#egc is bored
cheerydearie · 3 months
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My friend has convinced me to do ArtFight this year!
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yogurtyogitup · 30 days
I made a short little Blood and Chaos animatic today. I’ll post it tomorrow but here’s a little teaser <3
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tomorrowillbeyou · 1 year
this textbook is so boring 🙄
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego? The London Edition
My sophisticated endeavor of this long, free afternoon (hint: two fingers cut of each archer's hand) was interrupted by a PSA from C, for a very good cause:
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Wee disclosure: I have spent my childhood in airports, courtesy of madame Mère's senior, then top level career in airline business. Rhinoair and its kind are a shame to this hard-working, formidably staffed global industry. They are scammers and profiteers, who killed the magic of airline travel - for magic and glamorous it was, once upon a time, before these dreadful low-cost rogues turned it into a boring and somewhat degrading affair. And don't even get me started on their borderline competition infringement ticketing and pricing policies. It would be tedious and very long to explain, but it is the sad reality.
Anyways, enthusiastic kudos to C for pointing out Rhinoair's disingenuous ageist attitude with such immediate vigor. And of course, a heartfelt fuck you to the company for such a condescending, heartless and cretinous communiqué. I was not expecting less from her and I applaud the civic gesture. Feisty, battling C is my favorite, always, and one of her most endearing traits, for it takes the courage of the heart to stand up against stupidity and abuse.
On the other hand, if you think she astutely geotagged herself via this post, you may want to think twice, since you probably did not bother to look for context. Her twitter reaction is related to a communiqué triggered by a very specific, very recent article from the Daily Fail - oops -, dealing with a customer complaint involving an elderly couple flying last Friday from STN to EGC:
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Therefore, it proves absolutely nothing conclusive about her current whereabouts.
When she/they will want to be seen or heard of, we'll know. Calling all stations: this is not one of those situations. This is simply a daughter thinking, with good reason, that the same could happen to her own mom, if she were foolish enough not to fly BA or Aer Lingus (which I think she does, if only for convenience and way better service).
It's just Summer of Innuendo gathering speed, nothing more. Ship on. :)
Back to my sophisticated, but hopefully interesting next stop.
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krispiecake · 4 years
lol guess who accidentally got admitted into hospital again
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alymoonmagickcrafts · 4 years
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Hi there! We wish you a happy Nuit day, Happy First Day, to all the brothers and sisters of the Thelemic community. We hope that, in these turbulent times due to the Covid-19 pandemic, you will stay healthy, safe and not boring. On the occasion of this day, although we intended to present it during the Spring Equinox, we can finally present a project that we have been working on in recent months in collaboration with Frater Orpheus and Soror Amiana. They are calyx covers or palls (only 42 units) made with a fabric of more than 30 years that belonged to a relevant character within the Thelemic community, Soror Meral and that was used in a temple in the basement of her home (the original location of 418 Lodge ). A few months ago, Frater Orpheus started a pre-sale offering it only to EGC Priestesses and novice Priestesses , who will be able to enjoy this precious, unique and valuable relic for their Gnostic Masses, with a very powerful historical value accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. It should be said that a portion of the proceeds from this project will be utilized to supply new furnishings for 418 Lodge of Sacramento. We hope you like it, it has been a very satisfying and exciting project and an honor to have been able to work with a fabric that belonged to one of the great sisters in Thelema's history. #thelema #palls #sorormeral #418lodge #current93 #oto #aleistercrowley #babalon #magick #gnosticmass #eclessiagnosticacatholica #EGC #otolodge #alymoonmagickcraft https://www.instagram.com/p/B-u4hnFDaR-/?igshid=oo7mv7gc2o5v
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coinwealth · 3 years
EverGrow Coin Aims To Be The Most Rewarding Crypto in History
NEWARK, DE / ACCESSWIRE / February 27, 2022 / All cryptocurrencies aim to bring amazing returns to their investors. Meme-coins like Shiba Inu saw an amazing 45,000,000% price increase through last year – minting quite a few millionaires along the way. But with Shiba Inu in 2022 seeing some of the biggest price drops of any top 20 crypto there are countless people who’ve lost their money too.
This is the problem of crypto: you have to sell up your investment at exactly the right time to make serious money. According to investment expert and professional financial planner Sam Kelly – chairman of crypto newcomer EverGrow Coin – inexperienced crypto investors are likely to get ‘bored’ within days or weeks with a token. Sam Kelly:
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“This is because of two things: firstly, they didn’t research, they FOMOed in and don’t understand why they invested. Secondly, this is because they have seen too many headlines about the 1/100,000 crypto investors who by pure luck hit that 100x and got rich overnight.”
EverGrow Coin – ‘the most rewarding crypto in history’
The description on EverGrow’s popular Twitter channel reads how it wants to become ‘the most rewarding crypto in history’. Of course, so does every other cryptocurrency – except that EverGrow has already broken some important records. Within five months of operation it has become the number 1 crypto rewards token on the Binance Smart Chain. The EverGrow Coin’s website shows a rolling total of rewards paid out – currently at $34.7 million.
All of these rewards are paid out to coinholders’s wallets on top of their EverGrow Coin investments. EverGrow started up in September last year with a strong utility base that sees an 8% on all transactions paid out immediately to coin holders in BUSD (Binance pegged US dollars). These rewards are deposited daily and proportional to EGC holdings. After partnering with popular rewards token SafeMoon, EverGrow has now firmly positioned itself as among the most exciting cryptos paying reflections to investors.
Furthermore, a 2% tax on all transactions is used for EverGrow’s buy-back-and-burn (BB+B) utility. The extra cash is spent on buying up EverGrow Coin on the market and sending it to a burn wallet, pushing up the EGC price while generating more BUSD rewards for investors – without them selling any positions.
EverGrow Coin – generating ‘positive volume’ to beat the bearish market
The significant losses in the crypto market caused by record-high inflation levels and the Russia-Ukraine crisis have proved crypto’s dependability on macro-economic conditions. For crypto tokens to provide a feasible investment hedge to compete with traditional stocks, shares and commodities like gold, developers need to find a way to beat the bearish market.
This is EverGrow Coin‘s next development. The development team have announced the roll-out of the world’s first crypto and fiat-integrated social media platform – Crator. Content creators can receive income in the form of tips or subscriptions, and choose to be paid in EGC, other crypto tokens or fiat currencies. Analysts suggest Crator could directly challenge sites like OnlyFans, Patreon and even Facebook to an extent. And yet, as any profits from Crator will be used for BB+B utilities, it means the profits will be distributed evenly to all token holders alike.
As Sam Kelly suggested in a recent Tweet, Facebook make over $30 per user in advertising – so if Crator can get even 100,000 users advertising alone could see $3 million per year for BB+B. The full taxes paid on BB+B also mean more BUSD rewards for investors.
EverGrow Coin has an exciting 2022 ahead in their rise to the crypto top. The team promote the #cryptopositive hashtag to encourage both friendly competition and safe investment advice. For example, EverGrow’s chairman Sam Kelly encourages investors to consider EGC as holding a ‘share’ in an ecosystem of applications that generates positive volume. This is a new direction for crypto to become more than an alternate, decentralised form and currency – and into a new era of passive income potential that will change lives.
EverGrow Coin [email protected] https://ift.tt/dZfeGSi
SOURCE: EverGrow Coin
View source version on accesswire.com: https://ift.tt/KL84ibj
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source https://usapangbitcoin.org/evergrow-coin-aims-to-be-the-most-rewarding-crypto-in-history/
source https://usapangbitcoin.wordpress.com/2022/02/27/evergrow-coin-aims-to-be-the-most-rewarding-crypto-in-history/
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healthyandhygienes · 3 years
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Finding a PCOS-friendly beverage isn’t easy, as most are packed with sugar or artificial sweeteners. And plain old water gets boring. My favorite drink for PCOS is Herbal tea!  It’s packed with health benefits ranging from lowering androgens to decreasing the risk of heart disease. And the best part is that there are so many different types and flavors of tea to choose from! Read nutrition student Lydia Chen’s blog post to learn more about the health benefits of tea for PCOS.  I think you’ll want to have a “cuppa tea” after reading this!
What Is In Tea?
Tea is categorized into three groups based on different processing methods and types of leaves: black (fermented), green (non-fermented), and oolong (semi-fermented). Tea contains some healthy compounds that are naturally present in tea leaves. Some of the main components of tea include:
Polyphenols The health benefits of tea come mainly from polyphenols, natural substances found in plants. Approximately 30-42% of the weight of dry tea plant’s leaves are composed of polyphenols, mainly flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants. Within the flavonoid group, flavonols, also known as tannins or catechins, are the most abundant ones. The most prevalent flavonols in tea are catechin (C), epicatechin (EC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), gallocatechin (GC), epigallocatechin (EGC), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
Caffeine In white, green, and black teas, the concentration of caffeine ranged from 14-61 mg with a serving of 6-8 oz (one serving) of tea. Compare this to an 8 oz cup of typical coffee that has 80-100 mg caffeine. The decaffeinated teas have less than 12 mg of caffeine in one serving of tea. Herbal teas do not contain caffeine.
Minerals & Vitamins While tea doesn’t contain a significant amount of minerals or vitamins, it contains small amounts of magnesium, potassium, fluoride, vitamin C, thiamin (B1), beta carotene, and folate.
Amino Acids While tea contains negligible amounts of protein, it does contain an amino acid called L-Theanine, which has beneficial effects on reducing stress and improving cognitive functions.
Health Benefits Of Herbal tea for PCOS
What I love about Herbal tea is that it has many health benefits that are so important for PCOS.
Act as antioxidants People with PCOS have been shown to have higher rates of oxidative stress as compared to those without PCOS. Antioxidants help to neutralize the harmful free radicals that are created with oxidative stress. Studies have shown that consumption of 300 ml (2 g tea solid adding in 300 ml water) green tea or black tea improved the antioxidant activity in participants’ blood. Specifically, antioxidant activity was 1.5 times higher after green tea was consumed compared to the consumption of black tea.
Improve insulin activity Insulin resistance is a major driver for most people with PCOS. This meta-analysis of 17 randomized controlled trials suggests tea decreased fasting blood sugar, HbA1cas well as fasting insulin. Another study also showed green tea decreased insulin levels. 
Weight loss Up to 70% of people with PCOS are overweight or obese. Tea may play a small role in aiding with weight loss. This double-blind randomized controlled 12-week study looked at the effect of green tea on weight loss in PCOS. The group that received the green tea (in the form of 500 mg capsules 2 times a day) lost 5% of their body weight, compared to the control group that did not lose weight.
Gut health  There tends to be an altered gut microbiome in PCOS. Studies are even suggesting the gut microbiome may play a role in causing PCOS. While we don’t know what the ideal microbiome is, we know that diet can play a major role in keeping it healthy. And drinking tea might help. Green tea and black tea are rich in polyphenols. Studies have found that polyphenols could decrease the growth of “bad” bacteria and promote the growth of “good” bacteria. microbiota.
Improved cholesterol level People with PCOS tend to have lower HDL (good cholesterol), and higher levels of triglycerides (TG)  and LDL (“bad” cholesterol). In addition, there is an increased risk of heart disease. The good news is that tea may improve all of these. The study monitored over 80000 participants for 6 years on their tea consumption to find out the association between tea drinking and HDL-C concentration. It found that those who consumed tea regularly had a reduced age-related decrease in HDL-C, and TG/HDL‐C and TC/HDL‐C ratios were slowly increasing. That decline of age-related decrease in HDL-C was associated with an 8% lowered risk of CVD. Green and black teas were the most effective teas and other teas such as herbal or flowering teas appeared to have little impact on HDL‐C. The randomized double-blind crossover study that involved adults who had mild hypercholesterolemia found that drinking five servings of black tea per day for three weeks resulted in reduced total cholesterol by 6.5% and LDL-c by 11.1% compared to those given a caffeinated placebo.
Lowering androgens Since androgen excess is at the heart of PCOS, this is an exciting benefit of tea. Studies have shown that specific types of tea, namely spearmint and green tea, may lower androgens.
Decreased stress If you have PCOS, you may feel that stress is your middle name. Stress can have a big-time impact on worsening your symptoms of PCOS. Sit down and have a cup of tea! In one study, after the completion of stressful tasks, participants who consumed tea prior had lowered cortisol levels and the difference was most significant at 50 minutes post-task.
Anti-cancer And while this one is not specific to PCOS, studies are also suggesting tea may help decrease the risk of cancer. Some studies suggest that two flavonols–epigallocatechin-3-gallate mainly in green tea and theaflavin-3,3′-digallate in black tea–are the most effective anti-cancer compounds in tea
Best tea for PCOS
Here comes the fun part – variety!
Peppermint tea – Has calming effects and is beneficial because of its antibacterial, antioxidant properties, and may help with digestive upsets. 
Spearmint tea – May provide anti-androgen effects among women with PCOS and help reduce hirsutism. 
Ginger tea – Abundant in phenolic compounds, such as gingerols, shogaols, and paradols, which have anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory health benefits. It may help lower the risk of some chronic diseases, such as hypertension and chronic heart disease.
Black tea – Has anti-inflammatory properties, may improve gut health and cholesterol profile.
Turmeric tea – Turmeric contains curcumin, an active ingredient that has anti inflammatory properties and has beneficial effects on arthritis and metabolic syndromes. 
Cinnamon tea – Cinnamon may reduce insulin resistance. It also is rich in antioxidants and can regulate menstruation.
Chamomile tea – A “calming” tea that contains an antioxidant called apigenin. It may have a calming effect, helping you sleep. 
Tulsi tea – Promotes the release of antioxidant compounds, prevents cancer. and protects against physical and metabolic stress. 
Hibiscus tea – Contains antioxidants and has a positive influence on lipid profile, including a decrease in total cholesterol and LDL-C, and an increase in HDL-C. 
Bottom Line
Tea is one of my favorite beverages for PCOS. You drink them hot or iced. Not only does it keep you hydrated, but it packs in a ton of health benefits for PCOS. Aim to get in 2-3 cups a day to get the most health benefits. And with all the flavors of tea, you’ll never get bored!
I’d like to thank Lydia Chen for writing this blog post. Lydia is currently a senior at New York University majoring in Nutrition & Dietetics. She is an eager learner and is passionate about sharing comprehensive and interesting nutrition information with others. She enjoys shopping at Trader Joe’s and loves trying new food. As a tea lover, A cup of black, oolong, or pu’er tea is enough for her to refresh!
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whatisshelties · 4 years
So last night I saw someone on a local dog sport group asking for Hoopers classes. Hoopers is not a sport in the US. Hoopers as a sport was developed from one particular class in NADAC, an agility organization.
It made me think of how “Extreme Games Challenge,” a NADAC experiment that I think started in 2010, was set up as essentially a separate sport. I think it started with three classes, X-Gaters, X-Chances, and X-Hoopers, then later added Barrel Racing. It had totally different scoring, different titling requirements. You actually DID get docked points for ‘refusals!’ Scoring was time plus faults and there were no Qs, just points earned or eliminations after you got too many faults. Points were given based on a ‘Run Index.’ The faster/cleaner you were, the more points you earned per run.
I’m guessing most clubs weren’t interested in hosting events that were only EGC, so eventually they started letting clubs add a class (or was it two?) to a six run agility trial. I think the rules were still different at that point. Eventually the scoring was changed to be more like ‘normal’ agility. Then two of the classes were dropped and the other two were turned into Hoopers and Barrelers, as those were the two most unique classes. (Well, Hoopers was already thing, so this just merged the THREE versions of Hoopers together.) X-Hoopers featured a ‘circle’ that was created out of ‘gates.’ It was actually a really cool thing that could help encourage dogs to work at a distance! I will admit it did get a bit confusing/boring to pass through it over and over again, lol. Oh, and Barrel Racing went through so many changes and some were much more fun than others, lol.
ANYWAY, I was sad about this because the Europe has Hoopers as it’s own sport now, but we don’t have anything like that. It’s not held back trying to be agility. It can be its own thing.
Cue tonight: NADAC sent out a survey and is considering a merge of Hoopers and Barrelers! It gave me such mixed feelings as I selfishly want more classes to enter Mud in without jumps and other equipment, but I’m also very pro streamlining the class offerings. I’ve pretty much always voted to get rid of classes even if I like them because there are TOO MANY. Clubs can’t offer them all in one weekend, which means we have a decreased opportunity to run them anyway. Might as well change it to one class that it is easier for clubs to offer it every trial vs having to alternate between like 6 choices.
Honestly thinking the US is going to need a separate ‘path based’ sport going forward. I have ‘asking permission to use the old EGC rules as a starting point for a new sport’ swirling in my head. Another option would be seeing if a Hoopers org would start sanctioning events in the US. I would find this option incredibly absurd considering NADAC is the source of Hoopers in the first place.
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deltaponline · 5 years
Pumps for Low Sulfur Fuels in the Shipping Industry
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  Technical paper by Josip Coric When the International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) new regulations for sulfur content of marine fuels will come into effect on 1 January 2020 (also known as IMO 2020), industry experts see a significant change for the shipping industry. The entire marine fuel supply chain, from refining, through distribution, bunkering, handling and storage on board the ship, through to final use in marine diesel engines or in boilers for propulsion, will be affected.
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From January 2020 on, such images have been a thing of the past. The new regulations stipulate that only marine fuels with a sulfur content of less than 0.5 percent may be used on ships worldwide - even on the high seas outside of environmental protection zones near the coast. An exception is made only for ships equipped with an Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS) also known as scrubber. However, it is likely that in many ports of the world fuels with higher sulfur content will not be available any more in the future. Important Investment Decisions Due to this development, ship owners and ship operators will have to make important investment decisions for their ships already in operation. While in new vessels the operation with low sulfur fuels is already considered in the selection of components such as fuel pumps, many decision makers are still cautious when it comes to retrofit existing ships. What risks exist here and which solutions are available to minimize the risk when using existing fuel pumps. The main technical challenge is the fact that low sulfur fuels have a low viscosity and have reduced lubricating properties due to desulfurization. However, the screw pumps which are important for conveying fuel in the ship need some lubricity of the pumped medium to reduce friction, especially at high pressures. Too low lubrication threatens a failure of the fuel pump and thus repair costs and downtime. The most important and most critical application are the pumps in the booster module, i.e. the feeder pumps and circulation pumps. Particularly high pressures must be generated by the feeder pumps. From about 8 bar, it becomes critical for conventional screw pumps when they need to convey low sulfur fuels. Special strains occur when the pump is started or operated at high temperatures. Technically, situations might occur in which it comes to solid friction (friction of metal against metal) instead of liquid friction (friction of metal against the liquid). Usually this transition proceeds smoothly and an intermediate state is established. Technically spoken: It comes to mixed friction. The mixed friction conditions within the system between screw and pumped liquid as well as enclosing pump housing lead after a short period of time to predominantly abrasive and in the worst case to adhesive wear. This manifests itself mainly in the wear forms scratches, grooves and scoring and in the formation of crests up to material transfer. When the adhesive wear has reached a certain extent, the pump drive can no longer move the screw against the surface of the pump housing. The pump is blocking. Abrasive wear, however, leads to material removal mainly in the screw bores. This increases the internal backflow and the pump can no longer maintain the required system pressure. The pump is running, but flow rate significantly decreases. Sufficient Experience Kral GmbH, Lustenau (Austria), is one of the world's leading manufacturers of screw pumps and flowmeters for many applications, including marine engineering and oil & gas. In applications such as power plant technology, the company has many years of experience in conveying low-viscosity fuels.
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Kral screw pumps – versatile use in the marine. The experience of Kral is based on successfully used products for the conveying of desulfurized fuels and fuel oils such as extra light fuel oil (HEL), diesel fuels (EN 590) and marine fuels according to ISO 8217, even at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius. Based on the experience gained from these international projects, the company also assures users in the shipping industry a reliable operation in the pumping of low sulfur fuels. This innovation advantage is based on comprehensive technical tests. The aim was to increase the surface hardness of the pump components. During the tests, it had to be ensured that the selected process could be used in the series production of pump components. Due to the high process temperatures, certain hardening processes can lead to distortion on the components, which is impossible to correct and render the components unusable. The selected process had to support the precise production process at Kral with very tight manufacturing tolerances for screw pump components, so that these pumps also achieved the usual optimum efficiency. Advantage by Coating
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Powerful and efficient screw pumps A binding coating is applied to the metal screws used in Kral pumps. Through this coating the screws receive a strongly hardened surface with much less friction. The friction coefficient of the coated screws is reduced by a factor of 10. At the same time the screw surface achieves a very high degree of hardness. With these values, these screw pumps are well prepared for the new challenge of conveying low sulfur fuels in international shipping. Ship owners and ship operators can make the necessary investments in their existing ships with peace of mind. Read the full article
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cheerydearie · 2 months
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yogurtyogitup · 1 month
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Eh???? What the Dusty doin in Decocraft?! TRAPPED IN A BOX NO LESS!
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neverbeenbroken · 7 years
[IDEAS/FACTS] SPELLBOUND 5.0? | to be updated
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This is going to be a long list, so I’ll put under a read more. If you have anything to add, let me know!
was not a supporter of lohen
did not trust juliette and felt like something was off about her
called spencer babybear
was a fan of jesse
was one of the people that called emily mini keler
was super close to james
was close to valerie
was close to tyler
almost seemed like she had a thing for sam, but that could just be playful!brooke
seemed close with cordelia
the aunt she’s close with is named jemma
thought blake without alcohol is boring
convinced that brooke is bi
she broke up aaron and melanie
used tyler’s crush on melanie for him to do it
was the one that audrey that wyatt slept with alison
had or has feelings for aaron ( this never happened in any rp)
has feelings for wyatt
sort of resented audrey (during the og rp)
was pissed because she either overheard audrey tell wyatt that brooke liked/loved him or wyatt confronted her
she kind of drove a rift in wydrey’s relationship because the two didn’t want to cause her any more pain
this was during the time in the hospital when she overdosed on vervain
wyatt blamed himself
can’t tell if she’s closer to audrey or alison, probably loves samantha more than both of them honestly
kissed aaron during a movie “date”
discovered she had feelings for wyatt when she kissed him during truth or dare
hates ashlee
super close to blake
my dilemma is brodrey’s theme song
had a headcanon that brooke kept sabotaging audrey’s relationships because she had a crush on her
broke up with his girlfriend because someone else told him too (can you say FAKE)( should probably figure out why he did that)
grew closer to spencer after saving her from some bad college guys
didn’t think she would like him
made audrey apologize to brooke cause he knew brooke wouldn’t have
calls audrey doll
was close to valerie
was close to erica
close to emily
considers wyatt his bestest best friend
considers brayden his boyfriend and will fight tyler for him
really caring towards others
calls emily emsi
calls melanie melly g or melly bear
trying/tried to get melanie back
wanted to be friends with melanie
close to brooke then audrey then alison
doesn’t quite get along with samantha
liked the fact that samantha owned up to being a bitch
knew of brayden’s feelings for audrey and thought he should’ve squashed them
was probably more of a wydrey fan then a braudrey fan
melron is my otp and i considered them locked but now i knind of want melanie with brayden (this is an idea, but they could’ve happened once upon a time)
ever since i thought about it, i can’t stop thinking of why audrey and aaron never crossed my mind. like not in a romantic way, but a rip your clothes off way. like i think they’d have some pretty hot sex. i think that’s why.
used to hook up with rose, stopped when he began dating melanie, did it again once he broke up with her
isn’t sure if he likes brooke more than a friend due to their shared kiss
would date wyatt if he could
never had a sophie long enough
lost all of my cordelia blogs
when she first arrived, she was slightly cold
i think sam (?) cracked her shell first
is close to melissa
is close to maddison
doesn’t quite get along with blake
is close to samantha
is close to audrey
is close to tyler
is close to carson
had a fling or something with simon
changed during her junior year, must’ve been because she dyed her hair
turns into a vixen when she’s drunk
otherwise nervous to have sex with people cause she can’t control her powers
had sex with a teacher
would probably only stay for that teacher
super close to blake
close to juliette
closer to brooke
did not like audrey at first
audrey accused her of having issues so carson called her rude and said that she didn’t like her
close to cordelia
close to samantha
is a part of the evil genius club
likes erica
is really forward, blunt
ashlee found out she had sisters when she was 12?
she didn’t understand why audrey didn’t like her
but reciprocated the feelings
can’t control the evil in her
misses her father
sees ben as her second father
started a fwb rel. with tyler
grew feelings for him
doesn’t like emily
stopped liking cordelia
hates brooke
considers wyatt a close friend
thinks audrey broke wyatt’s heart
knows that juliette and her tend to bring out the worse in each other but still loves her and wants to be her freind
took april uner wing
took nick under her wing
closer to brayden
doesn’t particularly care for alison
close to rose
likes blake
didn’t have her long enough
used to be jennifer burton
is a (junior) ronan’s knight
blake tried to drink her blood when they first met
one nickname for blake is psycho
one nickname for blake is monster
eliza wasn’t the nicest
no matter what, she alwasys ends up on blake’s list
it never fails
blake took her off once
had feelings for blake
made out with blake like three times?
prefers allie to julia
is usually caught in the middle of them
is eden’s best friend
has/had feelings for jesse?
was called little bird by blake
was called shorty by blake
used to called blake mr. nerd
was never scared of blake for some reason
this is lowkey all about blake
called tyler mr. dude
hated kailey
tyler showed her how to get other people to do their homework for them
had like 4 friends
only came to spellbound because of julia
was simon’s mentor
didn’t really like simon at first
told audrey to give simon a chance
hated chloe
found valerie annoying and too talkative 
soon grew fond of chloe
they bonded over their crushes hanging out with each other
came to stop julia from doing something stupid
did not expect his sister to come too
always gives girls hickies after dates?
prefers to be invisible rather than noticeable
would probably go back to new york for college
valerie called him mean but said that she likes it
when i say val i’m talking about skye
wanted audrey to ber his campagin member and would run for school or student council president
tagged along
would most likely stay at spellbound
feels pressure from his family
can choose his own mate
would probably return to spellbound
loves dancing
is close to audrey
grows close to april
is close to julian
is dating or dated natasha
these might just be old headcanons from anna
cares for tasha but sometimes feels like giving up on their relationship
was not happy when he found out about blake & tasha
super close to julian
went to therapy for her anger management 
was cheated on by jesse
grew close to blake and started dating him
had no idea that she fought with tasha over another boy
sam told her about the love pentagon (sam, jules, blake, lindsay, tasha)
secretly hates that blake still cares about lindsay
super close to tyler
close to samantha
has a dark side
refers to adurey as her mom
refers to april as her sister
calls simon chimpunk
came to  
almost had a thing with tyler 
feels superior to julia
has a crush on rose
used to flirt with audrey
gives no fucks
may grow feelings for rachel?
should definitely have sex with blake
doesn’t know that linds and blake dated
broke up with wyatt because of what brooke told her
he still doesn’t know exactly why
he thinks it was the rose kiss
finds drinking blood gross
super close to blake
could’ve had a thing with brayden
was in love with aaron
wonders why tyler doesn’t like her
calls audrey audbo
aaron calls her melly bear, g-money
was sent to spellbound to spy on april and her pack
ended up growing close to april
things ended cause she found out
now the two avoid each other
dated valerie
still has feelings for her?
doesn’t like james?
sam hates him
close to audrey
close to jake
sam wants to punch him in the face
figured out that val has a daughter?
almost told sam something about val and james
told sam that val had a kid and the father was james
sam did not believe
tried to kill a teacher
used to be jennifer burton
has a kid with james
melanie considers her her favorite blonde
is dating samantha
used to almost have a thing with brooke?
don’t think he did much in the other rps
anya is his childhood friend
had a crush on her
likes valerie?
probably left
thought brent was pretty cool
has a kid with valerie
has feelings for valerie?
is blake’s little sister
was adopted by supernatural parents
hooked up with wyatt
we’ll see
we’ll see
mini keeler
loves coffee
has a crush on aaron?
has a crush on tyler?
hates ashlee
close to audrey
totally steals her clothes
danced with blake at a dance
a version of emily gave no fucks
the only other person that calls blake, blakey bear
was not scared of blake
hates when blake calls her sweetpea
almost shipped them
creator of the EGC
refers to Robbie’s friend group as the “Miller Posse”
didn’t like rachel in a more-than-friend way and found her annoying
everyone thinks that he broke her heart
but he only told her the truth regarding him and her
very blunt
protective of those he truly cares about
slightly scared of carson
thought samantha was really prety
had a fwb with natasha
was in a relathionship with lindsay
still has lingering feelings
audrey was the only other person he told about his relationship
carson knew while it was happening 
audrey knew after it ended
only kills people who truly pisses him off
had a crush on reid
had a crush on dylan
used to date simon
used to date blake
used to date april
went on a date with audrey
kissed her
kissed april
was roommates with chloe due to a mistake
dated chloe
is in a love/hate relationship with april
dylan was his mentor
had a thing with cordelia
maybe went after brittany
likes older girls
no one knew she was also half-demon until her sophomore year
hates simon
likes simon
hates chloe
likes chloe
loved nick
dislikes nick
enemies with melissa
enemies with brooke
thought she was straight until she met julia
close to jennifer
close to mal and jojo
grew close to darren
started trusting scott again
kissed simon
was nicknamed wolfy by sam
calls sam witchy
prefers natasha to jules
was nosy about blake and jules relationship
kept provoking blake
thinks julian sucks and that he would be a better boyfriend to tasha
was close to brayden
brooke’s cousin
gives no fucks
once got drunk and made a sex tape with valerie
caused samantha and valerie to grow apart
audrey supported the val and kailey ship
grew close to robbie
one of the ronan’s knights
was changed by alexandria
has a crush on anya
used to date audrey
she broke his heart
was heartbroken when she started dating brayden
slept with valerie
slept with rachel
is a player
feels like everyone will leave him
has a little sister
dated erica
dated brooke
almost had a thing with naomi
went on a date with chloe
is rose’s husband
likes melanie or liked her
conspired with brooke to end melron
kissed wyatt
used to have sex with aaron
has feelings for jake
doesn’t like alison
didn’t really get along with audrey
considers tyler her husband
was one of the firsts to find out that spencer was blake’s sister
was willing to help her 
dated tyler
addicted to candy
close to carson
close to juliette
close to audrey
close to aaron
close to samantha
close to brooke
close to spencer
dated noel jones
got attacked by robbie
doesn’t want to be invisible anymore
could’ve had feelings for wither melanie or ashlee
been in love with audrey
ignored audrey during the first rp
was a great boyfriend during the second one and etc
audrey is his oldest friend
died and became a whitelighter
aaron’s boyfriend
but also tyler’s
used to be called apples by samantha
was the “ghost” that paige saw
4 notes · View notes
lockeyseven · 5 years
Another Recovery Rundown
Having just gone through chest reconstruction surgery and being both a) better informed and b) HOLY SHIT RECOVERY TIME IS VERY BORING, have another informative post about my experience with surgery. I will add more tips/hints about hospital and recovery on a following post, and a timeline of my care (UK GIC) in a further post.
Type of surgery I had: Bilateral mastectomy with free-grafted nipples
What does that mean: I can LIFE HACK the Tumblr shit about ‘female presenting nipples’ in the best way ever.
What does that actually mean: 
It means an amount of tissue was removed from the breast area and the skin was stitched down to make it flat/masculine presenting, but in doing this the nipples would have gone towards my armpits and looked really out of place, so they have been removed (ARGH) and re-grafted into an appropriate position. Trust me, it’s as strange as it sounds.
What were other options (and why didn’t you take them)? The other option was to have an amount of tissue removed from the breast and leave the nipples in place, then to stitch the area closed so that it meshed with the edge of the areola, meaning scarring would be less obvious. This type of surgery has a limited size range of breasts that it will work on. 
I opted for the bilateral mastectomy because though I am more likely to get scars (straight lines for me, can be straight or crescent shaped) it worked best with what tissue mass I have/had.
What was the procedure like? I’ll give a rundown of my treatment timeline in a secondary post for how long it took to get to the stage of: arriving at hospital at 7am to attend the Day Surgery Unit. I was nil by mouth from 23:59 the day before. 
I met with the nurse for a blood pressure/EGC and health questionnaire, including questions about any allergies. I changed into a hospital gown and pressure socks (provided) and added my own pants/shoes and dressing gown (a.k.a my partner’s long hoodie). I met with the anesthetist for another questionnaire and to ask him anything that I wanted to know about the procedure, which was reassuring. The consultant surgeon(s - I got two!) then had me take the top half of the gown off so they could draw all over my chest to mark where they needed to reduce/remove tissue and where they would cut around the nipples. 
At 8.30am ish my partner left with my spare kit bag and I waited to be walked down to theatre. I was called in to the theatre area at about 9.15am. I was able to climb onto the trolley-bed and was in an ante-room of the surgical theatre. A needle was put into the back of my right hand for administering the three stages of anesthesia: painkiller (opiate based), antibiotic (penicillin based), and sedative (?). My vision doubled as the sedative was administered, I had maybe ten seconds between ‘awake’ and ‘asleep’.
Anesthesia is very weird. And was my main fear: what if I didn’t wake up? What if I threw up? What would it feel like? 
Turns out, I dream even when sedated. For some people, it will be a blank black space and then an awareness of waking up again.
I feel like I woke suddenly, with someone calling my name. I was very, VERY nauseated. I was dizzy like I have never felt before, and my vision was a little blurry. I could hear fine - I heard the consultant on the phone to my partner. I did throw up, which was VERY UNPLEASANT. I felt cold, shaky, and extremely emotional, and very much Alone because I had handed my phone to my partner with my bag by mistake. 
I was taken to a ward for recovery and spent the first 2-3 hours post surgery feeling hideous, nauseated, dizzy, alone, emotional, and cold. I couldn’t move my head without feeling worse. The nurses were absolutely lovely and brought sugar water and sat with me, then brought me a phone so I could at least ring my mum. 
I woke up at about 12.30pm meaning the procedure was roughly 3hrs (bloody hell!), and I was able to face some kind of food by about 4pm, with an ability to eat dinner by 8pm. I spent the night on the ward and was allowed to go home the next day after a quick check by the surgical team.
I had drains in my sides, which are thin tubes that run inside the breast and help to take away excess fluid post-surgery. They are held in with a stitch, and attached to a suction system and plastic drain bag. They feel so weird, and I was scared of tugging the damn things. I was given a purple canvas bag to put the mass of tubes and clips inside so I could move around. I could sleep propped up (mechanical bed ftw) and the hospital had various radio stations available and gave me some headphones! 
I was able to sit up by about 4pm and was able to stand (GENTLY!) by 5pm. I was independent enough to be able to get to/from the bathrooms complete with all the drain tubes. Painkillers were offered every 4-6hours and observations (blood pressure, pulse, temperature) were done on the same time scale, including through the night. I managed some sleep. Upon discharge I was able to walk out of the hospital unassisted. A nurse had shown me how to empty and manage the drains. I spent the rest of the day in a hotel basically asleep or watching YouTube/listening to music. 
I could manipulate things like a mug of water or the phone/tablet relatively quickly, I’m now 8 days post-surgery and my lifting capacity is maybe 2kgs in the ‘tolerable’ range. A full kettle is fine, a bag of shopping is NOT fine. Or in more real terms: I can hold one of the lighter plastic buckets of my horse’s feed, but I can’t comfortably carry the heavier rubber feed bowls. 
I have MINIMAL sensation across the grafts and scarring. Drains were removed via an outpatient appointment with a breast care nurse 48hrs after surgery because so little fluid drained off. 
I am meant to go back two-weeks post surgery to have the dressings taken off my chest. I do not have a compression top/similar. I have plastic clear dressings covering white steri-tape strips on the lower scars, and foam pads over the nipple grafts which are under pressure due to the plastic dressings. I am able to wash with assistance, and focus on not getting the dressings wet. I have spoken with the outpatient nurses today and the focus is to keep the foam pads in place, so if the lower part of the dressing starts to peel that’s not a problem.
Pain levels haven’t been that bad. 8-days-after and I’m getting electric sharp zaps across the scarring and I have bruising from where the drain tubes were, which feels like a dull ache. I have aimed to do an amount of activity per day - short walks, very gentle range of movement, etc, trying to get out of the house - as this was advised to help the scar tissue settle. I get about an hour of ‘energy’ then I have to rest.
Of the whole process, the few hours of waking up post-anesthetic were the worst. We’ll see where things go from here.
If you have any questions feel free to PM me/etc, I don’t always catch replies on posts.
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christinesumpmg · 7 years
9 Antidotes to the Facebook Algorithm Squeeze
The Facebook algorithm is changing again, and it’s bad news for brands who want to show up in the news feed.
In a recent, inscrutable, Kremlin-esque press release, Mark Zuckerberg and team announced that they are changing the Facebook algorithm and will henceforth . . .
“. . . prioritize posts that spark conversations and meaningful interactions between people. To do this, we will predict which posts you might want to interact with your friends about, and show these posts higher in feed. These are posts that inspire back-and-forth discussion in the comments and posts that you might want to share and react to—whether that’s a post from a friend seeking advice, a friend asking for recommendations for a trip, or a news article or video prompting lots of discussion.”
In this release, they also acknowledge that organic reach among business pages will dwindle, and that “engagement bait” posts such as “click like if you want this puppy to live” will be algorithmically punished.
Reactions to this move were immediate among the social media cognoscenti, and ranged from full-blown “The sky is falling” mode to “So what?”
Now that everyone has engaged in their newsjacking (the Social Media Examiner BREAKING NEWS video got 273,000 views, and spawned a ton of traditional media opportunities for Mike Stelzner—well played!), let me tell you what all of this really means.
The Facebook Algorithm Separates the Wheat and the Chaff
First, this move should come as NO SURPRISE. Many people (including me) have been predicting this for years.
Remember this: Facebook is a public company. They have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profits for their shareholders. They do not have a responsibility to maximize your profits. Of course, if they can further entice you to buy more ads my minimizing free exposure, they will do so eventually.
Facebook's responsibility is maximizing profits for shareholders, not maximizing YOUR profits. Click To Tweet
Further, it is also true that many company posts do not succeed on Facebook today. This is not because Facebook is evil and is trying to convince you to buy ads (although that’s somewhat accurate), but more so because a lot of business content on Facebook SUCKS. It’s a Yellow Pages ad masquerading as an organic social post. It DESERVES to fail. Facebook is just hammering the last nail in the coffin.
Ask yourself this: When was the last time you saw something on Facebook and said, “Wow! That’s great content from a business. I cannot believe it doesn’t have more engagement?” Rarely, if ever. The truth is that Facebook’s algorithm already does a pretty good job of separating the wheat from the chaff, at least among business content. Whether they can keep #FakeNews at bay is a different issue for a different post.
The Facebook Algorithm Change Doesn’t Mean Abandon Ship
Will this move make it harder and more expensive for businesses to succeed on Facebook? Probably. But it’s not as if you can just log off the platform, throw up your hands, and go home. There are two billion people using it. Don’t give up. You just need to get better, and get smarter.
Thus, here are the 9 Antidotes to the Facebook Algorithm Squeeze. None of these are “buy more ads.” Follow them, and you’ll very much still be able to succeed on Facebook, even as a business page.
1. Post Content That Solicits Thoughtful Responses
The key phrase in the press release is that Facebook is prioritizing posts that “spark conversations and meaningful interactions among people.” Given that this all has to be sorted out in a nanosecond, Facebook has to look for behavior that indicates “conversations and meaningful interactions.” What might that be? It’s not “likes” or “shares” or even “comments” per the release. While they don’t overtly describe the desired behavior, my bet is that they are looking for comments of a certain length, and replies to comments.
This is a “conversation” in social media, a threaded back and forth rather a passive clicking of a like button.
So, when you add content to Facebook, try to post about topics that have more than one opinion. Complex, non-obvious topics will work better than topics that everyone agrees upon.
2. Get Serious About User-Generated Content (UGC)
Right in the release, Facebook admits that posts from real people will take priority over posts from brands. This has been the case for a while but will become even more acute. The more you can encourage your actual customers to post on their personal page (and mention your business), the more likely you are to reach a decent audience.
This is the Facebook version of prioritizing consumer-driven word of mouth.
3. Get Serious About Employee-Generated Content (EGC)
Similarly, most of your team members have a personal Facebook account. They will likely have a better chance at Facebook engagement than will your company account.
This will be a boon for employee advocacy software programs (I am an investor in a great one, Trap.It) as companies try to encourage their team to carry the messaging water on behalf of the organization.
4. Post How-To and Youtility Content
Facebook says they will de-prioritize viral videos and other content that is passively consumed on the platform. However, they will give extra credit via the Facebook algorithm to content that attracts conversation. Think about how you can post how-to videos, video FAQs, and other interactions that encourage viewers to ask questions.
Using Facebook for customer service and customer support and showing off interesting and innovative product use cases, etc. could be very successful in this new algorithm environment.
5. Use Live Video
Reading between the lines, it sounds like Facebook is going to push recorded video down the priority list a little, in favor of live video. This is because live video is often more urgent and important, but mostly because it routinely generates more conversation. In the press release, Facebook says live video gets SIX TIMES more interactions than regular videos.
If you’re using video on Facebook, it’s time to ask yourself why that video isn’t live. Do you lose some production polish? Possibly. But if the Facebook algorithm is going to push live video up, and recorded video down, it’s absolutely worth trying to make it work live.
6. Create Facebook Shows
Similarly, it’s time to stop random acts of content (one of my 10 Content Marketing Commandments for 2018). This is particularly true on Facebook. If our overlords at FB want conversation, the best way to achieve that is for the people likely to create that conversation to actually KNOW WHEN THE CONTENT IS COMING.
Think of your Facebook strategy like a TV network thinks about their schedule. Every Wednesday, they have the same shows. The shows do not change. Viewers know when to tune in, or at least set their DVRs. You need to do the same. Create one to three Facebook shows and replicate them every week at the same time.
7. Engage Your Community with Facebook Groups
Already, some of the most rewarding elements of Facebook are contained in Groups. Group-created content performs better in the news feed and is often delivered to members via email, depending upon how they have their notifications configured.
If you don’t have a Facebook Group for your best customers, prospective customers, employees, fans, or some other cohort, 2018 is the year to experiment with it. For business, Groups work in ways that the news feed simply does not.
8. Use Messenger Bots to Deliver Choice Content
Messenger and WhatsApp are still Facebook’s play to take over the person-to-person messaging space. Already, I bet you’re getting way more notes from your friends on Messenger than you were six months ago. Why? Because it breaks through the clutter of the inbox, and it’s easy to add multimedia.
Adoption isn’t universal yet, but it’s moving quickly. If you can develop a solid Facebook Messenger bot that can deliver solid content to your audience, the response rate is MUCH HIGHER than for email, and INFINITY HIGHER than for the news feed. You want people to see your stuff? Get them to subscribe to your bot.
Want to see how it works? Click here to subscribe to my bot, and I’ll send you cool stuff now and then.
9. Use the Mom Test
Remember that when you publish content on Facebook that does NOT succeed, it impacts the likelihood that the next piece of content will succeed. This means that the rich get richer, and the boring get forgotten. When in doubt, do NOT PRESS PUBLISH unless you’re fairly certain the content will indeed create conversation.
I use “The Mom Test” to help with this decision. I ask, “Would my Mom, who loves me unconditionally, engage with this content?” If the answer is “yes,” then at least you’re on the right track. If the answer is anything else, think very long and very hard before posting, because if your Mom doesn’t love your post, I’m almost positive that Zuckerberg and Co. won’t love it either.
Facebook not giving you the ability to send mediocre content to your customers for free isn’t the end of the world. In fact, they are probably saving businesses from their own worst instincts, in some cases. But all is not lost. You can still succeed on Facebook WITHOUT SPENDING A TON OF MONEY if you follow these nine antidotes.
If my team and I can help you think through these necessary shifts, let us know. Convince & Convert works with many of the world’s most interesting brands. What do we do? We’re personal trainers for digital marketing and word of mouth. If you want to shape up, holler. 
0 notes
christinesumpmg1 · 7 years
9 Antidotes to the Facebook Algorithm Squeeze
The Facebook algorithm is changing again, and it’s bad news for brands who want to show up in the news feed.
In a recent, inscrutable, Kremlin-esque press release, Mark Zuckerberg and team announced that they are changing the Facebook algorithm and will henceforth . . .
“. . . prioritize posts that spark conversations and meaningful interactions between people. To do this, we will predict which posts you might want to interact with your friends about, and show these posts higher in feed. These are posts that inspire back-and-forth discussion in the comments and posts that you might want to share and react to—whether that’s a post from a friend seeking advice, a friend asking for recommendations for a trip, or a news article or video prompting lots of discussion.”
In this release, they also acknowledge that organic reach among business pages will dwindle, and that “engagement bait” posts such as “click like if you want this puppy to live” will be algorithmically punished.
Reactions to this move were immediate among the social media cognoscenti, and ranged from full-blown “The sky is falling” mode to “So what?”
Now that everyone has engaged in their newsjacking (the Social Media Examiner BREAKING NEWS video got 273,000 views, and spawned a ton of traditional media opportunities for Mike Stelzner—well played!), let me tell you what all of this really means.
The Facebook Algorithm Separates the Wheat and the Chaff
First, this move should come as NO SURPRISE. Many people (including me) have been predicting this for years.
Remember this: Facebook is a public company. They have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profits for their shareholders. They do not have a responsibility to maximize your profits. Of course, if they can further entice you to buy more ads my minimizing free exposure, they will do so eventually.
Facebook's responsibility is maximizing profits for shareholders, not maximizing YOUR profits. Click To Tweet
Further, it is also true that many company posts do not succeed on Facebook today. This is not because Facebook is evil and is trying to convince you to buy ads (although that’s somewhat accurate), but more so because a lot of business content on Facebook SUCKS. It’s a Yellow Pages ad masquerading as an organic social post. It DESERVES to fail. Facebook is just hammering the last nail in the coffin.
Ask yourself this: When was the last time you saw something on Facebook and said, “Wow! That’s great content from a business. I cannot believe it doesn’t have more engagement?” Rarely, if ever. The truth is that Facebook’s algorithm already does a pretty good job of separating the wheat from the chaff, at least among business content. Whether they can keep #FakeNews at bay is a different issue for a different post.
The Facebook Algorithm Change Doesn’t Mean Abandon Ship
Will this move make it harder and more expensive for businesses to succeed on Facebook? Probably. But it’s not as if you can just log off the platform, throw up your hands, and go home. There are two billion people using it. Don’t give up. You just need to get better, and get smarter.
Thus, here are the 9 Antidotes to the Facebook Algorithm Squeeze. None of these are “buy more ads.” Follow them, and you’ll very much still be able to succeed on Facebook, even as a business page.
1. Post Content That Solicits Thoughtful Responses
The key phrase in the press release is that Facebook is prioritizing posts that “spark conversations and meaningful interactions among people.” Given that this all has to be sorted out in a nanosecond, Facebook has to look for behavior that indicates “conversations and meaningful interactions.” What might that be? It’s not “likes” or “shares” or even “comments” per the release. While they don’t overtly describe the desired behavior, my bet is that they are looking for comments of a certain length, and replies to comments.
This is a “conversation” in social media, a threaded back and forth rather a passive clicking of a like button.
So, when you add content to Facebook, try to post about topics that have more than one opinion. Complex, non-obvious topics will work better than topics that everyone agrees upon.
2. Get Serious About User-Generated Content (UGC)
Right in the release, Facebook admits that posts from real people will take priority over posts from brands. This has been the case for a while but will become even more acute. The more you can encourage your actual customers to post on their personal page (and mention your business), the more likely you are to reach a decent audience.
This is the Facebook version of prioritizing consumer-driven word of mouth.
3. Get Serious About Employee-Generated Content (EGC)
Similarly, most of your team members have a personal Facebook account. They will likely have a better chance at Facebook engagement than will your company account.
This will be a boon for employee advocacy software programs (I am an investor in a great one, Trap.It) as companies try to encourage their team to carry the messaging water on behalf of the organization.
4. Post How-To and Youtility Content
Facebook says they will de-prioritize viral videos and other content that is passively consumed on the platform. However, they will give extra credit via the Facebook algorithm to content that attracts conversation. Think about how you can post how-to videos, video FAQs, and other interactions that encourage viewers to ask questions.
Using Facebook for customer service and customer support and showing off interesting and innovative product use cases, etc. could be very successful in this new algorithm environment.
5. Use Live Video
Reading between the lines, it sounds like Facebook is going to push recorded video down the priority list a little, in favor of live video. This is because live video is often more urgent and important, but mostly because it routinely generates more conversation. In the press release, Facebook says live video gets SIX TIMES more interactions than regular videos.
If you’re using video on Facebook, it’s time to ask yourself why that video isn’t live. Do you lose some production polish? Possibly. But if the Facebook algorithm is going to push live video up, and recorded video down, it’s absolutely worth trying to make it work live.
6. Create Facebook Shows
Similarly, it’s time to stop random acts of content (one of my 10 Content Marketing Commandments for 2018). This is particularly true on Facebook. If our overlords at FB want conversation, the best way to achieve that is for the people likely to create that conversation to actually KNOW WHEN THE CONTENT IS COMING.
Think of your Facebook strategy like a TV network thinks about their schedule. Every Wednesday, they have the same shows. The shows do not change. Viewers know when to tune in, or at least set their DVRs. You need to do the same. Create one to three Facebook shows and replicate them every week at the same time.
7. Engage Your Community with Facebook Groups
Already, some of the most rewarding elements of Facebook are contained in Groups. Group-created content performs better in the news feed and is often delivered to members via email, depending upon how they have their notifications configured.
If you don’t have a Facebook Group for your best customers, prospective customers, employees, fans, or some other cohort, 2018 is the year to experiment with it. For business, Groups work in ways that the news feed simply does not.
8. Use Messenger Bots to Deliver Choice Content
Messenger and WhatsApp are still Facebook’s play to take over the person-to-person messaging space. Already, I bet you’re getting way more notes from your friends on Messenger than you were six months ago. Why? Because it breaks through the clutter of the inbox, and it’s easy to add multimedia.
Adoption isn’t universal yet, but it’s moving quickly. If you can develop a solid Facebook Messenger bot that can deliver solid content to your audience, the response rate is MUCH HIGHER than for email, and INFINITY HIGHER than for the news feed. You want people to see your stuff? Get them to subscribe to your bot.
Want to see how it works? Click here to subscribe to my bot, and I’ll send you cool stuff now and then.
9. Use the Mom Test
Remember that when you publish content on Facebook that does NOT succeed, it impacts the likelihood that the next piece of content will succeed. This means that the rich get richer, and the boring get forgotten. When in doubt, do NOT PRESS PUBLISH unless you’re fairly certain the content will indeed create conversation.
I use “The Mom Test” to help with this decision. I ask, “Would my Mom, who loves me unconditionally, engage with this content?” If the answer is “yes,” then at least you’re on the right track. If the answer is anything else, think very long and very hard before posting, because if your Mom doesn’t love your post, I’m almost positive that Zuckerberg and Co. won’t love it either.
Facebook not giving you the ability to send mediocre content to your customers for free isn’t the end of the world. In fact, they are probably saving businesses from their own worst instincts, in some cases. But all is not lost. You can still succeed on Facebook WITHOUT SPENDING A TON OF MONEY if you follow these nine antidotes.
If my team and I can help you think through these necessary shifts, let us know. Convince & Convert works with many of the world’s most interesting brands. What do we do? We’re personal trainers for digital marketing and word of mouth. If you want to shape up, holler. 
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