: Chastity Gere, Matthew Picaso, Andrew Martin, Nervous Subject, Oberon Summerdream 23: Geoff Rutherford, Sharon Wirth, Jessica Picaso, Dina Caliente, Nina Caliente, Don Lothario, Lazlo Curious, Chloe Curious, Titania Summerdream, Kent Capp 22: Samantha Cordial, Kimberly Cordial, Connor Weir, Malcolm Landgraab IV, Chester Gieke, Jason Larson, Jodie Larson, John Mole, Natasha Una, Trent Traveller, Trisha Traveller, Julien Cooke, Nathan Gavigan, Mary Gavigan, Cyd Roseland, Robert Kim, Cynthia Kim, Tara Kat, Cleo Shikibu 20: Gunnar Roque, Jane Stacks 19: Roxie Sharpe, Jonah Powers, Guy Wrightley, Mickey Dosser, Monica Bratford, Ashley Pitts, Brittany Upsnott 18: Mitch Indie, Max Flexor, Delilah O'Feefe, Edwin Sharpe, Marla Biggs, Phineaus Furley, Ellen Frost, Chaz Whippler, Emily Lee, Tom Freshe, Matthew Hart, DJ Verse, Sarah Love, Jessie Pilferson, Jasmine Rai, Zoe Zimmerman, Frances J. Worthington III, Aldric Davis, Almeric Davis, William Williamson, Blossom Moonbeam, Klara Vonderstein, Martin Ruben, Allegra Gorey, Joshua Ruben, Kevin Beare, Castor Nova, Tiffany Sampson, Heather Huffington, Sam Thomas, Jared Starchild, Ty Bubbler, Jimmy Phoenix, Erik Swain 17: Johnny Smith, Ophelia Nigmos, 15: Tank Grunt, Tybalt Capp 14: Mercutio Monty 13: Ripp Grunt, Juliette Capp, Romeo Monty, David Ottomas 12: Justin Cleveland, Angela Pleasant, Lilith Pleasant, Sandra Roth, Jacob Martin, Puck Summerdream 11: Rick Contrary, Violet Jocque, Dustin Broke, Dirk Dreamer, Jules O'Mackey, Hermia Capp, Miranda Capp 10: Tara DeBateau, Melody Tinker, Gavin Newson, Ginger Newson 08: Alexander Goth, Buck Grunt, Hal Capp, Beatrice Monty, Benedick Monty 07: Sofia Baldwin, Daniel Bell, Jill Smith, Bottom Summerdream, Desdemonda Capp, Sharla Ottomas 06: Sally Riley, Tessa Ramirez, Tina Traveller, Isaiah Gavigan, Gabrielle Newson, Gallagher Newson, Justin Kim, Xander Roth 03: Beau Broke 02: Markus Baldwin, Etsu Cho 01: Pauline Aspir, Garrett Newson, Georgia Newson, Daisy Greenman, Ariel Capp, Tommy Ottomas
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kunstformbmx · 5 years
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the famous @animalbikes edwin delarosa grip is now available in green & black! Get it now at www.kunstform.org or in our BMX Shop in Berlin or Stuttgart 🔥🔥 #animalbikes #edwin #delarosa #bmxgrip (hier: Kunstform BMX Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4kydKygU1J/?igshid=1w91wuiihqbth
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charmandersims · 3 years
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More story progression babies (with two of Elodie because she’s my favourite). Parents in captions.
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Studio visit, Edwin Delarosa.
Summer 2021.
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challengerbmxmag · 3 years
Interview: Peter Sutherland
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This piece originally appeared in Challenger BMX Magazine Volume 2, Issue 1 Spring 2018. Read the PDF of this issue here. Purchase the physical copy of this issue here.
Peter Sutherland is a skier, surfer, MTBer, and artist living in New York City/Colorado. His work often takes the form of photographs with elements of sculpture. It’s probably a cliche in the Instagram era to say that someone has a knack for the overlooked but Peter has a great way of looking at the world and the subcultures he inhabits. Whenever I see his work in person or pick up one of his books, I feel like it was made by one of my friends.
What’s your involvement with cycling/bikes?
Low level BMX as a small kid then I skated, but I was Mountain Biking heavy through high school and college. Lots of single speed freewheel for the last 20 years I’ve been in NYC. I love being self propelled, not using gas all the time. I love the way I feel on any sort of board or on a bicycle.
Skeletor from Peter’s 2001 documentary, Pedal, about NYC bike messengers. Available for purchase here.
Just from following your work I knew you were interested in cycling but never really saw much related to BMX. But then I think I saw photos you shot of Grady Corbitt at Posh and maybe a photo of Edwin DeLaRosa in NYC. How much do you follow BMX? And did you ever ride BMX?
I was excited about BMX when I was really young, we lived in Michigan on a dirt road. When we moved to a place with a paved road (Colorado) I started skating. But early issues of BMX Plus! and BMX Action magazines were super inspiring to me. I think the bails always seemed too gnarly for me on bikes and skate bails seemed more manageable.
I loved that video you made with your bro kinda centered around a MTB trip. A lot of people make work that is inspired or semi related to their other interests.I feel like you do a good job of not being really obvious with your references/inspiration.Can you elaborate a little on making work that is inspired by your other interests?
Thanks. Yeah I think there is something about moving to NYC when I was still young and seeing art work in museums and galleries and then going back into the world and collecting images with that sensibility. Most of my work has an autobiographical angle, so I’m showing you the things that I am really excited about. Maybe it translates. Also none of us are really that good at MTBing so it’s all about the atmospheric stuff.
Would you ever want to swap your life as a pro artist with mtber, skier/snowboarder hobbies and be a pro mtber, skier/snowboarder, with an art hobby?
I have friends that are pro or were pro. I think it’s awesome but it’s hard to grow older and hang on to it. I feel lucky with the direction my life has taken, so I guess I wouldn’t trade. It’s just as fun to do all of this stuff on a non competitive level. I always feel like I’m expressing my self on a board or riding a bike.
I’ve always thought that it would be really easy to compare the art world with the BMX world re: someone working professionally:
Gallery representation is to sponsorship as solo show is to video part, etc.
Have you ever thought about that connection? I’ve never been a pro bmxer or a pro artist so I could be completely wrong…
Yeah I think that is correct, there is something about representation, all it really is is someone else saying what you do is good. It’s good to have that stuff but even better to just keep doing what ever it is you like. Sometimes all the galleries and stuff cloud up what you are trying to do. I’ve been on both sides where my art is worth nothing and I’ve sold stuff for a lot of money. Both are interesting. It’s hard to hold on to the second one.
I’ve really enjoyed seeing your work mature and develop over the years. I love the sculptural elements and move from straight photography. What prompted that?
I still take photos and believe in the strength of images, but I also get bored with the limitations and the ways people tend to present photography. It’s always about framing it and photographers being so precious about images. But when it’s loosened up and you can add in sculpture and cut your photos in half and light them on fire it feels way more open.
Favorite skate, BMX, snowboard, subculture graphic of all-time?
I think its the Mike Vallely barn yard board. It was a board I had and an early double kick type of board. A lot of the time it’s not about the graphic but more about the time in your life when you see it. There’s good graphics everywhere now but they don’t sink in as deep as they did when I was 12 years old and trying to varial flip on flat.
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PIX 012 Edwin Delarosa Published Photograph William Strode-Willis
In addition with this piece I made it into the top 12 photographers.
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fluffyguineapigsims · 6 years
Sims Who I love
Pleasantview:Everybody inclusive Bella Goth
Strangertown:Ripp and Tank Grunt,Johnny and Jill Smith,Ophelia Nigmos
Veronaville:Tybalt,Hermia,Juliette and Miranda Capp,Romeo,Mercutio and Bianca Monty
SSU:Tri var,Ashley Pitts,Castor Nova,Alegra Gorey and Jane Stacks
ALT:Delilah O´Feefe,Edwin and Roxie Sharpe,Jonah Powers and Ellen Froste
LFT:Tri Fhrum,Jasmine Ray,Studing House,Stella Terrano,Davis Brothers
Downtown:Tricous and Rainelle Neengia
Bluevillage Water:Florence Delarosa,Gilbert Jacquet and Tinkers
Pets:Cyd Roseland and Tara Kat
Riverblossom Hills:Jules O´Mackey,Jacob Martin,Patricia Wan and Cleo Shikibu
Exotic Destinations:Travellers
Desiderata Valley:Everybody
Belladonna Cove:Cordial Sisters,Tara DeBateau,Timothy and Sally Riley,Vivian and Etsu Cho and Justin Cleveland
Magic:Mary Gavigan
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bruce-wa · 7 years
“ ..Un pote qui fait du Bmx m’a dit qu’Edwin Delarosa était allait en prison et qu’il avait tellement prit du poids qu’il ne parvenait même pas a rentrer un Barspin. Je lui est répondus pour la défense du Edwin qu’il était désormais prêt a écouter du daft punk et a se mettre a fond dans la hype et touts les trucs artistiques de merdes .. “
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thenaviarm · 9 years
The original uncensored version of Team NYC's video entry from Red Bull's Mean Streets 2 contest.
Team NYC
Edwin Delarosa Vinnie Sammon Tyrone Williams Mike Hernandez
Thanks to editor/filmer Joe "Cookie" Sederquist for submitting this one. Check out his work here:  https://vimeo.com/130911892
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bicyclemotocross · 9 years
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edwin delarosa by jeff zielinski (via ride)
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imeugene · 9 years
Ed’s a legend. Plain and simple. If your reading this now you already know the contributions he made towards modern street i.e. pretty much being the forerunner for a lot of it. Even though someone of equally of his stature in other more profitable industries would be living large and easy, that’s just not the case in BMX. My new project I’m Eugene is just that. 
To give back to the things in the world that still matter, even if they’re overlooked. I may pocket the profits from the ridiculously but highly investable $10 sticker but all funds from this shirt and future projects will all always go back to the people who inspired it. In this case Ed. Cause its Ed man! He should be rocking a penthouse in Manhattan with a doorman from the profits of people who sweated him over the years. Even if you think its a crappy design and artwork, help fund the man! Buy my $10 sticker while at it too!
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thecitydontsleep · 9 years
BMX Edwin DeLaRosa - Streets & Avenues
Follow professional BMX rider, Edwin DeLaRosa as he takes you through the streets of New York where he revolutionized a specific style of riding throughout his lifetime. His passion for BMX, photography and culture comes together in this playground called NYC.  Video by Red Bull Edwin shoots all over the city too, check out his photography work via EdwinDeLaRosa.tumblr.com  
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