#ee songstress
thatfreak03 · 6 months
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(Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or drawing mistakes)
I don't know a lot about The Songstress. I haven't really seen any full episodes of Anime Campaign and even if I did, it's possible Epithet Erased will completely rewrite her story. The only information we got is that Phoenica's family has to battle her every 100 years or so.
So what if it turns out she isn't what the world thinks she is? What if she isn't what Phoenica thinks she is? What if when Phoenica goes to battle The Songstress, The Songstress doesn't react to her the way she expects her to? What if instead she is met with the reaction I drew? What if Phoenica's ancestors have been lying to everyone, including their descendants?
What if The Songstress isn't evil?
This is just some wild speculation I have.
Also, one of the songs I was listening to while drawing was The Ballad Of Jane Doe from Ride The Cyclone, so I also drew this.
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You ever think about how Slim and the Songstress were in the same place, at the same time, at possibly one of the lowest points in each of their respective lives, and yet we never get to see them interact.
They would have made a killer villian team up I'm telling you
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neowollymoxie · 10 months
For context I need you to understand something .
Lorelai beats EVERYBODY in EE other than maybe zora and molly.
I doubt the entire cast at the same time, excluding those two would even give her a challenge honestly.
And the fact that feenie describes the songstress as "quite a bit more powerful" is terrifying.
This is the same person who can turn people into anything she wants and has almost complete control over her bubbles,she's essentially GOD in her world and despite everything feenie has seen from her she's still confident that the songstress is stronger,and feenie doesn't lie.
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amaros-system · 2 years
Prison of Plastic Thoughts
So, finished Prison of Plastic. Here are my spoilery thoughts: - I think I understand better why this show is called Epithet Erased. A very core theme is the pain that these powers cause, mainly to the inscribed themselves. - I really like this decision. I was expecting this to go in the direction of "oh no Inscribed hurt Mundies" like so many stories do. This is really tired, and always rubs me the wrong way because of how they are resolved. The notion of somebody's abilities being fundamental to who they are feels very ableist (looking at you, Legend of Korra). Being blinded would change my life, but it wouldn't make me any less. - On that note, I hope we get to see a character actually have their epithet taken away and to not get it back later in the same arc. I wanna see somebody grapple with what not having it means, and grow beyond their epithet. - The thing that unites all of the antagonists, is how they view powers. Mera's epithet causes chronic pain, Zora's sucks the joy out of life, Lori possibly accidentally caused the death of her mother with it. For these characters epithets are disabilities. This has a ton of narrative potential, and I'm immensely curious to see where Jello goes with this. - When you embrace that both Mundies and Inscribed can be the metaphorical representation of disabled people, EE is actually a very compelling disability analogy. Not sure if that's intentional, but I don't care! - Further on the EE-as-disability-analogy, I think this makes Molly the perfect protagonist. The first thing we see Molly use her epithet for is prevent overstimulation. While for other characters their powers are just nice boons or even active hindrances, Molly is the only one that relies on her Epithet. She runs counter to Bliss Ocean's ideals, in an interesting way. - Moving away from disability now! - Lori is so hatable, but also so lovable. Seeing her actually play along with Molly was so such an amazing moment, very sad to see how it ended. - Also, very conflicted on shipping Lori and Gio. They have such chemistry, but also Lori absolutely does not deserve him. I need her to finish her arc so I can see this ship god damn it. - Rick is the best. I envy his energy. - I totally thought Ricks friends in Ocean Country were killed for helping a slave escape for a sec. - Naven has such twist villain energy. Same vibes as Ralsei. The way he talks to Lori and the fact he has Yoomtah as a driver are all very sus. - I really want to see what Trixie’s epithet is, assuming they have one. I’m expecting something super obscure. There’s also that crow, and the possible Songstress connection I’ve seen some people theorize about. - Giovanni kidnapping Molly is so on-brand. He was really great this arc in general, really. Didn’t have a lot of big, bombastic moments, but I actually liked that. Get to see more chill Giovanni. AKA, what makes him so cool.
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phoenixculpa · 2 years
vicarious ebaums to a thief
in the night like songstress’
jesus’ eyes redden with
question for ethos, path-
ology a twisted labyrinth
like malaise melodrama-
tic auto checkout spok-
en word, unnecessarily
so the convo goes crass
with another somehow,
as Sun spilled into
beloved Pepe Le Pew,
with or without that
rain drizzle con-
trasting its color-
ful myriad is absent-
ee faded black, 24
carat for show
hooped earring,
matching boxcart
ensemble drawn
when a half hour
releases a bird
flown south gone
circular [wish
i could be there]
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Pspsps lwa x EE pspsps
Had some random thoughts about a Little Witch Academia x Epithet Erased au (with the Lwa characters in the EE world). I don't have anything concrete at the moment, so I'll just post stuff I brainstormed. I'll post more about the au in future posts. I'm considering naming the au “Dumb Little Spark”, which I like, but I don't just wanna go with the first thing I thought of. Let me know what y'all think the au name should be!
Lwa x EE Braindump!
Ursula had a large reputation in the public with the persona of “Shiny Chariot” for being the most wanted Vigilante in Sweet Jazz City. Despite this, people weren't afraid of her. If anything, most people looked up to her as someone of hope for helping more than the entire Sweet Jazz Police force. For a while, things look great. But as expectations and pressure grow, it becomes too much for her. One day, Shiny Chariot dissappeared without a trace, like a star in the sky that burnt out. No one knows what happened, but regardless of her disappearance, her impact on the city was insurmountable, bringing inspiration of hope and change to many adults and adolescents alike.
During the night, Akko takes on the role of a vigilante with the job of keeping Sweet Jazz City safe. She was inspired by her idol, “Shiny Chariot”, and when Shiny Chariot had disappeared, Akko had taken the initiative to spread the same kind of hope as her idol. Most underestimate her because she's a mundie, but those who do won't get the chance to make that mistake twice
Akko and Lorelai know each other. Despite them being complete opposites, they're actually friends with each other, though it's somewhat strained.
Sucy and Mushroom Girl are siblings, with the former being adopted into the family
Sucy became one of the chaperones of the field trip because the teacher of the class wasn't assured, with Martin being the only person to sign up as a chaperone. The teacher begged their dad, and the two managed to reach a compromise where the teacher would pay the family if Sucy signed up.
Lotte had the chance to go to college like Sylvie and get a degree before becoming an adult, but she declined as she said that it would be too much for her to handle. They told her that she could be a big-name famous person, but didn't realize that Lotte would rather dig her hand in a vase of poisonous snakes.
Giovanni gace Sucy a handmade invitation to try and get Sucy to join his boys. Everyone but Crusher didn't believe that it would work, but was surprised when Sucy actually accepted Giovanni's invitation. Till this day, nobody knows how Gio managed to convince her.
Lotte's epithet allows her to interact with the souls of others and herself. Because of that, she did gain a decent reputation for helping people with physical and mental health complications with their epithets for free. This had put her on Phoenica’s radar, and she's dead-set on meeting Lotte and convincing her to join her group of magical girls
Ben found Sucy creepy and objected to her becoming a minion, but Giovanni was having none of it and shut him down. Ben thinks she's going to poison them in their sleep
Constanze signed up for an internship with Howie, who found her inventions helpful for helping with construction
Whenever Constanze goes to the Blyndeff emporium, she just glances at Molly, and she immediately knows what Constanze specifically wants without a single word being exchanged (Constanze is her favorite customer because of this, and because she pays extra)
The Cavendish family is known as well and widely as the Fleecity family, becoming famous from a Cavendish and Fleecity working together when the Songstress first arrived. Since then, both families have had a rival relationship. They'd compete with each other but won't hesitate to team up when the arrival of the Songstress is near.
Trixie and Sucy know each other, and Sucy will sometimes help them with their potions
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solarvh · 2 years
More Sugar Cookie Shuffle AU
SCS is a epithet erased/anime campaign swap AU that we came up with, here's the previous post detailing most of the swaps
We recently did more stuff on this on a whim so hey more of this now.
btw whenever i say "we" i mean me and @sirfolomew who has a tumblr now and didnt have one before
@hugthegoatchild made a lot of good points and we're convinced, i guess we'll just incorporate that into our worldview
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anyway on to the new stuff
elaborating on the Feenie Trixie swap. as said before, the roughhouses are now a dynasty of villains and evil sorcerers, and the fleecities are still rich but no longer magical girls. Now, in the original, the Roughhouses had criminal notoriety and the Fleecities were a magical force of good. If the Roughhouses are a magical force of evil and the Fleecities are non-magical but rich. If that is the case and they gain criminal notoriety, they become a rich non-magical force of good with criminial notoriety. What im saying is: The Fleecities are Batman. Phoenica Fleecity is Robin.
New Swap: Banzai Blasters and the evil forces of the Songstress. The Banzai Blasters are now the Songbird Sorcerers, basically the Blasters but now purple and magic and music themed. This is what Rick belongs to, he has the rank of Wizard. the equivalent ranks are as follows Baron Songstress Senpai Apprentice Valedictorian Senpai Associate Justice Court Composer Vice Principle Maestro Captain Wizard Blaster Sorcerer
more elaboration on Martin and Calliope swap Calliope and Martin Blyndeff are two horrible parents that somehow cancel out to make a functional unit. and then one of them dies. Calliope Blyndeff is, as opposed to Martin's all play and no work bumbling idiot, is an all work and no play always correct ruthless pragmatist joyless busybody manager.
more elaboration on Lorelai and Molly swap. Lorelai and Molly have their ages swapped btw. As Martin, the former toymaker has died, the role of toymaker goes to Lorelai Blyndeff, who cannot keep up with the demands set by her mother. As opposed to Lorelai's unhealthy coping mechanism of escapism through fantasy, Molly's unhealthy coping mechanism is a rotating combination of constantly distracting herself from the trauma with productivity, leading to becoming an academic overachiever, and self-numbing sensory deprivatory sleep, where she uses her epithet to go basically completely comatose and can only be woken by lorelai doing her dream bubble thing or whatever to go on a journey to the center of the mind to pull her out. Molly is basically either running at full steam overworking herself or shes completely powered off. Either way, she mostly spends her time alone in silence either studying or sleeping. Molly believes she doesnt have time for friends, and thus ends up a friendless loner. Man how is she worse off compared to ee molly. i feel bad for her. Hey remember how Lorelai's epithet caused Calliope's death in base ee? tack on self hatred issues onto the list of things wrong with scs molly blyndeff because she 100% believes she killed martin. girl is NOT having a good time. She's emotionanally detached from the rest of the family but still depends on them, pretty much the same as base ee Lorelai.
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jay-marti · 9 months
Here's a puzzle. What is the smallest combination of EE characters do you think it would take to beat Zora?
Just her, she’s explicitly been stated to be stronger than Zora and it was honestly kinda weird she didn’t just blitz the entire museum plus police response for the amulet(probably a personality/cover thing)
Which is lucky because the entire EE cast minus Yoomtah and the featless wonders of **Him**, The Songstress, and the Ocean Country King are getting folded by Zora, even the Honored Bun is still just leagues behind anything the Bliss Ocean Officers are capable of, which is why Im so excited to see how the powers of our characters will grow and progress to combat this potential threat to the world
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tearaheart · 4 years
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Black songstress? Yea
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Tried drawing the songstress. Emphasis on tried lol.
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bohello · 4 years
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Came up with the concept of making Feeniesonas (a la back when everyone was making spidersonas) while chatting w/ Speyer last night! 
Here is mine, she goes by Phoebe and really likes the idea of just living a normal, non-magical girl saving the world life! 😅😥😰
More explaination/guidelines for Feeniesonas under the cut :3
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text: [some semblance of rules I came up with (subject to change and also Feenie's not my baby I dont make the decisions on this 😂):
-Can be any age 
-Can be any gender 
-Has to officially be named Phoenica/Phoenico Fleecity the (number) 
-Is not Feenie XV (EE feenie) in an alt universe, is just another generation of Phoenica Fleecity descendant from the original Phoenica Fleecity who first fought Songstress 
-Can go by any nickname 
-Must be some variation of Blonde 
-Preferably wear mostly white/pastels and or very fancy clothes 
-Must be a rich fluffy sheep at heart]
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zombie-love-bites · 6 years
Keeper/Apothicon Headcanons
Der Eisendrache Keeper
The Keeper of Der Eisendrache is a lady Keeper
She watched over Samantha, as her mother instincts kicked in
Creates and controls the Wisps of the Castle
Her lover is the Keeper of the Moon (explained below)
She was lonely once the King died
She didn’t like Group 935 for what they did
She kept the Wolf company
She was joyful of Samantha and the Primis group for entering the Castle and being able to see and speak to her
She regret nothing helping Primis
She is killed when the Earth is blown up (Moon EE)
The Moon Keeper/Apothicon
Male Keeper of the Apothicon Pyramid on the Moon
He is the guardian and protector of the Pyramid
Richtofens’ visit had the Keeper sealed inside a rune on the wall
He let the Apothicons’ words corrupt him
He devours the energy of Apothicons, Keepers and humans
He is the once lover of the Keeper of Der Eisendrache (See above)
He is killed when the Moon is blown up (Der Eisendrache EE)
Primis Keepers
There are 4 Keepers that aid the Battle for Good at Primis:
Nova the Fire
Malukah the Wind
Elena the Songstress
Minerva (who took her child with her) the Healer
Nova often led the vanguard with Primis, obliterating vast amounts of undead
Malukah created shields and helped push back the Evil forces
Elena gave inspiration and courage with songs that rang deep and strong
Her Sonic Scream is something to fear
Minerva was quiet and hung back with the injured, healing and giving soft advice
It is said that either Minerva or Elena gave the idea of the Pack-A-Punch to the Blacksmith
Minerva always had her son with her, who often acted as a distraction to the severely hurt or dying
Nova, Malukah and Elena went away after the Battle was won, but Minerva and her son stayed and seemed to fade away in time
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fayewonglibrary · 5 years
Ice queen gets fizzy (1999)
The voice of a new generation is innocent yet world-weary.
Try asking about her private life, and she turns from doe-eyed waif to diva
SHE burst into the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre from a hidden door, like the geyser of twisted hair that shot out of her frail skull which, in turn, would define the coolest hairstyle in Hongkong for the next week.
She stayed fleetingly, bantering with the press and giving reporters quotes that were as flimsy as the diaphanous shawl draped about her thin spaghetti-strapped shoulders.
Songstress Faye Wong was back in the limelight again on Tuesday, when she made her latest public appearance as the new face of soft-drink manufacturer Pepsi. She launched the drink’s advertising campaign with a one-minute commercial featuring a single, Exciting, from her soon-to-be-released album, Love Strangers Only.
The 30-year-old, who was reportedly paid US$1.7 million (S$2.8 million) to be the fizzy drink’s new spokesman after big-name representatives like Aaron Kwok, Ricky Martin and Janet Jackson, turned out to be as light and frothy as the product she was endorsing.
Would she be doing a promotional tour in Taiwan, when her album is released next month?
“Yes,” she answered gawkily, as reporters around her laughed.
Would her own life be as exciting as the title of her new single seems to hint?
“Not really … I think my life as seen by the media is much more exciting than what it really is,” she said, not before stumbling throughher signature hmmms, errrhs and arrhhs.
Better to watch her new music video, which at least shows her swimming and singing underwater, among more spectacular stunts such as throwing somersaults in a backyard.
The video itself, part of which is incorporated into the Pepsi commercial, attempts to recreate the tender moments of Wong’s own childhood in the early ‘70s.
Apart from the singer, it also features a Wong-lookalike little girl who frolicks in old classrooms with the innocence of pre-adolescence and pre-stardom.
“I don’t think the little girl really looks like me; I don’t think it was really like that during my childhood,” the blunt Wong revealed, brushing close past another media faux pas.
“I mean, those were artistic decisions. I guess it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t look like me; the main thing is that she feels like me,” she added quickly.
What is typically Wong – or at least the media prototype of the singer-actress – is the Ice Queen-meets-Baby Woman image as reinforced in the clip.
There, she splays her feathery frame upon a battered blackboard, waves at the camera while slunk childishly across a desk, and does her trademark “trapped-in-my-own-world” look with her blameless, liquid eyes.
“I did try to do my own thing there,” she said.
“I had been trying a couple of new angles in front of the camera, and some of these are very personal.”
Due to financial restraints on the advertising contract, the commercial itself – and a few billion Pepsi cans bearing Wong’s image – will be seen in Hongkong, China and Taiwan only. The actual Exciting music video clip, however, started broadcast worldwide yesterday, while her album itself will only be released next month.
“The song Exciting is about living life to the fullest,” she said.
“It is not about running after your dreams and finding the perfect fulfilment of them, but savouring all the excitement that comes in the process of doing so.  Life is not just about love and emotions; it is also about so many other things.”
A pointed statement indeed, cryptic but well-phrased enough to be a reference to her failed three-year-old marriage with China rocker Dou Wei, who admitted to adultery with his long-time photographer-mistress Gao Yuan five months ago.
A sparkling flint of a quote not unlike the shot of caffeine present in the drink of which she is the ambassador, you think. And there is fizz too – evident in a flash of hot temper.
When a perky reporter finally asked the dreaded question about her divorce proceedings against Dou, which started in April, Wong reared her chimera head and hissed: “What has that got to do with you? What has that got to do with readers?
"I’m a public figure, so all the more I don’t have to tell the whole world about my private life. You’re just trying to sell more copies of your newspaper.”
Quite a far cry from the innocent doe-eyed waif who had earlier declared that “I have always been an open and happy person”.
“My emotional state now is the same as that of a year ago – it hasn’t changed.  You don’t believe me? I’m telling the truth.”
Back to dreary soundbites for now. Wong was unable to shed new light on how her new album is different stylistically from her previous one, short of saying that “there ought to be changes but I’m not sure what they are”.
She stood up, staring unblinkingly at the descending avalanche of press photographers. She strutted, none-too graceful in her awkward, childish pose, yet fully-conscious of her strange, Kid Queen aura.
And then, she left, slacking off indifferently in her brown strappy loafers, leaving reporters just that little bit more enlightened about her slippery persona.
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denoticias · 5 years
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Bay Area Rock Songstress KARNEY llega a nuevas alturas con un sonido enorme y letras poderosas en su nuevo EP MEJOR Karney - Mejor Karney Música y Sonidos SAN FRANCISCO, CA, EE. UU., 3 de febrero de 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ - Anna Karney ha estado haciendo buena música durante muchos años, actuando en todo Estados Unidos y colaborando con muchos artistas talentosos y notables.
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lissachan504 · 7 years
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Writing Challenge:
Issued by: @hoseoks-kitten to break my writing stall out. THANK YOU!!!!
4000+ Words using the photo above.
Any Genre
Any Fandom/OC count of your choosing.
My adaptation:
Title: Sen (Tieyn’s Journey)
Genre: Fantasy
Fandom: BTS 
AU Character: Prince Yoongi (AKA SUGA)
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OC: Tieyn Arah (Egeria ( Water Fae)
Sen (Tieyn’s Journey)
By: Lissachan504/Aka Tumblr Mom.
Word Count:1,573 (the rest in part 2 tumblr is giving me crap)
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Part 1:  The Forbidden Dance in the Moonlight.
 Prince Yoongi was the first and only child of King and Queen Min.The Honorable and benevolent rulers of the great eastern lands of Miook. Which could explain why they felt the need to keep watch on him with a careful eye. Not only was he the heir to the throne, he was also their most precious boy and of course, they spoiled him with whatever he desired no matter the cost.
But as Yoongi grew older he began to push away from his parents wanting to explore and experience things on his own. His father took his new shift in attitude as willful defiance against his and his mother wishes, thus they pulled the reins tighter, nearly suffocating him.
 First by limiting his time with the kingdoms alchemist Gi, who was known far and wide for his crazy ideas and theories but a good friend to the prince. Second by hiring a well-established scholar to guide him how to utilize his spare time more efficiently and finally they assigned four brutish bodyguards to follow him wherever he went. Morning, noon and night. They even parked outside his room as he slept just in case he got the notion to pull a little mischief. Something he did quite often.
Soon he felt more like a prisoner than the crowned prince. He hated being treated like a child and began to resent his parents for their lack of trust in his judgment.
 One night, after an exhausting dinner of constant nagging by his mother to chose a bride from the upcoming Blossom Festival. Yoongi decided to slip out of the palace and sneak down to the beach for a quiet walk in the moonlight. One of his favorite things. The ocean waters.
 It wasn’t as difficult as he expected. Once he sprinkled the herbs Gi gave him into the soldier’s nightly rations, they almost instantly fell asleep. Genius. He must remember to thank, Gi later.
The raven haired prince side smirked as he lifted the dark hood over his head to veil his handsome features. Luckily night was on his side, plus not many villagers were out and about at this hour. They feared what may lie in the darkness. 
Cautiously he made his way down the back steps, around the courtyard gardens, and out the rear entrance. It took little to no effort. Most of the wall centuries spent most of their time napping than patrolling anyway.
After he got far enough from the eyes in the watch towers he pulled back his hood and exhaled a sigh of relief. Peace. He didn't know when it happened, but his good loving parent had turned into unrelenting sentinels and no longer cared about his happiness. They only wanted one thing…him to find a wealthy bride and produce and heir. Did he have no other worth than that? He knew what his responsibilities were and he had the intelligence to rule the kingdom fairly as his father. now does. Why do they doubt him so much? It frustrated him to no end.
Yoongi frowned beginning his walk through the thick nest of trees to the sandy beach below. As he sauntered along the well-worn mixed gravel pathway, he picked a pale and silky bloom that had made its home at the edge.
He wanted to make them proud…if they would let him. Also this bride the bride nonsense…drove him absolutely mad. He would pick a wife when he found one not interested in power or coin. Two-faced vain puppets dressed in fancy dresses. Poisoned by their conniving parents to only think of power and position, they latch on to anything with a title. What about caring for the person you marry? Even Love? That frail and delicate emotion that in these times would vanish if you mention it aloud. Maybe he was just a dreamer, but he couldn’t be the only one…
Slowly he raised the flower to his nose and inhaled the light feathery fragrance. He smiled musingly. Why can’t all things in life be as simple as this blossom? After a few minutes of wandering, he came to the end and it opened up onto the soft, shell covered beach.
“ At last…” He whispered, gazing out at the dark waters rolling beneath the glowing moon and them crawl up and down the wet glossy terrain.”Peace”
Still holding onto the flower he traversed the thick lumpy peaks and ridges to the edge of the surf. The warm water rushed up, chasing the translucent ghost crabs as they foraged for food. Cute little things; about the size of a dinner biscuit. Not too smart though. The prince chuckled to himself and continued on his night adventure.
As time grew later, he took notice of a beautiful and mysterious blue glow just beneath the surface of the water.  A veil of black lace and shimmery sapphires. 
He halted, crouching over to examine the light closer. Gi had told him that it was tiny little animals searching for food that made that glow or something like that…no bigger than the head of a pin.  Science revealed oddities as a natural function of nature. Others would disagree saying it was the magic of the sea fairies… such nonsense, although secretly he wanted to believe that there were supernatural beings out there. Sprites, mermaids, sirens..all tales to enchant children, but the stories had to come from a shred of fact.
Gently, Yoongi dipped his palm in the current, fanning his fingers out. The stars of the sea shone brighter from his touch. Back and forth he glided his hand in the frothy surf.  So simple but it gave him so much joy. He wished things could be different.
That's when he heard it...
A faint song hidden within the crashing waves. At first, he wasn’t sure if he heard it until the singing came again. Louder. Where was it coming from? From what he could tell he was the only person who had visited in the last few hours. So who was the songstress? 
Yoongi’s sharp and focused eyes searched for of the source in the darkness but saw nothing but random light and jiggly jellyfish paroling the deep. That voice...he must find her.
Then Bubbles, then ripples started to form a few feet out, just beyond the surf.
“Hmm?” He hummed concentrating on that particular spot.
More bubbles and the lapping waves curled and bowed like the fountain in the courtyard. He should be wary, it could be a shark or giant squid looking for its nightly meal...but he couldn’t move nor could he look away. The song, the somber and hauntingly beautiful song locked onto him and anchored to the sand. Good heavens.. was it a siren?
Abruptly, as to answer his question, the water funneled, winding and spinning like a liquid cone. sapphire and gold lights sparkled from withing, then fanned out, pulling the water into a new shape. A shell? Or a lush flower perhaps.
 Narrowing his view, brought his eyes to clarity. In the center of the magical bloom was a figure. A thin and feminine silhouette. There's a person in there? How could they breathe? 
The suddenly the singing stopped and the being was pushed forward from the spiraling cone, eventually, the waves lay back down with its brothers. Nothing remained of the spectacle but the figure standing on the sea, The seconds that passed felt like hours, even months. He just crouched there likes suspicious frog staring out at what had been.  Had he lost his mind? Did his parents drug his drink at supper? So many questions pulsed through his mind like a whirling top. Then the creature moved, slowly stepping towards him. The closer it came the clearer the image became and to his surprise....it was a girl.
A young heavenly girl, no older than him, tall and slender in frame, wearing a shimmery mint dress to her knees. Her feet were bare, except for delicate thin wraps around her tiny ankles adorned with colorful shells and pearls.
Yoongi raised slowly to his feet, gawking, jaw unhinged and awestruck. His wide eyes followed her as she casually walked over to greet him.  She was beautiful..and couldn't be real...
 Her gaze watched him for a moment before she spoke.
“Are you…a mortal?” She asked in a sweet and soft voice. Her steel colored gems shining like stars in the pale glow of the moon. Was he seeing things?He didn’t have that much wine with dinner…
“Ye..ees. I am.”He said finally. Who would have thought that this world would have such a radiant creature? For real. “Truly?” She asked excitedly. The aqua haired nymph moved in on him fearlessly and cupped his face in her silky hands before he could protest. Her tiny thumbs gently gliding over his skin. He didn't know how to handle this situation. Woman of society never acted with such boldness. They always hid behind frilly words and demurely subtle movements. Not like this...not like her. He found the direct contact exciting and kind of refreshing. “I am…” He stuttered but didn’t push her away. “Who and what are you?” She giggled so pleasantly, musically; it gave him goosebumps. “ I am Tieyn.” Removing her palms from him. “ I am what is called in mortal tongue a water sprite?I come from below and will now begin my life’s journey ” 
@hoseoks-kitten @nyxhikari @hobi-huney @superwholockmarkiplier @nearlyminyoongi Tell me what you think? Should I do this as a real fic on Wattpad?
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Talking to the artist bringing about a new era of music
ANE, pronounced Ann-ee, is set for greatness. Growing up listening to artists such as Stevie Wonder and TLC, the New Jersey-based Korean-American songstress has clear vintage influences in her music and highlights them with a refreshingly modern flair.
“Originally, I created the name to be an acronym A.N.E., which represented the words ‘A New Era.’ I was transitioning from singing straight up old school, 60s and 70s soul music to create something more of the era. So I coined myself, A.N.E. At the time, I wanted to be an ‘electro Amy Winehouse.’ When you say the letters, A.N.E. very fast, it phonetically sounds like Annie, my birth name. So that’s where it comes from. I don’t think I have achieved becoming an electro Amy Winehouse, but the name has stuck. I usually spell it as: Ane, less acronym/brand and more human.”
Ane Soundcloud
Ane Music Youtube
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