#edwina x prince fredrich
apinchofm · 1 year
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Mistaken Identity
Edwina visiting St James' for tea with the Queen leads her to another encounter with King George.
set during QC: ABS
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thebadgerclan · 1 year
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x reader
Requested by @blueberrycoffee19
Summary: Kate and Edwina wish to repay you...
For as long as Edwina could remember, you had been in her life.  She had grown up calling you her “Auntie Y/N”, and you had helped Kate and Lady Mary shape her into the wonderful young lady she was today.  You accompanied the Sheffield-Sharmas to London for Edwina’s season, and everyone was floored when she was named the season’s diamond.  The surprises continued when Queen Charlotte offered to put in a good with her nephew, Prince Fredrich, who had just arrived to visit his aunt.
Lady Mary and Kate were overjoyed for Edwina, and to your shock, they attributed the bulk of her success to you.  “You have been there for us since the beginning,” Lady Mary had said.  “You treated Kate and Edwina as your own sisters, and I will forever be in your debt.”  Kate had shared the sentiment.  “Thanks to your efforts, Edwina has charmed a prince.  Fredrich has said he will provide for us all!  I will not be forced to marry!”
They insisted on repaying you, something you insisted was entirely unnecessary.  “We will find you a suitor!” Edwina had said excitedly.  “Edwina, darling, I require no repayment.  You are as much my family as my own blood, I would do the same for them.”  But the sisters heard none of your arguments, drafting and revising lists of potential suitors.  As it turns out, you were quite popular amongst the ton, and you soon felt like a debutante yourself.
Promenades, afternoon teas, lunch parties, dinner parties, your dance card full at every ball; it was a life you had never envisioned for yourself, but one you were enjoying nonetheless.  Like most evenings, you were dressed in a glittering gown, your hair curled and pinned, every gentleman vying for a dance with you.  Kate leaned in to whisper to you, keeping her gaze ahead.
“I know you have met many of these gentlemen,” she said.  “But him… He is a case I have yet to crack.”  She pointed to a strikingly handsome man who was speaking with someone who appeared to be his sister.  “The Viscount Bridgerton.  The head of his household who has yet to marry.  He inherited his title tragically–his father passed quite suddenly.  From what I managed to gather, his standards are very high.  But you, Y/N, I believe you may meet those standards.”
You smiled.  You would be hard pressed to deny that the Viscount Bridgerton was attractive.  You had heard about him; his history as a rake, his fierce devotion to his family, and his apparent aversion to marriage.  He was a challenge, and oh, you did love a challenge.  “How would I even be introduced?”  Edwina smirked.  “Leave that to me.”  She took your dance card, seeing who was slated for your next dance.  She copied that name onto hers and conveniently spilled her lemonade on yours.
“He is nothing if not a gentleman,” Edwina said.  “When he sees you unaccompanied for a dance, he will have to offer.”  You took Edwina’s hand, smiling as you shook your head.  “You are a genius, Edwina.  You shall make an excellent princess.”  Edwina blushed, smoothly stepping in front of your original partner for the next dance, as you made your way across the room into Lord Bridgerton’s line of sight.
When people began pairing off, you remained solitary, which sure enough, drew the Viscount’s attention.  “Pardon me, my lady?” he said.  “Are you in need of a dance partner?”  You smiled coyly, offering your hand.  “I am indeed, thank you, Lord…?”  He took your hand.  “Bridgerton, miss.  Viscount Anthony Bridgerton.  And you are?”  “Miss Y/N L/N, my lord.  It is a pleasure to meet you.”  “I assure you, miss, the pleasure is entirely mine.”
He kissed your hand, and the musicians began playing.  The pair of you took to the dance floor, the steps like second nature, allowing you to speak to one another as you danced.  “So, Miss L/N,” Anthony said.  “I do not believe I have seen you in town before.”  “No, I am here with the Lady Sheffield-Sharma and her daughters.  I have been close with them since childhood.”
“I see…”  He spun you before you faced him again.  “If I may, are you seeking a match this season?”  You shook your head.  “Not originally.  But Miss Edwina has caught Her Majesty’s nephew’s eye, so Kate–her sister–and she insisted on finding me a suitor.”  Anthony nodded.  “But tell me, my lord, are you not also seeking a wife?”  “Indeed I am.  I have been told my criteria are a bit harsh, however.”
You laughed, a real laugh, and Anthony felt his heart squeeze.  “How so?”  “Oh, I dare not say in front of a gently bred lady.”  You looked at his through your lashes.  “There is little I have not heard, Lord Bridgerton,” you replied, and he smiled.  “Very well.  I had thought my requirements were simple: she must be well read, be reasonably intelligent, be able to hold a decent conversation, and….”
“And what, sir?” you said, a hint of teasing leaching into your voice.  “That she be reasonably pleasant to look upon.”  You had to stifle a roaring laugh.  “Oh my.  Well, perhaps it was the way you phrased it?  I can indeed see how they may be off putting.”  Anthony cocked his head.  “How might you suggest I pose such questions?  My current model has been proven ineffective, I suppose.”
“Well, rather than asking a lady if she is well read, as what she enjoys reading.  Do not ask her if she is intelligent, ask her if she enjoys studying, and what she enjoys.  As for her appearance, I suppose that is subjective.  Though you must understand, my lord, we have been raised on needlework and pianoforte.  So if a lady brags about her skills, it is because we have been told those are what gentlemen are looking for.”
The Viscount nearly rolled his eyes.  “I cannot speak for all gentlemen, but I certainly do not care if a woman can embroider a pillow.  There are far more practical uses for one’s time.”  “I quite agree.  Lord knows how much blood I have lost to embroidery.”  Anthony laughed, a warm, hearty sound, and you smiled.  The dance ended, and Anthony bowed as you curtsied.  He found that he was not annoyed with dancing as he normally was.
You were sharp, witty, funny.  Clearly an intelligent young lady, and gorgeous to boot.  How was it possible that you met every one of his criteria for a wife?  “Miss L/N, if I am not too bold, might I call upon you tomorrow morning?  I feel we have much to discuss.”  You smiled, feeling your heart skip a beat.  “I would like that, my lord.  I am staying with Lady Danbury.”  Anthony kissed your hand once he had returned you to Kate and Edwina.  “Until tomorrow, then, Miss L/N.”
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Dearest Writers,
Our very first Bridgerton Event, TROPED Smut: Bridgerton, begins in just a few days and we are positively bursting with excitement! We hope that you'll join us to share your most scandalous smut fics! As this is our first Bridgerton event, we'd like to go over how TROPED works, so the newest members of our illustrious social circle can be prepared for the event of the season!
Writing Period Begins: April 10th at 12:00am! Writing Period Ends: April 20th at 3:00am PST/6:00am EST Voting Period Begins: April 21st at 12:00am Voting Period Ends: April 23rd at 11:59pm Winners Announced: April 24th!
All times are Eastern Standard Time unless otherwise specified!
How it Works:
TROPED Smut: Bridgerton will be one of our TROPED: Choice Events! You will be tasked with selecting your favourite combination of a theme + four tropes, and writing us a scandalous, salacious smut fic for your favourite Bridgerton Pairing! Modern AU, Canonverse, Fantasy, Western, our Smut Event Masterlist is your oyster! Here's what to do:
Choose a theme for your fic from our list of themes! Any theme is permitted except for Young Adult! The themes have been well defined, but if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!
Choose four tropes from our list of tropes! You can, of course, use more than four tropes from our list, but only the four tropes you list will be included for voting! For this challenge, at least one of your four tropes must be a Smut trope, which are in a separate section on our masterlist! Any tropes that needed it have been defined, but if you are confused about any tropes, definition or not, let us know! We're here to help!
Pick a Pairing! For this event, any couple from the Bridgerton universe is permitted! This can include show canon couples (such as Theo x Eloise), book canon couples, or fan canon! You are not required to include an actual Bridgerton, so if you're taken with the idea of Edwina and Prince Fredrich, for example, we would love to see it! If you select a pairing that are not yet 18+ in the show universe (for example, Hyacinth x Gareth or Gregory x Lucy), you may still use them, as they are adults in the books, please be sure you make it clear that you aged them appropriately!
Write your fic! Make sure you put what your theme is and what tropes you used in your fic summary, or in the notes at the TOP of your fic, so we can keep our eyes peeled for them as we read them! If you are worried the tropes/themes will spoil your fic, you may put them in the notes at the bottom, but please let us know at the top if you choose to do so, and be sure that all of your tropes and themes are in the same place! And don't forget to have fun with it! Part of what we love about TROPED is seeing how a dozen different writers can each make a trope their own, so do what speaks to you, and if you're not sure if something will work, shoot us an ask!
Don't forget to follow our Rules! For this event, we ask that you remember: yes, this is a Smut event, however, it is not anything goes. We do not allow rape, incest, or underage. We also encourage a careful approach to pairings with significant power imbalances, so if you'd like to write teacher/student or something similar, please be careful to ensure consent is clear within your fic. (Teacher/student is NOT permitted for character in HS.) You can find a more in depth look at our rules here!
Post your Fic! A tutorial for how to submit your fic can be found here! For this event, you will enter your fics into the collection "Troped_Smut_Bridgerton"! If you have questions, let us know!
Now, here's the fun part. All TROPED Events are Anonymous!! Until the event has ended, your fic will be labelled as anonymous, and we will not share any identifying info about the authors prior to when we announce the winners! This is to ensure that fics are judged on their own merits, and to try to avoid making our event feel like a popularity contest, which can sometimes happen in a fandom! We welcome new writers, old writers, and everyone in between! (We’ve even had some people write their first EVER fic for Troped, which is so cool!!)
Voting is simple! We will make a poll with all the fics written for the event. You will vote based on the use of the chosen theme, the combined use of the four chosen tropes, and the combined use of the entire selected prompt! We also always include a few bonus polls! This event will have Best Smut, Most Creative, and, a TROPED staple, Most Unique Pairing!
For Bridgerton, Most Unique Pairing, book canon couples (Saphne, Kanthony, Benophie, Polin, Philoise, Franchel, Hyreth, and Grucy) will NOT be included! Writing a Unique Pairing is not required, your fic will still be included in all other categories for voting if you write a book canon couple, so there is no pressure, just light encouragement from us to go for it, if it’s calling to you!
After the voting, we reveal the winners and the fics, and that's that! Once the event is over, all fics will (of course) be revealed, and we are always thrilled to share any moodboards or art you may create in relation to your fics, so don't forget to tag us!
The Themes and Tropes List is now OPEN! Happy Writing!
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