#eeeeh I'll tag them as
nedseii · 10 months
If you're in the mood to draw another stark x lannister ship. Bran x Myrcella is a cute romeo and juliet type ship. Thanks for all the art you draw.
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I guess they're hiding from each other behind their moms idoezhdoe
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deniisu-sims · 1 year
Get to Know Me - Sims Edition
Tagged by @puffkins2000 and several others!
What’s your favorite Sims death? Never thought very well about the death types but I'll go for Time Anomaly because the ghost actually looks kinda creepy!
Alpha CC or Maxis Match? MM clothing, semi-realistic Asian-made skins, ALPHA HAIR ONLY. Furniture is a mix, really, but I can't stand MM hair in TS3 AT ALL.
Do you cheat your sims weight? Not at all - if I want to change their weight, they'll go to the gym! Now, for other physical features (read: getting rid off EAxis cartoonishness) Edit in CAS is my best friend :P
Do you move objects? But of course?????? XD
Favorite Mod? The NRaas suite in general + Lazy Duchess ones, but if I need to choose JUST ONE I'll go with DebugEnabler just for the item spawn function and the shifting up/down walls without Decorator's Best Friend (which I like a lot too)
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack? I... found this game in the seven seas so I got them all at the same time...
Do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing? The former - never figured out people considered the "live" from "live mode" as a verb until NOW.
Who’s your favorite sim that you’ve made? Melody Hills, the cute Black girl with natural hair I often put on my previews (she's the youthful one often with protective hairstyles). Minato Hawthorne (half-Japanese guy with glasses and blue eyes that often goes for my more... twinky stuff) and Lise Béranger (the one with the really pretty long curly hair) are close runner-ups.
Have you made a simself? Yeah, but I ended up not liking it (not a case of self-consciousness) and deleted her x_x
Which is your favorite EA hair color? Eeeeh the dark brown is useable I guess...
Favorite EA hair? NONE, I HATE THEM ALL
Favorite life stage? I readily admit that I'm part of the Millennial Party Simulator school of playing and 90% of my Sims are Young Adults.
Are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay? I don't BUILD per se, all my lots are downloaded, some build tools are still a bit intimidating, but I rotate between (re-)decorating and playing.
Are you a CC creator? A converter, actually XD Quite balanced between objects and CAS.
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad? I'm closer-ish with the Brazilian TS3 Simblr guys and EAxis 4t3 converters but to call it a squad is a tad too much! But I'm on friendly terms with the folks from the Creator's Cave server, yes.
Do you have any sims merch? / A Youtube for sims? Nope and I don't intend to.
How has your “Sims style” changed throughout your years of playing? I actually find very difficult to let go of my powerplaying and shift to a more roleplayer style :P THAT SAID, in my decorating I finally found a balance between bare and overcluttered!
Who’s your favorite CC creator? it's a secret to no one that @joojconverts and I have very similar styles and we often suggest and beta test stuff for each other, and @bellakenobi and I are friendly outside Simblr too, but to say I have a Favorite CC creator wouldn't do justice to my 28GB CC folder 8D
How long have you had Simblr? I actually wanted to make a simblr for TS2 first but it never went forward (at the time I only did some mailbox recolors that I never released), so it's older than I believe, but I started getting active in TS3 around 2017-2018 I believe?
How do you edit your pictures? I cut, resize and add text ONLY. I have no patience for extra editing.
What expansion/ gamepack is your favorite? Can't choose between Ambitions and Supernatural XD
I tag everyone!
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susgamusga · 1 year
cookie run oc dump!!
So, since last October I've been working on an au called "Cookie Run: Underscore J". It's set in a cult where 24 cookies praise their god JJ Cookie. All of this started when JJ Cookie had lost their power, and they're using their followers for whatever they please. It gets all angsty and then cute and then back to angst because I feel like it / ¯⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
eeeeh the lore isn't really developed other than it's a cult. I'm heavily inspired by Cotl and other media that dive into cult things :p Here's the logo idea I made a couple of weeks ago
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Anyways, you came here for cookie run ocs, probably. Here's the smug laid-back InstaCrumb influencer, LJ (Love Juggler) Cookie!!!
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I don't have a story for any of these cookies, so I'll just talk about them idkfbbrn...,,.
Yknow how insta's likes are little love hearts right? So,I decided to make him lovecore, the aesthetic with a bunch of hearts and such such. I could tint him more pink but I'm alright with this..
Next up, EJ (Ethereal Jelly) Cookie!
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She's Milky Way's older sister that protects her from the pesky little strangers that don't believe in JJ. She's one of JJ's students and she tags along with WJ Cookie to indoctrinate other cookies. She listens and does whatever JJ Cookie says, she can't be stopped when she's following JJ's orders. Blah blah shes also very kind to cookies shes close to aka WJ Cookie and her little sis MW Cookie
WJ Cookie design is still in the works so uh be patient¿¡
Here's her consept design drawings
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There's also some wj heurgdb
have a good nap, byee!..
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vcshstampede · 1 year
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name: "Vash!"
eye color: "A sky blue, I guess??"
hair style/color: "It's sort of all over the place, but blond!"
height: "Etto.... I haven't measured myself in a while...? I-I'm not sure, but I do know I haven't gotten any taller! I'll take a guess. Let's see.... I'll say..... 5'9"!"
clothing style: "I love my red long-coat! It's very distinguished, hehe. Oh but, let's see what else... I guess I just wear regular pants, & boots too? My glove as well. Heat doesn't bother me too much."
best physical feature: "Aaah you're gonna make me all shy! Etto.... I don't know ahaha! I've never been asked this before.... Today I'll pick, my smile!"
your fears: "Nai."
your guilty pleasure: "So you're asking what I enjoy that I think others would shun me for, huh? Etto..... let's see..... mmmn I guess I like Worms more than the average human would? Er I mean, that I find them fascinating! Even the bigger ones, though they're kinda frightening, I just wanna, learn more about them too."
your ambitions for the future: "I don't really plan that far ahead ahahaha.... etto... let's see... I just want to live my life! & Enjoy it with the ones I cherish. So I guess, travelling and meeting new people??"
your first thoughts waking up: "I should stretch and have some water."
what you think about most: "Ahaha, that's very, etto, private you know? It's, a lot of different things! For now, I'll pick.... Nai."
what you think about before bed: "I hope I won't have any nightmares."
what you think your best quality is: "Eeeh this is an interesting question! Etto.... I guess it's my ability to.... hmmm.... actually, I don't know how to answer this ahaha.... sorry!!"
single or group dates: "Eeeeh a date huh? Ahaahaha~ Um! Let's see..... I-I dunno! I've never thought about that before~."
to be loved or respected: "Both."
beauty or brains: "A soul~."
dogs or cats: "I can't choose they're both so great... oh I know! Worms!"
lie: "Etto.... yeah.... I mean I think everyone does, to certain extents. I try my absolute best not to but sometimes little white lies have to be told. You know?"
believe in yourself: "I try my best."
believe in love: "1000%, I'll always believe in love. It's the greatest source of power there is out there!!"
want someone: "I want people to be happy."
been on stage: "An actual stage? Etto... I guess! In a manner of speaking."
done drugs: "Oh I've taken medicine before yes."
changed who you were to fit in: "In subtle ways, yes."
favorite color: "Green!"
favorite animal: "Worms!"
favorite movie: "I used to make little movies with Nai when we were kids, do those count?"
favorite game: "Hide and seek, or tag!"
day your next birthday will be: "Ahahaha, I actually don't remember my own birthday! Sorry! I don't really see a need to celebrate it anymore, you see? It's just another day, to me!" 
how old will you be: "Old, hehe, surprised?"
age you lost your virginity: "Huh?! Ahahahaha, never! No! Sorry! Next, please!!"
does age matter: "For what?"
best personality: "Etto, I guess that depends.... I like a lot of different people for a lot of different reasons. For now, I'll say... determination!"
best eye color: "It's hard to choose, I guess I'll say... blue!"
best hair color: "Hair colour??? Etto... I don't really keep track... most people have brown hair, right? So I'll say that!"
best thing to do with a partner: "Smile."
i love: "humanity."
i feel: "like going for a run!”
i hide: "until things calm down."
i miss: "Rem."
i wish: "I could have stopped things before it got so bad."
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Summer reading/writing/arting Tag!
Thank you @late-nite-scholar and @thealterscrolls for tagging me!
1) describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer
I'm thinking about writing more? But I have a lot to do in the summer, so I have no idea if it will work out. So expect more writing (hopefully a Sereyna chapter) and a lot of art. There definitely will be pride month art and maybe some art trades as well as writing prompts.
2) recommend a book
Eeeeh, book book book-
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao? I really like the mech aspect. I'm not done yet though.
I got the entire collection of Dune as a present, so I'll read those soon.
3) recommend a fic
I sadly have not read any fics lately. I'm very busy. But if you want your fic promoted, let me know! ;)
4) recommend music
I'm really into Ashnikko again. They released new songs and godadamn do I relate to them. Ashnikko's music is amazing imo. Her songs don't really have a genre, but rather a mic of many genres. If you listen to her music, you'll know what I mean.
5) share one piece of advice
If you decide to ride a Clannfear, remember to hold on tight, keep away from its mouth and have fun!
I am tagging everyone who wants to join!
As well as @thalwhore, @xcoffeepostx and @plagues01! No pressure, though!
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duckzz · 3 years
If you are still taking requests perhaps 1992 Specs and Skittery
if you are not taking requests anymore ignore the first part and I’m just here to say your art is super pog !! :D
hI hEllo, tHANK YOU sO MuCh!!! ☺ and UuuH first of all i am s o sorry i forgot to do skittery aaah. . . i did specs tho! it's not really pretty i'm also super sorry for that but i hope it's still okay. :'D thank you for the request!!!
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yeah uh- i went with blood drips heavily on newsies square, i hope it still works haha 🤠
oH wait. oh no. i drew dutchy didn't i? shoot. . i think i did-
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rapha-reads · 3 years
Characters I See Myself In
I was tagged by @havocinthebluebox - thanks !
This one required a few hours of thinking... What's the difference between characters you like, characters you consider role models, that influence your life, and characters you identify with on a personal level ? For example, Hermione Granger has been my biggest role model in life, but I never thought I was her ; Artemis Fowl is one of my all time favourite, but hell no he's not a role model and we're too different for me to identify myself with him... See? So, enough chatting, here's a list of characters I truly see myself in.
Susan's always been me. I've always been Susan. The oldest sister, the responsible one with too much pressure on her shoulders, divided between her duty and her want for freedom. Her whole narrative arc is about her being Queen Susan the Gentle, and her being Susan Pevensie, young, liberated woman who loves herself and lives her life for herself. Which is why Lewis' bullshit at the end of the story always made me mad. I have a lot of things to say about The Problem of Susan.
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"What do you fear?" "A cage. To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire." Eowyn has always been an echo of my own self. Her fierceness, that she has to temper for duty's sake, her melancholy and her desire of freedom, her stubborness, her fear of being left behind, of being locked up inside herself and never set free... She's the bravoury I wish I had.
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The High Priestess, the Enchantress. Her kindness and generosity burned by life until all that remained is anger and fierceness. Because that's the secret, isn't it ? Underneath it all, I'm always angry. I understand Morgana. I may not agree with all her choices, but I understand her on a fundamental level and I see myself in her. Also I'd like to be as coldly beautiful as her please thanks.
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Be it Lyra at 14 in His Dark Materials, or Lyra at 20 in The Book Of Dust, she's very much me. Child me used to be a real tomboy, full of fire and laughter. Adult me drapes herself in her sadness and melancholy and trudges through life trying to hide her scars and her fears. As a child I'd read HDM a couple of times a year, impressed and in awe of Lyra's storytelling talents, her determination and her loyalty. As an adult, I read The Book of Dust and got punched in the guts when I saw Lyra so depressed and tired, unable to reconcile who she was with who she is now. She's very much extremely relatable at all ages.
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BONUS: characters my sister (@iwilldieonthishill) sees me in and I kinda agree
Yep. Robin the Third, genius depressed coffee addict. Replace coffee by tea and genius by "eeeeh I have my moments", and yeah, it works.
As my sister said : "you, but if you were a sitcom character, so exaggerated". I'll take it, I love Rosa Diaz. And I LOVE knives.
The cat in the original Sabrina show, my sister precised. He's a cat, he's sassy and funny, so yes, I'm very okay with that.
Tagging the usual suspects if they want to : @iwilldieonthishill @marloviandevil @dollopheadsandclotpoles @annie-thyme @wolfsnape @wisepuma23 @puffles-cosplays and @kinthinia
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Sometimes there's the tag your moots things and I took it off my celebrations because I was like eeeeh I've talked to them before but would they want to be tagged and like am I annoying them so uh if it wouldn't annoy you can you interact with this post in like any form possible idc and then I'll do it in my next celebration because it sounds fun
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kachulein · 6 years
🔠Alphabet Tag🔠
I was tagged by the lovely @annyeongbaekhyunnie thank you dear💖
Age: 19
Birthplace: Schaffhausen, Switzerland~
Current time: 3pm
Drink you last had: water
Easiest person to talk to: @04-36am because we're so similar and understand each other so well. I know I never have to be afraid to talk to her or tell her anything even if it's a controversial opinion. I know, she'll never judge me and she's also one of the only people I feel comfortable opening up to when talking in real life/face to face.
Favorite songs:
Stray Kids' & 3RACHA's discography
Seventeen - Getting Closer
Gugudan - Not That Type
IZ*ONE - La Vie En Rose
Christopher - Bad
Little Mix - More Than Words, Wasabi, Monster In Me
as of now~
Grossest memory: ohh, well. When I was younger and my alcoholic father still lived with us, while he was drunk he did a lot of things that were incredibly gross...but I...I'll spare you the details, it's for the best tbh.
Horror yes or horror no: Oh hell NO
In love?: With Han Jisung? yes
Jealous of people: I'm quite a jealous person but I'm very good at not letting my jealousy shine through and dealing with it. It usually subsides after I rationalise my emotions. But yes, I'm jealous of thin people for example. I'm also jealous of other people who strive for the same dream as I do because it makes me feel like I'm just one small, unimportant fish in the whole ocean, so why would I be the one to make it when there's so many who dream of making it? It also makes me believe even less in myself and I've never been good at believing in myself since my self-esteem doesn't really exist. It makes me feel like everyone else is better than me and yeah, that makes everything worse, I guess.
Kids of your own one day?: eeeeh not sure. When I was younger I disliked those little demons with a passion but it's not so bad anymore. I feel like I get softer for kids with age but at the moment, I can only see myself having kids since it's a stereotypical way to live life. But I'm really not sure if I ever want some...maybe if I find the right man, then yes.
Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: You can walk by for as much as you'd like to, I won't care. No, I don't believe in love at first sight. You can be attracted to someone when you first see them but love goes far beyond the exterior/what meets the eye and you simply can't have a person fully figured out when you lay your eyes upon them for the first time ever.
Middle name: Jane^-^
Number of siblings: zero, I'm an only child~
One wish: either to achieve my dream or to be physically&mentally healthy
Person you last called: It wasn't a real phone call but I talked to @edusk-til-edawn and @calcifer-rose in the voice chat on discord. Due to anxiety, I never call people and also never answer the phone (except for if it's my therapist).
Questions you’re always asked: definitely not always but I list some FAQ; "How did you learn to draw like that?/Can you teach me how to draw?", "What does [insert something] mean?/Can you tell me the answer to question xx?", "How did you know that?", "Are you single/Can I take you out?" (only asked by gross or old men btw), "What is your opinion on [insert topic]?", "Why are you so pretty?" (Answer: I'm really not), "Where are you from?", "Can you sing a song for me?"
Random fact about you: I overthink and question everything. For example, when I receive a compliment, I overthink how I can thank that person in a way that shows how grateful I am for it but at the same time, I also worry that me being thankful for the compliment could come across as me agreeing to what the person complimented me on and therefore me seeming arrogant. But on the other hand I also worry about whetger denying a compliment comes across as rude or as wanting attention and more people to give me compliments until I'd finally accept them. I think a lot about how what I say comes across and try to choose my words carefully.
Song you last sang: probably Let It Go tbh because I love singing it^^
Time you woke up: 12.30pm I couldn't sleep until 6
Underwear color: black
Vacation destination: All the places where my closest online friends live, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, and Hawaii^-^
Worst Habit: staying up all night :) :) :) someone help me sleep, I just want to sleep, I wish I could sleep aaaaaaah :)
Xrays: my wrist when I broke it at age 4, my foot when my ligaments got torn apart at age 16 and multiple xrays of my teeth because of the braces I had in the past and for wisdom teeth surgery etc
Your favorite food: dark chocolate, brownies, spinach, cauliflower, broccoli
Zodiac sign: Aquarius♒
I'll tag @albdajirks @littlecoffeecake @littlefallenrebel @edusk-til-edawn @calcifer-rose @minberryy @jjisungg @strayology @briee-elle @sungjincoeur @visualgiggles @hwangwhatjin @wootjin @felixandflowers @simplyna @marriael and anyone else who'd like to do it~
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